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Q: Will the people of Paradise enjoy good food that people like in This Life?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) who had forbidden the pleasant things from Allah that He brought out (allowed) for His servants
and the good food from the provision - Say they are for those who believed in this Life pure (unmixed) on the Day
of Judgment - that is how We (Allah) detail the Miraculous Signs for people who understand.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlA'raf. (7:32)
Words: Harrama = Had forbidden, Zeenat Allah = Pleasant things from Allah, Ttayyebat = Good food, Rizq =
Provision - Sustenance, Khalissah = Pure, Nufassil = We detail, Ya'lam = Understands.
Q: Other than worshipping Allah what is humans' purpose on this planet?
A: He (Allah) is Who made the earth manageable for you so proceed in its regions (different errands) and eat
from His sustenance and to Him is the Resurrection.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlMulk. (67:15)
Note: Reference the food, it is reported that a physician from Egypt was given as a gift to the Prophet Muhammad but the
prophet sent him back saying: We (Muslims) are a nation that do not eat until we are hungry and when we eat we do not
become full (contains a secret of health).
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: It is enough for a human being some morsels of food to
support his body. And if he
has to eat more then a third of his stomach for the food, another third for the water and the last third for his
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The best century is my (the prophet's) century, then the
century that follows them, (the repetition occurred in all three or four times) then after them a century will come when
a responsibility is shouldered not by its befitting persons, and there will be breach of trust and obesity will appear among them.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: It is reported that Aisha the wife of the Prophet, may Allah be
pleased with her said: The family of Muhammad did not become full from eating barley (cheap then) loaves for two
consecutive days. (note: they used continuously to give their food to the needy)
Words: Ja'ala = Made, Thaloul = Manageable, Emshi = Proceed, Manakib = Regions, Kul = Eat, Noshour
= Resurrection - The rising of the human dead before the Final Judgment.
Q: What is expected from the faithful after eating or drinking any type of halal food or drink?
A: O people who have faith - eat of the good food of the sustenance that We (Allah) provided for you and
thank Allah if Him you are worshiping.
Translation of: Ayah 172, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:172)
Words: Kulou = Eat (plural), Tayyebat = Good food, Razaknakum = Sustenance
We provided you, Ushkurou = Thank (plural), Ta'budoun = Worshiping.
Q: How does food Of Paradise indicate its affluent life?
A: Passing around them (servants) with platters of gold and goblets and in them
what the souls desire and pleases the eyes and in it (Garden of Paradise) you are remaining for
eternity; And that is the Garden (of Paradise) which you were given to inherit because of
what you were doing; For you in it abundant fruits from which you will eat.
Translation of: Ayat 71 - 73, Surat AlZukhruf.
Words: Utaf = Passing around, BiSihaf = With platters, Akwab =
Goblets - Cups, Tashtaheehi AlAnfus = What the souls desire, Taluth = Pleases, Uwristhtumouha
= Are given to inherit, Fakihah = Fruits, Kastheerah = Abundant.
Q: Why cannot Muslims deem forbidden any type of food that Allah allowed?
A: O believers do not forbid the good things that Allah made lawful for you and do not
transgress* for Allah does not like the transgressors.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlMa'idah.
* Transgression in food: Do not exceed the lawful limit (moderation is suggested).
Note: You may not eat a lawful type of food for any reason but do not say it
is unlawful to eat it.
Words: La Tuharrimou = Do not forbid, Tayyebat = The good things, Allah made
lawful, AlMu'tadeen = The transressors - Those who are unjust.
Q: Why Muslims are not vegetarians?
A: And indeed for you in the cattle is certainly a moral lesson - We (Allah) give you to drink from
what (milk) is in their bellies and for you in them are a lot of uses and of them (cattle)
you eat (meat); And on them and on ships you are carried.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 22, Surat AlMo'minoun.
Words: AlAn'am = The cattle, LaIbrah = Certainly a moral lesson,
Nusqeekum = We give you to drink, Butouniha = Their bellies, Manafie' = Uses,
Ta'kloun = You eat, Tuhmaloun = You are carried.
Q: First: What meat is not allowed (= haram) to be consumed by Muslims?
Note: The basic rule for Islamic consumption of meat is that the blood must flow out of
the animal/bird and not remain inside.
A: It is forbidden upon you (to consume) carrion (dead animal/bird) and
blood and
pig's meat (pork) and on which has been invoked the name of other than
Allah* and the strangled and
the (one) hit fatally and the tumbled (to death) and
butted (to death) and what predatory animal ate
except what you managed to slaughter** and what was slaughtered on alters
(of disbelievers) and to divide (meat) among yourselves by the use of marked
arrows - that is***
sinfully straying away from Allah's Path (= Fisq) - This Day those who disbelieved have given up hope of your Religion so do
not fear them and do fear Me (Allah) - This day**** I (Allah) have perfected for you your Religion and completed upon you My Favour and had
chosen for you Islam (submission to Allah) as Religion so whoever becomes obliged by hunger without intending to do wrong so
Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat ALMa'idah. (5:3)
* For example the polytheists of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad used to invoke the names of
their gods 'Allat, AlUzza...etc' on their food.
** The prey is still alive.
*** A way of dividing based on gambling which was famous in pre-Islamic Arabia. It is considered straying
away from Allah's Path
**** During the last Hajj for the prophet Muhammad before his death peace be upon him.
Words: Hurrimat = Forbidden - Made unlawful, AlMaytah = Carrion - Dead animal/bird, AlDamm =
Blood, Lahm AlKhanzeer = Pig's meat, Ma Uhhilla = Was invoked, LiGhayr Allah =
Then Name of other than Allah, AlMunkhaniqah = The strangled, AlMawqouthah = The hit fatally,
AlMutaradiyah = The tumbled, AlNateehah = The butted, Akala = Ate, AlSabe = predatory
animal, Thakkaytum = Managed to slaughter, Thubiha = Was slaughtered, AlNusb = Alters,
Tastaqsimou bilAzlam = To divide (meat) among yourselves by the use of marked arrows, Fisq =
Sinfully straying away from Allah's Path, AlYowm = This day, Akmaltu = I (Allah) Perfected, Deen = Religion, Atmamtu = I completed, Ni'mah = Favour,
Radheetu = I had chosen, Udhturra = Becomes obliged - Is forced, Fi Makhmasah = By hunger, Ghayra Mutajanif LiIsthm = Without
intending to do wrong - Without intending to sin.
Q: Can the Name of Allah be mentioned on the meat before eating it if the animal/bird was
hunted (killed) by a trained predator*?
* It is narrated by Abu Abbas, the Prophet's respected cousin and the scholar of Islam: At the time of sending
your animal/bird of prey mention the Name of Allah (= Allahu Akbar). But if you forget then no blame on you.
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 29.
Note: Muslims can eat the meat of lawful animals/birds hunted by trained predators.
Note: The trained predator can kill several animals one after the other at one time.
Note: Often the hunted animals/birds are killed far away before the person can reach them.
A: They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) what is made lawful (= Halal) for them - say all the
(lawful) pleasures of the table (= Tayyebat) are made lawful to you - and what you have trained your
predators** - training them to seize (the prey) with their claws (= mukallibeen) - teaching them
from what Allah taught you - so do eat from what they caught for you and mention the
Name of Allah on it
(cooked meat) and protect yourselves by fearing Allah for Allah is Swift in taking account.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlMa'idah.
** Birds or beasts of prey.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet was asked: Some people
who have become newly Muslims bring us meat we do not know if the Name of Allah was mentioned on it
(at the time of slaughter) or not. The Prophet said: Mention the Name of Allah, you yourselves (on the meat) and
eat. Source: Tafseeer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 29.
Words: Tayyebat = Lawful pleasures of the table - Good food, Allamtum
= You have trained, AlJawarih = Predators - Birds/animals of prey, Mukallibeen =
training them to seize (prey) with their claws, Amsakna = Caught, Uthkorou = Mention, Ism Allah = Name of Allah,
Saree' AlHisab = Swift in taking account.
Q: Is a Muslim allowed to eat the meat that for example relatives of his Christian or Jewish wife
brought to their house?
Initial Note: Read all the Qur'anic lines (verses) about Halal food to have a complete picture
of it.
Note: Muslim men are allowed to marry beieving women (= Mo'minat) from the People of the Book who can keep their
Christian or Jewish religion if they do not want to become Muslims.
A: This day all the (lawful) pleasures of the table (= Tayyebat) are made lawful to
you and the food of those who were given the Book (Jews, Christians) is lawful for
you (Muslims) and your food is lawful for them
and (also are lawful) chaste women (= AlMuhssanat) of the
female believers (AlMo'minat*) and chaste women (= AlMuhssanat**) of those who were given the Book (Christians and Jews) before you if you give them their
dues (dowry) purifying yourselves - not committing adultery (= Musafiheen***) neither taking mistresses (unlawful lovers)
and whoever rejects Faith (= Yakfur BilIman) then his (good) work has failed and in the Other Life he will be
of the losers.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:5)
* Note the word used here is 'AlMo'minat' and not 'AlMuslimat'. Remember Iman is a stage higher than Islam. (refer to the
Note under Surat AlImran.)
** See a Youtube video for a detailed meaning of 'AlMussanat'.
*** Musafiheen from the verb "Safiha". (refer to Surat AlNisa')
Words: AlYawm = This Day, T'aam = Food, AlMuhssanat = Chaste women,
Ataytomouhunna = If you give them, Ujourahun = Their dues - Their payment (dowry) - Muhssineen = Purifying
yourselves - Keeping yourselves chaste - Fortifying yourselves against adultery, Ghayra Musafiheen = Not committing adultery,
Not being adulterous, La Muttakhithi Akhdan = Neither taking mistresses - Neither taking unlawful lovers, Yakfur = Rejects,
lIman = Faith - Believing, Habitta = Failed, Amaluhu = His work,
AlKhasireen = The losers.
Q: What are the four main categories of food that are made unlawful (= haram) to consume in Islam?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) I do not find in what (Qur'an) has been revealed to
me made forbidden (= haram) for an eater to eat except it is carrion (dead animal/bird)* or
spilled blood** or pig's meat (pork) because it (each mentioned) is
impurity filth (= Rijs) - or sinfully straying away from Allah's Path (= fisq) on which has been invoked the name of
other than Allah - but whoever becomes obliged without being a wrongdoer or a transgressor so
Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 145, Surat AlAn'am.
* When the blood is not spilled out and it remains inside the animal or bird it is considered dead meat.
But blood in the organ as in liver (= kabd) and spleen (= tahal) is lawful (= halal) to
consume in Islam.
** It is forbidden to drink or eat blood (which is not in meat).
Important Note: Polytheists of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad used to make
forbidden some individuals of cattle they call it 'Bahaa'ir wa Sawaa'ib wa
Wasaa'il wa Hawaami). Some would be allowed as food for men other than women. And some were left
unrestrained and should not be mounted. So the Ayah 145 in Surat AlAn'am is a reply to their
claim. Source: Sheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt's 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an'. In Arabic, page 194.
Note: After this Ayah a saying of the Prophet Muhammad mentioned the forbidding of
eating donkeys and every animal or bird with canine tooth (= Naab) or claws (= Mikhlab).
Source: 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an'. In Arabic, page 194.
Words: Ajid = Find, Uwhiya = Revealed, Muharraman = Made forbidden -
Made unlawful, Taa'im = Eater, Yatamahu = To eat, Maytatan, Dam = Blood, Masfouh =
Spilled, Rijs = Impurity filth, Fisqan = Sinfully straying away from Allah's Path, Ghayra =
Without, Baaghin = Wrongdoer, Aadin = Transgressor.
Q: Why are Muslims encouraged to follow the Prophet's Way (= Sunnat AlNabi) in mentioning Allah's
Name by saying 'Allah Akbar = Allah is Great' at the time of slaughtering and 'Bismillah = In the Name of Allah' at
the time of eating?
Note: The unlawful meat (= haram) is divided into two main religious
categories: 1. Impurity filth. 2. Sinfully straying
away from Allah's Path (= Fisq). Look into the above postings and see what does Allah mention as 'Fisq'.
A: So do eat from what the Name* of Allah has been mentioned on it if you are believing in
His (Allah's) Miraculous Signs (Lines of the Qur'an); And what is wrong with you that you do not
eat from what (meat) the Name of Allah was mentioned on it and He has detailed to you what is
forbidden for you except what you were forced to - and a lot (of people) do certainly mislead
following their whims without (proper) knowledge for your God is Best Knowing about the transgressors; ---
And do not eat from what (meat) the Name of Allah was not mentioned on it and it is certainly
sinfully straying away from Allah's Path (= Fisq)
and Satans do certainly reveal** to their
supporters (of men) to argue (= LiYujadiloukum) with you and if you obey them so you are certainly joining partners
with Allah (Polytheists = mushrikoun).
Translation of: Ayah 118 - 119, 121, Surat AlAn'am.
* Meat of an animal/bird slaughtered in any name other than Allah's is unlawful (= haram). Meat
slaughtered in Allah's Name is lawful (= halal). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2,
Page 246. (Note: The People of the Book do not mention any name when slaughtering their animals. But the blood
does not flow freely outside their animals).
** As Allah revealed to His Prophets. Satan and his followers reveal to their followers of humans. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 249.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When someone of you
eats so let him mention the Name of Allah on it but if he forgot then let him say; In the Name
of Allah the beginning of it (food) and the ending. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed
AlMursaleen. In Arabic, page 243.
Note: According to Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 247: It is encouraged (=
mustahabbah) to mention the Name of Allah at the time of slaughtering animals for food (for Eid AlAdhha it is
a must) so if it is left out deliberately or forgetfully then there is no harm. And this is the
explanation of Imam Shafii and all of his friends. And narrated also from Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. And narrated
from Imam Malik. It is also told it was narrated from Ibn Abbas (the Prophet's respected cousin) and
Abi Hurairah and Allah knows Best. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 247 (Tafseer Surat
Note: Remember how do Muslims sacrifice during Eid AlAdhha (during Hajj).
Words: FaKolou = So do eat, Thukira = Was mentioned, Ism = Name,
Fassala = Detailed, Harrama = Made forbidden - Made unlawful, Yadhilloun = Mislead,
BiAhwaihim = Following their whims, Ilm = Knowledge, Fisq = Sinfully straying away from Allah's
Path, LaYohoun = Reveal, LiYujadilounakum = To argue with you, Mushrikoun = Joining
gods with Allah - Polytheists.
Q: What hunting is allowed all times and can be eaten even if dead?
A: It is made lawful to you sea (any water body) hunting (at all times) and its food is enjoyment for you and the
travelers* - and it is made forbidden to you land hunting as long as you are in Pilgrimage
clothes and protect yourselves by fearing Allah to Whom you are all going to be gathered.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlMa'idah.
* Food such as fish dried under the sun and preserved with salt.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad when asked about
sea water (any water body): It is whose water is pure (clean) and its
(even) dead is lawful (= halal) (= Howa altahour ma'uhu - alhilllu maytatuh).
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 151.
Words: Uhilla = Made lawful, Sayd = Hunting, AlBahr = Sea - Water body,
Ta'amuhu = Its food, Mata'an = Enjoyment, LilSayyarah = For the travelers, AlBar = Land, Ma Dumtum =
As long as, Huruman = In Pilgrimage clothes, Tuhsharoun = You will be gathered.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to catch fish and sea creatures from rivers?
A: And the two bodies of water (= bahran) are not alike - this one is fresh sweet
(water) - its drink is tasty - and this one is salty bitter (water) - and from both you
eat tender meat and you extract ornament that you wear and you see ships in it
crossing so that you may seek of His (Allah's) Favour and that you may be grateful.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat Fatir.
Words: Ma Yastawi = Are not alike - Are not the same, AlBahran = The two
bodies of water, Athb = Fresh, Furat = Sweet, Saaigh = Tasty, Sharabuhu = Its
drink, Milh = Salty, Ujaj = Bitter, Min Kul = From each, Ta'koloun = You eat,
Lahman Tariyan = Tender meat, Tastakhrijoun = You extract, Hilyah = Ornament - Jewel,
Talbisounaha = That you wear, AlFulk - Ships, Mawakhir = Crossing, LiTabtaghou = So as
you may seek, Fadhlihi = His
Favour, Tashkoroun = Be grateful,
Q: What domesticated animals are Muslims allowed to eat?
A: Allah is Who made for you cattle so as you ride on them and of them you eat;
And in them for you are uses and to fulfill wishes* in your hearts and on them and on ships you are
carried; And He (Allah) demonstrates to you His Miraculous Signs (of Allah's Existence) so which
Miraculous Signs of Allah do you deny.
Translation of: Ayat 79 - 81, Surat Ghafir (40).
* Such as carrying loads and travelling to other places. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an. In Arabic,
Page 603.
Words: Ja'ala = Made, AlAn'am = Cattle, LiTarkabou = So as you ride on,
Ta'koloun = You eat, Manafe' = Uses, LiTablaghou Haajah = To fulfill wishes, Fi
Sodourikum = In your hearts, AlFulk = Ships, Tuhmaloun = You are carried,
Yureekum = He demonstrates, Ayatihi = His Miraculous Signs, Tunkiroun = You deny.
Q: Who decides what meat is unlawful (= haram) to consume as food?
A: O believers fulfill the (lawful) obligations - The animals of Cattle are made lawful (as food)
to you except (unlawful are) what is being recited (from the Qur'an) to you - not making lawful hunting
(land animals/birds) while you are in pilgrimage clothes for Allah passes Judgement according to what He wills.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlMa'idah.
Words: Awfou = Fulfill, AlUkoud = Obligations - Contracts,
Uhillat = Made halal, Baheematu AlAn'am = Animals of cattle,
Yutla = Recited, Ghayra Muhili = Not making lawful, AlSayd = Hunting,
Hurum = In pilgrimage clothes, Yahkum = Passes Judgement - Judges, Ma Yureed
= According to what He wills.
Q: When it comes to meat how did the polytheists of Arabia fabricate lies against Allah?
A: And they (polytheists of old Arabia) said these (some) cattle and crops are restricted - none will
eat from them except whoever we want as per their claim - and cattle whose backs are made
unlawful (to ride) and cattle they do not mention the Name of Allah fabricating lies* against Him - He
(Allah) will repay them for what lies they were fabricating.
Translation of: Ayah 138, Surat AlAn'am.
* 1. So they did not mention the Name of Allah when slaughtering the cattle but they mentioned the name of other
than Allah on them. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran ma' Asbab AlNozoul LilSiyyouti ma' Faharis Kamilah lilMawadee'
welAlfadh. Kuwait: Wizarat AlAwqaf welShu'oun AlIslamiyah. (In Arabic), page 146.
2. Source: Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary.
If meat is killed in the name of heathen gods, it would naturally not be
killed by the solemn rite in Allah's Name, page 384.
Words: Hathihi = These, An'am = Cattle - Livestock, Harsth = Crops,
Hijr = Restricted - Detained, La Yatamuha = Does not eat from them, BiZa'mihim = As per
their claim, Hurrimat = Made unlawful - Made forbidden, La Yathkorouna = They do not
mention, Ism Allah = The Name of Allah, Iftira'an = Fabricating lies, Alayhi =
Against Him, SaYajzeehim = He will repay them, Yaftaroun = They were fabricating
as lies.
Q: What is an example of how the polytheists of old Arabia made unlawful some meat claiming
it is Allah's Command?
A: And they (polytheists of old Arabia) said what is in the wombs of these (particular)
cattle are reserved solely for our males and unlawful (= muharram) for our wives - and if it (new
born) is dead* then they are ('halal' for males and females) in it partners - He (Allah) will
punish them for their attribution (to Allah) for He is All-Wise All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 139, Surat AlAn'am. (6:139)
* It is forbidden and unlawful (= Muharram) for Muslims to eat carrion (dead animals). (refer to Surat AlMa'idah, Ayah 3)
Words: Botoun = Wombs, AlAn'am = Cattle, Khalisah = Reserved
solely, LiThokourina = For our males, Muharram = Unlawful - Made forbidden - Made unlawful,
Maytah = Dead, Shuraka' = Partners, Wasfahum = Their attribution - Their
Q: Why is it a sin to make forbidden (= haram) food that Allah allowed us to consume?
A: Certainly those who killed their children* foolishly without
knowledge have lost (with Allah) - and (also have lost those) who made unlawful (=
harramou) what Allah gave them
of sustenance (food) fabricating lies against Allah - they strayed away** (from Allah's Path) and they
were not guided.
Translation of: Ayah 140, Surat AlAn'am.
* At any time. It was common among many Arabs of Arabia before
Islam to bury their new-born females alive either out of
poverty or because they felt ashamed to father daughters not sons.
** Note the Arabic word used here is 'dhallow' = Strayed away from Allah's Path. In some
other Ayat the word 'fisq' = 'Sinfully straying away from Allah's Path' is used. As is
the case in mentioning a name other than Allah's at the time of slaughtering.
Words: Qad Khasira = Certainly had lost, Qatalou = Killed, Awladahum = Their
children, Safahan = Foolishly, BiGhayri Ilm = Without knowledge, Ma Razaqahum Allah =
What Allah gave them as sustenance, Ifira'an = Fabricating lies, Dhallou = They strayed away
away - they made wrong, Muhtadeen = Guided.
Q: Who entourages people to make lawful meat unlawful and vice versa?
A: And from the cattle (you use) for carrying loads and for furnishing* (= Farashan) - so do
eat from what (food) Allah gave you as sustenance and do not follow the steps of Satan for he is
to you a fully developed enemy.
Translation of: Ayah 142, Surat AlAn'am.
* Providing with furniture such as mats, rugs and carpets. Ayah 80 in Surat AlNahl in the Qur'an is
translated: '(Allah made possible) --- and from their (cattle's) wool
and fur and hair articles of furniture (= Asthathan) and temporary enjoyment for a
fixed time'.
Words: Humoulatan =For carrying loads, Farashan = For furnishing, Kolou =
Eat, Razaqakum = What (food) Allah gave you as sustenance, Tattabe'ou = Follow, Khotowat = Steps, Adou = Enemy, Mubeen = Fully developed -
Q: Why should Muslims avoid superstitions when it comes to consuming halal meat?
Note: Even today some gullible Muslims in some places slaughter
their lawful animals and smear their
new vehicles' tires with their blood to keep them safe from accidents.
A: (And from the cattle) Eight pairs - from the sheep two (male and female) and from
the goats two (male and female) - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) did He (Allah) make the two
males unlawful (to consume) or the two females or what the wombs of the two
females contained - inform me if you were telling the truth; And from the camels two (male and
female) and from the cows two (male and female) say did He make the two males unlawful or the
two females or what the wombs of the two females contained - or were you witnesses (present) when He
(Allah) commanded you about this - so who is more a transgressor than who fabricates lies against
Allah without knowledge to make people stray away (from Allah's Path) for Allah does not guide
the transgressing people (people unjust to Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 143 - 144, Surat AlAn'am.
Note: Based on some superstitions, polytheists of Arabia before Islam restricted the
consumption or the use of some marked cattle. They were known as 'AlBahaair, AlSawaaib, AlWasaail and AlHawaami'
. Source: 'Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali', page
386. And 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an', page 192..
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet mentioned that the
meat of donkeys (= luhoum AlHumur) is unlawful and the meat of
horses is lawful. Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, page 417.
Note: Ayah 145 narrates what meat Allah made unlawful to consume.
Words: Sthamaniyata = Eight, Azwaj = Pairs, AlDha'n = Sheep, AlM'z =
Goats, Esthnayn = Two, AlThakarayn = The two males, AlUnsthayayn = The two females,
Eshtamalat = Contained, Arham = Wombs, Nabe'ouni = Inform me, AlIbil = The
camels, AlBaqar = The cows, Shuhada' = Witnesses - Present, Wassakum = Commanded,
Eftara = Fabricated lies, LiYudhil = To mislead, La Yahdi = Does not guide, AlQawm =
People - Community.
Q: Why do some people invent and follow superstitions in animals of lawful (= halal) meat?
Note: Pagan (Polytheist) Arabs liberated different classes of animals from work or use as food in
honour of idols (claiming idols bring them nearer to Allah). Source: The Qur'an: A new translation by Abdel Haleem, M., page 78.
A number of Arab pagan superstitions are referred to. The pagan mind, not understanding the hidden
secrets of nature, attributed certain phenomena to divine anger and were assailed by
superstitious fears which haunted their lives. Source: '--- Based on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali', page 320.
A: Allah did not ordain (as forbidden) 'Baheerah'* neither 'saaibah'** neither
'Wasseelah'*** neither 'Haam'**** but those who disbelieved fabricate lies against Allah and
most of them do not use their brains.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:103)
* Baheerah: A slit-ear she camel. If a she-camel delivered in its fifth delivery a male camel they used to slit its ear
and leave it free for the sake of their gods. Source (for all four notes): Egypt's
ex-Mufti's 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an' page 163-164.
** Saaibah: When returning in safety from a trip or becoming cured after illness a she-camel
was liberated for the sake of idols.
*** Wasseelah: If a she-camel delivered its first one a she-camel then another she-camel. She was left free
for idols. (Also Wasseelah among lambs because of other rites).
**** Haam: A stallion-camel liberated when it had an offspring from a series of its own offspring.
Words: Ma Ja'ala = Did not ordain - Did not command, Yaftaroun Alkathib = They
fabricate lies, Akstharuhum = Most of them, La Ya'qiloun = They do not get it - They do not
understand - They do not use their brains.
Q: Who chose for Muslims what is halal (lawful) and what is haram (forbidden) in food?
A: O Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) why do you make forbidden what Allah made allowed (=
halal) seeking the satisfaction of your wives* and Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlTahreem. (66:1)
Aisha the youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad felt jealous of the Prophet's wife Zainab Bint Jahsh because
the Prophet stayed longer in her house and she served him some type of honey. The wife Aisha plotted with some
other wives of the Prophet. They hinted that a special odour came from the Prophet's mouth. When with 'Hafsa' the Prophet Muhammad took
an oath not to consume honey again. Allah revealed the Ayat correcting the Prophet's action which shows that Allah's prophets were under
Allah's Care. Source: The Holy
Qur'an: English Translation based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 1772.
Words: Lima Tuharrim = Why do you make forbidden, Ma Ahalla Allah = What Allah made
allowed, Tabtaghi = Seeking, Mardhata = The satisfaction, Azwajika = Your wives.
Q: What should a Muslim do when he takes an oath to do something against Allah's commands?
A: Allah had decreed for you (Muslims) a release* from your oaths and Allah is your (to Muslims) Lord (Master) and He is the
All-Knowing the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlTahreem. (66:2)
* By making an atonement (= kaffarah) because the person disobeyed Allah's command so that he reconciles with Allah.
Words: Faradha Lakum = Decreed for you, Tahillata = Release from, Aymanikum = Your oaths, Mawlakum =
Your Lord - Your Master.
Q: Being a human prophet how were the actions of the Prophet Muhammad under Allah's Care?
Note: Please refer first above (in the division) to the comment in (66:1).
A: And when the Prophet (Muhammad) told a secret to one of his wives (Hafsa)* so when she revealed it (to Aisha) and Allah made
it known to him he (Prophet Muhammad) told (Aisha**) some of it and kept some - so when he informed her (Hafsa***) about it she (Hafsa)
said who informed you this (thinking Aisha) he said (Allah) the All-Knowing the All-Expert informed me.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlTahreem. (66:3)
* When 'Hafsa' complained about the 'odour' of honey the Prophet took an oath not to consume it and told her not
to tell anyone. She revealed the secret to 'Aisha'.
** The Prophet Muhammad told 'Aisha' when she complained about the 'odour' that he drank some honey and did not tell her about the oath.
*** if 'Hafsa' revealed the Prophet's secret to 'Aisha'.
'Hafsa' thought that it was 'Aisha' who revealed her secret (taking an oath not to drink honey again).
Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an: Tafseer AlQuran AlKareem lifadeelat AlUstath AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf, page 732.
Words: Assarra Hadeesthan = Told a secret, Nabba't = She revealed, Adhharahu Alayhi = Made it known to him,
Arrafa Ba'dhahu = Told some.
Q: How do we know that the wives of Prophet Muhammad were special and not like any other wives who commit jealous actions against
their husbands? (Hint: Allah rebuked them)
Note: Remember Prophet Muhammad's wives are mothers of the believers. Much of the Prophet's Sunnah (way of worship and life) has reached us
through Aisha the youngest, the beloved and the daughter of the Prophet's best friend 'Abu Bakr'.
A: If you (both*) repent (to Allah) then your hearts have heeded (paid attention and repented) but if you (both) back up
(one another) against him then Allah is his Protector and Gabriel and the righteous among Muslims - and the angels after
that are (his) supporters.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlTahreem. (66:4)
*Aisha daughter of Abu Bakr and Hafsa daughter of Umar Bin AlKhatabb.
Words: Tatouba = If you (both) repent, Saghat = Have heeded - Have paid attention, Taghadhara = Back up, Dhaheer
= Supporters - Who back up.
Q: What characteristics should a man look for when looking for a good female to wed?
A: Maybe his God (Allah) if he (Prophet Muhammad) divorces you (wives of the Prophet) gives him instead of you
wives better than you - Muslims - believers (= Mo'minat)* - devoutly obedient - repentant (to Allah) - worshippers -
given to fasting - previously married or virgins.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlTahreem. (66:5)
* Remember Iman (having Faith) is a stage higher than Islam (submitting to Allah Alone).
Words: Qanitat = Devoutly obedient, Ta'ibat = Repentant, Sa'ihat = Given to fasting, Sthayyebat = Previously married, Abkara
= Virgins.
Q: What is halal (lawful) food considered?
A: And eat from what (food) Allah provided you - lawful (halal), good* and protect yourselves by fearing Allah in Whom
you (plural) are believers.
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:88)
* Halal = Food lawful in Islam.
Tayyeb = It is good for human body. Opposite of "Rijs" which is bad for human body.
Words: Razaqakum = He provided you, Mo'minoun = Believers.
Q: In what circumstances a Muslim may eat what food Allah made forbidden?
A: Indeed He (Allah) made forbidden upon you carrion (dead animal/bird) and blood and pig's meat (pork) and on which has been invoked
the name of other than Allah but whoever is forced by necessity without seeking violation* (of Allah's Limits) and neither going beyond* (the
small amount needed) then Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 115, Surat AlNahl. (16:115)
* Violating Allah's Laws by tasting or enjoying the forbidden meat.
Words: Innama = Indeed, Udhttura = Is forced by necessity, Ghayra Baghin = Without seeking violation -
Without seeking transgression, Wela Aadi = Neither going beyond.
Q: Why can't Muslims make innovation (= Bid'ah) in what Allah made lawful or forbidden food?
A: And do not say about what lies your tongues attribute this is lawful (= allowed - halal) and this is forbidden (= haram) in order
that you fabricate upon Allah lies indeed those who fabricate upon Allah lies are not going to prosper (attain salvation); Some temporary
enjoyment (in life) and for them is a painful punishment (in the Other World).
Translation of: Ayat 116 - 117, Surat AlNahl. (16:116-117)
Note: What polytheists of Pre-Islamic Arabic made forbidden to consume. (in Ayah 103, Surat
Note: Remember 1. Do not ask about things in food that the Qur'an or the Prophet Muhammad's "Sunnah (= sayings and way of
life)" did not say "lawful = halal" or "forbidden = haram". (in Ayat 101-102 in Surat AlMa'idah)
2. Remember other than what Allah made forbidden the food of the People of the Book* is lawful
for Muslims (in Ayah 5 in Surat AlMa'idah). Some confused Muslims especially in some villages of the Indian Continent for example do not even drink from a glass of water offered
by a person from the People of the Book.
People may argue that the worship of the People of the Book nowadays is not like those in the
past. Allah already talked in the Qur'an to the People of the Book about this matter so in food better to leave this issue aside. And Allah
knows Best. (Refer to Surat AlImran, Ayah 64)
Words: Tassifu = Attribute - Describe, Alsinatukum = Your tongues, Yaftaroun AlKathib = They fabricate lies - They make up lies, La Yuflihoun = Are not going to prosper - Are
not going to attain salavtion, Qaleelun = Some - Litte, Aleem = Painful - Severe.
Q: When a Muslim is in dire need of food and there is a dead animal to eat is it allowed for him in Islam to consume it?
Note: The translation of the preceding ayah 172 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: Indeed He (Allah) made forbidden upon you (plural) carrion (dead animal/bird) and blood and pig's meat (pork) and (meat) on which has been
invoked the name of other than Allah but whoever becomes obliged without being a transgressor* or a wrongdoer** then
no blame (intentional sin) upon him indeed Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 173, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:173)
* "Baaghin" a transgressor against the Command of Allah if his intention was to try the meat to enjoy it.
** "Aadin" a wrongdoer if he consumes the meat beyond satisfying his hunger. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 26.
Note: Some other types of meat which are forbidden for Muslims to consume. (in Surat
Words: Udhtturra = Becomes obliged - is forced, Baaghin = Transgressor, Aadin = Wrongdoer.
Q: Why should Muslims be very careful not to call what Allah made halal as haram and vice verse?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) see whatever Allah sent down for you as sustenance (provision) then you made of it forbidden*
(= haram) and allowed* (= halal) - say did Allah give you (for it) permission or are you (simply) against Allah fabricating lies.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat Yunus (10:59)
* An example of what polytheists of old Arabia made forbidden. (refer to Surat AlAn'am, Ayah 139)
Words: Anzala = Sent down, Rizq = Sustenance - Provision, Athina = Gave you permission, Taftaroun =
Fabricating lies.
Q: What do people who make up lies and attribute them to Allah forget?
A: What is the assumption* of those who fabricate lies against Allah on the Day of Judgement - indeed Allah is certainly Owner of
Favour upon people but most of them do not pay thanks.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat Yunus (10:60)
* Assumption such as worshipping idols needs proofs to validate it. (Refer to Surat Yunus, Ayah 36)
Words: Dhann = Assumption - Supposition, LaThou Fadhl = is certainly Owner of Favour, Akstharakum = Most of
them, La Yashkoroun = They do not pay thanks.