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Q: Arrogance?
A: And do not walk on earth joyfully with self-conceit for you will not tear the earth and you will
not reach the mountains in height; All of that* - its sinful (behavior) is hateful to your God.
Translation of: Ayat 37 - 38, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
* Note: "All of that" refers to bad morals as well as good morals that were detailed in Surat AlIsra'.
Words: Tamshi = Walk, AlArdh = The earth, Marahan = Joyfully with self-conceit, Takhriq = Tear,
Tablugh = Reach, AlJibal = The Mountains, Tolan = In length, Kulu = All, Thalika = That,
Sai'uhu = Its sinful behaviours, Rubbika = Your God (Allah), Makrouh = Hateful.
Q: Should a human being be punished because of a sin committed by another person?
A: Have you thought about the one who turned away; He gave a little then stopped; Does he have knowledge of the
Unseen therefore he can foresee; Or has he not been told what is in the Scrolls (Leaflets)* of Moses (Prophet Moosa) and Abraham (Prophet Ibraheem) who
fulfilled (Allah's Mission); That no burdened soul (sinful or
not sinful) will bear the sin of another (soul); And human being has only what he does; And that his work will be looked into; And then he will
be repaid the most repayment; And that to your God is the End; And it is He (Allah) Who made laugh and Who made cry;
And it is He Who made die and Who gave life; And it is He Who created the couple the male and the female; from a
sperm when ejaculated; And it is upon Him (to redo) the Other Creation (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 47, Surat AlNajm. (53:47)
* Scrolls are other than the Torah; Leaflets which are now lost.
Words: AfaRa'ayta = Have you thought, Tawalla = Turned away, A'ta = Gave, Qaleelan = Little, Akda =
Stopped, Ilm AlGhayb = Knowledge of the Unseen World, Yara = Foresee, Yunabbe' = Has been told, Suhuf = Leaflets - Scrolls - Looose form of books, Waf'fa = Fulfilled, Tazir = Bears - Carries, Wa'zirah = Burdened soul. Wizr = Sin, Sa'a = Did, Yura = Looked into - Judged, Jaza' =
Repayment, AlAwfa = The Most, AlMuntaha = The End, Adh'haka = Made laugh, Abka = Made cry,
Amata = Made die, Ahya = Gave life, Khalaqa = Created, Zawjayn = The couple, AlThakar = The
Male, AlUns(th)a = The Female, Nutfah = Sperm, Tumna = Enjaculated , Nash'ah = Creation, AlUkhra =
The Other - The Second.
Q: Does patience pay when one is sick?
Note: The Prophet Muhammad told us to try to seek the best of the doctors when one is sick.
For a very long time the prophet 'Job' (Ayyub) had an incurable severe skin disease that covered almost all his body.
He had worms coming out of his skin. He lost almost everything: His family, friends, home, possessions yet
he did not lose his Faith in Allah. His wife asked him to condemn Allah but he did not. Instead he swore to beat
her for saying that. Allah healed him and he lived after that healthy for a long time.
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) remember Our servant Job (= Ayyub) when he called upon his God that I
have been harmed by Satan (Devil)
with fatigue and suffering; Run with your feet* (go now) - this is a cold washing place and a drink; And We granted him his family
and the like of them with them as a Mercy from Us (Allah) and a Reminder for men of understanding; And take in your hand
a bunch of grass so beat with it and do not break your oath (= La Tahnusth) - For We (Allah) had
found him patient - what a wonderful servant for he repeatedly turned (to Allah) with repentance.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 44, Surat Saad.
* The importance of moving and sports is clear.
Words: Massa = Harmed, Nusb = Fatigue, Athab = Suffering, Urkudh = Run, Rijl = Foot,
Mughtasil = Washing place, Baarid = Cool, Sharab = A drink, Misthl = Like - The same, Rahmah =
Mercy, Thikra = Reminder, Dhigth = Bunch, Edhrib = Beat, Tahnasth = Break the oath, Saabir
= Patient - Persevering, Ni'm AlAbd = What a wonderful servant, Awwab = Repeatedly turned (to Allah)
with repentance.
Q: Who is going to inherit the Firdous (Highest Garden in Paradise)?
Note: It is understood from a saying of the Prophet Muhammad that Allah's Throne is in the Highest Firdous (AlFirdous AlA'la).
A: The believers have already prospered (for the Other Life): Those who in their prayers are showing reverence (to
Allah); And those who avoid nonsense (= AlLaghu); And those who are doers of the fixed charity (Zakat); And those who guard their
private places except in front of their spouses* or what they own** - (in this case) they are not to be blamed; But if
anyone seeks beyond that so they are the transgressors; And those who honour their trusts and their agreements; And
those who observe their prayers: Those are the inheritors; Who inherit the Firdous (Highest Garden in Paradise) - in it
they are remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 11, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:1-11)
* Free women.
** Captives or slaves after marrying them.
Words: Aflaha = Prospered, Salat = Prayer, Khaashioun = Showing reverence - Are emotionally touched (Moved), Laghu =
Nonsense, Mu'ridhoun = Avoid - Object to - Turn away, Fa'iloun = Doers, Furouj = Human's Private Places, Hafidhoun = Guard, Malakat Ayman =
What one owns, Maloum = blamed, Ibtagha = Seeked, A'doun = Transgressors, Amanat = Trusts, Ra'oun =
honour - They abide by, Wa'ris(th) = Inheritor, Yaristhoun = They inherits, Khalidoun = Remaining for eternity.
Q: Can we recommend anyone as "sinless" and say he will go to Paradise or as "sinful" and he will go to Hell?
A: And to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is on earth; To repay those who did bad deeds
with what they did and He rewards those who did good deeds with the best outcome; Who (good people) avoid the great
sins and (sexaul) immoralities except for the occasional small offenses for your God is Ample in Forgiveness
and He
knows you well since He made you from the earth and since you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers.
So do not recommend yourselves as pure - He knows better who has feared (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 32, Surat AlNajm.
Note: In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad: A man becomes from the people of Paradise until there is a span of a hand
between him and the Paradise and Allah enters him in Hell. And a man becomes from the people of Hell until there is
a span of a hand between him and Hell and Allah enters him in Paradise. (Note: do not judge people in this regard
otherwise you interfere in Allah's affair. Allah Only is The Judge).
Words: AlHusna = The best outcome - The happy ending, Yajtanib = Avoids, Isthm = Sin, Fawahish = Sexaul immoralities -
immoral deeds), Lamam =
Occasional small offenses, Wasi' =
Ample - Wide, Ansha' = Made, Ajinnah = Embryos, Tuzakki = Recommend as pure or sinless, Itaqqa = Has feared -
Has protected himself by fearing Allah.
Q: When did homosexuality first start in human history?
A: And Lut* when he said to his people oh you commit the vile (degrading) deed which no one from the
inhabitants of the world had committed before you; Indeed you are certainly having intercourse with men fulfilling lust other than
(with) women rather you are people transgressing beyond limits (of Allah's Limits in sex); And the answer of his people was not except that they said cast
them away from your town** for they are people purifying themselves; So We (Allah) saved him and his family except for
his wife*** - she became from the past; And We rained down on them with a (special) rain (of brimstones) so see how was the ending of the
criminals (in Allah's Court (= AlMujrimeen) = the sinners).
Translation of: Ayat 80 - 84, Surat AlA'raf. (7:80-84)
* Lut was a prophet. Map of Prophets (no 7).
** Sodom and Gomorrah near the shore of the dead sea (Were located in a part of Bilad AlSham: Jordan and its surrounding nowadays).
*** Lut's wife was approving of their deeds.
Words: Ta'touna AlFaahisha = You commit the vile (degrading - immoral) deed, Sabaqa = committed (did) before you,
Shahwatan = Fulfilling Lust -
Sexual desire, Musrifoun = Transgressing beyond limits, Yattatahar = Purifies himself, AlGhabireen = Become from the past, Mattar
= Rain, Aqibat = Ending, AlMujrimeen = The criminals - The sinners.
Q: Why are some people destroyed completely?
A: And you are not going to defeat Allah on earth and you do not have other than Allah any Protector or Supporter.
And from His Miraculous Signs the vessels (ships) in the sea as distinguishing marks; If He (Allah) wills He will make the wind
standstill so they remain on its back motionless; For in that are definitely Miraculous Signs (of Allah to contemplate)
for every patient and grateful
person; Or He destroys (drown) them because of what they (people) have earned and He pardons a lot!
And let those who argue in Our Lines know that they have no escape (from Allah's Punishment).
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 35, Surat AlShoura.
Note: Do you know that the number of vessels drowned as reported in Ontario, Canada until now are more
than 4000 vessels.
Words: BiMu'jiz =
Going to defeat, Jawari = Vessels - Ships, A'lam = Distinguishing marks - Tall mountains, Yuskin = Makes standstill,
Riyah = Winds,
Tadhul = Remains, Rakid = Motionless - Still, Dhahr = Back, Ya'fou = Pardons, Kas(th)eer = A lot.
Q: Muslims and Jews lived together in AlMadina. There were hypocrites among them. How does Allah deal with
the hypocrites?
A: And among who surrounds you (Muslims in AlMadinah at the Prophet's time) from the Bedouin Arabs, hypocrites and from among the people of AlMadinah who are
used to hypocrisy - you (Prophet Muhammad) do not know them We (Allah) know them - We (Allah) will punish them twice (in Life and
in the grave) then they will return (to Allah) for a severe punishment (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 101, Surat AlTawbah. (9:101)
Note: In a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The following are the indicative signs of
a hypocrite: 1. When he talks he
lies and 2. when he makes a deal he betrays and 3. when he is given a trust (deposit)
he makes a breach in the trust and 4. when
he quarrels he goes beyond restraint. Anyone has a trait of the mentioned he has a trait of
Words: Hawl = Around, A'rab = Bedouin Arabs, Munafiq = Hypocrite, Marada = Used to - Trained, Nifaq =
Hypocrisy, Na'lam = We know, Nuadhib = We punish, Yurad = return.
Q: What did Allah warn the hypocrites of AlMadina about?
Note: The hypocrites then planned with the enemies to attack the Muslims in AlMadinah.
A: Indeed if the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is sickness (tendency for hypocrisy) and those who
stir up (through lies)* in AlMadina We (Allah) will provoke you (Prophet Muhammad) against them then they will not become your
neighbours except for some time (send them out of AlMadina): They are damned (away from Allah's Mercy) - wherever they are found they should be
attacked and killed completely: (This is the same) The Way of Allah in those who passed away and you will not find a change
in the Way of Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 60 - 62, Surat AlAhzab.
* Reference is to the hypocrites. It was also referred to the Jews from around AlMadinah. Source: Ex-Mufti of
Egypt's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", page 538.
Words: La'in = Indeed if not, Quloub = Hearts, Maradh = Sickness, Murjif = Those who stir up, Nughri
= We will provoke, Yujawir = Becomes neighbour, Qaleel = Some time, Maloun = Damned, S(th)uqifa
= Found, Qutila = Killed, Sunnah = Way, Tabdeel = Change.
Q: When does Allah punish communities severely?
A: And whenever We (Allah) wanted to destroy a community we give the authority to its rich people who live in ease and
luxury so they lead dissolute (sinful, adulterous) lives in it so The Word (of Allah's punishment) becomes True
against it so We destroy it a complete destruction; And how many generations did We destroy after Noah (Nooh) and
Enough for your God of the sins of His servants to be Well-Acquainted, All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 17, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Note: In Islam rich people have big responsibility of being righteous and helping in every way to make their communities righteous.
Words: Ardna = We wanted, Nuhlik = We destroy, Qaryah = Community - Town, Amarna = We give the authority - We
command, Mutrifeeha = Its rich people who live in
ease and luxury, Haqqa = Becomes True - Becomes rightful, Dammarnaha = We destroyed it, Kafa BiRubbika = Sufficient is your God - Enough is
your God, Thonoub = Sins, Ibadihi = His Servants.
Q: Does Allah even approve of any type of any evil act?
A: And whenever they commit an (sexual) immorality (= Fahishah)* they say we found our fathers doing so and Allah
commanded us to do it - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed Allah does not command immorality (= Fahshaa')* - are
you saying upon Allah
what you do not know; Say my God commanded justice and to direct yourselves Straight (to Him) at every place of
worship and call upon Him devoting to Him the Religion - as He created you in the beginning so will you return (second creation on the
Day of Judgeemnt);
A group He (Allah) rightly guided and another group are entitled to be straying away for they have taken Satans (Satan and his
followers from Jinn and man) allies (protectors = Awliya') other than Allah and they think that they are rightly guided; ---;
my God had forbidden immoralities (= Fawahish)* - what is revealed (= Dhahara) of them and what is concealed (= Battana) and (Allah also
forbids) sinning and
transgression without due right and to join any partner with Allah for what He (Allah) did not give an authority (litigation) and to say upon
Allah what you do not know.
Translation of: Ayat 28 - 30, Ayat 32 - 33, Surat AlA'raf. (6:32-33)
* Fahishah, Faahshaa' and Fawahish means (sexual) immoralities such as adultery and similar other forms that have to do with
unlawful (= haram) nakedness.
Words: Fahisha = Immorality - Obscene deed, Amara = Commanded, Fahsha' = Obscenity, Qist = Justice, Aqeem Wajhaka =
Direct yourself Straight, Mukhlis = Devoting, Taoudoun = Will return - Will be re-made, Fareeq = A group, Dhahara = Is
revealed, Battina = Is concealed, Isthm = Sinning, Baghey = Transgression - Injustice, Ta'lamoun =
You know.
Q: Why should the agreements taken under oath be honoured?
A: And fulfill the agreement with Allah (taken under oath) when you enter into agreement and do not break
the oaths after
confirming them and you have made Allah upon you a Guarantor indeed Allah knows what you do; And do not be like the
female that unweaved her spun thread after it was firm, disloyal using your
oaths as a means of imbalance (enmity) between you (thinking) that a party might be more (in power) than the
other party - indeed Allah only tests you by it (oath) and He will show you on the Day of Judgement what you were
in it disagreeing.
Translation of: Ayat 91 - 92, Surat AlNahl.
Words: Ahd = Agreement - Contract, Tanqudh = Breaks, Aymaan = Oaths, Tawkeed = Confirming, Kafeel
= Guarantor - Surety, Naqadhat = Unweaved, Ghazl = Spun thread, Ankas(th)an = Disloyal (plural),
Dakhlan = Means of imbalance, Ummah = Party, Arba = more.
Q: How should the believers in Allah deal with the misbehaviour of the disbelievers?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to those who believed to forgive those who do not have
hope in Allah's Days (= Ayam Allah) so that He (Allah) pays every people according to what they earned
(did); Whoever did righteous (in Life) so it is for
himself and who did wrong so upon himself then to your God you will return.
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 15, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:14-15)
* Days of the Other Life will be different from the days of this life. In an excerpt of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad: People of Paradise will feel the end of the day by a beam of a light coming from towards
Allah's Throne. (The note is added today May the 10th, 2012.) Source: (will be added later). Also remember "And a
day according to your God is similar to one thousand years from what
you count." Translation of Line 47 in Chapter (Surat) AlHajj in the Qur'an.
Words: Yaghfirou = Forgive, Yarjou = Has hope, Ayam = Days, Qawm = People, Yaksib =
Earns - Does, Amila = Did, Nafs = Self, Asa' = Did bad, Ala = Upon, Turje' = Returns.
Q: What does good judgement depend on?
A: And David (Dawood) and Solomon (Suleiman) when they gave a judgement in the cultivated field when
the people's sheep tampered with it and We (Allah) were witnessing their (David & Solomon's) judgement; So
We taught* it to Solomon and both of them We gave wisdom and knowledge - and We (Allah) made
yield with David the mountains glorifying the praise of Allah and the birds (too) and We
were going to do it (Allah is Capable); And We (Allah) taught him (David) the making of clothing** for you to protect you
against each other's violence so are you then grateful.
Translation of: Ayat 78 - 80, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:78-80)
* Some sheep strayed on the a cultivated land and damaged it. The Prophet David who was a king ordered the sheep
to be given to the field's owner. Solomon who was only a young boy saw that the sheep should be given to the
field owner for a certain time until he makes up for his losses then he returns the sheep to their original owner.
King David agreed.
** Armors - coats of mail (army clothes made from iron).
Words: Yahkum = Makes judgement, Hars(th) = cultivated field, Nafashat = Tampered - Destroyed, Ganam
= Sheep, Fahhama = Taught, Ilm = Knowledge, Tayr = Birds, Faail = Was going to do -
doing it, Allamnahu = We taught him, Sunata = Making, Labous = Clothing, Tuhsin = Protect, Ba's = Violence,
Shakireen = Grateful - Who give thanks.
Q: Why should people refrain from following up gossip and what affects the honour of others?
A: And do not follow up (gossip) what you do not have knowledge about for the hearing and the
eye-sight and the heart - all of those are responsible for it.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlIsra' (Known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Taqfu = Follow up - Pursue the matter, Ma laysa = Not have, Ilm = Knowledge, Same' =
Hearing, Basar = Eye-sight, Fuad = Heart, Kul = All, Mas'oul = Responsible.
Q: What does Allah want us to say when we board any means of transport?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 12 in Surat AlZukhruf.
A: In order to be seated on their backs then you remember the Blessing (Grace-Favour) of
your God when you are seated on them and say glory to Who had made this yield to us and
we were not going to combine any partner with Him and to our God we are certainly returning back.
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 14, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:13-14)
Note: Some Middle East airlines and Pakistan International Airline refer to the Quranic verse before
taking off.
Words: Ja'ala = Made, Fulk = Ships, LiTastawoo =
To be seated (plural), Dhohourihi = Their backs,
Tathkurou = You remember, Ni'mata = Blessing - Grace - Favour, Sakhkhara = Made yield, Muqrineen = Combine any partner - Make similar, LaMunqaliboun = Certainly returning
Q: Why is hijacking or blocking the way to rob considered a grave sin according to Allah?
A: And Lut (Prophet) when he said to his people: For you are certainly committing adultery that no
one from mankind before you had preceded: For you are certainly having sex with men and you block the
way to rob and you
do in your club the shocking act so the answer of his people was not except: Bring us about the punishment of
Allah if you were telling the truth. He said: My God! Support me against the corrupting people.
Translation of: Ayat 28 - 30, Surat AlAnkaboot.
Words: Ta'ti AlFahisha = Commit the adultry - Commit the obscene deed - immorality, Sabaqa = Preceded, Taqta' AlSabeel = Block the way -
Be a highway robber, Nadi = Club, Jawab = Answer, Sadiq = Truthful, Unsur = Support,
Mufsid = Corrupting,
Q: What is the punishment in life that Allah commands for those who fight against Allah and His Prophet
(Muslims) and spread corruption in the land?
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, Egypt's ex-Mufti (a top scholar of Islam): The punishment mentioned for the
criminals is in stages depending on the crime committed: Killing only, killing and robbing,
robbing only or obstructing the way only. The Punishment ranges in severity depending on the severity of the crime committed.
A: Indeed the punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His prophet and cause harm on
earth is to be killed or be crucified or their alternate hand and foot be amputated or to be exiled from the
land - that will be for them disgrace in this Life and for them in the Other Life a severe punishment; Except
those who had repented (stopped) before you overpowered them so do know that Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 34, Surat AlMa'idah.
Words: Jaza' = Punishment - Repayment, Yuharib = Wages war, Yasa fi AlAlradh Fasadan = Causes harm on earth -
Causes universal harm (or damage), Yuqtal = Be killed, Yuslab = Crucified, Min Khilaf = Alternate, Aydy =
Hands, Arjul = Legs, Yunfa = Exiled - Sent away, Khizye = Disgrace, Taba = Repented, Taqdir
= Overpower.
Q: In times of great world turmoil where can humans find the power to attain their inner stability?
A: Whoever wants might so to Allah belongs the might - all of it - to Him goes up good words
(= AlKalim AlTayyeb) and He lifts up (increases reward)* the righteous work and those who plot and do sins for them is a
severe punishment and the plotting of those is going to be ruined (no use).
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat Fatir.
* In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): There is no
two writing angels who take up towards Allah what they wrote during the night or the day and then Allah finds
good at the beginning of the record and at its ending so Allah says: I make you witnesses that I
have forgiven for my servant what is in between the heading and the ending (body of the record).
Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 31.
Note: Line 160 in Chapter 'AlAn'am in the Quran is translated: "Whoever does a good deed
so for him ten times of its
kind." In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's saying: "Whoever fasts Ramadan and six days of Shawwal it is as if he fasted
the whole year." This means that since Allah calculates ten for one good deed so we have 300 for generally
speaking 30 days of Ramadan. And 60 for 6 days of Shawwal (month following Ramadan). So we have 360 = a year.
Words: AlIzzah = The might - The power - The Honour, Jameean = All of it, Yass'ad =
Goes up Kalim = Words - Speech, Tayyeb = Good, Amal = Work, Salih = Righteous, Yarfe' = Lifts
up - Increases - Makes more, Yamkuroun = Plot and do - Deceivingly does, Sayy'at = Sins, Yabour = Will be ruined - Be of no use.
Q: Why is it important to stop any type of injustice especially against Allah?
A: And that is how the attack (punishment) of your God is when He attacks the towns when they are unfair*:- indeed
His attack is very painful, severe.
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat Hood.
* Transgressors against Allah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah gives relatively speaking a long time to the unjust person. So
when He grabs (seizes) him He will not let him go.
Words: Akhth = Attack, Qura = Towns, Zhaalimah = Unfair - Unjust, Aleem = Very painful, Shadeed =
Q: Why being patient gives us somehow inner peace?
A: And be patient for your patience is not except in Allah (His Rewards);
And do not grieve over them*; And do not be annoyed because of what they plot: For Allah is with the ones
who fear Allah and the ones who do good.
Translation of: Ayat 127 - 128, Surat AlNahl.
* The Prophet Muhammad used to feel sad for the disbelievers among his people. In a summary of a saying by the
Prophet Muhammad: If only you knew what I know, you would have laughed less and cried more.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet Muhammad passed by a woman crying near a
grave so he said: Fear Allah and be patient! She said: Go away from me. You are not inflicted with my calamity.
She did not know him. Then she was told the he was the Prophet. She went to his door and she did not find any
guards and she said: I did not know you! He said: (Real test of) Patience is when the problem first strikes.
Words: Esber = Be patient, Ma = Is not, Tahzan = Grieve, Dhayq = Annoyed - Tight chest, Yamkur
= Plots, Eteqqa = Fear Allah, Muhsin = Who does good.
Q: Economic recession in our time? What rescue plan did the Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) suggest against the
expected famine in his time?
A: And the king* said for I see** seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean (cows) and seven green
ears of corn and seven withered - O assembly give me your opinion regarding my vision if you can interpret
visions; They said a mixture of dreams and of the interpretation of dreams we are not knowledgeable; And
the one of them (two prisoners) who was freed*** and he remembered after a long time said I will inform you
about its interpretation so send me; Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) - O veracious (marked by truth) person give us your opinion in seven fat
cows being eaten by seven lean cows and seven green ears of corn and seven others withered so that I may
return to the people so that they come to know; He ( Prophet Joseph) said you will plant for seven years persistently so
what you cultivate then leave it in its ear (stored) except a little of which you eat; Then after that
will come seven hard years that will consume whatever you prepared for them except a little of what you
are guarding (specially storing); Then after that a year will come when people will be helped (due to rain) and in it they will
squeeze (drinks - oils).
Translation of: Ayat 43 - 49, Surat Yusuf. (12:43-49)
* According to the famous translator of the Qur'an 'Abdullah Yusuf Ali' (page 646): The king 'Pharaoh' was probably a king of
the Hyksos Dynasty, somewhere between the 19th and the 17th century B.C.
** A vision (dream) had by the king. Note that famine (depression) did not come yet.
*** The man and another prisoner were in the same prison where Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was wrongfully kept because he did not yield to
the sex temptation of an influential woman backed up by some other women.
Note: The Prophets were endowed with wisdom from Allah. Line 54 in Chapter (Surat) AlNisa' in the
Qur'an is translated as:
"--- And We (Allah) already had given the family of Abraham (Ibraheem) the Book (Allah's Revealed Religion)
and wisdom and We granted them a great kingdom."
Note: Prophet Joseph in the Map of Prophets. Prophet Joseph was endowed
with the miracle of the interpretation of dreams which becomes realized.
Words: Ara = I see, Sabe' = Seven, Baqarah = Cow, Siman = Fat (plural), Ijaf
= Lean - Weak (plural), Sunbulah = Ear of corn, Khudhur = Green, Yabis = Withered - Dry, Mala'
= Assembly, Ru'ya = Vision, Ta'bur = Interpret, Adhghasth = Mixture, Ahlam =
Dreams, Ta'weel = Interpreation, Siddiq = Veracious - Marked by truth, Tazra'oun = You plant - Sow,
Shidad = Hard, Tuhsin = Guard, Yughasth = Helped, Ya'ssiroun = They will Squeeze.
Q: Why when leading a secure and easy going life we should thank God?
A: Your God is Who makes for you (plural) the ships pass smoothly across the sea so that you may seek from
His favour for He is Most-Merciful towards you;
And when distress befalls you at sea those whom you call
upon got lost except Him (Allah) so when He rescues you to land you turn away and man had been
ungrateful (= karfoura); So have you felt secure that He is not going to make a portion of the
land swallow you up or
He (Allah) sends upon you a violent wind with gravel (stones) then you will not find for you a protector; Or have you
felt secure that He sends you back on it (the sea) once more so He sends upon you a roaring
(destroying) wind so He drowns you for what you disbelieved in (were ungrateful about) then you will not find for you against
Us (Allah) a suer (of a legal action).
Translation of: Ayat 66 - 69, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Yuzji = Makes pass smoothly, Fulk = Ships, Bahr = Sea, Dhalla = Got
lost, Tabtghi = Seeks,
Massa Aldhur = Distress befalls, Amina = Has felt secure, Janib = Portion, Yakhsif = Swallows,
Hasib = Violent wind with gravel, Yueed = sends you back, Tarrah Ukhra = Once more, Qasif =
Roaring, Reeh = Wind, Yughriq = Drowns, Bima Kafartum = For what you disbelived in - Were ungrateful about, Tajidou = You will not find, Tabiye' = (Tabie') Suer - One who
Q: A Sodomy (homosexuality) case with a little boy in an Islamic country (Afghanistan)! Who is responsible for
letting the crime go unpunished and leaving the oppressed boy to suffer?
Note: Refer to Toronto Star's report on a sodomy
case in Afghanistan
Note: Refer to the author Khaled Hosseini's 'historical' novel 'The Kite Runner' ©2004 for an account of a sodomy case with a boy
in Afghanistan.
A: And they ask for your input in women say (command to Prophet Muhammad) Allah dictates His ruling in them and
(follow) what is being recited upon you in The Book regarding the female orphans those you do not want to give
them (inheritance share) what is written for them and you want to marry them (without dowry); And the
helpless children and (it is written) to stand up for the orphans with justice and what
good deed you do so Allah of it is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 127, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: Remember 'Sodom' was the city of the Prophet Lut that was completely destroyed because its people were
doing homosexual actions.
Words: Yastafti = Asks for input, Yataama = Orphans, Tankeh = Marry, Mustadhaf
Helpless, Wildan = Children - Boys, Qist = Justice, Tafe'l = Do, Khair = Good deed.
Q: What were Allah's prophets gifted with?
A: When the angels said: O Mary (Maryam)! For Allah is giving you the good news with a Word
from him (Be) - His name is the Messiah (AlMaseeh) Jesus son of Mary (Issa Bin Maryam) an
honorable person in this Life and the Other Life and from the closest (to Allah); ---; And He
(Allah) teaches him the Book (Revealed Religion) and administration of justice and The Torah and The Bible (= Injeel).
Translation of: Ayat 45, 48, Surat AlImran.
Words: Kalimah = Be (and it is made),
Wajeeh = Honorable person, Hikmah = Wisdom.
A: And were it not for Allah's Favour upon you (Prophet Muhammad) and His Mercy a group
of them (disbelievers) were certainly about to lead you astray (in judgement*) - and (in fact) they would not lead astray except themselves
and they could not harm you in any way** - and Allah*** sent down upon you the Book (the Qur'an)
and wisdom and He (Allah) taught you what you did not know and Allah's Favour upon you had been great.
Translation of: Ayah 113, Surat AlNisa'. (4:113)
* The incident of siding with the thief's folks against the victim.
** Without Allah's permission.
*** The details of how Allah supported the Prophet Muhammad.
Words: Fadhl = Favour, Taaifah = Group, An Yudhilouka = To lead you astray, Allamaka = Taught you.
A: Have you (Prophet Muhammad) not considered how those (other than Muslim believers) who were granted (understood) a portion of the
Scripture believe in idols and falsehood (follow Satan) and they say
about those who disbelieved 'those are more guided than who believed (Muslims)'; Those whom Allah
had cursed (made away from Allah's Mercy) and whom Allah curses so you will not find for him a supporter; Or do they have a share in the
Absolute Authority (Kingdom (of Allah) so therefore they do not give people even a little bit;
Or do they ENVY (= Yahsadouna) people for
what ALLAH GRANTED* them (Prophet Muhammad among Arabs) from His Favour - well We had already granted the Family of Abraham (Prophet
Ibraeem)** The Book and wisdom and We granted them a great kingdom; So from them
who believed in Him (Allah) and from them who turned away from Him and (it is) enough is Hell for a Blazing Fire.
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 55, Surat AlNisa'. (4:51-55)
* It is Allah Who gives whoever He wills as a Favour or as a test in this life. When one envys another he becomes against Allah's Will to
give whoever He wills.
** Family of Abraham.
Words: Kalimah = Be (and it is made),
Wajeeh = Honorable person, Hikmah = Wisdom, Outu = Were granted, Jibt = Idols, Taghout = Falsehood - What
is worshipped other than Allah, Ahda = More guided, La'na = Cursed, Naseeb = Share,
Sadda = Turned away, Naqeera = A little bit - Originally a spot on a date,
Yahsad = Envies, Al Ibraheem = The Family of Abraham, Adheema = Great, Saeer = Blazing Fire.
A: And when he (Prophet Moses (Moosa) attained full maturity (forties) and he became in his full strength We (Allah) granted him wisdom
and knowledge and that is how We repay those who perfect their Religion (= AlMuhsineen)**.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlQasas. (28:14)
* The mother of Moses was not a prophet. But still she was inspired by Allah.
** Remeber 'Ihsan' is a step higher than 'Iman'.
Words: Awha = Revealed - Inspired, Yam, = Water, Eltqata = Picked up, Adou = Enemy,
Hazana = Source of grief, Jonoud = Soldiers, Khate' = Wrongdoer, Balagha Ashudahu = Attained full maturity - Became of age - To reach
maturity climax, Estawa = Became in his full strength, Hukm = Administration of justice, Ilm = Knowledge, Muhsineen =
Who perfect their Religion - Good doers.
A: Have patience (command to Prophet Muhammad) with what they say and remember Our (Allah's) servant
David (Dawood) - a man of strength for he always returned (to Allah) with repentance; For We made the
mountains yield with him - glorifying the name of Allah at sunset and sunrise; And the birds
gathered - each (with him) returning to Him (Allah) with glorification; And We fortified his kingdom and We
granted him wisdom and sound judgement.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 20, Surat Saad.
Words: Esber = Have patience, Abd = Servant, Tha AlAydi = Man of strength, Awwab =
Returned with repentance (or glorification), Jibal =
Mountains, BilAshiy = At sunset, Ishraq = Sunrise, Tayr = Birds, Mahshourah = Gathered, Shaddada = Fortified, Fasl AlKhitab = Good judgement - Good decision.
Q: Why does Allah give some disbelieving people a lot of wealth and sons in this Life?
A: Do they (really) think that what We (Allah) certainly aid them (disbelievers) with wealth and
children; That We (Allah) hasten the good
things for them rather they are not aware*; Indeed those (believers) who from fearing their God are worried (with softened hearts); And
who in the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) of their God they do believe; And those who with their God do not join any partner; And those
who give away from what they were given while their hearts are fearful (forsee it coming) because to their
God they are returning; Those ones make haste in the good deeds and in them they are racing.
Translation of: Ayat 55 - 61, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:55-61)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, Umar Bin AlKhattab may Allah be pleased with him told the Prophet
to pray to Allah so that they (Arabs with the prophet) can have some of the good things that the disbelieving Persian kings at that time had. So the
Prophet said what is wrong with you son of AlKhattab?! Those are people whose good things are hastened in
life (as way of trial and they will not have the good things in the Other Life).
Words: Thar = Leave, Ghamratihim = Their exuberance - Their emotional unrestraint,
Nummidhum = We aid them - We support, Mal = Wealth, Baneen = Children, Annama = That what, Nusare' = We make haste, Khairat
= Good things, Yashuroun = Are not aware, Min Khashyat = From fearing, Mushfiqoun = They are worried - Are pitiful (compassionate) - on their guard,
La Yushrikoun = Do not join any partner, Yu'touna = Give away, Quloub = Hearts, Wajilah = fearful (forsee it coming), Khairat =
Good deeds, Saabiqoun Racing.
Q: How important is it for a Muslim to command the good deed and forbid the evil deed?
A: Those who repent (to Allah), those who worship (adore Allah), those who praise (Allah), the travelers in Allah's
cause (Muslim fighters), The kneelers (in prayer),those who prostrate (in prayer), those who command the
good acts and those who forbid the bad acts, and those who observe Allah's
limits - and (command to Prophet Muhammad) do give the good news to the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat AlTawbah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever from you sees a bad deed then he
should change it with his hand but if he could not then with his tongue and if he could not then in his heart and
that is the weakest of Faith (= Iman).
Words: Taaib = Who repents, Aabid = Who adores Allah, Haamid = Who paises, Saaih
= Traveler
in Allah's cause, Raaki' = Kneeler, Saajid = Who prostrates, Aamir = Who commands, Ma'rouf =
Good acts - Good sayings and actions, Naahi = Who forbids, Munkar = Bad acts - Bad sayings and actions -
Abominable Acts - Detestable Acts, Haafidh = Who observes, Hodoud = Limits - Prescribed restrictions on
man's freedom of action, Bashshir =
Give the good news, Mu'mineen = Believers - Muslims.
Q: Especially in times of economic downturn (recession) why should poor families strictly avoid
trying to kill their new born daughters as some pre-Islam Arabs of Arabia used to do due to poverty or fear of
A: And when the souls are coupled (with their bodies on the Day of Judgement); And when
the (new-born) female who was buried alive (killed) is questioned (on the Day of Judgement);
For what crime she was killed.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 9, Surat AlTakweer.
Note: The fetus is included among the new-born babies according to Islamic
analogy 'qiyassi'.
Note: During the Prophet Muhammad's one night trip (= Mi'raj) across the Heavens (Surat AlIsra') with
the Angel Gabriel when the Prophet was shown scenes from the coming Day of Judgement: the Prophet saw a man taking care of children. Angel Gabriel told him those are the
children who died young and the man was Abraham (= Ibraheem) peace be upon him.
Words: Nufous = Souls, Zowijat = Are coupled - Are mated, Mawoudah =
The (New-born) female who was buried alive (killed), Su'ilat = Is questioned, Thanb = Crime, Qutilat
= Was killed.
Q: Who from the believers is entitled to Allah's Forgiveness?
A: Certainly those who fear their God secretly for them is Forgiveness and a great Reward
(from Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlMulk.
Words: Inna = Certainly, Yakhsha = Fears, BilGhayb =Secretly - unseen,
Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Ajr = Reward, Kabeer = Great.
Q: In Islam why is it necessary for witnesses to come forward to testify and serve justice?
A: -- And do not conceal the testimony and whoever conceals it then he is with a sinful
(criminal) heart and Allah with what you are doing is Knowledgeable.
Translation of: Ayah 283, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Taktum = Conceal, Shahadah = Testimony, As(th)im =
Sinful - Criminal, Qalb = Heart, Ta'mal = You are doing, Aleem = Knowledgeable.
Q: Why is Allah called "The Just" (= AlAdl)?
A: And your God was not going to destroy the communities unjustly while their people are good
Translation of: Ayah 117, Surat Hood.
Words: Yuhlik = Destroy, Qura = Communities - Towns - Villages, BiDhulm =
Unjustly - Without fairness, Ahl = People, Musleh = Good doer - Righteous.
Q: Why do humans have misfortune?
A: And whatever misfortune befalls you so that is from what your (own) hands have earned (of
bad deeds) and He (Allah) pardons
a lot.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlShoura. (42:30)
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, Egypt's ex Mufti (top scholar of Islam): In the Book of Imam Ahmed
reported by Ali may God honour him said that
the Prophet Muhammad told him that this (Line 30 in Surat AlShoura) is the most generous line (= afdhal ayah) in the Qur'an. Then the Prophet
explained it to Ali: Whatever illness or punishment or misery befalls you in this life it is from what your hands
have earned and Allah is more Generous than repeating the punishment (of the same sin) in the Other Life. And what (sins)
Allah had pardoned in this Life so He is more Kind to punish for it after pardoning it.
Words: Asababakum = Befalls you - Afflicts you, Museebah = Misfortune - Disaster - Problem, Qasabat Aydikum = What your
hands have earned or done, Ya'fou = Pardons, Kastheer = A lot - Much.
Q: Can Muslims make a Sharia legislation of what is wisely not stated clearly in the Qur'an or the Sunnah?
Note: Remember that Allah knows The Best about human nature so the Qur'an and the way of the Prophet Muhammad
deal with human issues accordingly.
A: O people who believed do not ask about matters if they are made clear (legislation) to you they
will cause you trouble, and if you ask about them when the Qur'an is being revealed they will be made
clear (legislation) to you when Allah had relieved (eliminated) them and Allah is Forgiving, Tolerant. For some people
(of the Book) had asked about them before you then they became disbelievers in them.
Translation of: Ayat 101 - 102, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:101-102)
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf (ex-Mufti): Example of such questions: Someone
asked the Prophet: Is AlHajj a must every year?
Note: Reference the nowadays Afghan Shia (Shiite) Sharia legislation
regulating the sex demand of husbands, the clear reference is a saying by the Prophet Muhammad which is
translated as: It is reported that Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with him said: The
Prophet said: When a wife (as a transgressor) spends the night(s) deserting her husband's bed, the angels (near
her) curse her until she goes back. The source (in Arabic): AlLou'lou' WalMarjan Feema Etafaqa Alayhi AlShaikhan
AlBokhari wa Muslim, page. 279.
Please note that in Islam a capable man is encouraged to marry in order to avoid the illegal fulfillment of his sexual
Words: Tasalou = Ask, Ashya' = Matters, Tubda = Made clear - Disclosed, Tasou' =
Brings trouble, Afaa = Relieved - Eliminated, Qawm = Some people.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to burn someone with fire?
A: And do fear Fire (Hell) that is (already) prepared for the disbelievers; And obey Allah and the Prophet so
that you may obtain mercy.
Translation of: Ayat 131 - 132, Surat AlImran.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: It is reported by Abu Hurairah
who said: The Prophet sent us on a mission. He told us if we find two men (and he named them) to burn
them with fire. Then when we were about to go out the Prophet said: I told you to burn them but the fact
is that with Fire Allah alone punishes. So if you see them then kill them.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet saw a community of ants that was
burnt. So he asked: Who burnt this? Some of the Prophet's companions said: We did! The Prophet said: No one
is allowed to punish with fire except The Lord of fire (Allah). Source: "Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen".
Taleef: AlImam Abi Zakariya Yahya Bin Sharaf AlNawawi AlDimishqi (631 - 676 Hijri), in Arabic, page 445.
Words: Itaqou = Fear, Nar = Fire, Uidat = Is prepared,
Kafir = Disbeliever, Ateeou = Obey (plural), Turham = Obtain mercy.
Q: When a Muslim's faith is being tested what should he do?
A: So do be patient for certainly the Promise of Allah is True and do
not let those who are uncertain of their faith fool you.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlRoum.
Words: Esber = Be patient, Wa'd = Promise, La = Not, Ystakhifannaka =
Fool you - Make you lightheaded, La Yuqinnoun = Are uncertain about their faith.
Q: Generally speaking what defines human nature without Faith?
A: For the human being to His God is certainly ungrateful; And upon that he is certainly a witness
(through his deeds); And in loving of wealth he is certainly strong; So does he then not know (the consequence)*
when what in the graves are scattered; And what in the hearts is uncovered; For their God with them
on that Day is certainly Well-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 11, Surat AlAdiyat.
* A Scolding Tone.
Words: Kanoud = Ungrateful, LaShaheed = Certainly is a witness, Hub = Loving, AlKhair
= Wealth, Shadeed = Strong, Afla Yalam = So does he then not know, Qubour = Graves, Husila =
Uncovered, Sodour = Hearts - Chests, Khabeer = Well-Acquainted - Expert.
Q: How do the good deeds of a believer lead him to live a good life in this world and the Other World?
Note; The believer who puts his trust in Allah becomes at peace with himself and the world
around him and tranquility (peace of mind) is the key to a good life in this world.
A: Whoever does righteous deeds from males or females while being a believer so
We (Allah) will certainly give him a good life and We will certainly pay them
their reward according to the best of what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 97, Surat AlNahl.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: Start doing the good deeds
for seven reasons: Do you wait for poverty that makes you forget, or richness that makes you
transgress, or corrupting illness or disproving old age or death that is prepared or the Imposter christ** who
is the worst absent person to be waited for or the Hour (Day of Judgement) and the Hour is much worse
and more terrible.
** A sign of the approach of the Day of Judgement. Jesus (the Real Christ) will be sent down to kill
the imposter christ.
Words: Amila = Did, Ssalihan = Good deeds, Thakar = Male, Unstha =
Female, Mou'min = Believer, Nuhyee = Give a life, Tayyebah = Good, Najzi = Pay, Ajr = Reward, BiAhsan =
According to the best, Ya'mal = Does.
Q: If a human being chooses to sin how does Allah help him?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) whoever is in a straying away* (from Allah's Path) so the Most-Merciful (Allah) will extend
(enjoyment time) for him for a longer time** (for
sinning) until when they see what they were promised (yu'adoun) either the punishment (of life = AlAthab) or
the Hour (Day of Judgement = AlSa'ah) then they will come to know who is the worst in situation and
the weakest in forces.
Translation of: Ayah 75, Surat Maryam. (19:75)
* A continuous sinner.
** Tools of sinning: Wealth, place, persons...etc.
Words: Kana Fi AlDhallalah = Is in a straying away - Is in error - Is in deception, Yamdud =
Extends - Reinforces - Supports, Madda = For a longer time - With proper enforcement, Athhab = Punishment, Shar = Worst, Makana =
In situation, Adh'af = Weakest, Junda = In forces.
Q: On the Day of Judgement whose punishment will be made double? How to avoid the double
punishment of the Other World?
A: And who (believers) do not call with Allah another god and they do not kill the
soul whom Allah made forbidden (= Haram) except for a just (fair) cause and they do not commit adultery and whoever does
(any or all of) that he will face penalties for sins; The punishment will be doubled for him
on the Day of Judgement and he will remain forever in it humiliated; Except whoever repents and becomes a believer and
does righteous deeds so those Allah changes their bad deeds into good deeds and Allah is Most-Forgiving,
Translation of: Ayat 68 - 70, Surat AlFurqan. (25:68-70)
Words: Yadou Ma' = Calls with, Ilah = God, Akhar = Another, Yaqtul = Kills,
Nafs = Soul - Life - Human being, Harrama = Made forbidden, Yazni = Commits adultery, Yalqa Asthama = Faces
penalties of the sins, Yudhaf = Is doubled, Yakhlud = Remains, Taba = Repents, Aamana = Becomes a believer, Yubaddil
= Changes, Say'at = Sins - Bad deeds, Hasanat = Good deeds.
Q: How much does a human being's wealth and sons make him agreeable and nearer to Allah?
A: And neither your wealth nor your offspring* are what brings you closer in ranks to Us (Allah) -
except who believed and did righteous deeds so those for them is the reward of
the double because of what they did and they are (on Day of Judgement) in the rooms (dwellings in Paradise)
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat Saba'.
* "Awlad" in Arabic means offspring, children and particularly to boys, sons. Across humanity disbelievers have a tendency to
boast about having sons.
Words: Amwal = Wealth, Awlad = Offspring - Children - Boys - Sons, Tuqarrib Zulfa = Brings closer in
ranks, Illa = Except, Amila = Did, Jaza' = Reward, AlDhi'f = The double, Ghurufat
= Rooms, Aamin = Secure.
Q: Often the Qur'an refers to doing good. What is good work?
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti (top religious scholar
of Egypt: "AlBirr" is a collective term for all types of righteous work.
A: Righteous work (= AlBirr) is not to turn yourselves (in prayer) towards the East or the
West but the righteous work (AlBirr) is (of) who has Faith in Allah and the Last Day (Judgement)
and the angels and the Scripture (from Allah) and the prophets and who gives from the wealth despite
his love for it, to the relatives and the orphans and the needy and traveler in need and the beggars
and to liberate captives and he performs the prayer and gives the prescribed
charity (= Zakat) and those who keep their pledges when they have made them
those who are
patient (= AlSabireen) in misery (poverty) and hardship (bad times) and at wartime - those are
who proved to be true (= sadaqou)* and those are who protect themselves by being God-fearing (= AlMuttaqoun).
Translation of: Ayah 177, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:177)
* Proved to be true (= sadaqou) to the Covenant of Islam with Allah.
Words: Laysa = Not, AlBirr = Righteous Work - Righteousness, Tuwallou = You turn yourselves - You turn your faces,
Qibala = Towards, Mashriq = East, Amana = Has faith, Malaikah = Angels, Ala Hubihi
= Despite his love for it, Thawi Alqurba = Relatives, Masakeen = Needy, Fi AlRiqab = To
liberate captives, Ibn AlSabeel = The traveller in need - The wayfarer, Aahadou = Have made a pledge,
Ba'sa' = Misery, Dharraa' = Hardship - Bad times, Heena AlBa's =
At wartime, Sadaqou = Proved to be true, Mutaqoun = Who protect themselves from Hell by being
God-fearing - God-fearing.
Q: From time to time we hear that a Muslim killed a female to avenge his honour. Does Islam approve
what people call "honour-killing"?
A: And whoever commit adultery from your females then take the evidence of
four* (reliable) among you so if they witnessed (against them) then keep them in the
houses until
death comes to them or Allah makes for them a way out**; And whoever two (men) of you
commit it (homosexuality) then harm (verbally and or physically) them so if they repented
and amended (their behaviour) then leave them alone for Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat AlNisa'.
* Note: Usually it is difficult to bring four reliable witnesses who witnessed the adultery (must be intercourse).
Hence the act of witnessing is more of a deterrent from adultery. And this is Allah's Mercy on people.
** Later on Surat AlNoor (see the posting that follows) was sent down with punishment which is a way out from imprisoning in houses.
Words: Ya'teena AlFahishah = Commit adultery, Nisa' = Females, Amsik =
Keep, Beyout = Houses, Yatawaffa AlMawt = Death comes, Sabeela = A way out, Taaba =
They (two) repented, Aslaha = Amended (two persons), A'ridh = Leave alone.
A: The adulteress and the adulterer then do whip each of them one hundred times and do not show mercy
for them in Allah's religion if you are believing in Allah and the last Day (Judgement) and let a group of the
believers witness their punishment; The adulterer does not marry except an adulteress or a disbeliever and the
adulteress does not get married except to an adulterer or a disbeliever and that (marriage) is forbidden
to the believers.
Translation of: Ayat 2 - 3, Surat AlNoor. (24:2-3)
Words: Zani = Adulterer, Zaniyah = Adulteress, Ijlid = Whip - Lash, Kul
= Each, Miat = One hundred, Ra'fah = Mercy, Taifah = Group, Yankeh = Marries,
Mushrik = Disbeliever, Hurrima = Is forbidden.
Q: Why does Allow so much injustice of all types in the world?
A: And certainly do not think that Allah is unAware of what the transgressors (unjust) do
rather He is delaying them to a Day (of Judgement) when the eyes will be staring (in horror);
Protruding their necks in fast walking, uplifting their heads, their gaze does not return to them and
their hearts are void (of pain).
Translation of: Ayat 42 - 43, Surat Ibraheem.
Words: La Tahsabanna = Certainly do not think, Ghafil = Unaware, Yuakhkhir
= Delays - Gives respite, Tashkhas = Stares, Absar = Eyes, Muhte'eena = Protruding
their necks in fast running- Craing their necks, Muqniey = Uplifting their heads, La Yartad = Does not return, Taraf
= Gaze, Af'idah = Hearts, Hawa' = Void.
Q: Why does Allah mention the act of commanding the good and forbidding the bad before
performing the prayer?
A: And the male believers (Mou'minoun) and the female believers (Mou'minat) are allies of
one another - they command the good sayings and deeds and they forbid the bad sayings and deeds and
they perform the prayer and make
the prescribed charity (Zakat) and they obey Allah and His prophet - those Allah will have mercy
upon them for Allah is the AlMighty, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlTawbah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: By the One in whose Hand is my soul, you
should command the good sayings and actions (ma'rouf) and you should forbid the bad sayings and actions (munkar) or
Allah is certainly about to send upon you a punishment then you call Him and you will not be answered. (Reference
Riyadh AlSaliheen min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen).
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: As reported by Abi Saeed AlKhudri, that
the Prophet Muhammad said: The best Jihad (fight of enemy) is a word of justice in front of a tyrant ruler.
Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 538.
Words: Awliya' = Allies - Helpers, Ya'mur = Commands, Ma'rouf = Good sayings
and actions - Good acts, Munkar = Bad sayings and deeds - Bad acts - Abominable Acts - Detestable Acts, Yuqeem AlSalat = Performs the prayer, Yu'ti AlZakat
= Gives the prescribed charity, Yutee' = Obeys, Yarham = - Righteous
sayings and deeds, Azeez = AlMighty.
Q: Why does Allah praise the believers who are patient at the time of harm and disaster?
Hint: They have trust in Allah.
A: And We will certainly put you (each one) to the test with some fear, hunger and loss in wealth and souls
and produce and
give the good news to the patient persons*; Those when a misfortune is inflicted upon them they say we
belong to Allah and to Him we are going back; Those Upon them Blessings from their God and
Mercy; And those are the guided ones (to Allah's Path which leads to Paradise).
Translation of: Ayat 155 - 157, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:155-157)
* Patience implies that you have trust in Allah and you know that what happened to you
is a test from Allah to see your
patience. So you become at peace with yourself and your surroundings (you do
not over-react, revenge, seek financial compensation...etc).
Words: Khawf = Fear, Jou' = Hunger, Naqs = Loss,
Amwal = Wealth, Anfus = Souls, Sthamarat = Produce, Bashshir = Give
good news, Sabireen = Patient persons, Museebah = Misfortune - Calamity, Salawat = Blessings, Rahmah = Mercy,
AlMuhtadoun = The guided ones.
Q: What are people and nations usually after when they abuse others?
A: And whoever is given (on the Day of Judgement) his record (of deeds) in
his left hand* so he will say: I wish I was not given my record; and I (wish) did not know what
is my account; I wish it (death) was the ending (of me); My wealth did not
avail me; My power has vanished away from me; Take him (Allah's command) and put a collar
around his neck; Then into Hell lead him to burn.
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 31, Surat AlHaqqah. (69:25-31)
* According to AlSheikh Anwar AlAwalaki's cassette 12 "The Hereafter": Each one's record of deeds will come
down flying and will land either in the person's right hand or the left hand. It will be one of the most
tense moments for the person.
Words: Uwtiya = Was given, Shimal = Left, Laytani = I wish, Kitab =
Record, Lem Adri = Did not know, Qadhiyah = The ending, Ma Aghna = Did not
avail, Mal = Wealth, Halaka Anni = Vanished away, Sultan = Power, Ghulouh = Put a collar
around his neck, Salouh = Lead him to burn.
Q: What combination of sins even from Muslims may not be liable for intercession
(shafa'ah) with Allah on
the Day of Judgement?
A: (Believers say) What led you into Saqar (rank in Hell)? They said: We were not from
those who pray; and we were not feeding the needy; And we were indulging in nonsense with
those who talk nonsense; And we were rejecting as lies the Day of Religion (Judgement); Until the
Surety (of Day of Judgement) came upon us; So no intercessors' intercession will
be of use to them.
Translation of: Ayat 42 - 48, Surat AlMuddasthir.
Note: In an excerpt of a saying of the the Prophet Muhammad: I have been given the
intercession (for Allah's Mercy) and there is no prophet but he asked Allah for it.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Every prophet before me had one
call on Allah that was guaranteed to be fulfilled. All prophets consumed their calls. But I have hidden my
intercession with Allah for those who die without joining any partner with Allah. Source: Anwar AlAwlaki's 'The
Hereafter' cassette no. 11.
Words: Ma = What, Salaka = Led, Musalli = One who prays, Nut'im =
Feed, Miskeen = Needy - Poor, Nakhoudh = Indulge in nonesense, Yaqeen = Surety, Tanfe' =
Be of use, Shafaah = Intercession.
Q: Why does Allah multiply each good work (saying/doing) at least by ten times and leaves each sin as one sin?
A: Whoever performs (= Ja'a Bi) a good deed so for him is ten times* its
equal (reward) and whoever brings forth
a bad deed then he will not be repaid except its (once) equal (punishment) and no injustice will be done on
Translation of: Ayah 160, Surat AlAn'am.
* The least multiplication.
Hint: Because The Most-Merciful (= AlRaheem) and The Just (= AlAdl) are
two names of Allah.
Words: Ja'a bi = Performs - Brings forth, AllHasanah = A good deed - A righteous deed, Ashr = Ten, Amssthal
= Equal (plural), Saye'ah = Bad deed - Sin, Yujza = Is repaid, Misthl = Equal (singular), La Yuthlamoun = No injustice will be made
on them.
Q: How can a faithful person rid his record with Allah of his minor bad work (saying/doing)?
A: -- and they (the believers) repel the bad deed with a good deed* - for them is the happy outcome of
the (Eternal) Dwelling (Paradise).
* This is among other good deeds that qualify a believer to be a dweller of Paradise.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlRa'd.
Note: Line 70 in Chapter AlFurqan in the Qur'an is translated: Except whoever
has repented and becomes faithful and does righteous deeds so those Allah changes their bad deeds
into good deeds and Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet
said: I know the
last person to get out of Hell and he is the last one to enter Paradise. Allah will command: Remove his
major sins and question him about his minor sins. So he will be told about his sins. He admits them while
being very worried about the exposing of his major sins. It will be said to him: Every sin of yours is replaced
with a good deed. (Sensing Allah's Generosity) The man said: But my God! I did some deeds (major
sins) I do not see them recorded here. The Prophet laughed until his cheek bones showed (wide smile). Source:
Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer. Volume 2, page 640. And Sheikh AlAlwaki's cassetter no. 11 of 'The Hereafter'.
Words: Yadre' = Repels - Turns off, Hasanah = Good deed, Saye'ah = Bad
deed, Uqba = The good outcome, AlDar = The Dwelling - The Other World.
Q: What type of sins should the believers avoid?
A: If you avoid the major sins (=Kaba'ir) of what you are forbidden We (Allah) will make
amends (forgive) for you your bad deeds and We will admit you into an honorable entrance (in Paradise).
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: In a summary of four sayings of the Prophet Muhammad: The major sins are: To join
partner(s) with Allah, Ingratitude to (one's) the parents, Magic, Killing of the soul that Allah forbade
except for a just cause (BilHaq), Usury, Devouring of an orphan's wealth, Running away on the Day the
army advances, Attacking the honour of the unaware virtuous female believers and cursing one's own parents.
When asked, the Prophet said: A man swears at another
man's father. The other man swears back at the first one's father and mother. Source: AlLou'lou' wal Marjan
(see Reference Page).
Words: Tajtanib = You avoid, Kaba'ir = The major sins, Tunhouna = You are
forbidden of, Saye'at = Bad deeds - Sins, Nudkhil = We will admit, Mudkhal = Entrance,
Kareem = Honorable.
Q: What did Moses say when he feared the violence of Pharaoh and his assembly?
A: And Moses said: For I have sought refuge with my God and yours from every arrogant who does not
believe in the Day of Account (Day of Judgement)
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat Ghafir (40:27).
Note: When the Prophet Muhammad feared someone he used to say like Moses: My God! I pray to
You to be in their necks (against them) and I seek refuge with You against their evil doing (= Allahumma inni aja'luka fi
nohourihim wa a'outhou bika min shorourihim).
Words: Qala = Said, Uthtu = I have sought refuge, Mutakabbir = Arrogant,
You'min = believes - Hisab = Account - Reckoning.
Q: What is required from the Muslims who pray and perform the other Islamic rituals like giving charity
and fasting?
A: And let from you (Muslims) be a nation who call for righteous deeds,
command kind acts (Islamic acts) and forbid bad acts and those ones are the prospersous ones.
Translation of: Ayah 104, Surat AlImran. (3:104)
Note: A companion "Anas Bin Malik" asked the Prophet Muhammad: When will people
stop commanding good deeds and prohibiting bad deeds? In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When it
appears in you (Muslims) what appeared in the nations before you: Wealth
is seen among your low people (people with least power = sighar) and vile (shameless) deeds among your high people (powerful people = kibar) and knowledge among your morally despicable (= arthal). Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, vol.1 page 539.
Note: If there is a man doing objectionable acts and his people can make him
stop but they do not take action, Allah inflicts them with a punishment before their death. Source: Mukhtasar
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, vol.1 page 351.
Words: Litakun = Let be, Ummah = Nation, Yadouna = Call for, Khair
= Righteous deeds, Ya'muroun = Command - Order, Ma'rouf = Kind acts - Good acts, Yanhoun = Forbid,
Ulaaika = Those are, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous ones - The winners - The fortunate. Who attain salvation.
Q: Why should you not believe the news before making sure what type of person brought them?
A: O people who have Faith if an immoral* person brings you any news then do
examine it critically (doubt it) so that
you do not harm some people (of yours) without knowing then (later on) you become about what you have done
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlHujurat.
* = "Faasiq" is an immoral person who sinnfully strayed away from Allah's Path. This is
the reason why different groups of Muslim scholars after the Prophet Muhammad rejected and
classified as (weak = hadeesth dha'eef) those sayings of the Prophet Muhammad whose line of
narrators is not fully known as authentic narrators. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 4, page
Words: Ja'akum = Brings you, Faasiq = Immoral person - Sinner - Who sinfully strayed away
from Allah's Path, Naba' = News, Tabayyanou
= Examine critically - Do verify - Doubt it - Make sure the news is true, An Tuseebou = So that you do not harm, Bijahalah =
Without knowing - Ignorantly, Fa'altum = You have done, Naadimeen = Regretful (plural).
Q: Where do the believers get their power from?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Give the news to the hypocrites (among
the believers) that for them is a severe punishment (on Day of Judgement); Those who take the
disbelievers allies other than the faithful - Are they seeking power with them
for all the power is with Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 138 - 139, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Bashshir = Give the news, Munafiqeen = Hypocrites - People with two faces,
Awliya' = Allies - Helpers, Min Doun = Other than, Izzah = Power - Honour, Jameean =
Q: When a believer hears some people making fun of a verse of the Qur'an what should he do?
A: And He (Allah) already revealed to you in the Scripture when you (plural) hear the Miraculous Signs
(Qur'anic verses) of Allah
being rejected as lies or being mocked so do not sit with them until they indulge in another talk - (otherwise)
for you (plural) are then similar to them - indeed Allah is gathering the hypocrites and the disbelievers
in Hell altogether (= Jamee'an).
Translation of: Ayah 140, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever believes in Allah and the
Other Life let him not sit at a table where wine is being served. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, page. 797.
Words: Nazzala Alaikum = Revealed to you, Same'tum = You hear, Yustahze' =
Being mocked - Being ridiculed, Taq'udou =
Sit, Yakhoudhou Fi Hadeesth Ghayreh = Indulge in another talk, Ithen = Then, Misthl = Similar,
Jami' = Gathering, Munafiq = Hypocrite, Jahannam = Hell, Jameean = Altogether - All.
Q: Is there chaos (unorganized state) associated with the Fire of Hell?
A: Woe to every fault-finder (in actions), backbiter (in words); Who gathers
wealth and counts it over; Thinking his
wealth will make him last for ever; Never - he Will be certainly cast into the Crusher; And what do you know what
the Crusher is; The Blazing Fire of Allah ; Which inspects (aims at) the hearts*; Indeed it
(Fire) is closing in (= Mu'ssadah) on them; In towering columns (= Amad Mumadadah).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 9, Surat AlHumazah. (104:1-9)
* Hellfire is called "The Crusher = AlHutamah" because it damages the body reaching
the heart.
Note:: Remember " --- Every time their skins become completely burnt we Will change them into other skins ---". Translation of
Line 56 in Chapter AlNisa' in the Qur'an.
Words: Wayl = Woe - Destruction, Humazah = fault-finder, Lumuzah =
Backbiter, Allathi = Who, Jama' = Gathered, Mal =
Wealth, Addada = Counted over, Yahsab = Thinking, Akhlad = last for ever, Kalla = Never -
By no means, Yunbadh = To be cast,
Ma Adraka = What do you know, AlHutamah = The Crusher - The Damager, Nar =
Fire, Muwqadah = Blazing - Flaring - Burning, Tattale' = Inspects - Explores - Aims at, Af'idah =
Hearts, Mu'ssadah = Closing in - Shutting in - Engulfing, Amad = Columns, Mumadadah = Towering - Expanding.
Q: Why should not a person follow in the steps of his disbelieving or sinning relatives?
A: Your relatives and your children will not be of any use to you on the Day of Judgement He will
render judgement separately among you and Allah with what you (all) do is Observant.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A man asked the Prophet Muhammad: Where
is my father? The Prophet said: You father is in Hell. When the man turned his back the prophet called him
back and said: My (the Prophet's) father and your father are in Hell. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4
page 525. Note: The Prophet's father 'Abdullah' died partnering with Allah before the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad (the Prophet's mother 'Aamna' was six month pregnant with the Prophet).
Note: Remember "For Allah does not forgive to be partnered with and He forgives
what is other than that to whom He wills and who partners with Allah so he has strayed far away."
Translation of Line 116 in Chapter AlNisa' in the Qur'an.
Words: Len = Not, Tanfa'kum = Will be of use to you, Arham = Relatives, Awlad =
Children, Yafsil = Will render judgement separately.
Q: Who will not feel fear or grief on the Day of Judgement?
A: And We (Allah) do not send the messengers except as announcers of good news (Paradise) and
warners of bad news (Hell) so whoever believed (in Allah) and did good then there will be no
fear upon them neither will they grieve; And those who rejected Our (Allah's) lines (Qur'an) as lies punishment
will befall them for what they were straying away from Allah's Path.
Translation of: Ayat 48 - 49, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Nursil = We send, Mursileen = Messengers, Mubashireen = Announcers of
good news, Munthireen = Warners of bad news, Aamana = Believed - Had faith, Aslaha = Did good,
Yamasuhum AlAthab = Punishment will befall them, Yafsoqoun = Straying away from Allah's Path.
Q: Why cannot humans claim purity (righteousness) to themselves or others?
Hint: Allah alone judges who is pure. Also deeds are judged by the intentions
behind them. We do not know the real intentions of people.
A: Have you (Prophet Muhammad) not considered those who claim purity for themselves but
Allah (alone) attests to the purity of whoever He wills and no thread-like injustice will be
inflicted on them (all people); Look how they fabricate lies against Allah and enough for it as a clear sin.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: As mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, p. 719 the lines originally came down
when "The Jews and the Christians said: We
are the children of Allah and his beloved ones ---" translation of Line 18 in Chapter AlMa'idah in
the Qur'an.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: If you have to recommend someone as righteous
say "I think he is righteous and do not surpass Allah in claiming purity for anyone (= la yuzaki ala
Allah ahada)." Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, page 720.
Note: Allah Alone recommends as pure whoever He wills.
Words: Yuzakkouna = They claim, Anfusahum = Themselves, Yuzakki =
Attests to the purity, La Yuthlamouna = No injustice will be inflicted on them, Fateela =
Q: The Prophet Muhammad said: "Modesty all of it is good (= AlHaya' kuluhu khair)". What goodness came for the
Prophet Moses from modesty?
Note: The Prophet Moses had to flee from Egypt because he accidentally killed an Egyptian and feared the punishment of
A: And when he (Moses) reached the water of Midian (= Madyan)* he found there a group of men watering (their flocks)
and besides them two women keeping back (their flocks) - he said what is the matter with you (both) they said we do
not water (our flocks) until the shepherds go out (from here) and our father is an old man; So he watered (their flocks)
for them then he withdrew to the shade and said my God indeed I am (still) in dire need of whatever good You
have sent down to me; So one of
them reached him walking with much modesty** - she said for my father is calling you to repay you for what you
watered (our flocks) for us so when he reached him and told him the narrative he said do not fear - you are saved
from the transgressing people.
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 25, Surat AlQasas.
* In the Peninsuala of Sinai. Mentioned in the Qur'an as the city of the Prophet Shuaib (Prophet Shuaib is a descendant
of Arab ancestors).
** According to Shaikh
AbdulMohsin AlAlhmad in a cassette about modesty entitled "She is the killer (of unwanted infants born outside
wedlock)" mentioned that Allah said she was (walking with much modesty = tamshi ala estehya') and not (walking modestly
(tamshi bihayah'). As if she were riding on a camel, well covered in a compartment on it. Her reward from Allah was that Allah chose
for her as a husband whom Allah loved (the Prophet Moses).
Words: Warada = Reached, Ma' = Water, Ummah = Group, Yasqoun = Watering, Min Dounihim =
Besides them, Emr'atayn = Two women, Tathoudan = Keeping back (two), Khatbukuma = the matter with you,
Yusdir = Go out - Finish, Ria' = Shepherds, Shaikh Kabeer = An old man, Tawwalla = Withdrew, Thill =
Shade, Anzalta = Have sent down - Gave, Faqeer = In dire need, Ihdahuma = One of them, Tamshi = Walking,
Ala Estehya' = with much Modesy, Yadouka = Is calling you, Yajziyaka = To repay you, AlQasas = The narrative -
The story, Najawta = You are saved.
Q: Why should women's Islamic garments be loose and long to their feet?
A: And those who harm the men and women of faith, undeservedly, they will bear a false accusation and a clear sin - O Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) say to your wives, daughters and the women of the believers to make low (to the feet) their
loose garments (= Jalabeeb)** that is closer to be granted recognistion (of modesty) so not to be harmed and Allah is Most-Forgiving and Most-Merciful*.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlAhzab.
* Forgiving and Merciful to those faithful women before descending of this Islamic rule.
** That show modesty and do not reveal the details of the body. Remember modesty also invloves not being insolent, loud or
sharp tongued for example.
Words: Qul = Say, Azwaj = Wives, Banat = Daughters, Nisa' = Women, Yudneena =
Make low - Lower, Adna = closer to, Yu'rafna = To be granted recognition, La = Not, Yu'theena = Be harmed - Be molested.
Q: Can hoping for an envisioned Utopia (ideal place) by doing widespread harm bring about the support of Allah and
Note: Chris Hedges, a graduate from seminary at Harvard Divinity School, in his book (I Don't Believe in Atheists) contends that the new atheists (like religious fundamentalists) through the use of science and machinery after 9/11 approved
the imposing of collective punishment because of collective humiliation to attain salvation in the form of Utopia.
A: Not with your (Muslims') hopes nor with the hopes of the People of the
Book (Jews and Christians) (you get salvation)! Whoever commits bad deeds will be repaid* for it and he will not find other than Allah any Protector
or Supporter; And anyone male or female does good deeds while being a believer so those will
enter the Garden (of Paradise) and no injustice even like a tiny spot on a date pit (=naqeer) will be done to them.
Translation of: Ayat 123 - 124, Surat AlNisa'.
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad to his best friend Abu Bakr: May Allah forgive you, Abu Bakr. Do you
not become sick, tired, sad or miserable. Abu Bakr said: Yes. The Prophet said: That is from what you are "repaid for".
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, pages 784, 787. (This repayment is for the believers. Also remember that Allah
grants forgiveness to whom He wills. For the disbelievers their evil work is collected to the Day of Judgement. And Allah knows best.)
Words: Ya'mal = Does, Sou'an = Bad deeds - Evil work, Yujza Bihi = Will be repaid for it, La Yajid = Does
not find, Salihat = Good deeds, Thakar = Male, Unstha = Female,
Yadkholoun = They enter, La Yuthlamoun Naqeera = No injustice even like a tiny spot on the date pit will be done
to them - Not the least little bit injustice will be done to them.
Q: Why is it imperative in Islam for witnesses to come forward and say what they know?
A: O people who believed stand up for justice equitably (fairly) as witnesses to Allah* even if it is against
yourselves, (your) parents and the close relatives - and if he (plaintiff or defendant) is rich or poor** for Allah
is more Appropriate for them (than the witness) so do not follow the desire (of your heart) in order to be just (fair) and
if you swerve (in testimony) or avoid (it) so Allah is with what you (all) do Well-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayah 135, Surat AlNisa'. (4:135)
* You say what you exactly know bearing all the risks for Allah's sake only.
** Do not change your testimony because of fear or compassion for anyone in the case for Allah can deal with them
better than you.
Words: Qawwammeen BilQist = Stand up for justice equitably - Be keepers of justice, Shuhada'
= As witnesses, Anfusikum = Yourselves, Walidayn = Parents, Aqrabeen = Close relatives, Ghaney =
Rich, Faqeer = Poor, Awla = More Appropriate - Worthier, Tataba'ou = Follow, AlHawa =
The desire - Inclination, An Ta'dilou = In order that to be just - fair, Talou = Swerve - Distort, Tu'ridou = You
avoid - object to, Khabeera = Well-Acquainted - All-Expert.
Q: When passing judgement why should one stand up for Allah?
Hint: Allah's Name is "The Just = AlAdl" and the Seven Heavens and the earth are established on Justice.
A: O people who have Faith stand up for Allah as witnesses of justice and do not let the
hatred of a community make you commit the sin of injustice - be just for it is best for piety and
protect yourselves by fearing Allah for Allah is with what you do Well-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlMa'idah.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad mentioned in a saying "the just leader" as the first category whom
Allah will let them be in His shade on the Day (of Judgement) when there is no shade but Allah's.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The just persons will be on
podiums of light - those who make justice in their judgement, their families and in what responsibility they are
given. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 222.
Note: In a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Maybe someone of you is
skillful in
composing (unjustly) his speech (= Lahn AlQawl) so I give the disputable portion of land (unjustly) to him. In
fact I am then giving him a portion of HellFire (= aQtate' lahu qita'ah min AlNar).
Words: Qawwammeen LilAllah = Stand up for justice, Yajrimannakum =
Make you commit the sin, Shanaan = Hatred, E'dilou = Make justice, Taqwa =
Piety - Righteousness - Fearing Allah.
Q: How do we know that any advocay for lust or adultry is not from Allah?
A: And do not approach (any form of) adultry for it is obscene and what an
evil way (practice) it is.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlIsra' (Known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Taqrabou AlZina = Approach adultry - Attempt adultry, Fahishah =
Obscenity - Obscene deed - Repulsive sin, Sa'a Sabeela = What an evil way it is.
Q: Who defends those who command justice in life?
A: For those who disbelieve in the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Verses) of Allah and kill the
prophets* without any right and
they kill from people those who command justice** so (command to Prophet Muhammad)
give them ahead the news of a severe punishment (from Allah); Those are whose deeds have failed in life*** as well
as the Other Life and for them will be no supporters.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 22, Surat AlImran. (3:21-22)
* Allah sent a huge number of
prophets to the People of Israel. Many were killed. Among the killed were Allah's Prophet John the Baptist
(= Yahya) and his father
the righteous man Zakariya.
** Command the good sayings and actions (ma'rouf) and forbid the bad sayings and deeds (munkar).
*** Will receive punishment from Allah in this life and the Other Life.
Words: Yaqtoloun = They kill, Ghayr Haq = Without any right, Ya'moroun BilQist
= They command justice, Bashshirhum = Give them ahead the news, A'maluhum = Their deeds, Habitat
= Have failed, Nasireen = Supporters.
Q: What equals all the temporary enjoyment of this life?
A: Presented in a favourable light to people is the love of desires for women, sons, piled-up vaults
of gold and silver, horses with fine markings, livestock and arable land - such are the temporary enjoyment of
this life and Allah has the perfect returning place.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlImran.
Words: Zuyyenna = Presented in a favourable light, Hub AlShahawat = The Love of desires, AlNisa' = Women, Baneen = Sons, AlQanateer AlMuqantarah = The piled-up vaults - The
piled-up wealth, Thahab = Gold, Fidhah = Silver, Khayl = Horses, Musawwamah = With fine marks, An'am =
Livestock - Cattle, Harsth = Arable land - Land that is fit for growing crops, Mata' = Temporary enjoyment,
Husn AlMa'ab = The perfect returning place - The charming returning place.
Q: What are the major components of Allah's Reward that is better than this life and all of its temporary
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) shall I inform you about what is better than all of that (all
temporary enjoyment of life) - for those who protected themselves by fearing Allah (= Lilatheena Ettaqou) with their God
are Gardens (of Paradise) underneath which the rivers flow - remaining for eternity in them and
purified spouses* and satisfaction of Allah** and Allah is All-Watchful of His
servants (all people).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlImran.
* Free of women's ailments and menstruation. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 495.
** Satisfaction of Allah.
Words: AUnabe'kum = Shall I tell you, Jajri = Flow, Khalideen = Remaining for
eternity, Azwaj = Spouses, Mutahharrah = Purified, Ridhwan = Satisfaction, Ibad = Servants -
Q: The miscarried fetus will argue angrily with his God if his parents were admitted to Hell, the Prophet
Muhammad narrated**. How does Allah defend children?
A: And do not kill your children for fear of being reduced to poverty* (= imlaq) for We (Allah) provide sustenance for them
and you - indeed the killing of them is a grave sin.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlIsra' (Known also as Surat Beni Israel).
* All other fearful feelings can lead to the fear of abject poverty.
** In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an) said by the Prophet Muhammad and
then narrated by Ali Bin Abi Taleb may Allah be pleased with him: The miscarried fetus (AlSiqt) will
argue angrily (= yuraghim) with his God when his parents are admitted to Hell. So it will be said to the miscarried
fetus (miscarriage through Allah's will): You fetus who argues angrily go and admit your parents into Paradise. So he will pull them by
his umbilical cord (= sirar/surar) until he admits them to Paradise. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, pages
176 - 177.
Note: Remember the parents of the daughter who is killed will be questioned.
Words: La = Do not, Taqtolou = Kill (plural), Awladakum = Your children (plural),
Khashyata = For fear of, Imlaq = Being reduced to poverty - Impoverishment, Destitution, Khitan =
Sin, Kabeera = Grave - Great.
Q: Did Allah say that the believers are like brothers?
Hint: Why do the believers in Allah feel the pain inflicted on some other believers?
A: For the believers indeed are brothers so (always) make peace between your (both side)
brothers and protect yourselves by fearing Allah so that you may receive Mercy (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlHujurat.
Words: AlMo'minoun = The believers, Ikhwah = Brothers, FaAslihou
= So make peace - So mend the relationship, La'alakum Turhamoun = You may
receive Mercy.
Q: Why should we all care about the property of the orphans?
Note: Remember an orphan in Islam is who lost his father and did not reach adulthood.
A: For those who consume the property of orphans unjustly indeed they are eating up in their bellies
fire (in this Life) and they will burn in Blazing Fire (Hell).
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Ya'koloun = Consume - Eat up, Amwal = Property - Wealth, Dhulman =
Unjustly - Without due right, Botounihim = Their bellies, SaYaslawna = They will burn,
Sa'eera = Blazing Fire.
Q: At what minimum age can orphans be entitled to their wealth?
A: And do not gain access to the orphan's property except for what is better
(for him) until he reaches the peak of his strength (adulthood) and give
adequate measure and weight equitably (with justice in scales) - We (Allah) do not burden a soul other than its
capability and if you speak then speak justly even if he is a relative and do fulfill the Covenant*
of Allah - this is what He commands you to do so that you may be reminded (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 152, Surat AlAn'am.
* Covenant of Allah.
Words: La Taqrabou = Do not gain access - Do not approach, Billati hiya ahsen = For
what is better, Yablugh Ashudah = reaches the peak of his strength - attains full maturity, Awfou AlKayl
WelMeezan BilQist = Give adequate measure and weight equitably - with justice (in scales), La Nukallif Nafsan = We do not burden
a soul, Illa Wus'aha = Other than its capability, Tha Qurba = Relative, A'hd = Covenant, Wassakum =
He commands you - He directs you, La'allkum Tathakaroun = You may be reminded.
Q: Can a legal guardian (= kaafil) of an orphan mix his own wealth with the orphan's wealth?
A: (You may contemplate)* in this Life and the Other Life - and they ask you (Prophet
Muhammad) concerning orphans (their wealth)** say what is good (with their wealth) for them
is better and if you mix (your wealth) with them then they are your brothers and Allah knows the
corrupter from the one doing good and if Allah willed He would have commanded you into hardship for
Allah is AlMighty, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 220, Surat AlBaqarah.
* From line 10 in Surat AlNisa' that precedes the line translated here.
** When the Qur'anic Line 10 in Surat AlNisa' was revealed Muslims started to separate the
food of the orphans from their own. It became hard on them. So this line was
revealed to clarify the matters. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 369.
Words: Islaah = What is good, Khair = Better, Tukhalitouhum = You mix
with them, Ikhwanukum = Your brothers, AlMufsid = The corrupter, AlMuslih = The one doing
good, LaA'natakum = He would have commanded you into hardship.
Q: How should the orphan's legal guardian (= kaafil) handle the orphan's wealth?
A: And put the orphans to the test* until they reach the marriageable age (adulthood = AlNikah) so if you sensed
from them sound judgement then hand over their property to them - and do not consume it wastefully and
hastily (lest) they grow up - and who is well off then let him abstain and who is poor then let him
consume in fairness and when you hand over their property to them then call witnesses in and
Sufficient is Allah for taking full accounts.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlNisa'.
* To see their readiness to take control of their wealth.
Note: In a summary of two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad: I and the
legal guardian (his relative or any foreign person) in Paradise will be like this and the Prophet parted between his index finger and
middle finger.Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in Arabic, page 103.
Words: Ebtalou = Put to the test, Alyatama = The orphans, AlNikaah =
The marriageable age, Rushdan = Sound judgement, Edfa'ou = Hand over, Israfan = Wastefully, Bidaran = Hastily,
Yakbarou = They grow up, Ghaniyan = Well off, Felyasta'fif = Then let him
abstain, Faqeeran = Poor, BilMa'rouf = In fairness, Eshhadou = Call in witnesses.
Q: Can poor people envy the well-off people?
Note: Envy in Islam means to wish ridding the other person from what favour he has and getting it
A: And do not envy what Allah favoured with some of you over others - for men
a share from what they earned and for women a share from what they earned - and do ask
Allah for His Favour for Allah of everything is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Tatamanou = Wish for ridding the favour and getting it - Envy,
Fadhalla = Favoured over, Naseeb = Share - Portion, Wasalou = And do ask.
Q: As a bystander what are your responsibilities?
A: (Prophet Shuaib says) And do not be present on every pathway threatening and preventing from the (Straight) Path of Allah
whoever has believed in Him and you want it (Allah's Straight Path) to be crooked - and do remember
how you were little and He (Allah) made you increase - and see what the ending was of those (generations) who were causing
corruption (on earth).
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat AlA'raf.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Do not sit in the
pathways. They said: But they are our conversation places. The Prophet said: If you insist then
give the pathway its right. They said: What is the right of the pathway. He said: Pretending not
to see (Keeping the eyes down = Ghadh AlBasar), Avoiding doing harm, Preventing the harm (Kaf AlAtha), returning
the salutation, commanding the good and forbidding the bad. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min
Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen. page 79. In Arabic.
Words: Taqadou = Be present - Sit, Sirat = Pathway - Road, Tuwidoun =
You threaten, Tasodoun = You prevent, Tabghounaha = You want it, Iwajan = Crooked,
Qaleelan = Little - Few, FaKastharakum = And He made you increase, Aqibat = Ending,
AlMufsideen = Those who were causing corruption - Those who were doing mischief.
Q: Does running after wealth guarantees that one will get it?
A: For your God provides plenty of sustenance to whom He pleases and He restricts for He is of
His servants (all people) Well-Acquinted, All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlIsra' (Known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Yabsut = Provides plenty - Gives plenty, AlRizq = Sustenance - Food - Wealth,
Yaqdir = Restricts.
Q: Why should not especially the media take stand with some people against some other when a case of
security or insecurity is being investigated?
Hint: Reference is the G20 aftermath.
A: And when news of security or fear had reached them they spread
it about but if they referred it
to the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad)* and to those charged with authority among them those who investigate it
among them would have certainly come to know it and was it not for Allah's Favour upon you and His Mercy you
would have certainly followed Satan (Devil)** except some (of you).
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat AlNisa'.
** Doing injustice.
Words: Ja'ahum = Had reached them, Amr = News - Matter, Amn = Security -
Safety - Peace, Khawf =Fear - Panic - Insecurity, Atha'ou Bihi = Spread it about, Raddouhu = They referred it, LaAlimahu =
Would have come to know it, Yastanbitounahu = Who investigate it - Who try to discover it,
LaTaba'tum = You would have followed.
Q: Why is showing "true patience"* a part of perfecting one's Faith in Allah?
A: And be patient for Allah does not leave to waste the
reward of those who perfect** their Faith (in Allah).
* Patiently submitting to Allah's Fate such as at the time of death.
Translation of: Ayah 115, Surat Hood.
** Perfection of Faith.
Words: Esber = Be patient, La Yudhee' = Does not leave to waste,
Ajr = Reward, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their Faith.
Q: What element of personal character does Allah give whom He is satisfied with?
A: He (Allah) gives wisdom to anyone He wills and who is given wisdom* then
he is given much good (from Allah) and no one bears in mind (this favour) except men of understanding.
Translation of: Ayah 269, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: What comes with wisdom?
Words: Yu'ti = He gives, AlHikmah = Wisdom, Khairan Kastheeran =
Much good, Yaththakkar = Bears in mind - Remembers.
Q: How are Muslims commanded to invite others to Islam?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Invite to the Path of Allah with wisdom* (accurate knowledge) as well
as good preaching and debate with them in the best possible way for your God knows best who has strayed away from His Path and he
knows best who are the guided ones.
Translation of: Ayah 125 , Surat AlNahl.
* Among the definitions of wisdom in Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary: The ability to discern inner qualities
and relationships.
* Example of on whom Allah bestowed wisdom.
Words: Udu = Invite - Call, BilHikmah = With wisdom, AlMawidhah =
Preaching - Moral lessons, Jadilhum = Debate - Discuss, Bilati Hia Ahsan = In the best
possible way, A'lam = Knows best, Dhalla = Strayed away, A'lamu BilMuhtadeen = Knows
best who are the guided ones.
Q: Can believers in Allah consider themselves sublime and above other humans by birth right for example like Pharaoh and
his assembly?
A: But not many believed with Moses except some descendants of his (Moses') people for fear of Pharaoh (Phioun)
and their assembly would persecute them and Pharaoh is certainly making himself sublime (high) on earth and
he is certainly from those who transgress beyond (Allah's) limits.
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat Yunus.
Note: One's deeds are what count with Allah. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Amana = Believed, Thuriyyah = Some descendants, Qamihi = His
people, Ala Khawf = For fear, An Yaftinahum = Would persecute them, LaAalin = certinaly making himself sublime, Musrifeen =
Who transgress beyond (Allah's) limits.
Q: Why Muslims are not allowed to defend those who make deals-under-the-table that betray the rest of
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not argue for those who betray their own selves for
Allah does not like who is unreliable, sinful; They try to hide from people and they cannot hide
from Allah and He is with them when they plot by night what He (Allah) does not like of words and Allah
of what they do is Fully Aware.
Translation of: Ayat 107 - 108, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Tujadil = Argue, Yakhtanouna = They betray, Anfusahum =
Their own selves, Khawwanna = Unreliable, Astheema = Sinful, Yastakhfouna = They
hide, Yubayetouna = Plot by night, Ma La Yardha = What he does not please, Min AlQawl =
From words, Muheeta = Fully Aware.
Q: What is the argument against those who defend persons with deals-under-the-table?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayat 107-108 in Surat AlNisa'.
A: Here you are, those ones you argued for them in this Life so who will argue for them with
Allah on the Day of Judgement or who is going to be their protector (from Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 109, Surat AlNisa'. (4:109)
Words: Haoula' Those ones - These ones, Jadaltum = You argued, Wakeela =
Q: Why should the believers in Allah not be overcome with sadness when something goes wrong?
A: And do not be discouraged and do not grieve and you are the superior (over disbelievers) if you are believers*; If a wound is inflicted
upon you then (remember) a similar wound was inflicted on the (opponent) people -
and such days We exchange them among people so that
Allah marks the believers and takes from you witnesses (= Shuhada') and Allah does not like the transgressors (unjust
to Allah's Attributes).
Translation of: Ayat 139 - 140, Surat AlImran. (3:139-140)
* = Mou'mineen from Iman (Faith). (in Surat AlHujurat)
Believers are needed as witnesses. (in Surat
Words: Tahinou = Do not be discouraged - Do not become psychologically weak, Tahzanou = Do not
become sad, AlA'loun = The superior,, Yamsaskum = Is inflicted upon you, Qarh = Wound - Pain because of
an injury, LiYa'lama = So that He marks, Yattakhith = Takes, Shuhada' = Witnesses, La Yuhib = Does not like.
Q: When a child goes missing why shouldn't the investigation about him stop?
A: (Prophet Jacob says) O my sons go and investigate about Joseph (Prophet Yusuf)* and his brother
(Benjamin 'Benyamin') and do not despair of Allah's Soothing Relief for no one despairs of Allah's Soothing Relief except the
disbelieving people.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat Yusuf. (12:87)
* Prophet Joseph went missing when he was a child.
Words: Ethhabou = Go, Fatahassasou = Investigate - Inquire, La Tayasou =
Do not despair, Rawh = Soothing Relief - Soothing Mercy.
Q: Why is legalizing the sex profession similar to legalizing stealing and killing one's own children?
A: O Prophet (Muhammad) if believing (in Allah) women came to you vowing pledge of allegiance
that they will not join any partner with Allah neither will they steal or commit
adultry* neither will they kill their children** neither will they bring about a false accusation***
that they make it up in front of themselves (knowingly) neither will they disobey you in good sayings and actions
so do accept their pledge and ask Allah for forgiveness for them for Allah is Most-Forgiving,
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlMumtahanah.
* Any advocacy for adultry is forbidden by Allah.
** Such as abortion (for unacceptable reasons such as
poverty) of a fetus after soul is injected in him, Source: "Safwat AlBayan" by Hassanain Muhammad
Makhlouf, ex-Mufti (Islamic Scholar) of Egypt:(page 719).
*** Such as attributing a baby from infedility to their own lawful husbands.
Words: Yabay'naka = Vowing pledge of allegiance, La Yushrikna = They will not join any
partner, La Yusriqna = Neither will they steal, La Yazneena = They will not commit adultery, Bibuhtan
Yaftareenahu = Neither will they bring about a false accusation, La Ya'seenaka = Neither will they
disobey you, Ma'rouf = Good sayings or actions.
Q: Before examining the righteous deeds especially of a religious leader what should first be examined?
A: So whoever does of the good deeds while being a believer* then there is no
ingratitude (rejection by Allah) for his (good) work and We certainly are writing it down**.
Translation of: Ayah 94, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* His Faith in Allah.
** By the angels made responsible for writing the deeds.
Note: The basis of every work is believing in Allah because a righteous
man should be a grateful man. And the beginning is to be grateful and thankful to the Creator.
Otherwise Allah does not accept his righteous work.
Words: FaMen = So whoever, Ya'mal = Does, Kufrana = Ingratitude - Rejection,
LiSa'yihi = For his work, Lahu Katiboun = Writing it down.
Q: What is an example of those who will not attain Salvation (from Allah's punishment and destruction) on the Day of
A: Certainly do not assume that those who become arrogantly glad about what they have accomplished and
they love to be praised for what they have not* done so do not certainly assume that they are going to
attain Salvation** (biMAFAZATihim) from the punishment (of Allah) and for them is a severe punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 188, Surat AlImran.
* They are worldly wise. They can make the gullible ones sympathize and praise them.
** An example of those who will attain Salvation.
Words: La Tahsabanna = Certainly do not assume, Yafrahoun = They
become arrogantly glad, Yuhiboun = They love,
Yuhmadou = To be praised, BiMafazah = Salvation, AlAthab = The punishment,
Q:Why should kings and leaders of people fear Allah?
A: And their prophet (Samuel)* said to them (People of Israel)** for Allah has sent
you Talut (King Saul in the Bible) as a king they said how can he have the kingdom over us
and we have more right*** to the kingdom than him and he has not been gifted with abundance of
wealth he (Prophet Samuel) said for Allah chose him over you and He augmented
him with abundance in Knowledge and stature (physique - bodily makeup) and Allah grants His
Authority**** to whomever
He wills and Allah is Resourceful All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 247, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:247)
Note: The translation of the succeeding Line 248 in the Qur'an.
* Prophet Samuel's name is not mentioned in the Qur'an but his
story is.
** A Generation that came after the generation of Judges who ruled People of Israel (long after
the Prophet Moses and Aaron).
*** Ruling people were the descendants of Judah (= Yahoutha) the tribe leader
no. 4 from Prophet Jacob (no 10 on the Map)'s sons. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer volume 2 page 427. King Saul was from
Benjamin (a small tribe no. 12 from the Prophet Jacob's sons. Source: The Holy Qur'an English
translation based on Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation, page 109.
**** Remember Line 40 in Chapter Maryam in the Qur'an is translated: "For We (Allah)
inherit (= naristh "in the present tense") the earth and whoever is on it and to Us they will (all)
Therefore kings and leaders of people must fear Allah for they represent authority that belongs to Allah.
Words: Ba'astha = Has sent, Malika = As a king, AlMulk = The Kingdom -
The Authority, Nahnu Ahaq = We have more right, Sa'atan = Abundance, AlMal = Wealth,
Estafahu = Chose him, Zadahu = Augmented him, Bastah = Abundance, AlIlm = Knowledge,
AlJism = Stature - Body, Yu'ti = Grants.
Q: Should Muslims take as friends other Muslims, Jews or Christians who have disobeyed Allah
and deserved Allah's wrath on them?
A: O people who have Faith (in Allah) do not take as friends a people upon whom
Allah had become angry (= ghadhiba) - they despaired* of the Other Life as the disbelievers
despaired** of those in graves (the dead).
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlMumtahanah.
* The hypocrites among Muslims and the People of the Book. They continue to disobey Allah for the riches and good things of this Life as if the Other World is
not going to happen.
** They do not believe in resurrection of the dead people on the Day of Judgement.
Note: Faithful Muslims do not want to
be with those who anger Allah so that their fate does not
become like the others.
Words: La Tatawalao = Do not befriend - Do not take as allies, Ghadhiba =
Has become angry, Ya'isou = They despaired, Ashab AlQubour = Those in graves.
Q: Why are Muslims encouraged to make just (fair) intercession for one another for the sake of Allah?
A: Whoever intercedes with a good (just) intercession* (cause) he will have a fortune of it (with Allah) and
whoever intercedes with a bad (unjust) intercession he will have a share of its responsibility and Allah
is All-Watchful of everything at the time of its happening (= Muqeeta).
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlNisa'.
* that pleases Allah.
Words: Yashfe' = Intercedes - Mediates, Hasanah = Good - Good deed (that
pleases Allah), Naseeb = Fortune, Kiflun Minha = A Share of its responsibility, Muqeeta = All-Watchful of
everything at the time of its happening.
Q: What is an example of those whom Allah calls men of truth?
A: (A share of the grant distributed by the Prophet) For the poor emigrants who were forced out of their houses
and their wealth - they seek favour from Allah and satisfaction and they support Allah and
His Prophet - they are the men of truth.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlHashr.
Note: People who seek and follow the Truth from Allah will be
interrogated by Allah on the Day of Judgement.
Words: LilFuqarah' = For the poor, AlMuhajireen = The emigrants, Ukhrijou
= They were forced out, Diyarihim = Their houses, Amwalihim = Their wealth,
Yaftaghoun = They seek, Fadhlan = Favour, Ridhwana = Satisfaction, Yansoroun =
They support, AlSadiqoun = Men of truth - People who seek the Truth and follow it.
Q: Why should those who are spreading and gaining power in their living against Allah be
stopped by the capable among us?
Note: A Warning from Allah.
A: And protect yourselves against an ordeal trial (= fitnah)* that will certainly not be inflicted specially (only) on those who transgressed (against Allah) from you** and let
it be known to you that Allah is Severe in the Punishment***.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlAnfal.
* A painful trial (painful punishment). The ordeal trial mentioned in this line is
different from the common ordeal trial that tests people as to their Faith and patience.
** All the community living there will be affected.
*** Allah punishes 1. in Life, 2. during death, 3. in the
Other Life.
Words: Etaqou = Protect yourselves, Fitnah = Ordeal trial - Distress trial -
Prosecution - Painful punishment, La Tuseebanna = that will certainly not
be inflicted, Khassah = Specially - Only, Dhalamou = Transgressed - Did injustice (against Allah), Shadeed =
Q: Why did an Islamic country accept on its land a Muslim who is a real refugee seeking asylum?
Hint: Reference to the acceptance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of the ousted Tunisian president
who is a Muslim.
A: And if any of the polytheists* (disbelievers) sought your (the Prophet Muhammad) protection** then
grant it to him until he hears the Word of Allah then escort him to his secure place - that is
because they are people who do not know***.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlTawbah. (9:6)
* Reemember people of Pre-Islamic Arabia were disbelievers who knew about Allah (from their ancestors back to "Prophet Ishmael) but
joined idols with Him.
Even from those disbelievers who fight you if they come with a message or for trade or agreement or any other reason and asked for security the
leader should grant him safety for at least four months until he reaches his place.
** After the 4 months exempted from fighting. (Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat AlTawbah).
*** Islam is a great Religion for this life and the Other Life.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad gave security to many from the enemy who came to him
for guidance or as messengers. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad an Arab called
"Musailamah AlKaththab" claimed to be a prophet of Allah. When Musailamah's
messenger came to the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet asked him: Do you witness that
Musailamah is a messenger of Allah. Musailamah's messenger said: Yes. The Prophet
Muhammad answered: Only because the messengers are not to be killed, otherwise I would
have beheaded you. Later on when the companion "Ibn Masoud" became the Emir of
AlKoufah (in Iraq) he heard that the messenger is still witnessing that Musailamah is a prophet of Allah.
So Ibn Masoud called him and said: Now you are not a messenger (coming with a letter) and he ordered the
beheading of him. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 496.
Words: Ahad = Any, AlMushrikeen = The disbelievers - They polytheists,
Estajaraka = Sought your protection, Yasme' = He hears, Kalam Allah = The word of
Allah, Ablighhu = Escort him, Ma'manahu = His secure place, Qawm = People.
Q: When can a judge as a leader for example discern and know that the person in front of him is not telling
the truth?
A: Or did those who have sickness (hypocrisy) in their hearts think that Allah will not
make clear their secret hatred (towards believers); And if We (Allah) please we would have certainly made you
(Prophet Muhammad as a leader) know them so you would certainly have recognized them by
their expression and you will certainly recognize them by their craftily composed (incorrect) speech
(to win) and Allah knows your deeds.
Translation of: Ayat 29 - 30, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital).
Note: When fighting in the Path of Allah was first dictated on Muslims
some hypocrites made craftily composed excuses to the Prophet Muhammad.
Note: In today's life many lawyers know that their defendants are wrong or that
they do not deserve a hefty compensation yet mainly for financial gains they craftily twist the facts and
compose their incorrect arguments to support their clients' positions.
Also many doctors provide their clients with injury certificates based on their exaggerated craftily
composed physical and/or psychological complaints. A solution is to have a separate council of more than
one doctor looking into the complaint. (soon God's willing the Qur'anic line (verse) 282 in Chapter AlBaqarah in the
Qur'an will be translated: How two witnesses (not one) are required in financial deals).
Words: Am Hasiba = Did think, Quloubihim = Their hearts, Maradh =
Sickness, Adhghanahum = Their secret hatred - Their ill will, LaAraynakahum = We would
have certainly made you know them, BiSeemahum = By their expression - By their marks,
LaTa'rifannahum = You will certainly recognize them, Lahni AlQawl = The craftily
composed (incorrect) speech.
Q: When angry for personal reasons what should a Muslim do?
Note: Anger which usually leads to criminal actions is not a mental disease although
it is often covered up as one. It is a negative moral behaviour that is learnt just like lying and dishonesty.
A: And whatever things you are given then it is the temporary enjoyment of this Life and
whatever with Allah (Other Life) is better and everlasting for those who have
Faith and in their God they put their trust; And (for) those who avoid great sins* and (sexual) immoralities (example adultery) and when they are angry they forgive.
Translation of: Ayat 36 - 37, Surat AlShoura.
* = Kabaa'ir AlIsthm: Sins for which punishment is mentioned in the Qur'an such as adultery and theft.
Other examples of great sins: In a summary of different sayings of the Prophet
Muhammad about the great sins: To join partner(s) with Allah and to be unfaithful to one's own parents
(Uqouq AlWalidayn), magic, killing the soul that Allah made unlawful to kill except by due right, dealing with
usury, devouring the orphan's wealth, running away when the enemy advances, defaming the innocent faithful
females, to damn one's own parents (one insults the other's parents so he insults his parents). Source:
AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, pages 24 - 25.
Note: In a saying of A'ishah the wife of the
Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with her: The Prophet of Allah never hit anyone with his hand neither
a woman nor a servant except
to make Jihad (with his hands) in the Path of Allah. And nothing was taken from him and he
revenged for himself except when what Allah made unlawful was made lawful (= tuntahak Hurumat
Allah) then he revenged for Allah. Also in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The strong one is not
the one who becomes in
rage but the one who controls himself when angry. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, pages
217 - 218.
Also it is narrated (by trustworthy narrators) that Muslims with
Faith hated to be humiliated but when they became in control they used to forgive. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
Volume 4, Page 194.
Words: Uteetum = You are given, Min Shay' = Things, FaMata' =
The temporary enjoyment, Khair = Better, Abqa = Everlansting, Yatawakkaloun =
Put their trust in - Depend, Yajtaniboun = Avoid, AlFawahish = Sexaul immoralities - Obscenities -
Replusive sins, Ghadibou = They are angry, Yaghfiroun = They forgive.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to rebel against their leaders?
Note: Does the leader ask you to disobey Allah?! In a summary of
a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: There is no obedience for a created
person (if he asks you) in disobeying Allah (= La Ta'ah limakhlouq fi ma'siyat Allah).
A: O people who have Faith obey Allah and obey the Prophet (Muhammad) and
those charged with authority among you and if you dispute about anything then refer it
to Allah (Qur'an) and the Prophet (his sayings and actions) if you were believing in
Allah and the Last Day - this (command) is better (solution) and with with a better return.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad narrated by Abi Hurairah: You
(plural) will be keen on getting
to govern and it will be a regret on the Day of Judgement (= Inakum Satahrissouna ala AlImarah wasaTakoun
nadamah yawm AlQiyamah). Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 225.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad to his companion Abi Thur when Abu Thur asked: O Prophet of Allah will you
not make me in charge (of people)? So the Prophet (cordially) placed his hand on his shoulder and said: O Aba
Thur: You are a weak (physically and mentally = dha'eef) person and it (being in charge) is a trust-keeping. And on
the Day of Judgement it is disgrace and regret (Khizy wa Nadamah), except who gave it its due right and did what he had
to do in it. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 225.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad narrated by his wife A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her):
If Allah wills good for the president He makes a truth-seeking minister with him. If he forgets he will remind him and
if he remembers he helps him. And if He (Allah) wills other than that for him He makes an evil-seeking minister with
him. If he forgets he does not remind him. And if he remembers he does not help him. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam
Sayed AlMursaleen, page 226.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Beni Israrel had the messengers (of Allah) governing them. Whenever a
messenger was dead another one succeeded him. And there is no messenger after me (Prophet Muhammad). And after me
there will be a lot of successors (as leaders = khulafa') and THEY WILL INCREASE (= FaYaksthoroun) (many governments). They
said: O Prophet
of Allah then what do you command us to do? He said: Be faithful to the reign of the first one then the one who is
made the first (AlAwwal falAwwal), and give them their due right. And ask Allah for what (rights) you are entitled for
because Allah is going to ask them (leaders) about what they were made in charge of. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 221
Also In a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever is in charge of any Muslims' affairs and he separates (hides =
yahtajib) himself against their
needs, friendship and poverty, Allah will separate Himself against his need, friendship and poverty on the Day of
Judgement. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 221.
Words: Ateeou = Obey, Uli AlAmr = Those charged with authority,
Minkum = Among you, Farudouhu = Then refer it, Khair = Better, Ahsanu Ta'weela
= Eventually better in return.
Q: In Life why preference should be given to good qualities over material gains?
Hint: Note how Allah mentions in the Qur'an the good quality before the material gain.
A: Allah had promised those who believed and did the righteous deeds - for them is
Forgiveness and a great reward.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlMa'idah.
Words: W'ada = Had promised, Amilou = Did, AlSalihat = The righteous deeds -
The good deeds, Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Ajr = Reward, Adheem = Great.
Q: What good qualities if combined can summarize all ethics?
A: Accept pardoning (over revenge) and command the kind acts and turn away from the ignorant (lacking religious knowledge)
Translation of: Ayah 199, Surat AlA'raf.
Note: According to Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti of
Egypt, this Line of the Qur'an is the most comprehensive line that combines the good
ethical qualities.
Note: In a summary of a known saying of the Prophet Muhammad when a companion asked him
about the best of good deeds (= ethics = Fawadhil AlA'mal) Keep relationship with who
cuts you off (especially relatives). Give who deprived you and leave alone who was unjust to you
(Sil men qat'ak. A'ti men haramak wa'ridh amman dhalamak. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2,
page 408.
Note: Remember a Muslim should always be strong and forgive when he is capable of revenging.
Words: Khuth AlAfou = Accept pardoning - Do pardon - Do excuse, U'umur Bilurf = Command the
kind acts - Command the good social practice, A'ridh = Turn away, AlJahileen = The
ignorant - The foolish - Those who do not understand.
Q: Do Muslims make justice to the word ("martyr = shaheed) when they call everyone
who is killed unjustly a "martyr'?
A: And if you (plural) are killed in the Path (Cause) of Allah or you die then Forgiveness from
Allah and Mercy is better than what (wealth) they accumulate.
Translation of: Ayah 157, Surat AlImran. (3:157)
Note: The Prophet Muhammad clearly defined who is a martyr in
Note: Better for Muslims nowadays to leave the decision if a person is a martyr or not
to Allah. For all deeds in Islam are based on intention and Allah Alone knows the real intention
of the person at the time of the death or killing.
Words: Qutiltum = Are killed, Mutum = You die (plural), LaMaghfirah =
Then Forgiveness, Rahmah = Mercy, Yajma'oun = They accumulate - The pile up - They amass.
Q: During the Arab protests nowadays, when a Muslim party calls for peace should not the
opponents listen and stop the fight?
A: O people who have Faith enter into peace (= AlSilm*) all of you and do not follow the steps of
Satan for he is to you (all) a well-developed (clear) enemy.
Translation of: Ayah 208, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:208)
* AlSilm and AlSalm means peace. The Religion of Islam is based on peace - peace based on justice and submission to the Commands of Allah.
Note: Reference is to the promise of
Gadhafi's son of historic reforms in Libya if protests stop.
Note: How can protests and government's
violent action stop nowadays?
Words: Udkholou = Enter, AlSilm = Peace - Religion of Islam, Kaffah = All of you, Tatabe'ou
= Do not follow, Khutowat = Steps, Adou = Enemy.
Q: Why should Muslims keep their word of honour (promise) that they make in any pledge among themselves?
A: O people who believed do not betray Allah and the Prophet and (do
not) betray the trust among you while you know it; And let it be known to you
that indeed your wealth and your children are an ordeal test* (for you in Life) and Allah has a Great Reward.
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 28, Surat AlAnfal. (8:27-28)
* Wealth and strong children are people's power. Allah tests people through this power.
Words: La Takhounu = Do not betray, Amanatikum = The trust among you,
Awaldukm = Your children, Fitnah = Ordeal Test - A situation where a person's Faith is tested, Ajr = Reward, Adheem = Great.
Q: Do the young protesters nowadays against some governments realize that on the Day of Judgement
their disputes (and demands) will be repeated in front of Allah and their real intentions will be
Note: One aspect of the Qur'an being a miracle that it is for all people and all times.
A: (Allah says to Prophet Muhammad) Indeed you (Prophet Muhammad) are going to DIE (= MAYYET) and they
(disputing persons) are going to die - and on the Day of Judgement in front
your God you (disputing persons) are going to quarrel (dispute).
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 31, Surat AlZumar. (39:30-31)
Note: Reference Sheikh Yusuf Badat said on Thursday "EXCELLENCE OF RECITING SALAWAT" on Prophet Muhammad, session on last Thursday of March 2017 after Maghrib
Prayer, at Nugget Masjid. In a summary of a saying of Prophet Muhammad: Allah had appointed a special angel in the grave of Prophet Muhammad. The angel has special capability from
Allah to be able to hear all humans. Anyone conveys Peace and Prayer to Prophet Muhammad, the angel mentions his name and his parent's name to
Prophet Muhammad's soul. Prophet Muhammad's soul becomes aware of what Salam and Prayer was conveyed and Prophet Muhammad's soul replies. (The following is my opinion not Sheikh
Badat: This answers what some Muslims quarrel among themsleves: Is Prophet Muhammad alive or dead.
Note: People were referring their disputes to Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet was alive.
Note: When this Verse (Line) of the Qur'an came down, AlZubair Bin AlAwwam (a cousin and a
companion of the Prophet Muhammad) may Allah be pleased with him asked Prophet Muhammad: O Prophet of
Allah will enmity be repeated (on the Day of Judgement) for us? The Prophet Muhammad said: Yes. For sure it
will be repeated for you (people) with their specific sins until every one with a right has his
right (from his opponent). AlZubair said: The matter is then grave. (A Yukarrar Alayna Ma Kana Baynana Fi
AlDunya? Qala AlRasoul Salla Allah Alayhi WaSallam: Na'am. LeYukkrrarnna Alaykum Hatta Yuadda Ila Kuli Thi
Haqqin Haqqahu. Qala AlZubair: WaAllah, Inna AlAmr LaShadeed. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4,
pages 104 - 105.
Note: Remember in Islam you are encouraged to do any lawful work to earn your living. And work that brings
money is a sustenance (= rizq) from Allah. And a person gains
sustenance only if Allah has written it for him. So it is not an acquired right. And Allah knows Best.
Words: Innaka Mayyet = You are going to die, Innahum Mayyetoun = They are going to die, Inda
Allah = In front of Allah, Takhtasimoun = You are going to quarrel - You are going to dispute.
Q: Why should the quarreling Muslim parties make efforts and concessions to settle their
disagreements and unite as one Muslim group?
A: O People who believed answer Allah and the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) when he calls you to what
makes you alive (Yuhyeekum)* and let it be known to you that Allah interferes between man and his
heart** and indeed to Him you are going to be gathered (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlAnfal. (8:24)
* What will nourish your soul and make it alive. A human being is composed of three parts: Body nourished by food. Brain: Nourished by knowledge and Soul: Nourished by remembering Allah and recalling the
Qur'an to mind. (Source: Reminded in a Friday speech by a sheikh may Allah reward him).
* What provides you with what is good for you in life. Man does not know what is good for him so "he proposes but Allah disposes" (source: Tafseer AlQur'an
AlKareem by Abdullah Yusus Ali, page 475). The first Battle in Islam "Badr" resulted in two hatred
disputes although the outcome was good because Muslims listened to Allah and His Messenger: 1. Muslims
from Quraish hated to fight the disbelievers of Quraish. 2. The youth hated to share the spoils
gathered after the war with the elderly because the youth started the attack while the elderly were
behind them defending them. Source: Egypt's ex-Mufti "Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf's Tafseer (Explanation)
AlQuran AlKareem, page 234.
** If your heart hates to do what Allah commands, your love for Allah and His Prophet can interfere between you and
your heart.
One Command of Allah is to unite under the Umbrella of Islam. (refer to Surat AlImran)
Words: Estajeebou = Answer - Respond - Listen to, Da'akum = He calls you, Yuhyeekum = Makes you (plural) alive, E'lamou =
Let it be known, Yahoulu = Interferes - Separates - Comes between, Qalbihi = His heart, Tuhsharoun = Will
be gathered.
Q: What good work commanded by Allah, Muslims should race to do nowadays between the
protestors and their governments?
A: And do not make Allah a subject of your oaths (oath by Allah) against doing good and
fearing Allah and reconciling between people* and Allah is All-Listening, All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 224, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Who made an oath
(to do something) then he saw a better than it (what Allah commands) then breaking it (first oath) is
its remission (getting rid of a sin = Kaffarah). Or to make amends for his sin (first oath)
= Yukkafir) as narrated in other sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 1, page 382.
Words: Urdhah LiAymanikum = A subject of your oaths, An Tabarrou =
To do good, Tattaqou = Fear Allah - Protect yourselves by fearing Allah, Tuslihou
Reconcile - Make peace, Bayna AlNas = Between people - Among people.
Q: If a civil war among Muslims erupts in a Muslim country nowadays under WHAT LAW the war will be
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) judge among them with what Allah has
sent down and do not follow their desires - And beware of them lest they lure you away from some of what
Allah has sent down to you - So if they turned away then have knowledge that indeed Allah wants to punish
them for some of their sins and a lot of people have indeed strayed away (from Allah's Path); Do
they want the judgement of the DAYS of IGNORANCE (Pre-Islam = AlJahiliyah) and who is better
than Allah in judgement for the people who are convinced of their Faith.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlMa'idah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, narrated by the Ibn Abbas, the respected
cousin, scholar and companion of the Prophet Muhammad: The most hatred person to Allah is a person in Islam seeking the
way of PRE-ISLAMIC IGNORANCE, going after a person without any due right to expel his blood = Abghadh AlNas ila Allah
Azza waJal Mubtaghe fi AlIslam Sunat AlJahiliyah wa talib dam emre' bighayri haq liyureeq damahu. Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 100.
Note: Remember that the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad warned against
any two Muslims fighting.
Islam's Word "there is no god but Allah" prevents Muslims from
killing who uttered it.
Note: Race nowadays to receive Allah's Mercy by reconciling between the protesters
and their governments.
Words: Yaftin = Lure you away, Thonoub = Sins, AlJa'hiliya = The Days of Ignorance,
Yabghi = Wants,
Ahsen = Better, Yuqinoun = Are convinced of Faith.
Q: What type of democracy does Islam have?
A: Then with an act of Mercy from Allah you (Prophet Muhammad) became gentle with them and if you
were harsh (obstinate), hard-hearted (merciless) they would have dispersed from around you so do forgive
them and pray (Allah) for forgiveness for them and consult them and when
you have reached a decision then put your trust in Allah indeed Allah loves those who put their
trust (in Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 159, Surat AlImran. (3:159)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Certainly Allah
and His Prophet (Muhammad) can do without it (consultation) but Allah made it
as a mercy for my nation so whoever consults then he will not be
without Right Guidance and whoever leaves it (dictator) he will not be without Misguidance.
So the guided Caliphs after the Prophet Muhammad followed this way (= Sunnah) of the Prophet
Muhammad. They were consulting only the righteous and honest ones among the people of
knowledge and religion - those who have insight in matters, are
truthful and have courage to stand for the truth, can give sound advice and consult to reach the best
decision after considering opinions among them. Source: AlUstath
AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt
in Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an: Tafseer (explanation of) AlQuran AlKareem, page 100.
Note: Democracy exists in Islam with consultation and not rebellion as its backbone.
Democracy in Islam is based on "AlShoura" - consultation
among some chosen honest and well-informed persons.
Human-made democracy is based on general
elections where even the dishonest and the unaware can cast their votes to choose
representatives for the whole community.
Words: FaBima Rahmah = With an act of Mercy, Linta lahum = You became
gentle - You became kind - You yielded to them, Fadhan = Harsh - Obstinate,
Ghaleedh AlQalb = Hard-hearted, Merciless, Lanfadhou = They would have dispersed,
Fa'fu = Forgive, Esthaghfir = pray for forgiveness, Shawirhum = Consult them,
Fatawakkal = Then put your trust - Depend, Yuhib = Loves.
Q: Do you trust whoever freezes your money accounts because they do not like you?
A: And among the People of the Book* who if you entrust him with
a vault (of money) he will give it back to you and among them if you entrust him (even) with
a dinar (little money) he will not give it back to you unless you constantly keep asking for it - that
is because they said there is no harm on us if we do it with the illiterate (Arabs at the
Prophet's time) and they say upon Allah lies** while they know it. Rather whoever fulfils
his contract and protected himself by fearing (Allah) for indeed Allah loves those who protect themselves by
fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 75 - 76, Surat AlImran.
* Jews and Christians. In Islam freezing one's money account(s) is not allowed for
it breaches trust among people.
** When this line of the Qur'an came down, in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet
Muhammad said: The enemies of Allah told lies. Nothing was in the time of the Pre-Islamic Ignorance (=
AlJahiliyah) but
it is (in Islam) under my (the Prophet's) two feet (is extinct) except the deposit for safekeeping
. (=
AlAmannah) for it must be given back to the righteous and the corrupt. = Kathaba A'da' Allah. Ma min
shay's kana fi AlJahiliyyah illa wa howa tahta qadammaya hatayn illa AlAmanah fa innaha mu'adah ila
Albir wel fajir. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1. page 525 (The complete authenticated line of the
narrators of this saying of the Prophet Muhammad is cut (= munqate').
Words: Ta'manhu = You entrust him, Qintar = Vault - Quintal - 220 pounds,
Yu'adihi = He gives it back, Dinar = Arab currency, Dumta Alayhi Qaa'iman = You
constantly keep asking for it, AlUmmiyeen = The illeterate (Arabs at the time of
Prophet Muhammad), Laysa Alayna Sabeel = No harm for us - No way against us, AlKathib =
Lies, Awfa = Fulfilled, BiAhdihi = His contract - His word, Ettaqa
= Protected himslef by fearing (Allah), Yuhib = Loves.
Q: Why is it a must for Muslims to listen to the Qur'an and AlSunnah and stop their demands that
aim at twisting justice to be in their favour?
A: And they say we have Faith in Allah and His Prophet and we have obeyed then a group of
them turns away after that and those certainly are not believers; And when they are called to
Allah (Qur'an) and His Prophet to judge among them suddenly a group of them are objecting (= Mu'ridhoun); And if judgement is going to be in their favour they come to it listening in
obedience; Is there a sickness (hypocrisy) in their hearts or do they fear that Allah and His
Prophet are going to do injustice to them - rather those are the transgressors*.
Translation of: Ayat 47 - 50, Surat AlNoor.
* Who want to do injustice to those who have the right. Source: AlSheikh
Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt in "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an:
Tafseer (explanation of) AlQuran AlKareem,
page 456.
Note: Remember Line 108 in Surat AlBaqarah in the Qur'an is translated: O people who have
believed enter into peace (no war) all of you
and do not follow the steps of Satan for he is to you a well developed enemy.
Note: As mentioned in "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer" volume 3, page 440:
1. Ubaidah Bin AlSamit, a famous companion of the Prophet Muhammad and a leader of "the Ansar" told his
nephew: Shall I tell you what
is your right and what is your responsibility? He said: Yes. He said: You have to listen and obey
(your leaders) in your bad times (= usar) and in your good times (= yusr), in what you like and what
you hate. And you must make your tongue stand for justice. And do not fight the commands of
your leaders except if they order you to disobey Allah in public. So if you are ordered anything
against the Qur'an then follow the Qur'an.
2. The authenticated sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and his faithful successors in the necessity of
obedience to Allah's Book and the Way of the Prophet and his guided Caliphs and the leaders are many.
3. It is narrated that Umar Bin AlKahttab, the second Caliph in Islam
whom the Prophet Muhammad described as "the most
conservative (strict) in the Religion of Allah (= Ashaduhum fi Deen Allah), said: The basis of Islam is
the testimony "there is no god except Allah" and performing the prayer and giving the alms and
obedience to whoever Allah allowed him to govern Muslims.
Words: Atta'na = We have obeyed, Yatawalla = Turns away, Fareeq = A
group, Du'ou = They are called, Mu'ridhoun = Objecting - Resisting, AlHaqq = Judgement in their
favour, Muth'eneen = Listening in obedience, Maradh = Sickness, Yakhafoun = They
fear, Yaheef = Does injustice, AlDhalimoun = The transgressors - The unjust.
Q: Why only Muslim
judges who have mastered understanding the Qur'an and fear Allah should judge between two Muslim fighting groups?
A: For We (Allah) sent down to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Book (The Qur'an) so as to
judge among people with justice according to what Allah has shown you (in the Qur'an) and do not be for the
traitors* an advocate; And do ask Allah for forgiveness** for Allah is Most-Forgiving,
Translation of: Ayah 105 - 106, Surat AlNisa'.
* Who betray the trust of the Muslim community and deceive to fulfill their own interests.
Note: This specific line of the Qur'an came down when a Muslim (a hypocrite) called Tu'mah Bin
Ubairaq stole a (battle) shield and blamed it on a Jewish person. Then Tu'mah's folk went to the Prophet
Muhammad and wrongfully witnessed that the Jewish person is the thief and they asked the Prophet Muhammad to
defend Tu'mah. So the Prophet agreed but then the Qur'anic line came down. So the Prophet became ready to
punish Tu'mah (the traitor). He fled away and returned to disbelieving. Then he.died when a wall fell on
him while he was making a hole in it trying to steal from the people of the house. Source: AlSheikh
Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt in "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani
AlQur'an:in Arabic, page 129.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: I am a human being who judges among people with
my own opinion in matters that are not revealed to me. Also the Prophet said to the two
persons who came to him to judge in inherited wealth between them which had no
evidence: You are asking me to judge between you and I am only a human being. And maybe someone of
you is skillful in composing (unjustly) his speech (= Lahn AlQawl) and I judge according to
what I hear. So if I rule for him something which is the right of his brother so let him not
take it because I will be then ruling a portion of HellFire for him - on the Day of Judgement
he will come with it as a metal rod that stirs fire (= istam) in his neck. So the two men cried
and each one said what is my
right I am giving it to my brother. The Prophet said: Since you said it so go both of you and
divide it among you according to what you feel is the truth then make Allah a witness that you have
forgiven the other person (= liyuHallil kulun minkum Sahibahu). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume: 1,
pages 774 - 775.
Words: Anzalna = We sent down, BilHaq = With justice - With truth, LiTahkum =
So as to judge, Araka = He has shown you, LilKha'ineen = To the traitors - To the disloyal people,
Khaseema = Advocate - Opponent to the other party.
Q: If Muslim rebels do not want to listen to what Allah and the Prophet Muhammad said about
fighting their Muslim leaders and Muslim brothers, if given the chance to govern and become the country
leaders what do you expect of them when they are in charge?
Note: The translation in this posting is in accordance with the famous translation of Abudullah
Yusuf Ali's page 1566, and the ex-Mufti of Egypt "Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf's, page 647. (see the Site's Reference
A: So it is probably right with you (who do not obey what the Qur'an and the Prophet
Muhammad said about fighting) that if you become in charge (= tawallaytum) you are going to
do corruption in the land and cut the ties with your kinship; Those are whom Allah cursed*
so He made them deaf and made their insights blind**; So will they not contemplate on (= Yatdabbaroun) the Qur'an or
do some hearts have their locks (still closed on them).
Translation of: Ayah 22 - 24, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital).
* Put away from Allah's Mercy.
** They can not listen and understand what Allah and the Prophet Muhammad said. (Read the many postings that
are above this one to get a glimpse of what the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad said about
fighting Muslim leaders and Muslim brothers.
Note: Muslims have to accept the judgement of the Qur'an and AlSunnah even in matters they
do not like. Some Muslims at the time of the Prophet Muhamamd did not like the command of fighting in the
Cause of Allah "AlJihad" against their disbelieving kinship as is refereed to in
the two lines 20 - 21 in Surat
"Muhammad" that precede the lines translated in this posting.
Words: Asaytum = It is probably right with you, Tawalaytum = You became in charge -
You were given to govern, Tufsidou = You do corruption, Tuqattiou Arhamukhum = You cut (you
severe) your kinship ties, La'anahum = Cursed them, Asammahum = Made them deaf, A'ma = Made
blind, Absarahum = Their insights - Their Understanding, Yatadabbaroun = They contemplate - They reflect on - They study, Quloub
= Hearts, Aqfaluha = Their locks.
Q: Why the emphasis nowadays should be on reconciling between the two fighting groups of Muslims and not on who is
right or wrong between them?
A: Say our God the Originator of the Heavens and the earth, the All-Knowing (of the World) of the
Unseen and the Witness (Day of Judgement) - You are going to judge among Your servants in what they were
differing in.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlZumar.
Words: Allahumma = Our God, Fatir = The Originator, Aalim =
The All-Knowing, AlGhayb wel Shahadah = The Unseen and the Witness, Anta Tahkum = You are
going to judge, Ibadika = Your servants, Yakhtalifoun = Differing in.
Q: Why is Giving money freely and Guaranteed General Amnesty (Forgiveness) and not
revenge from the governing leaders needed to bring peace to all people in a fighting country?
Note: In Toronto Star of March 7, 2011 on the front page article "Gadhafi
strikes back": "--- if the revolution fails we will die anyway, Gadhafi will hunt us down."
A: And let those men among you who are endued with authority to do kindness
and are of ample wealth not refrain by uttering an oath from giving
relatives and the needy and those who emigrate* in the Cause of Allah and
let them forgive (by obliterating it) and pardon for do you not love that
Allah grants you Forgiveness and Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlNoor.
* They emigrate fleeing with their Religion of Islam mainly for fear of
reprisal (retaliation) from their enemies.
Words: Ya'tal = Refrain by means of uttering an oath,
Ulou AlFadhl WalSa'ah = Men who are endued with authority to do
kindness and are of ample wealth, Uli AlQurba = Relatives, AlMasakeen = The
needy, AlMuhajireen = Those who emigrate, LiYa'fou = Let them forgive,
WelYasfahou = Let them pardon, Tuhiboun = Love, Yaghfir = Grants
Q: Why do the majority of Muslims follow the way of the Prophet Muhammad?
A: And do know that among you (Arabs around the Prophet) is Allah's Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) - if he obeys you in a lot of
matters you would have fell in hardship (the Prophet was endowed with wisdom) but Allah made you love Faith (= Iman) and made it
look good in your hearts and He (Allah) made you hate disbelief (= Kufr) and sinfully straying away
(from Allah's Path) and disobedience* - such people
are the well guided (to Allah's Path = AlRashidoun); As a favour from Allah and a blessing (= Ni'mah) and Allah is
All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 8, Surat AlHujurat. (49:7-8)
* In a well known authenticated saying of the Prophet Muhammad: There is no
obedience to a created person in disobeying Allah (= La taa'ah liMakhlouq fi Ma'siyat Allah).
Words: E'lamou = Do know (plural), Yutee' = Obeys - Listens to, Amr = Matter, Anitum = Fell in hardship - Suffered, Habbaba =
Made you love, Iman = Faith, Zayyanahu = He made it look good, Quloub = Hearts, Karraha = Made you
hate, Kufr = Disbelief - Atheism, Fusouq = Immorality - Shamelessness, Esyan = Disobedience,
AlRashidoun = The well guided - The rightly guided, Fadhlan = As a favour, Ni'mah = Blessing - Grace.
Q: If Allah grants Forgiveness and
Mercy to whoever repents and does good after doing wrong in ignorance should not humans in charge
forgive too?
A: Then your God to those who did wrong (not Islamic deeds) in ignorace then they
repented after that and amended (with good deeds) indeed your God after it is certainly Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 119, Surat AlNahl. (16:119)
Note: Even a lot of educated adults are followers who do not think for themselves but they just
copy what they think others succeeded in. We call them "ignorant = Jahalah".
According to the authenticated sayings of Muslim ancestors (= AlSalaf)
: Whover disobeys Allah then he is ignorant.(= Kul men asa Allah fahwa jahil). Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, page 866.
Words: Sthumma = Then, Amalou AlSou' = Did wrong -
Did bad deeds, BiJahalah = In ignorance - Not knowing the consequences, Tabou = Repented,
Aslahou = Amended - Did good deeds.
Q: Who helped corruption to be widespread in some Muslim governments?
A: Those whom (all the society) if We (Allah) enabled them to settle (peacefully) in the land they performed the prayer
and they gave the alms (prescribed charity)
and they commanded good acts (= Amarou bilMar'ouf) and they forbade bad acts (= Nahou En
AlMunkar) and to Allah belongs the outcome of all matters.
Translation of: Ayah 41, Surat AlHajj.
Note: Remember that a corrupt government consists of corrupt persons. Such persons
have families and friends and they live in communities. If each corrupt
person was stopped by the people around him, corruption would not have become
widespread in Muslim countries.
Words: Makannahum = We enabled them to settle, Aqamou AlSalat = They
performed the prayer, Aatou AlZakat = They gave alms, Amarou BilMa'rouf = The commanded
good acts - They commanded good saying and actions, Aqibat AlUmour = The outcome of all matters - of everything.
Q: Based on what good quality leaders who fear Allah may announce general amnesty for the
impromptus protesters who caused riot and affected the peaceful lives of many in their countries?
A: And when those who believe in Our (Allah's) Lines come to you (Prophet Muhammad) then
say peace be upon you - your God has written upon Himself MERCY* for whoever
from you did bad (act against Allah's Commands) while being ignorant** then he reprented after
that and did righteous deeds then Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 54, Surat AlAn'am.
* In an authenticated reference it is reported that in The Torah two points are
to be noted that Allah created the earth and the Heaven and created one hundred (parts of)
Mercy then Allah created the created ones and He placed one part (shared) among them and He held back
99 (parts of) Mercy. With it (one part) they are kind (to one another) and with it they exchange and
they visit. And with it the camel is compassionate (towards its calf) and so is the cow and the
sheep. And with it (Mercy) birds follow each other. And with it fish follow each other. So when the
Day of Judgement arrives Allah will return that (one part of) Mercy to what He has and His Mercy is
the Best and the Most-Embracing (= Afdhal waAwse'). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, page
** If their deed angers Allah.
Words: Ja'aka = Come to you, Salam =
Peace, AlRahmah = Mercy, Amila =Did, Sou'an =
Bad, Aslaha = Did righteous deeds.
Q: If citizens are living relatively a comfortable life (as in oil producing countries nowadays) why
they should not complain unnecessarily if they want the Favour of Allah to continue
upon them?
Note: Note how people dedicated to change by means of lengthy peaceful protests are
affecting the living of all in their countries.
A: Ask (command to Prophet Muhammad) Beni Israel how many Clear Signs*
(as Favour from Allah) did We grant them and whoever changes (= yubaddil) Allah's Favour
after it reaches him then Allah is Harsh in the punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 211, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Example of Allah's Favour upon the People of Israel.
Words: Sel = Ask, Ataynahum = We (Allah) granted them, Ayah =
Sign - Miracle - Masterpiece, Yubaddil = Changes - Makes different - Modifies,
Shadeed = Harsh, AlIqab = Punishment.
Q: Why should Muslims obey what the Qur'an says and beware of a special group of the People of the Book (Jews and
Christians) who can be against their interests?
Note: An example is that Allah does not want Muslims to be divided "And hold tight to the Beam
(Straight Path) of Allah and do not be divided...". Translation of Line 103 in Chapter
AlImran in the Qur'an. So should not Muslims beware of a group of the People of the Book who practiced agaisnt them in the past
a policy known to Arabs as (Farreq Tasud = Make divided and you boss)?
A: O People who believed if you obey a group of those who have been given the Book (Jews and
Christians) they will revert you after you are believers into being disbelievers; And how can you become
disbelievers and the Lines of Allah are being recited to you and among you* is His Messenger (Prophet
and whoever holds tight to Allah (then he has been guided to a Straight Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 100 - 101, Surat AlImran.
* People of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In a summary of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad. Once the Prophet Muhammad asked his companions: Which believers are the most amazing
believers to you. They said: The angels. The Prophet said: How can they not believe and
they are with their God. They said: The Prophets of Allah. He said: How can they not
believe and revelation (through Angel Gabriel) was being revealed to them. They said:
Then we. He said: How can you not believe and I am among you. They asked: Then which
people are the most amazing in their belief? He said: People who will come
after you - they will find Chapters in a Book (Qur'an) they will believe in what in them.
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, page 542.
Words: Tuteeou = You obey, Fareeqan = A group, Utou AlKitab = Were given the
Book, Yarodoukum = They will revert you - They will make you go back, Ba'da Imanikum = After you are
believers, Kafireen = Disbelievers, Kayfa = How, Tutla = Are recited, Rasooluhu = His Messenger,
Tutla = Are recited, Ya'tasim = Holds tight, Hudiya = Is guided, Sirat Mustaqeem = A Straight
Path (of Allah).
Q: What should countries especially that witnessed invasion from outside always remember?
A: And do remember when you were insignificant (in number) deemed weak in the land -
you were fearing that people would snatch you forcibly so He (Allah) granted you a living place and
aided you with His support and He gave you sustenance of the good food so that you may
become thankful.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Uthkoru = Remember, Qaleel = Insignificant in number - A few,
Takhafoun = You were fearing, Yatakhatafakum = Snatch you forcibly, FaAwaakum = So
He granted you a living place - Granted you a shelter, Ayadakum = He aided you, BiNasrihi = With His support, AlTayyebat
= Good food, Tashkoroun = Become thankful.
Q: Whom should Muslims who fear Allah not take as allies?
A: O people who believed do not take the Jews* and Christians** (who strayed away from Allah's Path) as allies - they are allies to each
other and whoever takes them as allies then he is from them (non Muslim) for Allah does not guide those who
transgress (against Allah); And you see those (Muslims) who have sickness in their hearts (hypocrisy) rushing to
them saying we fear a disaster may happen to us*** so maybe Allah brings about (His) Judgement**** or a
command***** from Him then they will become regretful about what they secretly hid in themselves.
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 52, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:51-52)
* Jews who diverted from Allah's Path. (in Surat AlMa'idah itself)
** Christians who diverted from Allah's Path. (in Surat AlMa'idah itself)
*** If we do not take them as allies.
**** Of victory or loss.
***** Such as punishment for those against Allah.
A Side Note: Remember shedding human blood other than in the Path of Allah (Jihad) which has its
rules and restraints is a top most hated action to Allah.
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, AlYahoud = Jews, AlNasara
= Christians, Awliya' = Allies - Helpers, Ba'dhuhum Awliya' Ba'dh = They are
allies to each other, Yatawallahum = Takes them as allies, FaInnahu Minhum =
Then he is from them, Yusarioun = They rush, Nakhsha = We fear, Dairah =
Disaster, Ya'ti BilFath = Brings about Judgement, Amr = Command, Asarrou = They secretly hid,
Nadimeen = Regretful.
Q: When fighting starts how do you know that Muslims are fighting against hypocrite Muslims
joined with the disbelievers of the Jews and Christians?
A: They do not fight you* together except in fortified towns or from behind
barriers (war planes nowadays) - their is much hostility among them and their hearts
are divided for they are people who do not discern (right from wrong).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlHashr. (59:14)
* Disbelievers among the People of the Book. (Reference Ayat 11-13 in Surat AlHashr)
Words: La Yuqatilounakum = They do fight with you, Jameean = Together, Qura = Towns,
Muhassanah = Fortified, Min Wara' = From behind, Judur = Barriers - Walls, Ba'suhum = Their
hostility - Their force, Shadeed, Much, Quloubuhum = Their hearts, Shatta = Divided, La Ya'qiloun = They do not discern -
Do not understand.
Q: If they do not want an ordeal trial (fitnah)* from Allah why should the Jews and Christians who know
the Truth not keep silent when a group of them go against the Truth?
* An ordeal (distress) trial.
A: And We (Allah) took the Covenant of the People of Israel and We sent them
messengers - every time a messenger brought them what their hearts did not like, some of
them they denied as liars and some of them they were killing**; And they thought no ordeal trial
(= fitnah) will happen so they became blind and deaf (kept silent) then Allah granted them Forgiveness***
then (again) they became blind and deaf - a lot of them and Allah is All-Watchful of what they do.
Translation of: Ayat 70 - 71, Surat AlMa'idah.
** Refer to the Bible.
*** One earlier example of repentance by the Prophet Moses on behalf of
Beni Israel.
Words: Akhthna = We took, Meesthaq = The covenant, Arsalna = We sent,
Rusulan = Messengers, La Tahwa = did not like, Fareeqan = Some - A group, Kathabou =
They denied as liars, Yaqtoloun = They were killing, Hasibou = They thought - They believed,
Alla = It will not, Fitnah = An Ordeal trial - A trial accompanied by punishment, Amou =
They became blind, Sammou = They became deaf, Taba = Granted Forgiveness, Kastheer =
A lot.
Q: First of all whom should Muslims avoid to befriend?
A: Have you not seen those (Muslims) who have taken as allies a people upon whom Allah's Wrath has
fallen - they (such Muslims) are not from you (Muslims) neither from them* - and they take an oath (by Allah) while lying** while they know it (lying).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlMujadilah.
* 1. Disbelievers among the People of the Book who incurred Allah's Wrath upon
themselves, or 2. Disbelievers on whom is Allah's Wrath.
** The hypocrites among Muslims. Their indicative sign is that they lie even under oath.
Words: Tawallaw = They befriended, Qawman = A people, Gadhiba Allah
Alayhim = Allah's Wrath has fallen, Yahlifoun = They take an oath - They swear, AlKathib = Lying Lies -Ya'lamoun
= They know it.
Q: Is it too late for every two parties currently quarreling in each Muslim country to unite and love each other
under Islam's Umbrella?
A: Perhaps Allah brings about affection
between you and those you took as enemies among them (your country men) and Allah is Capable (of this) and
Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Note: UN jumps to punish instead of reconciling and uniting. UN resolution 1973 states that it
"protects civilians from violence perpetrated upon them by their
own government". The question is: Then who protects the legal governments and the stability of their
countries against the
lengthy protests which look peaceful but are full with hate and actions that cripple the country's economy and
spread terror besides affecting people's everyday lives?
Words: Asa = Perhaps, Yaj'al = Bring about, Adaytum = You took as enemies, Mawaddah = Affection - Love.
Q: Why Allah should be remembered even during fighting in battles?
A: O people who believed when you meet a troop (of the enemy) then stay firm and remember Allah a lot perhaps you succeed.
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Laqeetum = You meet, Fi'ah = Troop - Group - Party, Fasthbatu = Then
stay firm - Then stand your ground, Uthkurou = Remember,
Kastheeran = A lot, Laalakum = Perhaps, Tuflihoun = Succeed.
Q: To what extent Muslims should honour the agreements made between
them and other countries?
Note: The answer is in the last part of the Qur'anic Line.
A: --- - and if they (other Muslims) call you (Muslims) for help in Religion (against the enemy)
then you have to support them except against a people where a treaty exists between you and them (enemy)* and Allah of
what you do is Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlAnfal.
Note: Muslims have to honour the agreements (treaties) such as of defense or no-attack made between
them and any other people (Muslims or non-Muslims). Therefore Muslims (A) cannot support Muslims (B) against
the enemy of Muslims (B) if such a treaty exists between Muslims (A) and the enemy mentioned.
Note: Based on the concept of honouring the agreement among
the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council , the Government of Saudi Arabia recently helped the Government of Bahrain (March 2011)
to end the protests in an effort to re stabilize the country.
Words: Enstansaroukum = They call you for help, Qawm = People, Meesthaq =
Treaty - Agreement, Baseer = Watchful.
Q: Why should Muslims rush to help financially and in every possible way a country that disbelieves
in Allah such as Japan in its current disaster (March 2011)?
A: Allah does not forbid you from those who did not fight you in Religion and they did not
drive you out of your homes (in fear) to do righteous deeds to them and to do justice to them for Allah
loves those who do justice.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Note: Mosques nowadays are collecting money for Japan. Please see how you can
Words: La Yanhakum = He does not forbid you, Lem Yuaqtiloukum = They did not
fight you, AlDeen = Religion, Lem Yukhrijoukum = They did not drive you out, Taburouhum
= To do righteous deeds to them, Tuqsitou = Do justice, AlMuqsiteen = Those who do
justice (fairness).
Q: Especially believers around the Prophet Muhammad: Why was the Prophet Muhammad a Favour from Allah on humanity and
especially on them?
Note: Should believers not respect Allah's Favour in every aspect of
their lives? For example.
A: For Allah had granted a favour upon the believers when He sent among them a
messenger (Prophet Muhammad) from among themselves (Arabs) reciting upon them His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and
purifying them (against sins) and teaching them the Book and wisdom while before
they were in obvious straying away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 164, Surat AlImran.
Note: The translation of the succeeding Ayah (3:165). At the time of Prophet Muhamamd what happened to those Muslims who disobeyed the Prophet forgetting Allah's Favour on them.
Note: If Muslims do not follow the Qur'an and the wisdom in it then they should
expect a "Fitnah" = an ordeal trial: A punishment and suffering which can be very severe and bone-shaking. Through it the believers'
patience and Faith is tested. A "Fitnah" is a punishment inflicted (done) by and it is different
from Allah's other types of punishment.
Words: Manna = Had favoured, AlMo'mineen = The believers, Baas
= Sent, Aloud = Reciting, Unmake = Purifying, AlKitab = The Book,
AlHikmah = Wisdom, Dallas = Straying away, Error, Mu been = Obvious - Clear.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to rouse each other for war against other Muslims?
A: O Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) rouse (urge) the believers to fight -
if there are twenty ones who are patient among you they will defeat two hundred (ratio 1:10)* and if there are
among you one hundred they will defeat one thousand (ratio 1:10) from those
who disbelieved for they are a people who do not understand (Allah's
Commands and Limits); (But) Presently Allah eased it for you for He made it known that there is weakness
(in power and war machinery) in
you so if there are among you one hundred ones who are patient they will defeat two hundred (ratio 1:2) and if there are
among you one thousand they will defeat two thousand (ratio 1:2) with Allah's Permission and Allah is with
those who are patient.
Translation of: Ayat 65 - 66, Surat AlAnfal.
* In ground battles in Islam note what number of Muslims can stand against how many of their
enemy. According to Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, the ex-top Islam scholar (Mufti) of Egypt: When weakness is
clear in Muslims, then it is allowed for one Muslim to stand against two of the enemy. If more than two then
it is allowed for him to run away. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page 244.
Words: Harridh = Rouse - Urge, Ala AlQital = To fight, Ishroun =
Twenty, Mi'atain = Two hundred, Alf = One thousand, AlAn = Presently - Now,
Khafaffa = Eased, Dha'fan = Weaknes,, Sabirah = Who are patient, Yaghlibou =
They will defeat.
Q: Is the recent fight among the citizens in a Muslim country (March 2011) in the Path (Cause) of
Allah to fortify Allah's Religion of Islam?
Note: Remember that the lawful fight in Islam is only in the Path of Allah (= fi
Sabeel Allah). Fighting other than that is for earthly gains that can be achieved by
diplomatic means and without bullying.
A: And fight them (disbelievers) so that no ordeal trial (= fitnah)* takes place and the
Religion becomes Allah's (Alone) so if they ceased then no attack except towards the aggressors.
Translation of: Ayah 193, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Fitnah" is an ordeal trial: A punishment and suffering which can be very severe and
bone-shaking and can be inflicted by humans. Through it the believers'
patience and Faith is tested.
Words: Qatilouhum = Fight them, Fitnah = Ordeal trial - Punishment and
suffering, AlDeen = The Religon, Entahou = They ceased - They stopped, Udwan =
Attack - Aggression, Aldhalimeen = The aggressors.
Q: Why should Muslims not cry for peace when in a war against the disbelievers?
A: So do not show weakness and cry for peace and you (according to Allah) are
further up (the enemy) and Allah is
with you and He is not going to make less the rewards of your deeds.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital).
Words: La Tahinou = Do not show weakness, AlSalm = Peace, AlA'loun =
Further up - Above - Having the upper hand, Ma'akum = With you, Len Yatirakum = He will not going to make less the rewards of
your deeds.
Q: Why did the Prophet Muhammad take part in the fighting in
the Path of Allah (= AlJihad) when he could have easily sent the army and stayed back?
A: So (command to the Prophet Muhammad) fight in the Path (Cause) of Allah - you hold
only yourself accountable and rouse the believers perhaps
Allah curbs the violence of those who disbelieved and Allah is the Mightiest in violence and
the Mightiest in torture.
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: FaQatil = So fight, Tukallaf = Hold accountable - Hold
responsible, Illa = Only, Nafsaka = Yourself, Ashad Ba'san = Mightiest in violence,
Ashad Tankeela = Mightiest in torture.
Q: What major proof against yourselves does Allah warn you against giving Him?
A: O believers do not take the disbelievers as allies leaving the believers - do you
want to offer Allah against yourselves a clear major proof*.
* Proof of hypocrisy - continued in the succeeding Lines 145-146 in Surat AlNisa'.
Translation of: Ayah 144, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, AlKafireen = The disbelievers,
Awliya' = Allies - Helpers, Min Doon = Leaving - Instead of, Sultan =
Major Proof - Authority, Mubeen = Clear.
Q: What command of Allah did Muslims not comply with and hence they are harming themselves
by having no choice but to allow attacks on some of them?
A: And do prepare against them (disbelievers) whatever force and warhorses* you are capable of
so as you terrorize (frighten) the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others (hypocrites) other
than them you (plural) do not know them - Allah knows them and whatever you spend in the Path
(Cause) of Allah it will be repaid to you and no injustice will be done to you.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlAnfal. (8:60)
* The machinery of fighting at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (6th century (C. E.).
Words: A'idou = Do prepare, Estata'tum = You are capable of, Quwwah =
Force, Ribat AlKhayl = Warhorses, Turhiboun = You terrorize, Akhareen = Others,
Min Doonihim = Other than them, Tunfiqou = You spend, Yuwaffa = Will be repaid.
Q: In wars when swords and not guns were used, striking what part of the body quickly killed the enemy?
A: So when you (plural) face (in war) those who disbelieved then
the beheading (killing by swords)* until when you have massacred** them (to weaken
their army) then the shackling (fettering) then either doing an act of
kindness (freeing without ransom) or ransoming until the war comes to an end - that is (the way to defeat) and if
Allah wills He (Allah) certainly would have defeated them - but (this way) to test some of you against others
and those who were killed (in wars) in the Path (Cause) of Allah then He (Allah) will not leave their deeds to
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital). (47:4)
* Remember At the time of the Prophet Muhammad the instant (quick) killing happened by swords (beheading = Dharb AlA'naq = Hitting the
** The Line (Verse) of massacring the enemy is a fundamental
line mentioned in all of Allah's Holy Books (and it helped Allah's Religion to spread). Source: Tafseer AlQuran AlKareem, by
Egypt's ex-Mufti AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, page 644.
for example in the Bible King Saul was commanded to massacre everything.
Notes: - Remember that nowadays the camels are not the main transport medium of going to
AlHajj (Pilgrimage) neither are the warhorses the main machinery of wars. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad the weapon of war was the sword and
the bow and arrow. Nowadays technology is used and the weapons are different. The Qur'an (610 CE - 632
CE) is interactive and it suits all people, all places and all
- Remember in Islam no extra pain should be inflicted on anything. When the
cattle are being sacrificed the knife should be very sharp so the sacrificing (slitting) happens instantly
and the butcher should be very skilled. Only after the sacrificed animal's soul is completely out it can be beheaded just
like cutting the rest of its body.
Words: Laweetum = You face, Fadharb AlRiqab = Beheading - Killing,
Asthkhantumouhum = Massacred them - Killed a lot of them, Fashudou AlWasthaq =
Then the shackling - Then the binding (of the enemy), Mannan = Doing an act of kindness, Fida'an =
Ransoming, Tadha' AlHarb Awzaraha = The war comes to an end, Lantasara Minhum = He would
certainly have defeated them, Fida'an = Ransoming, Liyablouwa = To test, Yudhil =
Leaves to fail.
Q: Why should Muslims be honest, seek the truth, and avoid lying or hypocrisy?
A: O believers protect yourselves by fearing Allah and be with those who are
Translation of: Ayah 119, Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Etaqou = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah, Kunou =
Be, AlSadiqeen = Those who are turthful.
Q: What happens if the believers do not stop taking the disbelievers as their allies?
A: And those who disbelieved - they are allies of one another - if you do not do it** it
will be a FITNAH* on the earth and a GREAT CORRUPTION.
Translation of: Ayah 73 , Surat AlAnfal.
* "Fitnah" is an ordeal trial: An unclear confusion without knowing why and what is happening. It is a source of
suffering which can be very severe. Through it the believers' patience and Faith is tested.
** Stop taking the disbelievers as allies. Muslims should take the believers as allies and support them.
Words: Kafarou = Disbelieved, Ba'dukum Awliya' Ba'dh = They are allies
of one another, Illa Tafallouh = If you do not do it, Fasaad = Corruption, Kabeer = Great
- Severe.
Q: In Islamic wars against the enemy how do you know the hypocrites among the army of the believers?
Note: Remember in Islam any two groups of Muslims are not allowed to be in a war against each
other except if a group clearly disobeyed Allah and His Prophet or it is a bunch of hyporcrites.
A: And they (hypocrite Muslims) take an oath that they belong certainly with you
(believers) and (Allah confirms) they do not belong with you but they are a people who are
full of fear (of death); If they find a place of refuge, caves or a tunnel they certainly will run to
it defiantly* (like a wild horse).
Translation of: Ayat 56 - 57, Surat AlTawbah. (9:56-57)
* They run away during Al-Jihad (fighting in Islam). Many Muslims get tempted to follow their example.
Words: Yahlifoun = They take an oath - They swear, Minkum = Belong with you, Qawm =
A people - Some people, Yafraqoun = They are full of fear, Yajidoun = They
find, Malja'an = A place of refuge, Magaraat = Caves, Mudkhalan = Tunnel - A burrow, LaWallaw =
They would have run, Yajmahoun = Defiantly.
Q: Why should Muslims not turn away from what the Qur'an and Sunnah rule regarding their behaviour?
A: And when it is said to them (some Muslims)* come to what Allah sent down
(Qur'an) and the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) you see the hypocrites turning
away from you with a full rejection.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlNisa'.
* Line 60 in Chapter AlNisa' that precedes the line posted
Note: An example: Even if the disbelievers called out for peace Muslims should listen and
stop the war. What if the ones calling out for peace are Muslims? "And if they incline towards peace
so do incline towards it...". Translation of Line 61 in Surat AlAnfal
in the Qur'an.
As example in Surat "AlHujurat" about peace among the fighting Muslims.
Words: Qeela = It is said, Ta'alou = Come, Ra'ayta = You see,
AlMunafiqeen = The hypocrites, Yasodoun = They turn away, Sudouda = With a full rejection.
Q: Are being kings and emirs of countries unIslamic? (Arab protests "2011" are carried out to change long
governing rulers and bring new governments through general elections.) Q: Why should some Muslims immediately stop mocking other Muslims? Q: Only who ridicules Muslims? Q: In what way Muslim fighters should not be like the Non-Muslim fighters? Q: As a Muslim do you believe that Allah knows who are your enemies? Q: With what "Jihad" does not go hand in hand? Q: Why does Allah prevent you, Muslims, from befriending whom Allah has identified as your enemy?
(refer to the two postings above this one)
Note: Remember that all of Allah's messengers were sent with the Message of submitting to
Allah as the One and Only God (Islam).
Note:Kings reigned in the past.
A: --- He (Allah) made (among) you kings ---.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlMa'idah.
A: --- the Miraculous Sign (from Allah) of his (king Saul) kingdom is that the Ark of
the Covenant will come to you ---.
Translation of: Ayah 248, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: Prophet Joseph liked the king of Egypt and worked under him. (refer to Ayah 76 in Surat
Yusuf) (12:76)
A: O believers let some people not ridicule other people perhaps
(to Allah) they are better than them neither some women (ridicule) other women perhaps they are better than
them and do not backbite one another and do not use insulting nicknames - how bad is the name (derived from
words) of straying away from Allah's Path after having Faith and whoever does not repent then they are the transgressors (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlHujurat.
Words: La Yaskhar = Not ridicule - Not mock, Khairan = Better, Nisa' =
Women, La Talmizou = Do not backbite, Tanabazou BilAlqab = Do not use offensive
nicknames, AlIsm AlFosouq = Name (derived from words ) of straying away
from Allah's Path - Immorality name, Lem Yatub = Does not repent.
A: For those who committed sins (were against Allah) were making fun of those who believed; And
if they passed by them they were winking at one anther; And when they
returned to their families they returned joking (about them); And when they saw them they
were saying for these are certainly in the error; And (Allah says) they (disbelievers) were not
sent upon them overseers; So today (Day of Judgement) those who believed of the
disbelievers are making fun; On couches gazing around; Have the disbelievers (not) been
repaid for what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 29 - 36, Surat AlMutafifeen.
Words: Ajramou = Committed sins - Proved criminals in Allah's Court, Yadhhakoun = Making fun, Marrou =
Passed, Yatagamazoun = They were winking at one another, Enqalabou = Returned,
Fakiheen = Joking - Uttering humorous talk, Ra'awhum = They saw, Dhaloun = In the error - Straying away,
Ursilou = Were sent, Hafidheen = Overseers - Supervisors, AlAraa'ik = Couches,
Hel Sthuwib = Have Been repaid, Ya'maloun = They were doing.
A: And do not be like those (disbelievers)* who went out of their houses against
the Truth (of Allah) and showing off to people and they were preventing from the
Way of Allah** and Allah with what you are doing is Fully-Aware.
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlAnfal.
* Disbelievers of Mecca at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Jahl told them that
their Trade Caravan has changed route and is safe so go back without fighting. But they said they would not go
back until they reach the
Well of Badr (where the First Battle in Islam took place) and "we slaughter the cattle
and drink wine and music is played for us and all Arabs talk forever about our high status in this battle."
(in the Battle they were defeated by Muslims). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2,
Page 465.
** Making PEACE among the believers is in the Way (Cause) of Allah Remember Line 61 in Surat AlAnfal is
translated "And if they incline towards peace so do incline towards it---."
Also remember Line 46 in Surat AlAnfal is translated "(Allah commands the
believers) And do obey Allah and
His Prophet (Muhammad) and do not fight among
yourselves (Muslims against Muslims) then you lose courage and your (favorable sailing) wind (= power) goes away and be patient for Allah is
with those who are patient"
Reference the Peace Intiative by some African Leaders. Remember that
Libya consists of some Arab tribes.
Words: Kharajou = Went out, Diyarihim = Their houses, Bataran =
Against the Truth, Ria'a = Showing off, Yasodoun = Preventing, Muheet =
Fully Aware.
A: Have you not seen those who have a little (not comprehensive) knowledge of the Book*
purchasing (going after) what leads away from Allah's Path and they want you (Muslims) to stray away from the
Path (of Allah); And Allah is the Most-Knowing (= A'lam) of your enemies and enough is Allah for An Ally and enough is Allah for A Supporter.
Translation of: Ayat 44 - 45, Surat AlNisa'. (4:44-45)
* People of the Book who have not understood well their Holy Books whose Original Copies are from Allah.
Words: Utou Naseeban = They have a little knowledge, Yashtaroun = They purchase,
Yureedoun = They want, Tadhilou = To stray away, A'lam = Most-Knowing, Kafa = Enough,
Weliya = As an Ally As a Helper, Nasseera = For A Supporter - As a Supporter.
Note: Note Allah speaks to you, Muslims, directly. Remember that the Qur'an is for all humans, all
times and all places.
A: O believers do not take My (Allah's) enemy as well as your (plural) enemy as allies (= awliya') -
openly showing them love and they disbelieved in what reached you of the Truth (from
Allah) - they force out (from their houses) the Prophet and yourselves for believing in your
God - so if you have left (your houses) for fighting in My Path (Cause = AlJihad) and seeking to please Me you are
secretly showing them love and I (Allah) am Most-Knowing of what you concealed and what you revealed and
whoever from you does it then he has strayed away from the Straightness of the Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Note: AlJihad is the WORD that Muslims are using nowadays (April
2011) to justify their war against other Muslims who did not deviate from any pillar of Islam. (In the
past immediately
after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr (the companion whom the Prophet Muhammad described as
the one most merciful with my nation = Arhamuhum biUmati) declared AlJihad against those Muslims who
deviated from the Pillars of Islam when they announced that they would no longer pay the prescribed money in Islam (= AlZakat).
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, Adowi = My (Allah's) enemy,
Adowakum = Your (plural) enemy, Awliya' = Allies - Helpers; Tulqoun Ilayhim BilMawaddah = Openly showing them
love, Kafarou = They disbelieved, Ja'akum = Reached you, AlHaqq = The Truth,
Yukhrijoun = They force out, Iyakum = Yourselves, Tusiroun = Secretly you show love,
A'lem = Most Knowing, Akhfaytum = You concealed, A'lentum = You revealed, Yafalhu
= Does it, Dhalla = Strayed away, Sawa' AlSabeel = Straightness of the Path.
A: If they have the upper hand over you* they will revert to be your enemies and they will
stretch out their hands and their tongues to harm you** and they would have loved that you
become disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlMumtahanah.
* You become under their control and indebted to their favour upon you.
** You have to comply with their demands otherwise they can harm you because initially they
are enemies of Allah and His Commands.
Words: Yasthqufoukum = They have the upper hand over you - You become
indebted to them (for their favour upon you), Yakounou = They revert - They become (again), A'da' = Enemies, Yabsotou = Stretch out,
Aydiyahum = Their hands, Alsinatahum = Their tongues Bilsou' = To harm you, Waddou
= They would have loved, Takforoun = Become disbelievers.
Q: What causes the failure and fall of civilizations?
Note: A famous line of an Arab poem is translated: Indeed the nations stay as long as their
morals are there; And when their morals are gone they go away. "InamMa AlUmamu AlAkhlaqu Ma Baqeyat;
FaIn Thahabat Akhlaquhum Thahabou."
Note: Strong morals such as patience and forgiveness for the general good will of
the society are not important in the culture of especially many Westerners nowadays.
Law suits are filed for easy financial gains without any moral considerations.
For example two judges said, "police were working 'in good faith' yet "'kettling' by police
at London G20 is found illegal." So "according to the British newspaper The
Guardian thousands of people may now sue Scotland Yard for false imprisonment."
A: Just like those who were before you (older generations) - they were mightier in power than you and
more in wealth and children so they used for their benefit their share of the good qualities (morals) of Religion as you have
used for your benefit your share and you have indulged (in useless activities) as they indulged - those
(all mentioned) their (good) deeds have failed in this Life and the Other Life and they
are the losers (in both Worlds).
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Min Qablikum = Who were before you, Ashad Quwwah = Mightier in
power - Stronger, Aksthur = More, Amwalan = In wealth, Awaldan = Children,
Fastamta'ou = They used for their benefit their share of good qualities (morals) of Religion - They
enjoyed , Khudhtum = You indulged, Habitat = Failed, A'maluhum = Their deeds, AlKhasiroun =
The losers.
Q: Allah does not like the disbelievers and Allah is angry with who (they were once believers)?
A: O believers do not take as allies a people upon whom Allah's Anger* has
fallen - they despaired of the Other World (its happening)** just as the disbelievers despaired of the dead
in their graves (their resurrection).
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlMumtahanah.
* Allah's anger has fallen on them.
** They neglect the Other World and concentrate on fulfilling their lust for
usurious wealth and other acts which are unlawful (= haram) in Allah's Religion.
Words: La Tatawalau = Do not take as allies - Do not take as
protectors, Gadhiba Allah Alayhim = Allah's Anger has fallen on them, Ya'isou = They
despaired, AlAkhirah = The Other World, AlKuffar = The disbelievers,
Asshab AlQubour = The dead in their graves.
Q: Why light beating that does not aim at the face or leave a scar by a care giver (husband) is allowed in Islam
as a gesture to end a stubborn stand of the one under care (wife)?
Note: In Islam a ruling can be passed in a specific situation consistent with the pattern
(= Hukm Qiyasi) if
there is not a separate ruling for the specific situation.
For example as reported in New York Times, the Yemeni leader "accepted a proposal by Persian Gulf Arab mediators". "The opposition leader Yassin Saeed
Nuaman said his coalition accepted the agreement in
Nauaman also said the opposition lacks the power to force protesters from the streets."
People need security in the streets to go to mosques for example. What about a ruling to disperse the protesters,
consistent with the pattern of the verse (34) Surat AlNisa' in the Qur'an?
Note: Remember a ruling is already established in Islam against chaotic protests that aim at fighting the government.
In a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, a ruling is issued for
not fighting the leaders as long as they perform the prayer among you.
A: Men are care givers over the wives for what Allah has given the one (men) (physical strength)
more than the other (wives) and because of what they spent from their wealth* so the
righteous wives are obedient humbly** guarding in (the husband's) absence what Allah has asked them
to guard - and those (wives) whom you fear their stubborn disobedience so do (1st step) advise them and
(2nd step) abandon them in beds*** and (3rd step) hit them then if they obey you so do not
transgress in any way against them for Allah is Most-High, Most-Great.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlNisa'.
* In Islam all dowry (= mahr) is the husband's responsibility. Also a working woman is not obliged in
Islam to spend from her earnings on the household. The husband is obliged.
** Devoutly obedient to Allah and hence being obedient humbly to their husbands. (Remember there is no
obedience to disobeying Allah (= la ta'ah liMakhlouq fi Ma'siat Allah).
*** In Islam a Muslim cannot talk to another Muslim only for three days.
Words: AlRijal = Men, AlNisa' = Wives, Qawwamoun = Care givers - Protectors, Fadhalla =
Favoured, Anfaqou = Spent, Qaanitat = Obedient humbly, Hafidhat = Guarding, Nushouzahum =
Stubborn disobedience - Violation of marital duties, FaIdhouhouna = Then advise them, Uhjorouhunna = Then abandon them,
Edhribouhunna = Hit them - Beat them, Ata'nakum = They obeyed you, Tabghou = Transgress.
Q: In wars why should the attackers beware of not destroying the civilization of mankind
(= Yuhlik AlHarsth WalNasl) by causing collaborative damage?
An old Note: Reference is to the recent attack on a compound in Libya where a
library is destroyed. Every library in an Arab country contains Islamic books with/without
the Qur'an.
Note: Remember that the miracle of the Qur'an is also in its specific incidents
that carry public messages (= khusous AlLafdh aw AlHadasth waUmoum AlMa'na).
A: And from people (hypocrites) whose speech appeals to you in this Life and
he makes Allah a Witness on what is in his heart while being the most
venomous enemy (= Allad AlKhissam); And when he turns (leaving speech) he works hard to cause universal harm and
damage in the land and destroy crops (= AlHarsth) and offspring (= AlNasl)* and Allah does not like
corruption; And when it is said to him fear Allah he becomes arrogant
about his sin so enough for him Hell and what a miserable resting place.
Translation of: Ayat 204 - 206, Surat AlBaqarah . (2:204-206)
* AlHarsth = Crops - What is planted, AlNasl = Offsrping of man and animals. Both together
make man's civilization.
Words: Min AlNas = From people, Yu'jibuka = Appeals to you - Pleases you,
Qawluhu = His speech, Yushhid = Makes a Witness, Allad AlKhisam = Most venomous
enemy - Bitterest enemy, Tawalla = Turned, Sa'a Fi AlArdh LiYufsid Feeha = He works hard to cause universal harm
and damage in the land, WaYuhlik AlHarsth WalNasl = And destroy crops and offspring - And destroy the Civilization of mankind,
Etaqqi = Fear, Akhathathu AlIzzah = He becomes arrogant, AlMihad = Resting place.
Q: Why should Muslims who fear Allah not be afraid of the artful plotting (conspiracy to
harm) of those hypocrites among Muslims and people of the Book who are against Islam?
A: If a fortune befalls you it will grieve them and if a misfortune befalls you
they become glad with it and if you become patient and protect yourselves by fearing Allah
their plotting (against you) will not do you any harm for Allah with what they do is
Fully Aware.
Translation of: Ayah 120, Surat AlImran.
Words: In = If, Tamsaskum = Befalls you, Hasanah = Fortune - Good, Say'eh
= Misfortune Bad, Yafrahou = They become glad, Tataqou = Protect yourselves by
fearing Allah, La Yadhurukum = Will not do you any harm, Kayduhum = Their
Q: What is the objective of the hypocrites among Muslims and the People of the Book who alter facts
for Muslims?
Note: Remember how do you trust if the news that you hear is true?
A: Undoubtedly they (hypocrite Muslims) were after riot (disorder among Muslims) before
and they made upside down matters (altered facts) for you (Prophet Muhammad) until the Truth
came and the Decree of Allah became prominent while they were haters of it.
Translation of:Ayah 48, Surat AlTawbah. (9:48)
Note: Remember that the miracle of the Qur'an is also in its specific incidents
that carry public (for the general) messages.
Words: Ebtagou = They were after - They sought, AFitnah = Riot - Unrest, Qallabou =
They turned upside down, AlUmour = Matters - Situations, Amr Allah = Decree of Allah, Dhahara = Became prominent,
Lahu Karihoun = They were haters of it - They hate it.
Q: Why can you only be either with Allah or against Allah?
A: Or are We (Allah) going to treat those who believed and did the righteous deeds (with Allah) the same as the
corrupters in the land (against Allah) or are We going to treat those who fear Allah (with Allah) the same as those
who lead a dissolute life (lacking restraint)* (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat Saad.
* Even a sign of a hypocrite, as per a famous saying of the prophet Muhammad, is when he quarrels he goes beyond
restraint (Itha Khasama Fajar).
Note: Humans' usage of "either with us or against us!" is an ivitation for
prejudice. (People have a right to choose to be with neither of them). Allah's separation on the
Day of Judgement between the followers of Truth and the followers of Falsehood is a Sign of Justice.
People will be judged according to what they did in this life.
Words: Em = Or, Naj'al = We treat, KelMufsideen = The same as the
corrupters, AlMutaqeen = Those who fear Allah, KelFujjar = The same as those who lead
a dissolute life (lacking restraint.
Q: What are Muslims really after in Paradise, when they race one another in doing good deeds in life?
A: O people who believed protect yourselves by fearing Allah and seek towards
Him the Favorable Acceptance (of Allah) by deliberate effort (ingratiation = AlWasselah)* and fight in His Cause (as pleases Allah) so that you may become prosperous** (in the Other World).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:35)
* The goal is: To have the best places in Paradise.
Remember even Prophet Muhammad is after 'AlWaseelah'.
Muslims supplicate between every call for prayer and the prayer
itself, for Prophet Muhammad to gain 'AlWaseelah' (to be among
the nearest to Allah) and 'AlMaqam AlMahmood' (the best place nearest to Allah - a place all of
Allah's prophets compete for).
** Prosperous by increasing your balance of good deeds.
Words: Ettaqou Allah = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah, Ebtaghou =
Seek, Ilayhi = Towards Him, AlWaseelah = Favorable Acceptance by deliberate effort,
Tuflihoun = Become prosperous - succeed - Gain salvation.
Q: In Islam why should all types of violent and uncontrolled anger as displayed in riots be crushed?
Reference 1. Riots against some Arab governments. 2.
Riot in Vancouver
after the Vancouver Canucks' losing of the Stanely
A: (The righteous) Those who spend (whether) in prosperity (good times) or hardship (bad times) and those who suppress
their excessive anger and those who forgive people and Allah loves those who perfect their religion.
Translation of: Ayah 134, Surat AlImran.
Note: See Opinion in "The Toronto Star": Riots display uncontrolled anger.
Words: Yunfiqoun = They spend, AlSarra' = Prosperity - Good times, AlDharraa' = Hardship - Bad
times, AlKadhimeen = Those who suppress, AlGhaydh = Excessive anger, AlAafeen = Those who forgive, Yuhib
= Loves, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their Faith - The good doers.
Q: What is the parable (moral example) of the hypocrites who first accept Faith and then they turn away
from it? (Note: This is one type of hypocrites)
A: Their parable is that of the one who kindles a fire (has a light of Faith) so when it lighted up what is around him
Allah took away their (hypocrites') light and left them in depths of darkness - unable to
see; Deaf, mute and blind (about Faith) and (Allah decreed) they will not return (to Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 18, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: Even jokingly a Muslim cannot fool around about Faith otherwise he becomes a
hypocrite. It is known in Islam that only under pressure and danger from the enemy a Muslim can say he is a disbeliever while his heart is full with Faith.
Words: Masthaluhum = Their parable, Estawqada = Lighted up, Adha'at =
Lighted up, Thahaba = Took away, Dhululmat = Depths of darkness, Summ = Deaf, Bukm =
Mute - Cannot speak - Dumb, Umyun = Blind, La Yarji'oun = They will not return.
Q: Why is media to be blamed for defending injustice and untruth and thus influencing a lot of people to sympathize with the
A: Allah does not like making public (widely known) a declaration of wrongdoing except
on whom injustice* is done and Allah is All-Listening, All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 148, Surat AlNisa'.
* An example of making public a real injustice case incurred on an innocent person: In a summary of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad: A man complained to the Prophet Muhammad that his neighbour
does him harm. So the Prophet Muhammad told him to take out his belongings and put them outside his house. So
passersby asked him: What is wrong? He answered: My neighbour does me harm. They prayed: May Allah curse him! May
Allah humiliate him! So the neighbour said to the man: Return to your house! By Allah I will never do you any harm.
source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, page 804.
Note: Vivid injustice (real harm) done to an absolutely an innocent person should be taken into
consideration. Nowadays many people widely claim psychological stress and
seek financial compensation for it. In a "Judge Judy" show of small claims cases aired in June 2011, a plaintiff said that she
claims more money for the stress that she suffered from her case against the defendant. So Judge Judy mentioned that
the case of the plaintiff in itself is causing her stress and that Judge Judy is not suing her.
Words: La Yuhib = Does not like, AlJahr = Making public - Announcing loudly in public,
AlSou' Min AlQawl = Declaration of wrongdoing.
Q: For what are the rebel Muslims fighting their Muslim governments?
Hint: For earthly gains: To govern in their places.
Note: Nowadays Muslim rebels are fighting their Muslim governments putting aside the
Prophet Muhammad's many authenticated sayings* about not to fight the government.
A: And what things you are given then (they are) the temporary enjoyment (= mataa')
for the life of this world and its decoration and whatever is with Allah is best and
everlasting (= Abqa) so will you then not understand.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlQasas.
* Examples of the Prophet Muhammad's sayings about not
fighting the government.
* Just and fair talking with no intention of actual fighting)
as Jihad.
* The prophet Muhammad prayed to Allah for peace and safety among Muslims but Allah refused to grant him
this wish (Allah knows what type of Muslims there are in the world).
Words: Uteetum = You are given, Mataa' = Temporary enjoyment,
Zeenatuha = Its decoration - Fashion - Glitter, Khair = Best, Abqa = Everlasting, Afala = Will you then not, Ta'qiloun
= Understand - Grasp it.
Q: Why does Islam as well as Allah's other Religions not approve of homosexuality?
A: And Lut (Prophet) We (Allah) granted him administration of justice and knowledge and We saved him from the community that
was practicing impurities ("khabaaisth")* for they were bad people sinfully straying away from Allah's Path;
And We admitted him in Our Mercy for he was from the righteous.
Translation of: Ayah 74 - 75, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* Homosexuality.
Also Lut opposes his sinning community.
Note: Existing evidence of the major cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Qur'an refers to the extinct communities. (refer to Surat AlSaffat)
Note: More Verses in the Qur'an about the people of Lut (refer to Surat AlHijr)
(The community of Prophet Lut lived in the Cities of the Plain (in the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah) around the Dead Sea which is to this day is called
Bahr Lut. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation --- basd on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 722).
Words: Ataynahu = Granted him, Hukman = Administration of justice - Sound Judgement, Ilm =
Knowledge, Najjaynahu = We saved him, AlKhabaaisth = Impurities - Obscenities - Vile deeds, Qawm Sou' = Bad people,
Fasiqeen = Sinnfully straying away from Allah's Path (Allah's commands).
Q: Which community that was destroyed by Allah was near the People of Lut but after them in time*?
A: And even the Companions of the Small Wood (= Ashab AlAykah*) were
transgressors (against Allah); So We (Allah) took revenge against them and
they are certainly both** in an Unmistakable Record***.
Translation of: Ayat 78 - 79, Surat AlHijr.
* Prophet Shuaib was sent to Madyan (Midian) and to Companions of the Small Wood (= As hab AlAykah) who were
near the people of Prophet Lut but after them in time (Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 814).
** Cities of the Plain 'people of Prophet Lut' and the Companions
of the Small Wood 'people of Prophet Shuaib'.
*** = Imam Mubeen. Note everyone of the
community will be handed his own Record (Book of deeds) on the Day of Judgement.
Words: As hab AlAykah = A Small Wood - A thicket of bushes, Dhalimeen
= Transgressors - Unjust and unfair - Wrongdoers, Fentaqamna = So We took revenge, Imam
= Record - Reference Book, Mubeen = Unmistakable - Clear.
Q: Why gathering mass people via any means to make a riot or to topple the government as is the
case nowadays in different countries is not allowed in Islam?
Note: Remember that the miracle of the Qur'an is also in its specific incidents
that carry public messages (= khusous AlLafdh aw AlHadasth waUmoum AlMa'na).
A: O believers when you converse secretly then do not converse secretly about sinning and
doing aggression and disobeying the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) - and converse secretly about doing
righteous work (= AlBirr) and about protecting yourselves (by fearing Allah = AlTaqwa)
and do protect yourselves by fearing Allah to Whom you (all) will be
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlMujadilah. (58:9)
Words: Tanajaytum = You converse secretly, BilIsthm = About
sinning, WelUdwan = And doing aggression, Ma'siyat = Disobeying, BilBirr = About doing righteous work,
AlTaqwa = Protecting yoursleves, Ettaqou Allah = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah, Tuhsharoun = You will be gathered.
Q: Whose wrath sends a person to Hell? Does humans' wrath upon someone send him to Hell?
Note: Reference a CTV/Toronto news cast about Libya on 21 August 2011 in which a Libyan rebel
named the leader of Libya and said let him go to Hell.
A: So is the one who has gone after obtaining the satisfaction of Allah is similar to
the one who has drawn upon himself the wrath of Allah and his dwelling is
Hell and how miserable in the ending (for him).
Translation of: Ayah 162, Surat AlImran. (3:162)
Words: Etabbe' = Has gone after obtaining, Ridhwan = Satisfaction -
Pleasure, Ba' = Has drawn upon himself, BiSakhat min Allah = the wrath of Allah,
Ma'wahu = His dwelling, Jahanam = Hell, Bi'sa AlMaseer = How miserable is the
Q: What could have prevented the civil war that is taking part for example in Libya nowadays in Ramadan? (this is an old posting,
today Sep 10, 2014)
Note: We are in the month of Ramadan where people should feel safe to worship Allah.
Instead Ramadan sanctity is violated and Muslim blood is being shed freely among Arab brothers. A scene
that makes Satan rejoice.
A: O people who believe do not violate the sanctity of the rites (rituals) of Allah neither of
the Sacred Month* (of Pilgrimage) nor of the cattle brought (to Ka'bah) for sacrifice** nor of
the garlands*** nor the visitors of the Sacred House (of Allah) seeking to obtain favour of
their God as well as (His) satisfaction - and when you have completed the rites (of the Pilgrimage)
so you can hunt and do not let the hatred of a people (disbelievers) who prevented you from the Sacred
Mosque (in Mecca) push you to commit aggression and do cooperate in (commanding) good actions and piety
and do not cooperate in doing evil and aggression and protect yourselves by fearing Allah
for Allah is Severe in the Punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 2 , Surat AlMa'idah. (5:2)
* No fighting in the months of Thu AlQi'dah, Thu AlHijah (Pilgrimage Month) Muharram and Rajab which
is between Jumadai and Sha'ban. Source Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 8.
**, *** No stealing or killing before the sacrifice time of the cattle gifted (=
AlHady) to AlKa'bah. They are to be sacrificed and given to the poor people near the Sacred House of Allah in
Mecca. They were marked by garlands.
Words: La Tuhilou = Do not violate, Sha'air = The rites, AlHady =
Cattle brought (to Ka'bah) for sacrifice, AlQalaaid = the garlands, Aammeen = Visitors,
Yabtaghoun = Seeking to obtain, Ridhwana = Satisfaction, Hallaltum = You completed
the rites, Fastadou = So you can hunt, La Yajrimannakum = Do not let ... push you, Shana'an = The hatred, An Ta'tadou
= To commit aggression, Taawanou =
Cooperate, AlBirr = Good actions, AlTaqwa = Piety, AlIsthm = Doing evil, AlUdwan =
Transgressing - Launching a tyrannical attack.
Q: What statement is equal in the Qur'an to the moral instructed by Jesus (= Issa) peace be upon him "If your enemy
slaps you on one cheek turn the other cheek to him?
A: Repel an evil act with what is best* - We (Allah) are
Well-Acquainted with what they ascribe** (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* Try to turn your enemy into a friend by showing your good qualities of patience and
forgiveness when you are capable of revenge. However please note that a believer is supposed to be a smart person so
he does not allow his offender to take advantage of him. The Prophet Muhammad said in an authenticated saying: The
believer does not get stung from the same burrow twice (= La yuldagh almo'min min aljuhr maratayn).
** Cannot a believer be a tolerant person when Allah is Most-Tolerant with whatever god(s) the disbelievers
ascribe to Him?
Words: Edfe' = Repel, AlSaye'ah = An evil act, A'lam = Well-Acquainted, Yasifoun
= Ascribe - Join with Allah.
Q: To avoid making their judgement void of fairness and justice what should the government leaders always
keep in mind?
A: O David (Prophet & King Dawood) indeed We (Allah) made you an heir* on earth so do judge
among people with justice and do not follow desire (whims)** lest it makes you
stray away (from Allah's Path) - indeed those WHO STRAY AWAY FROM ALLAH's PATH for THEM IS A SEVERE PUNISHMENT because of what they forgot, on the Day of Reckoning (Day of
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Saad. (38:26)
* A leader of people - kings and leaders of governments.
** This is allegedly (no details in the Qur'an) an allusion to David's acquisition of another man's wife to add to his own numerous wives. Source: M.A.S.
Abdel Haleem, "The Qur'an: A new translation", 2005, page 291. (And Allah knows Best)
Words: Ja'alnaka = We made you, Khaleefah, Heir, Tatabe' = Follow, AlHawa
= Desire - Whims, FaYudhilaka = Lest it makes you stray, BiMa = Because of, Yawm AlHisab = Day of Reckoning - Day of Account, Day of Judgement.
Q: Prophet David (Dawood) was but a man liable to some wrongdoing. Just like other
prophets what did he do as soon as he realized his wrongdoing?
A: And has the news of the opponents reached you (Prophet Muhammad) when they* (two) climbed over the fence
of the prayer place; When they entered to David (Prophet Dawood) so he was terrified of
them - they said do not fear - two opponents one of us has transgressed against another so do judge among us
with justice and do not exceed the limit of justice and guide us to the straightforwardness of the Path (of Allah);
For this is my brother to him belongs ninety nine ewes (female sheep) and I have one ewe so he said allow it
to be in my charge and he overpowered me with (his) words; He (Prophet David) said certainly he has made
injustice to you by demanding your ewe to be with his ewes and indeed a lot of partners do injustice to one
another except those who believed and did the righteous deeds and they are few -and David
(Prophet Dawood) became certain that indeed We (Allah) did put him to the test** so He asked his God for
forgiveness and he fell down on his knees and he returned (to Allah) with repentance; So We (Allah) forgave him
that (wrongdoing) and for him with Us is certainly Nearness (to Allah's Throne) and a good returning place (in
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 25 , Surat Saad.
* Two angels in the form of humans. Source: Tafseer weBayan Mufradat AlQuran (in Arabic), page 454.
** The whole act is an allusion to one wrongdoing of Prophet David. As mentioned in the posting above, Prophet
David once followed his desire by adding a married woman to the huge number of wives he
had after getting rid of her husband. In the Bible the husband is 'Uriah the Hittite' - a warrior killed
when he was placed among the bravest defenders in a battle.
*** The Line 26 that follows.
Words: Ataaka = Reached you, Naba'u = The news, AlKhasm = The opponents,
Tasawarou = They climbed over the fence, FaFaza' = So he was terrified, Bagha =
Transgressed, Tushtit = Exceed the limit of justice, Saw' = Straightforwardness, Akfilniyaha
= Allow it to be in my charge, Azzani = He overpowered me, AlKhitab = Words, AlKhulata'
= Partners, Qaleelun = Few, Dhanna = He became certain, Fatannahu = We put him to the
test, Kharra Rakian = Fell down on his knees, Anab = Returned (to Allah) with repentance,
laZulfa = Certainly Nearness, Husna Ma'ab = Good returning place.
Q: What two distinct qualities characterize a hypocrite person?
A: Did you (Prophet Muhammad) consider those (hypocrite Muslims) who showed hypocrisy saying to their
fellow men who disbelieved among the People of the Book if you were going to be
expelled* we would certainly go out with you and we will never obey anyone against you and if you were to
be attacked we would certainly support you and Allah bears witness that they are certainly
liars; Definitely if they were expelled they would not go out with them and indeed if they
were attacked they would not support them and certainly (even) if they supported them they would
definitely run away (= cowards) then they would not receive any help (from believing Muslims);
For you (Believing Muslims) are more frightening in their hearts than Allah that is because they are persons who
do not perceive (they lack understanding).
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 13, Surat AlHashr. (59:11-13)
* Reference is to the Jews of Beni Nadhir in AlMadinah at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
Note: More on the hypocrite's qualities.
Words: Naafaqou = Showed hypocrisy - Became hypocrites, LiIkhwanihim = To their fellow
men, Ukhrijtum = You were going to be expelled, Nuttee' = Obey, Yashhad = Bears
witness, Qutilou = Were attacked, LaYuwalunna AlAdbar = They would definitely run away,
Yunsaroun = Would not receive any help, Ashad Rahbah = More frightening, Sodourihim
= In their hearts - In their chests, La Yafqahoun = They do not perceive - They lack understanding.
Q: What are the two components of a balanced deal?
A: And give adequate measure when you measure and weigh with
equiable accurate scales* (= bilQistas AlMustaqeem) that is good (in this Life) and better in the outcome (Other Life).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlIsra' (Known also as Surat Beni Israel).
* Literally speaking: Adequate measurement + accurate scales = balance (justice) of the deal.
Figuratively speaking: Studying the parts and the whole + accurate incident report = balance
(justice) of the judgement.
Note: Remember man should keep the balance that Allah placed in everything in the Universe.
Words: Awfou = Give adequate - Be adequate, AlKayl = The measure, Zinou = Weigh,
BilQistas AlMustaqeem = With equitable accurate scales, Khair = Good, Ahsan Ta'weela =
Better in the outcome.
Q: When agreements that please Allah are made between persons why should such agreements be
honoured (fulfilled)?
A: And do not put at your disposal the wealth of the orphan except with kindness* until he reaches
the peak of his strength** and honour the Agreement (= AlAhd)* for the Agreement has to be answered for.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
* Example you can eat with the orphan from the orphan's wealth if there is a real need to use it.
** The orphan's wealth should be handed over to
him when he becomes mature mentally and physically, which is usually the beginning of adulthood.
* Any Agreement among people that pleases Allah has to be honoured. Also remember the Supreme
Agreement (Covenant) (= AlA'hd - AlMeesthaq)
between Allah and humanity that will be first questioned by Allah and has to be answered for.
Words: La Taqrabou = Do not put at your disposal, Mal = Wealth, AlYateem =
The Orphan, Illa = Except, BilLati Hiya Ahsen = With kindness, Yablugha = Reaches,
Ashudahu = His strength, Awfou = Honour - Fulfill, AlAhd = Agreement - Covenant, Masoula =
Has to be answered for.
Q: Why amusing oneself and doing what one likes without due right should be curbed since it is
against the Truth dictated by Allah?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: Then it was said to them where are those (gods) you were joining as partner(s); Other than
Allah they (disbelievers) said they abandoned us rather we were calling upon nothing before - this
is how Allah leaves the disbelievers to stray away; That (the straying) is because of what you were
rejoicing about (arrogantly) in the land without due right* and because of what you were doing (arrogantly) as you liked;
Enter the Gates of Hell remaining for eternity in it and how miserable is the staying place of the arrogant
Translation of: Ayat 73 - 76, Surat Ghafir. (40:73-76)
* Showing any arrogance or showing superiority over others is against Allah's commands.
Remember Satan's sin was his arrogance.
Words: Tushrikoun = Join as partner(s), Dhallou = They abandoned us -
They went astray, Bima Kuntum Tafrahoun = Because of what you were rejoicing about (arrogantly),
BiGhayr AlHaqq = Without due right, Tamrahoun = Were doing as you
liked, Masthwa = Staying place, AlMutakabirreen = Arrogant persons.
Q: Why is the crime of rape that embodies three forbidden attributes together is severely punishable in Islam.
A: Indeed Allah commands justice and kindness and giving (charity) to relatives and He
forbids obscenity (immorality) and Abominable (contemptible) act and transgression - He
commands moral lessons to you so that you may remember.
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat AlNahl. (16:90)
Words: Ya'mur = Commands, AlAdl = Justice, Ihsan = Kindness - Performance of good deeds, Eeta' =
Giving, Thi AlQurba = Relatives, Yanha = Forbids, AlFahsha' = Obscenity - Immorality - Monstrosity, Munkar = Abominable Act - Contemptible Act - Forbidden Act - Detestable Act - Bad act, AlBaghey = Transgression - Infringement - Injustice, Ya'idhukum =
He commands moral lessons to you - Advises you, Tathakkaroun = Remember - Heed - Bear in mind.
Q: By boycotting them how can the society bring back to their unity those who want to have their ways by
disturbing its unified fabric?
A: And (Allah forgave) the three (men)* who were left behind until when the earth
became confined for them despite all its spaciousness (they became at their wit's end)** and they became
annoyed with themselves and
it became certain to them that there is no refuge away from Allah except to Him then Allah
pardoned them so that they turn (to Allah) in repentance - indeed Allah is the
Most-Pardoning, the Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 118, Surat AlTawbah. (9:118)
* Reference is to three Muslims "Murarah Bin AlRabee', Ka'ab Bin Malik and Hilal Bin
Ummaya" who lazily stayed behind despite their intention to join the Army of the Prophet Muhammad in the
Mission of Tabouk. They told the Prophet they did not have any excuses for staying behind and that they sinned. Muslims boycotted them for 50 days - the length the
Army was out to teach them a lesson for preferring rest and comfort to the hardship of a military mission. Source: Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti of Egypt, in Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page
266. And Ibn Kastheer.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the famous Qur'an translator, in "The Holy Qur'an: English
Translation ..., page 539" comments: Though illustrated by the
particular examples of Ka'b, Mararah and Hilal, the lesson is perfectly general and is good for
all times.
** After being boycotted by other Muslims
Words: Alsthalsthah = The three, Khullifou = Stayed behind on purpose,
Dhaqat Alayhim AlArdh = The earth became confined for them - closed in on them, BiMa Rahubat = Despite its
spaciousness, Dhaqat Alayhim Anfusuhum = They became annoyed with themselves, Dhannou =
They became certain, Malja' = Refuge, Taba = Pardoned them - Granted them forgiveness, LiYatubou = Turn in
Q: Why is the believer mentally and emotionally a balanced person?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) nothing will happen to us except what Allah had
decreed for us - He is our Guardian and in Allah then let the believers put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlHajj.
Note: At times of worry, fear and grief Muslims repeat "Nothing will happen to
us except what Allah had decreed for us = Len Yuseebana Illa ma Kataba Allah
Lena (extracted from Line 51 Chapter AlHajj in the Qur'an).
Words: Len Yuseebana = Nothing will happen to us, Ma Kataba Allah = What
Allah had decreed, Mawlana = Our Guardian - Our Master, FelYatawakkal = Then let them put
their trust, AlMo'minoun = The believers.
Q: Why should current communities that are used to committing injustice especially to Allah (by disobeying)
beware of Allah's Wrath bringing destruction upon them?
A: And your God was not going to destroy communities until He sends in their mother (centre or greatest community)* a messenger**
reciting to them Our Miraculous Signs (Allah's Holy Book) and We (Allah) were not going to destroy communities except when
their people were transgressors (against Allah's Commands).
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlQasas. (28:59)
* The cetnre community is called the "mother" of the communites or towns where the chiefs usually reside.
** Prophet Muhammad was sent for all humanity (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
and he was the last prophet of Allah. (refer to Surat AlAhzab)
So all the existing communities of the world are warned.
Words: Ma Kana Muhlik = Was not going to destroy, AlQura = Communities -
Towns, Hatta = Until, Yabasth
= Sends, Ummiha = Their mother - Their greatest, Yatlou = Reciting, Dhalimoun = Are transgressors - Doing
Q: What type of patience was the Prophet Muhammad commanded to have?
A: So be patient with graceful* patience.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlMa'arij. (70:5)
* Without complaint or boredom or grief. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an. In Arabic,
page 747. Patience with contentment with Allah's Command and Allah's
Fate. Source: Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation, page 1815.
Note: The succeeding Lines (Verses) of Surat AlMa'arij.
Words: Esber = Be patient, Jameela = Graceful.
Q: Why should not the believers who lose wealth grieve too much about it?
A: Have they not seen that Allah gives plenty* of sustenance to whom He wills and
He restricts - for in that are certainly Miraculous Signs** for people who believe.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlRoum.
* Allah gave plenty to 'Qarun' but he became arrogant so he was deprived of it.
an example from the Qur'an.
** Allah is The Sustainer. Wealth of this temporary life includes many tests from
Allah. For example.
Words: AwLem Yarau = Have they not seen, Yabsut = Gives plenty,
AlRizq = Sustenance, Limen = To whoever, Yasha' = He wills - He wishes, Yabsut = Gives plenty -
Gives abundantly, Yaqdir = Restricts, Yu'minoun = Believe - Have Faith.
Q: If you believe in Allah will you try to gain financially when an accident takes place?
Note: Reference to
Via Rail Derailment.
A: No misfortune takes place except with Allah's Permission and whoever believes in Allah (then) He (Allah)
guides his heart* and Allah of everything is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlTaghabun.
* To Allah's Straight Path that leads to Paradise.
Note: Those who seek unjust financial compensation should know that they are
exchanging Allah's unimaginable reward for their patience for a small price in life.
Words: Ma Asaba Min Museebatin = No misfortune takes place - No calamity takes place, BiIthni
Allah = With Allah's Permission - With Allah' Authorization, Yahdi = Guides, Qalbahu = His heart.
Q: Why do the believers not try to take advantage at times of calamities?
A: Wherever you are (plural) death will get you even if you are in high-rise towers and when good
fortune befalls them they say this is from Allah and when misfortune befalls them they say this is from you (Prophet
Muhammad) - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) all from Allah so what is wrong with these people that
they can hardly perceive (understand) any speech.
Translation of: Ayah 78, Surat AlNisa'. (4:78)
Note: Remember why should we control ourselves at times of
fortune or misfortune.
Words: Aynama = Wherever, Yudrik = Will get - Will reach; Borouj = Towers, Mushayyedah =
High rise- Lofty, Tusibhum = Befalls them - Happens to them, Hasanah = Good fortune, Sayye'ah = Misfortune, Kulun =
Both - All, La yakadouna yafqahouna = That they can hardly perceive - They can hardly understand, Hadeestha = Any speech.
Q: Why are the worthy Muslim ancestors (= AlSalaf AlSalih) known to say: Say good or keep silent?
A: Have you not considered how Allah set the parable of a good word* is similar
to a good tree - its foundation is firmly fixed (on earth) and its branch
is in (reaching towards) the Heaven; It bears its fruit all times (all seasons) with the permission of its God - and
Allah sets the parables for people so that they may remember (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 24 - 25, Surat Ibraheem.
* Remember that the Muslim's good words are lifted up towards Allah each day.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet
asked his companions: Which of the trees is similar to the Muslim. None
answered although the son of Umar bin AlKhattab knew it but did not utter it
since the elders kept silent. The Prophet said: The palm tree. Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, page 777.
Note: In an excerpt of a Hadeesth Qudsi narrated by the Prophet Muhammad: Let
each one of you protect himself from the Fire (of Hell) if even with a part of
a date but if he cannot afford it then (at least) with a good word. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah,
(in Arabic) page 338.
Words: Dharaba Allah Masthala = Allah set the parable, Kalimatan = Word,
Tayyebatan = Good, KaShajarah = Is similar to a tree, Asluha = Its foundation, Sthaabit =
Firmly fixed, Faru'ha = Its branch, Fi AlSama' = In the Heaven, Tu'ti Ukulaha = It
bears its fruit, Kalla Heen = All times - Always; Yatathakaroun = They remember.
Q: Why should we avoid saying anything that can bring Allah's Wrath on us for the word then becomes
an evil word (= kalimah khabeesthah)?
A: And the parable of an evil word* is similar to an evil tree that has been cut off
from the ground - it has no resting place**.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Ibraheem.
* That is against Allah.
** Does not get lifted up towards Allah because it brings His Wrath. So it will remain unsettled on one's
record to the Day of Judgement. And it is up to Allah to forgive who uttered it (if a Muslim) or to punish
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah's servant may utter a
word without thinking of it but it pleases Allah (= min ridhwan Allah) and Allah may raise him ranks with it. And the
servant of Allah may utter a word without thinking ot it but it brings the Wrath of Allah (= min
sakht Allah) and because of it he
will fall in Hell. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen. In Arabic, page 415.
Note: Remember that as a Muslim one should take care of the words he utters
concerning people. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The believer is not who (repeatedly) defames
(= Ta'aan) or curses (= la'aan) others or who repeats doing shameless deeds (= faajir) or
saying shameless words (= bathee'). Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen. In Arabic,
page 431.
Words: Kalimah = Word, Khabeesthah = Evil - Bad, Ijtusthat = Cut off,
Min Fawqi AlArdh = From the ground, Min Qarar = Resting place.
Q: Why should people not despair from the mercy of Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to my servants (Believers)* who transgressed** against themselves (by
disobeying Allah) do not despair from Allah's Mercy - indeed Allah does forgive all sins*** for He is the
Most-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful; And return to your God with repentance and submit to Him before the Punishment (in life/Day of Judgement) reaches you then you
will not be supported.
Translation of: Ayat 53 - 54, Surat AlZumar.
* "Ibad" in the Qur'an is used for people in general. And it can be used for believers only example t "Qul LiIBadi
Allatheena Amanou = Say to My people who believed." Translation of Line 10 in Chapter AlZumar in the Qur'an.
** They exceed the proper bounds that Allah allowed.
*** Allah forgives all sins of sincere repentants among believers. (Allah does not forgive to disbelieve in Him or join partner with Him)
Note: Told by AlTabrani and Ibn Abi Hatem after initially it was narrated by Ibn Masoud
(a scholar among the Prophet Muhammad's companions): The verse (Qur'anic Line) in the Qur'an to bring the
most delight is Ayah 53 in Chapter AlZumar (translation above). Source: The Abridged Version of
"Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer" (in Arabic).
Words: Asrafou = They transgressed - They exceeded the proper bounds, Aneebou = Return (plural) with repentance,
Aslimou = Submit (plural) to Allah, La Tunsaroun = You will not be supported.
Q: After doing sins and sincerely repenting to Allah - what comes after repentance to Allah?
A: And follow the best* that was sent down to you from your God before
the punishment (of the Day of Judgment**) reaches you suddenly while you are (even) unaware.
Translation of: Ayah 55, Surat AlZumar.
* The Qur'an. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 115. (The best for this
life and the Other Life).
** Day of Judgement is called the Day of the Regret (= Yawm AlHasrah).
Note: The translation of the Qur'anic Lines 53 - 54 in Surat AlZumar is found above this posting.
Words: Ettabe'ou = Follow, Ahsen Ma = The best that, Unzila = Was sent, Min Qabli
= Before, Ya'tiyakum = Reaches you, Baghtah = Suddenly, La Tasharoun = You are
Q: Why do some women deliver only girls while others only boys? And why can some persons get
married and have children while others cannot?
A: To Allah belongs the Absolute Authority (Kingdom) of the Heavens and the earth - He creates* whatever He
wills - He grants whomever He wills females (only) and He grants whomever He wills the
males (only); Or He unites them in matrimony (= Yuzawwijuhum)** males
and females*** and He makes whoever He wills barren for He is All-Knowing All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlShoura.
* In the present tense. Hence we keep on hearing of new species being discovered by
** Remember Line 37 in Surat AlAhzab contains the word 'zawwajnakaha' = We united you with her
in matrimony.
*** Not every adult male or female get married in this life. Also note from the phrase 'males and females' how homosexuality is not
allowed in Islam.
Q: In marriage why should good Muslim males marry only good Muslim females and vice
A: Evil females are for evil males and evil males are for
evil females - and good-natured females are for good-natured males and good-natured males are for
good-natured females - those (good-natured) (Allah says) are declared innocent of what they (evil persons) say* -
for them is Forgiveness and honorable sustenance (in Paradise).
* Do not believe evil persons.
Reference is to Aishah, the Prophet's wife, may Allah be pleased with her. Allah cleared her of what the
hypocrites said about her. Her necklace fell and she went back looking for it. The caravan left towards AlMadinah
without her. She stayed covered in her place until Safwan Bin AlMua'tel noticed her. He brought his camel and
she mounted it and joined the caravan. But the hypocrites talked against her may Allah be pleased with her. And then
Surat 'AlNoor' was sent down clearing her against all evil talk from the evil doers. Source: Tafseer waBayan
Mufridat AlQuran, in Arabic, pages 351 - 352.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlNoor.
Words: AlKhabeesthat = Evil females - Bad females, AlTayyebat = Good-natured -
Faithful - Honest, Mubarraoun = Are declared innocent, Are made clear, Rizq =
Sustenance - Kareem = Honorable.
Q: Why defaming a righteous person can turn out to be good for him or her?
Note: When Allah clears someone the person is rewarded by Allah.
A: For those who started to talk about the fabricated untruth* are a united group (of
hypocrites) - (you Family of Abu Bakr) do not think of it (the slander) as bad for you rather it is
good for you - for everyone of them (the slanderers) is what he earned of sinning and the one** who
shouldered the lead of it (untruth) for him is a severe punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlNoor. (24:11)
* Concerning defaming Aishah, the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad and the daughter of
his most close friend Abu Bakr AlSiddique.
Note 1: Refer to the note written just above this translation regarding Aishah may Allah be pleased with her.
Note 2: When people started talking about the slander the Prophet Muhammad
called Ali bin Abi Taleb and Usamah Bin Zaid may Allah be pleased with them both and asked
them about the matter. Usamah knew how much the Prophet loved his wife and he said: They are
your family and we know nothing except good about them. But Ali may Allah be pleased with him
said: Allah will not make it difficult for you and there are a lot of females other than her.
Later on the Prophet said to Aishah
that he heard about her this and that. So if she was innocent Allah will clear her. But if she
sinned so she should ask Allah for forgiveness and repent to Him for Allah will forgive her.
So Aishah asked her father Abu Bakr to reply. He said: What should I say to Allah's
messenger! So she asked her mother who said the same. So Aishah said: I know that the
matter has settled in your hearts. So if I tell you I am innocent you will not believe me
but I will say as Yusuf's father (Prophet Jacob) said: So (I will have) good patience and Allah's
Aid I seek against what you think (Surat Yusuf, Ayah 18). Then while the Prophet in his
place he laughed and said: Aishah get the good news. For Allah has cleared you (in Surat
AlNoor). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, pages 396-397.
Note 3: According to Reza Aslan in 'No god but God' page 123: Only Ali
remained adamant that regardless of Aishah's guilt or innocence, the scandal was damaging
enough to Muhammad's reputation to merit divorce. As one can imagine, this advice
infuriated Aisha's father, Abu Bakr. The matter was forgotten after Aishah's inncoence
by Allah. But neither Aishah nor Abu Bakr forgave Ali.
** The head of the hypocrites in AlMadina known as 'Abdullah Bin Ubbai Bin Sallool'. It is reported that he
became blind and he died without repentance.
Words: Ja'ou BilIfk = Those who started to talk about the fabricated untruth,
Usbah = A united group, Shar = , Khair = Good, Emre' = Person, Ektasaba = Earned,
AlIsthm = Sinning, Tawalla Kibarahu = Shouldered the lead of it, Adheem = Severe.
Q: What is the method to be followed by the believers to judge for themselves that the believing
Muslim is innocent of the defaming case against him or her?
Note: Ten Ayat (lines or verses) in Surat AlNoor were sent down about the fabricated untruth against
the mother of the believers 'Aishah the beloved wife of the Prophet Mohammad'.
A: If only when you (Muslims) heard it (slander against Aishah) the male believers and the female
believers should have had a good opinion about their own selves* and they should have said this
is a clear fabricated untruth.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlNoor.
* If only the believers put themselves in Aishah's shoes to know of her innocence. It is reported that the wife of
Abu Ayyub Khaled Bin Zayd said to her husband: Have you heard what people are saying about Aishah may
Allah be pleased with her? He said: Yes and that is the lie. You, Um Ayyub, could you have done it
(adultery)? She said: No by Allah I would not have done it. He answered: Well Aishah by Allah is
better than you. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, page 401.
Words: Law La = If only, Same'timouh = You heard it, Dhanna Khairan = Had
a good opinion, Ifk = Fabricated untruth - Fabricated lie, Mubeen = Clear.
Q: How does Islam make very hard proving adultery against someone?
A: If only they (slanderers) brought up four witnesses upon it* but if they did not bring
up the witnesses** then those according to Allah are the liars.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlNoor.
* To prove the slander case against the mother of the believers 'Aishah' may Allah be pleased with her.
** Witnesses who saw with their eyes the mentioned act.
Words: Ja'ou = Brought up, Arba'ah = Four, Shuhada' = Witnesses,
AlKathiboun = The liars.
Q: What does defaming someone innocent like Aishah may Allah be pleased with her result in?
A: And were it not for Allah's Favour on you (plural) and His Mercy in this Life
and the Other Life then a severe punishment would have certainly afflicted you because
of what talk you indulged in.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlNoor.
Words: Law La = Were it not, Fadhl = Favour, Rahmatuhu = His
Mercy, LaMassakum = It would have afflicted you, Afadhtum = Talk you indulged in, Athab = Punishment, Adheem =
Q: What is the way for the tyrant to amend his behaviour so as people accept him?
A: Have the narrative about Moses (Prophet Moosa) reached you (Prophet Muhammad; When His
God called out* to him in the Sacred Valley 'Tuwa'**; Go to Pharaoh (Phiroun) for he transgressed beyond
limits; So say would you not like*** to purify (of sins) yourself; And that I guide you towards
your God so you fear (Him).
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 19, Surat AlNazi'at.
* Note that no prophet ever saw Allah. We know about Allah what Allah Himself told us in His
Holy Book and through the Angel Gabriel. Also Allah talked to Prophet Moses only directly therefore Muslims call
Prophet Moses 'Kaleem Allah' =the one to whom Allah talked directly.
** In the Peninsula of Sinae.
*** A kind request.
Words: Ataka = Reached you, Hadeesth = Narrative, Nadahu = Called out, Ethheb =
Go, Tagha = Transgressed beyond limits, Hel Laka = Would you not like, An Tazakka = To purify
yourself, Ahdiyaka = I guide you, FaTakhsa = So you fear (Him).
Q: After the Prophet Muhammad why did history witness some persons claiming to be messengers of Allah but
they refrained from claiming to be gods like Pharaoh (Phiroun)?
Note: Please read first the lines 15 - 19 in Surat Al-Nazi'at, translated just above.
A: So he (Prophet Moses) demonstrated to him the biggest Miraculous Sign*. But he (Pharaoh) rejected as lies and
disobeyed; Then he turned away striving hard (against Allah); So he gathered (people) and announced; Then he
said I am your supreme god; So Allah punished him the exemplary punishment(warning example) of the Other Life** and this life; For
in this is certainly a moral lesson for whoever fears (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 26, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:20-26)
* Moses' staff that changed into a real moving snake.
** The punishment of Pharaoh in three stages.
Note: If Pharaoh (Phiroun) claimed to be god so it is logical that his greatest
minister is a man of religion (not politician).
Words: FaArahu = So he demonstrated to him, AlKubra = The biggest, AlAyah =
The Miraculous Sign, Asa = Disobeyed, Yas'a = Striving hard, Ala'la = The supreme, FaAkhathahu =
Punished him, Nakal = The exemplary punishment, Ibrah = Moral lesson.
Q: What is the parable (moral example) of the hypocrites who are hesitant between Faith and
disbelieving? (Note: This is a second type of hypocrites)
Note: The first type of hypocrites in the preceding Lines
17 - 18 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: Or (the parable is) as a rain cloud from the sky - in it depths of darkness and thunder and
lightning - they (hypocrites) press their fingers in their ears (plug them) from the thunderbolts for
fear of death and Allah is (already) surrounding* the disbelievers; Lightning is about to snatch away (make
blind) their eyesight - every time it flashed on them they walked in it and when it darkened on them they
stood still*** - and if Allah willed He would have certainly taken away their hearing and their seeing for
Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 20, Surat AlBaqarah.
* They cannot escape.
** Their Faith is strong and they have the light of Faith because the circumstances are with them.
*** Their Faith becomes weak and they lose the light of Faith because the circumstances are against them.
Note: This Website has an image with a drawing of the Qur'an with a light.
Words: KaSayyeb = As a rain cloud, Ra'd = Thunder, Barq = Lightning, Asabi'ahum =
Their fingers, AlSawaaiq = Thunderbolts, Hathar = For fear, Muheet = Surrounding, Yakadu = Is
about, Yakhtufu = Snatches away, Adhaa' = Flashes, Mashaw = They walked, Adhlama = Darkens,
Qamu = They stood still, LaThahaba = He would certainly have taken away.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to revenge for any assault on them?
Note: Line 36 in Surat AlShoura is translated: "--- and
whatever with Allah (Other Life) is better and everlasting for those who have Faith and in their God they put
their trust".
A: And those when they are afflicted by oppression they avenge* themselves.
Translation of: Ayah 39, Surat AlShoura.
* They take revenge for themselves without exceeding or transgression.
Note: Remember that if strong and capable of
revenge it is better to be patient: "And certainly whoever remains patient and forgives (is better) - for
that is indeed a matter of firm will." Translation of Line 43 in Surat AlShoura.
Words: Allatheena = Those, Asabahum AlBaghey = They are afflicted by oppression - They
suffer injustice on them, Yantasiroun = They avenge themselves - They take revenge for themselves.
Q: Why was the Prophet Muhammad commanded to overlook the abuse of the disbelievers?
A: And We (Allah) did not create the Heavens and the earth and what is between them* except for
a true purpose** and the Hour (Day of Judgement) is certainly coming so (command to Prophet Muhammad)
do overlook (the abuse) with kind forgiveness.
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlHijr.
* The three mentioned things refer to what man knows as the universe.
** The true purpose of the creation of the Heavens and the earth.
Words: BilHaq = For a true purpose, AlSaa'ah = The Hour, LaAtiyah = Certainly
coming, FeSfah = Do overlook - Do ignore - Do disregard - Do forgive, AlJameel = The kind,
AlSafh = Forgiveness.
Q: What happens when the community is stamped by Allah as a sinning community?
A: He (Prophet Abraham) said what is your business you (angels) who have been sent as messengers (by Allah);
They said for we have been sent to a sinning* people; Except the family of
(Prophet) Lut for we are certainly going to save them all; Except his wife for we have ascertained that
she is certainly going to become from the past (destroyed).
Translation of: Ayat 57 - 60, Surat AlHijr.
* "Qawm mujrimeen" = Criminal people according to Allah. What was the
sin or crime of the people of
What are the details of the punishment inflicted on the people of Lut?
Words: FaMa Khatbukum = What is your business, Ayyha = You, Ursilna =
We have been sent, LaMunajouhum = We are certainly going to save them, Ajma'een = All,
Emr'atuhu = His wife - His woman, Qaddarna = We ascertained, Min AlGhabireen = Become from
the past.
Q: Why even at old age a Muslim should not lose hope in Allah's Mercy?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) inform them about who came as a guest to Abraham (= Prophet
Ibraheem); When they (angels) dropped in on him so they said peace he said indeed we are filled with fear* from you; They
said do not be filled with fear for we give you the good news of a knowledgeable son (Prophet Isaac); He said you gave me the
good news that I became old so what good news are you (really) giving; They said we gave you the good
news truly so do not be from those who despair (of Allah's Mercy); He said and no one despairs of the
Mercy of his God except those who strayed away (from Allah's Path) .
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 56, Surat AlHijr. (15:51-56)
* What exactly made Prophet Abraham and his family be filled with fear from the angels (in the form of men)?
Words: Nab'ehum = Inform, Dhayf = Who came as a guest, Dakhalou = Dropped in,
Wajiloun = We feel fear, La Tawjal = Do not be filled with fear, Nubashiruka = We give you the good
news, BilHaq = Truly - In truth, AlQanitteen = Those who despair, AlDhaloun = Who strayed away.
Q: When does a believer become like a cannibal?
A: O believers avoid much of suspicion for some suspicion is a sin -
and do not spy (on one another) - and
do not defame one another behind their backs - does anyone of you like to eat the flesh of his
brother when he is dead (when not aware) -
so you hate it then do protect yourselves by fearing Allah indeed Allah is Most-Pardoning Most-Forgiving.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlHujurat.
Words: Ejtanibou = Avoid, Kastheeran = Much, AlDhann = Suspicion - Mistrust,
Tajassassou = Spy, Yaghtab = Defame behind their backs - Slander behind their backs, Ya'kula = Eat,
Lahm = Flesh, Akheehi = His brother, Maytan = When he is dead, FaKarihtomooh = So you hate it,
Tawwab = Most-Pardoning.
Q: When confined with the danger of drowning with no help in sight what people usually do?
A: He (Allah) is Who enables you to travel through land and sea until when you (plural)
board the ships - and they run smoothly with them with a favorable wind (= Reeh Tayyebah0 and they arrogantly rejoice with it a
violent wind (= Reeh Asif) got to it and waves reached them from all sides and they became
certain that they have been confined (no escape) they supplicated to Allah devoting the Religion
to Him (no partner) - certainly if you saved us from this we would for sure be among the
thankful (ones); So when He saved them suddenly they are transgressing (being unjust) in the
land without any due right
(Allah reminds) O people indeed your transgression is against your own souls - (you
get) the temporary enjoyment of this life then to Us (Allah) is your return so We will inform you of
what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 22 - 23, Surat Yunus.
Words: Yusayyerukum = Enables you to travel, AlBar = Land, AlBahr =
Sea, AlFulk = Ships, BiReeh = With wind, Tayyebah = Favorable, Farihou = They arrogantly rejoiced,
Aasif = Violent - Blowing violently, AlMawj = Waves, Min Kuli Makan = From all sides, Dhannou = They became certain, Uheeta = Confined, Da'ou
= Supplicated - Called upon,
Mukhliseena = Devoting, AlDeen = The Religion, Anjaytana = If you saved us, Yabghoun =
They are transgressing - They become unjust - They are oppressing, Anfusikum = Your own souls, Mata' =
Temporary enjoyment, Marje'ukum = Your return, FaNunabe'ukum = We will inform you.
Q: What is the major sign of ungratefulness to Allah after being saved from a danger?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) who saves you from the depths of darkness of land and sea -
you call upon Him (Allah) begging earnestly (loudly) and in secret certainly if He (Allah) saves us from this we for
sure will be among the thankful (ones); Say Allah saves you from it and from every distress then you join
partner(s) (with Allah = tushrikoun)*.
Translation of: Ayat 63 - 64, Surat AlAn'am.
* Even in some Muslim
countries where there are shrines of people considered to be righteous (called 'peer' in
the Indian sub-continent or 'awliya' Allah' in some other Muslim countries), after being in danger some Muslims
praise Allah. Then they intend to visit a shrine to obtain
blessing. They supplicate to Allah and then they rub their hands on the
shrine to take the blessing and then rub their faces with it as Muslims do after supplicating (with hands lifted up)
to Allah. (Note: On some shrine sites it is written clearly to supplicate only to Allah but many Muslims ignore
it or do not understand it).
Words: Dhulmat = Depths of darkness, alBar = Land, Tadounahu = You call upon Him,
You supplicate to Him, Tadharruan = Begging earnestly - Humbling yourselves, Karb Humble humble Distress,
Tushrikoun = Join partner(s).
Q: If Allah's punishment in life* is meant to humiliate the punished so what should we call upon Allah for?
A: (Prophet Abraham = Ibraheem prays) And do not disgrace** me on the Day they are raised up.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlShuara'. (26:87)
* Allah's Wrath disgraces the punished. (refer to Surat Hood)
** Humiliation in the Other Life is bigger. (refer to Surat Fusilat)
Words: La Tukhzini = Do not disgrace me - Do not shame me, Yubasthoun = They are
raised up.
Q: After surviving a calamity what is the description of those who refuse to recognize Allah?
A: And when waves covered them like shades* they (in calamity) called upon (prayed to) Allah devoting to
Him the Religion** but when He delivered them safely to land so among them who is on Allah's Path (= muqtasid)*** and (Allah says) no one rejects
to recognize (as true) Our Miraculous Signs**** except every Faithless*****, too much ungrateful (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat Luqman. (31:32)
* No other god with Allah.
** Shadows that gather as darkness comes on. (Ref: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary).
*** On Allah's Straight Path ("moderate" which means without excess worship or its opposite end "extremism").
(From the word "qasd" means seeking a purpose of being grateful to Allah). (Remember in Ayah 9 in Surat
AlNahl that Allah guides to His Path.)
**** (= Ayat) Signs that indicate Allah's Attributes. The Qur'anic Lines
are also called in the Qur'an "Ayat".
***** (= Khattar): Faithless who is actually a traitor of the Covenant made with Allah.
Words: Dhulul = Shades, Muqtasid = Moderate. Yajhad = Rejects to recognize, Khattar = Faithless -
Disloyal, Kafoor = Too much ungrateful - Too much of a disbeliever.
Q: What is the description of any Islamic behaviour?
A: And be moderate (= Eqsid)* in your pace and lower your voice for the most rejected (annoying) of sounds is the braying
of donkeys.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat Luqman. (31:19)
* Sheikh Suleiman AlMulla in a session in Toronto, 2012, about the description of the Prophet
Muhammad mentioned that the Prophet used to walk not slowly, not hurriedly but between that as if he was
pursuing an objective in his walk.
Note: Remember there will be two groups of companions in Paradise. One is "muqtasid" and the other is close to Allah.
Note: Remember in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A man asked the Prophet
Muhammad if he did what Islam commands without increase or decrease where will he be? The Prophet answered in Paradise.
(source will be added later).
(An example: Muslims must do the obligatory prayers (= Salawat Fardh" to enter
Paradise. Performing extra prayers for instance "Salawat AlSunnah" will grant them more reward from Allah (they will
not be punished for not doing extra prayers but will be rewarded more if they do them).
Words: Eqsid = Be moderate, Mashyek = Your pace - Your walk, Eghdhudh = Lower,
Sawtik = Your voice, Ankar = Rejected - Annoying, AlAswat = Sounds - Voices, AlHameer = Donkeys -
Q: Why do sometimes the best human made ships drown?
A: (command to Prophet Muhammad) Have you not (yet) considered how the vessels (ships) sail* across the
sea by Allah's Blessing so as to show you of His Miraculous Signs** - for in that there are certainly
Miraculous Signs for every one who is too much perseverant (enduring), too much thankful (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat Luqman. (31:31)
* Who really commands them? (refer to surat AlHajj)
** Signs or marks that indicate Allah's Attributes. (Remember that Allah created the
whole Universe because He wanted His Attributes to be known and appreciated. (Reference the explanation of the
scholars who are often referred to in this website).
Note: The translation of the succeeding Line 32 in Surat Luqman.
Words: BiNi'mat = By the Blessing - By the Grace, LiYureakum = So as to show you,
Sabbar = Too much perseverant - Too much enduring (patient), Shakour = Too much thankful.
Q: Why is Allan not in need for our gratefulness but He appreciates it?
A: And We (Allah) had already granted Luqman* wisdom - do give thanks to Allah and whoever gives thanks so he rather
gives thanks to his own self and whoever disbelieves (becomes ungrateful) so indeed Allah is Who can do without (= Ghani), Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat Luqman. (31:12)
* A righteous wise man. (refer to Surat Luqman)
Words: WaLaQad Atayna = And We had already granted, AlHikmah = Wisdom, An Ushkur = To give thanks - To be thankful, LiNafsihi
= To his own self, Kafara = Disbelieves - Became ungrateful, Ghani = Who can do without - Who in in no need.
Q: How does self-conceit shape one's actions?
A: (Luqman* advises his son) And do not turn your face away from people in disdain and do not walk on earth joyfully with
self-conceit** for Allah does not like anyone (who is) conceited, boastful.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Luqman. (31:18)
* Remember Luqman was a righteous, Allah-fearing wise man from Africa. An example: Sheikh Suleiman AlMulla in RIS in Toronto 2011
reminded us of Luqman. Once a man ridiculed him saying that his face was
ugly so Luqman said: Do you find fault with the sculpture or the sculptor (A tu'eeb alNaqsh aw AlNasqqash?)
** Why? (refer to Surat AlIsra')
Words: La Tusa'er wajhaka lilnas = Do not turn your face away from people in disdain, La
Tamshi = Do not walk, Marahan = Joyfully with self-conceit, La Yuhhibu = Does not like, Kulu =
Anyone, Mukhtal = Conceited - Having excessively a high opinion of oneself, Fakhoor = Boastful.
Q: 1. How is man (who believes in Allah) inclined to quickly forget what good things Allah granted him?
A: (Allah says) Man (a believer) does not become bored of supplicating (praying to Allah) for good things (fortune)
but when misfortune
(misery) befalls him then he is too much desperate* too much disheartened**.
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat Fusilat (41:49).
* = Ya'ous. He feels too much desperate (hopeless).
** = Qanout. Desparation (hopelessness) reflects a lot on his appearance and actions.
Note: What is the characteristic of the person described above?
Words: La Yes'sam = Dos not become bored, Du'a = Supplicating - Praying, AlKhair
= good things, Massahu AlShar = Misfortune befalls him, FaYa'ous = Then he is too much
desperate, Qanout = Too much disheartened - Too much discouraged.
Q: 2. What does Allah say will certainly happen to the person (who believes in Allah) who brags that he is a special person
(even with Allah)?
A: And certainly when We (Allah) granted him a taste of Mercy from Us after a hardship (bad times) afflicted him he would
certainly say this is mine* and I do not think the Hour (Day of Judgement) is happening and certainly if
I am returned to my God (Allah) indeed for me with Him is certainly the Best Outcome (Paradise)** - (Allah says) so We (Allah)
will certainly inform those who disbelieved (ungrateful to Allah) of what they did (in life) and We will cetainly give them
the taste (experience) of a harsh punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat Fusilat. (41:50).
* He thinks because of his skills and capabilities and he is favoured by Allah. Actually it is
a sign of arrogance (refer to Surat
Note: Remember the arrogant person who owns a garden (refer to Ayah 36 Surat AlKahf).
** AlHusna (= The Best Outcome) is another Name for Paradise.
Words: La (letter) = Certainly, Athaqnahu = We make him taste, Dharraa' =
Hardship - Bad times, Massathu = Afflicted him - Befell him, Ruj'tu = Returned - Sent back, Inna = ILalHusna = Certainly the Best Outcome - Certainly Paradise,
FalaNunabe'anna = We will certainly inform, LaNutheeqannahum = We will certainly give them the taste - Make them experience,
Ghaleedh = Harsh.
Q: 3. When does man (who believes in Allah) become too arrogant to remember Allah?
A: And when We (Allah) bestow a Blessing (fortune) upon man he turns and arrogantly stays away (from
remembering Allah) and when misfortune befalls him then he supplicates (calls upon Allah) a lot.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat Fusilat (no 41:51).
Words: Anamna = We bestow a Blessing - We granted bounty, A'radha = He turns - He
avoids, Naa' BiJanibihi = He arrogantly stays away, Massahu AlShar = Misfortune befalls him - Harm
inflicts him, FaThou Dua' Areedh = Then he supplicates a lot.
Q: 4. When does man become desparte and loses all hope in Allah's Mercy?
A: And when We (Allah) bestow a blessing (fortune) upon man he turns his back and arrogantly stays
away and when misfortune befalls him he becomes desparate (= ya'ousa).
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel) (17:83)
Words: A'radha = He turns his back, Kana Ya'ousa = He becomes desparate - He becomes hopeless.
Q: Who guides the secret conversation to harm the believers?
Note: Please read first the preceding line 9 in Surat AlMujadilah.
A: Indeed the secret conversation is from Satan to cause grief to those who believed
and (Allah says) nothing is going to harm them except with Allah's permission and in Allah let the believers
put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlMujadilah.
Words: Innama = Indeed, LiYahzuna = To cause grief, BiDharihim = Going to harm
them, FalYatawakkal AlMo'minoun = Let the believers put their trust - Let the believers depend.
Q: What secret (private) conversations are rewarded by Allah?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 113 in Surat AlNisa' in the
A: There is no good coming out from a lot of their secret (private) conversations except whoever
commands voluntary charity (= sadaqah) or good acts or reconciliaton between people and whoever does that
seeking Allah's Satisfaction then We (Allah) will grant him a great reward.
Translation of: Ayah 114, Surat AlNisa'. (4:114)
Words: La Khaira Fi Kastheer = No good coming out from a lot, Men Amara = Who commands,
Ma'rouf = Good acts - Good saying ond actions, Ibtigha' = Seeking, Mardhat = Satisfaction, Ajr =
Q: How does Allah defend the wealth and property of orphans?
A: And give the orphans their wealth* and do not replace the good things with bad and do not consume their
wealth with your (own) wealth for it is a major sin.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlNisa'. (4:2)
* When they reach the age of maturity (legal age = Rushd).
Words: Aatou = Give, AlYatama = Orophans, Tatabadalou = Replace, AlKhabeesth
BilTayyeb = The good things with bad, La Ta'kolou = Do not consume - Do not devour, Hooban = Sin,
Kabeera = Major.
Q: What is wrong with even Muslims who take their own rights in full but give others less rights?
A: Woe (destruction) to those who give insufficient measure; Those who when they ask people to
measure for them they take in full; And when they measure for them (others) or weigh for them they give
less; Do not they know for sure that they are going to be raised up; to a Severe Day; The
Day when people will rise up to the God of the inhabitants of the world.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 6, Surat AlMutaffifeen. (83:1-6)
Words: LilMutaffifeen = To those who give insufficient measure, Iktalou =
They ask to measure for them, Yastawfoon = They take theirs in full, Yadhun = Know for sure -
Think certainly, Mabosthoun = Will be raised up,
Adheem = Severe, Yaqoum = Rise up.
Q: What is the first clear sign of a hypocrite?
A: When the hypocrites come to you (Prophet Muhammad) they say we bear witness that you are
certainly Allah's messenger (= rasool) and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are certainly liars*.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlMunafiqoun. (63:1)
Note: Remember the general indicative signs of a hypocrite in everyday's life.
* Liars particularly in Islamic religious religious matters are those who twist or deny Allah's Truth.
Words: Itha Ja'aka AlMunafiqoun = When the hypocrites come to you, Nashhad = We bear witness, Ya'lam = Knows, LaKathiboun
= Are certainly liars.
Q: How do the hypocrites fortify their lying?
A: They (hypocrites) took their oaths (swearing by Allah) as a shield* so they prevented (people)
from Allah's Path indeed how terrible is what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlMunafiqoun. (63:2)
* To protect their lying. An example of their lying fortified by solemn oath as
explained in the Qur'an.
A side note: A hypocrite is one whose apparent saying or action is different from his heart and hidden thought or action. If a hypocrite
takes an oath while he knows he is lying then he is a master of hypocrisy (The particular incident of this
Qur'anic line is about "Ubay Bin Sallool" and his companions. He continued to be against the Prophet Muhammad
until his death. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, by ex-Mufti of Egypt, in Arabic, page 724).
Note: After knowing what the Qur'an says about the hypocrites many Muslim hypocrites nowadays refuse to take
an oath by Allah claiming
that you do not trust them or you do not know that taking an oath by Allah is a great action. (Beware in such
particular cases if they do not
take an oath to show their innocence then they may be hypocrites).
Words: Etakhadhou = They took, Aymanahum = Their oaths, Junnah = Shield - Protection weapon, FaSaddou
= So they prevented, Saa' = Terrible, Ya'maloun = They were doing.
Q: Lying under oath is a characteristic of hypocrites. What had Allah
prepared for them?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 14 in Surat AlMujadilah.
A: Allah had prepared for them (hypocrites) a severe punishment* indeed how terrible is what they
were doing; They took their oaths (swearing by Allah) as a shield so they prevented (people)
from Allah's Path so for them is a humiliating punishment; Their wealth neither their children will
avail them anything against Allah - those (hypocrites) are the companions of Hell they are in it remaining
for eternity.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 17, Surat AlMujadilah. (58:15-17)
* In the Other World.
Words: A'adda = Had prepared, Athaban = Punishment, Tughni = Avail.
Q: What does Allah command Muslims to let it be known about hypocrites?
Note: Please read first the translation above of Ayat 15 - 16 in Surat AlMujadilah.
A: The Day (of Judgement) when He (Allah) raises them (hypocrites) all up so they will take an oath (by Allah) in front
of Him as they are swearing (by Allah) to you (in life) and they think that they are upon something (successful) - (Allah
says) let it be known (= ala) indeed they are who are the liars.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlMujadilah. (58:18)
Words: Yabasthuhum = Raises them up, Yahlifoun = They take an oath - They swear, Yahsaboun =
They think, Ala Shaye' = Upon something, Hum = Who are, AlKathiboun = The liars.
Q: Why are hypocrites told to spare their oath by Allah?
A: And they (hypocrites) swore by Allah - with the most solemn of their oaths certainly if
you (Prophet Muhammad) order them (for Jihad) they will certainly march out say (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not take
an oath - a known obedience* for Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlNoor. (24:53)
* A lip service because even if they march out they are not sincere in their action of Jihad for example.
Words: Aqsamou = They swore - They took an oath, Jahda Aymanihim = With the most solemn
of their oaths, LaYakhrujunna = They will certainly march out, Taa'ah = Obedience, Ma'roofah =
Known, Khabeer = Well-Acquainted.
Q: Will Allah hold us to account because of our unintentional oaths by Allah in our casual
Note: For example we may say in our conversation 'by God I saw him' then it turns out
the man was another person.
A: Allah does not make you accountable for the nonsense in your swearing but He makes you accountable
for what your heart got (of intentional planning) and Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Tolerant.
Translation of: Ayah 225, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: La Yu'akhithukum = Does not hold you accountable, BilLaghwi = For the nonsense,
Aymanikum = Your swearing - Your taking an oath, Kasabat = Got - Earned, Haleem = Most-Tolerant.
Q: When an oath, a solemn declaration or a solemn promise, is taken with good intention what happens if
one breaks it?
A: Allah does not make you accountable for the nonsense (thoughtlessness) in your swearing (taking an oath) but
He makes you
accountable for what oaths you decided on so its atonement* is to feed ten needy persons according to
average of what you feed your own families or to clothe them or to free a slave but who does not have
then to fast three days - that is the atonement of your oaths when you swear and do fulfill your oaths
that is how Allah explains to you His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) so that you may become thankful**.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:89)
* If you do not fulfill the oath.
** for Allah's Guidance to humanity.
Words: Aqadtum AlAyman = Oaths you decided on, FaKafarratuhu = So its atonement,
Ashrat = Ten, Masakeen = Needy, Tahreer Raqabah = To free a slave, Halaftum = You swear
- You take an oath, Tashkoroun = Become thankful.
Q: When do you feel certain that Allah will forgive the sin that you have repented for?
A: Your God knows best what (intention)* is in your hearts - if you are virtuous (good)** then He
is Most-Forgiving to those who repeatedly turn (to Allah) with repentance.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel). (17:25)
* Intention of not doing the sin again.
** Morally excellent acccording to the morals dictated by Allah's Religion.
A side note: Basic justice that governments follow nowadays is part of man's culture and is based on the justice
dictated by Allah. Otherwise as a work
manager once casually said if I have two wives - the one I love more and prefer I will give her two dollars and the other one
one dollar and that is justice in my eyes. Another person would have said I give the other one nothing and that is
justice in his eyes. Most of us, Muslims and non-Muslims will say justice in this particular case is that both
should have an equal amount and this is in Allah's Religion.
Words: A'laem = Knows best, Nofousikum = Your hearts - Your chests, Saliheen =
Virtuous - Morally excellent - Righteous - Good, LilAwwabeen = To those who repeatedly turn with
Q: Why do some persons become desperate of Allah's Mercy and others do not?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 83 in Surat AlIsra'.
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) everyone acts in his own (belief's) manner* because
(plural) your God knows best who is more guided to the Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel). (17:84).
* For example a strong believer, a disbeliever or one who compromises religion for his own benefit.
Words: Ya'mal = Acts, Ala Shakilatihi = In his own manner, Ahda =
More guided, Sabeela = To the Path.
Q: For whom is beatification (declaration of blessedness from Allah)?
A: Those who believed and did the righteous deeds - a declaration (in the Other World) for blessedness* for them and
best returning place**.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlRa'd. (13:29)
* Attaining Allah's Mercy which results in secure abundance in everything good and desirable.
** Best outcome of our return to Allah on the Day of Judgement.
Words: AlSalihat = Good deeds, Ttoobaa (not tawbah = Forgiveness) = Beatification - Declaration for blessedness, Husnu Maab =
Best returning place.
Q: Why should we humans not judge any person to be going to Paradise or Hell?
A: He (Allah) punishes whoever He wills and He grants Mercy to whoever He wills and to Him you will
(all) go back.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:21)
Words: Yarham = Grants Mercy, Tuqlaboun = You go back.
Q: Although we should work hard for success in this life why should we be eyeing the other World?
Note: In a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: 'Do for your life as you were living forever and do
for your other life as if you were dying tomorrow.
A: And the life of this world is not but a (temporary) distraction and a pastime* and indeed the Other World
certainly it is the worth living life** only if they knew (it).
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat AlAnkaboot (29:64)
* Temporary enjoyment because of death.
** A permanent enjoyable place.
Note: Remember what is the worth of the life of this world to Allah?
Words: LaHiya = Certainly it is, AlHayawan = The worth living life - The actual
Q: What is Satan's first weapon to anger Allah?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 19 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: So Satan whispered to them in order to make them reveal (in public) what was covered of their
private places* and
he (Satan) said your God did not prevent you (both) from this Tree lest you become two angels or you become
from those who remain for eternity; And he swore to them that I am to you certainly from the advisers; So he
(Satan) made them ready to fall with (his) deception so when they tasted the Tree their private places were
revealed to them (both) so they started immediately to stick together upon
themselves from the leaves of the Garden and their God called to them did I not prevent you (both) from that Tree
there and tell you that Satan to you (both) is a fully developed enemy.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 22, Surat AlA'raf. (7:20-22)
* Adam was honoured by Allah so Adam and Eve were with clothes. Stripping of clothes in public so that Satan and
others can see was Satan's plan to bring Allah's Wrath on Adam.
Words: FaWaswasa = So he whispered, Woriya = Was covered, Saw'athihima = Their private places, Nahakuma =
Prevented you, Malakayn = Two angels, Qasamahuma = He swore to them, AlNasiheen = The advisers,
FaDalaahuma = He made them ready to fall, BiGhorour = With deception, Tilkuma AlShajarah = That
Tree there, Badat = Were revealed,
Tafiqa = Started immediately, Yakhsifan = Stick.
Q: What did Adam know about the Attributes of Allah that made him quickly apologize?
Note: The translation of the three preceding lines is above.
A: They (Adam and Eve = Hawwa) said our* God we have been unjust to ourselves
(by bringing Allah's Wrath against it) and if You do not forgive us and have Mercy on us we will
certainly be from the losers.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlA'raf. (7:23).
* Adam was created in a Garden in the Heaven. He knew a lot about the Attributes of Allah.
For example Allah is the Only One God. Allah is Forgiving and Allah is Merciful.
Words: Dhalamna = We have been unjust, Anfusana = Ourselves, Taghfir = Forgive =
Forgive, Tarhamna = Have Mercy on us, AlKhasireen = Losers.
Q: Why is there always some type of war going on among humans?
Note: The translation of the preceding line is above.
A: He (Allah) said get down (from the Heaven) - some of you are enemies* of others and for you (plural) on earth
a dwelling place and a temporary enjoyment for some time.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlA'raf (7:24)
* This is a Statement by Allah, the All-Knowing. Most of wars among humans are for earthly gains because most
people do not really fear Allah. How much Faith in Allah does humanity have
from the beginning of life to the Day of Judgement?
Words: Ehbetou = Get down, Ba'dhukum LiBa'dh Adou = Some of you are enemies of others,
Mustaqar = Dwelling place, Mata' = Temporary enjoyment, Ila Heen = To some time.
Q: Why will man not be able to inhabit (repeat inhabit) a planet other than our earth in the galaxy?
Note: The translation of the preceding line is above.
A: He (Allah) said there (earth) you (humans) will live and there you will die and from there you
will be brought out (on the Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlA'raf. (7:25)
Note: Why did man then succeed in going into space?
Words: Tahyoun = You will live, Tamotoun = You will die, Tukhrajoun = You will be
brought out.
Q: Why supporting unlawful (= haram) nakedness makes one ungrateful to Allah?
A: O children of Adam We (Allah) had dressed you with garments that cover your private places
and (also with) decorative attire - and the clothing of piety (Decency - Modesty) that is better - that is from the Miraculous
Signs (of Allah's Mercy with humans) so that they may remember (Allah's Message).
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlA'raf. (7:26)
Note: Remember how Satan succeeded in bringing Allah's Wrath against Adam when Adam obeyed
Satan and ate from the forbidden tree - Adam became naked. Who wanted Adam to be
stripped of his clothes to anger Allah (Line 27)?
Note: The succeeding Qur'anic Lines 28 - 30 talks about shamelessness such as
adultery, rape...etc which
unlawful nakedness supports.
Words: Libas = Garments - Clothes, Yuwari = Cover, Saw'atikum = Your private
places, Reeshan = Decorative attire - Feathers, Libas AlTaqwa = Clothing of piety - Decency -
Modesty, thalika Khayr = That is better, Yaththakarun = They remember.
Q: When one admits that there is Allah what is the next step to take?
B>A: And to Aad* their brother (Prophet) Hood - he said O my people worship Allah - you do not have
any (true) god except Him so will you not protect yourselves (by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 65, Surat AlA'raf. (7:65)
* Arab ancient people to whom Prophet Hood was sent (no 4 in the prophets
Words: Ghayruhu = Except Him, AfaLa = Will you not then, Tattaqoun = Protect
yoursleves by fearing
Q: What do many disbelievers who are leaders in their fields think about why other people follow
Allah's Religion?
A: The assembly (leaders) who disbelieved among his (Prophet Hood) people said indeed we certainly see
you full of foolishness and indeed we certainly think that you are (one) of the liars; He said O my people there
is nothing foolish about me but I am certainly a messenger from the God of the inhabitants of the world;
Conveying to you the Messages of my God and I am to you an honest adviser.
Translation of: Ayat 66 - 68, Surat AlA'raf. (7:66-68)
Words: Fi Safahah = Full of foolishness, LaNadhunnuka = We certainly that you are,
Laysa bi Sahahah = There is nothing foolish about me, Uballighukum = Conveying to you - Delivering
to you, Nasih = Adviser, Ameen = Honest.
Q: What should those who are settled in their countries with extra physical capabilities remember?
Note: Please note the translation of the preceding lines 65 - 68 in Surat AlA'raf is above.
A: (Prophet Hood rebukes the disbelievers) Or have you wondered that a Reminder from
your God has reached you through a man
from your own to warn you - and do remember that He (Allah) made you inheritors (of the land) after
the people of Noah* and He (Allah) augmented you with abundance (larger size) in the physique (in the
creation = alKhalq)** so do
remember the Signs of Allah so that you may become prosperous
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlA'raf. (7:69)
* Refer to the Prophets Map to see that Prophet Hood (Hud no. 4 in the Map) is a descendant of the Arab Nation of
the offspring of Sam, Noah's son.
Remember what the Prophet Muhammad said about the four Arab
messengers of Allah before him peace be upon them all.
** People of Aad were originally in 'AlYemen'. They were destroyed by Allah. Some of their
remnants were the tyrant giants in the Sacred
Land as explained by ex-Mufti of Egypt.
* Two PROOFS: 1. People of Aad
(in ancient Yemen) were tyrants and giants (= jabbareen).
2. They were building tall buildings being giants.
Note 1: There is a link between the people of Aad as
tyrant giants (= jabbareen) and the tyrant giants in the
Sacred Land during the time of Prophet Moses.
Note 2: People of Aad who were destroyed are referred to in the Qur'an
as 'Aad AlOula = The
earlier (first) Aad'.
Note 3: Another indication in the Qur'an about the unique physique of the people
of 'Aad'.
Words: AwaAjibtum = Or have you wondered, Ja'akum = Reached you, Thikr = Reminder,
Khulafa' = Inheritors, Zadakum Bastah = Augmented you with abundance (larger size), Fi AlKhalq = In the physique - In the
Stature - In the bodily makeup - In the creation, Aala' = Signs - Favours, Tuflihoon, Become prosperous.
Q: Why do usually the idol worshipping disbelievers immediately become defensive when the
talk is about their worshipping culture?
Note: Continuation of the Qur'anic Lines translated above.
A: They (Prophet Hood's people) said have you come to us in order to worship Allah Alone and
leave aside what (idols) our forefathers were worshipping so bring us about what you
are promising* us if you
were of the truthful.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlA'raf. (7:70)
* Punishment.
Note: Again refer to the Prophets Map to see that Prophet Hood (Hud no. 4 in the Map) is a descendant of the Arab Nation of
the offspring of Sam, Noah's son.
Words: Aji'tana = Have you come, Nathar = We leave aside, Ya'bud = Worship,
Aba'una = Our forefathers, Fa'tina = So bring us about, Ta'iduna = You are promising us,
AlSadiqeen = The truthful.
Q: Allah called Himself 'Allah'*. Across humanity who call the idols that disbelievers worship
with their names?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Ayah 70 in Surat AlA'raf.
* Allah called Himself Allah. (refer to Surat Taha)
A: He (Prophet Hood) said already filth* (from following Satan = rijs) and (Allah's) Wrath* have fallen
upon you (plural) - are you disputing with me about names (of idols) that you had called - you and your
forefathers - Allah did not send down any authority (legitimation**) for them so wait (for Allah's Punishment in life) for I am
with you among those who are waiting.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlA'raf. (7:71)
* = Whereever there is idol worshipping there is 'filth - impurity because it is the work of Satan' so Allah's 'Wrath' is
expected to fall in that place.
How were the People of "Aad" annihilated? (Aad's Prophet was Hood) (refer to the Note
under Surat AlQamar)
** = 'Sultan'. Legitimation from Allah - An authority which is true and approved because it is conforming to Allah's commands,
well-founded and not in vain.
Note: (99) Attributes (Names) of Allah are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Words: Rijs = Impurity - Filth, Ghadab = Wrath, ATujailouni = Are you disputing
with me, Asma' = Names, Samaytomouha = You called them, Aba'ukum = Your forefathers, Ma Nazzala
= Did not send own, Sultan = Authority - legitimation, AlMuntadhireen = Those who are waiting.
Q: What can be the MOST SEVERE Punishment from Allah inflicted a people?
Note: We continue what happened to the people of (Aad AlOula = the first Aad).
Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines above.
A: So We (Allah) saved him (Prophet Hood) and those who were with him (from Aad's people) by a Mercy from
Us and We cut off (exterminated) the offspring of those who* rejected as lies Our Miraculous Signs (of Allah the Only God)
and they were not believers.
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlA'raf. (7:72)
* annihilated the offspring of a community known as 'Aad AlOula = the earlier Aad' whose tribe 'Iram' (in Yemen) is
mentioned in the Qur'an. People of Aad were polytheists. They knew Allah but worshipped idols with Him.
According to Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer volume 2 pages 332 - 334: People of Aad lived in Yemen between Oman and Hadhramout (now in Yemen) yet
despite this they scattered in the land and they oppressed their people because of their unusual power from Allah.
Prophet Hood told them to worship Allah Alone and to stop oppressing people so they used to say "who is mightier
than us?". But some of them secretly followed Prophet Hood. So Allah held back rain from them for three years so
they became tired and as was the custom then they sent a delegate of them to Allah's Holy Place in Mecca which was
known even then to them (later Prophet Abraham built it). Giants from the offspring of 'Amleeq (giant in Arabic
is 'Imlaq' and the plural is 'amaleeq') Bin Laawith Bin
Sam Bin Noah' were living there. Their master was 'Mu'awiyah Bin Bakr' and his mother was from the people of Aad.
So the group went to him near the Sacred Place to pray for rain. Their leader prayed for a black cloud. So
punishment befell on Aad in their original place (in Yemen) except 'Banu (people of) AlLouthiyyah AlMuhadda' from
Aad who were living in Mecca were not punished. And they were referred to as Aad the later (the second = Aad AlAkhirah). In
the end a phrase became famous in Arabic ('La takun kaWafid Aad' = do not be like the delegate of Aad).
Note: Remember Prophet Hood is no 4 in the map of prophets whoes names are mentioned in the
Words: Anjaynahu = We saved him, Qata'na Dabir = We cut off the offspring - We
exterminated - We annihilated.
Q: What was the name of the community that succeeded the people of Aad?
Note: We continue what happened after the destruction of the people of Aad.
A: Prophet Saleh says to his people Sthamud*) And remember when He (Allah) made you successors
after Aad and He made you settle down in the land - you take up in its plains palaces and you carve
out of the mountains houses so do remember the Signs** of Allah and do not act wickedly corrupting in the land.
Translation of: Ayah 74, Surat AlA'raf (7:74).
* Sthamud people were the successors to the culture and civilization of the Aad (giant) people. They were
cousins to the Aad, apparently a younger branch of the same race (remember Aad were
giants). They were between Madinah (in Saudi Arabia) and Syria. Their land included
both rocky country (hijr) and the spacious fertile valley and plains country of Qura
which begins just north of the city of Madinah. Source: Abdullah Yusuf Ali in 'The Holy Qur'an: English
Translation of the Meanings and Commentary' page 419.
* According to the ex-Mufti of Egypt "AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf" in 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an' in Arabic, page 211: Sthamud is a name of an Arab Tribe called
Aad AlSthaniyah (= second or later Aad). Their dwellings were 'AlHijr' between the land of AlHijaz (Arabia)
and AlSham (Syria and its surrounding countries). (note: they became nearer to the Sacred Land where later on in history Prophet
David and Goliath (giant) met).
(Refer to the Bible to read that the disbelieving champion 'Goliath'
(9 feet and 9 inches) (in the Qur'an his name is Jalut) was among
the Philistines whereas the believing King Saul (in the Qur'an Talut) and the
men of Israel (with Prophet David) were facing them.)
** Aala' = Signs that speak of Allah's Attributes and Favours upon humans.
Words: Uthkuru = Remember, Khulafa' = Successors - Inheritors, Bawwa'akum = Made you
settle down, Sohouliha = Its plains - Its flat lands, Qusoura = Palaces, Tahitoun = You carve out,
Boyouta = Houses, Aala' = Signs, La Tasthau fi AlAlrdh Mufsideen = Do not act wickedly corrupting.
Q: Even in religion how do many of the rich and influential persons in the society alienate (separate) themselves from the poor and
the weak?
Note: Please read the translation of the preceding Line above.
A: The assembly (influential persons) who became arrogant (against the poor) from his (Prophet Saleh)*
people (Sthamud) said to those who were oppressed (by them) - to whoever believed (with the Prophet) from them - do you know
(for sure) if Saleh is sent by his God they said indeed in what he was sent with we are believing; Those who
became arrogant said indeed in what YOU have believed WE are disbelieving.
Translation of: Ayat 75 - 76, Surat AlA'raf. (7:75-76)
* No 5 on the prophets map.
Words: Estakbarou = Became arrogant - Displayed arrogance, Estukhi'fou = Were
oppressed, Marsal = Sent, Aamantum = You have believed - You have Faith.
Q:Why do understanding persons not listen to good advice from honest persons?
Note: Please read first the translation of the two
Qur'anic Lines 77-78 that succeed the Qur'anic Lines translated above.
A: So he (Prophet Saleh) turned away from them* (his destroyed people) and he said (consoling himself) O my
people certainly I have already delivered to you my God's Message** and I gave you sincere advice (guidance) but (clearly)
you do not like*** the advisers.
Translation of: Ayah 79, Surat AlA'raf. (7:79)
* The people of Sthamud were living in AlHijr between Madinah
(in Saudi Arabia) and Syria. A Wikipedia
article about 'AlHijr'.
** What was the Message?
*** What prevents people from following good advice? (the answer is in the translation
Words: Tawalla = Turned away, LaQad Ablaghtukum = certainly I have already delivered
to you, Nasahtu = I gave you
sincere advice, La Tuhiboun = You do not like.
Q: How did Allah's prophets cope with the destruction of their disbelieving communities?
Note: Please read first about the disbelieving community of the Prophet Shuaib.
No. 12 on the prophets' map.
A: So he (Prophet Shuaib) turned away from them (his punished people) and said (consoling* himself) O my
people certainly I have already delivered to you the Messages of my God and I gave you sincere advice so how can
I feel grief over disbelieving people.
Translation of: Ayah 93, Surat AlA'raf. (7:93)
* Consoling himself by alienating himself from them. See how Prophet Saleh consoled
himself after the destruction of his disbelieving people.
A Research Topic: Remember 1. Allah sent messengers in the tongue of their people. 2.
The Prophet Muhammad said about four messengers of Allah before him. So
where the four Prophets before the Prophet Muhammad lived there were Arabs.
Words: LQed Ablaghtukum = Certainly I have already delivered to you, Risalat = The
Messages, Aasa = I feel grief - I feel Sorrow.
Q: How can the loss in the agricultural produce be a test from Allah?
A: And We (Allah) afflicted (as a test) the family of Pharaoh (= Phiroun) with years of drought and shortage in the produce so
that they may remember (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 130, Surat AlA'raf.
Words: Al = The family - The people, Akhathna = We afflicted - We distressed, BilSineen = With years of drought, Naqs = Shortage -
Loss, Min AlSthamarat = In the produce - In the yield, Yatathakaroun = They may remember.
Q: How does pre-setting the mind for disbelieving affect one's faith?
A: And they (Pharaoh's family) said whatever miraculous sign you (Prophet Moses) bring us to
enchant* us we are not going to believe in you**.
Translation of: Ayah 132, Surat AlA'raf.
* To make us believe without thinking.
** Their minds are pre-set for disbelieving.
Words: Mahma = Whatever, Ta'tina = You bring us, Ayah =
Miraculous sign, LiTasharana = To enchant us - To cast spell on us, Len No'min
= We will not going to believe.
Q: What does it indicate to pre-set the mind to deny the truth?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 132 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: So We (Allah) sent upon them the flood, grasshoppers (infestation), lice, frogs*, blood** as detailed*** Miraculous Signs
so they became arrogant and they were sinful**** people.
Translation of: Ayah 133, Surat AlA'raf. (7:133)
* Invasion of the frogs. Learn from the Bible.
** Water actually turning to blood as a miracle and not because of any magical trick.
*** Explaining the truth of Moses (Prophet Moosa) as Allah's messenger.
**** "Qawm mujrimeen" = Criminal people according to Allah.
Words: AlTofan = Flood,
AlJarad = Grasshoppers - Locusts,
AlQummal = Lice, AlDhafade' = Frogs, AlDamm = Blood, Mufassalat = Detailed - Explained,
Estakbarou = Became arrogant - Showed arrogance, Qaman Mujrimeen = Sinful people - Sinful community.
Q: When do disbelievers tend to believe in Allah?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 133 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: And when the punishment (inflicted only by Allah) befell them they (people of Pharaoh) said O Moses call for us upon your God according to
what He entrusted you with - certainly if You (Allah) removed from us the punishment we will certainly
believe in you (Moses as Allah's messenger) and we will certainly send away with you Beni (People of) Israel.
Translation of: Ayah 134, Surat AlA'raf. (7:134)
Words: Waqa' = Befell, AlRijz = The punishment (inflicted only by Allah), Udu = Call upon, AlRijz =
The punishment, Ahida = Entrusted you, Kashafta = If you removed - If you relieved.
Q: What is expected of those who call upon Allah only in times of suffering?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 134 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: So when We (Allah) removed from them the punishment (inflicted by Allah = AlRijz) to
a fixed time they are going to reach* it suddenly they were violating (their promise).
Translation of: Ayah 135, Surat AlA'raf. (7:135)
* Communities either thrive or strive in hardship to a fixed recorded time.
Note: Allah's punishment that can befall people in
Words: Balighouh = They are going to reach it, Itha Hum Yankosthoun =
Suddenly they were violating - Suddently they were going back on.
Q: What happens to communities that try to out-smart Allah?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 135 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: Then We (Allah) took revenge over them so We drowned them in the water because they rejected as lies Our
(Allah's) Miraculous Signs and they were of them inattentive.
Translation of: Ayah 136, Surat AlA'raf.
Words: FenTaqamna = Then We took revenge, FaAghraqnahum = So We drowned them, AlYem =
The water, Kaththabou = Rejected as lies, Anha Ghafileen = Of them Inattentive - Unaware - Ignoring them.
Q: Why do Allah-fearing persons love to be together?
A: For those who believed and did the righteous deeds Allah will bestow upon them love*.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat Maryam. (19:96)
* In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): When
Allah loves His servant (a believer) Allah says to ArchAngel Gabriel that Allah loves that person (person is named)
so Gabriel loves him too and announces it to others. So the inhabitants of the Heaven love him too. And the person gets acceptance
(becomes loved) on the earth. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 65.
Note: On the Day of Judgement Allah will grant those believers who love one another in the
Name of Allah only (not for earthly gains) podiums of light. Even prophets and witnesses among the believers will be wishing to have
similar ones. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 207.
Words: SaYaj'al Lahum = Will grant them, Mawaddah = Love - Friendship.
Q: What moral gifts did Allah fortify His prophets with?
A: O Yahya (John the Baptist)* hold on to the Scripture (of Allah) firmly and We (Allah) granted
him the administration of justice (= AlHukm) from childhood; And compassion from
Us (Allah) and piety and He was Allah-fearing (= taqiyya), And (showing) kindness** towards his
parents and he was not tyrannical, rebellious;
And peace upon him (prophet Yahya) the day he was born and the day he dies = Yamootu)*** and the day he is raised up (on the Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayat 12 - 15, Surat Maryam. (19:12-15)
* No. 23 on the website's 'prophet's map'. He prepared the way to Jesus
peace be upon them both.
** Jesus peace be upon him also showed kindness towards his mother.
*** He was killed unjustly. So if Allah deemed him a martyr, his soul is now alive in Paradise. 'Yamoutu' implies
natural death. martyrs' souls will join their bodies. All will die before the resurrection. Then all will be resurrected.
Words: Khuth AlKitab BiQuwwah = Hold on to the Scripture firmly, Sabeyya = From childhood -
From young age, Hanan = Compassion - Affection, Taqqiyya = Allah-fearing, Barran = Kindness,
Jabbaran = Tyrannical - Insolent, Asiyya = Rebellious, Yubasth = Is raised up.
Q: Why should we fear Allah when it comes to our inner thoughts?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if you hide what (thought) is in your hearts or you reveal it
Allah knows it and He knows what is in the Heavens and earth and Allah is upon everything Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlImran. (3:29)
Words: Tukhfou = You hide - You conceal, Sodorikum = Your hearts - Your chests,
Tobdouho = Reveal it - Make it known, Ya'lem = He knows.
Q: Why do the hypocrites among Muslims and the People of the Book try to keep people away from Allah's Path?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines
1-2 in Surat (AlMunafiqoun = The hypocrites).
A: (Hypocrites keep others away from Allah's Path) That is because they believed (professed Faith) then they
disbelieved (rejected Faith) so it was stamped (by Allah) on their hearts (as disbelievers) so they do not comprehend*.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlMunafiqoun.(63:3)
* They cannot distinguish between pleasing Allah and displeasing Him.
Words: FaTube'a = So it was stamped - Their hearts are sealed against believing. La
Yafqahoun = They do not comprehend - perceive - distinguish - notice - they lack understanding.
Q: Why do hypocrites refuse to ask Allah for forgiveness?
A: And when it was said to them (hypocrites) come - Allah's Prophet (Muhammad) will ask Allah to forgive
you they would turn their heads away and you would see them turning away while showing self-conceit (being quarrelsome).
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlMunafiqoun. (63:5)
Words: Yastaghfir = Will ask Allah to forgive you, Lawwu = They will turn away,
Rousahum = Their heads, Yasudoun = Turning away, Mustakbiroun = Self-conceited, Showing self
conceit - Being quarrelsome.
Q: Why do hypocrites always think that they are targeted and will be attacked?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding and succeeding Lines in
Surat AlMunafiqoun.
A: And when you see them you will admire their physiques and when they talk* you
will listen to them as if they were wooden struts** - they think that every (regular) outcry is against them - they are the enemy so (command to
Prophet Muhammad) do beware of them - may Allah fight*** them for how they are deluded (away from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlMunafiqoun. (63:4)
* Telling lies.
** Arrogance behaviour make hypocrites talk with complete confidence.An image of wooden struts.
*** A prayer to Allah to curse them and make them away from Allah's Mercy.
Words: Tu'jibka = You will admire, Ajsamuhum = Their physiques - Their bodies,
Khushub Mussannadah = Wooden Struts - upported pieces of wood, Sayhah = Ourcry, AlAdou = The
enemy, Fahtharhum = So beware of them, Qatalahum= May Allah fight them, Yu'fakoun = Are deluded.
Q: What word does summarize all sins and because of it
sinners will be punished?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines
101-102 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: And then We (Allah) sent after them* Moses (Prophet Moosa) with Our Miraculous Signs (indicative of
Allah) to Pharaoh (= Phiroun) and his assembly - so they became unjust** towards them so
(command to Prophet Muhammad) see how the ending was of the corrupters***.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat Al'Araf. (7:103)
* Ancient communities that strayed away from Allah's Path.
** They refused to acknowledge them.
*** Being unjust spoils (corrupts) the balance that Allah put in how the world should be run.
Words: Basthna = We sent, Mala'ihi = His assembly, FaDhalamou = So they became
unjust, Aqibat = The ending.
Q: When faced with truth what is an easy way for leaders to intimidate (terrify) people to become against
the truth?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah 104, and 105 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: He (Pharaoh 'Phiroun') said if you (Prophet Moses 'Moosa') came with a Miraculous Sign (from Allah)
then bring it out if you are from the truthful (persons); So he cast his staff then suddenly it is an
unmistakable snake (alive moving); And he withdrew his hand (from his pocket) then suddenly it is white
(shiny) to the spectators; The assembly (leaders) among the people of Pharaoh said indeed this is certainly a
well informed magician; He wants to drive you* from your (own) land so what do you suggest; They (Pharaoh's
common people) said (to Pharaoh) leave him for a while and his brother - and send in towns summoning
messengers; They will bring you every knowing magician**.
Translation of: Ayat 106 - 112, Surat AlA'raf.(7:106-112)
* Pharaoh's own people and not Beni Israel.
** Common people believed what the assembly said about Prophet Moses being a magician so they thought he
could be defeated by top magicians.
Note: The translation of some succeding Lines in Surat AlA'raf.
Words: AlSadiqeen = The truthful, Asahu = His staff, Sthu'ban = Snake, Naza'
= Withdrew, Aleem = Well-informed - Knowing, Arjih = Leave him for a while.
Q: Why should a man take care of pleasing Allah even if his family members are against it?
A: O those who believed indeed among your spouses and children are enemies to you* so
beware of them and if you overlook (their behavior) and excuse (them) and forgive (them) then Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlTaghabun. (64:14)
* When their demands conflict with your religious duties.
Note: According to Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him: Some men became
Muslims in Mecca and they wanted to go to join the Prophet Muhammad in AlMadinah. But their spouses
and children refused to allow them. Later on when they had the chance to go they found others far
in religious knowledge than them. So they wanted to punish their family members but they were
commanded to forgive. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 566.
Words: Adou = Enemy, FeHtharouhum = So beware of them, Ta'fou = Overlook, Tasfahou
= Excuse, Taghfirou = Forgive.
Q: Why should especially those who have a lot of wealth and/or children as their heirs be mindful a lot
of Allah?
Note: Please read first above the translation of Line 14 in Surat AlTaghabun.
A: Indeed your wealth and your children are only a trial (for you from Allah) and Allah has
great reward (for the winners).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlTaghabun. (64:15)
Words: Innama = Indeed only, Amwalukum = Your wealth, Awladukum = Your children.
Q: How can one cope with bad times and be without arrogance at good times?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 9, 10 in Surat Hood.
A: Except those who remained patient and did righteous deeds -
those for them is (Allah's) Forgiveness and a great reward.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat Hood. (11:11)
Words: Sabarou = Remained patient, Amilou = They did, AlSalihat = Righteous
deeds - Good deeds, Ajr = Reward, Kabeer = Great.
Q: Why should flourishing societies re-evaluate their economic systems to see if they are not against Allah's
A: And to Midian (= Madyan) their brother Shuaib* - he said O my people worship Allah - you do not
have any god other than Him and do not be inadequate in measure and weight for indeed I see you in
prosperity and indeed I fear for you the punishment of an encircling (overwhelming)** day.
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat Hood. (11:84)
* Prophet Shuaib.
** Disasters will surround them.
Words: La Tanqusou = Do not be inadequate, AlMikyal = Measure, BiKhayr =
In prosperity - Flourishing, Akhafu = I fear.
Q: How is the reward of a believer's good deed associated with his intention behind it?
A: And those who emigrated in the Cause* of Allah then they were killed** or died*** Allah is
certainly going to provide them with a good sustenance (in Paradise) and indeed Allah is certainly the
Best Provider.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat AlHajj. (22:58)
* To make or keep Allah's Word the Highest.
** Became martyrs during the migration.
*** By natural death.
Words: Hajarou = Emigrated - Left their dwelling places, Qutilou = They were killed,
Matou = They died, LaYarzuqannahum = Is certainly going to provide them, Rizqan Hasannan = Good
sustenance, Khair AlRaziqeen = Best Provider - Best One Who gives sustenance.
Q: How much reward from Allah does one get if he moves to do a good deed but he dies before reaching
his destination?
A: And whoever emigrates in the Cause of Allah he will find in the earth many places of refuge and
abundance (in wealth/comfort) - and whoever leaves his home intending emigration for Allah and His
Messenger (Prophet Muhammad)* then death comes to him so his reward becomes due on Allah and Allah
is Most-Forgiving** Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlNisa' (4:100)
* Travelling to keep Allah's Name the Highest is recommended. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet
Muhammad: Allah had guaranteed for whoever goes out with the intention to fight in Allah's
Cause while believing in Allah and believing in Allah's Messengers then he is guaranteed that Allah
shall admit him into
Paradise or Allah shall return him to his home with payment or (war) spoils. Then the Prophet Muhammad took an
oath by Allah and added: Whoever gets injured in the Cause of Allah except he comes on the Day of Judgement
as he was when he was injured - his injury with the colour of blood and the smell of musk (perfume).
The Prophet took another oath and added that he does not like to leave behind anyone who wants to go on such
a mission but he cannot find how (financially) to equip them. He also added he (the Prophet himself) loves to fight in the
Cause of Allah and be killed and repeated it three times. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran,
in Arabic, page 94.
** This indicates the person's sins will be forgiven.
Note: It is known in Islam anyone who leaves his home intending a good deed and he dies then he gets the
full reward of it. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 127.
Words: Yuhajir = Migrates - Leaves his home, Yajid = He finds, Muraghaman =
Places of refuge - Refuge, Sa'ah = Abdundance - Wealth - Comfort, Yudrikhu = Reaches him, AlMawt
= Death, Waqa' = Becomes due, Ajruhu = His reward - His payment.
Q: Those who migrate to make or keep Allah's Word the Highest and are killed or die during the
migration process - what honour do they receive from Allah?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 58 in Surat AlHajj.
A: He (Allah) will certainly admit them to a place (in Paradise) (and) in a way (= Mudkhalan)* they will be pleased with and indeed Allah
is certainly All-Knowing Most-Tolerant**.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlHajj. (22:59).
* They will be honored. Remember in Surat 'YaSeen' the parable in which a man in Paradise wanted Allah
to let people who are alive know about his honoured status.
** An indication that Allah will forgive them their sins.
Words: LaYudkhilannahum = He will certainly admit them, Mudkhalan = To a place (and) in
a way, Yardhawnahu = They will be pleased with, Haleem = Most tolerant.
Q: Why shouldn't a person who receives his right after a fight for example be afraid if
aggression is committed against him again?
Note: Remember one aspect of the Qur'an being a miracle is that the Qur'an is for all times. It
refers to specific incidents or events which also have general implications for all times and places.
An incident: According to Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, pages 342-343: An army group of the Prophet's companions
met an enemy group of disbelievrs in the Muslim Sacred Month of Muharram. Muslims did not
want to fight but disbelievers attacked them so Muslims had to fight back. Then Allah made the Muslims victorious.
A: That is so* (command and reward) - and whoever punishes similar to what he was punished
with then aggression was committed on him - Allah will certainly support him indeed Allah is
certainly Who is Willingly Most-Pardoning** Most-Forgiving.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlHajj. (22:60)
* Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 59 in Surat AlHajj.
** = Affouwon. Who willingly overlooks sins. Allah's Attribute is 'AlAffou'. Allah pardons
those who break the sanctuarity of the sacred Month (Muharram) in self-defense.
Note: In Arabian Peninsula the answer to 'thankyou' is 'AlAffou = don't mention it - it's
nothing - you're welcome).
Words: Thalika = That is so, Aaqaba = Punishes, Misthla = Similar, Bughiya =
Transgression was committed, Affouwon = Willingly Most-Pardoning.
Q: What is Allah's Answer to those who do not have good opinion (favourable judgement) about Allah?
Note: In life some Muslims think since Allah did not answer their supplication Allah does not
support them so they show their anger by disobeying Allah.
A: Whoever thinks that Allah is not going to support him in this life and the Other World
so let him stretch out a rope up to the sky (high place) then let him cut (it) off (hang himself)* then let him
see if his plotting (with a rope) does really remove what enrages him**.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlHajj. (22:15)
* It brings to mind an expression in the Kuwaiti dialect: Go bang your head against the wall. (you will only hurt
yourself not whom you're against).
** If people do not care, Allah does not care. (refer to Surat AlFurqan)
We need Allah - Allah does not need anyone. One of Allah's Attributes is that He is Self-Sufficient (= AlGhani) Who can do without.
Believers should always have favorable opinion about Allah and that Allah does what is good for
them in this life and the Other Life. If they do not get it now maybe because Allah knows it is not good for them
or that Allah is saving it for them in the Other Life.
A Side Note: (refer to Surat AlBaqarah) Remember suicide or unnecessarily harming oneself in any form is not allowed in Islam. Allah Alone
gives life and takes life. In a summary of a well known
saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever kills himself (in any way) he will be raised up on the Day of Judgement
repeating the same to himself. Source will be insha Allah added later.
Words: Yadhun = Thinks, Len Yansurahu = Will not support him, FelYamdud = So let him
stretch out, BiSabab = A rope, Lyaqta' = Let him cut (it) off, Yuthhibanna = It does remove, Kaydahu
= His plotting, Ma Yugheedh = What enrages him.
Q: How do you quickly summarize the Qur'an - Allah's Holy Book?
A: And in this way (with parables)* We (Allah) sent it (The Qur'an) down Miraculous Signs**
(Qur'anic Lines) with eye-opening proofs (= Bayyenat) and indeed Allah guides (to Himself) whom He
wants (to be guided***).
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlHajj. (22:16)
* (with parables - moral lessons). Please read the translation above (edited and a side note is added) of the preceding Line 15 in Surat
** Indicative of Allah and His Attributes.
*** Remember a person should show willingness to be guided so Allah guides
him. Allah's Guidance.
Words: Kathalika = In this way, Anzalnahu = We sent it
down, Ayat = Miraculous Signs, Bayyenat = With eye-opening proofs - With explaining Signs..
Q: What is the Islamic common way to get Allah's blessings on a daily basis?
A: There is no objection on the blind or the lame or the sick neither on yourselves whether you (plural)
eat in your houses or the houses of your fathers or the houses of your mothers or the houses of your
brothers or the houses of your sisters or the houses of your uncles (father's brothers) or the houses of
your aunts (father's sisters) or the houses of your uncles (mother's brothers) or the houses of your
aunts (mother's sisters) or (houses) whose keys you have or your friend - there is no blame on you to
eat together or separately - so when you enter houses so do greet yourselves with a greeting from
Allah BLESSED* (and) GOOD - in this way Allah makes clear to you the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) so
that you may realize.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlNoor. (24:61)
* Blessings = Increase by Allah in good things. Remember that the Qur'an tells us Allah Alone puts His Blessings
in whom and where He wants.
An example of Allah's blessing is the Qur'an.
An example is Jesus peace be upon him.
An example in rain water.
A Side Note: Jamia Riyadhul Jannah" A recent (25-26 Jan 2014) viewing in Toronto of a relic cherished by
many Muslim viewers - some to honour it and others to have blessings from it (touching and rubbing the body).
A previous viewing of the
cherished relic.
Note: Remember Muslims recite in all their daily prayers the supplication to Allah to grant
Prophet Muhammad and his respected family blessings (= Allahumma Baarik) as Allah granted Prophet Abraham (= Ibraheem)
and his respected family.
Words: Haraj = Objection, A'mamikum = Your uncles, Ammatikum = Your aunts, Akhwalikum
= Your uncles (mother's brothers), Khalatikum = Your aunts (mother's sisters), Junah = Blame, Tahiyyah = Greeting, Mubarakatan
= Blessed, Tayyebah = Good, Ta'qiloun = Realize (plural) - Use their brains - rationalize -
Q: Why should a Muslim be a man of his word?
A: O believers why do you say what you do not* do.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlSaff. (61:2)
* It is reported that a group of Muslims said if we knew what deed Allah likes the most we will spend our
wealth and ourselves for it. So when the command of AlJihad was sent they hated it. Source: Safwat AlBayan
liMa'ani AlQur'an, By Sheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, page 720.
Note: A man of his word means only for good deeds. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muahmmad: Who was about to do something good
and he did not do it one good deed (= hasanah) is written for him in his Record. But if he did it
then it is counted as ten good deeds for him. But who was about to do something bad and did not do it nothing
is written against him but if he did it then one bad deed is written for him. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2
page 287.
Words: Lima Taqoloun = Why do you say, Ma la Tafaloun = What you do not do.
Q: Why should a person not say what he does not intend to do?
A: It is much hatred in the Sight of Allah that you (plural) say what you do not (intend to) do.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlSaff. (61:3)
Words: Kabura Maqtan = It is much hatred, Inda Allah = In the Sight of Allah -
According to Allah.
Q: When in a combat with the enemy what is the best way to fight?
A: Indeed Allah likes those who fight in His Path (to please Allah) in (closed)
ranks (Saffa) as if they were a structure held firmly together (in tight formation).
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlSaff. (61:4)
A side note: Make sure when you think you are going to make Jihad it is not
In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): Among those before you was a man who had a wound on his hand. So he became
impatient and took a knife and cut his hand. He kept on bleeding until he died. Allah said: My servant
hastened, before Me (before Allah doing it), to take his soul so Paradise is forbidden for him.
Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 214.
Note: Remember the Prophet's saying about whoever kills himself will be raised up repeating his killing to
himself. (Source will be added later insha Allah)
Words: Saffa = In (closed) ranks - Being closer together, Marssouss = Held
firmly together - in tight formation.
Q: How does man not have ultimate control over his planning?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 7-8 in Surat AlQasas.
A: And the woman* of Pharaoh said (Moses) a pleasure for my eyes and yours (Pharaoh) - do not kill** him
perhaps he becomes of use to us or we may take him as a son (Allah says) while they were not aware***.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlQasas. (28:9)
* At the time of Pharaoh men were allowed to marry their sisters.
** Pharaoh commanded all new born boys of Beni Israel to be killed.
*** Allah destined that Moses was going to be a prophet and an enemy to Pharaoh.
Words: Qurata Aynin Li = A pleasure for my eyes, La Taqtulouh = Do not kill him, Hum La
Yashuroun = While they were not aware - Not realizing.
Q: What makes a believer control his emotions, gain courage and become patient?
A: And the heart of Moses' mother became empty (devoid of happiness) - she was certainly about to
reveal about him had We (Allah) not tightened (made firm)* her heart so that she becomes from the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlQasas. (28:10)
* Strengthened it with patience, tranquility and courage which Allah gives to believers.
Note: Remember whose hearts also Allah strengthened with Faith.
Words: Farighan = Empty - Void, LaTubdi Bihi = Certainly to reveal about him,
Rabatna = We tightened - We made firm - We strengthened.
Q: Does putting one's trust in Allah in a matter mean to sit down doing nothing about the matter?
A: And she (Moses' mother) said to his sister keep him (Moses)* within view so she (sister) watched him from
a distance while they were not aware.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlQasas. (28:11)
* Moses was put in a cradle and was cast in the river.
Words: Qusseehi = Keep him within view, An Junub = From a distance.
Q: How does Allah support whom He wants without sometimes people being aware of it?
A: And We (Allah) made forbidden for him (Prophet Moses) (other) breast feeders* from before so she (Moses'
sister) said shall I point out to you the people of a house who can nurse (feed and take care of) him and they will be for
him good guides.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlQasas (28:12)
* Prophet Moses as an infant refused to suck milk from breast feeders other than his real mother.
Words: Adulukum = Point out to you, Yakfolounahu = Feed and take care of - Support -
Adopt, Nasihoun = Good Guides.
Q: What is an example in life about Allah keeps His Promise?
A: So We (Allah) returned him (Moses) to his mother so that her eyes become pleased (relaxed) and she
does not grieve and that she knows that the Promise* of Allah is True but most of them (people) do not
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat (28:13)
* What special Promise was inspired to Moses' mother?
Words: Taqqarra Aynuha = Her eyes become pleased - She becomes relaxed, La Tahzan = She
does not grieve, Akstharahum = Most of them, La Ya'lamoun = They do not realize.
Q: What quality should be sought also in jobs that require physical strength?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 23-25 in Surat AlQasas.
A: One of them (two young women) said my father hire him (Moses) indeed the best to hire is
the strong the honest.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlQasas (28:26)
Words: Esta'jirhu = Hire him, Khayra men Eta'jarta = The best to hire, AlQawi =
The strong, AlAmeen = The honest.
Q: Why entering into marriage is like entering into a business deal between the two families of the bride and
the groom?
Note: Mutual understanding is required.
A: He (girl's father) said indeed I want to give into wedlock to you (Moses) one of these two daughters of
mine based on (condition) that you work* for me for eight years but if you completed ten years so this will be from
you (your free will) - and I do not want to make it hard for you you will find me Allah willing from the righteous
persons (= AlSaliheen); He (Moses) said that (agreement) is between me and you - any of the two terms I stay then there is no attack on
me and Allah is upon what we say a Witness.
Translation of: Ayah 27 - 28, Surat AlQasas (28:27-28)
* Like paying a dowry.
Words: Ureedu = I want, Unkihaka = to give into wedlock - in marriage, Ta'jurni = You work for
me, Hijaj = Years, Ashuqa = Make it hard, Ayyama AlAjalayn = Any of the two terms, Udwan = Attack,
Wakeel = Witness.
Q: How is belief in Allah the decisive factor in deciding if an act is of magic or Allah's Miraculous
Note: Please read first the translation of
the preceding Lines 33-35 in Surat AlQasas.
A: So when Moses (Prophet Moosa) brought them (Pharaoh's gathering) Our (Allah's) Miraculous Signs
with eye-opening proofs (= Bayyenat**) they said this is not but made-up magic*** and we did not hear
about this among our forefathers.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlQasas (28:36)
* Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary defines 'miracle': An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention
in human affairs.
And 'magic': The art of producing illusions by sleight of hand (manual skill).
** Indicative of Allah and His Attributes.
*** But the magicians of Pharaoh realized it is not magic.
Note: Miraculous Signs were given to Allah's prophets. What we may experience as super power nowadays experienced by
some persons we deem as righteous is called 'karamaat' = acts of honour bestowed by Allah on some and not
Miraculous Signs. Source will be added later insha Allah.
Words: Bayyenat = With eye-opening proofs - Evident, Muftara = Made up - Fabricated -
Based on lies. Fi Aba'ina AlAwaleen = Among our forefathers.
Q: What does a believer remember when he is treated as a liar while delivering Allah's Message?
A: And Moses said my God knows best who has come (to you) with the Guidance (Allah's Message)
from Him (Allah) and who is going to get the (good) outcome (ending) of the Dwelling (this World) - indeed it is
that the transgressors (against Allah) do not prosper.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlQasas (28:37)
Words: A'lamu = Knows best, Aqibat = Outcome - Ending, AlDar = the Dwelling - This world, La Yufleh = Do not prosper - Do
not attain salvation, AlDhalimoun = Transgressors - Wrongdoers.
Q: Why do you see some believers in a calamity like the 'Malaysia Airlines Flight 370' nowadays (March-April 2014)
having good patience without showing rage or even complaints?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) nothing will happen to us except what Allah had written* for us - He
is our Master and in Allah then let the believers put their trust*.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlTawbah. (9:51)
* As a hard test for the believers to see their patience. Allah will take justice for
them and He will reward them.
Words: Kataba = Had written - Had dictated, Mawlana = Our Master - Our Guardian.
Q: Why are believers and disbelievers not the same according to Allah?
A: Those who disbelieved for them is a severe punishment and those who believed and did righteous deeds
for them is Forgiveness and a Great Payment (Recompense).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat Fatir. (35:7)
Words: Kafarou = Disbelieved - Became ungrateful to Allah, Athab = Punishment, Shadeed
= Severe, Maghfiratun = Forgiveness, Ajr = Payment - Recompense - Reward, Kabeer = Great.
Q: How do many people defend deeds knowing they anger Allah?
A: So is the one to whom the evil of his work was made (by Satan) to look good so he considered* it
good (equal to a believer?) - so indeed Allah leaves to stray away (from Allah's Path) whoever He wills and He (Allah)
guides (to Himself) whoever He wills so (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not destroy yourself
for them with regrets for Allah is All-Knowing of what they make up.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat Fatir. (35:8)
* He convinces himself that the bad deed is a good one.
Note: What other specific Ayat of the Qur'an rejected by the listeners made the Prophet Muhammad filled with sorrow
and grief?
Words: FaRa'ahu = He considered it - He saw it, Yudhillu = Leaves to stray away, FaLa
Tathhab Nafsuka = So do not destroy yourself, Hasarat = Regrets, Yasna'oun = Make up - Produce -
Q: Generally speaking what made the Prophet Muhammad filled with grief when his listeners used to reject the
Message of Allah?
A: Ta Seen Meem*; Those are the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) of the well developed Book (Qur'an);
You (Prophet Muhammad) might be killing yourself (with worries = Bakhie'un Nafsaka) for they do not
become believers**.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlShuara'. (26:1-3)
* The pronunciation of three Arabic letters that do not make a word known in the Arabic language - the language of the Qur'an. From Allah's
World of the Unseen. Nobody knows their true meaning. (Possibly they refer to a part in 'the Origin of the
Book = Um AlKitab' from which specific Qur'anic lines (verses) were brought down
to Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. And Allah knows best).
** Remember every Muslim should become also a believer.
Also remember that every believer (= Mo'min) is a Muslim (submitting to Allah)
but not every Muslim is a believer. The Qur'an most of the time
speaks to believers.
Words: AlMubeen = Well developed - Evident - Unmistakable, Bakhie'un Nafsaka = Killing
yourself (with worries), Al la Yakonou Mo'mineen = For not being believers.
Q: Humans are endowed with free will to worship Allah or to disbelieve. If Allah willed how could He
have easily forced humans to worship him Alone?
Note: See here how Allah defends Prophet Muhammad. Please read first the translation above of
the preceding Lines 1-3 in Surat AlShuara'.
A: If We will (please) We will* (in life) send down upon them from the sky a Miraculous Sign then (they with) their
necks** before it will be bent down in submission.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlShuara'. (26:4)
* Allah is Capable.
** A Threatening Tone.
Note: Towards the end of time when it is no use to believe then, Allah will send a
terrifying talking Miraculous Sign.
Words: Nasha' = If We will - If We please, Fadhallat A'naquhum = Then their
necks, Khadhi'een = Bent down in submission.
Q: How does a tyrant ruler twist the facts to gain people's support?
Note: Please read first the translation of the
preceding Line 56 in Surat Taha.
A: He (Pharaoh) said you (Prophet Moses) came to us in order to drive* us out from
our land with your magic O Moses.
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat Taha. (20:57)
* In fact Prophet Moses came to free Beni Israel from Pharaoh's slavery. (in Ayah 47 of Surat Taha)
Words: LiTukhrijana = In order to drive them out.
Q: Across history what did disbelieving leaders think of the Miraculous Signs which supported Allah's
A: (Pharaoh challenges) So we will certainly bring you magic similar to it (Moses') so
do make between us and you an appointment - we will not fail it neither we nor you - in a
leveled* place.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat Taha. (20:58)
Note: And after seeing the miracles? (In Surat AlQasas)
* So it does not have sides and it looks leveled when seen by all (so nothing is hidden and all people
can watch). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3.
Words: BiSihr = With magic, Makanan Suwa = In a leveled place.
Q: What indicates that Allah's Message should be delivered clearly to all people?
A: He (Prophet Moses) said (to Pharaoh) your (plural) appointment is the Day of the
Feast** (holiday)* and people should be gathered in
broad daylight**.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat Taha. (20:59)
* People dress up in it (Yawm AlZeenah).
** Allah's Message is to be announced clearly to all. (Allah showed the two miracles to
Prophet Moses. And Moses showed them to Pharaoh. So Pharaoh called them magic and challenged Moses.)
Words: Yawm AlZeenah = Day of the Feast - Eid, An Yuhshar = Should be gathered,
Dhuha = Broad daylight.
Q: What did Pharaoh gather to challenge Allah's miracles given to Prophet Moses?
A: So Pharaoh turned away (with his supporters) then he gathered his craftiness* (those skilled in deception) then
he came (to the appointment).
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat Taha. (20:60)
* Tricks of magicians.
Words: FaTawalla = So he turned away, Kaydahu = His craftiness -
His skilled deceivers.
Q: What is the benefit of brotherhood in Islam?
A: (Prophet Moses supplicates) And appoint for me a representative from my family; Aaron (= Prophet
Haroon) my brother; I increase through him my strength; And I make him share in my affair.
Translation of: Ayat 29 - 32, Surat Taha.(20:29-32)
Words: Wazeeran = Representative - Minister, Ahli = My family, Ashdud = I increase,
Azri = My strength - My courage - Ashrikhu = Make him share, Amri = My affair - My business.
Q: What should be our FIRST intention when we ask Allah for a favour in life?
A: (Moses prays) So that we (Moses and Aaron) glorify You (Allah) a lot; And we remember
You (Allah) a lot; For You had been of us All-Watchful; He (Allah) said You have been granted your
request* O Moses (= Prophet Moosa).
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 36, Surat Taha. (20:33-36)
* What Moses prayed Allah for as mentioned in the preceding Lines 25-28 and (find above) 29-32 in Surat
Words: Nusabihuka = Glorify You, Nathkuruka = Remember You - Mention Your Name, Baseera
= All-Watchful - All-Seeing.
Q: Why should a president be evaluated by his works rather than his emotional speeches?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 77 in Surat Taha.
A: Then Pharaoh followed them (People of Israel) with his soldiers then it descended upon them from the water of the
sea whatever covered them; And Pharaoh led astray (away from Allah's Path) his people and did not
rightly guide (them).
Translation of: Ayat 78 - 79, Surat Taha. (20:78-79)
Words: FaGhashiyahum = Then it descended upon them - Then it covered them, Ma Ghashiyahum
= Whatever covered them, Adhalla = Led astray, Ma Hada = Did not rightly guide.
Q: Why are many disbelievers who are living an affluent life getting much richer?
A: And do not extend your eyes to what We (Allah) have given as temporary enjoyment* (in life) to
some couples of them (rich disbelievers) - as the flower of the life of this world through which to
test them with
temptations (= LiNaftinahum) and the sustenance (provision in Paradise) of your God is best and everlasting.
Translation of: Ayah 131, Surat Taha. (20:131)
* Rich good things are hastened for some disbelievers in life.
Note: Believers feel sorrow that rich disbelievers in this life will have nothing good in the
Other World.
Words: Zahrat = Flower, LiNaftinahum Feehi= Through which to test them with temptations, Rizq =
Sustenance, Provision.
Q: Why hypocrites whose characteristic is lying have no real self esteem?
A: They (hypocrite Muslims) say certainly if we return* to AlMadinah the honorable (persons) will certainly drive out from it the mean (low persons) -
(Allah confirms) And to Allah belong honour and to His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the believers - but the hypocrites do not know.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlMunafiqoun. (63:8)
* Reference to a Muslim war known as "Battle of Bani AlMustaliq" (near the
well of AlMurisi'). In the meantime two Muslim men fought. One from the Arabian Bedouins who was with the immigrants (who immigrated to
AlMadinah= AlMuhajireen) and the other a friend of the supporters (natives
of AlMadinah = AlAnsar). So some 'AlMuhajireen' fought with 'AlAnsar' then they stopped. When some people complained to a hypocrite known to be as the head (chief) of hypocrites - 'Abdullah Bin Ubayy Bin
Salul' he uttered the words. Then he denied saying them. When he came back to AlMadinah his son Abdullah took his sword and did not allow his father to enter AlMadinah
until he says that he is the mean and the Prophet Muhammad is the honorable. And until Prophet Muhammad allows his entry. Prophet Muhammad decided that he and Muslims should be nice to him as long as he was with them. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, pages 556 - 561.
Words: AlAthal = The mean - The low - The weak, AlIzzah = Honour - Power.
Q: What is the duty of settled Muslims when Muslim refugees reach them?
A: And those who took houses (settled down in AlMadinah) and embraced Faith before them (new Muslim immigrants) love who immigrated
to them and they do not find in their hearts any need* for what they (new immigrants) were given (of spoils...etc) and they give
priority (to new immigrants) over themselves even if there were in need (poor) - and (Allah confirms) whoever is protected against his
own stinginess (misery) then they are the prosperous.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlHashr. (59:9)
* No jeaslousy or hatred towards what the others are given.
Words: Tabawa'ou AlDar = Who took houses - Who settled down, AlIman = Faith, Hajara Ilayhim = Immigrated to them,
La Yajidoun = They do not find, Sodorihim = Their hearts - Their chests, Haajah = Need, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous -
The winners - The fortunate. Who attain salvation.
Q: What is the moral duty of new arriving Muslims towards Muslims who settled before them?
A: And those who came after them (previous settled Muslims) say our God grant Forgiveness to us and our brothers (Muslims) who believed
before us and do not leave in our hearts any grudge (hatred) against those who believed - our God indeed You are Compassionate Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlHashr. (59:10)
Words: Min Ba'dihim = After them, Eghfir = Grant Forgiveness, Sabaqouna = Believed before us, Sodorihim = Their
hearts - Their chests, Ghil = Grudge - Hatred.
Q: What is the outcome of wars in which disbelievers among the People of the Book plan wars with the hypocrites among Muslims?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 14 in Surat AlHashr.
A: (Failure) Just like the parable (moral example) of those who were before them not long ago* - they suffered the bad consequences of their affair and for them
is a severe punishment (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlHashr. (59:15)
* Remember one aspect of the Qur'an being a miracle is that it refers to certain incidents/events which have a general
connotation for every time and place. The specific incident was the evacuation of the Jewish Tribe of 'Beni Qainuqa' near
AlMadinah after the Battle of Badr. Hypocrite Muslims planned with the other Jewish Tribe 'Bani AlNadheer' who did not learn
a lesson from the evacuation of the first tribe. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English translation basd on the translation of Abdullah
Yusuf Ali, page 1722.
Words: KaMasthal = Just like the parable - the moral example, Min Qablihim = Before them, Qareeban = Not long
ago, Thaqou = Suffered - Tasted, Wabal Amrihim = The bad consequences of their affair.
Q: Muslims are commanded to take care of their natural environment. What about cutting trees as a tactic in wars?
A: Whatever tender palm trees you have cut* or you left them standing on their roots* then (okay) it is with Allah's permission and to
humiliate those who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlHashr. (59:5)
* Reference is to the siege and evacuation of the Jewish tribe 'Bani AlNadheer' from AlMadinah. They had a peace treaty with the Prophet
Muhammad. After the battle of 'Uhud' in which Muslims were defeated they showed enmity to Muslims. So Muslims surrounded them for 21 days. Then
they were peacefully evacuated with some of their belongings. During the siege Muslims cut some trees and left some trees intact. Source: "Safwat
AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", by ex-Mufti of Egypt AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, pages 710-711.
Note: Why was the command of evacuating them better for them (in Surat AlHashr , Ayat
Words: Ma Qat'tun = Whatever you have cut, Min Leenatin = Of tender palm trees, Qa'imah = Standing, Usouliha =
On their roots, LiYkhzi = To humiliate, AlFasiqeen = Those who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Q: What type of spoils of war are called "gains taken without fighting = Faye" in Islam and are not to be divided as spoils (=
Ghana'im) taken after a war?
A: And whatever (gains without war) Allah bestowed upon (= Afa'a) His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) from them (after evacuating Beni AlNadheer) -
then you (Muslims) did not spur on for it (gains) your horses neither (you were) riding camels* - but Allah makes His messengers in control
over whomever He wills and Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlHashr. (59:6)
* Without fighting. When surrounded by Muslims "Banu AlNadheer" agreed peacefully without a fight to evacuate taking with them some of their belongings. So the spoils collected are
called 'Faye'.
But spoils collected after fighting (war) is called 'Ghaneemah' plural 'Ghana'im'. (In Surat AlAnfal,
Ayah 41)
Words: Afa' = Bestowed upon, FaMa Awjaftum = Then you did not spur on - Urge, Khayl = Horses, Rikab = Riding
camels, Yussalitt Ala = Makes in control over.
Q: Why is the Islamic economic system against confining wealth in the hands of few persons of the society?
A: Whatever (gains without war) Allah bestowed upon (= Afa'a) His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad*) (collected) from the
people of towns* then (distributed) according to Allah and (divided among) the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the relatives
(of the Prophet) and the orphans and the poor and the wayfarers** so that it (wealth) does not become circulated among the
wealthy (persons) among you - and whatever the Messenger gave you (plural) then do take it and whatever he refrained you from (taking)
it then do refrain and protect yourselves by fearing Allah indeed Allah is Severe in the punishment
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlHashr. (59:7)
* Most of it was given out as charity. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhamamd: After praying one night, the prophet
hurriedly stepped to his house and
brought out dates for charity. He said he hated to delay the charity for the next day.
Also it is reported that Aisha the wife of the Prophet Muhammad gave dates to a beggar. So a woman in her house said if you kept some
for us to break the fast. Aisha said why did you not remind me. Source will be added later insha Allah.
** Jewsish settlements of 'Beni AlNadheer' round 'AlMadinah' and possibly of other tribes. Source Based on
the translation of Abdullah yusuf Ali, page 1718.
*** One fifth of spoils (Ghana'im) collected after a fight (war) are distributed like 'AlFaye = spoils collected without a fight'
mentioned in this Ayah. (Refer to Surat AlAnfal, Ayah 41)
Words: La Yakouna Doolatan = It does not become circulated - Rotated, AlAghniya = The wealthy (persons) - The rich,
Ma Aatakum = What he gave you, Nahakum = Refrain you - Prohibited it for you, Shadeed = Severe.
Q: When Muslims win against disbelievers who regret not joining them?
Note: The translation of the preceeding Lines 51-52 in Surat AlMa'idah.
A: And those who believed (after winning a war etc) say (surprisingly) are those (hypocrite Muslims) the ones (then) who swore by Allah with the most
solemn of their oaths that they are certainly with you (Muslims) - their (hypocrite) deeds have failed (in life) so they
became losers*.
Translation of: Ayah 53, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:53)
* Hypocrites among Muslims regret then that they left Muslims and allied with Muslims' enemies. (in Surat
Note: What makes hypocrite Muslims join forces with the enemies of Muslims.
(in Surat 'AlTawbah')
Words: Jahda Aymanihim = With the most solemn of their oaths, Habitat = Failed.
Q: Whom do Muslims who believe in Allah and the Other Day never befriend?<
A: You will not find a people believing in Allah and the Other Day making friends with whoever vehemently opposes (fights) Allah and His Messenger (Prophet
Muhammad) even if they were their fathers or sons or brothers or their kinsfolk - those (believers) He (Allah) had dictated Faith (believing)
in their hearts and He (Allah) aided them with a spirit (angel = Rooh*) from Him - and He will admit them into Gardens underneath
which the rivers flow remaining for eternity in them - Allah became satisfied with them and they became satisfied with Him (Allah) - those are
the Alliance (group) of Allah - well the Alliance of Allah are the prosperous (who attain salvation).
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlMujadilah. (58:22)
* In life when Allah commands angels come to the support (= awliya') of those believers Allah is
satisfied with them. (in Surat 'Fusilat')
Note: Jews and Christians who believe in Allah (Eloh or as Christians call 'God Father') and the Other Day befriend Muslims.
Words: La Tajid = You will not find, Qawman = A people - A community, Yuwadoona = Making friends, Haada = Vehemently opposes - Fights, Asheeratahum
= Their kinsfolk, Kataba = Dicated, Ayyadahum = He aided, Rooh = Spirit - Angel, Radhou = They became satisfied, Hizb = Alliance - Group, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous -
The winners - The fortunate - Who attain salvation.
Q: Why should Muslims befriend humble Muslims who constantly pray and give the prescribed charity in Islam?
(Refer to the translation of the preceding Line 55 in Surat AlMa'idah)
A: And whoever becomes an ally of Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and those who believed then the Alliance of Allah are
the winners.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:56)
Words: Yatawalla = Becomes an ally of, Becomes a supporter, Hizb = Alliance - Group, AlGhaliboun = The winners.
Q: How do we trust that giving people their right dues and administering justice among people can surely lead to a strong
compassionate community?
A: Indeed Allah commands you (plural) to return trusts* to their people and if you judge among people to judge with
justice indeed Allah how excellent moral lessons that He commands you of indeed Allah is All-Listening All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat AlNisa'. (4:58)
* Trusts given for safekeeping.
Words: Ya'murukum = He commands you, To'addou = To return, Ahliha = To their people - To their owners, Ni'imma
Ma Ya'idhukum = How excellent moral lessons He commands you of.
Q: How are hypocrite Muslims good in making up excuses for referring to judgement in quarrels to other than what Allah commanded (as
explained in the preceding Lines Ayah 60 and 61 of Suat AlNisa)?
A: So what they (hypocrite Muslims) would have done should a calamity befall them because of what their hands sent
(bad deeds) forward* then they would have come to you (Prophet Muhammad) swearing by Allah that we wanted (only)
the performance of good deeds and settlement.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlNisa'. (4:62)
* bad deeds they did. Remember Muslims who disobey the commands of the Qur'an and the Way of the
Prophet are inflicted with "Fitnah" = Ordeal or
Punishment through a testing from Allah. (in Surat AlNoor)
Words: Aradna = We wanted, AIhsan = Performing good deeds, Tawfeeq = Settlement.
Q: Why should believers ignore and not be affected by hypocrites who do not harm Muslims (harming such as by raging war against Muslims)?
A: Those (hypocrites) are the ones Allah knows what is in their hearts so (command to Prophet Muhammad) do leave
them alone (= FaA'ridh)* from them and give moral lessons to them (advise them) and say to them a serious Word that penetrates their souls.
Translation of: Ayah 63, Surat AlNisa'. (4:63)
* Ignore what they did so that not to be affected by it.
Note: It is a duty of Muslims to advise hypocirtes to help them come back to Allah's Path.
(Refer to Ayah 65 in Surat AlNisa')
Words: FaA'ridh Anhum = So leave them alone, Idhhum = Give moral lessons to them, Fi Anfusihim = That penetrates their souls, Qawlan Baleeghan
= A serious word - A grave word.
Q: In things such as quarrels among people if hypocrite Muslims seek judgement other than Muslims' judgement will they then
obey Allah in difficult tasks if Allah commanded them?
A: And if We (Allah) dictated upon them (hypocrite Muslims) to kill yourselves or to quit your houses they would have not done it
except a few of them and if they acted according to the moral lessons they were given it would have certainly been better for them and
stronger in confirmation (of their Faith); And then We (Allah) would have certainly given them from Us a great reward (Paradise in the Other
World); And We would have certainly guided them to a Straight Path* (in this life).
Translation of: Ayat 66 - 68, Surat AlNisa'. (4:66-68)
* A Straight Path that leads to Paradise.
Words: Ashaddu = Stronger - More, Tasthbeeta = Confirmation - Affirmation.
Q: If the Wrath of Allah comes down on a community whom they have to blame?
(For example in the topic of homosexuality) (in Surat AlA'raf)?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 78 in Surat AlNisa'.
A: Whatever good fortune* befalls you then it is from Allah and whatever misfortune** befalls you then it is from
yourself and We (Allah) sent you (Prophet Muhammad) to all people (humanity = LilNas) as a Messenger (of Allah) and enough is
Allah for A Witness***.
Translation of: Ayah 79, Surat AlNisa'. (4:79)
* From Allah as a Favour on you and/or a testing for patience and being grateful.
** From Allah a punishment for you and/or a testing for patience and repentance.
*** Do not refute the concept of Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger to all people because there is a Witness. (As a result the Qur'an is for
all too)
Words: Ma Asabaka Min Hasanah = Whatever good fortune befalls you, Arsalnaka = We sent you, Kafa = Enough,
Shaheeda = Witness.
Q: What shows that hypocrite Muslims do not really fear Allah?
A: And they (hypocrite Muslims) say (to Prophet Muhammad) obedience - then when they step out away from you a
number of them plot by night other than what you say and Allah writes what they were plotting by night so turn
away from them and put your trust in Allah and enough is Allah as the Dependable.
Translation of: Ayah 81, Surat AlNisa'. (4:81)
They are coward because they do not reveal their opposition and hatred but slyly (like a fox) they plot to harm
Words: Ta'ifah = A number - a part - A group, A'Aridh Anhum = Turn away from them, Wakeela = Dependable - You can depend on Him - Disposer of
Q: Why should we be mindful of Allah even in what we think is casual and everyday's business such as greeting each other?
Note: Please read the translation of the preceding Line 85 in Surat AlNisa'.
A: And if you (plural) are greeted with a greeting then greet with (a greeting) better than that one or (at least) return it for
Allah of everything takes full account (= Haseeba).
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat AlNisa'. (4:86)
Words: Ala Kuli Shayin = Of everything, Haseeba = The One Who takes full account.
Q: What do Muslims think of a hypocrite Muslim who does an action that clearly betrays other Muslims and harm them?
A: So what is wrong with you (Muslims) that you became about the hypocrites two parties* and Allah has
set them back (to disbelieving = Arkasahum) because of what they earned (of hypocrite deeds) - are you (Muslims) going to guide (to Allah's Path)
whomever Allah left to go astray and whomever Allah leaves to go astray then you** (Prophet Muhammad) will not find for him a Way
(back to Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat AlNisa'. (4:88)
* Defending and opposing parties.
** Remember people try to direct a person to Allah's Path. But it is Allah who helps the person who is willing to be on Allah's Path to
be there. (in Surat AlQasas)
Words: FaMa Lakum = So what is wrong with you, Arkasahum = Set them back - Len Tajida lahu Sabeela =
You will not find for him a Way - A Path.
Q: What should Muslims look for in the actions of hypocrite Muslims before trusting them again?
A: They (hypocrite Muslims*) loved if you (Muslims) disbelieve as they disbelieved so you all become the same - so do not
take from them allies until they emigrate** in the Path of Allah but if they turn away (remained hypocrites) then seize them and
kill them wherever you find them and do not take from them any ally or supporter.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat AlNisa'. (4:89)
* When Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to emigrate from Mecca to AlMadinah some hypocrite Muslims stayed back with excuses. So Muslims
in AlMadinah became two parties about them. Some defending them and the others against them. Allah revealed they were hypocrites supporting
disbelievers in their wars against Muslims. If they do not show their Islam by emigrating like the other Muslims they deserved to
be killed like those disbelievers in Mecca who were against the Prophet and his companions. Source: "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an"
pages 124-125 and Ibn Kastheer volume 1.
** Until they listen to the order of Prophet Muhammad about emigrating from Mecca to AlMadinah. In this way they will join Muslims in their wars against
their enemy.
Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line (88) in Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Waddou = They loved, Takforoun = If you disbelieve, Tawallaw = Turned away, La Tatakhithou = Do not
take, Waliyya = Ally - Helper, Naseera = Supporter.
Q: Some persons who do not want to join other Muslims in fighting Muslims' enemy - why should Muslims not consider them
also enemies?
A: Only those (Muslims considered hypocrites) who join people - between you and them (people) is a treaty (of peace) or
those who came to you (Muslims) - their chests felt tight* against fighting you or fighting their people - and if Allah
willed He would certainly have made them (Muslims considered hypocrites) in control to pursue you then they would have fought you - so if they
abandoned you then they did not fight you and they offered you peace then Allah did not give you a way (reason) to fight them.
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat AlNisa'. (4:90)
* They came with the enemy but they did not want to fight you or fight their people.
Words: Yasilouna = They join, Meesthaq = Treaty, Hasirat = Felt tight, Sallatahum =
Made them in control to pursue you - Empowered them, E'tazaloukum = They abandoned you - They kept away from you,
Ma Ja'ala Allah Lakum alayhim Sabeela = Allah did not give you a way (reason) to fight them.
Q: But which only 'hypocrite' Muslims other Muslims can consider their enemies and fight them?
A: You (plural) will see others (coward Muslims 'considered hypocrites') - they want to play it safe with you and with their
people - every time they are put back in (some) ordeal trial (prosecution = AlFitnah) they are set back (to disbelieving = Urkisou) - so if they do not
abandon you and they do not offer you peace and hold back their hands* (from fighting you) then seize them and kill them wherever you find them -
and those ones We (Allah) gave you upon them a clear authority (to fight them).
Translation of: Ayah 91, Surat AlNisa'. (4:91)
* Muslims were ordered before the Command of AlJihad to hold back their hands and not fight.
You may think a person is a hypocrite while according to Allah he is a believer. Please read the
translation of the succeeding Lines 92-93 in Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Urkisou = They were set back, AlFinah = Ordeal trial - Prosecution, Ya'taziloukum =
Abandon you, Yakuffou = Hold back their hands - Not to fight, Sthaqiftomouhum = You find them, Sultan = Authority - Legitimation.
Q: What is an example of it goes without saying (naturally) that humans must work on getting a better understanding of the Qur'an whose
Lines are clear enough for humans to understand the Message behind them?
A: Those believers who sat down (did not join war) other than the disbabled ones* are not equal to those who
make AlJihad in the Path of Allah (pleases Allah) with their wealth and their souls - Allah had favoured those who make
AlJihad with their wealth and their souls over those who sit down with a (one higher) rank - and all (Muslims) Allah had promised the Best Outcome
(Paradise) and Allah had favoured those who make AlJihad over those who sit down with a Superb Reward.
Translation of: Ayah 95, Surat AlNisa'. (4:95)
* In any society it is clearly understood that disabled persons have a legitimate excuse not to take part physically in a war.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: 'Zayd Bin Thabit' was asked by
Prophet Muhammd to write down the Ayah (4:95) without the phrase (other than the disbaled ones = Ghayu Uli alDharar). The companion
'Abdullaah Ibn Maktoum' who was
a blind man heard the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah if I could fight I would have fought (note: he did not undertand Allah's
Mercy in the whole Qur'an. But the Qur'an was interactive with people living at the time of its descending). Zayd Bin Thabit said he felt the Prophet's
thigh pressing his thigh very hard when tranquility overwhelmed (= Ghashiyathu AlSakeenah) him the second time and the Prophet
went into a semi faint (when the Qur'an was descending) again and then
he felt relief (= Suriya Anhu) and the Prophet asked Zayd to write the Ayah with the phrase. Source: Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, pages 760-761.
Words: La Yastawi = Are not equal, AlQa'idoun = Who sit down - Who do not join war - Who remained behind, Ghayru
Uli AlDharar, Fadhalla = Favoured, Darajah = Rank, Ajran = Reward, Adheema = Superb - Great.
Q: All believers who obey the commands of Allah are promised Paradise (either directly there or
after getting punishment for their sins) - so what is the "Superb (Great) Reward = Ajr Adheem" which is often mentioned in the Qur'an?
A: Ranks (in Paradise) from Him (Allah) and Forgiveness and Mercy and Allah
is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlNisa'. (4:96)
Words: Darajat = Ranks, Maghfirah = Forgiveness.
Q: Why should a person refrain from doing something wrong and blaming another person for it?
A: And whoever earns (commits) fault or sin then he accuses an innocent person of it so he has carried
a false accusation and an evident sin.
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat AlNisa'. (4:112)
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 111 in Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Khatee'ah = Fault, Yarmi bihi = He accuses of it, Baree'an = An innocent person, Ehtamala = He has
carried, Buhtanan = False accusation, Mubeena = Evident - Full of evidence.
Q: How do the actions of hypocrite Muslims indicate that they do not fear Allah?
A: For the hypocrites try to deceive* Allah and He is deceiving** them - and when they stand up for
prayer they stand up while being lazy - they are showing off to people and they do not remember Allah except a little.
Translation of: Ayah 142, Surat AlNisa'. (4:142)
* They are not really believers as they say. (in Surat AlBaqarah)
** Making them move further away from the Straight Path because their intentions and deeds indicate they do not want
Guidance to Allah. (in Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Yukhadi'ouna = They try to deceive, Khadi'uhum = He is deceiving them, Kusala = Being lazy, Yura'ouna
= They show off.
Q: Why do most of hypcorites continue to be so until their death?
A: (Hypocrites among Muslims) Wavering between that (in their allegiance) - neither to these (believers) nor to those (disbelievers) and
whomever Allah makes go astray* (from the Straight Path) then (command to Prophet Muhammad) you will not find for
him a way (back to the Path).
Translation of: Ayah 143, Surat AlNisa'. (4:143)
* If not willing to be on Allah's Path Allah will make him go astray. (In Surat AlAn'am)
Words: Muthabthibeena = Wavering - Swinging, Ha'oula' = These, Those.
Q: What do you expect from Allah when you are capable of taking revenge yet you forgive and let go?
A: If you reveal a good deed or you conceal it or pardon a harm then Allah is Most-Pardoning All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 149, Surat AlNisa'. (4:149)
Note; Muslims are encouraged to pardon faults when they are capable of revenge. (In Surat AlA'raf)
But remember to stabilize the Muslim society there are clear divine punishment guidelines in Islamic
Sharia. (In Surat AlNahl). (Pardoning is allowed only in some cases but not in many punishment guidelines).
Words: Yubdou = You reveal, Ya'fou = pardon - Excuse, Sou' = Harm - Bad deed, Qadeera = All-Capable.
Q: How does a fair and just economy flourish?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 84 in Surat Hood.
A: (Prophet Shuaib* continues to say) And O my people give adequate measure and weight equitably (justly and in fairness) and do
not give less to people what is fully theirs and do not spread in the land corruption.
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat Hood. (11:85)
* No 12 on the map of Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Words: Awfou = Give full, BilQist = Equitably - Justly - With justice in scales - In fairness, Tabkhasou = Give less, Ashya'ahum =
What is fully theirs, La Ta'sthau Mufsideen = Do not spread corruption.
Q: What two qualities of a believer can admit him into Allah's Mercy and thus Paradise?
A: And Ishmael (Prophet Ismael) and Idrees (Enoch) and Tha AlKifl (Ezekiel)* - all are (considered by Allah) of the patient** people; And We (Allah)
admitted them into Our Mercy for they are (considered by Allah) of the righteous people.
Translation of: Ayzt 85 - 86, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:85-86)
* 'Thul Kifl' in Wikipedia.
No 14 in the map of prophets whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Note: Several Islamic
reference books indicate that 'Thu AlKifl' mentioned in the Qur'an could have been the righteous man from Beni Israel who volunteered to
judge among his people.
** Definition of Patience in merriam-webster dictionary: Accepting pains or hardships calmly or without complaint.
Note:It can be stated: Patience (= AlSabr) → Righteousness (= AlBirr or AlSalahh) → protecting oneself by fearing
Allah (= AlTaqwa). (in Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: AlSaibreen = Patient people, AlSaliheen = Righteous people.
Q: A culture clash (conflict): 1. What is the solution in the Qur'an? 2. Why do Muslims condemn the satirical publications of 'Charlie Hebdo' which
target the reputation of Muslims' beloved Prophet?
Note: As per a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: None of you will become a true believer until the
Prophet (remember always to say peace be upon him) is more beloved to a Muslim than his own self (including more beloved than the
parents, children etc). (It means if you love someone to this extent you obey him and follow Allah's Message which the Prophet delivered).
A: You (Prophet Muhammad and Muslims) will certainly be tested (by Allah) in your wealth and your souls and you (Prophet
Muhammad and Muslims) will certainly hear from those who had been given the Book (Jews and Christians) before you and from those
who join* partners (with Allah the Creator) much harm and if you become patient and protect yourselves (by
fearing Allah) then certainly that is a matter of firm will**.
Translation of: Ayah 186, Surat AlImran. (3:186)
* What do atheists follow in worshipping? (In Surat AlJasthiyah)
And in Surat AlFurqan.
** Allah knows it is not easy to be patient in such situations. Allah likes patient believers.
Words: LaTublowanna = You will certainly, Ashrakou = Who join partners with Allah, Atha = Harm, Kastheera =
Much - A lot of, Tasborou = You become patient, Tattaqou = You protect yourselves (by
fearing Allah) - You fear Allah, Min Azm AlUmour = A matter of firm will.
Q: Why should a Muslim not feel arrogant and brag joyfully about something good happening to him?
A: When Yusuf (Joseph*) said to his father (Prophet Jacob = Ya'qoub) O my father indeed I saw (in a dream) eleven stars** and
the sun and the moon I saw them (all) to me prostrating (face down in reverence); He said O my son do not narrate your vision to your
brothers then they scheme against you a plot indeed Satan to man is a well developed enemy.
Translation of: Ayat 4 - 5, Surat Yusuf. (12:4-5).
* Prophet Joseph was a child then. (in Ayah 19 in Surat Yusuf. It will be translated later in sha' Allah)
** 11 stars to mean Joseph's 11 brothers, and the sun and the moon his parents. Prophet Joseph's vision later came
true. (in Surat Yusuf)
Note: Prophet Jacob had four wives. From three of them he had ten sons. In his old age he had from Rachel (Arbic Rahil) two sons Joseph and benjamin.
Source: The holy Qur'an: English translation ... based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 624.
Words: Kawkaban = Stars, Sajideen = Prostrating - Stretching on ground will face down, Ro'yaka = Your vision,
Yakeedou = They scheme - They plot, Kaydan = A plot, Mubeen = Well developed - Unmistakable - Manifest.
Q: When asked among men who is the most noble* man why did Prophet Muhammad say Prophet Yusuf (= Joseph)?
A: And that is how your God picks you (Prophet Joseph = Yusuf) and He teaches you from the interpretation of sayings and
He completes His Blessing upon you (Prophet Joseph) and upon the family of Jacob (= Ya'qoub) as He completed it upon your two grandfathers before -
Abraham (= Ibraheem) and Isaac (= Ishaq) indeed your God is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat Yusuf. (12:6)
* Prophet Muhammad said: The most noble (= AlAkram) son of the most noble son of the most noble son of the most noble is 'Yusuf' son of 'Ya'qoub' son of
'Ishaq' son of 'Ibraheem'. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 684.
Refer to no 11 on this Website's map of prophets.
Words: Yajtabeeka = Picks you - Selects you, Abawayka = Your two grandfathers, Ta'weel = Interpretation,
AlAhadeesth = Sayings.
Q: Why do we say in Islam "The heart of a BELIEVER is his indicator (to the right way) = Qalb AlMo'min Daleeluh"?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said O our father what is wrong with you that you do not trust us with Joseph
and indeed we are the ones who advise him*; Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play and indeed we are going certainly
to guard him; He (Prophet Jacob = Ya'qoub) said indeed it certainly does make me sad that you are going to take him with you and
I fear that the wolf may eat him while you are of him unaware.
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 13, Surat Yusuf. (12:11-13)
* Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was the youngest step brother after Benjamin (Benyamin).
Words: Qalou = They said, MaLaka = What is wrong with you, La Ta'manna = You do not trust us, Yarte' = Enjoy himself, Yalab
= Play, LaHafidhoun = We are going to certainly guard him - to keep watch over him, Ghafiloun = Unaware.
Q: How do those who make up lies tend to argue with falsehood to invalidate the truth?
A: And they (Joseph's half brothers) came to their father at night time crying; They said O our father indeed we went racing and we left
Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) near our belongings then the wolf ate him - and you are not going to believe us even if we were telling the truth.
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 17, Surat Yusuf. (12:16-17).
Words: Isha'an = At night time, Yabkoun = Crying, Nastabiq = Racing, Sadiqeen = Telling the truth.
Q: What is a believer's heart filled with in front of calamaties?
A: And they (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) came on his shirt with false blood - he (Prophet Jacob "Ya'qoub) said rather your souls
tempted you into a conspiracy - so beautiful patience* and Allah is Whose assistance is sought against what (lies) you describe.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Yusuf. (12:18).
* With no complaints or excessive show of emotions such as anger.
Words: BiDamin = Kathib = False, Sawwalat = Tempted - Convinced, Amra = Conspiracy, AlMusta'an = Whose assistance is sought.
Q: Besides Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) vision when he was a boy (teenager) what else indicates his prophethood from his teenage years?
A: They (Joseph's half brothers) said certainly if the wolf would eat him while we are a related group indeed then we are certainly
losers; So when they took him and they made a joint decision to put him in the unseen bottom of the well and We (Allah) revealed to him
(Prophet Joseph) that you are certainly going to inform them (years later) about this matter of theirs while they are not aware (Joseph is talking to them).
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 15, Surat Yusuf. (12:14-15).
Words: AlThi'b = The wolf, Ussbah = Related group, LaKhasiroun = Certainly losers, Awhayna = We revealed to him, LaTunabiannahum = You are certainly going to inform them,
La Yashuroun = When they are not aware.
Q: How much did those who found Prophet Joseph when he was a teenager thrown in the well by his half brothers value him?
Note: Prophet Joseph grew up to be the second important person in Egypt.
A: And some travelers came and they sent their person who draws water so he let down his leather bucket - he said what good
news this is a boy (Prophet Joseph = Yusuf) and they hid him as a merchandise (slave) and Allah is All-Knowing of they were doing.
Note: Bedouin Arabs say who does not know the (value of a) falcon he roasts it = "Illi ma yea'rif AlSagr Yeshweeh".
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat Yusuf. (12:19)
* The value of falcons in hunting prey to the dwellers of the desert.
Words: Sayyaratun = Some travellers, Waridahum = Their person who draws water, FaAdla = So he let down, Dalwahu
= His leather bucket, Ya Bushr = What good news, Ghulam = A boy - a teenager - A young man, Asarroohu = They hid him, Bidha'atan = As a merchandise.
Q: What shows that those who found Prophet Joseph thrown in the well deemed him insignificant?
A: And they (Prophet Joseph's half brothers) sold him (Prophet Joseph = Yusuf) for a very low price - few dirhams* and they were in him among those who have
no interest.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat Yusuf. (12:20)
* In Arabic "Drahim", one is "Dirham". A currency unit still used in some Arab countries.
Words: Sharawhu = They sold him, BiSthamanin Bakhsin = For a very low price, Kanou Feehi Mina AlZahideen = They were in him among those who have no interest - among those who deem him
Q: Why does the Qur'an (Allah's Word) tell us the narrative of Prophet Joseph = Yusuf?
A: Certainly there were in (narrative of) Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) and his brothers Miraculous Signs (indicative of Allah's Attributes*) for the questioners;
When they (Joseph's half brothers) said certainly Joseph and his brother (Benjamin = Benyamin) are more beloved to our father
(Prophet Jacob = Ya'qoub) than us while we are a (related) group indeed our father is certainly in manifest error.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 8, Surat Yusuf. (12:7-8)
* Allah's Attributes.
Words: Ahabu = More beloved, Ussbah = A (related) group, Dhalal = Error, Mubeen = Manifest - Clear.
Q: As Prophet Muhammad said: Allah is Pure and does not accept except what is pure = Inna Allah Tayyeb La Yaqbal Illa AlTayyeb), why should a person refrain from the intention
to repent after the intention of doing a bad action (Like the intention of repentance after drinking alcohol this time)?
A: (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers say) Kill Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) or put him in a far away land your father's
attention becomes towards you only and after that (action) you become righteous persons; One of them said do not kill Joseph and throw him in in the unseen bottom of the well some of the travelers may pick him if you are doing (it - the bad deed).
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 10, Surat Yusuf. (12:9-10)
Words: Utrohouhu Ardhan = Put him in a far away land, Yakhlu Lakum Wajhu Abeekum = Your
father's attention becomes towards you only - Your father will be only yours, Yaltaqitthu = Will pick him.
Q: What is an example of Allah honoring whomever Allah wills and humiliating whomever Allah wills*?
* Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat AlImran .
A: So when they (the half brothers) entered into his (Prophet Joseph = Yusuf's) presence they said O honorable dignitary
(as prime minister = AlAzeez**) harm has afflicted us and our family and we came with merchandise which sells badly so do give us
adequate measure and be charitable to us indeed Allah rewards the charitable.
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat Yusuf. (12:88)
** AlAzeez was initially the title of the person who bought and took care of Prophet Joseph when his half brothers left him in a well.
According to "The Holy Qur'an: English Translation --- based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 646: (After Prophet Joseph interpreted the king's
dream about famine (skinny cows swallowing fat cows) the king (= Malik) of Egypt appointed Prophet
Joseph as his personal Wazir (Vizier). If, as is probable, the 'Aziz' had by this time died (for he is never mentioned again) Joseph
succeeded to his office and he is addressed as 'Aziz'. (Also in Ayah 78)
Words: AlAzeez = The honorable dignitary - The honorable "prime minister", Ji'na = We came with , BiBidha'ah =
Merchandise, Muzjatin = Which sells badly - Has no market, Yajzi = Rewards, AlMutassadiqeen =
The charitable.
Q: What Promise of Allah to Prophet Joseph (when a teenager) concening what the brothers plotted against Joseph came true? (Refer to Ayah 15.)
A: He (Joseph = Prophet Yusuf) said do you still remember what you did to Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) and his brother (Benjamin*) when you were ignorant.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat Yusuf. (12:89)
* When Prophet Joseph kept his youngest brother Benjamin in Egypt and sent his half brothers back to their land (in Canaan, Benjamin told
Prophet Joseph about the injustice he endured on the hands of his half brothers. Source: The Holy Qur'an English
translation based on Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation, page 660.
Words: Hel Alimtum = Do you still remember, Ma Fa'altum = What you did, Jahiloun = Ignorant - Showing immaturity -
Q: What do Muslims have to do besides finding solutions to their problems?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said perhaps is it you certainly you are Joseph* (Prophet Yusuf) - he said I am
Joseph and this is my brother (Benjamin = Benyamin) Allah has bestowed His Favour on us indeed whoever protects himself (by
fearing Allah) and remains patient then indeed Allah does not leave to waste the reward of those who perfect their Faith.
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat Yusuf. (12:90)
* Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was endowed with beauty from Allah. Remember Prophet Muhammad said companions of Paradise will enter Paradise
with the beauty of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf), age of Jesus peace be upon him and the Arabic tongue of Prophet Muhammad.
Words: AInnaka = Perhaps is it you, LaAnta = Certainly you are, La Yudhee' = Does not leave to waste, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their Faith - The good doers.
Q: Being the sons of a prophet (Prophet Jacob (also known as Israel = Ya'qoub) what indicates their intention of repentance?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said by Allah certainly Allah had favoured you upon us and indeed we were
certainly wrong doers.
Translation of: Ayah 91, Surat Yusuf. (12:91)
Words: Ta Lilah = By Allah, LaQad Astharaka = Certainly had favoured you, LaKhate'een = Certainly wrong doers.
Q: Why does Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) have confidence that Allah will accept his half brothers' repentance and that Allah will forgive them?
A: He (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said no reproof to you today - Allah will forgive you and He is the Most-Merciful among those who
show mercy.
Translation of: Ayah 92, Surat Yusuf. (12:92)
Words: Tasthreeb = Reproof - Blame, Arham = The Most-Merciful, AlRahimeen = Those who show mercy - The
Q: What is a proof that Prophet Yusuf was receiving revelation from Allah?
A: Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) speaks to his half brothers) go with this shirt of mine and do cast it over my father's face he will become
(again) endowed with eyesight and bring me all of your family.
Translation of: Ayah 93, Surat Yusuf. (12:93)
Words: FaAlqouhu = So do cast it, Ya'ti Basseera = He will become endowed with eyesight, Utouni = Bring me,
Ajma'een = All, All of them.
Q: How was Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) tested* by Allah when he lost his two sons Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin (Benyamin)?
A: And he (Prophet Jacob** = Ya'qoub) turned away from them (his children) and he said how great is my sorrow over Joseph (=
Yusuf) and his eyes went white with grief so he was silent concealing his emotion (grief).
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat Yusuf. (12:84)
Refer to Harun Yahya's commentary on the mentioned Ayah.
** Also known as Prophet Israel.
Words: Tawwalla = He turned away, YaAsafi = How great is my sorrow - Alas, Kazheem = Silent concealing his
emotion (grief).
Q: Why should persons who plot to harm someone be aware that their turn may come to be plotted against them?
A: And the (half) brothers of Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) came (to Egypt) so they entered into his presence so he recognized them while they
could not recognize him; So when he (Prophet Yusuf) supplied them with their necessary items (provisions and corn) he said bring me a
(half) brother of yours (Benjamin = Benyamin) of your (same) father - do you not see that I give adequate measure and I am best of hosts*.
Translation of: Ayat 58 - 59, Surat Yusuf. (12:58-59)
* It was time of famine in Canaan so Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers came to Egypt for food.
Words: FaArafahum = So he recognized them, Munkiroun = They could not recognize him, Jahhazahum = Supplied
them, BiJahazihim = With their necessary items, Uwfi = Give adequate, AlKayl = Measure, Khairul Munzileen = Best of
Q: What was Prophet Joseph's motive in playing a trick on his half brothers who threw him when he was a child in a well?
A: (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) continues) But if you do not bring him (Benjamin (Benyamin*) to me then no measure for you from me and do
not come near me; They (Prophet Joseph's half brothers) said we will try to win him from his father and indeed we are certainly
going to do (it).
Translation of: Ayat 60 - 61, Surat Yusuf. (12:60-61)
* Prophet Joseph's younger brother.
Words: Lem Ta'touni Bihi = If you do not bring him to me, Kayla = Measure, LaFa'iloun = We are certainly going to
do (it).
Q: What incentives did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) give to his half brothers to make them return back to Egypt with his younger brother*?
* Prophet Joseph had a good intention of seeing his younger brother (Benjamin = Benyamin) who was the 2nd most beloved to his father after Joseph. According to Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, pages 705-706: When his
half brothers talked to Prophet Joseph they told him that they had another brother called Benjamin (BenYamin) whose elder brother (Joseph)
perished in the desert. So Prophet Joseph insisted that they bring Benjamin if they told him the truth.
A: And he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said to his servants put (back) their merchandise (which they exchanged for grain) in their saddlebags
so they may recognize it (only) when they go back to their people so that they may return**.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat Yusuf. (12:62)
** According to Ibn Kastheer, giving them back their merchandise was an incentive to make them come again to exchange it for food and also Prophet Joseph worried that they might not have more merchandise to exchange so they would not come.
Words: LiFityanhu = To his servants, Bidha'atahum = Their merchandise - Their commodity, Rihalihim = Saddlebags, La'alahum = So that they may, Hopefully, Itha Inqalabou = When they go back.
Q: What makes a believer accept to do something although he somehow feels that something wrong is going to happen?
A: So when they (Joseph's half brothers) returned to their father they said O our father no more measure (of grain) for us so
send with us our brother to get our measure and indeed we are certainly going to guard him; He (Prophet Jacob (Y'aqoub) said shall I
not trust you with him (Benjamin (Benyamin) simply as I trusted you with his brother (Prophet Joseph) before then Allah is the Best
among those who guard and He is the Most-Merciful among those who show mercy.
Translation of: Ayat 63 - 64, Surat Yusuf. (12:63-64)
Words: Hel Aamonukum Alayhi Illa KaMa Amintukum = Shall I not trust you with him simply as I trusted you, Khayrun Hafidha
= The Best among those who guard - who watch over.
Q: What motivated Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers to go back to Prophet Joseph in Egypt?
A: So when they (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) opened their baggage they found their merchandise returned to them - they
said O our father what else we want - this is our merchandise* returned to us and we will provide for our family and we will
guard our (youngest) brother (Benjamin (Benyamin) - and we will get an added measure of a camel's load (of grain) - that is an easy measure.
Translation of: Ayah 65, Surat Yusuf. (12:65)
* No need to worry about other merchandise for exchanging it for food.
Words: Mata'ahum = Their baggage, Wajadou = They found, Ruddat = Returned, Ma Nabghi = What else we want,
Nameeru (verb Amara) = We provide for our family, Nazdadu Kayla Ba'eer = We will get an added measure of a camel's load, Yaseer =
Q: When Muslims take an oath by Allah what exactly does it mean?
A: He (Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) said I will not send him (Benjamin (Benyamin) with you (his sons) until you give me a solemn pledge (binding agreement = Mawsthiqan) by* Allah that you will certainly bring him back to me except if you become in captivity so when they gave him their bidning agreement he said Allah upon what we say is Trustworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 66, Surat Yusuf. (12:66)
* In the Name of Allah as the Witness.
Words: Mawsthiqan = A solemn pledge - A binding agreement - A solemn promise - An oath, An Yuhatta Bikum = You become in captivity, Wakeel = Trustworthy - We put our trust in - in Charge.
Q: What is an example that explains what Prophet Muhammad said "Tie your riding animal (take precaution) then put your trust in Allah"?
A: And he (Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) said O my sons do not enter from one gate and do enter* from separated gates - and I (as a Prophet) do not
avail anything to you against Allah rather the Ruling is Allah's - in Him I put my trust and in Him let those who depend put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat Yusuf. (12:67)
* As eleven brothers take precaution not to attract people's eyes which can harm them through envy, suspicion, conspiracy etc,
especially they will be strangers in Egypt coming from Canaan. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English translation based on the translation of
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 651.
Words: Mutafarriqah = Separated, Ma Ughni = I do not avail, In AlHukmu = Rather the ruling, Mawakkaltu =
I put my trust, AlMutawakiloun = Those who depend - Those who put their trust.
Q: Why did Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) tell his sons to be cautious knowing that if Allah wants them to be harmed nothing will stop it?
A: And when they (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) brothers) entered from where their father ordered them nothing could have
availed them against Allah (Allah's Will*) - except for a desire (of giving advice) in Jacob's (Ya'qoub's) heart - he fulfilled it (he told them to
be cautious) and he certainly has knowledge of what We (Allah) taught him but most people do not know (this
Translation of: Ayah 68, Surat Yusuf. (12:68)
* Caution does not prevent Allah's Will. If something Allah wills to happen it will happen no matter how cautious one is.
Words: Hajatan = Desire, Nafs = Heart - Soul, Qhadhaha = He fulfilled it, LaThou Ilm = Certainly has knowledge.
Q: How did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) manage to have a chance to talk privately with his own brother Benjamin (Benyamin)?
A: And when they (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) brothers) entered into his presence he (Prophet Yusuf) received his
brother (Benyamin) as a guest (in his own dwelling quarters*) - he said indeed I am your brother so do not feel miserable about what they (their half brothers) were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat Yusuf. (12:69)
* The eleven brothers were accommodated two by two. Benjamin was the odd one (just as he was during the hospitable feast offered by
Prophet Joseph when the brothers arrived in Egypt). So Prophet Joseph, the Wazir, took him to himself. He thus got a chance of privacy with him. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English translation based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 652.
Words: Aawa = He received as a guest, Tabts'es = Feel miserable.
Q: What did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) do to keep his younger brother (Benjamin) and to teach his half brothers a moral lesson about the
consequences of parting with a brother (as they previously intentionally parted with Prophet Joseph)?
A: So when he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) supplied them with their necessary items (provisions and corn) he put the drinking vessel
in the saddlebag of his brother (Benjamin (Benyamin) then a caller publicly called O you the caravan - indeed you are certainly thieves.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat Yusuf. (12:70)
Words: AlSiqayah = The drinking vessel, Rahli = In the saddlebag, Athanaa = Publicly called, AlEer = The
Caravan, LSariqoun = Certainly are thieves.
Q: Without revealing his identity to his brothers what was the only possible plan for Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) to keep his younger
brother Benjamin (Benyamin) with him?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said and they came towards them - what are you missing; They said the king's goblet
(drinking glass) and for whoever brings it a camel's load (of provision) and of that I (Prophet Yusuf) am a guarantor; They said by Allah certainly you
have known that we have not come here to cause corruption in the land and neither were we thieves.
Translation of: Ayat 71 - 73, Surat Yusuf. (12:71-73)
Words: Suwa' = Goblet - Beaker - Drinking cup, Himlu Ba'eer = Camel's load, Zaeem = Guarantor,
TaLilah = By Allah.
Q: To carry out Allah's plan for Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) what specific ruling was asked from the 11 brothers?
A: They (The Egyptians) said then what should be the penalty if you (the 11 brothers) turn out to be liars; They (the 11 brothers) said* the penalty (in their land) for
the one in whose saddlebag it (the goblet) is found then he will become his (the one whose item is stolen) recompense (slave) - that is how we punish** the
transgressors (wrongdoers).
Translation of: Ayat 74 - 75, Surat Yusuf. (12:74-75)
* They are very relaxed in their speech because they are innocent of stealing.
** It was their family custom. It was long before the Mosaic law which laid down full restitution for theft, and if the culprit had nothing, he was to be sold for his theft (Exod. xxii. 3). Source: The Holy
Qu'ran: English translation based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 654. (Slave for a year: Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 313.
Words: Wujida = Is found, Jaza'ohu = He will become his recompense - his repayment - his slave, Najzi = We punish
- We repay.
Q: Who inspired Prophet Joseph with the plan to keep his younger brother Benjamin with him?
A: So he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) started with their vessels (containers) before his brother's (Benjamin's (Benyamin's) vessel then he took
it out of his brother's container - that is how We (Allah) plotted (= Kidna*) for Joseph (Yusuf) - he was not going to take his
brother to be under obligation (commitment) to the king except if Allah wills it - (this is how) We (Allah) raise ranks of whom We (Allah) will and over everyone with knowledge - (Allah) an All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 76, Surat Yusuf. (12:76)
* In Arabic 'Kidna' can be used for both good planning and bad planning. Source: Ex-Mufti of Egypt's 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an', page
Words: BiAwiyatihim = With their vessels - Containers, Fi Deeni lMalik = Under obligation to the king -
Under commitment to the king - Under the ruling - law of the king.
Q: What shows that Prophet Joseph's half brothers were even jealous of their youngest half brother Benjamin (Benyamin)?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said if he (Benjamin (Benyamin) steals then a brother (Prophet Joseph) of him did steal
before* so Yusuf kept it secret to himself and he did not reveal it to them he said (to himself) you (as a group) are worst in position
(compared to Prophet Joseph's) and Allah knows what you describe.
Translation of: Ayah 77, Surat Yusuf. (12:77)
* In Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, page 709 and Ex-Mufti of Egypt - Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an', page
313: When little Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) found an idol of gold and silver which belonged to his maternal grandfather so he broke it and threw it.
Words: Yasreq = He steals, FaAsarraha Yusuf = So Yusuf kept it secret, Sharun Makana = Worst in
position, Tassifoun = You describe.
Q: Generally speaking what action revealed the good bringing up of Prophet Yusuf's half brothers?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) said (to Prophet Yusuf) O honorable dignitary indeed he has an aged father so do take one of us in his
place indeed we consider you among the beneficent (charitable) persons.
Translation of: Ayah 78, Surat Yusuf. (12:78)
Words: Inna Naraka = Indeed we consider you - Indeed we see you, Mina AlMuhsineen = Among the beneficent persons -
charitable persons - Among those who do good and cause good to be done.
Q: Why is it not allowed to punish an innocent person for a crime committed by another person?
A: He (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said (I am) seeking refuge with Allah (from this) that we take except the one with whom we found our utensil (otherwise) indeed
then we are certainly transgressors (going beyond Allah's Limits).
Translation of: Ayah 79, Surat Yusuf. (12:79)
Words: Ma'atha Allah = Seeking refuge with Allah - Seeking Allah's Protection - Allah forbid, Mata'ana = Our utensil -
Our household goods, LaDhalimoun = Certainly are transgressors - Certainly we go beyond Allah's Limits.
Q: Until when a believer should work on fulfilling any good promise he made?
A: So when they (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) half brothers) gave up all hope in him (Prophet Joseph relenting) they withdrew for
a secret conversation - their leader said did you not know that your father had taken from you a solemn pledge* by Allah - and before
about what you negligently let go (Farrattum) regarding Yusuf so I will not quit this land until my father gives me permission or Allah rules (something else) and He
is the Best Ruler.
Translation of: Ayah 80, Surat Yusuf. (12:80)
* Prophet Jacob's (Ya'qoub's) solemn pledge (= Mawsthiq) with his sons about Benjamin (Benyamin). (in Ayah 66)
Words: Estayasou = They gave up all hope, Kabeeruhum = Their leader, Ma Farrattum Fi = About what you negligently let
go regarding - Negligently abandoned - Negligently missed, FaLen Abraha = So I will not
quit, Ya'thana Li = Gives me permission, Khairu AlHakimeen = The Best Ruler.
Q: Why could not Prophet Joseph's brothers prevent the incident of 'theft' blamed on their youngest brother Benjamin (Benyamin)?
A: (The leader* among the brothers says) Go back to your father and say O our father indeed your son (Benjamin (Benyamin) committed
a theft and we have not testified (revealed) except what we knew (about the theft) and we were not against the unforeseen overseers.
Translation of: Ayah 81, Surat Yusuf. (12:81)
* According the famous translator "Abdullah Yusuf Ali" in 'The Holy Qur'an: English translation', page 657: According to the biblical story
the brother who had taken the most active part in the this transaction was Judah, one of the elder brothers, being the fourth son after Reuben, Simeon, and Levi. It was
Judah who stood surety to Jacob for Benjamin. It is natural that Judah should as here offer to stay behind.
Words: Saraqa = Committed a theft, Ma Shahidna = We have not testified - We have not borne witness, Hafidheen =
Overseers - Protectors - Guardians.
Q: Why were the brothers of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) asked to give supporting information about the 'theft' case?
A: And do inquire from the community (village) where we have been and the caravan in which
we returned and indeed we are certainly telling the truth*.
Translation of: Ayah 82, Surat Yusuf. (12:82)
* Before they willingly parted with their half brother Prophet Joseph (Yusfu) and now their other half brother Benjamin (Benyamin)
is unwillingly parted from them.
Words: AlQaryah = The town - The community, LaSsadiqoun = Certainly telling the truth.
Q: Knowing well that his youngest son Benjamin will not steal what did Prophet Jacob suspect?
A: He (Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub known also as Israel) said rather your (Prophet Joseph's ten half brothers) souls had seduced you into something** (evil) so (fitting is)
graceful* patience - may Allah bring them all*** to me indeed He is the All-Knowing the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat Yusuf. (12:83)
* Patience with contentment with Allah's Command and Allah's
** He suspected something being cooked up (invented) somewhere in the story of Benjamin.
*** Joseph (Yusuf), Benjamin (Benyamin) and the son who stayed back in Egypt.
Words: Sawwalat Lakum Anfusakum = Your souls seduced you, Amran = Something, Jameel = Graceful.
Q: How much did Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) miss his lost children?
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayah 84 in Surat Yusuf.
A: They (Prophet Joseph's half brothers) said by Allah you (their father) will keep on remembering Yusuf (Prophet Joseph)
until you become terminally ill or one of those who perish.
Translation of:Ayah 85, Surat Yusuf. (12:85)
Words: Haradhan = Terminally ill - Very ill near death, AlHalikeen = Those who perish - Those who lose their
Q: When grieving how do you get peace of mind?
A: He (Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub) also known as Israel) said rather* I am expressing my inner sorrow and grief to Allah and I know** from
Allah what you do not know.
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat Yusuf. (12:86)
* He is remembering his son Yusuf through his supplication to Allah.
** As a prophet he knows that for example his family members are being tested by Allah.
Words: Ashkou = I express - I reveal, Basthsthi = My inner sorrow, Huzni = My grief, La Ta'lamoun = What you
do not know.
Q: Again why do Muslims say a believer's heart guides him (in life) (= Qalb AlMo'min Daleeluhu)?
A: And when the (returning) caravan left (Egypt) their father (Prophet Jacob (Ya'qoub*) now blind) said indeed I certainly smell
the scent of (the clothes of) Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) unless you prove me wrong.
Translation of: Ayah 94, Surat Yusuf. (12:94)
* No 10 on the map of prophets whose names were mentioned in the Qur'an.
Note: Remember Prophet Joseph's shirt in the transaltion of the preceding Ayah 93 in Surat Yusuf.
Words: LaAjidu Reeha Yusuf = I certainly smell the scent of Joseph, Law La Tufannidoun = Unless you prove me wrong.
Q: How do we know that Prophet Jacob's (Ya'qoub's) conversation (supplication) was listened to by Allah?
A: They (Prophet Joseph's half brothers) said by Allah indeed you (their father) are certainly (living) in your old wrong thinking (illusion)*; So when
the good news bearer came he threw it (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) shirt) on his face so he became able to see again - he said did I not tell you that
indeed I (as a Prophet) know from Allah what you do not know.
Translation of: Ayat 95 - 96, Surat Yusuf. (12:95-96)
* As a believer, Prophet Jacob remained patient but did not lose hope in the return of his son Joseph (Yusuf). (Refernce to Ayah 87)
Words: LaFi Dhalalika AlQadeem = Certainly in your old wrong thinking - in your old illusion, Ertadda = He became
again, Baseera = Able to see.
Q: To what practice does a person who commits a wrong action resort to cover up his bad deed?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayat 23-24 in Surat Yusuf.
A: And they (Prophet Joseph and Egypt's dignitary's wife) raced each other towards the (locked) door and she cut off his shirt from behind
and they found her lord (her husband) at the door - she said (lied to defend herself) what could be the punishment of who wants to do bad to your wife but to
be imprisoned or painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat Yusuf. (12:25)
Words: Estabaqa = They raced each other, Qaddat = She cut off, Qameessahu = His shirt, Min Dubur = From
behind, Alfiya = They found, Sayyidiha = Her lord, Arada BiAhlika Soua'n = Who wants to do bad to your wife - your family.
Q: How is the wisdom of an honest judge is badly needed in judicial inquiries?
A: He (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said she (dignitary's wife) tried to seduce me and a witness from her family made a testimony
that if his shirt was cut off from the front then she told the truth and he is one of the liars.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Yusuf. (12:26)
Words: Rawadatni En Nafsi = Tried to seduce me, Min Qubul = From the front, Mina AlKathibeen = One of the liars.
Q: Was trying to seduce Prophet Joseph an impulsive (without thinking) act?
A: And if his (Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf's) shirt was cut off from the back then she (dignitary's wife) lied and he is one of the truthful;
So when he (the husband) saw his shirt cut off from the back* he said indeed it (the case) is of your artful plotting indeed your
(women's) artful plotting is powerful.
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 28, Surat Yusuf. (12:27-28)
* He was turning away from her.
Words: Kadikunna = Your artful plotting, Adheem = Powerful - Immense.
Q: How does a wise honest man accept justice even if it is against his own honour?
A: (Egypt's dignitary says) Yusuf (Prophet Joseph) avoid (mentioning) this and you (dignitary's wife) seek forgivenss
(from Allah) for your sin indeed you were one of the wrongdoers.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat Yusuf. (12:29)
Words: A'ridh = Avoid - Object to, Estaghfiri = Seek forgivenss, Min AlKhatte'een = One of the wrongdoers.
Q: Why did the wife of Egypt's dignitary not care about her reputation when she tried to seduce Prophet Joseph?
A: And some women in the city said the wife of the honorable dignitary (= AlAzeez) is seducing her servant (Prophet Yusuf) -
he* filled her heart with love indeed we certainly see her in clear straying away.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat Yusuf. (12:30)
* Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was an extremely handsome man. Remember Prophet Muhammad said companions of Paradise will be with the
beauty of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf).
Words: Fataha = Her servant - Her boy, Niswatun = Some women, Imr'atu = The wife, AlAzeez = The honorable dignitary - The honorable "prime minister", Qed Shaghafaha Hubban = He filled her heart with
love, Dhalal = Straying away - Error.
Q: What is a proof that Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was an extremely handsome man?
A: So when she (the dignitary's wife) heard about their artful plotting (cunningly chosen hurtful words) she sent for them (women) and she made
ready for them a sitting place with back support and she gave each one of them a knife and she said (to Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) go out walking in front of them so when they
saw him they held him with awe (esteem) and they made cuts** in their hands and they said far** from Allah (any unfair saying like the coming) this
is not a man - this is only an honorable angel.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat Yusuf. (12:31)
* They were stunned (unable to react) not knowing what they were doing with the knives in their hands. When they became aware
they started shouting from pain. Source: Ibn Kastheer, volume 2.
** = "Hasha Lilah" is a supplication. The women ask Allah for forgiveness in advance because saying that Prophet Joseph is not a man but an angel does not
convey to Allah, the Creator, His due esteem.
Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat AlImran.
Words: A'tadat = She made ready, Mutaka'an = A sitting place with back support, Ukhruj Alayhinna = Go out walking
in front of them, Akbarnahu = They held him with awe, Qatta'na = Made cuts, Hasha Lilah = Far from Allah (any shortcoming or bad
saying), In Hatha Illa = This is only.
Q: Besides his extreme physical beauty what other type of beauty did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) show?
A: She (the dignitary's wife) said so that one in front of you is whom you (plural) were blaming me of and I have seduced
him but he restrained* himself (from adultery) - and certainly if he does not do what I order him he will certainly
be imprisoned and he is certainly going to be (one) of the despised.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat Yusuf. (12:32)
* Showed modesty and virtue (= Estassama).
Words: FaThalikunna = That one in front of you, Lumtunnani Feehi = You were blaming me of, Festa'ssama = But
he restrained himself - showed modesty, AlSsaghireen = The despised - the lowly.
Q: Why may Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) be an example of a man whom Allah will take in His shade* on the Day of Judgement?
A: He (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said my God the prison is more preferable to me than what they (women) are
calling me for (unlawful sexual relationship) and if You do not avert from me their artful plotting I will fall
passionately in love with them and become (one) of the ignorant (wrongdoers).
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat Yusuf. (12:33)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Seven (categories) Allah will take them in His shade the Day (of Judgement) when
there is no shade except His shade: A just and fair leader, a young man who was raised in the worship of Allah, a man whose heart is
attached to mosques, two men they liked each other because of their love of Allah - they met and they separated on that (loving
Allah), and a man - a woman of high status and beauty called him (for unlawful sex relationship) but he said indeed I do fear
Allah, and a man gave
a charity so he hid it in order that his left hand does not know what his right hand spends, and a man remembered Allah when he
was alone (= Khaliyan) so his eyes overflowed (with tears). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 697.
Words: Ahabbu = More preferable, Yadounani = They are calling me, Tassrif = Avert - Turn away, Assbu = I will
fall passionately in love - I will incline to youthful pleasures, AlJahileen = The ignorant - Lacking knowledge - Wrongdoers.
Q: A person who is in a situation like Prophet Joseph's for what should he pray to Allah?
Please read above the translation of the preceding Line 33 in Surat Yusuf.
A: Then his God answered him so He averted from him their (women's) artful plotting* indeed He is the All-Listening the
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat Yusuf. (12:34)
* To seduce him.
Words: Festajaba laHu Rubuhu = Then his God answered him.
Q: As a slave what was the best solution the judges saw to keep Prophet Joseph away from the society's women?
A: Then it became clear to them (judges) after they saw the indicative signs* to imprison him (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf**) (for general public benefit) for
some time.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat Yusuf. (12:35)
* of probable social disturbance now that even other women unintentionally made cuts in their hands while looking at Prophet Joseph.
(refer to Ayah 31 in Surat Yusuf. (12:31)
** Remember that Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) at this point is only a slave in the house of 'AlAzeez = the
dignitary' who purchased him.
Note: It is known in Islam if a woman's face is extremely attractive and there is fear of unrest "= fitnah" because many persons may
keep on looking at her (and some may go beyond that) it is better for her to cover it. (Nowadays many women cover their faces not
because of the fear of 'fitnah').
Words: Bada = It became clear, AlAyat = The indicative signs, Hatta Heen = For some time.
Q: How did Prophet Joseph know what to say and act wisely in difficult situations?
A: And when he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) attained full maturity (= Rushdahu) We (Allah) granted him wisdom and knowledge and this is how We repay those
who perfect their Religion (= AlMuhsineen).
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat Yusuf. (12:22)
Note: The translation of the succeeding Lines 23-24 in Surat Yusuf.
Note: Another prophet was also given what Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) was given. (in Surat AlQasas)
Words: Wa Lamma = And when he, Balagha Rushdahu = Attained full maturity - Reached the peak of his power, Hukman
= Wisdom, Ilman = Knowledge, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their Religion - Righteous believers.
Q: Why did Prophet Yusuf remain for some long time in prison?
Note: Please read first the transaltion of the preceding Lines 36 - 41 in Surat Yusuf.
A: And he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) said to the one of them (two prisoners) he (Prophet Joseph) felt certain is going to be set free - do mention me to your master (Egypt's
king) so Satan made him forget mentioning him to his master so he (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) stayed in the prison for several years.
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat Yusuf. (12:42)
Note: The transaltion of the succeeding Lines 43 - 49 in Surat Yusuf.
Words: Dhanna = He felt certain - He thought, Naajin = Is going to be set free, Uthkurni = Mention me -
Remember me, Bidha' = Several.
Q: The king wanted to see the man who interpreted his dream but why did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) refuse to leave the prison immediately?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 43 - 49 in Surat Yusuf.
A: And the king said bring him to me - so when the messenger came to him (Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) he said return* to your master (king)
and ask him what is the matter with the women who made cuts** in their hands indeed my God with their artful plotting (to seduce him) is
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat Yusuf. (12:50)
* He wanted the truth to be known and to clear his name in the incident that sent him to prison.
Note: Prophet Muhammad applauded the patience, and honour of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) in prison. Prophet Muhammad said if he were in his
place and they came to free him he would have hurried before them to the prison gate. Source: Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 702
** Refer to Ayah 31 in Surat Yusuf.
Words: Rubbika = Your master, Ma Balu = What is the matter with, AlNiswah = The women.
Q: What did Prophet Joseph's honesty and patience help?
A: He (the king) said to the women) what is the matter with you when you tried to seduce Joseph (Prophet Yusuf) they said far
from Allah (any unfair thinking or lies = Hasha Lilah) we know nothing bad
of him - the wife of the dignitary (= AlAzeez) said now the truth revealed itself (= Hasshassa AlHaq) I seduced him and indeed he is certainly (one) of
the truthful; That is (being said) in order that he (her husband 'AlAzeez') comes to know that I did not cheat (commit adulterous action)
on him during (his) absence and that Allah does not guide the artful plotting of cheaters; And I* (the dignitary's wife) do not clear
myself for the soul* is certainly too much
inciting bad deeds except upon whatever my God bestows Mercy indeed my God is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful; And the king said (Prophet
Joseph still in prison) bring him to me - I will select** (appoint) him for myself so when he talked to him he said indeed you are
today with us an influential honest person; He (Prophet Joseph) said appoint me over the Earth Treasury (Agricultural Wealth) indeed
I am a good keeper (of accounts) (and) knowledgeable.
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 55, Surat Yusuf. (12:51-55)
* Even Prophet Joseph was a human being with a soul. Therefore in Islam it is said that when a man is not lawfully related (Mahram)
to a woman and they are alone (in an unseen confined place), Satan is their third one. Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) might have committed
a bad deed had he not seen a "deterrent" from Allah. Refer to Ayah 24 in Surat Yusuf.
** No more a slave.
Words: Sou' = Bad, Hasshassa = Revealed itself, Lem Akhnhu = I did not cheat on him, BilGhayb = During
absence - in the unseen, Ammarah = Too much inciting - Too much ordering, BilSou' = Bad deeds, Astakhlissuhu = I will select him,
Makeen = Influential - powerful, Ameen = Honest person, Khaza'in AlArdh = Earth Treasury - Agricultual Wealth, Hafeedh =
Good keeper.
Q: What is an example of rewards in life for whomever Allah wills to bestow His Mercy upon?
A: And this is how We (Allah) made Yusuf (Prophet Joseph) influential in the land - he takes places in it wherever he wishes - We
(Allah) bestow Our Mercy upon whomever We will and We do not miss (more reward in the Other Life) the reward of those who perfect their religion (= AlMuhsineen*).
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat Yusuf. (12:56)
* "AlMuhsineen" Those believers who do good deeds. (Ayah 30, in Surat AlKahf).
Refer to the Prophet's saying about "AlIhsan".
Words: Makkanna = Made influential - Made powerful, Yatabawwao = He takes places, Nusseebu = We bestow, La
Nudhee'u = We do not miss.
Q: For whom is the reward which is bigger than the reward bestowed by Allah in life?
A: And certainly the reward of the Other World is better for those who believed and they were protecting themselves (by fearing
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat Yusuf. (12:57)
Words: Kanou Yattaqoun = They were protecting themselves by fearing Allah - They were God conscious.
Q: Regardless of any other opinion why should Muslim societies handle appropriately what wrecks our moral ideals for example which have to do
with sex and its misuse*?
A: (this is) "Suratun" (from Surah = Chapter in the Qur'an) We (Allah) sent it down and We made it obligatory and We sent down in it evident Miraculous
Signs (Ayat) so that you may remember**.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlNoor. (24:1)
* Misuse of sex whether in the form of unregulated behaviour or false charges or scandals, and false slanders about women. Sex
offenses should be severely punished, but the strictest evidence should be required and false slanderers are also worthy of punishment.
Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. King Fahd Holy Qur'an
Printing Complex. Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 1001.
** Heed and receive admonition.
Note: Translation of some succeeding Ayat in Surat AlNoor: 2-3, and translation of Ayat 4-5.
Words: Anzalnaha = We sent it down, Faradhnaha = We made it obligatory, Bayyenat = Evident - Well developed -
Q: What both types of sins should be avoided?
A: And avoid what is revealed* of sins and what is concealed** (of sins) - indeed those who earn sins will be repaid according to what they commit.
Translation of: Ayah 120, Surat AlAn'am. (6:120)
* An example of revealed sins. (in Surat AlNisa')
** An example of hidden sins is secretly talking with others or to oneself about bad deed. (in Surat AlMujadilah)
Note: (Sexual) Immoralities (= Fawahish) can be revealed or concealed similar to other sins
(= Isthm). (in Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Dhahir = What is revealed - exposed, Battin = What is concealed - hidden, AlIsthm = Sins - Sinning, Yaksiboun = Earn - Do, Yaqtarifoun
= They commit.
Q: Why are we warned against even our INNER THOUGHTS if they do injustice to anyone?
A: To Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - and if you reveal what is in yourselves or you conceal it Allah will hold
you accountable* for it then He will forgive to whom He wills and He will punish whom He wills and Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 284, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:284).
* The importance of good intention and bad intention. Our deeds are judged first by the intentions behind them. (Refer to Surat
In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): Indeed Allah had written the good deeds and the
bad deeds and then He explained them. So whoever is about to do a good deed and then does not do it Allah will write it for him as a full good deed. If
he did it the reward for it is ten times its equal to multiple of seven hundred.
And whoever is about to do a bad deed then he did not Allah will write
it for him one full good deed. If he did it Allah will write it for him as one bad deed. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 46.
Words: Tubdou = Reveal, Tukhfouhu = Conceal, Yuhasibkum = He will hold you accountable, FaYaghfir = Then He will
Q: What happens to a BELIEVER who by poor judgement disobeys Allah and falls into error?
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayah 208 in Surat AlBaqarah (Allah's Command about not following
A: But if you (believers) committed an error (disobedience) after the Clear Signs (Qur'anic Lines) had reached you then let it be known to you that Allah is
AlMighty* All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 209, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:209)
* Allah is AlMighty forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills.
Note:How does Satan make a believer commit an error (= Yastazil)?
(Refer to Surat AlImran, Ayah 155)
Words: FaIn Zallatum = But if you committed an error - if you slipped (morally).
Q: Why should immoral persons (Muslims or non-Muslims) refrain from encouraging believers to be immoral?
A: Indeed those who love immorality to spread among those who believed (= Amanou) - for them is a severe punishment in this life and the
Other Life and Allah knows* and you (plural) do not have knowledge.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlNoor. (24:19)
* Allah knows the seen and the unseen of man's thoughts and behaviors.
Words: Tashee' = Spreads, AlFahisha = Immorality - Adultery - Vile deed - Whoredom.
Q: Why should Muslims refrain from passing on what rumors they hear about slandering (smearing) people?
A: When you are receiving it (slandering matter*) with your tongues and you are saying with your mouths what** you do not
have knowledge of and you think it is minor and (the reality) it is with Allah terrible.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlNoor. (24:15)
* The matter of slandering Aishah, the Prophet's beloved wife. (in Surat AlNoor)
** Rumors.
Words: Tallaqawnahu = You receive it, BiAfwahikum = With your mouths, Hayyena = Minor - Simple, Adheem =
Terrible - Grave - Serious.
Q: Why should Muslims stop talking immediately about slandering rumors especially concerning well known believers?
Note: Please re-read above, yesterday's translation, the link is fixed today.
A: And if only when you heard it (slandering matter) you said we have no right to talk about this - glory to You (Allah) this
(slandering) is terrible falsehood.
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlNoor. (24:16)
Words: Law la = If only, Buhtan = Falsehood.
Q: What shows that Allah may forgive you if you without thinking indulged in spreading slandering rumors?
A: Allah advises (commands) you not to return to its (slandering rumor) similar ever if you are believers; And Allah makes
clear to you (plural) the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 18, Surat AlNoor. (24:17-18)
Words: Ya'idhukum = Advises you - Commands moral lessons to you, An Ta'oudu = Not to return, LiMisthlihi = To its similar, Abadan =
Ever, Mo'mineen = Believers.
Q: Why did Allah not punish in life those Muslims who helped spread the terrible slandering rumor which happened during the time of Prophet
A: And were it not for Allah's Favour upon you (Muslims around Prophet Muhammad) and His Mercy* - and that Allah is Most-Compassionate
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlNoor. (24:20)
* The answer to this part of the sentence indicates "Allah would have certainly punished you".
Words: LawLa = Were it not, Raouf = Most-Compassionate.
Q: Why should a Muslim not enter a house without knocking on its door to make its people aware of him?
A: O you (plural) who believed do not enter houses other than your houses until you make yourselves known* and greet their
people - such is better for you - perhaps you may remember.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlNoor. (24:27)
* Make yourselves known to get permission to enter. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: If one of you asks permission to enter
three times and he was rejected then let him go away. Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, page 459.
Words: Hatta = Until, Tasta'nisou = Make yourselves Known - Familiarize them about you - Tell who you are, Thalikum = Such is -
Previously said is, Tathakaroun = Remember - Bear it in mind.
Q: What is the benefit of not entering a relative's house for example if you are not given permission to enter?
A: But if you do not find in it (others' house) anyone then do not enter it until permission (to enter) is given to you and if it is
said to you go back then do go back - that is purer (more virtuous = Azka) for you (plural) and Allah is with what you do All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat AlNoor. (24:28)
Words: Tadkholouha = Do not enter them, Yu'thana = Permission is given, Azka = Purer.
Q: Why should a Muslim be mindful of Allah when he enters a house no one living in it?
A: There is no blame on you (plural) if you enter uninhabited houses in them your belongings and Allah knows what you reveal
and what you conceal*.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlNoor. (24:29)
* Your real intention behind entering the house.
Words: Ghayr Maskoonatin = Uninhabited, Mata'un Lakum = Your belongings, Tubdouna = You reveal, Taktumoun =
You conceal.
Q: How do Muslim men show modest and decent behviour?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Say to believing men to lower their gaze and to guard their private places - that is purer (more
virtuous) for them indeed Allah is Well-Acquainted with what they do.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlNoor. (24:30)
Note: The succeeding Ayah 31 in Surat AlNoor is about Allah's Command to Muslim women regarding modesty.
An important note: The Ayah 31 in Surat AlNoor (24:31) gives un understanding why many Muslims are against new Ontario sex education
curriculum. (Females will have to cover up from male children if they understand women's genitals).
Words: BiMA Tassnaoun = With what they do - perform.
Q: Why should a Muslim be mindful of Allah even when he says something secretly to himself?
A: If you (plural) reveal something or you conceal it then Allah of all things had been All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 54, Surat AlNoor. (24:54)
Words: Tubdou = Reveal, Tukhfouhu = Conceal it, BiKuli Shayen = Of all things - Of everything, Kan
Aleema = Had been All-Knowing.
Q: What do many people quickly forget when harm is removed from them?
A: And when harm afflicted people they called upon their God (Allah the Creator) turning to Him in repentance
then when He granted them a taste of Mercy suddenly a party of them with their God were joining* partner(s).
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat AlRoum. (30:33)
* Why do people tend to call upon partner(s) with Allah after being saved from a catastrophe during which they called only upon Allah
(the Creator)? (Refer to Surat AlZumar)
Words: Athaqahum = Granted them a taste, Fareeq = Party - Group, Yushrikoun = Were joining partner(s) -
Were making partner(s).
Q: What is the message behind joining any partner in worship with the Creator (Allah)?
A: (they join partners with Allah) To show ingratitude for what We (Allah) granted them so do (plural) indulge in temporary enjoyment for
you will soon come to know*.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlRoum. (30:34)
* Know what? (refer to Surat Ghafir)
Words: LiYakforou = To show ingratitude - To show disbelief (in Allah as the One and Only God), FaTamata'ou = So do
indulge in temporary enjoyment.
Q: Do those who acknowledge the Creator but join partner(s) in His worship have an authorization from the Creator for polytheism?
A: (Allah says) Or did We (Allah) send down upon them a legitimate Proof* so it is speaking about what they were joining
partner(s) (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlRoum. (30:35)
* 'Sultan' = An authority which is true and approved because it is conforming to Allah's commands, well-founded and not in vain.
Words: Sultanan = Legitimate Proof - Authority - Legitimation, BiMa Kanou = What they were, Yushrikoun = Joining
Q: Will a person lose hope of Allah's Mercy if he knows that his 'misery' is a test for him to make him call upon Allah?
A: And when We (Allah) grant people a taste of Mercy they become delighted with it and when a misfortune (misery) befalls them
because of what their hands sent forward* (did) suddenly they become desperate**.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlRoum. (30:36)
* Don't blame Allah for miseries you experience. They are atonement for your sins and a test of your
patience. (Refer to Surat AlShoura).
Miseries that afflict believers can help remove from their sins. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: "Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience".
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Source: gainpeace.com
** They lose trust in Allah.
Words: Tussibhum = Befalls them - Afflicts them, Qaddamat = Sent forward - Forwarded - Did, Yaqnottoun = They
become desperate - They lose hope.
Q: Are disbelievers waiting to experience utter destruction of their communities to
believe in Allah?
A: (Allah says) So are they (polytheists* at time of Prophet Muhammad) waiting except for days similar to those who
passed away (= Khalau**) before them say (command to Prophet Muhammad) then wait indeed I am with you among those who are
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat Yunus. (10:102)
* Remember disbelievers in Arabia at the time of Prophet Muhammad were polytheists - they believed in Allah and joined more than 300 idols with
** What did earlier communities' disbelievers used to say before being utterly annihilated? (refer to Surat Ghafir)
Words: Khalau = Passed away, Min AlMuntadhireen = Among those who are waiting.
Q: What was Allah's Way towards His Prophets and the believers with them when Allah's Wrath had to descend?
A: (When Allah's Wrath descends) Then We (Allah) (used to) save Our (Allah's) Messengers and those who believed - thus We owe it to
Ourselves to save the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat Yunus. (10:103)
Words: Kathalika = Thus - In that way Haqqan Alayna = We owe it to Ourselves - It is befitting on Our part - We must,
Nunaji = To save.