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The order of the following paragraphs is:
Q: What is the relationship between Islam and the religion of the prophet Abraham (Before Judaism and Christianity)?
A: --- He (Allah) had chosen you and did not include any complication in the religion - The religion of your forefather
Abraham (Ibraheem) - it is He (Allah) who had before named you Muslims; And in this
(the Qur'an) the prophet (Muhammad) to be a witness upon you (people at his time) and you (Muslims of all times) become witnesses upon mankind---.
Translation of: Ayah 78, Surat AlHajj. (22:78)
Words: Milat = Religion, Abeekum = Your Father, AlRasool = The prophet, Shahid = Witness,
Shuhada' = Witnesses, AlNaas = Mankind - All people.
Q: What was the religion embraced by prophet Abraham (Ibraheem), peace be upon him?
A: And no one turns away from the religion embraced by Abraham (Prophet Ibraheem) but who has fooled (= Safiha) himself and We had chosen him in
this World and in the Other World he is from the righteous people; When his God told him submit (= aslim) he said I
have submitted (= Aslamtu) to the God of all people; And Abraham directed with it his (two) sons and Jacob (Ya'qoub known also as Israel) O my
make sure not to die without submitting to Allah (= Muslimoun*); Or were you witnesses (present)
when Jacob (= Ya'qoub) was about to die he said to his sons what will you worship after me - They said we will worship your God and the God of your
forefathers Abraham (Ibraheem) and Ishmael (Ismael) and (father) Isaac (Ishaq) - One God and to Him we are submitting
(= Muslimoun);
That is a community (nation) which passed - for it what it earned (of deeds) and for you (current people) what you
earned (of deeds) and you will NOT be asked (by Allah) about what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 130 - 134, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:130-134)
A temporary Note April 2018: Reference to the current article in newspapers about Parliament, Pope,
Apology, Catholic Church role".
* Submitting to Allah as the One and Only God. (refer to Surat AlIkhlas)
Words: Millata Ibraheem = Religion embraced by Ibraheem, Safiha = Fooled, Nafsuhu = Himself, AlDunya = This world, AlA'khira = The Other World,
AlSsaliheen = The good people, Qaala = Said, Aslim = Sumit to Allah, Aslamtu = I have submitted (to Allah),
Rubb AlAlameen = The God of all people - The God of the inhabitants of the world, Wassa = Directed, Issttafa = Had chosen,
Lakum = For You, AlDeen = The religion. La Tamoutuna = Make sure not to die
die, Shuhada' = present, witnesses, Tabudoun = You worship, Ilah = God, Wahid = One, Umaatun = Community - Nation - A People, Qed khalat =
Had passed, Kasabtum = You earned.
Q: What is the relationship between Islam and the other Heavenly religions (Judaism and Christianity)?
A: He (Allah) passed (as a law) for you from Religion what He directed Noah (Prophet Nooh) and what We have revealed
to you (Prophet Muhammad) and what We directed Abraham (Prophet Ibraheem) and Moses
(Prophet Moosa) and Jesus (Prophet Issa) to practise the
Religion (of Allah) and do not divide yourselves in it - it becomes hard for the polytheists (= Mushrikeen)* what you (plural) call them for
- Allah picks up towards Himself whom He wills and He (Allah) GUIDES TOWARDS HIMSELF WHO TURNS TO HIM in repentance (= Tawbah).
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlShoura. (42:13)
* Remember that before Islam the Arabs around the Prophet Muhammad were also polytheists (worshipping many gods
besides Allah).
Words: Shara' a = Passed (as a law), AlDeen = Religion, Wassa = Directed - Ordered, Awha =
Revealed, Tatafaraqow = Divide yourselves, Kabura = It becomes hard, Yajtabi = Picks up - Chooses,
Ilayhi = Towards Himself, Yahdi = Guides, Yuneeb = Turns to God in repentance.
Q: Are Muslims allowed to be divided into sects (parties)?
A: Indeed those who divided their Religion and became religious sects - you (Prophet Muhammad) are not
from them in anything rather their
case is turned to Allah then He will inform them about what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 159, Surat AlAn'am. (6:159)
Words: Farraqou = Divided, Shiya'an = Religious sects - Factions - Groups - Parties, Lasta
= You are not,
Shaye' an = Thing, Amruhum = Their Case - Their Affair, Yunab'eohum = He will informs, Yaf'aloun = They
were doing.
Q: Why were the Muslims at the time of the Prophet, peace be upn him, in a better situation than the Muslims nowadays?
A: You (Muslims) were the best nation that was brought out to people - commanding kind acts (Islamic acts) and forbidding bad acts
and believing in Allah and if the People of the Book believed (as Muslims) it will certainly be
better for them - from them (Jews and Christians) are the believers and most of them are who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 110, Surat AlImran. (3:110)
Words: Khair = Best - Most righteous, Ummah = Nation, Ukhrijat = Brought out, Lilnas = For people - For humanity, Ta'morouna
= Commanding - Ordering - Dictating, Ma'rouf = Kind acts, Tanhoun = Forbidding, Munkar = Bad acts, Aamana
= Believed, Khairan = Better, Akstharuhum = Most of them, AlFasiqoun = Who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's
Path - Wo transgressed (Allah's limits).
Q: What religion does Allah consider the best?
A: And who can be better in religion than who submitted (aslam) himself to Allah while being good, and
followed the way of Abraham (Ibraheem) - believing in One God and Allah had made Abraham a chosen one.
Translation of: Ayah 125, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Ahsen = Better, Deen = Religion, Muhsin = Good, Ittaba' = Followed, Milat = The
way - Religion, Haneefan = Worshipping One God, It'takhatha = Made, Khaleel = Chosen One (like a special friend).
Q: If a person becomes Muslim and his parents don't, what type of behaviour he has to conduct with them?
A: And if they (your parents) try very hard (like making Jihad = Jaahadak) to make you join any partner with Me (Allah) what you
have no* knowledge of, so do not obey them and befriend them them (parents) in this Life with kindness and follow the way of who turns
to Me (Allah's Path) then to Me is the return of all of you and I will tell you about what you were doing.
Translation of:Ayah 15, Surat Luqman. (31:15)
* Is not what Allah sent down.
Words: Jaahadak = Try very hard to make you, Tushrik = Join any partner, Ilm = Knowledge, Tute'huma = Obey them,
Saahibhuma = Befriend them , Ma'roufa = With Kindness, Ittabe' = Follow, Anaba = Turns, FaUnabbe'ukum = And I will tell you,
Ta'maloun = You were doing.
Q: Nowadays a lot of Muslims are divided into sects and their mosques follow such divisions. Are Muslims allowed to be
divided and where will the divisions lead Muslims to?
A: So devote yourself (= wajhaka) to the Religion worshipping One God (= Haneefan) - the
nature by
Allah (= Fitrat Allah) upon which He created people - no change to the creation (nature) by Allah - that is the
True Faith (= AlQayyem*) Religion but most people do not know; Returning to Him and protect yourselves by fearing Him and perform the
prayer and do not be from the polytheists (worshippers of many gods = mushrikeen); (Polytheists are) Among those who
divided their
Religion and became sects - every party is rejoicing with what they have.
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 32, Surat AlRoum.
* Which leads straight to Allah's Path.
Words: Aqim Wajhaka = Devote yourself (your face) - Direct yourself, Haneefan = Worshipping One God, Fitrat Allah = Nature (chosen) by Allah,
Fatara = Created, Tabdeel = Change, AlDeen = The Religion, Alqayyem = The True Faith - The Priceless, Aksthar
= Most of, AlNas = The People, Ya'lamoun = Know (plural) - Understand - Realize, Muneebeen = Returning to for forgiveness, Itakouh = Be
in awe of Him, Mushrik = Polytheist - Making Partner with Allah, Farraqou = Divided, Shiye' an = Sects - Factions - Parties, Hizb
= Party - Faction, Farihoun = (plural) Happy - Rejoicing - Delighted.
Q: Whom does Allah like and will admit in His Paradise?
A: And perform the prayer and give the prescribed charity (AlZakat) and what you prepare for yourselves of good
work you
will find it with Allah for Allah of what you do is All-Watchful; And they said no one will enter Paradise except who was
a Jew or a Christian - those are their desires - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) bring about your proof
if you were telling the truth; Yes indeed! Whoever
submitted (aslama) himslef to Allah while being perfect in Faith (= Muhsin) he will have his reward with his God
and no fear for them and they will not grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 110 - 112, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Akimou = Perform (plural), Salat = Prayer, Aatou = Give (plural), Zakat =
Prescribed charity - Fixed amount of alms, Tuqaddimou = You prepare, Khair = Good work, Yadkhul = Enter,
Hooda = Jew, Nasara = Christian, Amaniahum = There desires, Burhan = Proof, Sadiqeen = Telling the
truth, Aslama =
Submitted - Devoted, Wajhuhu = His Face - Himself, Khawf = Fear, Yahzun = Grieve.
Q: Are Jews and Christians the only guided people to Allah's Path?
A: And they said be Jews or Christians you will be guided (to Allah's Path)- say (command to Prophet Muhammad) rather the Religion of
Abraham (Ibraheem) believing in One God and he (Abraham) was not from the polytheists (worshippers of many gods).
Translation of: Ayah 135, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:135)
Words: Qalou = They said, Hoodan = Jews, Nasara = Christians, Tahtadou = You will be guided, Bel = Rather,
Milat = Religion, Haneefan = Worshipping One God, Mushrikeen = polytheists - Worshippers of many gods.
Q: Were the followers of the prophets BEFORE Moses and Jesus peace be upon them called Jews or Christians?
Note: The Map of the Prophets.
A: Or do you say that Abraham (Ibraheem) and Ishmael (Ismael) and Isaac (Ishaq) and Jacob (Ya'qoub)and the
offspring of Jacob (= AlAsbat) were Jews or Christians - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) do you know more or Allah does? And
who is more a sinner than who had concealed a testimony (a witnessed statement) from Allah that he has; And Allah is Not Unaware
of what you are doing.
Translation of: Ayah 140, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:140)
Words: Em = Or, Taqoul = Say, A'lam = Know more, Men = Who, Adhlum = Sinner, Katama =
Concealed, Shahadah = Testimony - Proof, Gha'fil = Unaware, Ta'maloun = You do (plural).
Q: Are people allowed to say that they are believers yet sometimes they make fun of some lines of the Qur'an?
A: They swear by Allah to you so as to satisfy you and Allah and His prophet have more right to be
satisfied if they were believes; Did they not know that who opposes Allah and His prophet then indeed for him is HellFire
remaining for eternity in it - that is the greatest disgrace;
The hypocrites are on their guard that a chapter (Surah from Qur'an)
might be sent down telling them about what (psychological illness) is in their hearts - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) continue to make
fun indeed Allah is going to reveal what you were afraid of;
And certainly if you question them (hypocrites about ridiculing) they will certainly say
rather we were indulging (in a subject) and having a pastime say (command to Prophet Muhammad) of Allah and His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and His
messengers you were making fun (are you insane?); Do not make excuses - you have
disbelieved after your believing (Having Faith) - if We (Allah) forgive a group of you We will punish another group for being
sinners ('Mujrimeen' = criminals in Allah's Court); The male hypocrites and the female hypocrites are like one another - they
command the bad acts and they forbid the good acts and they hold their hands tight (miser) - They disregarded
Allah so He disregarded them indeed the
hypocrites are the ones who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path); Allah had
promised the hypocrites, men and women, and the disbelievers the Fire of Hell remaining for eternity in it - it
(Hell) is
enough for them and Allah had cursed them and for them is a lasting punishment; Just like those before them they
were more than them in power and more in wealth and in offspring (boys) so they enjoyed their part of fortune and you have
enjoyed your part of fortune and you have indulged (sinfully) just as they had indulged; The deeds of those have
been failed in
life and the Other Life and those are the losers; Have they not received the news of those before them - the people
of Noah and Aad and Sthamud and the people of Abraham (Ibraheem) and the people of Medyen* and the Cities
overthrown** - their messengers (of Allah) came to them with the Miraculous Signs (from Allah)
so Allah was not going to make injustice to them but they were
making injustice to their own selves. And the male believers and the female believers are supporters of one another - they command
the good acts and they forbid the bad acts and they perform the prayer and they give the imposed charity and
they obey Allah and His messenger (Prophet Muhammad) - those Allah will grant them Mercy for Allah is AlMighty, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 62 - 72, Surat AlTawbah. (9:62072).
* Madyen: Normad people who were punished by Allah.
** The Cities overthrown (= AlMu'tafikat) refer to Plain, Sodom and Gomorrah to whom the prophet Lut preached.
Words: Yardhoukum = To satisfy you, Yuhadid = Opposes, Khizye = Disgrace,
Yahthar AlMunafiqoun = The hypocrites are on their guard, Istahzeou =
Continue to make fun (plural) - continue to ridicule, Mukhrij = Going to reveal, Yahthar = Are afraid, Nakhoudh = Indulging in a subject,
Nal'ab = Having a pastime - Were playing, Ta'tatherou = Make excuse, Ya'muroun = Command, Yanhoun = Forbid - Oppose - Object to.
Q: Why does Allah inflict suffering and problems on the believers?
A: A L M*; Do people think that they will be left to say we have Faith and they will not be tested; And
We (Allah) had already tested those before them and Allah certainly knows those who tell the truth and
He certainly knows the liars; Or have those who commit bad deeds thought
that they will get ahead of Us; How evil is whatever they judge; Whoever looks forward to meeting Allah then the
Appointed Time (Day of Judgment) of Allah is certainly coming and He is the All-Hearing the All-Knowing;
And whoever strives (to remain on Allah's Path & Please Allah) so he STRIVES FOR HIMSELF indeed Allah can certainly do without
any of all creation; And those who
believe and do the righteous deeds We will certainly grant pardon for their bad deeds and We will certainly
reward them according to the best of what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 7, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:1-7)
* Arabic letters whose true meaning in the Surah are not known for sure - from Allah's World of the Unseen.
Words: AHasiba = Do peopoe think, Yutrakou = Will be left, Aamanna = We have Faith - We believe, La Yuftanoun = they will not be tested, Ya'lamanna = Certainly
knows, Sadaqa = Told the truth, Kaathib = Liar, Yasbiq = gets ahead of, Sa'a = How evil,
Yahkumoun = Judge, Yarju = Looks forward, Liqa' = Meeting, Ajal = Time, Men Jaahada
= Whoever strives - Struggles - tries hard - Makes jihad, Ghani = Can do without - Is in no need of, AlAlameen = All creation -
Inhabitants of the worlds - All people, Nukaffir = We will grant pardon - We will make amends, Najzi = Reward, Ahsen =
The best, Ya'maloun = They were doing.
Q: How much patience should people who believe in Allah have when they face problems and suffering?
A: And from the people who say we believed in Allah but when he is harmed in (the cause
of) Allah he makes the oppression of people like the punishment of Allah - and when a victory comes
from your God he will certainly say we were indded with you - Does Allah not know the best about what is in
the hearts of all people; And Allah will certainly mark those who believed and He will certainly
mark the hypocrites.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 11, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:10-11)
Words: Uthiya = Is harmed, Fitnat (fitnah) = Oppression - Punishment, Athab = Punishment,
Nasr = Victory, A'lam = Know the best, Sodour = Hearts - Chests, Ya'lamanna = Marks, Munafiqeen = Hypocrites.
Q: To which people the message of Islam is sent through the Prophet Muhammad?
A: And We did not send you (Prophet Muhammad) except for all (= kaffatan) mankind
(= lilNas) as a bringer
of good news and a warner
but most people do not know; And they say when is this Promise (Day of Judgment) if you are
telling the Truth; Say you have the appointment of one day - you will not be delayed from it an hour neither
will you be brought in advance (an hour).
Translation of: Ayat 28 - 30, Surat Saba'. (34:28-30)
Words: Arsala = Sent, Kaaffatan = All, Nas = Mankind - People, Ya'lam = Knows, Wa'd =
Promise, Sadiq = telling the truth, Mey'ad = Appointment, Tasta'khir = Delayed, Tastaqdim =
Brought in advance.
Q: The whole Message of Islam is a huge responsibility. Why did man accept to carry it?
A: Indeed We (Allah) offered the Responsibility of the Message (Islam) for safekeeping (= Aradhna AlAmanah*) to the Heavens and the
earth and the mountains but they refused to carry it and they were worried about it and man carried it - indeed he was
too much unfair, too much ignorant**.
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlAhzab. (33:72)
* Muslims are commanded to fulfill their pledges in Islam after uttering the Testimony of Islam. The Pledge of Islam with Allah is binding and
a Muslim can not leave it. (refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
They cannot betray Allah and Prophet Muhammad. (refer to Surat AlAfnal)
** About the extreme importance of safekeeping the Responsibility of Islam that man shouldered.
Words: Aradhna = We offered, AlAmanah = The responsibility of the Message for safekeeping - Trust,
Samawat = Heavens, Jibal =
Mountains, Abayna = But they refused, Yahmilnaha = To carry it, Ashfaqna = Were worried, Hamala = Carried, Dhalouma
= Too much unfair - Too much unjust, Jahoola = Too much ignorant.
Q: Which people are approved by Allah?
A: Indeed those who believe (Muslims) and the Jews and the Christians and
the Sabians* - whoever (from them) believes* in Allah and the Last Day and he does good for them their
reward with Allah and no fear upon them and they will not grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlBaqarah.
* As per Allah's commands.
Note: Nowadays the followers of each of the mentioned religions have been devided into sects. Pure religions
from Allah are the ones that came with their prophets. All the prophets came with One cornerstone Message:
Worship Allah
and do not partner with him. Forms of partnership can be whatever you call on when you mean to call on Allah:
Idols - self - other people - heroes - nature forces etc.: Anybody or anything other than Allah.
* Sabians: Rejecters of the common religion who follow another religion. According to Hans Wehr's
Arabic-English Dicitonary page 584: The Manacans, a Judaco-Christian gnostic, baptist sect in Mesopotamia
(Christians of St. John(, used in this sense in the Qur'an. (and not the Sabians of Harran, a pagan sect
extant as late as the 11th century A.D.) When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be
upon him, first met the Angel
Gabriel, the Prophet went home shaking, His wife Khadija went to her cousin 'Waraqa Bin Noofel' for advice.
'Waraqa' was a monotheist worshipper of One God (= Hanafi) , in Arabia on, the religion of Abraham.
He gave her the good news that Muhammad is a Prophet as was announced in the early Scriptures. To
differentiate them from Christians and Jews, pagan Arabs then called such people 'sabi'een'
Note: Remember that the Qur'an mentions that the Prophet Muhammad is the last and the
seal of the prophets.
Words: Amanou = Those who have faith (Muslims), Al'latheena Hadou = The Jews, Nasara = Christians
- Supporters of Jesus, Sabi'een = Sabians: Those who rejected one religion and entered another religion, Amana = Believes -
Amala = He does - He did, Salih = Good - Good deeds, Ajr = Reward, Khawf = Fear, Yahzan
= Grieves.
Q: Our forefather the first man to be created 'Adam' peace be upon him, sinned by not listening to Allah. But
did he repent and did Allah forgive him?
A: So Adam received from His God words* so He
(Allah) forgave him ideed He is the Most Forgiving the Most Merciful; We (Allah) said get down all of you (humanity)
from it (Garden of Heaven) so when Right Guidance (= Huda) from Me (Allah) reaches you (plural) then whoever follows My Right Guidance (= Hudaya) so there will be no fear upon them and they
will not grieve. And those who disbelieved and rejected Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) as lies those are the companions of Hell - they
are in it living for eternity.
Translation of: Ayat 37 - 39, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:37-39)
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayat 35-36 in Surat AlBaqarah.
* Words of repentance: "They (Adam and Eve) said: Our God! We had made injustice to ourselves so if you do not
forgive us and have Mercy on us we will certainly be from the losers." Translation of Line 23 in Surat "AlA'raf".
Words: FaTalaqqa = So he received, Kalimat = Words, Taba = Forgave,
Huda = Right Guidance, Khawf = Fear, La Yahzanoun = They will not ot grieve, Kaththabou = They rejected as lies,
Khalidoun = Living for eternity.
Q: What is pure faith that is acceptable to Allah and that all the prophets peace be upon them from Adam to
Prophet Muhammad preached about? And why should the faithful be careful that no other name interferes with Allah when
they call on Allah or when they pray to Allah?
A: And how many Miraculous Signs in the Heavens and the earth they pass by and they are from them turning away;
And most of them do not believe (have Faith = Yo'min ) in Allah except while they are joining partner(s)
(with Allah = Mushrikoun);
So have they felt secure against any coming of overwhelming disaster
from Allah's punishment - or the Hour (Day of Judgment) to come upon them suddenly while they are not aware;
Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) this
is my Path* - I call towards Allah with Enlightenment (from Allah) - I and who has followed me (way of
the Prophet) - and glory (= Subhana)** to Allah and I am not
from those who join partner(s) (with Allah) (polytheists = Mushrikeen); And We (Allah) had not sent before
you (Prophet Muhammad) except men We reveal
to them - (the prophets were) from the people of the towns - so have they not walked on earth and seen how the ending of
those before them was - and certainly the Other Dwelling Place is better for those who protect themselves by fearing (Allah) - so will not you realize.
Translation of: Ayat 105 - 109, Surat Yusuf.
* The Prophet Muhammad is guided to Allah's Path.
** Allah with His Attributes is High Above what people associate with Him.
Words: Ayah = Sign - Signal of Allah's existence through His creation, Yamur = Passes, Mu'ridh =
Turning away, Mushrik = Who joins partner(s) with Allah - Polytheist, Ghashiyah = Overwhelming
disaster, AlSa'ah = Day of Judgment, Baghtah = Suddenly, Yashur = Is aware, Sabeeli =
My path, Adou = I call, Baseerah = Enlightenment, Ittaba' = Followed, Dar = Dwelling Place,
Ta'qiloun = Realize.
Q: Islam means submission to Allah alone. Which prophet did Allah appointas a great example to
follow for Muslims besides the example of Muhammad peace be upon him (refer to Ayah 21 Surat AlAhzab)?
A: There was for you a great example in Abraham (Ibraheem) and those with him; When they said to their
people: We are clear of you and of whatever you worship besides Allah; We have rejected you and enmity as well
as hatred has arisen between us for ever until you believe in Allah alone; Except
* the saying of Abraham to his father: I will certainly pray for
forgiveness for you and I do not have control on anything for you from Allah; Our God! Upon You we depend
and to You we repent and to You is the Final Return. Our God! Do not make us subject to persecution from those who disbelieved and forgive us; Our God! You are the AlMighty, the Wise. Indeed you had in them
a good example for those who look forward to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day; And whoever turns away for
Allah is Who can do without, the Praise-Worthy. Perhaps Allah makes between you and those whom you hold as
enemies from them affection (love) and Allah is Capable and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 4 - 7, Surat AlMomtahanah.
* Do not follow Abraham's example in praying to Allah for forgiveness for his father who was a pagan. Abraham
prayed for his father because he had promised him to do it. When Abraham knew that he shouldn't, he made
himself clear of his father.
Words: Uswah = Example - Model, Bura' = Clear of (plural), Min Doun Allah = Besides Allah, Adawah
= Enemity, Baghda' = Hatred, Astaghfir = I Pray for forgivesness, Fitnatan = Suject to
persecution - Punishment Ordeal, Maseer = Final Return on Day of Judgment, AlGhani = Who can do without, Aadaytum = You (plural) Held as an enemy, Mawaddah = Affection - Love.
Q: Has history witnessed the example of some faithful people who gave their lives rather than giving up their
faith in Allah alone?
Note: In a summary of a saying by Muhammad peace be upon him: In the old times a magician became old so he asked the king to send him a
young man to pass on his knowledge to him. On his way to the magician the young man used to meet a monk (religious man).
The monk taught him to have faith in Allah alone. The magician also converted to worshipping Allah. The king saw
that the youth could do miracles like bringing the dead to life. So he said the magician taught you this? The boy
replied that it is from the God of the Worlds. The king killed the magician and the monk. However whenever he tried to
kill the youth he couldn't. So the youth told the
king that he could only kill him if he followed the youth's instructions: To crucify him and to say: In the name of the
youth's God. The king did and the youth died. Many people witnessing the youth's death said: We have faith in the
youth's God. The king ordered a big trench (hole) to be made ready with blazing fire. Anyone who does not convert back to
paganism to be thrown in it. Many faithful were burnt in that trench.
A: Condemned to ruin are the makers of the trench, the fire with the fuel, when
they over it (fire) sitting; And they are witnesses of what they do to the believers; And they did not
revenge against them except because they believed in Allah, the AlMighty, the Praise-Worthy; (Allah) Who
has the control of the Heavens and the earth; And Allah upon everything is a Witness; For those who punish for
trial the faithful males and the faithful females then they do not repent so for them is the punishment of
Hell and for them is the punishment of the Blazing Fire (extra punishment). Indeed those who believed and did
the righteous deeds for them are Gardens underneath which the rivers flow; That is the great triumph.
Indeed the attack of your God is truly forceful; For He is Who Begins (a creation) and He repeats; And He
is The Forgiving, The Loving (of faithful); Owner of the Glorious Throne; Doer of what He wills.
Translation of: Ayat 4 - 16, Surat AlBurouj. (85:4-16)
Words: Qutila = Condemned to ruin - Damned, Ashab = Makers, Ukhdoud =
Trench - Pit, Wuqoud = Fuel, Shuhoud = Witnesses, Naqama = Revenged - Were spiteful, Mulk = Control,
Fatana = Punished for trial, Jahanam = Hell, Hareeqh = Blazing Fire, Fawz = Triumph -
Victory - Winning, Batsh = Attack, Yubde' = Begins, Yueed = Repeats, Fa'aal = Doer, Yureed = Wills -
Q: Did all the prophets preach submission to Allah (Islam)?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 39-41
in Surat AlMo'minoun.
A: (After annihilation of 'Sthamud') Then We raised after them other generations; No
community can advance its appointed time neither can they delay (it); Then We (Allah) sent Our Messengers one after the other
every time a community received its messenger they rejected him as a liar so We made them follow each other and We
made them (disbelieving communities) narratives so away with the people who do not believe; Then We sent Moses (Prophet Moosa) and
his brother Aaron (= Harun) with Our Miraculous Signs and evident authority; To Pharaoh (Phiroun) and his assembly so they
became arrogant and they made themselves elevated (above others); So they said shall we believe two humans like us while their people
(People of Israel) of us are worshippers; So they rejected them (Moses and Aaron) as liars so they (Pharaoh & his assembly)
were among the destroyed; And We gave Moses the Scripture so they (People of Israel) become rightly guided; And We made the son of
Mary (= Maryam) and his mother a Miraculous Sign (= Ayatan)* and We gave them shelter on high ground with a dwelling place a spring;
O you the messengers (of Allah) eat from the good food and do the righteous deeds for I (Allah) am certainly with
what you are doing All-Knowing; And this nation of yours (humanity = Ummatukum) is one nation and I (Allah) am your
God so do protect yoursleves by fearing Me; Then they (people) cut off their affair (of unity) - every sect is
rejoicing in their own; So (command to Prophet Muhammad) leave them in their exuberance (emotional unrestraint
= Ghamratihim) for some time.
Translation of: Ayat 42 - 54, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:42-54)
* A Reminder of how Jesus peace be upon him was born without a father; With Allah's Word 'Be and the command is
realized = Kun FaYakoun'. (refer to Surat AlNisa')
Words: Akhathathum = Seized them - Took them - Punished them, Sayha = Scream, Ghustha' = Scum, Budan = Far away, Quroun = Generations,
Tasbiq = Advances, Yasta'khir = Delays, Ahadeesth = Narratives - Tales, Mala' =
Assembly, Istakbara = Became arrogant, Aaleen = Made themselves elevated - High, Muhlik = Destroyed, Rabwah =
High ground, Qarar = Dwelling place, Ma'een = Spring, Rusul = Messengers, Ummah = Nation - People - Community,
Hizb = Sect, Gamrah = (Emotional) Exuberance, Yahsib = Thinks, Numid = Support, Mal
= Wealth, Baneen = Sons, Nusa're' = We Hasten, Mushfiq = Pitiful, Yu'toun =
Give, Ma A'tau = What Comes in their way, Wajilah = Fearful, Saabiqoun = Are winning.
Q: Despite the disbelievers' attempts why is Islam (submission to Allah alone) prevailing?
A: For those who show enmity to Allah and His prophet (Muhammad) are (doomed) among the humiliated: Allah had
decreed: Certainly I (Allah) with my prophets shall win; For Allah is AlMighty, Potent.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 21, Surat AlMujadilah.
Words: Yuhad = Shows enemity - Opposes, Kataba = Decreed, Had written, Rusul = prophets, Qawi =
AlMighty, Axeez = Potent - Powerful.
Q: Why should Muslims refrain (avoid) from making the Religion of Islam look difficult and complicated (extremism)?
A: --- Allah wants easiness for you and does not want difficulty for you ---.
Translation of: Ayah 185, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's speech: Spread the religion (bashshirou) and do not scare away
(naffirou); Make it easy (Yassirou) and do not make it difficult (Tuassirou) because you (Muslims) have been sent to make
the religion easy and not to make it difficult.
Note: It was reported that the wife of the Prophet Muhammad "Aisha" may Allah be pleased with her said: When the Prophet
was given the choice between two matters he used to choose the easiest.
Note: In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's speech: Any one puts himself in a tug-of-war (pulling) with Religion, the
religion will win because of its multiple ways (of handling difficult situations).
Words: Yureed = Wants, Yusr = Easiness, Usr = Difficulty.
Q: What Saying did Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) - the forefather respected by the Jews, Christians and the Muslims leave behind?
A: And when Abraham said to his father and his people I am innocent from what you are worshipping (idols);
Except Who created me so He is going to guide me; And he made sure it is a SAYING remaining among his
descendants so that they MAY COME BACK (to worshipping Allah Alone); Yet I (Allah) let to enjoy those (idol worshippers of
Arabia)* and their forefathers throughout their lives until the Truth (Quran) and a clear Prophet (Muhammad) reached them And when the Truth reached
them they said this is magic and indeed we are in it disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayat 26 - 30, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:26-30)
* Originally descendants from Prophet Ishmael (Ismael) the eldest son of Prophet Abraham. There was a long
time gap between Prophet Ishmael and Prophet Muhammad. Refer to Prophets' Map.
Words: Bara'un = Innocent, Ta'budoun = You worship, Yahdeeni = Guides me, Kalimah = Saying - Word, Ja'alaha =
He made sure it, Aqibihi
= His descendants - His offspring, Matta'tu = I Let to enjoy throughout their lives, Kafiroun = Disbelievers - Rejecting as a lie.
Q: When should the Religion be part of a believer's daily life?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) for Allah has guided me to a Straight Path - a
Priceless Religion - religious beliefs embraced by Abraham (= Millata Ibraheem) and he was not from the
polytheists; Say my prayer and my rituals and my life and
my death is for Allah - The God of the inhabitants of the world; There is no partner with Him and of that I was
commanded and I am first of the Muslims.
Translation of: Ayat 161 - 163, Surat AlAn'am. (6:161-163)
Words: Hada = Guided, Sirat = Path, Mustaqeem = Straight, Millata Ibraheem = Religious beliefs embraced by
Abraham - Faith embraced by Abraham, Qayyeman = Priceless - True Faith - Straight - Righteous, Salat = Prayer, Nusuk
= Rituals, Mahya = Life, Mamat = Death, AlAlameen = The inhabitants of the world - All people,
Umirtu = I was commanded, Awwal = First, AlMuslimeen = Who submit to Allah as the One and Only God.
Q: What makes a person a major transgressor (unfair) against Allah?
A: And direct yourself to the Religion worshipping One God and do not be from the polytheists.
Translation of: Ayah 105, Surat Yunus. (10:105)
Words: Aqim Wajhaka = Direct yourself, Haneefa = Worshipping One God, Mushirkeen = Polytheists - Worshippers of
god/gods with Allah.
Q: Why should not the Muslims argue about the clear commands of Islam?
A: Or do you (Muslims) want to question (why, what, when, where...etc) your prophet (Muhammad) as Moses was
questioned from before and whoever gives Faith (belief) in exchange for disbelief then he has strayed away from the Straightforwardness of
the Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 108, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:108)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Follow whatever I left you. For what destroyed the people before you is the multitude of their
questions and their disagreement with their prophets. So if I prohibited you from something then avoid it. And if I
ordered you about something then do of it as much as you can. (Source will be added later insha Allah)
Words: Em = Or, Tureed = You want, Tas'al = You question, Yatabadal = Gives Faith in exchange for disbelief - Replaces, Dhalla = Has strayed away,
Sawa' AlSabeel = The Straightforwardness of the Path.
Q: How can Muslims not divide themselves in their Faith in Allah?
A: And adhere to the Beam (Word) of Allah and do not be divided and remember the favour of Allah upon you (plural) when
you were enemies (before Islam) so Allah brought together your hearts so with His Grace you became
brothers - And you were on the
edge of a pit of Fire (Hell)* so He saved you from it - That is how Allah explains to you His Miraculous Signs
(Qur'anic lines) so perhaps you become rightly guided.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat AlImran. (3:103)
* Pre-Islam era.
Words: E'tasimou = Adhere - Stick - Hold Firm - Find protection - Find refuge, Habl = Beam - Rope, Tafarraqou =
Be divided (plural), Uthkur = Remember, Ni'mat = Favour, A'da' = Enemies, Allafa = Brought together -
Reconciled, Shafa Hufrah = Edge of a pit, Anqadha = Saved, Yubayyen = Explains, Tahtadoun = Rightly guided - Well guided.
Q: What is the primary message of Islam?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) O people if you are in doubt about my religion (Islam) so I do not worship those whom
you worship other than Allah but I worship Allah Who takes your souls (makes dead) and I am commanded to be from
the believers; And devote yourself to the Religion believing in One God and do not be from the polytheists; And DO NOT CALL UPON
OTHER THAN ALLAH THAT WHICH DOES NOT BENEFIT YOU OR HARM YOU SO IF YOU DO THEN YOU ARE CERTAINLY FROM THE TRANSGRESSORS (against Allah); And if Allah makes harm befall you then there is no reliever from it except He
(Allah) and if He makes a good thing happen to you so none can prevent His Favour - He grants it to whoever He pleases
from His servants and He is The Most-Forgiving, The Most-Merciful; Say O people truly the Truth has reached you from your God so
whoever follows (the Right) Guidance so he certainly follows Guidance for his own self and whoever strays (away from Allah's Path) so he does stray
upon himself and I (Prophet Muhammad) am not over you a protector.
Translation of: Ayat 104 - 108, Surat Yunus. (10:104-108)
Words: Shak = Doubt, Deeni = MY Religion, Yatawaffakum = Takes your souls - Makes you dead, AlMushrikeen =
The polytheists - The worshippers of other than Allah Who is the One and Only God - The worshippers of multiple "gods", Ma La = That which, Yanfe'uka = Benefits
you, Yadhuruka = Harms you, AlDhalimeen = The transgressors - Those who are unjust, Kashif = Reliever - Remover, Ehtada
= Follows (Right) Guidance, Wakeel = Protector - Disposer of affairs.
Q: Did what is predicted* in the Bible about the Nation of Islam come true?
A: Indeed I (Prophet Muhammad) was commanded only to worship the God (Allah) of this town (Mecca) which He made it sacred and to Him belongs everything and I am commanded to be from the Muslims; And to recite the Qur'an so whoever
follows Right Guidance (from Allah) so he is certainly guided for his own self and whoever goes astray so say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed I am
only from the warners.
Translation of: Ayat 91 - 92, Surat AlNaml. (27:91-92)
Note: Remember Prophet Muhammad is from the offspring of Prophet Ishamel
(= Ismael), number 8 on the Map of Prophets.
* King James Version Bible Commentary copyright 2005 mentions on page 49 "The angel of God called
on Hagar (Prophet Ishmael's mother) out of Heaven" and assured her that Ishmael would survive and God "will make him
a great nation."
Note: Remember the Nation of Islam includes Muslim Arabs and Muslim non-Arabs.
Line 28 in chapter Saba' in the Qur'an is translated as: "And We have not sent you (Prophet Muhammad) but for all (= Kaffatan)
mankind (= LliNas)as a bringer of good news and a warner but most people do not realize."
Words: Innama = Indeed only, Umirtu = I was commanded, A'bud = Worship, AlBaldah = The Town "Mecca in Saudi Arabia", Harrama
= Made sacred, Lahu = To Him, Muslimeen = Muslims - Submitting to Allah, Atlou = I recite,
Ehtada = Follows Right Guidance - Follows Guidance, Nafsihi = His own self, Dhalla = Goes astray, Munthireen = Warners.
Q: Why does the Prophet Muhammad has a right to the Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem)?
Note: The Prophet Muhammad is from the offspring of the Prophet Ishmael (= Ismaeel) - the
elder son of the Prophet
Abraham. The younger son is the Prophet Isaac.
A: Certainly the people who have the first right to Abraham are those who followed him and this Prophet
(Prophet Muhammad) and those who believed and Allah is the Helper of the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 68, Surat AlImran.
Words: Awla = Has the first right, AlNasI = The people, Ettaba' = Followed, Hatha = This, Nabi =
Prophet, Amanou = Have faith, Weli = Helper - Ally, Mo'mineen = Believers.
Q: Why was the Prophet Muhammad commanded to follow the worshipping way (Religion) of the Prophet Abraham (= Ibraheem)?
A: Indeed Abraham (Prophet Ibraheem) was on a way to follow in a nation - devoutly obedient to Allah worshipping One
God (= Haneefan) and he was not from the
polytheists (= AlMushrikeen); Thankful to His (Allah's) blessings - He (Allah) picked (from humanity) him and guided him to a Straight Path
(of Allah); And We (Allah) granted him in this life good and he is indeed in the Other Life certainly from the righteous ones;
Then We (Allah) revealed to you
(Prophet Muhammad) to follow the Religion of Abraham worshipping One God and he was not from the polytheists.
Translation of: Ayat 120 - 123, Surat AlNahl. (16:120-123)
Words: Ummatan = On a way to follow in a nation, Qanit = Devoutly obedient - Piously submissive, Haneefan = Worshipping One God, Mushrik = Polytheist -
Worshipping many gods, Shakiran = Thankful, Anum = Blessings - Grace, Ejtaba = Picked, Selected, Hasanah = Good - Favour,
Awha = Revealed, Ettabe' = Follow, Milat = Religion - Creed - Religious sect.
Q: Does Islam allow freedom of religion?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) O disbelievers; I (Prophet Muhammad) do not worship what you are worshipping; And you are
not worshipping Which I worship; And I am not going to worship what you did worship; And you are not going to
worship Which I worship; For you is your religion and for me is my religion (Islam).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 6, Surat AlKafiroun.
Note: The Chapter (Surah) (AlKafiroun) is one of the most recited chapter during Muslims' daily prayers.
Words: Kafir = Disbeliever, A'bud = Worship, Ana = I, Antum = You (plural), Ma = Which, Deen =
Q: Why are Muslims called Allah's chosen people?
Note: People of Israel were also favoured by Allah since most of the prophets were from
Beni Israel. Line 32 in Chapter AlDukhkhan in the Qur'an is translated as: "And We
(Allah) did save the people of Israel from the humiliating suffering; From Pharaoh (= Phiroun) for he was from the
transgressors; And We had chosen them deliberately over all people."
A: Then* We (Allah) allowed the (Holy) Book (the Scripture 'the Qur'an') to be inherited by those whom We had chosen (Muslims)from our servants
(mankind) so among them who is unjust (unfair) to himself (disbeliever or sinner) and among them who is
adequately on the Straight Path (of Allah = muqtasid)** and among them who is racing with the good deeds*** with Allah's permission - for that is the Highest Grace.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat Fatir. (35:32)
* Refer to the translation of the preceding Line 31 in Surat Fatir.
** Remaining on Allah's Straight Path ("moderate" doing what makes him enter Paradise - without racing for higher ranks in Paradise or its opposite end "extremism").
*** Remember that the companions of Paradise will be divided into two main
Words: Awrasthna = We allowed to be inherited, AlKitab = The Holy Book - The Scripture - The Holy Book, Estafa = Chose, Ibad = Servants, Dhalim
Unjust - Transgressor, Nafs = Self, Muqtasid = Adequately on the Straight Path, Sabiq BilKhairat
= Racing with the good deeds, Fadhl = Grace, AlKabeer = Highest.
Q: Why is Islam spreading very fast in the world? Praise to Allah!
A: It is He (Allah) Who sent His Prophet (Muhammad) with the Right Guidance (Qur'an) and the Religion of
Truth (against all falsehood) to make it stand out above the whole Religion (of Allah) even if the polytheists disliked it (the
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlSaff. (61:9)
Words: Howa = He, Arsala = Sent, Huda = Right Guidance, Deen = Religion, AlHaq =
The Truth - Against falsehood, Yudhir = Makes stand out - Makes distinct, Kul = Whole, Laaw = Even,
Kariha = Disliked, Mushrik = Polytheist.
Q: What is the Word of Allah upon which the whole concept of Islam is formed?
Hint: A person becomes a Muslim if he willingly says the Word of Allah.
A: For He (Allah) made those who disbelieved to have in their hearts enthusiasm (to fight Muslims) - the enthusiasm of ignorance while
Allah sent down His Tranquility upon His prophet (Muhammad) and the believers and He (Allah) made them devoted to
The Word of Allah-fearing* (= Kalimat AlTaqwa) and they were worthy of It and they were entitled to It and Allah had been of everything All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlFathh. (48:26)
* The short form is: There is no god but Allah. The long form is: There is no god but Allah Alone; No partner with
Allah, To Him belongs The Absolute Authority and The Praise and He is upon everything Capable. (In Arabic transliteration =
La Ilaha Illa AlLah Wahdahu la shareeka Lahu, lahu AlMulk wa lahu AlHamd wa Huwa ala kuli shaye'in Qadeer.
Words: Ja'ala = Made, Qalb = Heart, Hammiyah = Enthusiasm - Zeal, Jahiliyah =
Ignorance, Sakeenah = Tranquility - Peace of mind, Alzama = Made them devoted, Kalimat = The Word - The Lines of Allah,
AlTaqwa = God-fearing - Piety, Ahaqq = Worthy, Ahlaha = Entitled to It.
Q: Nowadays some Muslims (especially from the non-Arab Muslims) who think that they are knowledgeable about the Qur'an
recite verses from the Qur'an and then they pray to
Allah to gift it to one or more of the dead righteous men who loved Allah (awliya' Allah) so that those awliya' help
them in this life and the Other Life. Is it allowed in the Qur'an?
A: --- Besides Him (Allah) you have no Supporter (= weli) nor a Mediator (shafee')* so will
you not remember.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlSajdah.
* No one will be able to mediate without permission from Allah. Line 87 from Chapter 'Maryam" in the Qur'an is
translated as: They will not have the power of intercession (mediation) except who has received a Word from the
Most-Merciful (Allah gives him permission). Line 3 in Chapter Yunus in the Qur'an is translated as: --- There is no
mediator except after His permission - That is Your God so (all of you) worship Him, so will you
not bear (this) in mind.
Words: Weli = Supporter, Shafee'
= Mediator, Tatathakkar = Bear in mind - Remember - Realize.
Q: Often we tell someone we love to pray for example or to fear Allah but the person does not do it why?
A: For you cannot lead to Guidance whoever you love but Allah guides whoever He wills and He knows Best the
ones who are on the Straight Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlQasas.
Words: Tahdi = Leads to guidance, Ahbabt = You loved, A'lem = Knows Best, Muhtadeen =
Who are on the Straight Path.
Q: According to Allah what is the Major Sin and why?
A: And when Luqman* said to his son while advising him O my son do not join any partner with Allah for polytheism** (= shirk) is a
Grave Injustice*** (transgression/wrongdoing).
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat Luqman. (31:13)
* A righteous person. According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the famous translator of the Qur'an 'Luqman' is reported to be from the ancient people of
'Aad'. More about 'Luqman'.
** Worshiping any other god beside Allah the Creator.
*** When one joins any partner with Allah he does injustice to himself by being ungrateful to Allah Who says He (Allah) is the Only One God. (refer to Surat AlImran)
Words: Qala = Said, Ibn = Son, Ya'ith = Advises, Tushrik = Join any partner,
Shirk = Polytheism, False worship - polytheism, Dhulm = Injustice - Transgression - Wrongdoing, Adheem = Grave - Great.
Q: What sin Allah does not ever pardon?
A: For Allah does not pardon to be partnered with and He pardons other than that to whoever He wills and who
partners with Allah then he has committed a grave sin.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Yaghfir = Pardons - Forgives, Yushrak = To be partnered with, Ma Doun Thalika =
Other than that, FaQad = Then, Eftara = Committed, Isthm = Sin, Adheem = Grave - Very terrible.
Q: Why is there wide-spread corruption in some Muslim countries, although their Muslims believe in Allah, pray, fast, give charity and
make the Pilgrimage (pillars of Islam)?
Hint: They say and/or do without remembering that Allah is watching them.
A: The Arabs of the desert* said we believed (= Aamanna) - say (command to Prophet
Muhammad) you did not believe (= Lem To'minou) but you should say that we have submitted to Allah (= Aslamna) and Faith (= Iman) did not not even
enter your hearts and if you obey Allah and His Messenger nothing from (the rewards of) your deeds will be diminished for Allah is
Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlHujurat. (49:14)
* Reference is to the Bedouins of the Tribe of Asad of Khuzaima at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They became Muslims
for earthy gains according to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, Egypt's ex-Mufti (scholar of Islam).
Remember the Qur'an is a miracle with its specific
events which have general connotations for every time and place.
Note: The difference between Islam and having Faith (= Iman).
Important note: In the Qur'an Allah talks to the people of Faith (= Amanou).
Words: Qaalat = Said, Ammana = We had faith, Lem = Not, Aslamna = We had submitted,
Lamma = Not even, Yadkhul = Enters, La = Not, Yalit = Diminishes, Aamal = Deeds.
Q: Other than the people around the Prophet, at the time of the descending of the Qur'an who are those whom Allah praised
as the future believers in Allah?
A: He (Allah) is Who sent among the uneducated a messenger from them to recite to them His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and to
purify them and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom and even though they were before certainly in manifest straying away (from Allah's Path; And
others from them (Muslims) yet to join them and He is the AlMighty the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 2 - 3, Surat AlJumuah. (62:2-3)
Note: In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's speech: As reported by Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased
with him: When the Qur'anic lines 2-3 of Chapter AlJumah were revealed to the Prophet, Abu Hurairah asked the prophet
who are those (yet to join). After asking three times and Salman AlFarisi (Salman from Faris (= Persia = Iran)
was among them, the Prophet put his hand
on Salman and said: If Faith (Iman) was near the Pleiades (= Alsthurayya in Arabic: A star cluster obvious
to the naked eyes), people (or man) will have
it from these (Iranians) (Published in "AlLou'lou' WalMarjan Fima Itafaqa Alayhi AlSheikhan AlBokhari Wa
Muslim" - the book was originally compiled more than 1000 years ago (now 2009).
Words: Bastha = Sent. Ummeyeen = Uneducated - Without knowledge - Who does not write or read,
Yuzakki = Purifies, Yuallim = Teaches, Dhallal = Straying away from Allah's Path - Error,
Akhareen = Others, Minhum = From them, Yalhaqou = Yet to join.
Q: After believing in Allah what to do?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) for I am only a human being like you - it is being revealed to me that
your God is certainly One God so do take the Straight Path (Allah's Path) to Him and do ask Him for
forgiveness and woe to the polytheists; Those who (also) do not give the prescribed alms and of the
Other World they are rejectors as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 7, Surat Fusilat (41).
Words: Bashar = Human being, Misthl = Like - As, Yuha =
Is being revealed, Ilah = God, Estaqeemou = Take the Straight Path (plural) - Be sincere,
Estaghfir = Ask for forgiveness, Wayl = Woe - Destruction, Mushrik =
Polytheist, Ya'ti = Gives, Zakat = Prescribed alms - Predetermined amount of
Q: Why should Muslims avoid praying to or calling upon anyone even the Prophet Muhammad (Oh
Muhammad! = Ya Muhammad!) besides Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) for I am commanded to worship Allah devoting
the religion (entirely) to Him; And I am commanded to be the first* of Muslims; Say for I fear if I
disobeyed my God the punishment of a severe Day (of Judgment); Say Allah - I do worship devoting to Him (entirely) the religion.
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 14, Surat AlZumar. (39:11-14)
* Each of Allah's prophets was commanded to be the first Muslim (submitting to Allah Alone) among the people around him.
Words: Umirtu = I was commanded, A'bud = Worship, Mukhlisan =
Devoting, Deen = Religion, Muslimeen = Muslims, Akhafu = I fear,
Asaytu = I disobeyed.
Q: In some Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Egypt and among Muslims in India, a lot of Muslims visit the
graves of some dead people considered to be righteous called "Awliya' (lovers of) Allah" and ask
blessings from them. Is such action approved in the Qur'an?
A: Follow what was sent to you from your God* and do not
follow, besides Him (Allah), allies (as helpes = awliya'** - Little is what you bear in mind.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlA'raf. (7:3)
* The Qur'an and the way (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (= Sunnat AlRasool peace be upon him).
** Dead persons known to be righteous (= awliya' Allah) and some people supplicate to them to intercede
with Allah to fulfill their wishes.
Words: Ettebe'ou = Follow (plural), Unzila = Sent down, La = do not,
Min Dounihi = Besides Him - Leaving Him - Other than Him, Awliya' = Helpers - Righteous persons as
intercessors with Allah, Qaleelan = Little is, Ma = What, Tathakkaroun
= You bear in mind - You remember (plural),
Q: Which way are all Muslims supposed to follow to avoid being divided into sects?
Hint: The way of Muslims which is based on Allah's Qur'an and the Sunnah (sayings and actions) of
the Prophet Muhammad. All the other known sects of Islam emerged in history after the Prophet Muhammad's death.
A: And this is My (Allah's) Path leading Straight (to Paradise) so do follow it and do not
follow the (other) ways so they will scatter you about away from his Path - this is what He (Allah) commands (directs) you of so that you may protect yourselves by fearing Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 153, Surat AlAn'am. (6:153)
Note 1: In s summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, originally narrated by AlImam Ahmad Bin
Hanbal through the authority of Abdullah Bin Masoud: The Prophet drew a straight line with his hand and said: This
is Allah's Straight Path. Then he drew other lines on its right and its left and said: These ways, there is
no way from them except with a Satan calling to follow it. Source: The Abridged Version of Ibn Kastheer's
Explanation of the Qur'an (in Arabic) volume 1 page 633.
Note 2: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The people of the Book (Jews
and Christians) divided themselves into 72 parties (religious sects) (by following desires and whims = Ahwa'). And this
nation (of Islam)
will divide itself into 73 sects (by following desires and whims). All of them are in Hellfire except one.
And in my nation, the Prophet continued, will come out people who will follow
whims as the dog completely fondles his companion dog. The Prophet also added: O community of Arabs! If you do not
follow what your prophet brought you then other people have the right to follow it (as it should be
followed and performed). Source: The Abridged Version of Ibn Kastheer's
Explanation of the Qur'an (in Arabic) volume 1 page 307.
Note: After the death of the Prophet Muhammad some
Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula started diverting away from Islam by refusing to pay the
prescribed Zakat. Abu Bakr with the Prophet's other companions stood up for Islam. Abu Bakr said: If anyone
was worshiping Muhammad so let him know that Muhammad is dead. But if anyone is worshiping Allah so let
him know that Allah is Ever-Alive and does not die. Then fights among Muslims started for keeping Islam purified
Words: Sirati = My (Allah's) Path, Mustaqeeman = Leading straight, Etabe'ouh =
Follow it (plural), Tafaraq = Scatters about, Wassa = Commands you - Directs you, Tattaqoun = Protect yourselves by
fearing Allah.
Q: The Prophets Isaac and Ishmael were step brothers. How does Allah describe them both?
A: And mention (in the Qur'an) Our (Allah's) servants Abraham (Ibraheem), Isaac (Ishaq) and
Jacob (Ya'qoub) - the men of strength (in Allah's obedience) and vision; For We purified them through a
devoted quality - remembrance of the (Eternal) Dwelling (the Other World); And in Our (Allah's) Sight
they are certainly from the chosen* (Guidance with a Scripture), the best of all people; And mention (in the Qur'an)
Ishmael (Ismael) and Elisha (AlYase') and Thul Kifl and all of them are from the best of all
people; This (Qur'an) is a Reminder (Message) and for those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) is certainly a good returning place (in
Translation of: Ayat 45 - 49, Surat Saad.
* Prophet Abraham received written leaflets of the Scripture (called Suhuf Ibraheem) which is now lost. Source: The Holy Qur'an - English Translation of the
Meanings and Commentary based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, 1410 Hijri, pages 363-364.
Note: The Prophet Ishmael's mother was Hagar and the Prophet Isaac's mother was Sarah. Ishmael was
13 years older than Is'haq. The Prophet Ishamel is the forefather of the new Arab nation. The Prophet Muhammad is
from the descendants of the Prophet Ishmael. The Bible mentions
that great nations will be from Isaac and Ishmael's descendants. (Reference: "King James Version Bible Commentary
copyright 2005 page 49" and "Greatest Heroes and legends of the Bible: Sodom and Gomorrah" DVD.
Words: Uthkur = Mention, Ibad = Servants, Uli AlAydi = Men of strength, Absar =
Vision, Akhlasnahum = We purified them, Khalisah = Devoted Quality - Purifying quality, Thikra =
Remembrance, AlDar = The Other World, Mustaffen = From the chosen, Akhyar = Best of all people,
Mutaqeen = Those who protect themselves by fearing Allah - The righteous, Husn Ma'ab = Good returning
Q: What type of Muslims does Allah want Muslims to be?
A: O people who believed (= Iman) protect yourselves by fearing Allah as His due (according to His Attributes = Ihsan)
and do not die except being Muslims (= Islam).
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat AlImran. (3:102)
Important Note: Throughout the Qur'an Allah speaks to: People who have Faith (Belief) or those who believe in Allah = Ya Ayuha
Allatheena Amanou.
Important Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Fear Allah as His due: To
be obeyed and not be disobeyed, to be thanked and not to be ungrateful to and to be remembered and not to
be forgotten.
Note: The three parts of the Islamic Creed (= AlAqeedah AlIslamiyah)
In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's
saying: It was reported that Umar Bin AlKhattab, a companion of the
Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him said: While we were sitting with the Prophet an unknown traveler in very white
reached us with no mark on him which indicates that he came from far away. He asked the Prophet Muhammad about what
Islam is and the Prophet
answered him: Islam is to testify there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is a messenger of Allah, and to perform
prayer, give Zakat, fast in Ramadan, and perform the pilgrimage to the House (in Mecca) if you can afford the journey.
The man said: You said the truth.
Then he asked what having Faith (Believing = Iman) is and the Prophet
answered him: It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His inspired Books, His messengers, the Last Day, and
in destiny - its good and bad (Belief that is reposed in the heart and dictates your actions).
The man said. You said the truth.
Then he asked what the perfection of Faith (= AlIhsan) is. The Prophet
said: To say or do something as if you were seeing Allah in front of you because if you cannot see Allah, Allah sees
you. The man said. You said the truth. Then the man asked when the Day of Judgment is. The Prophet said: Both the one who
is being asked and the one who asks
do not know anything about it. The man said: You said the truth! Then he turned away and went. Later on the Prophet said:
The man was Angel Gabriel (Jibreel). He came to teach you (all) your Religion.
Explanatory Note: Islam (A stage of the Religion: submitting to Allah), Iman (Another stage of
the Religion: Being Faithful, being believer) and Ihsan (Another stage of the Religion: Being with perfection of
Important Note: Rejecting as lies any of the elements of Islam or Iman (= Faith) or Perfection
of Faith (= Ihsan) makes one a disbeliever and liable for Allah's punishment.
Words: Etaqou = Protect yourselves by fearing, Haqq Tuqat = His due - According to His Attributes, Tamout = Die.
Q: What is the First Covenant (Contract) between Allah and all humans?
A: And when your God took from the sons of Adam from their backs (=
dhohourihim) their
offspring and He (Allah) made them testify upon themselves - am I (Allah) not your God -
they said of course yes (= Bala) we have
testified - (Allah says for fear) that you (humans) say on the Day of Judgement indeed we were of this (Testimony)
unaware; Or you
say rather our forefathers had taken false gods (with Allah = ashraka) before and we were an offspring
after them so do You destroy us for what
the invalidators of the Truth (Testimony) did; And this is how We (Allah) explain in detail the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines)
and perhaps they may return (to their God).
Translation of: Ayat 172 - 174, Surat AlA'raf. (7:172-174)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When Allah created
Adam Allah rubbed Adam's backbone (= sulb) and He took out from it everyone He created
to the Day of Judgement. Then Allah took from them the
Covenant that they worship Him and they do not join any partner with Him and Allah will give
humans sustenance then He returned them to his backbone (sulb). And whoever dies according to the First
Covenant he dies on Allah's creating nature upon which He created man (= AlFitrah: Nature chosen by
Allah). Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 63.
Words: Akhadha = Took, Beni = Sons - Offspring, Dhohour = Backs - Rear parts, Ashhada =
Made them testify, Ghafil = Unaware,
Ashraka = Worshipped false gods - Joined partners, Thurriyah = Offspring, Tuhlik = Destroy, Mubtiloun = Invalidators -
Nufasil = Explain in detail - Detail, Yarje'oun = They return.
Q: When you become a Muslim and submit to Allah what is the first thing you should not do?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed I am prevented from worshipping those whom you call upon* (= Tadouna)
other than Allah when the Clear Signs (Qur'anic Lines) from my God reached me and I am commanded to submit to the
God of the inhabitants of the World.
Translation of: Ayah 66, Surat Ghafir. (40:66).
* Remember CALLING upon or praying to is equal to WORSHIPPING. (refer to the same Surah "Ghafir")
Words: Nuhiy = Is prevented, A'bud = Worship, Allatheena = Those,
Tad'ouna = You call upon - You pray to, Min Doun = Other than, Ja'ani = Reached me, Bayyenat = Clear signs -
Evidence - Explaining signs, AlAlameen = Inhabitants of the world.
Q: A warning for Muslims: Why should Muslims avoid adding novice things (= Bida') to Allah's
Religion "Islam"? (The biggest Bida' are the sects in Islam.)
Hint: Since the beginning of humanity Allah sent chosen human messengers to their peoples with
the Message of His
Oneness and commandments for a just and stable society. Whenever peoples deviated from Allah's Religion Allah
sent other messengers to bring them back to his Path. The messengers kept on coming and coming because peoples
kept on deviating and deviating away from Allah's Path. The last chance of salvation for humanity was the sending
down of the Prophet Muhammad to all humanity.
A: Like those (old generations) who were before you - they were mightier* than you (Arabs of Arabia) and
more in wealth and children so they enjoyed their destined share of (good things) and you (Hypocrites among Muslims) enjoyed your
destined share (of good things) as the ones before you (people of the Book)** enjoyed their destined share (of good things) and you indulged in a pointless talk similar to
what they indulged in - Such people (who deviate from their Religion) their deeds have failed (no reward from Allah) in this Life and the Other Life and
such are the losers.
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlTawbah. (9:69)
* With limited resources they built great civilizations.
** Read the Bible to see the huge number of prophets and messengers Allah sent to Beni Israel beginning with
the Prophet Moses peace be upon him. Line 44 in Chapter "AlMo'minoun" in the Qur'an is translated "Then We
sent our messengers one after another - evertime a group of people receive their messenger they treat him as
a liar so We made them follow each other ...".
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet said: By the One in whose
Hand is my soul you will follow the methods of those before you inch by inch (= shibr) and cubit (18 inches) by
cubit and arm-length (thira') by arm-length even if they enter the hole of a lizard you will enter it. They
said: Who are they, O Prophet of Allah, People of the Book? The Prophet answered: Who else? And the Prophet
recited Ayah 69 in Chapter AlTawbah.As for "and they indulged ..." they said: As the Persians (before Islam) and Romans did?
The Prophet said: Are not the people but them?! (The biggest civilizations at the time of the Prophet Muhammad
were of the Romans and Persia). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page. 70.
Words: Ashad Quwwah = Mightier - With more strength, Aksthar = More, Amwal =
Wealth, Estamta'ou = They enjoyed - They made it to their benefit, Khalaaq = Destined share of good things - Share of the
qualities of religion, Khudhtum =
You indulged in pointless talk, Habitat = Has failed, A'mal = Deeds, Khasir = Loser.
Q: Why are Allah's messengers special?
A: And (remember) when We (Allah) took from the messengers their Covenant (Pledge) and from
you (Prophet Muhammad) and from Noah and Abraham
(Ibraheem) and Moses (Moosa) and Jesus (Issa) son of
Maryam and We took from them a solemn Covenant*.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlAhzab.
* Ayah 253 in Chapter AlBaqarah in the Qur'an is translated: " Those messengers We (Allah)
favoured some of them ranks above the others".
Note: What is the top Message in Allah's Covenant with His messengers? Line 14 in Chapter "Fusilat" in the
Qur'an is translated: "When the messengers reached them from before them and behind them (with warning): Do not worship
but Allah".
Words: Akhatha = Took, Nabbiyyeen = Messengers, Meesthaq = Covenant - Pledge -
Agreement, Ghaleedth = Solemn - Great.
Q: Can Muslims introduce modification to Islam?
A: Among the believers (in Allah) are men who honoured (= Sadaqou) what Covenant (Islam) they entered into with
Allah - so of them is who completed his time (died) and of them is who is still waiting and
they did not modify (alter)* - (no way) any modification.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlAhzab. (33:23)
* They did not alter, break or modify their Covenant of Islam with Allah.
Note: Islam (submission to Allah) is the Covenant (contract) between
Allah and humanity.
Note: Example of such believers is "Sa'd Bin Ma'ath" who was the leader of the tribe of
'AlAwas' who welcomed and supported the Prophet in 'AlMadina' when the Prophet was widely rejected among Quraish in Mecca. In
a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Throne
of Allah moved when Sa'd died. And seventy thousand angels witnessed his funeral.
Words: Mou'mineen = Believers, Sadaqou = Honoured - Were truthful to, Aahadou =
Covenant they entered into, Qadha Nahbahu = Completed his time - Died, Tantathir = Is waiting,
Ma Baddalou = They did not modify - alter, Tabdeela = Modification.
Q: How do you know when a person is ready to accept Islam?
A: So whoever Allah wants to guide He makes his chest open to Islam and whoever He wants to leave
straying then He makes his chest narrow (uneasy), tight (annoyed) as if heaving (deep sighs) into the sky - that
is how Allah places impurity (uncleanliness of soul) upon those who do not believe.
Translation of: Ayah 125, Surat AlAn'am. (6:125)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet was asked how the heart
becomes open to Islam (= AlSharh)? The Prophet answered: Light is cast into the heart. The Prophet was asked
if there are
signs for it? The Prophet said: Turning to the World of Eternity (the Other Life), turning away from the World
of arrogance (this Life) and getting ready for death (with good deeds) before death arrives. Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 255.
Words: Yurid = Wants, Yahdi = Guides, Yashrah = Makes open - widens - Delights
Sadr = Chest - Heart, Yudhil =
Leaves straying, Dayeq = Makes narrow, Harajan = Tight, Yassaad = Heaving
(deep sighs), AlSama' = The sky, Yaj'al = Places, Rijs = Impurity, La You'minoun = Do not
Q: Are people allowed to consider some special persons as holy and protectors (= awliya') besides Allah?
Note: Some Muslims consider some persons to
be "holy" and favoured by Allah because of their righteous deeds or their exceptional merit (like a mircle). They pray to them for blessings and favours. They call them
"awliya' Allah" - the singular is "weli").
A: So do then those who disbelieved* thought that they can take My (Allah's) SERVANTS** other
than Me (Allah) helpers (= awliya')(?) - indeed We had prepared Hell for the disbelievers as a guest house; Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) shall We (Allah) inform
you about the most losers of deeds; Those** whose hard work had gone lost in Life while they think that they are doing
good work; Those are the ones who denied as lies the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) of their God and meeting Him - so their (good) deeds
failed therefore on the
Day of Judgment We do not assign them a weight (no good deeds); The punishment of those is Hell because of what they disbelieved
and because they took My (Allah's) Miraculous Lines (Quran) and My Messengers as ridicule.
Translation of: Ayat 102 - 106, Surat AlKahf. (18:102-106)
* Any Muslim who takes any person as a helper (= weli) besides Allah is called a "disbeliever" in the Qur'an.
** "Ibadi" means 1. Allah's servants (humans) 2. Allah's servants who are conscious of Allah and worship Allah well.
*** Who supplicate to "awliya'" are included in this category.
Words: Hasiba = Thought, Yatakhithou = Take, Ibad = Servants - People, Min Douni =
Other than Me, Awliya' = Helpers, E'tadna = We prepared, Nuzula = Guest
House - Resting place, Liqa' = Meeting, Jahanam = Hell, Nunab'be'ukum = We inform you, Akhsar = Most loser, A'mala = Deeds - Works,
Dhalla = Had gone lost, Sa'eyuhum = Their hard Work, Yuhsinoun = Do good, Habita = Failed, Nuqeemu = We assign,
Wazna = Weight, Rusuli = My Messengers, Huzuwa = Ridicule.
Q: How many good deeds accumulate for those Muslims who consider some special persons as assistants to Allah ((Awliya' Allah means 'lovers of
Allah' but some people consider them helpers of Allah)?
A: The parable of those who took other than Allah allies* (= awliya') is like the spider - it
took a house and the frailest** of the houses is certainly the house of the spider if they only knew; For Allah knows
whatever they call upon besides Him (Allah) and He is the AlMighty the All-Wise;
And such are the PARABLES (moral examples) which We set them
for people and no one get (understand their inner meanings) them except those who have knowledge (of Allah's Religion); Allah created the Heavens and the earth for a true purpose (= BilHaqq) indeed in that is certainly a Miraculous Sign
(to contemplate) for the believers.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 44, Surat AlAnkaboot.(29:41-43)
* Allah is no need for a helper. Line 18 in Chapter "AlKahf" in the Qur'an is translated: "--- they do not have other
than Him (Allah) any ally (= weli) and He does not share His Ruling (no partner) with anyone."
** The deeds of the MISGUIDED followers (who treat special persons like helpers with Allah) of awliya' Allah can easily fail in Allah's balance of deeds just like the house of the spider which
can easily break.
Words: Masthal = Parable - Example, Etakhathou = They took, Min Doun = Other than - Besides,
Awliya' = Allies - Helpers - Supporters, Ankaboot = Spider, Awhan = The frailest - The weakest, Bayt = House, Law Kanu Ya'lamoun = If only they
knew, Ya'qiloha = Can grasp them - Can have an insight into them, Illa AlAlimoun = Except those with
knowledge - Except those who realize. BilHaqq = For a true purpose - in Truth.
Q: "So do not make the graveyards places of worship!" "Well I am prohibiting you from that!" Prophet Muhammad
repeated each sentence separately three times.* Who should be worshipped in each and every place of worship?
Hint: Many Muslims in some Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Egypt adore Awliya' Allah. They visit their graves, touch their graves with their hands and
bless their own bodies with that.
A: And the mosques (places of worship) are for Allah (Alone) so do not pray to anyone else with
Allah; And that when the servant of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) stood up calling upon Allah they** were about to
weigh him (Prophet Muhammad) down.
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 19, Surat AlJinn. (72:18-19)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah's Wrath is increased against those who were before
you (Jews and Christians included). They took the
graveyards of their prophets and their righteous people as places of worship... Source: Sheikh Wajdi Ghunaim. "AlWaliya'.
Cassette in Arabic.
** Satan and his followers from Jinn and humans.
Note: The two lines are from Chapter AlJinn. It starts when a group of Jinn went to listen secretly to Prophet Muhammad when
he was praying to Allah. They believed and rushed back to their people of Jinn to tell them what they
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad in which the Prophet prayed: My God! Do not allow my grave
to be after me an idol worshipped.
Note: Prophet Muhammad was buried in the room of his wife Aishah may Allah be pleased with her. The room had
an exit to the Mosque of the Prophet in AlMadinah. The Mosque was expanded in the time of the second Caliph Umar then
the third Caliph Ustham. The expansion was towards the west, north, then south, west and north. The grave
remained outside. Then during the Caliph AlWaleed Bin AbdulMalik the Mosque was expanded towards the east
and the room was erroneously brought inside the Mosque. However a wall divides the grave from the Mosque. Source:
Sheikh Wajdi Ghunaim. "AlWaliya". Cassette.
Note: In a summary of a saying narrated by Abi AlAyyad AlAsthari that the Caliph Ali Bin Abi
Taleb said: I am sending you according to the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad: Whenever
you see a grave raised up (mushrifan) level it closer to the ground (only it should indicate that there is a grave
here). Source: Sheikh Wajdi Ghunaim. "AlWaliya". Cassette.
Note: Until today Muslims do not know for sure where the grave of the Caliph Ali may Allah be pleased with
him and the three Caliphs before him. Allah knows best.
Words: Tadou = Pray - Call upon, Qama = Stood up, Libada =
Weigh each other down - Heap up - Stack up.
Q: What struggle had been going on in the world from the dawn of humanity until today?
A: It is because Allah is the Truth and whatever they call upon other than Him
is Falsehood and Allah is the Most-Hight, the Most-Great.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlHajj.
Words: Thalika = It is because, AlHaqq = The Truth - The Reality, Ma Yadoun = Whatever they call upon,
Min Dounihi = Other than him, AlBatil = The Falsehood - THe compilation of lies, AlAly = The Most-High, AlKabeer = The
Q: What are the characteristics of each one of Allah's prophets?
A: And We granted him (Prophet Abraham = Ibraheem) Isaac (Is'haq) and Jacob (Ya'qoub) - each one We guided and Noah We guided before and from his
offspring David (Dawood), Solomon (Suleiman), Job (Ayoub), Joseph (Yusuf), Moses (Moosa) and Aaron (Haroon) and this is
how We reward who perfect their Religion (= AlMuhsineen); And Zakariya, John the Baptist
(Yahya), Jesus (Issa) and Elijah (Ilyas) - each from the righteous ones; And Ishmael (Ismael), Alisha (AlYasa'),
Jonah (Yunus) and Lut - and each We favoured over all people; And (the same) from their forefathers, their offsrping and
their brothers and We picked them and guided them to a Straight Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 84 - 87, Surat AlAn'am. (6:84-87)
Note: The prophets whose names are mentioned are from the offspring of Shem (= Sam son of Noah) after the Flood which covered the earth at the
time of Prophet Noah. (refer to no 3:C on the Prophets Map).
Words: Wahbna = We granted - We
gifted, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their religion - the beneficient believers, Saliheen = Righteous ones, Fadhallna = We favoured -
We preferred, AlAlameen = All people - Inhabitants of the world, Ejtabaynahum = We picked them - We selected,
Hadaynahum = We guided them.
Q: Is there an exception for any of Allah's messengers to call on (worship) a partner with Allah?
A: This is the Guidance of Allah - He guides with it whoever He pleases from His servants and if they
(Allah's chosen ones) joined any partner (with Allah) what (good) they were doing would have failed.
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Huda = Guidance, Ibad = Servants, Ashrakou = They joined any
partner, Habita = Failed, Ya'maloun = What they were doing.
Q: Why having faith in all the prophets who were sent before the Prophet Muhammad is a basic pillar of
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) we believe in Allah and what was sent down to us (Qur'an) and what was
sent down to Abraham (Ibraheem) and Ishmael (Ismael) and
Isaac (Ishaq) and Jacob (Ya'qoub) and the offspring of Jacob (AlAsbat)* and what was given to Moses (Moosa) and Jesus (Issa)
and what the prophets (= AlNabiyoun) were given from their God - we do not differentiate among any of them and to Him (Allah) we
do submit (= Muslimoun).
Translation of: Ayah 136, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:136)
* The Israelites = the Children of Jacob (Israel) no. 10 on the map.
Words: Aamanna = We believe - We have Faith, AlNabiyoun = The prophets,
Min = From, Rabihim =
Their God, Nufarreq = Differentiate, Ahad = Any, Muslimoun = We do submit.
Q: What should you adhere to in order to become a Muslim who follows strictly Allah's Path?
A: So if they (believers among the People of the Book) believe* in like what you (the companions around the Prophet) believe* in
then they have found the Right Guidance (to Allah's Path) and if they turn away so they are certainly in disunity and
Allah is Enough for you (Prophet Muhammad) against them and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing**; (Islam is) The (Natural) Hue (The Religion by nature) of Allah
and who is better than Allah in giving a Hue and to Him we are (all) worshippers.
Translation of: Ayat 137 - 138, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:137-138)
* Refer to the translation of the preceeding Ayah 136 in Surat AlBaqarah.
** After Prophet Muhammad's death, the third Caliph in Islam Ustman Bin Affan was stabbed to death by Kharijites (Khawarij in Arabic. The oldest
sect in Islam) (Note: At the time of Prophet Muhammad there were no sects - only Muslims) when he was reading the Qur'an.
His Qu'ran was in his lap and his blood fell on the (bold) line 137 in Surat AlBaqarah "= Fasayakfeekahum Allah
waHowa AlSamee' AlAleem". Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page, 276.
Note: Muslims nowadays as well as the People of the Book are divided into different sects. Line 14
in Chapter "AlZumar" in the Qur'an is translated " --- Say: Allah - I do worship devoting to Him
entirely my religion."
Words: Amanou = Believe, Have faith - Believe, Misthla = Like what - Similar to, FaQed Ehtadou = Then
they have found the Right Guidance - They are guided, Tawallau = Turned away, Yakfeekahum Allah = Allah is Enough for you
against them, Ssibghat = Hue -
Colour - By nature - Touch - Religion, Abidoun = Worshippers.
Q: What did Allah reveal to each and every messenger?
A: And We (Allah) did not send before you (Prophet Muhammad) any messenger without
revealing to him that there is no god but I (Allah) so do worship Me (Allah Alone)*.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:25)
* Allah desires to be worshipped. This is why Allah created man and
the whole universe.
Words: Arsalna = We sent, Rasoul = Messenger, Nuwhi
= We reveal, U'boudni = Worship Me.
Q: When does one whose tongue says he is a believer but his conduct reveals the opposite?
Note: Believing in Allah should be both by the tongue and the conduct of Islam.
A: Do you know who treats the Religion (of Allah) as lies; Then he is who insults the orphan*;
And he does not insist on feeding the poor; So woe to those who pray; Those who are inattentive**
about their prayers; Those who play the hypocrites, And they deny (lending
even) the kitchen vessel***.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 7, Surat AlMa'oun.
* An orphan in Islam is who lost his father and has not reached the age of adulthood.
** They keep unnecessarily postponing the time of the prayer until the next time comes because they only pray
on time if they are being noticed (hypocrites).
*** Islam encourages the solidarity of the society by both good words and good actions no matter how small
the kindness is.
Words: Ara'ayta = Do you know, Yukaththib = Treats as lies, AlDeen =
Religion, Yadu' = Insults, Yateem = Orphan, Yahudh = Insists - Encourages,
Miskeen = Poor, Salatihim = Their prayers, Sahoun = Inattentive, Yura'oun =
Paly the hypocrites - Want only to be seen, Yamna'oun = Deny - Object to.
Q: Is man controlled (= musayyar) or is he endowed with free will (= mukhayyar) to choose his
Hint: Man is controlled (= musayyar) in some cases like who are his birth parents.
A: Have you not realized about Allah to Him prostrates whoever is in the Heavens
and whoever is on earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals* and a
great number of people and on a great number (of people) punishment is due** and whoever Allah humiliates then for him
there is no one to give honour for Allah does what He pleases.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlHajj.
* The birds for example glorify Allah.
** The only two creations of Allah that are
endowed with free will to choose to believe in Allah or disbelieve are humans and Jinn. (refer to Surat AlRahman).
Also remember man carried the responsibility of Islam (worshipping One God).
Note: In a summary of a Holy Hadeesth (= Hadeesth Qudsi) directly from Allah through the Angel
Gabriel and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad: One of
Allah's messengers was bitten by an ant so he ordered to burn the whole community of the ants. So Allah revealed to
him: One ant bit you but you destroyed a complete one of the communities that glorify Allah! Source:
AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, page 184.
Words: Tara = Have realized, Dwab = Animals, Kastheer = A great number - A lot,
Haqqa = Is due, Mukrim = One who gives honour.
Q: Does the offspring of a spiritual leader (imam) has the hereditary right in Islam to
become an imam?
Note: Some Muslim groups who do not pray in the regular Muslim mosques have the title of
a spiritual leader inherited in the family of the founder of the group.
A: And when Abraham (= Prophet Ibraheem) was tested by His God with (certain) commands so
he fulfilled them He (Allah) said I am making you for people a leader in the Religion (= imam) -
he (Abraham) said: And from my offspring - He (Allah) said My (Allah's) Pledge of the Covenant* (= Ahdi)
does not include the transgressors** (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 124, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:124)
* Allah's Covenant with humanity includes Allah's Top Command to worship Allah alone
according to Allah's doctrine (= minhaj) that was practiced by Allah's
** Spiritual leadership is not to be inherited for an heir may not be practising Allah's Religion
according to Allah's doctrine as practiced by His Prophet Muhammad.
Words: Ebtala = Tested, Kalimat = Words - Commands, Jaailuka =
Making you, Imam = A leader in the Religion - Religious leader, Thurriyati = My offspring,
Yanal = Includes, Ahdi = My Pledge of the Covenant - My Oath of the Covenant.
Q: What should a Muslim do to remain on Allah's Straight Path?
A: And whoever submits himself (= Wajhuhu) to Allah (as a Muslim) while perfecting his religion (= Mushin*) then he
has held firm (loyal) to the most reliable bond** (with Allah = AlUrwah AlWusthqa) and to Allah refers the outcome of everything.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat Luqman. (31:22)
* Muhsin from "Ihsan" (= Perfection of the Religion because of righteousness = doing good deeds) is the third level above the first level of Islam (submission to Allah) and the
second level Iman (Belief).
** Remember the Covenant of Islam (submitting to Allah Alone is the One and Only God). (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Yuslim = Submits, Wajhahu = Himself - His face, Muhsin = Perfecting his
religion - Righteous, Estamsaka = Held firm to - Was loyal, Urwah = Bond - loop in a rope - handle of
something, AlWusthqa = The most reliable, Aqibat = Outcome, Umour = Everything - Matters, Affairs.
Q: Why is the Covenant with Allah (being a Muslim) binding and a Muslim cannot break away from it?
A: There is no compulsion in the Religion (of Allah) for the Guidance (to Allah's Path) has
become distinct from the Misguiding (of Satan) so whoever disbelieves in other than Allah (false gods) and believes
in Allah then he has
held firm (loyal) to the most reliable bond (with Allah = AlUrwah AlWusthqaa) - with no splitting* of it (cannot be divided into
factions or parties) and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowledgeable.
* Since the Covenant with Allah is binding (imposes an obligation) a Muslim cannot convert
to any other religion. Neither Muslims are allowed in Islam to create new groups away from the major group of
Muslims that should hold firm to the bond with Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 256, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:256)
Words: La = No, Ikraha = Compulsion, Tabayyana = Has bcome
distinct - Has become clear, AlRushd = The Guidance, AlGhayy = The Misguiding, Taghout =
Other than Allah, La infisam = No splitting - Dividing.
Q: What is the top obligation of those who believe in the Qur'an and what it contains?
A: So is then the one who knows that what has been sent to you (Prophet Muhammad) from your God is
the Truth similar to the one who is blind (lacks the insight)* - for certainly who bear in mind (Allah's Message)
are men of understanding; Those who fulfill Allah's Pledge** (= Ahd Allah)
of the Covenant and they do not violate the Covenant (= AlMeesthaq).
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 20, Surat AlRa'd.
* Line 46 in Chapter AlHajj in the Qur'an is translated: Have they not walked on
earth (contemplate) so that they
have hearts with which they understand or ears with which they listen because it does not make the eyes blind
but it blinds the hearts which are in the chests.
** Allah's Commandments (Requirements).
Words: AlHaq = The Truth, A'ma = Blind - Lacks the insight,
Uli AlAlbab = Men of understanding - Who use their brains properly, Yufoon = They
fulfill, Ahd Allah = Allah's Pledge (Commandments) of the Covenant - Allah's Oath, Yuniqidhoun =
Violate - Break.
Q: For whom will Allah fulfill His Promise in their part of the Covenant and how?
Q: What other Allah's Commandments for Beni Israel besides honouring Allah's Covenant and fearing Him?
Note: The coming lines follow the lines 19 - 20 in Surat AlRa'd which are posted immediatly above this.
A: And those who maintain close relations with what (kinship) Allah commanded to be
maintained and they are in awe of their God and they fear the bad outcome of the Reckoning; And those
who remained patient desiring the Face (Sake) of their God and they performed the prayer and spent from
what sustenance We gave them secretly and openly and they repel the bad deed with a good deed* -
for them is the happy outcome of the Dwelling (the Other World); The Gardens of Eden (Bliss) - they enter them
as well as who was righteous among their ancestors, their spouses and their offspring and the angels
will enter to them from every Gate (of Paradise); (Saying) Peace be upon you (all) for what
perseverance you showed and how excellent is the outcome of the Other World.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 24, Surat AlRa'd. (13:21-24)
Words: Yassiloun = Maintain close relations, An Yuwssal = To be maintained - Not
to be severed, Yakhshoun = They are in awe, Yakhafoun = They fear, Sabarou = Remained
patient, Ebtigha' = Desiring, Siran = Secretly, Openly - In public, Aabaaihim = Their
ancestors - Their forefathers, Bima sabartum = For the perseverance you showed - For being
patient, Ni'ma = How excellent, Uqba AlDar = The outcome of the
Other World - The ending of the Eternal Dwelling.
Q: What happens to those who violate Allah's Part (Allah's Commandments) of the Covenant with them?
A: And those who violate Allah's Part of the Covenant after its attestation and they cut relations
with what (kinship) Allah commanded to be maintained and they make corruption on earth - those for them is the
Curse (away from Allah's Mercy) and for them is the harm of the (Eternal) Other World.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlRa'd.
Words: Meestahqihi = Its attestation - Its authentication by being a witness, Yaqta'oun
= They cut - They sever, Yufsidoun = Make corruption, AlLa'nah = The Curse, Suw' = The
harm - The damage, AlDar = The Other World - The Dwelling.
Q: Which special people does Allah remind them about the Covenant He made with them?
A: O people of Israel - remember My (Allah's) favour that I bestowed upon you and fulfill
My (Part* of the) Covenant I will fulfill your (Part** of the) Covenant and of Me (Allah)
then be in awe.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:40)
* Allah's Commanadments.
** Allah's Promise for Beni Israel (for example the reward of Paradise).
Note: 1. Remember the first Covenant of Allah was made with Adam after his creation.
2. Allah made a Covenant with all prophets.
3. Allah made Covenant with some of His chosen messengers. They represent their people and the
Prophet Muhammad represents all people
Words: Uthkorou = Remember, Ni'mati = My favour, Awfou = Fulfill
(plural), Iyyaay = Me, Ferahbouni = Of Me then be in awe - Me then do fear.
Q: What does Allah command the People of Israel to do after honouring Allah's Covenant with them?
Note: The translation of the preceeding Line 40 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: (Allah commands Beni Israel) And do believe in what (the Qur'an) I sent down confirming what you
have and do not be the first to disbelieve in it and do not purchase with My Miraculous Signs (Lines of the Holy Book)
a small price (value) and Me then do fear to protect yourselves; And do not confuse (cover) the Truth with
Falsehood and conceal the Truth while you know (it); And do perform the prayer and give the prescribed alms and
do kneel with those who kneel (to Allah); Do you command people the performance of good deeds and you
forget (to do it) yourselves while you are reciting the (Holy) Book so will you not realize;
And seek (Allah's) support from patience and prayer; and this is hard except for those who show reverence
(humble to Allah); Those who believe that they are going to meet their God and to Him they are returning.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 46, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:41-46)
Words: Mussadiqan = Confirming, Tashtarou = Purchase,
FaIyyaya Tattaqoun = Me then do fear to protect yourselves, Talbisou = Confuse - Cover -
Obscure, AlHaqq = The Truth, AlBatil = Falsehood, Ata'morouna = Do you command, Birr = Performance
of good deeds, Tansouna = You forget, Ta'qiloun = Realize - Understand,
Ista'eenou = Seek support (plural), Sabr = Patience, Salat = Prayer, Kabeerah = Hard,
Khashi'een = Who show reverence, Who yield to Allah - Humble themselves to Allah - Those who
are emotionally touched, Yadhunouna = They believes - They knows, Mulaqouna = Going to
meet, Raje'oun = Returning.
Q: What can unite the believers in Allah?
Hint: Allah's Mercy on them because they love Allah.
A: And He (Allah) reconciled them* (Muslims at the time of the Prophet) with each other - if you
(Prophet Muhammad) spent all that is in the earth you would not have reconciled them with each other but
Allah reconciled them with each other for He is AlMighty, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 63, Surat AlAnfal.
* For example there were many wars between "AlAws" and "AlKhazraj", the two famous tribes of "AlAnsar" Muslims
in AlMadinah.
Words: Allafa Bayna Quloubihim = Reconciled them with each other - United
them - Brought their hearts together, Law = If, Anfaqta =
You spent, Ma = All.
Q: Does being a Muslim imply that the person did a favour to the Religion of Allah?
Hint: For example in North America when some Muslims are asked why they openly commit sins especially
during the month of Ramadan they simply answer we are not good Muslims.
A: They remind you of a favour done that they became Muslims say (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not remind me of a favour done that you
became Muslims rather Allah reminds you of a Favour Done that He guided you to Faith if you were telling the truth.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlHujurat. (49:17)
Words: Yamounouna Alika = They remind you of a favour done, Hadakum =
Guided you, Sadiqeen = Telling the truth.
Q: What do people who describe Islam as modern, fundamental or radical lack?
A: And those who have been given knowledge (of Allah's Religion) see that what (Qur'an) has been sent down to you
(Prophet Muhammad) from your God is the Truth* and it leads to the Path** of AlMighty, The Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat Saba'. (34:6)
* Islam should be described with accurate names for it is the Religion of Truth. (refer to Surat AlSaff)
** The Path that leads straight to Paradise.
Words: Utou = Have been given, AlIlm = Knowledge, AlHaqq = the Truth, Ssiratt =
Q: Why can not the believers force the disbelievers into following Islam?
A: He (Prophet Noah) said O my people see if I was well informed (being a prophet) (= Ala
Bayyenah) by my God and He bestowed on me Mercy (guided me to Islam) from Him and it became obscure (hidden) to you so are
we going to force you to accept it while you are disliking it?!
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat Hood. (11:28)
Note: No compulsion in Allah's Religion. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Ara'aytum = See - Think, Kuntu Ala Bayyenah Min = I was fully informed by,
Aatani = Bestowed on me - Gave me, FaUmiyat = It was made obscure, Anulzimukumoha = Are we going to force you to accept it, Laha Karihoun = Disliking it
Q: Who guarantees that Islam* is going to prevail in the world?
A: He (Allah) is Who sent His messenger (Prophet Muhammad) with the Guidance (AlQur'an) and the
Religion of Truth (Islam) to make it prominent over all religions and enough for Allah as a Witness (of this
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat AlFathh. (48:28)
* Islam's basic pillar is that there is no god but Allah (the One and the Only).
Words: Arsala = Sent, BilHuda = With the Guidance, Deen = Religion,
Alhaq = Truth, LiYuthhirahu = To make it prominent - To make it above, Kafa = Enough,
Shaheeda = Witness.
Q: Which prophet was sent by Allah with the religion of Islam?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) we (Muslims) have Faith in Allah and what is sent down
to us (Qur'an) and what was sent down (Islam) to Abraham* (Ibraheem), Ishma'el (Ismael),
Isaac (Ishaq), Jacob (Ya'qoub), and the offspring of Jacob (= AlAsbat) and what Moses (Moosa),
Jesus (Issa) and (all) the prophets were given from their God - we do not make a distinction
between them and to Him (Allah) we are submitting (= Muslimoun); And whoever seeks a religion
other than Islam** then it will not be accepted from him and in the Other Life he is from the
Translation of: Ayah 84 - 85, Surat AlImran.
* All of Allah's prophets were Muslims (submitting to Allah the
One and Only God).
** The religion of Islam.
Words: Aamanna = We have Faith - We believe, Unzila = Was sent down,
AlNabiyoun = The Prophets, Min Rubihim = From their God, La Nufarriq = We do not
make a distinction - We do not make one above the other, Yabtagey = Seeks - Goes after,
Len Yuqbal = It will not be accepted, AlKhasireen = The losers.
Q: Why extremism in not from Islam?
Note: Extremism = Going to exaggerated limits. Source: Merriam Webster's Dictionary.
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad) be righteous according to the Straight Path (of Allah)* as you
were commanded and those who repented (became Muslims) with you and do not unjustly exceed the limits (set
by Allah = Tatghaw) for He is with what you do All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat Hood.
* Follow the Straight Path of Allah which is moderate without negative exaggeration (ifrat) or negligence
(tafreet). Source: "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an" by the ex-Mufti of Egypt AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, page 301.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an), the Prophet Muhammad said: One messenger of Allah
settled under a tree so an ant bit him. He ordered his stuff to be removed from under the tree then he
ordered the burning of the ant's house. So Allah revealed to him: if you were going to do was it not
one ant enough = Fahalla namlatan wahidah". Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyah page 182.
Words: Fastaqim = So be righteous according to the Straight Path, Umirta = You were commanded,
Taaba = Repented, Tatghaw = Unjustly exceed the limits (set by Allah) - Terrorize -
Transgress, Baseer = All-Watchful.
Q: What can extremism in any command of Allah bring down?
Note: Remember the narratives of older generations in the Qur'an is to provide us with moral lessons so
that we get the warning and act accordingly.
A: O People of Israel for We (Allah) saved you from your enemy (Pharaoh) and We made a pledge with you
on the Right Side of AlToor Mountain (= Mount Sinai) and We sent down for you manna (sweet delicacy)
and quails (type of birds = Salwa); Eat from the good food that We provided for you
and do not exceed the limits (set by
Allah = tatghaw)** in it (Allah's sustenance) then (when exceeding) Allah's Wrath
will descend upon you and upon whom My (Allah's) Wrath descends then he has
fallen (is destroyed);
And I (Allah) am certainly Most-Forgiving for who repented and believed and did righteous
work then he remained on the Straight Path (followed Allah's Guidance = Ehtada).
Translation of: Ayat 80 - 82, Surat Taha.
* Reference is to the wandering of the People of Israel in the wilderness (desert) for forty
years (searching for the way to the Holy Land) because the majority of them
disobyed the command of Allah to go into the Holy Land to fight the
giants "AlAmalekites = AlAmalikah (the giants).
** For example going a mile after more and more without giving the due share to those who deserve it.
Or exceeding the limits of what is lawful (halal) to what is unlawful (haram).
Note: Islam commands moderation (observing reasonable limits and avoiding extremes of behaviour, source:
Merriam Webster's Dictionary) = Tawasut or I'tidal (not modernization).
Words: Adou = Enemy, Anjayna = We saved, AlMen = Manna - A sweet delicacy (also called
Naugha nowadays), AlSalwa = Quails: Type of birds, Kulu = Eat (plural), Tatghou =
Exceed the limits (set by Allah) - Transgress, Ghadabi = My Wrath, Faqad Hawa = then he has fallen down, Taba
= Repented, Ehtada = Remained on the Straight Path (of Allah) - Followed Right Guidance.
Q: Among the nations that became extinct by Allah's punishment which one received the worst punishment?
A:The Truth Realizer (Day of Judgement); What is the Truth Realizer; And what do you know about the Truth
Realizer; Sthamud (Arab tribe) and
Aad (Arab tribe) rejected as lies the Maker of tumultuous noise (Day of Judgement = 'AlQariah'*);
And as for Sthamud they were destroyed by
The Extreme (Punishment) (= AlTaghiyah)**;
And as for Aad they were destroyed by the wild (fierce = aatiyah) and violent cold wind (= reeh sarsar); Imposed upon them
for seven nights and eight days in succession; So you see the community in it knocked down as if they were hollow
(waste) stumps of Palm trees; So do you see from them any left (they became extinct);
And Pharaoh (Phiroun) and who were before him and the upside-down
turned villages*** (of Lut) committed the sinful deed; So they disobeyed the messenger of their God so He (Allah) took
them with an increasing attack; For it is when the water flooded (Noah's flood) We (Allah) carried you in the Runner
(Ark); So that We make it for you a Reminder and so that an attentive ear understands it.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 12, Surat AlHaqqah. (69:1-12)
* 'AlQariah' another name for the Day of Judgement.
** AlTaghiyah (from the verb yatgha) is a tyrannical punishment which terrorized for it exceeded
the limits (extreme). The Scream of Angel Gabriel that stirred nature. (refer to Surat AlQamar)
*** The people of Prophet Lut were sinful. (refer to Surat AlShuara')
Words: AlHaqqah = The Truth Realizer - Day of Judgement, Ma Adraaka = What did you know,
AlQariah = The Maker of tumultuous noise - The Maker of loud confusing noise _ The Calamity Day, Uhlikou = Were destroyed,
Taghiyah = Extreme - Excessive - Beyond limits, Reeh Sarsar = Violent Cold wind - Gale, Aatiyah = Wild- Fierce, Sakhkhara = Imposed,
Layal = Nights, Sara' = Knocked down, A'jaz = Stumps, Nakhl = Palm trees, Khawiyah = Hollow - Waste -
Mu'tafikat = Villages that became upside down, Khati'ah = Sinful deed, Akhathahum = Took them - Punished them, Akhthah = Attack, Rabiyah =
Increasing, Tagha = Flooded, Hamala = Carried, Jariyah = Runner - Ark, Ta'e = Understands, Uthun
= Ears.
Q: Among the followers of Allah's Religion from Muslims, Jews and Christians are many
sects. Who is right among them?
A: And it is upon Allah granting Right Guidance to be (at least) adequately on the Path (of Allah) * - and from them
(other paths in life) utterly unjust (unfair to Allah) and if Allah willed He would
certainly have guided you all (to Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlNahl. (16:9)
* Qasdu AlSabeel = Granting Right Guidance to be at least adequately (moderately) on the Path of Allah which leads straight
to Paradise. The person who is on the Path is called muqtasid.
Note: Remember that extremism (the negative aspect of excess of
behaviour) is not from Islam.
Words: Ala Allah = Upon Allah, Qasdu AlSabeel = To grant Right Guidance for following the
Straight Path, Jaa'ir = Utterly unjust, LaHadakum = He would certainly have guided you,
Ajma'een = All.
Q: According to Islam what is Faith (= Iman)?
Note: Islam is the first step to Faith.
A: O people who have Faith have Faith* in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and the
Book (Qur'an) that was sent down upon his Prophet and the Book (Scripture) that was sent
from before (Torah, Bible) and whoever disbelieves in Allah and His angels and His Books and His
messengers and the Last Day (Day of Judgment) then he has strayed away - far straying
Translation of: Ayah 136, Surat AlNisa'.
* When Faith settles in a Muslim's heart it keeps him away from sins for it
reminds him that Allah is watching Him.
Words: Aminou = Have Faith, AlKitab = The scripture, Malaaikatihi
= His angels, Rusulihi = His messengers, Dhalla = Strayed away.
Q: Why was the Prophet Muhammad commanded to follow the Religion of another Prophet?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) Allah has spoken the truth* - so (all of you) do
follow the Religion of Abraham (= Ibraheem) worshipping One God** and he was not
from those who join partner(s) with Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 95, Surat AlImran.
* about what is mentioned in the Qu'ran.
** Allah's Religion is One and all Prophets came with the same Religion of Islam.
Some Evidence: Prophet Moses,
of Jesus peace be
upon him.
Words: Sadaqa = Has spoken, Fattabe'ou = So do follow, Milat =
Religion, Hanfeefa = Worshipping One God, AlMushrikeen.= Those who join partner(s) with
Allah - The polytheists.
Q: Why is it better for Muslims to avoid new "religious - like" practices (= bide') that were not known
during the Prophet Muhammad's time?
Note: Example building graves and making them "sacred" so people pay visitations of awe to them.
In Islam Muslims are encouraged to visit graves to remember death and the Other World.
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) my God casts away (falsehood) with Truth - (He is) The All-Knowing of
the Unseen; Say Truth has come and nothing will start falsehood (disbelieving in Islam) nor will it repeat it.
Translation of: Ayat 48 - 49, Surat Saba'.
Words: Yakdif = Casts away, AlHaq = Truth, Batil = Falsehood,
Yubde' = Starts, Yu'eed = Repeats.
Q: Why should the two major groups of Muslims "Sunni and Shi'a" follow first what Allah says in the Qur'an to
avoid Allah's Punishment?
Note: Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims do not pray in the same mosques. Learn more about
the Sia-Sunni schism (2011).
A: And (you Muslims) do not be like those (People of the Book) who split (into factions) and differed after
the clear Signs (Allah's Revelations) reached them and those for them is a severe punishment.
Note: If the clear authenticated sayings of the Prophet Muhammad do not explain the "why" of the
Muslim rituals why should Muslims refrain from showing their own knowledge? Example. An example of rituals not
practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. Another example.
Translation of: Ayah 105, Surat AlImran.
Words: Tafarraqou = Split (into factions), Ekhtalafou = Differed, AlBayyenat
= Clear Signs - Revelations, Athab = Punishment, Adheem = Severe - Serious - Grave.
Q: As mentioned in the Qur'an, Who appointed the rituals for Muslims to follow?
A: To every nation* We (Allah) appointed rituals they have to follow so let them
not dispute with you on the matter and call to your God** for you (command to Prophet Muhammad) are on Straight Guidance (on Allah's Straight Path).
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlHajj. (22:67)
* Such as the Islamic Nation (= AlUmmah AlIslamiyyah).
** Muslims' gatherings should aim mainly towards the Objective of calling to Allah and His Commands.
Words: LiKuli = To every, Ummah = Nation, Nasikouh = They have to
follow, Yunaziunnaka = Dispute with you, Fi AlAmr = On the matter, Udu = Call, Huda
= Guidance - Right Guidance.
Q: Who will choose the intercessors who will intercede with Allah on behalf Muslims on the Day of
A: Or did they take without (Permission of) Allah intercessors - say (command to Prophet
Muhammad) even if they were having no power (after their death) and (idols as intercessors) no understanding; Say
(Command to Prophet Muhammad) To Allah belongs the intercession all of it* - to Him belongs the
dominance (kingdom) of the Heavens and the earth then to Him you are coming back.
* No one other than Allah can appoint anyone as an intercessor with Allah. Some Muslims for example in Pakistan and Egypt think of some people thought to be exceptionally
righteous (= "awliya' Allah) as intercessors (= Shufa'a) with Allah. Do Muslims have the
right to choose them as intercessors if Allah says He is the Only One Who
will decide who can intercede with Allah on behalf of Muslims. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
Note: The Prophet Muhammad will be Muslims' main intercessor. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad when he was on a trip with
some of companions from Mecca to AlMadinah. The Prophet Muhammad raised his hands and called upon
Allah for an hour then he put his forehead on the ground (prostrated) and repeated such actions
three times. Then the Prophet said: I prayed to my God and interceded for my nation so Allah gave
me one third. so I prostrated thanking Allah. Then I prayed and Allah gave me the second third.
Then I prayed and Allah gave me the last third. (Note the importance of prostration as a
gesture of thankfulness to Allah). Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen,
page 335.
Translation of: Ayat 43 - 44, Surat AlZumar.
Words: Em Etakhathou = Or did they take, Min down Allah = Without (Permission of) Allah,
Shufa'a' = Intercessors, La Yamlikoun Shayan = They do not have the power over anything, Lillah
= To Allah, AlShafa'ah = Intercession, Jameean = All of it, Turja'oun = Coming back.
Q: What aspect of Islam marks where disbelieving in Allah ends and the religion devoted to
Allah begins?
A: So (all of you) do call upon Allah devoting entirely to Him the Religion even if
the disbelievers hated* it.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat Ghafir. (40:14)
* Disbelievers either they join partner(s) with Allah and they reach Allah through them
or they do not believe in Allah. (Recently in Toronto, 2011, I asked a Muslim co-worker why she
has the picture of a contemporary fair looking man on the wall of her office. She said this is
my god through him only I reach Allah).
Note: Allah commands Muslims to devote the Religion entirely to Him.
Words: Fad ou = So do call upon, Mukhliseen Lahu AlDeen = Devoting the
only to Him the Religion, WaLaw = Even if, Kariha = Hated, AlKafiroun = The disbelievers.
Q: What is the attitude of the disbelievers towards the Covenant (Agreement) of Allah with them?
A: Those (ancient) towns We (Allah) narrate to you (Prophet Muhammad) of their news
and their messengers (of Allah) reached them with the Clear Signs (indicative of Allah) but they were not going to believe in
what they rejected as lies before - in this way Allah stamps on the hearts of the
disbelievers; And We (Allah) did not find most of them men of their word* though
We found most of them certainly sinfully straying away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayat 101 - 102, Surat AlA'raf.
* What Word of Covenant did Allah entrust man with?
Note: Remember Allah's Covenant ('Ahd' of 'Meesthaq') with humanity during Adam - the
father of humanity.
Words: AlQura = Towns, Naqus = We narrate, Anba'iha = Their news,
FaMa Kanou = They were not going, Kaththabou = They rejected as lies, LiAkstharihim Min
Ahd = Most of them men of their word - Most of them men keeping their word, WaIn Wajadna
Though We found, LaFasiqeen =certainly sinfully straying away.
Q: Why is it not allowed in Islam to degrade (lower in status) the early devout Muslim companions of the Prophet
Note: Some of the ignorant among the Shia (Shiite) Muslims degrade the second Caliph Umar Bin
AlKhattab because of governing incidents happened after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Remember that
Umar Bin AlKhattab was described by the Prophet Muhammad as "the most
conservative (strict)" in the Religion of Allah.
A: And the first winners* among the Meccans who emigrated ** (Muhajireen) and the Medinan followers ***
(Ansar) and those who followed them by perfecting their religion - Allah was pleased with them and they
were pleased with Him and He had prepared for them Gardens underneath which the rivers flow -
remaining for eternity in them forever - that is the great triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlTawbah.
* The group of winners in Paradise.
** Based on the command of the Prophet Mohammad and fleeing with their religion of Islam they emigrated from Mecca to AlMadinah (in
Saudi Arabia now). The four companions who became successively the caliphs of Islam were among the
*** The Medinan followers who granted the Prophet and the first Muslims refuge in AlMedinah.
Words: AlSabiqoun =The winners, AlAwwaloun = First, Etaba'ouhum =
Followed, BiIhsan = By perfecting their religion, Radhiya = Was pleased, AlFawz
The Triumph - The Winning.
Q: Why should Muslims look in their own Religion of Islam instead of seeking answers from others?
A: O believers if you obey those who disbelieved they will revert you (to disbelieving) so you
will turn back into losers; Rather Allah is your Guardian (Master) and He is the Best among supporters.
Translation of: Ayat 149 - 150, Surat AlImran.
Words: In Tuteeu = If you obey, Yarodoukum Ala A'qaikum = They will revert
you - Turn you back on your heels, FaTanqlibou = So you will turn back, Khasireen = Losers, Bel = Rather,
Mawlakum = Your Guardian - Master - Who takes care of your affairs - Your Protector, Khair = Best,
AlNasireen = Supporters.
Q: What is the Mission of Islam?
A: (Allah aims) To make Truth come true and to invalidate Falsehood* even if the
criminals (sinners in Allah's Court) hate it.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlAnfal. (8:8)
* In Arabic "= LiYuhiqqa AlHaqq wa Yubtil AlBatil".
Words: LiYuhiqqa AlHaqq = To make Truth come true - To establish the Truth, Yubtil = Invalidate,
AlBatil = Falsehood, Lau = Even, Kariha = Hate - Hated, AlMujrimoun = Criminals - Sinners.
Q: Who do not have to fear the outcome of the Day of Judgement?
A: Indeed those who said our God is Allah then they remained on the Straight Path* (of Allah)
then no fear on them neither will they grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlAhqaf. (46:13)
* Allah's Path which leads to Paradise. Submitting to Allah as the One and Only God is the beginning to
be on Allah's Path. (refer to Surat Luqman)
Words: Rubbuna = Our God, Estaqamou = Remained on the Straight Path,
Khawf = Fear, Yahzanoun = Grieve.
Q: Which Muslims are guided towards Allah?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 17 in Surat AlZumar.
A: Those who pay attention to the Word (of Allah) so they follow its best (what perfects
their religion = Ahsanahu)* - those are whom Allah guided and those are men of understanding.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlZumar. (39:18)
* 'AlIhsan' in Islam. (look for the three parts of Islamic Creed)
Note: Remember Prophet Moses (Moosa) was commanded before to act according to the Torah.
(Refer to Ayah 145 in Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Yastamiouna = Pay attention, AlQawl = The Word, FaYattabe'ouna = They follow, Ahsanahu
= Its best - What perfects their religion, Ulou AlAlbab = Men of understanding - Intelligent persons.
Q: Does Allah want Muslims to identify themselves with a sect-related adjective before the word Muslims?
Note: Some Muslims identify their religious sects by adding their sect's name before
'Muslims'. They also pay special attribute to their religious leaders (other than the Prophet Muhammad) by hanging their photos even in their
places of worship.
A: And Allah gave you from what He created shades and He gave you from the
mountains places of shelter and He gave you garments to protect you from the heat and
garments (of war) to protect you from your violence - in this way He completed His Favour
upon you so that you may become Muslims.
Translation of: Ayah 81, Surat AlNahl. (16:81)
Words: Ja'ala = Gave, Khalqa = Created, Zhilal = Shades, AlJibal
= Mountains, Aknana = Places of shelter, Sarabeel = Garments, Taqeekum =
Protect you, AlHar = The heat, Ba'sakum = Your violence - Your wars, Yuttim =
Completes, La'Allakum = So that you may, Tuslimoun = You become Muslims - You submit to
Him as Muslims.
Q: Why should Muslims beware of dividing themselves into main streams and sects?
Note: Remember that in Surat AlAnbiya' in the Qur'an Ayah 159 Allah cleared Prophet Muhammad from the
sectarians in Islam.
A: O believers whoever defects from his Religion then Allah will bring about a people
He loves them and they love Him - humble to the people of Faith - mighty against the
disbelievers (at wars) - they strive in the Path of Allah and they do not fear the blame of
one who blames - that is Allah's grace - He grants it to whoever He wills and Allah is
Resourceful Knowledgeable.
Translation of: Ayah 54, Surat AlMa'idah.
Note: Muslims are divided nowadays into main streams and sects. Read
an article on 'Toronto Star' of 29 January 2012
to know how Islam is divided and hence it is
very confusing for those who want to become Muslims.
Note: Remember that it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad that his nation will be divided so peace be
upon him warned against the division.
Words: Tartad = Defects from - Deenihi = His Religion, Yuhibuhum
= He loves them, Athillatun = Humble, A'izzatun = Mighty - Strong,
Yujahidoun = Strive - Make Jihad, Yakhafoun = Fear, Lawmata = The blame,
Waai'e = Resourceful, Aleem = Knowledgeable.
Q: Why are Muslims warned against trusting those People of the Book who do not believe in the Qur'an and the
Prophet Muhammad?
A: There you are (Muslims) - you love them (Hypocrites among the People of the Book)
and they do not love you - and you (Muslims) believe in the Scripture (Allah's Word) - all of it* - and when they
meet you they say we have believed (in Islam) and when they become alone
they bite their fingers in rage (= AlGhaydh) - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) die** of your rage for
Allah is All-Knowing of what is in the bottom of hearts.
Translation of: Ayah 119, Surat AlImran.
* Believing in all of Allah's Holy Books is a pillar of Islamic Creed.
Jews and Christians who confined to the
original Torah and Gospel believed in the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad.
As the righteous Christian King of Abyssinia (AlHabashah = Ethiopia) who is called in Islam "Al-Najashi" said
about Islam and Christianity: "different beams of Allah's Religion".
On Wikipedia.org "According to
Ibn Hisham, 'al-Najashi' and the priests in his court were greatly affected by the touching verses that they began to shed tears".
Later on when AlNajashi died the Prophet Muhammad said: Angel Gabriel told him a righteous man died today. And
the Prophet Muhammad with his companions stood and prayed for 'AlNajashi' the prayer on the dead body which is not
presnet (= Janazat AlGhaaib). (Source will be added later)
** Similar to what people say 'go to Hell!' in the English Language.
Words: HaAntum = There you are, Tuhibounahum = You love them, BilKitab
= In the Scripture - In the Holy Books, Khalau = They became alone, Mutou = Die,
BiGhaydhikum = Of your rage, BiThatil Sodour = Of what is in the bottom of hearts.
Q: Why should Muslims not take as initmate assistants those who hate Islam?
Note: The Ayah translated just above follows the Ayah translated here.
A: O believers do not take a group of intimates (= bitannah) other than you
(believers) - (for) they will spare no effort in confusing (ruining) you - they love seeing you in
hardship - hatred is almost showing from their mouths and whatever their hearts conceal is
greater - We (Allah) had made clear for you the Miraculous Signs (Ayat AlQur'an) if you
Translation of: Ayah 118, Surat AlImran..
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, Bitannah = A group of intimates,
Min Dounikum = Other than you, La Ya'lounakum = They will not spare any effort in , Khabala =
confusing, Waddou Ma Anittum = They love seeing you in hardship, Qad Badat = Is almost showing,
AlBaghdaa' = Hatred, Afwahihum = Their mouths, Tukhfi = Conceal, Sodourhum =
Hearts, Bayyana = Made it clear, Ta'qiloun = You understand - You get it.
Q: Before marrying new converts to Islam what should the believers make sure of?
A: And do not marry disbelieving women until they become believers*
(= yo'minna) and certainly a believing slave man is better (according to Allah) than a disbelieving woman even if she appeals to
you - and do not give your women in marriage to disbelieving men until they become believers and
certainly a believing slave man is better than a disbelieving man even if he appeals to you - those
(disbelievers) call for Fire (of Hell) and Allah calls for Paradise and Forgiveness with His Permission and He
makes clear His Miraculous Signs (of the Qur'an) to people so that they may remember (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 221, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Belief (= Iman) that is reposed in their hearts and dictates their actions. 'Belief (Faith =
Iman) is a step higher than Islam.
Words: Tankihou = Do not marry, AlMushrikat = Disbelieving women, Yu'minna =
They become believers, Amah = Slave woman, A'jabatkum = She appeals to you - He pleases you, Abd =
Slave man, Ulaika = Those, Yatathakkaroun = Remember (Allah).
Q: Why is it easy and obtainable for some people to do good deeds?
Note: Note the opposites in the beginning Ayat.
Note: The past, the present and the future is an open
(really written) book to Allah.
A: By the night when it covers (everything); And the day when it becomes clear; And what He (Allah)
created (everything alive) of male and female; Indeed your work is certainly different*; So
the one who gave (charity) and protected himself (by fearing Allah); And he
believed as true in the Best Outcome (Paradise); Then We (Allah) would make it easy for him to work for
affluence (in Paradise); But whoever became miser and made without (belief in Allah); And he rejected as lies the
Best Outcome (Paradise); Then We would make it easy for him to work for hardship (in Hell); And what is
the use of his wealth when he is ruined.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 11, Surat AlLayl.
* According to Allah's Knowledge of your work (pre-written with Allah).
Note: Remember that the first thing Allah created was the pen.
Allah's knowing of everything does not contradict with that man is endowed
with free will.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad when he was asked by Abi Bakr: Do we
work according to what has been finished (pre-written with Allah) or according to an on-going matter? The Prophet
said: Rather according to a matter that is already settled. Abu Bakr asked: So why should we work then, O
Messenger of Allah? The Prophet said: It is made obtainable for everyone to follow what he was created for (=
Kulun muyassar lima khuliqa lahu). Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 786.
Words: AlLayl = Night, Yaghsha = Covers, AlNahar = Day - Morning, Tajalla =
Becomes clear, Khalqa = Ma = What, Created, AlUnstha = Female, Sa'yakum = Your work, LaShatta
= Certainly is different, A'ta = Gave, Saddaqa = Believed as true, Kaththaba = Rejected as
lies, AlHusna = The Best Outcome, FaSaNuyassiruhu = So We will make it easy for him to
work, Yusra = Affluence, Bakhila = Became miser, Usra = Hardship, Yughni = is the use, Tarrada
= is ruined.
Q: Can a believer who fears Allah ("Muttaqi") commit actions of terror that make him
("Faasiq") straying away from Allah's Path?
Note: Nowadays in Muslim countries the easiest way to get rid of an influential believing
Muslim is to falsely label him a terrorist aiding a terrorist group.
A: So is the one who is a believer (= mo'min)* similar to
(= "faasiq" an immoral person)
who has sinfully strayed away from Allah's Path - (Allah confirms) they are not
equal; So those who believed and did the righteous deeds then for them are
Gardens for dwelling - a hospitable lodging for what they were doing; But those who
sinfully strayed away from Allah's Path so their dwelling place is The Fire - every time
they wanted to get out of it they will be put back (by angels) into it and it will be said
to them taste the suffering of Fire for what (Allah's Commands) you were rejecting as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 20, Surat AlSajdah.
* Remember a believer (= mo'min) is a level higher than a Muslim.
Words: AFaMen = So is the one, AlMa'wa = Dwelling, Faasiq = Who
sinfully strayed away from Allah's Path, La Yastawoon = They are not equal, Amilou = Did, Ya'maloun = They were doing, Yakhrujou = They get out, Ueedou = Are put back,
Thouqu = Taste, Tukathiboun = Rejecting as lies - Fabricating lies.
Q: Why should the believers be aware of evil influential ("= khabeesth") leaders
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) the evil person (= khabeesth*) is not equal to
the good-natured one (= tayyeb) even if you become surprised at the big number of
evil ones - so do protect
yourselves by fearing Allah O men of understanding so that you may become prosperous.
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlMa'idah.
* Who makes Satan control him.
Words: La Yastawi = Is not equal, AlKhabeesth = The evil person - The
crook, AlTayyeb = The good-natured one, A'jabaka = You become surprised, Uli AlAlbab = Men of
understanding, Tuflihoun = You become prosperous.
Q: All humans are in the Sight of Allah created equal with no one is better than another except
by what?
A: Allah is going to identify the evil person (= khabeesth*) from the
good-natured and He will put the
evil ones on the top of one another so He makes it a pile of all of them (= Jameea'an) and then He will cast it into
Hell - those ones are the losers.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlAnfal. (8:37)
* Who follow Satan.
Note: In a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: " No preference (= fadhl)
for an Arab over a non-Arab except by fearing Allah to protect oneself. = La fadhl liArabi ala A'jami illa
Words: LiYameeza = Is going to identify - To separate, Yaj'al = Puts, FaYarkumahu = Makes
it a pile, Jameean = All of them, Ulaika = Those ones, AlKhasiroun = The losers.
Q: What is the meaning of "alKhabeesth" (evil person) among the believers?
A: And Allah was not going to leave the believers on the state you (believers) are
in* until Allah identifies the evil person (hypocrite**) from the good-natured (faithful) one -
and Allah was not going to make you acquainted with the Unseen*** yet Allah picks up (towards Him)**** from His
messengers whoever He wills so do believe in Allah and His messengers and if you believe and protect yourselves by fearing
Allah so for you will be a great reward.
Translation of: Ayah 179, Surat AlImran.
* peace or war, winning or loosing...etc.
** "AlKhabeesth mina AlTayyeb" = The hypocrite from the faithful (= alMunafiq min alMukhlis). Source: Tafseer
waBayan Mufridat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 73.
*** With the World of the Unseen that humans do not know about such as the Day of
Judgement and angels. It is Allah's Mercy that dictated to send messengers to help
humanity attain salavation.
**** To deliver Allah's Message.
Note: A Hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. Source: Merriam
Webster's Deluxe Dictionary.
Words: Ma Kana Allah = Allah was not going - Allah did not dictate, Yameeza =
Identifies - Separates, AlKhabeesth = Evil one - Hypocrite - Sly, AlTayyeb = Good-natured -
Faithful - Honest, LiYutli'akum = To let you know - To disclose to you, Yajtbi = Picks up - Chooses,
Ajr = Reward, Adheem = Great.
Q: Why should the hypocrites among the believers hurry to rejoin the group of the believers?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 144 in Surat AlNisa'.
A: Indeed the hypocrites (= AlMunafiqeen) will be in the lowest of the downward levels of the Fire (of Hell)
and you will not find for them any supporter; Except those who repented and did righteous deeds
and held firm* towards Allah and they devoted** their religion entirely to Allah so those are with
the believers and Allah will grant the believers a great reward.
Translation of: Ayah 145 - 146, Surat AlNisa'.
* They found refuge with Allah through Allah's Word (Qur'an).
** How do you devote the religion entirely to Allah?
Note: The hypocrites among Muslims are those who
harm Muslims.
Note: What are the signs that indicate the Muslim
person is a hypocrite one?
Words: AlMunafiqeen = The hypocrites, AlDarak = Downward levels,
AlAsfal = The lowest, Tajida = Find, Nasseera = Any supporter, Tabou = They repented,
Aslahou = They did righteous deeds, E'tasamou = Held firm, Akhlasou = Devoted
entirely, Yu'ti = Grants, Ajra = Reward.
Q: Why do we have bad Muslims although they read (in prayer for example) from the Qur'an like the good Muslims?
A: And the good land* brings out its produce with Allah's permission and the
one that got bad (= khabustha) does not bring out except what is miserable (ill-natured) - thus We (Allah) detail**
the Miraculous Signs (Lines of the Qur'an) for people who are thankful.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat AlA'raf.
* Used as a metaphor for a good person.
** Repeat in different forms.
Words: AlBalad AlTayyeb = The good land, Yakhruju = Brings out, Nabatuhu = Its produce - Its
vegetation, Nakada = What is miserable - What comes with difficulty, Kathalika = Thus, Nusarrif = Detail - Repeat in various
forms, Yashkoroun = Are thankful.
Q: If you consider yourself among the Prophet's nation (ummat Muhammad) why should you follow only Allah and
His Prophet's Way?
A: Those (Allah's messengers) whom We (Allah) granted the Scripture (Allah's Religion) and
administration of justice and prophethood so if these* disbelieve in it (Allah's
Message) then We (Allah) had entrusted it (Allah's Message) to (other) people** (since the beginning of humanity) who in it (Allah's Trust)***
are NOT going to be disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat AlAn'am. (6:89)
* Disbelievers of Arabia at the time of Prophet Muhammad.
** Muslims (submitting to Allah Alone and to His Commands) since the creation of Adam peace be upon him.
*** Believers (submitting fully to Allah the Creator as the One and Only God) were entrusted (= AlAmanah) by Allah
with the task of following and protecting Allah's Message. (refer to Surat AlAhzab)
Note: Allah Himself, and not humans, chose which ones we should follow. Those humans
are called Allah's messengers and Allah's prophets.
Note: How do you know if you are following the Way (sayings - actions) of the Prophet? Ask yourself:
Did the Prophet say or do it? Did the Prophet's immediate companions practise it?
Words: Ataynahum = We granted them, AlKitab = The Scripture, AlHukm =
Administration of justice, AlNubbowah = Prophethood, Yakfur = Disbelieve - Reject, Wakkalna = We
entrusted, Qawman = People, Laysou BiKafireen = Are not going to be disbelievers.
Q: What punishment does Allah command us to learn a lesson from?
A: He (Allah) is the One Who got out those who turned into disbelievers among the People of the
Book (Jews) from their homes at the first* gathering (of forces) - you (Muslims) did not think that they
would get
out and they thought they their fortresses were protecting them from Allah - so Allah reached them
from where they did not expect and He filled their hearts with panic - They were destroying** their
dwellings with their own hands besides the hands of the believers (Muslims) (Allah says)so do learn a
lesson you people with insight.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlHashr.
* The first exile of the Jewish Tribe of Abu AlNadheer (near AlMadinah) was at the time of the Prophet
Muhammad was to Khaibar (in Saudi Arabia). The second exile was
to Bilad AlSham (Syria and its surroundings) at the time of Umar Bin AlKhattab may Allah be pleased with him. Source: Tafseer waBayan
Mufridat AlQuran (in Arabic) page 545.
Words: Akhraja = Got out, Kafarou = Turned into disbelievers - Disbelieved, Diyarihim = Their homes, Dhannou = They thought,
Maani'atuhum = Were protecting them, Husounuhum = Their fortresses, Yahtasibu = Expect, Qathafa
Fi Quloubihim AlRu'b = Filled their hearts with fear, Yukhariboun = They were destroying,
Boyotahum = Their dwellings, Fa'tabirou = So do learn a lesson, Uli AlAbsar = People with
insight - Understanding people.
Q: Why exile can be a form of punishment for those who show enmity and objection to the commands of
A: And if Allah had not decreed upon them* exile (= AlJala') He (Allah) would certainly
have punished them in this life and for them in the Other Life is the punishment of
the Fire (of Hell); That is because they showed enmity and objection** to Allah and His Prophet and whoever
shows enmity and objection to Allah then Allah is Severe in the Punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 3 - 4, Surat AlHashr. (59:3-4)
* Those who turned into disbelievers among the Jews of the Tribe of Beni AlNadheer near AlMadinah. (They
breached their treaty with Muslims and collaborated with the disbelievers of Quraish against the Muslims in
AlMadinah. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, by ex-Mufti of Egypt, Page 710 - 711.
** They were given 10 days to take what they can with them and get out. So before leaving they destroyed their
houses besides what Muslims destroyed. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 1716.
Note: People can show enmity and objection to any aspect of Allah's Religion which is of
two parts: 1. All aspects dealing with the Worship of Allah. 2. All aspects of life based on the
Islamic morals, presided by ordaining justice in life to keep Allah's balance in this world.
Words: LawLa = If not, Kataba = Had written, AlJala' = Exile - Banishment,
Shaqou = Showed enmity and objection, Shadeedul Iqab = Is Severe in the Punishment.
Q: Why Muslims should not leave Islam to disbelieving or any other religion?
A: How will Allah guide (towards Himself) a people who disbelieved after their Faith (in Allah) and
they witnessed that the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) is true and the Clear Signs (the Qur'an) reached
them and Allah does not guide the transgressing people; Those their repayment is that upon them is Allah's
Curse and (the curse of) the angels and humans - all of them; Remaining for eternity in it (Hell) - punishment
will not be lightened for them neither will they be given respite (from the punishment; Except those who
repented* after that and did righteous (deeds) so Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 86 - 89, Surat AlImran.
* Note that Allah mentions in the same Ayah that He is Most-Merciful.
Words: Yahdi = Guides, Kafarou = They disbelieved - Rejected Faith, Shahadow
= They witnessed, Ja'ahum = Reached them, AlBayyenat = The clear signs, Jaza'uhum =
Their repayment - Their punishment, La'nat = Curse, La Yukhafaf = Will not be lightened,
Yundharoun = They will not be given a respite (a break).
Q: What is Allah's Objective in (--- the land will be inherited by My (Allah's) righteous servants) as
mentioned in Ayah 105 in Surat AlAnbiya'?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah 105 in Surat
AlAnbiya' (it was edited today).
A: Indeed in this is certainly an announcement of the Message (= Balagh) for worshipping (of Allah) people*.
Translation of: Ayah 106, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* Across humanity.
Note: All of Allah's prophets were sent to deliver Allah's Message of worshipping Him as the
One and Only God and to warn people against Allah's Wrath and Hell and to give the good news of Allah's
Satisfaction and Paradise. In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): (On
the Day of Judgement) Some
prophets of Allah will come with two (believing) men (only) with him. And some prophets will come with
three. And some more than this or (even) less. So the prophet will be asked: Did you deliver Allah's
Message to your people. He will say: Yes. So (all) his community (nation) will be summoned. They will be
asked: Did he (your prophet) deliver Allah's Message.(= Ballaghakum) They will say: No. The prophet
will be asked: Who are your witnesses? He will say: Muhammad and his nation. So the nation of Muhammad (=
Ummat Muhammad) will be summoned. It will be asked: Did he deliver the Message? They will say: Yes. It will
asked: And how do you know this? They will say: Our Prophet (Muhammad) told us that the (earlier) prophets
delivered Allah's Message so we believed him. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 297.
Words: Inna = Indeed, LaBalaghan = Certainly an announcement the Message, Abideen =
Q: Before Allah's last Messenger 'Prophet Muhammad' what were Allah's messengers supported with?
A: So if they (People of the Book) rejected you (Prophet Muhammad) as a liar - well (many) messengers were rejected
as liars before you - they came with Clear Signs* (= Bayyenat) and the Books of Psalms (= Zubur**) and
the Enlightening Book***.
Translation of: Ayah 184, Surat AlImran.
* An example of Allah's prophet who came with the Clear Signs (= Bayyenat).
** Some of Allah's earlier prophets were given Books of Psalms (= Zubur).
*** The Qur'an is a Light (= Noor) coming from a fully-developed Book (= Kitab Mubeen). So it is
called the Enlightening Book (= AlKitab AlMuneer).
Words: Kaththabouka = They rejected you as a liar,Rusul =Messengers, Min
Qablika = Before you, Ja'ou = They came, BilBayyenat = With Clear Signs, Zubur =
Books of Psalms, Early Forms of Allah's Holy Books, AlKitab AlMuneer = The Enlightening Book.
Q: What were Allah's 'Clear Miraculous Enlightening Signs' that supported the Prophet Muhammad?
Note: Please read the previous posting first.
A: He (Allah) is Who sends down to His servant Clear Miraculous Signs*
('Ayat Bayyent = Qur'anic Lines) in order to get
you out from the depths of darkness (of Pre-Islamic era) to the light (of Islam) and indeed Allah is with
you certainly Compassionate, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlHadeed.
* 'Ayat' = Miraculous Signs. 'Bayyenat' here is an adjective = Clear.
Words: Yunazzil = He sends down, Abdihi = His servant, LiYukhrijakum = In
order to get you out,AlDhulumat = Depths of darkness, AlNoor = The Light, Ra'ouf =
Q: Is understanding the Qur'anic lines (verses) enough to guide one to Allah's Path?
A: Indeed We (Allah) sent down Clarifying* Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic lines) and Allah
guides whoever He wills** to a Straight Path (leading to Paradise).
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlNoor.
* Clarifying (= Mubayyenat) every major matter that affects human life. "We did not miss anything in the Scripture (Qur'an)."
Translation of Line 38 in Chapter "AlAn'am" in the Qur'an.
** Allah guides towards Himself whoever is ready to be guided.
Words: Anzalna = We sent down, Mubayyenat = Clarifying - Explaining, Yahdi =
Guides, Yasha' = He wills, Sirat = Path.
Q: How can a Muslim become on a path deviated from Allah's Path of Islam?
A: Those who choose for themselves the life of this world over the Other World* and they prevent** people
from Allah's Path and they want it (the path) to be deviated (from Allah's Path = Iwaj) - those are in far-fetched
straying (away from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat Ibraheem.
* They follow their desires and whims without Islamic restraints.
** Either by attacking Muslim beliefs directly or indirectly by encouraging Muslims to fulfill their desires without restraints
imposed by the Religion of Islam.
Note: Remember that there is no deviation (from
Allah's Command = iwaj) for the Angel who will call people to the Gathering Place for judgement. (edited today)
Words: Yastahibboun = They choose for themselves, AlHayat AlDunya = The life
of this World, AlAkhirah = The Other world, Yasuddoun = They prevent, Yabghunaha = They want
it - They desire it, Dhallal = Straying - error, Ba'eed = Far-Fetched.
Q: Is the notion of sects acceptable in Islam?
A: The sending down of the Scripture (Qur'an) is from Allah the AlMighty, the All-Wise; Indeed
We (Allah) sent down to you (Prophet Muhammad) the Scripture (Qur'an) with truth (no falsehood
in it) so do worship* Allah devoting to Him the Religion; Well to Allah belongs the Pure** Religion (= AlDeen AlKhalis) and those who
have taken other than Him supporters - (they say) we do not worship (call on them) them except to draw us
closer (in worship) to Allah - indeed Allah is going to judge among them regarding what they were in it differing (from Allah's
Religion) - indeed Allah does not guide (towards Him) who is a liar, a person who is much ungrateful (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlZumar. (39:1-3)
* Remember that in Islam calling upon Allah (= AlDua') is equal to "worshipping Allah". The same
notion of worship applies to calling upon (implore them or ask them for help) dead righteous men (called 'awliya' Allah'). (refer to
Surat Ghafir)
** Pure religion without joining any partner with Allah and without novice practices in the Religion (= bida'). So we must adhere to the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Way of the
Prophet Muhammad). (refer to Surat AlZukhruf)
Note: The main stream Islam as at the time of the Prophet Muhammad is following the Qur'an and
the Way of the Prophet Muhammad ('in worship and all dealings in life' = AlSunnah).
Words: Tanzeel = The sending down, Anzalna = We sent down, Mukhlisan = Devoting,
LiYuqarabona Zulfa = To draw us closer, Kathib = Liar, Kaffar = A person who is much ungrateful - A disbeliever.
Q: Through what does a believer see things in life?
A: Is the one who was dead* so We (Allah) made him alive and We made for him light** with
which he walks among people equivalent to the one whose parable (example) is in the depths of darkness
(ignorance of disbelieving) - not going to come out of it - in this way what they were doing (bad deeds) were made to look good to the
Translation of: Ayah 122, Surat AlAn'am.
* Man is created first as a dead foetus lump. Then Allah puts life
in it.
** The believer's Faith based on the Qur'an is the light that guides him towards Allah. "--- but Allah made you love Faith and made it
look good in your hearts and He (Allah) made you hate disbelief and sinfully straying away
(from Allah's Path) and disobedience - such people are the well guided". Translation of Line 7 in Chapter AlHujurat
in the Qur'an.
Note: Remember that the Prophet Muhammad is called "an
illuminating lamp (a lantern = a guide = 'Sirajan Muneera')" in Line 46 in Surat AlAhzab in the Qur'an.
The Qur'an was sent to the Prophet Muhammad so the Prophet was the vessel (lamp)
that contained the
light of the Qur'an and of Faith. The Prophet called people to Allah and His Word.
A Side Note: According to Reza Aslan in his book 'no god but God' pages 220 - 221 about "The Perfect Man in Sufism": Humanity is created from a single soul. Those few individuals who have "fully realized
(their) essential oneness with the
Divine Being. He is the mirror in which the divine attributes are perfectly reflected, the medium through which God is made manifest.
Although Sufism considers all prophets and messengers, as well as the Imams and the Pirs (spiritual leaders) to be
representatives of the Perfect Man, for Sufis the paradigm of this unique being is none other than the Prophet Muhammad
himself. For the Sufi, Muhammad is more than just the "beautiful model" that the Quran calls him (33:21) Muhammad is the
primordial light: the first of God's creations. "The light of Muhammad" (nur Muhammad). Al-Ghazali argues in his 'Niche of
Lights' nur Muhammad is in reality nothing more than the reflection of God's light.. Sufis refer to Prophet Muhammad not
just as Rasul Allah but also as Dhikr Allah "the remembrance of God".
Words: Awa Men = Is the one, Kana Maytan = Was dead, Nooran = Light, Yamshi =
He walks, Masthaluhu = Whose parable - Whose example, AlDhulumat = The depths of darkness, Laysa BiKharij =
Not going to come out, Zuyyena = Were made to look good - Were made to seem alluring, Ma Kanou
Ya'maloun = What they were doing.
Q: Why is Allah angry with those who label themselves Muslims but their actions are unIslamic and show
their lack of belief (= Iman)?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) are you telling Allah about your religion (of Islam) while
Allah knows what is in the Heavens and what is on earth and Allah is of everything
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlHujurat. (49:16)
Note: Line 14 in Surat AlHujurat.
Line 15 in Surat AlHujurat. Line 17 in Surat AlHujurat.
Words: AToalimoun = Are you telling, BiKuli Shayen = Of everything.
Q: Why observing Halloween, for example, with its origin to drive bad spirits away is unlawful (= haram)
in Islam?
Note: Halloween (note
the second paragraph in the article).
A: And to Him (Allah) belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth (whole Universe) and to Him belongs
the Religion* permanently** - so by fearing other than Allah do you protect yourselves?
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlNahl. (16:52)
* Allah's Religion and not man-made religion.
** Man should always obey Allah no matter what condition man is on. (Source:Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran. In
Arabic, page 272).
Words: AlDeen = The Religion, Wasiba = , AfaGhayri Allah Tattaqoun = So by fearing
other than Allah do you protect yourselves.
Q: To non-Muslims (such as Sikhs*) who believe in Allah: Is it enough to call
people to Allah and become a righteous model for people?
A: And who can be better in speech than one who called to Allah and did righteous (deeds) and said
indeed I am from the Muslims** (= innani mina AlMuslimeen).
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat Fusilat (41:33).
* For example Sikhism which was founded in the 15th century
in India.
** Allah's Religion is only Islam = Submittng only to Allah the One
and Only God.
Note: Remember how did idol worshipping start in
Note: Remember that the Prophet Muhammad is Allah's last prophet as well as Allah's last messenger (570-632 CE). And logically
speaking the Qur'an that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad is Allah's Last Book (since there is no prophet (= nabi)
or messenger (= rasoul) after the Prophet Muhammad). (Also remember the slight difference between Allah's messengers and Allah's prophets lest
someone tries to play on these two words to create a human-made cult and assign it to Allah).
Words: Ahsanu Qawlan = Better in speech, Da'a = Called, Amla = Did, Salihan =
Righteous, Inani = Indeed I am, Mina AlMuslimeen = From the Muslims - One of the Muslims.
Q: Even in Islam why many Muslims in times of fear supplicate to Allah Alone and when Allah saves them or makes
them successful they as noticed in some Muslim South Asian communities for example tend to visit shrines and
thank and pay tributes to their dead persons who are considered to be righteous?
A: Then when they boarded ships (sea or in the air) they supplicated to Allah devoting the Religion to Him (Alone)
so when He saved them to the land suddenly they were JOINING PARTNER(s) (with Allah); So let them disbelieve in what We (Allah) provided* them and let them enjoy temporarily because soon they will come
to know.
Translation of: Ayat 65 - 66, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:65-66).
Note: Many Muslims there visit shrines to pray to Allah for having righteous models among
them but many others are deluded. What are Muslims warned about? (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
* = Ataynahum. Allah's Favours on humans - many humans are ungrateful to Allah. Also Allah provided us with the Qur'an through the Prophet Muhammad. "And We (Allah) have certainly given
you (= Ataynaka) (Prophet Muhammad) Seven of the Dual Verses (Surat AlFatiha that starts the Qur'an) and the
Great Qur'an." Translation of Ayah 87 in Surat AlHijr.
Words: Rakibou = Boarded - Embarked, AlFulk = Ships - Arks - Other vehicles, Mukhlisseena = Devoting,
Najjahum = Saved them, LiYakforou = Let them disbelieve - Let them be ungrateful,
Ataynahum = We provided them, LiYatamta'ou = Let them enjoy temporarily.
Q: What should a Muslim do when his neighbours fight him because of his religion?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 25 in Surat AlAnkaboot.
A: So Lut (Prophet) believed him (Prophet Abraham) and he (Abraham) said for I am emigrating
towards (place appointed by Allah)* my God indeed He is the AlMighty the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:26)
* From the place called now 'Iraq' to Bilad AlSharm = now Syria and its surrounding area.
Words: Amana = Believed, Muhajir = Emigrating - Voluntarily exiling.
Q: Can believers get their rewards from Allah in this life too?
A: And We gave (as a gift) him (Prophet Abraham) Isaac and Jacob (known also as Israel) and We made among
his offspring the prophethood* and the Scripture and We granted him his reward in this life and indeed he is in
the Other World certainly among the righteous ones.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:27)
* Refer to the Map of prophets who are cited in the Qur'an to see how most of the prophets are from the offspring
of Abraham peace be upon him.
Note: Prophet Ishmael (= Ismael), Abraham's eldest son from Hagar (= Hajar) was 13 years old when Abraham and Sarah got the news from God of
getting a son named Isaac. Refer to Genesis chapter 17 (note no. 20 and 25 in it).
Words: Wahabna = Gave (as a gift), Thuriyatihi = His offspring, Ataynahu = We granted him,
Ajruhu = His reward LaMin = Certainly among.
Q: Who carry out Allah's commands of destroying communities?
Note: Prophet Lut who was sent to Sodom and Gomorrah (of homosexual practice) was the
nephew of Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem).
A: And when Our messengers (angels) reached Abraham with the good news (of a son 'Isaac') they
said we are certainly going to destroy* the people of this community (Lut's people) indeed its people are
transgressors (against Allah); He (Abraham) said indeed in it is Lut they said we know better who is
in it - we will certainly save him and his family except his wife for she is going to be from the past
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 32, Surat AlAnkaboot (29:31-32).
* Sodom and Gomorrah.
Words: Rusuluna = Our messengers, BilBushra = With the good news, A'lam = We know
better, Ahluhu = His family, Min Alghabireen = From the past - Amon the dead.
Q: Are the teachings of Islam hard to execute for any person?
Note: There is Allah's Mercy in every aspect of Islam. Ask the scholars of Islam and famous imams
of mosques.
A: And We (Allah) do not burden any soul except what it can do and
We have a Book (Record) which speaks* the Truth and they will not be wronged (no injustice).
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:62)
* On the Day of Judgement even human skin will be testifying
with words.
Words: La Nukallif = We do not burden, Nafsan = A soul - a human being, Wusa'ha =
What is can do, Yantiq = Speaks.
Q: What should be the ultimate purpose of any calling to Islam?
A: And certainly We (Allah) sent Noah to his people - indeed I (Noah) am to you an evident
warner; That YOU WORSHIP NONE EXCEPT AllAH indeed I fear for
you the punishment of a Severe Day (Day of Judgment).
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 26, Surat Hood. (25-26)
Words: Inni = Indeed I am, Akhafu = I fear, Athab = Punishment, Aleem = Severe -
Q: How do disbelievers who attribute supernatural powers to their worshipped gods want a supernatural being to
convince them about Islam?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Lines 25-26 in Surat Hood.
A: So the assembly (chiefs) who disbelieved among his (Prophet Noah) people said we do not see you except
a human being* like us and we do not see you followed by except those who are the low among us - who have no
say in the matters - and we do not see any merit you (plural) have above us - rather we are certain you (plural) are liars.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat Hood. (11:27)
* Remember what disbelievers worship other than Allah. (refer to Dr. Tareq AlSuwaidan's explanation)
Words: Basharan = A human being, Arathiluna = The low among us, Badia AlRay' = They
do not have, Badiya AlRa'ye = Who have no say - They do not have their own opinions, Min Fadhl = Any
Q: Who can show ignorance although being endowed with insight in other matters?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 28 in Surat Hood.
A: (Prophet Noah says) And my people I do not ask you for it any money for my reward is due only
from Allah and I am not driving away those (the meek and the weak) who believed for they are going to meet their
God (on Day of Judgement) yet I do see you (plural) a people showing lack of knowledge (about Allah)
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat Hood. (11:29)
Words: La Asa'lukum = I do not ask you, Malan = Any money - Any wealth, Ma Ana BiTarid
= I am not driving away, Mulaaqu = Going to meet, Qawman = A people - A community, Tajhaloun =
Showing lack of knowledge - Showing ignorance.
Q: Why in life if for example you do not want to help a beggar you should at least not be rude to him?
A: (Prophet Noah continues) And my people who is going to aid me against Allah if I drive them
(the meek and the weak) away so will you not bear it in mind.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat Hood. (11:30)
Words: Yansuruni = Aid me - Support me, Afala = Will you not, Tathakkaroun = Bear
it in mind - Reemember it.
Q: Even if some of Allah's messengers were supported in different ways to convince people
how should they not be held above the status of human beings?
A: (Prophet Noah continues his argument) And I do not say to you that I have Allah's treasures*
and I do not know the unseen and I do not say I am an angel and I do not say to those whom your eyes
belittle that Allah is not going to give them good things - Allah knows best what is in their souls for
then I will be from the transgressors (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat Hood. (11:31).
* Allah Alone provides sustenance.
Words: Indiy = I have, WaLa A'lam AlGhayb = And I do not know, AlGhayb = The
Unseen - The hidden, Tazdari = Belittle - Despise, Khayran = Good things - Wealth.
Q: Why do some callers to Islam gather their courage and call hard-line disbelievers into Islam?
Note: Please read first the translation of the
preceding Line 50 in Surat Hood.
A: (Prophet Hood says) O my people I do not ask you for it a payment for my repayment is only upon
(Allah) Who brought me into being so will you not use your minds.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat Hood. (11:51)
Words: Ajr = Payment - Repayment - Reward, Fatarani = Brought me into being, Ta'quiloun
Use your minds - Use your reason.
Q: Why did Allah choose an Arab Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, to spread Allah's Message starting from Mecca, inhabited
by Arabs?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 1-5 in
Surat YaSeen.
A: (command to Prophet Muhammad) So that you warn a people whose parents* were not warned therefore they
are (intentionally) inattentive (to Allah's Message**).
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat YaSeen. (36:6)
* Remember that Ishmael (= Ismael) (no 8 on the Prophets Map) peace be upon him was Allah's previous Arab messenger who was sent to the Arabs in Mecca before
the Prophet Muhammad.
** Nearby Jews and Christians knew Allah's Message from the prophets who were sent to them.
Words: LiTunthira = So that you warn, Qawman = A people - A community, Ghafiloun =
(intentionally) inattentive - Unaware.
Q: Why most of humanity including Muslims (also including Muslims of Arabia) do not believe?
(Remember having Faith (believing) is a step higher than Islam (submitting to Allah as the One and
Only God).
A: Certainly the Word (of Allah) had been realized against most of them so they will not believe (not have Faith = La Yo'minoun).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat YaSeen. (36:7)
Note: Remember what Allah says in the Qur'an about becoming a Muslim (Islam) and not
having Faith (Iman).
Note: What is really considered a major sin committed by many persons whose hearts reach
the stage of belief (having Faith)?
Note: Not following the Qur'an and following other than what was practiced by the
Prophet Muhammad makes believers stray away from Allah's Path?
Words: Haqqa AlQawl = Word (of Allah) had been realized - Word had come true, Akstharihim
= Most of them, La Yo'minoun = They will not believe.
Q: What actually makes those who intentionally remain inattentive (= Ghafiloun) to Allah's Message in the Qur'an
have a pride posture against the Qur'anic Lines?
A: Indeed We (Allah) had placed fetters (of iron)* around their necks so they are (up) to the chins therefore
they are bearing their heads up (to look proud = Muqmahoun).
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat YaSeen. (36:8)
* In life we cannot see these fetters. On the Day of Judgement the fetters of iron will be seen around their necks.
Words: Ja'alna = We had placed, Aghlalan = Fetters - Shackles, AlAthqan = Chins,
Muqmahoun = Bearing their heads up.
Q: And why do they not perceive Allah's Message in the Qur'an?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 8 in Surat
A: And We (Allah) placed in front of them a barrier (cover) and from behind them a barrier so
We covered (FaAghshaynahum)* them therefore they cannot see (perceive)**.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat YaSeen. (36:9)
* In life covered with a hidden cover. In the Other World covered with a real cover of punishment in Hell.
** = 'La Yubsiroun'. They cannot perceive Allah's Guidance with their hearts. The Qur'an is 'Basaa'ir'.
Remember it is not the eyes that become blind towards Allah's Guidance but the hearts.
Words: Saddan = Barrier, FaAghshaynahum = So We covered them, La Yubsiroun = They
cannot see - They cannot perceive - They cannot have insight.
Q: What loss one avoids when he enters into a trade (business bargain) with Allah?
A: O those who believed shall I (Prophet Muhammad) tell you about a trade (business bargain) that will
save you from a severe punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlSaff. (61:10)
Words: Hel Adulukum = Shall I tell you about - Shall I indicate to you,Tijaratin = Trade -
Business bargain.
Q: What are the details of the trade with Allah?
A: You believe in Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and you fight in the Path of Allah* with
your wealth and yourselves that is better for you if only you knew.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlSaff. (61:11)
* To please Allah. Please note that to die as a martyr has its conditions in
Islam. For example. And another example.
Words: Jujahidouna = You fight in the Path of Allah - You make Jihad to please Allah,
BiAmwalikum = With your wealth, With your money, In Kuntum Ta'lamoun = If only you knew.
Q: What profit is guaranteed from trading (being in a business bargain) with Allah?
A: He (Allah) will forgive you (plural) your sins and He will admit you into Gardens underneath which
the rivers* flow and pleasant dwellings** in Eden Gardens - that is the superb triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlSaff. (61:12)
* Different types of rivers.
** For example.
Words: Thunobakum = Your sins, Masakin = Dwellings - Houses, Tayyebah = Pleasant,
AlFawz = Triumph - Winning.
Q: What quick profit (in life) do believers get from trading (being in a business bargain) with Allah?
A: And more (rewards) you will love it - support (in life) from Allah and a coming victory* and (command to Prophet
Muhammad) do give the good news to the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlSaff. (61:13)
* Please read the translation of Ayah 14 in Surat AlSaff.
Words: Ukhra = More - Others, Tuhibounaha = You will love it, AlFawz =
Q: Nowadays what is required from us to attain Allah's Mercy and salvation from Hell in the Other World?
Note: Please read first the translation of
the preceding Lines 65-66 in Surat AlQasas.
A: So whoever repents and believes and does righteous work so hopefully he becomes from the
prosperous* ones.
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlQasas. (28:67)
* Remember the Prophet's saying about the importance of attaining Allah's Mercy to enter Paradise.
Words: Men Taba = Whoever repents, FaAsa = Hopefully - Perhaps, AlMufliheen =
The prosperous ones - Those who attain prosperity - Those who attain salvation.
Q: Who prepared the messengers of Allah to assume the responsibility given by Allah to them?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 37-40 in Surat Taha.
A: And I (Allah) commanded that you were brought up for Myself (for delivering Allah's Message).
Translation of: Ayah 41, Surat Taha. (20:41)
Words: Estan'tuka = I commanded that you were brought up - that you were made, LiNasfi = For
Q: What two things one has to do in life to feel secure on the Day of Judgement?
A: And whoever does from the good deeds while being a believer (= Mo'min) then he does not fear any
injustice (to what he did) or deprivation (lacking of his rewards).
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat Taha. (20:112)
Words: Dhulm = Injustice, Hadhm = Deprivation - lacking.
Q: Why should Muslims leave to Allah Alone the judgement of which Muslims are truly guided to Allah's Path?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) everyone is waiting (to see he is right) so do keep waiting for
soon you will come to know (on Day of Judgement) who are the companions of the Straight Path (which leads to Paradise) and who
followed Guidance (= Ehtada*).
Translation of: Ayah 135, Surat Taha. (20:135)
* Who remained on Allah's Path after repenting. (Refer to the same Surat 'Taha'
Ayah 82.)
A Side Note: Sunni and Shia fighting and KILLING nowadays in Iraq (June 2014) to control the
country. Remember
our beloved Prophet Muhammad warned against fights among Muslims. In a summary of the Prophet's saying to
Muslim Arabs: Do not return after me to the
Days of Pre-Islamic Ignorance beheading one another.
In today's news (of June 15) some Sunni militants in Iraq are calling some
Shia Muslims 'polytheists = Mushrikeen'. In the Qur'an Allah Alone will judge among the different groups of the People of the
Book. Likewise Allah Alone will judge among Sunni and Shia Muslims - both groups are not polytheists as per
the meaning of "mushrikeen" in the Qur'an.
Also remember that the Prophet Muhammad is going to pride himself with the number of Muslims on the Day of
Judgement so do not reduce their number for the sake of the Prophet Muhammad.
Words: Mutarrabis = Waiting Asshab = Companions, Ehtada = Followed Guidance
- Remained on Allah's Path.
Q: What Path was Prophet Moses guided to?
Note: Please read first he translation of the preceding Lines 114-117 n Surat AlSaffat.
A: And We (Allah) rightly guided them both (Prophets Moses and Aaron) to the Straight Path* (of Allah); And We passed them (their names) over to
people coming after**; (Allah says) Peace be upon Moses and Aaron; It is in this way that We (Allah) reward those who perfect their
Religion; Indeed they both are among Our believing servants.
Translation of: Ayat 118 - 122 , Surat AlSaffat. (37: 118-122)
* Path that leads straight to Paradise.
** Their names will be remembered as distinguished forever.
Words: Hadaynahuma = We rightly guided them both, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their Religion -
Believers who do righteous deeds.
Q: What shows that Allah's messengers to people were humans with choices to accept to carry Allah's Message or reject it?
A: And indeed Jonah (Prophet Yunus) is certainly from those who were sent as messengers (by Allah); When he ran away to the
overloaded ship; Then he contributed (in cssting lots*) and he was of the defeated ones.
Translation of: Ayat 139 - 141, Surat AlSaffat. (37:139-141)
* Messenger Jonah (Prophet Yunus) was sent to the wicked people of Nineveh. They rjected the message. Johah got fed up and stopped preaching
them. He boarded a ship running away from them. A violent storm started. The sailor cast lots (several times) to see who brought Allah's Wrath on
them. Everytime the lot fell on Jonah. They threw him in the sea. A whale swallowed him (but did not kill him). Jonah repented and
Allah saved him. Source: Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation of the Qur'an, pages 1362-1363.
Note: The succeeding Lines 142-146 in Surat AlSaffat.
Words: Abaqa = He ran away, AlMashhoun = Overloaded, AlMudhhadheen = The defeated ones.
Q: What happens after Allah accept repentance?
Hint: Allah guides those who want to be guided.
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 142-146 in Surat AlSaffat.
A: And We (Allah) sent him (as a Messenger Jonah = Yunus*) to one hundred thousand (people of Nineveh) or more**; So they believed (in Allah the One God) so we gave them
to enjoy temporary (in this life) enjoyment to a fixed time.
Translation of: Ayat 147 - 148, Surat AlSaffat. (37:146 - 148)
* No 21 on the Prophets' Map.
** Over a hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants. Source: Abdulla Yusuf Ali's translation of the Qur'an. page 1363.
Words: Mi'at = Hundred, Alf = Thousand, FaMatta'nahum = We gave them to enjoy temporary
enjoyment, Heen = Fixed time.
Q: After Adam - the first man Allah created and guided to carry Allah's Message which prophet does the Qur'an mention his name?
A: And mention in the Qur'an Idris* (Prophet Enoch) - indeed he was strictly veracious (very honest), a prophet; And We (Allah)
raised him to a lofty place**.
Translation of: Ayat 56 - 57, Surat Maryam. (19:56-57)
* No 2 on the map of prophets whoses names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
** During the Prophet's journey with Angel Gabriel across the Heavens (Chapter AlIsra' (no 17, also known as Surat 'Beni
Israel') in the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad met Prophet Idris in the 4th Heaven. The Prophet also met in other Heavens: Prophet Joseph, Jesus, John the Baptist (Yahya),
Moses and Abraham. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, pages 28-29.
Words: Uthkur = Mention, Siddiqan = Strictly veracious - very honest, Raf'anahu = We raised him - We lifted him,
Makanan = Place, Aliya = Lofty.
Q: Why are even the "bad persons" among Muslims proud of Islam and are grateful to Allah for making them Muslims?
Note; Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 2-3 in Surat AlJumuah.
A: That (Prophet Muhammad, Qur'an, Being Muslims) is Allah's Favour (gift) which He (Allah) grants Whoever He wills and Allah is
Owner of Great Graciousness (kindness).
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlJumuah. (62:4)
Words: Fadhl = Favour - Grace - Kindness, Thou AlFadhl AlAdheem = Is Owner of great graciousness - Is Owner of Great Favour - Is Owner of Great
Q: Why should Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur'an and not be like those among Jews who do not judge by the teachings of the Torah?
A: The parable (moral example) of those (a people among Jews) who were given to carry the (teachings of) Torah then they did not carry it is like the
donkey carrying Valuable Books (Leaflets of Scripture) - what a parable of miserable (wicked) people who rejected as lies* the
Miraculous Signs (Teachings of Torah) of Allah and Allah does not guide unfair (unjust) people (transgressing against Allah = AlDhalimeen).
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlJumuah. (62:5)
* Who do not judge by the Torah. (in Surat AlMa'idah 44-45)
Words: Masthal = Parable - Moral Example, AlQawm = People - Community, Hummilou = They were given to carry,
Asfara = Valuable Books - Leaflets of the Scripture, La Yahi = Does not guide, AlDhalimeen = Unfair - Unjust - Transgressing against Allah - Going beyond
Allah's Limits, AlQawm = People.
Q: Why do some Jews continue transgressing Allah's limits although they know that it is wrong?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) O you who became Jews* if you claimed that you are allies (special friends)** with Allah from among
all people then wish for death*** if you were telling the truth; And they will never wish for it (death) because of
what their hands sent forward of (bad deeds) and Allah is All-Knowing of the unfair and unjust (people = AlDhalimeen).
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 7, Surat AlJumuah. (62:6-7)
* = "Ya Ayuha Allatheena Haadou". Remember what was the religion of Prophet Jacob (= Ya'qoub) (in Surat AlBaqarah)?
was one of Jacob's twelve sons. David was a son of Judah.
** They keep on transgression thinking Allah will forgive them their sins. (in Surat AlA'raf)
*** If you think you are special with Allah, will be forgiven and will be in Paradise.
Words: Awliya' = Special friends - Supporters, FaTamannou = So wish for, Qadammat Aydeehim = What their hands
sent forward of deeds - What they did, AlDhalimeen = The unfair - The unjust- The transgressors.
Q: Why should some Jews who are going against Allah's limits mentioned in the Torah, stop their transgression immediately
and make amends with Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed death which you (plural) are running away from so it (death) is certainly going to
meet you (at some point) then you will be returned to the World of the Unseen and Witness (Day of Judgment) so He (Allah) will
inform you* of what you were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayat 8, Surat AlJumuah. (62:8)
* You will be questioned about your transgression of Allah's limits mentioned in the Torah. And as per a saying of the Prophet
Muhammad 'who is questioned is going to be punished'. Source was mentioned before.
Words: Tafirroun = Are running away, Mulaqeekum = Is going to meet you, FaYunabbi'ukum = So He will
inform you, Ta'maloun = You were doing.
Q: As Muslims with whom we had made a Covenant (= Meesthaq) of allegiance (Loyalty (= Bayah)) to follow and we should not break
it? (by making allegiance to follow someone/something else who does not follow the way of the Prophet Muhammad)
A: And do remember Allah's Grace* (= Ni'mah) upon you (Muslims) and His (Allah's) Covenant** (of Islam) which He (Allah)
made it binding*** upon you - when you said we heard and we obeyed - and do protect yourselves by fearing Allah indeed Allah is All-Knowing
of what is in the bottom**** of hearts.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:7)
* Becoming a Muslim and having Faith (= Iman) is a blessing (Grace) from Allah. (refer to Surat AlHujurat)
** All people had accepted to enter into agreement with Allah - the First (Original) Covenant. (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
*** By accepting Islam you enter into an agreement with Allah.
**** Hidden secrets.
Words: Ni'mah = Blessing - Grace, Meesthaq = Covenant, Same'na = We heard, Ata'na = We obeyed, BiThat
AlSodour = What is in the bottom of hearts.
Q: What should Muslims who lived their lives peacefully and those who survived religious persecution (harassment) always bear in mind?
A: O people who believed remember Allah's Grace upon you when a people were about to stretch out their hands* towards you (to strike
you) so He (Allah) restrained their hands from you and do protect yourselves by fearing Allah and in Allah let the believers put their
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:11)
* Prophet Muhammad during his life survived many plans to harm him so did Muslims with the Prophet.
Remember that Prophet Muhammad arranged the Chapters (Sowar plural of
Surah) of the Qur'an (1 to 114 Surah). It is reported that Surat AlMa'idah (no 5 in the Qur'an) was the last Surah descended on
the Prophet Muhammad. Verse
3 contains what Prophet Muhammad also recited in his last speech (Khutbah) to Muslims during the Farewell Pilgrimage before the Prophet's
death. Source: Tafseer Ibn Ksstheer, volume 2 page 5.
Words: Ni'mat = Grace - Blessing - Bestowal of blessings - Favour, Hamma = Were about, Yabsotou
Stretch out - Spread - Extend out, FaKaffa = So He restrained.
Q: What is the mission of Islam?
A: Let it be known to you (plural) that Allah is Severe in the Punishment* and that Allah is Most-Forgiving** and
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:98)
* So protect yoursleves against Allah's Wrath by fearing Him.
** So have hope in Allah's Forgiveness and attaining salvation.
*** So love Allah because through His Mercy one enters Paradise.
Words: E'lamou = Let it be known to you - Do know, Shadeed = Severe.
Q: Why should believers who fear Allah not force other people to be on the Path of Allah?
A: O those who believed (Muslims) you are responsible for yourselves* - whoever strayed away (from Allah's Path) is not going to
harm you if you (yourselves) remain on the Straight Path (follow Allah's Guidance = Ehtadaytum) - to Allah is your return all (of you) so
He (Allah) will inform you of what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 105, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:105)
* Follow Allah's Guidance for your own self. (In Surat Yunus)
Words: Alaykum Anfusakum = You are responsible for yourselves - Your duty is to help yourselves (for salvation from Hell), Men Dhalla = Who strayed away, Ehtadaytum = If
you remain on the Straight Path (follow Allah's Guidance, Jamee'an = All.
Q: How does one keep clear from joining a partner with Allah?
A: (Polytheists say to Prophet Hood*) We only can say that one of our gods (idols) has afflicted some harm (foolishness**) on you (Prophet
Hood) - he said I make Allah Witness and you are witnesses that I am innocent from what partner(s) you join; Other than (worshipping) Him so
plot against me all of you then give me no respite***.
Translation of: Ayat 54 - 55, Surat Hood. (11:54-55)
* Prophet Hood no 4 on the Map of prophets whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
** lack of good judgement. (In Surat AlA'raf, Ayat 66-68)
** Prophet Hood believes nothing will happen to him without Allah's Permission.
Words: E'taraka BiSou' = Has afflicted you with some harm, Eshadou = You are witnesses, Baree' = Innocent - Clear, FaKeedouni = So plot
against me, La Tundhirouni = Give me no respite.
Q: Why should you put your trust in Allah when it comes about what can happen to you?
A: Indeed I (Prophet Hood) put my trust in Allah my God and your God - there is no creature except He (Allah) is holding
it from the forepart of the head (= Nasiyah)* indeed my God in on a Straight Path**.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat Hood. (11:56)
* Symbolizes complete control. Nasiyah is singular. Nawasi is plural.
** Allah's Truth that leads its followers straight to Paradise. Other than that is Falsehood. (refer to Surat AlHajj)
Note: In Hell the forepart of the head (= Nasiyah) will be first to be
punished. (refer to Surat AlAlaq)
Words: Daabbah = Creature, Nasiyatiha = The forepart of its head - Its forehead.
Q: Those who were believers and then continued to disbelieve why should they return quickly to Allah with repentance if they want?
A: Indeed those who disbelieved (opposed) after their believing then they augmented their disbelief their repentance
(if any later) will not be accepted from them and those are the ones who went astray (from Allah's Path = AlDhalloun*).
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat AlImran. (3:90)
* Remember in each standing up for prayer, a Muslim calls upon Allah to guide him to His Path
which is not the Path of those who strayed away "= Wela AlDhalleen". (Ayah 7, in Surat AlFatiha)
A Side Note: Do atheists follow gods?. (in Surat AlJasthiyah (45), Ayah (Verse) 23).
Words: Izdadou = They augmented - They added to, Len Tuqbala = Will not be accepted, Tawbatuhum = Their
repentance, AlDhalloun = Who went astray.
Q: Which Muslims quickly start becoming disbelievers? (hint who have little knowledge of true Islam (the Qur'an and AlSunnah) and
they say they are believers "mo'mineen" as indicated in the link * down)
A: And (to Prophet Muhammad) do not grieve over those who make haste into disbelieving (= Yusari'ouna Fi
AlKufr*) - indeed they will do no harm at all to Allah - (but) Allah wants not to make any fortune for them in the
Other World (in Paradise) and for them is severe (immense = Adheem) punishment **.
Translation of: Ayah 176, Surat AlImran. (3:176)
* Whom does Allah indicate
in this Ayah as rushing into disbelieving? (Refer to the beginning of Ayah 41 in Surat AlMa'idah).
** Allah Alone has the Right to punish with fire. Refer to Prophet Muhammad's saying about
punishing with fire. (Refer to Prophet Muhammad's saying)
Words: Len Yadhurrou Allah Shayan = They will do no harm at all to Allah, Hadh = Fortune - Share, Adheem =
Severe - Great - Enormous - Huge.
Q: How do Muslims quickly start becoming disbelievers?
A: Indeed those who traded* (sold) Faith (belief = AlIman) for disbelief (= AlKufr) will do no harm at all to Allah
and for them is painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 177, Surat AlImran. (3:177).
* What do they gain in such a trade? (in Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Eshtarou = They traded - They purchased, Alkufr = Disbelief - Disbelieving, Aleem = Painful -
Q: Why idols and idol forms should not be worshipped and placed in a status similar to Allah's?
A: And Allah set a parable of two MEN one of them is (congenitally) dumb (mute, with no gained knowledge at all) - he is not capable upon
doing anything and he is dependant upon his master wherever he directs him he does not accomplish anything good - is he equal to
the one (good) who commands justice and he* is on a Straight Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 76, Surat AlNahl. (16:76)
* It is narrated that the Islamic scholar "Ibn Abbas" explained the good man to be (the third caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad)
Usthman Bin Affan. He was financially taking care of his servant who was dumb (mute) and a disbeliever. He used to hate Islam and forbid
the companion Usthman from doing charity. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 850.
Words: Abkam = Dumb - Speechless, Kallun = Dependant, Aynama = Wherever, La Ya'ti BiKhayr = He does not
accomplish anything good, Hel Yastawi = Is he equal, Ya'mur = Commands.
Q: What is the Islamic view about those helpless Muslims who cannot publicly declare their Islam because of fear of more persecution?
A: Then your God to those (helpless Muslims) who emigated after they were subjected to ordeal testing (punishment by disbelievers)
then they fought in Allah's Way and they persevered indeed your God after that is certainly Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 110, Surat AlNahl. (16:110).
Note: The translation of the succeeding Ayah 111 in Surat AlNahl. (Edited today)
Note: Remember the person who is subjected to persecution and is forced to say for example he is not a Muslim while his heart is full with
belief in Allah. Refer to Ayah 106 in Surat AlNahl).
Words: Hajarou = They emigrated, Jahadaw = Fought in Allah's Way - Made Jihad, Ma Futinou = They were subjected to ordeal testing.
Q: Why is it forbidden in Islam to worship Allah (The Creator) considering Him The God and any god else with Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed I am forbidden to worship those whom you call upon other than Allah - say I do not follow
your whims (if I did) I would have gone astray then and I would not have been from the rightly guided ones.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlAn'am. (6:56)
Words: Nuheetu = I am forbidden, La Attabe'u = I do not follow, Ahwa'akum = Your whims, AlMuhtadeen = The
rightly guided ones.
Q: While calling themsleves merely "Muslims" Whose example from the time of Prophet Muhammad should all Muslims follow?
Note: Nowadays many Muslims are following divisions - remember divisions were not known at the time of Prophet Muhammad.
A: Indeed those (known as "AlMuhajireen") who believed and those who emigrated (from Mecca to Madinah) and they fought in the Way of Allah (to please Allah) - those ones hope for
Allah's Mercy* and Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 218, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:218)
* Refer to Prophet Muhammad's saying about the importance of Allah's Mercy to be eligible for Paradise.
Words: Hajarou = They migrated, Jahadou = They fought in the Way of Allah - They fought to please Allah,
Yarjouna = Hope.
Q: When it comes to solving disputes in an Islamic way how do you know true Muslim believers from hypocrite Muslims?
A: Indeed the saying of the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger (Islamic Ruling) to rule among them is that
they say we heard and we obeyed (full acceptance) and those are who will attain salvation (= AlMuflihoun).
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlNoor. (24:51)
Words: LiYahkuma = To rule, Ata'na = We obeyed, AlMuflihoun = Those are who will attain salvation -
The winners - The successful.
Q: When an important group of Muslims are discussing a crucial matter with a just and fair leader why should they not leave without his
A: Truly the believers who believed in Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and when they were with him assembled for a joint
decision they do not leave until they (command to Prophet Muhammad) ask your permission - indeed those who ask your permission
are the ones who believe in Allah and His Messenger so if they ask your permission for some of their business then give permission to
whomever you wish among them and ask Forgiveness (from Allah) for them indeed Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlNoor. (24:62)
Words: Kanu Ma'ahu = They were with him, Al Amrin Jame' = Assembled for a joint decision, Yathhabou = Leave,
Yasta'thinouka = Ask your permission, LiBa'dhi Sha'nihim = For some of their business.
Q: Why was Prophet Muhammad commanded not to listen to the disbelievers and hypocrites when it comes to matters of religion?
A: O Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) protect* yourself by fearing Allah and do not obey** the disbelievers and the hypocrites indeed
Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlAhzab. (33:1)
* All believers have to protect themselves by being conscious of Allah and fearing Him.
** On the contrary who should obey Prophet Muhammad? (Refer to Surat AlAhzab)
Words: Itaqi Allah = Protect yourself by fearing Allah, La Tute' = Do not obey.
Q: Why do callers to Islam not try to force people to become Muslims?
A: And if your God (Allah) willed everyone of those on earth all of them without exception would have certainly
believed so are you (Prophet Muhammad) then going to FORCE people so that they become believers.
Translation of: Ayah 99, Surat Yunus. (10:99)
* Note: The translation of the succeeding Ayah 100 in Surat Yunus.
Words: Sha' = Willed - Wanted, Kuluhum = All of them, Jamee'an = Without exception, AfaAnta = So are you
then, Tukrih = Force, Hatta Yakonou = So that they become.
Q: How much were Allah's Prophets confident in Allah's help in life and they did not fear their enemies?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) narrate upon them the narrative of Noah when he said to his people O my people if my
presence among you is too much and my reminder of Allah's Miraculous Signs (Allah's Word) then (be it known) in Allah I put my
trust so do make together your decision and your partners* (with Allah) then do not let your decision be a source of grief for you then
pass your sentence on me and do not give me respite.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat Yunus. (10:71)
* People of Noah worshipped Allah and joined partners with Him. ( refer to Surat Noah).
Words: FeJma'ou Amrakum = So do make together your decision, Shuraka'akum = Your partners, Ghummah Alaykum = Source of grief for you - sorrow, Uqdhou = Pass your sentence, La Tundhirouni =
Do not give me respite.
Q: What is Allah's Command to all humanity including Prophet Noah?
A: But if you turn away (from Allah's Message) then I did not ask you for any payment* (reward) for my repayment is upon Allah and I am
commanded to be of the Muslims (submitting to Allah Alone).
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat Yunus. (10:72)
* Disbelieving heads across humanity reject callers to Allah in fear of losing their followers and own prestigous status.
Remember Allah's Prophets uttered they were not after worldly rewards from people. (Refer to Surat AlShuara')
Words: FaMa Sa'altukum = Then I did not ask you, Ajr = Payment - -Repayment - Reward, Umirtu = I am commanded, AlMuslimeen =
Muslims - Submitting to Allah.
Q: Who inhabits the land after Allah's Wrath descends on a community and utterly destroys it?
A: So they rejected him as a liar so We (Allah) saved him and who was with him in the Ark and We made them
successors* (= Khalaaif) and We drowned those who rejected Our Miraculous Signs (Allah's Word) as lies so (command to Prophet Muhammad) see
how was the ending of the warned (people).
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat Yunus. (10:73)
* What is Allah's Way in replacing communities who are destroyed by Allah's Wrath? (refer to Surat
Words: AlFulk = The Ark, Khalaaif = Successors - Next in line - Inheritors, Kaththabou = Rejected as lies,
Aaqibat = The ending, AlMunthareen = The warned -
Those who were warned.