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Q: Why does Allah want us to give charity even to those whom we do not know?
A: They (the righteous believers) fulfill their vows and they fear a Day whose damage is widespread; And they
give to eat, the food despite its love to a needy person and an orphan and a prisoner; Indeed we
feed you for the Sake of Allah - we do not want from you a reward or to be thankful; For we fear from our God a severe frowning Day*; So
Allah saved them from the disaster of that Day and let them meet with youthfulness and joy; And He rewarded them
for being patient with a Garden (of Paradise) and (garments of) silk.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 12, Surat AlInsan. (76:7-12)
* Day of Judgment will make the sinners frown with distress from Allah's coming punishment.
Words: Yufun = They Fulfill, Nathr = Vows, Yakhaf = He Fears, Yawm = Day, Shar = Damage -
Disaster, Mustateer = Widespread, Yut'em = Gives to eat - Feeds, Ta'am = Food, Hub = Love, Miskeen =
Needy - Poor, Yateem = Orphan, Aseer = Prisoner, Wajh = Sake - Face, Jaza' = Reward, Shakoor = Thankful,
Nakhaf = We fear, Abous = Frowning, Kamtareer = Severe, Lakka = let them meet, Nadhrah =
Youthfulness, Suroor = Joy, Sabara = Be patient, Hareer = Silk.
Q: Which "god" that the disbelievers worship, other than Allah, gives them sustenance such as sending down water on earth
and planting plants?
Note: Disbelievers often argue that the idols they worship are only symbols. They worship the forms of
personalities behind such idols. Some other people worship men as intercessors with Allah.
A: And Allah has favoured some of you over others in wealth - so those who have been favoured are not going
to return their wealth to those who are under them so they become in it equal so towards the blessing of Allah
are they ungrateful;
And Allah made from your selves (human) mates and He made from your mates children and
grandchildren and He gave you from the good things so in Falsehood (Ungratefulness of Satan = AlBatil) you do believe and in Allah's blessing (Ni'mat) you
disbelieve; And they worship other than Allah what does not have the power to provide them
with any sustenance (food) from the Heavens or the earth and they are incapable (of anything); So (a warning Tone) do not make equals to Allah for Allah knows and you do not know*; Allah set forth a
parable of a slave** owned (by others) - he is capable of doing nothing and the one whom We gave a good wealth so he
spends from it (charity) secretly and publicly - are they equal - praise to Allah but most of them do not know.
Translation of: Ayat 71 - 75, Surat AlNahl. (16:71-75)
* Allah knows He is the Only and the One God and disbelievers do not know.
** The concept of the Creator and what people worship other than Him is being explained.
Words: Fadhdhala = Favoured, Ba'dh = Some, Rizq = Wealth - Sustenance, Malakat Ayman = Under them -
Servants - Slaves, Sawa' = Equal, Yajhad = Be grateful, Anfus = Selves, Azwaj = Mates,
Baneen = Children, Hafadah = Grandchildren, Tay'yebat = Good things, Batil = Falsehood, a'bodoun = They worship, Min Douni Allah = Other than Allah, Ma La Yamlik = What does
not have the power, Shaya'n = Anything, La Yastateeoun = They are incapable, Tadhribou AlAmsthal = Do not
make equals, Ya'lam = Knows. Abd = Slave, Mamlook = Owned, Yunfiq =
Spends, Siran = Secretly, Jahran = Publicly.
Q: Do the poor have a rightful share in our money?
A: For the righteous are in Gardens and springs; Receiving what their God has given them - they were before that
doers of good deeds; They were sleeping but little during the night; And at dawn times they were praying for forgiveness;
And in their wealth a rightful share for the beggar (poor who asks) and the deprived (poor who does not ask).
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 19, Surat AlThariyat.
Note: According to the scholar 'Hasanain Mohammad Makhlouf' the above lines where sent down on the Prophet when he was
in Mecca. AlZakat (a pillar of Islam which is a fixed amount of a Muslim's wealth) was decreed later on when the
Prophet was in AlMadina.
Words: Mutaqeen = Righteous - Doers of good deeds, Jannat = Gardens, Uyoun = Springs, Akhidh =
Receiving, Yahje'oun = Sleep, As haar = Dawn times, Yastaghfiroun = They pray or forgiveness, Amwal =
Wealth, Saa'il = Beggar, Mahroum = Deprived.
Q: What will happen to the wealth that one saves and does not spend from it as Allah commanded?
A: O believers for a lot of the rabbis and monks certainly consume people's wealth wrongfully and they prevent
(people) from the Path of Allah
and those who treasure up (accumulate) gold and silver (wealth) and do not spend them in
the Path of Allah (to please Allah) so announce (command to Prophet Muhammad) to them the news of a severe punishment;
The Day (of Judgment) they
will be made hot in the Fire of Hell and their foreheads and their sides and their backs will be burnt with them - this is what
you were treasuring for yourselves so (now) taste what you were treasuring.
Translation of: Ayat 34 - 35, Surat AlTawbah. (9:34-35)
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: Any wealth of which AlZakat (charity of a fixed amount in Islam)
is given out is not considered an accumulated treasure. (remember the meantioned is lawfully obtained wealth
"maal halal").
Words: AlAhbar = Rabbis, AlRuhban = Monks - Priests, LaYa'koloun = They certainly consume,
BilBatil = Wrongfully - Without due right, Yaknizoun = They treasure up - Accumulate for future use, Thahab = Gold, Fidhah = Silver, Yonfiqoun = Spend, Bashshir
= Announce the news, Yuhma = Is made hot, Jibaah = Foreheads, Junoub = Sides, Dhohour = Backs,
Thouqu (plural) = Taste.
Q: What might happen to a person who is very rich yet he is arrogant and keeps all his wealth for himself?
Note: Qarun was a miser man who did not like to make charity but he used to spend a lot of money on lavish parties.
A: Indeed Qarun was from the people of Moses (= Moosa) so he became oppressive (unjust) to them and We (Allah) gave him from
the treasures that a strong group of people (usually 10-40) will certainly be burdened (with difficulty) by their keys - when his
people said to him do not be arrogant with happiness for Allah does not like the arrogant with happiness; And seek with what
Allah gave you the Other World and do not forget your (rightful) share from this life - and be charitable as Allah has been charitable to you and do not
seek corruption in the land for Allah does not like the corrupters; He said rather I was given it (wealth)
because of the knowledge that I possess - well did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him from the generations
who was more powerful in strength than him and in more collection (= Jam'aa) (of wealth) and the sinners are not asked about their
sins; So he went out among his people in his show of magnificence so those who desire this World's Life said we wish
we have what Qarun had been granted for he is certainly with great fortune (lucky); And those who were given knowledge
said alas for you - the reward of Allah is better for the one who believes and does good deeds and only those with
patience can achieve that; So We (Allah) made the earth sink down with him and his house so he did not
have a party to support him other
than Allah and he was not from the triumphant; And those who wanted to be in his place the day before started to
say ah (regret) as if Allah gives plenty to whom He wills from his servants and He restricts - if Allah
did not bestow His favour upon us we would have been sunk down - ah (regret) as if the disbelievers do not prosper.
Translation of: Ayat 76 - 82, Surat AlQasas. (28:76-82)
Words: Bagha = Became oppresive, Kunouz = Treasures, Usbah = Group, Mafateeh = Keys,
Tanou' = Are burdened by, Tafrah = Be arrogant with happiness, Ibtaghi = Seek - Look forward to, Tansa =
Do not forget, Ahsana = Was charitable, Fasad = Corruption, Thanb = Sin, Thou Hadh = Of fortune, Adheem =
Great, Quwwah = Power, Jam'aa = Collection - Amassing (of wealth), Zeenah = Show of magnificence, Sthawab = Reward, Fi'ah = Party, Way = Ah (regret),
Yabsut = Gives plenty - Gives abundantly, Yaqdir = Restricts, Manna = Bestowed favour, Khasafa = Sunk down, Yufleh = Prosper - Succeed.
Q: When we give charity to the needy where does our charity actually reach?
A: Don't they know that Allah is Who accepts the repentance from His servants and He receives the alms
(charity) (intended to please Allah)? And that Allah is The Most-Forgiving, The Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 104, Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Yaqbal = Accepts, Tawbah = Repentance, Ibad = Servants, Yakhudh = Receives,
Sadaqat = Alms - Charity, Tawwab = Most-Forgiving.
Q: Why should we avoid being misers?
A: And let not those who withhold back what Allah has given them from His favour think that it (misery) is good
for them; Rather it is bad for them: They will have collars around their necks with what they withheld back on the Day of Judgment;
And to Allah belongs the inheritance of the Heavens and the earth; And Allah with what you do is Expert.
Translation of: Ayah 180, Surat AlImran.
Words: Yahsab = Thinks, Bakhila = Withheld back - Became miser, Khair = Good, Bel = Rather, Shar
= Bad, Yutaweq = Have collar around the neck, Meeras(th) = Inheritance.
Q: Why should faith in Allah precede any work of charity?
A: Indeed those who disbelieved, their wealth and their offspring will not avail them anything from Allah and they
are the companions of Hell: In it they will be everlasting. The example of what they spend on charity in this Life is
like a wind
in it squeaking (frosty wind) that hit the harvest of the people who wronged themselves and it destroyed it; And
Allah was not unfair to them but to themselves they were unfair.
Translation of: Ayat 116 - 117, Surat AlImran.
Words: Kafara = Disbelieved, Tughni = Avails - Be of use, Reeh = Wind, Sir = Squeaking, Asab =
Hit, Hars(th) = Harvest, Yunfiq = Spends on charity, Ahlaka = Destroyed, Dhalama = Wronged - Was unfair.
Q: What happens to the wealth if no charity is given from it?
A: For We (Allah) tested them (polytheists of Mecca) with suffering as We tested the owners of the garden*
when they took an oath that they will harvest the fruits in the early morning; And they will not make an exception (for
the needy); So a disaster from your (Prophet Muhammad's) God struck it while they were asleep; So it became as a bare land; So
they called out in the early morning;
You should go early in the morning for your harvest if you are going to harvest
(the yield);
So they set out while whispering; To not let today any needy person to enter it; And they left in the early morning
bent on their purpose; Then when they saw it they said we have certainly lost our way (this is not ours); Rather (after contemplation) we are being
deprived (unfortunate); So their middle one said did not I tell you if only you glorify Allah; They
said glory to our God for we were wrongdoers (unjust); So they started to blame one another; They said woe
(destruction) to us for we were transgressors; May our God (Allah) replace it for us with a better one for to our God we
are turning back in repentance; Such is the punishment! and the Punishment of the Other Life is
greater if only they knew.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 33, Surat AlQalam.
* According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti (top religious scholar) of Egypt: They inherited the garden from
their father who used to give charity from its yield but they stopped it.
Words: Balawnahum = We tested them with suffering, Jannah = Garden, Aqsama = Took an oath - Swore, Yasrim = Cuts off
the yield, Musbih = In the early morning, Yastast)ni = Will make no exception, Tafa Ta'if =
A disaster struck, Sareem = Bare land, Tanadaou = They called out one another, Ughdou = Go early in the
morning, Haras(th) = Harvest, Yatakhafat = Whispers, Yadkhul = Enters, Miskeen = Needy, Ala harad qadir = Bent on his
purspose, Dhal =Lost his way, Mahroom = Deprived, Awsat = Middle one, Tusabih = You glorify Allah, Dhalim
= Wrongdoer - Unjust, Yatalawam = Blame, Taghi = Transgressor, Yubadil = Replace, Raghib = Turning back in
repentance; Athab = Punishment, Akhirah = The Other Life.
Q: What is the reward of spending on the family and on charity?
A: And the prable of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's Satisfaction and as
an affirmation (of their own Faith) from themselves is like a garden on a high land that got rained on heavily so its
yield became double and if it did not get heavy rain so (at least) drizzle and Allah is
of what you do All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayah 265, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:265)
Words: Masthalu = Parable - Moral example, Yunfiqouna = Spends Amwalahum = Their wealth, Ebtigha' =
Seeking, Mardhat = Satisfaction, Tasthbeetan Min Anfusihim = As an affirmation from themselves, Rabwah =
High land - Hill, Wabil = Heavy rain, Ukul = Yield, Dhi'fyn = Double, Ttal =
Drizzle - Fine rain - Dew, Basseer = All-Seeing.
Q: How does Allah support those who are already guided to Allah's Path?
A: And Allah increases in Guidance those who are guided and the remaining good deeds
(= AlBaqiyat alSalihat)* are best in rewards with your God and best in return.
Translation of: Ayah 76, Surat Maryam.
* Good works that remain in one's record after one's acount is settled.
Note: Good deeds in life especially
of continuing merits increase a believer's rewards on the Day of Judgement. Example is planting a tree that
benefits the next generations as well. Remember Ayah
12 in Surat Yaseen (36).
Words: Yazeed = Increases, Ehtada = Is guided, Huda = Guidance, AlBaqiyat
AlSalihat = Good deeds of continuing merits, Sthawaba =
In Rewards, Maradda = In return.
Q: What type of charity pays the most according to Allah?
A: You will not reach the level of righteous work (= AlBirr)* until you spend from
what you love and whatever you give out then Allah of it is Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 92, Surat AlImran.
* "AlBirr" is a collective term for all types of righteous work. "AlBirr" indicates a high level of
Note: In a summary of a speech of the Prophet Muhammad: One of the companions of
the Prophet, Abu Talha had a lot of wealth in AlMadina. When the verse of the Qur'an came down he told
the Prophet that he is giving out a prosperous land with palm trees facing the Prophet's Mosque which was his most
loved wealth. The prophet suggested that he distributes it among the man's relatives and he did.
Words: Nala = Reached the level, Hatta = Until, Tunfiq =
Gives out, Tuhib = You love, Min shaye' = Whatever.
Q: What part of one's wealth a person can say that he really owns it?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) for my God gives sustenance in abundance to whoever from His
servants (people) He wills and He restricts for him (whoever) and whatever you spend
(proper spending) then He will replace it and he is the Best of providers.
Translation of: Ayah 39, Surat Saba'.
* In Islam appropriate spending (no lavish or miserly spending neither spending on unlawful
things or actions) on oneself and one's family is considered a form of charity. In a summary of a
saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The best Dirham (dollar) one spends is the
Dirham spent on his (immediate) family. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whenever
a day starts two angels come down. The first one says: God give the one who spends replacement (for
what he spent). The other one says: God give the one who restrains (his wealth) destruction. (In
Arabic: Allahumma A'ti Munfiqan Khalafa waA'ti Mumsikan Talafa).
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, narrated by Abi Hurairah: The
person keeps on saying: My wealth, my wealth! But he really owns from his wealth three: What he ate and
finished and what clothes he wore and used and what charity he gave and sent
forward (to Allah = amdha). But wealth other than that is going away and he is leaving it for other people. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer
Ibn Kastheerm, volume 3, page 671.
Words: Yabsut = Gives in abundance, Rizq = Sustenance, Ibad = Servants, Yakdir
= Restricts, Lahu = For him, Anfaqtum = You spend, Yukhlif = Replaces, Khair = Best,
Raziqeen = Providers - Sustainers.
Q: Which act of charity is better: The revealed one or the one kept secret?
A: If you reveal your acts of charity then that is good and if you conceal* them and give them
the poor then it is better for you and He (Allah) will remit (cancel) your sins and Allah is with
what you do Well-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayah 271, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:271)
* For example at least the donor is kept secret.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Seven (types of the believers) will be
placed under the shade of Allah when there is no shade (on Day of Judgment) except Allah's: A just judge,
a youth grew up worshipping Allah, two men befriended each other in the love of Allah - they met and departed
loving Allah, a man's heart is set on a mosque until he comes back to it, a man remembered Allah alone so his
eyes flooded with tears, a man was seduced by a beautiful woman of a high status but he said 'I fear Allah'
and a man gave charity and he hid it so his left hand does not know what his right hand
spends. Source: Tafseer AlQur'an AlAdheem liIbn Kastheer, page. 455.
Words: Tubdou = You reveal - You show, Sadaqqat = Acts of charity - Charity
(plural), Ni'emma = Good, Tukhfou = Conceal - Yukaffir = Remit - Cancel - Pardon, Sayye'at =
Sins - Wrongdoing, Khabeer = Well-Acquinted - All-Expert.
Q: Why is abstaining from charity considered an act of arrogance and simplistic thought that lacks
subtlety and penetration?
A: And when they are told spend from what sustenance Allah has provided you those who disbelieved
say to those who believed are we going to feed the one whom if Allah willed He would have
fed* - (Allah says) you are certainly only in a manifest staying away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat YaSeen.
* A simplistic arrogant and ignorant answer lacking obvious knowledge of Allah's Religion. Life is
a trial to see who does best.- why man is on
earth and the real purpose behind Allah's giving wealth to some people.
Words: Qeela Lahum = They are told, Anfiqou = Spend, Razaqakum
Allah = Sustenance Allah gave you, ANut'em = Are we going to feed, Dhallal =
Straying away (from Allah's Path) - Error.
Q: Besides giving the clearly known poor people which other poor we must help financially?
A: (Charity is also) For the poor who are kept within bounds for being in Allah's Cause* - they
are incapable of moving freely in the land -
The ignorant will think they are rich because of their abstinence from begging -
you know them by their mark: They do not beg people without real need (unnecessarily = ilhafa) - and whatever charity
you make so Allah of it is Knowledgeable.
Translation of: Ayah 273, Surat AlBaqarah.
* For example studying Allah's Religion, fighting in Allah's Cause...etc. Reference is to some
Muslims who had to migrate from Mecca to AlMadinah running away with their Islam.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Who begs for money when he
has the worth of forty dirham (enough) then he is begging without real need (= ilhafa). Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 459.
Words: Fuqara = Poor, Uhsirou = Kept within bounds - Shut in, Yastateeoun
= They are incapable, Dharban = Moving freely, Seemahum = Their mark, Yasa'loun =
Ask - Beg, Ilhafa = Without real need - Beg persistently.
Q: Why are the disbelievers who make charity encouraged to believe in Allah?
A: (Humniliated punishment is for)* Also those who spend of their wealth to show
off among people and they do not believe in Allah
neither in the Last Day (Day of Judgment) and whoever Satan is his companion** then what an evil companion is
he; And what will they lose*** if they believe in Allah and the Last Day and spend from what wealth Allah
gave them and Allah of them is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 39, Surat AlNisa'.
* Line 37 mentions humiliated punishment for the misers (stingy with money).
* Showing off to be called charitable is a bad deed prompted by Satan.
*** Remember Allah will make the deeds of the charitable disbelievers into tiny dust particles
on the Day of Judgment.
Note: In an excerpt of a Holy Saying (= Hadeesth Qudsi) directly from Allah through the Angel
Gabriel and narrated by the
Prophet Muhammad: The wealthy person (certain wealthy persons) will say (on the Day of Judgment) I did not leave anything You
like to be spent in without spending (in it) in Your Path (for Your Sake). Allah will say: You lied! You wanted to
be called "charitable" and it was said (you took your reward in life). Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 1, page 698.
Words: Yunfiqoun Amwalahum = Spend of their wealth, Ria'a' AlNas = Showing
off among people, Shaitan = Satan - one of the Jinn, Qareena = Companion, Matha Alayhum
= What will they lose, Razakahum Allah = Wealth Allah gave them - Sustenance Allah gave them.
Q: Why is it important to make sure that our righteous deeds are pure: Done with the intention of pleasing Allah
alone and based on lawful (halal) weatlh and acts?
A: Does anyone of you like to have a garden of palm trees and vines underneath which the rivers
flow - in it from every fruit* and he was afflicted by old age and he had weak offspring** then a fiery
whirlwind struck it and it burnt down*** - this is how Allah explains to you the Lines (Qur'an) so as
you may contemplate.
Translation of: Ayah 266, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Symbolizes an outstanding good deed.
** Symbolizes the need to have the fruits of the outstanding good deed on the Day of Judgment.
*** Symbolizes the outstanding good deed fails.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel and not part of the Qur'an) narrated by the Prophet Muhammad: Allah the Sublime
said: I am the One Who can do the most without partners. Whoever does a work (good deed) and
joins in it (its intention) a partner with Me I will leave him and his partnership. Source: AlAhadeeth AlQudsiyyah, page 221.
Note: Also to please Allah the source of the righteous deed should not be wealth gained from unlawful (=
haram) sources.
Words: AYawad Ahadukum = Does anyone of you like, Nakheel = Palm trees,
A'nab = Vines, Sthamarat = Fruits, Asabahu = Is afflicted, Alkibar = Old age,
Thurriyah = Offsrping, Dhua'fa' = Weak - Feeble, I'sar = Whirlwind, Feehi Nar = Fiery -
With fire in it, Ehtaraqat = It burnt down,Yubayyen = Explains, Tatafakaroun = You contemplate
- You think.
Q: Why does man love to keep his wealth over spending it in what pleases Allah (Allah's
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if you own the Treasures of my
God's Mercy (Favour) then you would have held (them) back for fear of running
out (of it) and
man is too much of a miser.
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlIsra' (known as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Tamlikoun = You own, Khaza'in = Treasures, Rahmat =
Mercy - Bounties, Amsaktum = Held back, Khashyat = For Fear, AlInfaq =
Running out - Exhaustion, Qatoura = Too much of a miser - Too much stingy.
Q: When a believer in Allah gives out charity to whom he really gives?
A: Who is the one who gives Allah a good* loan so He (Allah) will double** it for him (on the Day
of Judgment) and for him is a generous reward.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlHadeed. (57:11)
* Charity should be made with the intention of pleasing Allah without demeaning whom you give and
from the good part of your wealth in case of agricultural produce for example.
** Good deeds are rewarded double.
Words: Yuqridh = Gives a loan, Hasanan = Good, FaYudha'ifhu =
He will double it, Ajr = Reward, Kareem = Generous.
Q: When people are in dire need does Allah want us to weigh our opinions regarding helping them?
A: Here you are called to spend in the Path* of Allah but from you who becomes a miser and whoever
becomes a miser so he becomes a miser to his own souland Allah is Who Can Do Without and you (people)
are the needy ones and (a warning) if you turn away He (Allah) will substitute people other
than you (in your places in life) and they will not be like you.
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat Muhammad (also known as Surat AlQital). (47:38)
* Spending to please Allah alone means spending in the Path of Allah.
Example is feeding those in need.
Words: Tudouna = You are called, Yabkhal = Becomes a miser, Nafsihi =
His own soul, AlGhani = Who Can Do Without - The All-Wealthy, AlFuqara' = The needy, Tatawalou
= If you turn away, Ystabdil = He will substitute, Qawman = People, Garaakum =
Other than you, Amsthalalakum = Like you.
Q: When giving out charity why should you try hard to give from what you like and not from what you do
not want?
A: O people who have faith (in Allah) spend from the good things that you have acquired and from
(the good of) what We (Allah) produced for you (crops) from the earth and do not aim at the bad to spend
out of it when you
(yourself) are not going to take it except when you close your eyes in (taking) it and do know that Allah is Who Can Do Without,
Translation of: Ayah 267, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Anfiqou = Spend, Tayyebat = Good things - Pleasant things - Delights,
Kasabtum = That you have acquired, Tayammamou = Aim at, AlKhabeesth = The bad,
Tunfiqoun = You spend, BiAkhithiyh = Going to take it, Tughmidhou = When you close
your eyes.
Q: Why at the time of widespread disaster people should become content with what charity they receive and they should
refrain from taking more than what they immediately need?
A: And from them are who finds fault (slanders) with you (Prophet Muhammad) regarding the
(distribution of) charities so if they are given from them they become content and if they are
not given from them they suddenly hold a grudge; And only if they became content with what Allah
and His Prophet gave them and said enough Allah for us Allah will provide us from His Mercy and
His Prophet (gives a fair share) for indeed to Allah we are turning with desire (for Allah's Satisfaction).
Translation of: Ayat 58 - 59, Surat AlTawbah. (9:58-59)
Note: Please note how the person in charge of charity distribution should
be God-fearing and with morals somehow similar to the Prophet Muhammad.
Words: Yalmizuka = Finds fault, AlSadaqat = The charities, U'tou =
Were given, Yaskhatoun = They hold a grudge - They become angry, Rakhou = They became
content, Raghiboun = Turning with desire.
Q: What will happen to those who exploit charity and derive advantage or profit what little soever while being in charge
of it?
Hint: Reference is to some MPs with connection to those in charge of distribution rations in Pakistan
asking for votes from the flood victims in exchange for rations as reported
by BBC- the Urdu Page.
A: And it was not allowed for a prophet to exploit* (dishonestly take) and whoever exploits will
come with it on the Day of Judgment then every soul will receive what it earned (from deeds) and no
injustice will be done to them.
Translation of: Ayah 161, Surat AlImran.
* After a war Muslims found a luxurious fabric missing and the word was spread that maybe
the Prophet took it but Allah cleared him peace be upon him.
Note: Note how the Prophet Muhammad will not intercede with Allah on the Day of Judgment for the
person who exploits charity, rations, spoils...etc while being in charge of them.
In a brief summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad regarding exploiting what belongs to the
public: "On the Day of Judgment I will not associate with someone I know
carrying a sheep (he took unjustly) on the back of his neck calling
me for help: O Muhammad, O Muhammad. So I will say: I cannot do anything for you (intercession) with Allah for I
had informed you."
Then the Prophet repeated it three times - two times with different types of
wealth and the last time being a worthless item. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, Page
Words: Yaghul = Exploit - Derive profit - Take unjustly, Tuwaffa = Will
receive, Kasabat = Earned.
Q: Why should people be very generous when they give charity?
A: If you give Allah a good* loan He will double it for you and grant you
forgiveness and Allah is Grateful, Tolerant**.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlTaghabun.
* For Allah's Sake.
** Waits before punishing people so that they have a chance to repent.
Words: Tuqridhou = Give a loan (plural), Yaghfir = Grants forgiveness.
Q: Whose wealth that we own is originally?
A: Believe in Allah and His Prophet (Muhammad) and spend from what He (Allah) made you successors* in so those
from you who have believed and spent for them is a great reward (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlHadeed.
* Heirs. We own what belonged to the people who lived before us and so on. All belongs to Allah.
Words: Anfiqou = Spend - Give charity, Mustakhlafeeyna = Successors -
Heirs, Ajr = Reward, Kabeer = Great.
Q: What psychological illness does charity cure?
A: So do protect yourselves by fearing Allah as much as you are capable of and listen and obey
(Allah and the Prophet Muhammad) and do spend* for it is better for yourselves and whoever
protects himself against the stinginess (selfishness) of his own soul then they are the
well off (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlTaghabun.
* Spending on one's immediate family is a form of charity.
Words: Fataqou = So do protect yourselves, Estata'tum = You are capable of -
You can, Esma'ou = Listen, Ateeou = Obey, Anfiqou = Spend, Khairan = it is Better,
Youqa = Protects himself against, Shuhha = Stinginess - No generosity, AlMuflihoun
= The well off - The Fortunate.
Q: According to Islam why do the workers on collecting alms (voluntary charity = sadaqat)
have a lawful share in it?
A: Indeed the alms (= AlSadaqat) are for the poor and the needy* and those who work on
them** and those whose hearts*** need winning over and to free slaves and those who are in
(justified) debt and in the Path of Allah**** and the travelers in need - a prescribed share (=
fareedhah) from Allah and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlTawbah.
* A poor person (= faqeer) is the one who is in need and asks for financial help. A needy
person (= miskeen) the one who is in need but he does not go around asking for financial
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The alms (= AlSadaqah) is not
lawful for a rich person except in five (categories): The person working on it, or a man
bought it with his own wealth (a rich man traveled to another place and ran out of money), or
those in (justified) debt (= ghaarim), or a fighter in the Path of Allah or a needy
person who was given charity but he gifted from it to a rich person. Source: Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 535.
*** Non Muslims or newly converted to Islam who still have to see the greatness of support in Islam.
**** Like for Jihad or sending someone to Hajj (Pilgrimage).
Words: AlSadaqat = The alms - Voluntary charity, AlA'mileena Alayha =
Those who work on them, AlMoallafati Quloubihim = Whose hearts need winning over, Fi AlRiqab
= To free slaves, AlGharimeen = Those who are in (justified) debt, Fi Sabeel Allah =
In the Path of Allah, Fareedha = Prescribed share - Ordinance.
Q: Why should a Muslim beware of being a miser when he is granted a favour for which he prayed to
Note: When you pray earnestly to Allah for a favour you have the intention of
doing what Allah commanded from charity and other good deeds even if you do not say it.
A: And from them (Muslims) who made a vow to Allah that if Allah grants
us from His
Favour we will certainly give (voluntary) charity (= sadaqah) and we will certainly be from
the good deed doers; So when Allah granted them from His Favour they became miser with
it and they turned away resisting (it); So Allah caused hypocrisy settle in their
hearts to the Day they are going to meet Him because of what they broke their promise
with Allah and because of what they were lying; Did they not realize that Allah knows their secret talk
and their private talk and that Allah is the All-Knowing of secrets.
Translation of: Ayat 75 - 78 , Surat AlTawbah.
Note: It is narrated that these lines of the Qur'an were sent down when
a man called "Sthalabah Bin Hatib AlAnsari" asked the Prophet Muhammad to pray to Allah to
give him wealth. The Prophet said: Woe unto you (expressing regret and disapproval) =
Wayhak Sthalabah! A little you thank Allah for is better than a lot you cannot handle (thanking Allah for it).
And the Prophet also said: Do you not want to be like the Prophet of Allah. By in Whose
Hand is my soul if I wanted the mountains to turn into gold and silver for me they would
have been (by the Prophe'ts praying to Allah). Sthalabah said: By the One who sent you with the Truth if you
prayed Allah for me and He gave me wealth I will certainly give everyone his due right. So
the Prophet Muhammad prayed: Our God grant Sthalabah wealth. So he took sheep and they grew
like the growing of worms. Because of their number he had to leave the city and live in
a valley. Slowly he started to leave the group prayer until he left the Friday group
prayer. Then the Prophet sent a man to collect voluntary charity (sadaqah) from Sthalabah
so he kept the messenger going to and fro making excuses. And he said the "sadaqah" is
the sister of "AlJizyah" that was dictated on the non Muslims (under
Muslims' protection). When the Prophet
saw his messenger coming he said: Woe unto Sthalabah. A relative of Sthalabah heard the
Prophet and warned him. So he came with his charity to the Prophet. The Prophet said:
Allah prevented me from accepting it. Later on Sthalabah tried to give charity to
the four caliphs consecutively but each in turn refused to take it since the Prophet
did not. Sthalabah died during the time of the fourth Caliph Usthman Bin Affan. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, pages 546 - 547.
Words: Aahada = He made a vow to Allah, Aatana = Granted it,
LaNasaddaqna = We will certainly give charity, Bakhilou = Became miser - Became
stingy, Nifaqan = Hypocrisy, Akhlafou Wa'adouh = Broke.their promise, Yakthiboun =
Lying, Ya'lamou = Realize, Sirrahum = Their secret talk, Najwahum = Their private talk - Their whispering,
AlGhoyoub = The secrets.
Q: Why should people not make fun of the givers of voluntary charity (= sadaqah) and what they give?
A: The ones (hypocrites) who find fault with those who voluntarily give* among the believers regarding
the voluntary charity (= sadaqat) and with those who do not find except their hard work** so they mock them -
Allah will mock them (the mockers) and for them is a painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 79, Surat AlTawbah.
*, ** It is narrated that AbdulRahman Bin Ouf, the rich companion, said to the Prophet Muhammad: I have
eight thousand dirhams. Four I give them as a loan (= sadaqah) to my God and four I keep them. The Prophet said: May
Allah bless what you gave and what you kept. Some hypocrites slandered him saying: By God AbdulRahman
did not give except to show off (= riya'). Another Muslim from the Ansar said to the Prophet Muhammad:
I worked all night transferring water until I was given two cubic measures (= sa'ayn) of dates. One
I kept it for my children and one I am giving it as a loan (= sadaqah) to my God. The hypocrites
slandered him saying: Allah and His prophet can do without his giving. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume
two, pages 548 - 549.
Words: Yalmizoun = Find fault with - Slander, AlMuttaween = Those who
voluntarily give, Yajidoun =
Find, Juhdahum = Their hard work, FaYaskharoun = So they mock, Aleem = Painful.
Q: To cut down poverty in those Muslim countries who accept aid from the rich counties whom should their rich
people be kind to and help financially?
A: And worship Allah and do not join with Him any partner and kindness towards
the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the nearby neighbour*, the far-away
neighbour, the close friend, the way-farer (traveler in need) and your servants for
Allah does not like who is snob (self-conceited), boastful; Those who are stingy
(miser) and they order people to be stingy and they hide what Allah gave
them** from His Grace! And We (Allah) had prepared for the ungrateful (to Allah) a humiliating punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 36 - 37, Surat AlNisa'.
* Up to 7 neighbours as mentioned in a saying of the Prophet Muhammad.
** Nowadays in foreign banks.
Words: U'bodou = Worship, La Tushrikou biHi Shayan = They do not
join with Him any partner, Ihsana = Kindness, Bithi AlQurba = The relatives,
AlYatama = The orphans, AlMasakeen = The needy, AlJar Thi AlQurba =
The nearby neighbour, AlJunub = Far away, AlSahib Biljanb = The close friend, Ibn
AlSabeel = The wary-farer - The traveler, Mukhtalan = Snob, Fakhoura =
boastful, Yabkhaloun = Become stingy - Become a miser, Ya'muroun = They Order,
Yaktumoun = They hide, Fadhl = Grace, A'tadna = We had prepared, Kafireen =
Ungrateful (to Allah) - Disbelievers, Muheena =Humiliating.
Q: What can put an end to the refugees problems nowadays, as indicated by the preacher of
Masjid Al-Qurtaba - Scarborough (Canada), in the Friday Sermon?
A: Indeed your Ally (= Weliyukum) is Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and those
who believed - those who perform the prayer and give the prescribed charity*
(= Zakat) while kneeling (being humble).
Translation of: Ayah 55, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:55)
* 2.5% of money. Other assets have their own prescribed amounts.
Words: Weliyukum = Your Ally - Your Supporter, Aamanou = Believed - Have Faith, Yuqeemoun = Perform, Yutoun =
They give, Raaki'oun = Kneeling - Being humble.
Q: Why do supposedly harsh Muslims (living outside cities) give out charity?
A: And from the Bedouin Arabs who believes in Allah and the Last Day (Day of
Judgment) and he considers whatever (charity) he spends** as pious deeds bringing him
nearer to Allah (=Qurubattin) and
the prayers of the Messenger*** - well it (charity) is indeed a pious deed for them bringing them nearer (= Qurbatun) -
Allah will admit them to His Mercy for Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 99, Surat AlTawbah.
* Those who live outside cities are known to be more harsh (rough) than the dwellers of cities.
But Allah says they are not the same. As mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 559: In summary of a saying of the Prophet
Muhammad: A group of Bedouin Arabs came to the Prophet Muhammad. They said: Do you (people of
cities) kiss your young sons (=Subyankum)?
They (companions) said: Yes. They said: By Allah we do not kiss our sons. The Prophet Muhammad said:
Can I do anything if Allah has taken away Mercy from your hearts.
** What is the best charity?
*** When alive among his companions the Prophet used to pray for them. After the Prophet's
death we Muslims are commanded to continue sending Allah's Greeting on the Prophet Muhammad to gain
rewards from Allah.
Words: AlA'rab = Bedouin Arabs, Yatakhith = He has in mind, Ma Yunfiq
= Whatever he spends, Qurubattin Ind Allah = Pious deeds bringing him nearer to Allah, Salawat
= Prayers, Ala = Well it is indeed.
Q: Why will those judged by Allah to be guilty not be able to ransom themselves from Hellfire?
A: By no means* - it (Hellfire) is a pure flame of fire; Having an inclination to roast (the skin); Calls
forward (to it) who turned his back and rejected (Faith); And he amassed (wealth) then he hoarded it.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 18, Surat AlMa'arij.
* No ransom to free those doomed to Allah's punishment.
Words: Ladha = Pure Flame of fire, Nazzaa'ah = Having an inclination - Tending, LilShawa =
To roast - To grill, Taddou = Calls forward, Adbar = Turned his back, Tawwala = Rejected - Turned away,
Jamma' = Amassed, FaAw'aa = Then he hoarded it - (literally saved it in a container).
Q: Which believers will be spared from the punishment in Hell?
Note: Muslims who make sins will be punished or forgiven by Allah before being
admitted to Paradise.
A: And who protects himself by being the most fearing
(of Allah) will be spared from it (Fire of Hell); The one who spends his wealth to
augment* (with Allah); And from none he expects a reward be given for a favour (he did); Except for the Sake of
his God the Most-High; And (Allah judged) he will certainly be pleased.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 21, Surat AlLayl.
* An example through giving food.
Words: SaYajjanabuha = Will be spared from it, AlAtqa = Who protects
himself by being the most fearing (of Allah); Yu'ti = Spends, Malahu = His wealth,
Yatazakka = To augment - To increase, Ma Min Ahad Indahu = From none he expects, Ni'mah = A favour, Tujza = Reward be given,
Illa = Except, Ibtigha' = Seeing, Wajhi = Sake, Rubbihi = His God, AlA'la =
The Most-High, Yardh = Will be pleased - Will be satisfied.
Q: Are the charitable deeds of the disbelievers counted with Allah?
A: The parable of those who disbelieved in their God - their (charitable)
deeds are like ashes - the wind blew it violently on a stormy day - they have no power
over anything of what they did - this is the far-fetched straying (away from the Path of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Ibraheem.
Words: A'maluhum = Their deeds, KaRamad = Like ashes, Eshtaddat =Blew it violently,
AlReeh = Wind, Aasif = Stormy, La Yaqdiroun = They have no power, Kasabou = They did - They earned, AlDhallal
= Straying - Error, AlBa'eed = Far-fetched.
Q: What is the intention behind charity to be rewarded by Allah?
A: Indeed the charitable men and charitable women plus (= wa)* who lent Allah a good loan - it (reward) will be
doubled for them and for them is a generous reward.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlHadeed.
* The condition for the charity to be accepted by Allah is the intention it is done for pleasing Allah. So
Allah will accept it as a loan that has to be rewarded double many times and more.
Words: AlMusaddiqeen = The charitable men, Aqradhou = Lent, Hasana = Good, Yudha'af
= Will be doubled, Ajr = Reward.
Q: Why should we define the intention behind doing righteous deeds?
A: Whoever wants (by his good deeds) the harvest (results or fruits) of the Other World We (Allah) will
augment for him in his harvest and whoever wants the harvest of this life We will grant him of
it and he does not have in the Other World any share.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlShoura.
Note: Remember the Holy Saying about the intention behind charitable work.
Words: Yureed = Wants, Harsth = Harvest - Cultivation, Nu'tihi = We will
grant him, Naseeb = Share.
Q: Is the person who withholds from giving charity considered on the Path of Allah?
A: Those who withhold from giving (charity) and command miserliness to people and whoever
turns away (from Allah's Path) then Allah is Who can do without, the Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlHadeed.
Note: Remember the importance of spending on one's family.
Words: Yabkhaloun = Who withhold from giving - Become miserly, Ya'moroun = Command,
Yatawalla = Turns away, AlGhani = Who can do without.
Q: Why capable Muslims should spend in what pleases Allah? How are the pioneers of Islam honoured?
A: What is wrong with you that you do not spend in the Path of Allah* and to Allah belongs the Inheritance** of
the Heavens and the earth - not equal among you who spent before the Victory (Conquer of Mecca) and fought -
those are higher in rank (of Paradise) from those who spent after that and fought - and all (of them) Allah
had promised the Best Outcome (= AlHusna***) and Allah of what you do is Well-Acquainted.
* In what pleases Allah.
** So our wealth is temporarily with us.
*** Refers to Paradise.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlHadeed.
Words: Alla Yunfiqou = You do not spend, Meerasth = Inheritance, La Yastawi =
Not equal, AlFathh = The victory, A'dham Darajah = Higher in rank, Wa'ada = Promised, AlHusna = The Best Outcome - The Happy
Ending - The best - Refers to Paradise.
Q: What two rights do we have to observe in agricultural wealth?
A: And He (Allah) is Who brought into existence gardens trellised (plants interweaved) and untrellised -
and the palm trees and the plants with diverse taste and the olive and the pomegranates similar and unsimilar -
do eat from its crops when it is cultivated and do give its due right (dictated charity) on the day of
gathering its yield and do not exceed the limits (in eating)* for He (Allah) does not like the extravagant
Translation of: Ayah 141, Surat AlAn'am (6).
* Be moderate in eating and do not be wasteful.
Words: Ansha'a = Brought into existence, Jannat = Gardens, Ma'roushat = Trellised -
Interweaved, Mukhtalifan Ukuluhu = With diverse taste, AlRomman = The Pomegranate, Mutashabihan =
Similar, Sthamarihi = Its crops - Its produce, Asthmara = Is cultivated, Hasadihi = Gathering its
yield, La Tusrifou = Do not exceed the limits - Do not be extravagant (wasteful), AlMusrifeen = The extravagant
Q: In many of the Qur'anic Lines (Verses) who is entitled to charity immediately after the relatives?
A: They ask you what they should spend (in charity) - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) what
good things you spend (wealth) then for the parents and the relatives and the orphans and the
needy and the traveler in need - and whatever good you do then indeed Allah is of it All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 215, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: The Orphan Walk in Toronto.
Words: Yasalounaka = They ask you, Matha Yunfiqoun = What they should
spend, Min Khair = Good things - Wealth, AlAqarbeen = Relatives,
AlYatama = The orphans, AlMasakeen = The needy, Ibn AlSabeel = The traveller in need - The wayfarer, Ma Tafa'lou =
You do.
Q: When is a good deed done only to please Allah?
Note: Please read first the preceding Lines in Surat AlMo'minoun to figure out
what is wrong
with those who turn away from the Qur'an. Translation of Ayah 68
Ayah69. Ayah 70.
A: Or do you (Prophet Muhammad) ask them (disbelievers of ancient
Arabia) for a due payment so the
repayment of your God is best and He is the Best of those who provide sustenance.
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:72)
Words: Tasa'luhum = You ask them, Kharjan = Due payment - Duty - Tax, Kharaj =
Repayment - What is given out as a repayment, Khair = Best, AlRaziqeen = Those who provide
Q: How can you keep your money and still be successful in a trade with Allah?
A: Truly life of this world is only pastime and distraction and if you believe and protect
yourselves (by fearing Allah) He (Allah) will grant you your rewards and He (Allah) is not asking
you (in the trade) your wealth*.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat Muhammad known also as Surat AlQital. (47:36)
* It is a believer's deeds that make him successful in his trade
with Allah.
Words: La'ib = Pastime - Play, Lahou
= Distraction, Yu'tikum = He will grant you, Ojourakum = Your rewards, La Yas'alkum
= He is not asking you, Amwalakum = Your wealth.
Q: In trade with believers why does not Allah ask for their deeds and not all
their money and wealth if He is going to increase it for them and give them double and more?
Note: Please read first the translation of above of the preceding Line 36 in
Surat Muhammad.
A: If He (Allah) were going to ask you for it (your wealth) so He would have pressed you
- (then) you are (then) going to be miser and He is going to bring out your hidden hatreds.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat Muhammad known also as Surat AlQital. (47:37)
Words: FaYuhifkum = He is going to press you, Tabkhalou = You are going to be miser,
Yukhrij = Bring out, Adhanakum =Your hiddden hatreds.
Q: In trading with Allah what does a believer gain?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 29 in Surat Fatir.
A: So (in trading with Allah) He (Allah) is going to pay them their dues in full and to
grant them more from His Favour for He is Most-Forgiving Most-Thankful.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat Fatir. (35:30)
Words: LiYuwaffeehim Ujourahum = So He is going to pay them their dues in full, Fadhlihi
= His Favour.
Q: What yields better lasting enjoyment than the temporary enjoyment of this life?
A: Wealth and children are the decoration (glitter) of the life of this world and the remaining good
deeds (= AlBaqiyat AlSalihat)* are best with your God and best in raising hope**(of believers).
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlKahf. (18:46)
* Good works that remain after one's account is settled on the Day of Judgement, yield good return from Allah.
** and making believers look forward to Allah's rewards.
Words: Zeenatuha = Its decoration - Fashion - Glitter, AlBaqiyat AlSalihat = Remaining good
deeds, Amala = Raising hope - Making look forward to.
Q: What is the reward of "AlQardh AlHasan = Good (beautiful) loan" in Islam?
A: Who is the one who gives* Allah a good loan (Qardhan Hasanan**) so He (Allah) will double it for him (in the Other World) many
times and Allah gives little*** (wealth) and He gives plenty*** (wealth) and to Him you (all) return back.
Translation of: Ayah 245, Surat AlBaqarah. (2: 245)
* Giving charity or lending without usury to please Allah.
** You show your love to Allah by giving from your (lawful wealth with loving heart and the intention to please Allah. Source: "Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran", in
Arabic, page 39).
*** As Allah wills.
Words: Yuqredh = Gives loan, Yaqbudh = Gives little, Yabsut = Gives plenty.
Q: What can help a person when he is judged alone by Allah on the Day of Judgement?
A: O those who believed spend (give charity) from what sustenance We (Allah) provided you before a Day comes when there is no bargaining in it nor friendship nor intercession
(Allah Alone appoints the intercessors*) and the disbelievers are the unjust (to themselves)
Translation of: Ayah 254, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:254)
* Who can make intercession on the Day of Judgement? (in Surat Saba')
Words: Anfiqou = Spend - Give charity, Razaqnakum = Sustenance We provided you - Provision We gave you, Baye' = Bargaining,
Khullah = Friendship, Shafa'ah = Intercession.
Q: What is the description of charity which will make a believer not panic or grieve on the Day of Judgement?
A: Those (believers) who spend their wealth in the Path of Allah (to please Allah) then they do not follow what they spent with a reminder of the
favour done (Mannan) nor with harm - for them is their reward with their God and no fear upon them neither will they grieve (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 262, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:262)
Note: Why should Muslims all thank Allah for His Favour of guiding them to Islam. (Refer to Surat
AlHujurat, Ayah 17 (the translation is edited today)
Words: Amwalahum = Their wealth, Fi Sabeel Allah = In the Path of Allah - In the Cause of Allah, Mannan = Reminder of a favour
done, Atha = Harm, Yahzanoun = Grieve.
Q: How can a believer safeguard his charity so that he gets its reward from Allah?
A: O those who believed do not nullify your charities by a reminder of the favour done and by harm - like the person who spends his wealth to be
seen by people and (actually) he does not believe in Allah and the Last Day (Day of Judgement) so his parable (moral example) is like a hard rock on it
sand so a heavy downpour (rain) caught it so it left it a bare hard rock - they are incapable of getting anything (no reward) for what (charities) they earned* and Allah does not
guide the disbelieving people.
Translation of: Ayah 264, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:264)
* Charity will be a deed he sent forward to his record but no reward for it.
Words: Tubtilou = Nullify - Make of no value - Make useless - Render
invalid, BilMen = By a reminder of the favour done, Ria'a' AlNas = To be seen by people, Safwan = A hard rock, Turab =
Sand - Earth - Soil, FaAsabahu = Caught it, Wabil = A heavy downpour, Salda = A bare hard rock - concrete, Kasabou = They
earned - They did.
Q: Why is it said in Islam: kind word is a charity?
A: Kind words and (granting of) forgiveness is better than a charity followed by harm and Allah is Who can do without, Most Tolerant.
Translation of: Ayah 263, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:263)
Words: Qawl Ma'roufun = Kind words, Maghfiratun = Forgiveness, Ghani = Who can do without - Self-Sufficient.
Q: Why does Satan mislead a person not to spend on charities?
A: Satan is promising your poverty* and he commands you to do immoralities and Allah is promising you Forgiveness from Him and Grace and
Allah is Lord of Abu dance, All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 268, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:268)
* When one becomes a miser and does not spend to please Allah then he is losing its multiple and more reward from Allah. (Refer to
Ayah 38 in "Surat Muhammad (47)".
Words: Wasi'un = Lord of Abundance - Most-Bountiful, Aleem = All-Knowing.
Q: Which description will those who do not give charity which pleases Allah be given?
A: An whatever charity* you spent or vow (of doing good deed) you made then Allah knows it and for the transgressors*
(= LilDhalimeen) there are no supporters (from Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 270, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:270)
* Against Allah's Commands and Limits.
Remember even spending on family members is a charity. (Refer to Prophet Muhammad's saying)
Words: Anfaqtum = You spent, Nathartum = You made, LilDhalimeen = For the transgressors - For the unjust and unfair,
Ansar = Supporters.
Q: What three things you should know about a charity accepted by Allah?
A: It is not up to you (command to Prophet Muhammad) to guide them but Allah guides (to His Path) whomever He wills - and what good
things (wealth) you spend then for your own selves and you do not spend except seeking the Sake (Satisfaction) of Allah and what good things
(wealth) you spend it will be repaid* to you and you will not be wronged.
Translation of: Ayah 272, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:272)
* Remember the reward and the punishment will be of the same type on the Day of Judgement. For example. (Refer
to Surat AlMasad)
Words: Khair = Good things - Wealth, Ibtigha' = Seeking, Wajh Allah = Sake - Face - Satisfaction, Yuwaffa = Will be
Q: What at least three criteria of rewards will the charitable believer get from Allah?
A: Those who spend their wealth by night and by day secretly and openly for them is their reward with their God
and no fear* upon them
neither will they grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 274, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:274)
* One source of fear on the Day of Judgement. (in Surat AlMuzzammil)
Words: Yunfiqouna = Spend, BilLayl = By night, AlNahar = By day, Sirran = Secretly, Alaniyah = Openly - Publicly,
Yahzanoun = Grieve.
Q: What favour commanded by Allah should a Muslim do the bachelors?
A: And do help the single among you (Muslims) get married and the righteous ones among your male servants and maids - if they
are poor Allah will give them enough from His Favour and Allah is Most-Bountiful Most-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlNoor. (24:32)
Words: Ankihou = Help get married, AlAyama = The single - The bachelors, Ibadikum = Your male servants, Ima'ikum
= Your maids - Your female servants, Yughnihim = Give them enough, The Waasie' = Most-Bountiful - Lord of Abundance
Q: Who has the first right to one's charity?
A: So do give the relative his due right (charity) and the poor and the wayfarer (needy traveler) - that is better for those
who seek Allah's Sake and those are the prosperous*.
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat AlRoum. (30:38).
* '= AlMuflihoun' Who will attain salvation in the Other World.
Words: Tha AlQurba = The relative, Haqqahu = His due right - His share, AlMiskeen = The poor, Yureedouna = They
seek - want, Wajh Allah = Allah's Sake - Allah's Satisfaction, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous - The winners -
The fortunate-Who attain salvation - The Fortunate.