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Q: Who takes care of mosques which are called the houses of Allah?
A: Indeed those who regularly visit (= Ya'mur) the mosques of Allah are who believe (= Aamana*) in Allah and The Last Day and perform
the prayer and give the mandatory charity (Zakat) and does not hold in awe (= Yakhsha) except Allah so perhaps those ones are from the guided.
Translation of:Ayah 18, Surat AlTawbah. (9:18)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: If you see the man regularly visiting the mosque (for prayer) then witness that he is a
believer = Mo'min) = Itha Ra'aytum AlRajul Ya'tad AlMasjid feShhadou Lahu BilIman. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran. In Arabic, page
Note: "Ya'mur" = Regularly visit and not "Yuammir" (= raise up or maintain).
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayah 17 in Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Ya'mur = Regularly visit, Masajid = Mosques, Yakhsha = Holds in awe - Fears, AlZakat = The Charity
(mandatory amount), Asaa = Perhaps - Expected, AlMuhtadeen = The guided.
Q: Why do Muslims Unite in their anger whenever there is news of vandalizing of a mosque?
A: And who can be more transgressor (sinner) than who has forbidden the mosques of Allah from His name
to be mentioned in them, and worked to their destruction; Those should not have (the right) to enter in them except in fear; For
them in Life humiliation and for them in the Other Life a severe punishment. And to Allah belongs The East and The West; So
wherever you turn (towards The Sacred House in Mecca) there is The Face (direction) of Allah. Indeed Allah is All-Embracing,
Translation of: Ayat 114 - 115, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Adhlam = More Transgressor - More sinner, Mana'a = Has Forbidden, Masajid = Mosques, Sa'a =
Worked, Kha'rab = Destruction, Kha'if = In fear, Khizyun = Humiliation, Adhab = Punishment, Mashriq
= East, Maghrib = West, Aynama = Wherever, Tuwalu = You turn towards the Qiblah (direction of The Sacred
House in Mecca, , S(th)amma = There is, Wajh Allah = Face (direction) of Allah, Wasi' = All-Embracing.
Q: Who prays and glorifies Allah in mosques?
A: In houses Allah had given permission to be raised up and His Name to be mentioned in it - glorifying* Him (repeatedly at time) of early
morning (= BilGhodou) and late afternoon (before sunset = Aassal); Men who are not distracted by business or selling from the mentioning of the Name of Allah and
performing the prayer and
giving the mandatory charity (Zakat) - they fear a Day in which the hearts and the eyes will
roll (due to fear); (They pray) So that Allah
rewards them according to the best of what they did and to give them more from His favour and Allah gives whoever
He wills without counting (a lot).
Translation of: Ayat 36 - 39, Surat AlNoor. (24:36-39)
* Besides man who GLORIFIES Allah repeatedly at time of early morning (= Ghodou) and late afternoon before
sunset (= Aassal)? (refer to Surat AlRa'd)
Words: Boyout = Houses, Athina = Had given permission, Turfa' = Raised up, Yuthkar = Mentioned, Ism =
Name, Yusabbeh = Glorifying, Ghudou = (Repeatedly at time of) early morning (plural), Aassal = (repeatedly at time of) late afternoon before sunset (plural), Tijarah =
Business, Baye' = Selling, Quloub = Hearts, Absar = Eyes, Tatqallab = Roll, Yajzi = Rewards, Ahsen = The best,
Fadhl = Favour, Yarzuq = Gives, Hisab = Counting.
Q: Why should not Muslims leave any of the five prayers per day?
A: And when you finish the prayer (at time of war the prayer follows different rules) then mention (the
name of) Allah standing
and sitting and lying down on your sides; And when you feel safe (at home) then perform the prayer (as usual); Indeed
the prayer is for the faithful a book scheduled for specific times (marked absent or present).
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Qadaytum = You finished, Uthkur = Mention the name, Kiyam = Standing, Ku'oud = Siting, Ala Junoub
= On your sides, Itmanna = Felt safe, Akeemou = Perform, Salat = Prayer, Kitab = Book, Mawqout
= Timed.
Q: What are the two major benefits of the prayer?
A: And recite (Prophet Muhammad) what has been revealed to you from the Book (Qur'an); And perform the prayer! Indeed the prayer
holds back from obscenity (shameless acts) and the forbidden acts; And remembrance of Allah is greater; And Allah knows what you do.
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat AlAnkaboot.
Words: Utlu = Recite, U'hiya = Revealed, Tanha = Holds back - Prevents, Fahsha' = Obscenity - Shameless
Munkar = Forbidden acts, Thikr = Remembrance, Akbar = Greater. Tasne' = You do.
Q: Is the performer of the prayers usually a calm person and why?
A: Indeed man is created impatient; When misfortune harms him he is a worrier; And when fortune reaches him
he is preventive (forbidding it from others); Except the performers of the prayers; Those who with their
prayer are regular; And those in whose wealth is a fixed right; For the beggar and the deprived; And those who believe in the truth
of the Day of the Religion (Day of Judgment); And those who from the punishment of their God are pitiful; Indeed the
punishment of their God is not safe.
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 28, Surat AlMa'arij.(70:19-28)
Words: Khuliqa = Created, Halou'e = Impatient, Mas'sahu AlShar = Misfortune harms him, Jaz'ou'
= Worrier, Khair = Fortune - Wealth, Manou' = Preventive - Keeping it for himself, Mussalleen
= Performers of prayers, Da'im = Regular, Amwal = Wealth, Haq = Right, Ma'loum = Fixed,
Sa'il = Beggar, Mahroom = Deprived, Yus'sadiq = Believes in the truth, Mushfiq = Pitiful - Sympathetic.
Q: Why did Muhammad, peace be upon him, change the speech (khtbah) that nowadays precedes the Friday prayer from after the
prayer to before it?
A: O people who have Faith when it is called to the prayer on Friday so proceed to the remembering of Allah
(= thikr Allah) and leave off the selling*; That is better for you if only you knew. And when the prayer is finished then disperse through
the land and seek the favour of Allah and remember Allah a lot so that you may prosper. And when they saw some trade or
pastime they dispersed towards it and they left you standing (for sermon); Say what Allah has
is better than the pastime or the trade and Allah is The Best of the providers.
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 11, Surat AlJumu'ah.
* The selling here refers to the best part in every business and trade: For example earning money by selling a
merchandise or even earning self content by selling ideas, eduction...etc.
Words: Noodiya = Is called, Is'ou = Proceed, Tharou = Leave off, AlBay' = The selling,
Khair = Better, Ibtaghou = Seek,
Fadhl = Favour, Ra'au = Saw, Tijarah = Trade, Lahou = Pastime, Infaddou = Dispersed, Raziqeen =
Q: How can you distinguish the faithful among the Muslims, Jews and Christians?
A: Muhammad is a prophet of Allah and those who are with him are hard against the disbelievers, kind among
themselves; You see them bowing, prostrating seeking favour from Allah and satisfaction; Their mark is in their
faces (glowing foreheads) from the trace of the prostration; Such is their example in The Torah (AlTawrat) and
their example in The Bible (AlInjeel) is like plants that let out their sprouts so they encircled them so they became
thick and they sat firmly on their stems; They appeal to the farmers (so they appeal to the others) so as to anger the
disbelievers; Allah has promised those who believed and did the righteous deeds from them Forgiveness and a great
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlFathh.
Words: Ashid'da' = Hard, Ruhama' = Kind, Ruk'ka' = Bowing, Suj'jad = Prostrating, Fadhl
= Favour, Ridhwan = Satisfaction, Sima' = Mark, As(th)ar = Trace, Mas(th)al = Similar to,
Zar' = Plants, Akhraja = Let out, Shad' = Sprout, Azara = Encircled, Estagh'ladh =
Became thick, Istawa = Sat firm, Suwq = Stems, .Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Ajr = Reward, Adheem =
Q: In each of the five prayers per day, besides praising and glorifying Allah, all Muslims without exception recite
in Arabic from the Holy Qur'an. Which prayer is witnessed by the angels? And what additional prayer was imposed alone on
the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and why?
A: And perform the prayer by the setting of the sun to the darkness of the night (four dictated prayers:
Noon, Afternoon, Sunset and Evening) and the recitation of the Dawn (fifth dictated prayer of Dawn) indeed the Qur'an of the dawn is witnessed*; And
from the night wake up for prayer in it as an additional gift (= naafilah) prayer for you (Prophet Muhammad) so that your God may raise you to the Praiseworthy
Rank**; And say my God let me enter the entrance of Truth (in everything in life) and let me come out from the
exit of Truth and grant me from You a supportive authority. And say Truth (Islam = submission to Allah Alone) has
come and Falsehood has
perished for Falsehood was bound to be perished; And from the Qur'an We (Allah) send down what is a healing and a
mercy for the faithful and it does not increase for the transgressors but loss.
Translation of: Ayat 78 - 82, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
* Witnessed by the angels of night and the angels of morning. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in
Arabic by AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, page 802.
** On the Day of Judgment the prophet Muhammad will be allowed to plead for whom he wants. Therefore between every call
for the prayer (Athan) and the prayer (Salat) Muslims call on Allah saying: --- And grant him the Praiseworthy Rank that You (Allah) had promised him;
You do not fail Your promise.
Words: Aqim = Perform, Salat = Prayer, LiDulouk = By the setting, Shams = Sun, Ghasaq =
Darkness, Layl = Night, Qur'an = Recitation from the Qur'an, Fajr = Dawn, Mashhouda =
Is witnessed, Tahaj'jad = Wake up for prayer, Nafilah = Additional gift prayer, Asa = Might - Perhaps,
Yab'ath = Raise - Delegate, Maqam = Rank, Mahmoud = Praiseworthy - Commendable, Mudkhal =
Entrance, Sidq = Truth, Mukhraj = Exit, Min Ladunka = From you, Sultan = Authority, Naseer =
Supportive, Ja' = Has come, Batil = Falsehood, Zahooq = Bound to be perished.
Q: Why didn't Allah send physical miracles to Prophet Muhammad like the ones
Allah sent to some other prophets?
A: And what prevented Us (Allah) from sending (messengers) with the miracles except that the ancient people
rejected them as lies;
And We gave Sthamud (nation of Prophet Salih) the Camel as an eye-opener (enlightening) so they became
tyrannical with it; And We do not send (messengers) with the miracles except as a way of frightening (to fear Allah). And
if We told you (Prophet Muhammad) that your God had
surrounded the human beings (under his power)!
And We did not make the vision* that We showed you (Prophet Muhammad) except as a trial to the people; And the Cursed Tree** in
the Quran; And We frighten them but it does not increase except their great tyranny.
Translation of: Ayat 59 - 60, Surat AlIsra' (also knows as Surat Beni Israel).
* In a summary of a saying (Hadeeth) of the Prophet Muhammad: The Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) peace be upon him came to Muhammad one night and took him on a trip to the AlAQsa Mosque in Beit AlMaqdis
(Jerusalem now). There the Prophet, peace be upon him lead other prophets of Allah, peace be upon them, in
a prayer. Then Angel Gabriel took Prophet Muhammad on a trip across the Seven Heavens. When Prophet Muhammad reached the Seventh Heaven he
was given the instruction for Muslims to pray fifty times per day. Then Prophet Muhammad descended to the Six Heaven and the
Prophet Moses (Mousa) peace be upon him, told him to go back to Allah in the Seventh Heaven and ask for the number
of prayers to be reduced. Prophet Moses told Prophet Muhammad that he has experience with how much his people were praying. So Muhammad
had to travel several times between the Seventh and the Sixth Heavens and Allah kept on reducing the number of prayers
for him. Until finally when Five Prayers were decreed, Prophet Moses told Prophet Muhammad to go back to Allah and ask for less because
Moses knew people will not pray five times a day. But Prophet Muhammad said he felt shy to go back to ask Allah for less.
Note: Prophet Muhammad did not see or speak to Allah directly. The above vision actually happened when the
Angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad and accompanied him on the journey. The journey is called the Night of The Night Travel
(to Jerusalem) and the Ascent (to the Heavens) (= Laylat AlIsra' WalMi'raj in Arabic). When Prophet Muhammad told about the
journey in the morning those whose faith was
weak suspected how it could have happened. They forgot the power of Allah who sent the powerful Angel Gabriel for this
** Cursed tree is The Tree of AlZaqoum which is mentioned in the Qur'an several times. It is in the bottom of Hell and
it is one of the foods prepared for the disbelievers. So whose
faith was weak rejected to believe it forgetting that Allah's concepts are different from humans.
Words: Mana'a = Prevented, Nursil = Send with, Ayat = Miracles - Signs (of Allah's Existence),
Mubsirah = Eye-opener for englightening,
Takhweef = Way of frightening, Qulna = Told you, Ahaata = Had surrounded, Ja'ala = Made, Ru'yah = Vision,
Fitnah = Trial - Test,
Shajarah = Tree, Mal'ounah = Cursed, Nukhawif = We frighten, Yazeed, Increaes, Tughyan =
Tyranny, Kabeer = Great.
Q: Allah imposed five prayers per day on muslims. Why the Prophet Muhammad had to pray more?
Note: In a summary of a speech (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad a man asked the Prophet if five prayers , and not more,
are enough for him to enter Paradise. The Prophet replied positively. The extra prayers are voluntary for more
rewards from Allah.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad used to find it very hard to meet the Angel Gabriel (Jibrail). The Prophet talked about the time of
the Angel Gabriel coming to him. He mentioned that once he heard a sound
from the sky and he looked up. He saw the Angel who came to him in Mount Hira' sitting on a chair between the sky
and the earth. The Prophet panicked and ran to his house shivering and saying in fear: Wrap the light clothes around me (= Zamilouni)! Wrap the light clothes
around me! Wrap the heavy clothes around me (= Dathirouni)! Wrap the heavy clothes around me! So Allah sent down two chapters (Suwar) calling the Prophet cordially 'The one wrapped up in light clothing =
AlMuzzammil' and 'The one wrapped up in heavy clothing = AlMuddathir'.
A: O you (Prophet Muhammad) the one wrapped in light clothing; Stay up the night worshipping except for a little; Half of it or reduce
from it a little; Or add to it and recite (slow reading for contemplation) the Qur'an a proper recitation; We (Allah)
are going to send down on you a weighty Word (Qur'an); Indeed the rising up (worshipping) at night has a stronger impact
(on heart) and is more suitable for saying; Indeed there is for you during daytime a long swift moving; And mention the Name of your God
and devote yourself to Him with a proper devotion (= Tabteela).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 8, Surat AlMuzzammil. (73:1-8)
Words: AlMuzzammil = The one wrapped in light clothing, Qum = Stay up worshipping, AlLayl = The night, Nisfahu = Its half, Qaleela
= A little, Rattil = Recite, Tarteela = A proper recitation, Nulqi = Send down, Qawlan = Word - Speech,
Naashi'at AlLayl = Rising up at night, Ashadu = Stronger, Wate'an = Impact, Qeela = Saying - Words, Sabhen = Swift moving -
Gliding - Floating, Ttaweeln = Long, Tabatel
= Devote youself, Tabteela = Proper devotion - Propher worshipping.
Q: Sometimes when the mosque is crowded, the Imam (leader) requests to make room. What is the duty of Muslims in
such a situation?
A: O poeple who have Faith when it is said to you 'make room in the gatherings' then do make room - Allah will open
up (opportunities) for you - and if it is said 'rise up' then do rise up - Allah will raise up ranks those who have faith from
you and those who have been granted knowledge and Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlMujadilah.
Words: Qeela = Is said, Tafassah = Make room, Yafsah = Opens up (opportunities), Majaalis = Gatherings -
Assemblies, Unshuzu = Rise up, Yarfe' = Raises up, Utou AlIlm = Have been granted knowledge, Darajat
= Ranks.
Q: What is the One Message which is in the Qur'an and was mentioned in the First Scrolls of Prophets Abraham and Moses?
A: (On the Day of Judgement) He has become prosperous who purified himself (became righteous); And he
xmentioned the Name of his God and
prayed; Yet you (plural) prefer the life of this world; And the Other World is the best and the lasting; For this
(Message) is (also) in the Earlier Scrolls (of Allah's Scripture = AlSuhf); Scrolls of Abraham (= Ibraheem) and Moses (= Moosea).
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 19, Surat AlA'la.
Words: Qed Aflaha = He has become prosperous, Tazakka = Purified himself, Thakara =
Mentioned, Ism = Name, Salla = Prayed, Tu'sthiroun = You prefer, Khair =
the best, Abqa = the lasting, Suhuf = Scrolls.
Q: Who remembers what is in the Qur'an?
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad) remind (of Allah's Message) if the Reminder is of use. The one who fears Allah will remember! And
the damned will avoid it: Who will be burnt in the Big Fire (Hell) so he will not die (no rest) in it neither will
he live (no rest).
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 13, Surat AlA'la.
Words: Thakkir = Remind, Naffat = Is of use, AlThikra = The Reminder, Yaththakar = Will remember,
Yakhsha = Fears (Allah), Yatajannab = Avoids, Ashqa = Damned - Wicked, Yassla = Be burnt,
Yamout = Dies, Yahya = Lives,
Q: What is the situation nowadays of many of the believers in the different beams of Allah's Religion (as the ancient Abyssinian king (of 'AlHabshah' said): Judaism, Christianity
and Islam?
A: Those* are whom Allah had bestowed His grace upon them from the prophets of the offspring of Adam and whoever
We (Allah) carried with Noah (in the Ark) and of the offspring of Abraham (Ibraheem) and Israel (Jacob = Ya'qoub)
and those We had guided and had chosen (among humanity): When the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) of the Most-Merciful are
recited upon them they fall down in prostration and in tears; Then succeeded (took their place) them successors who
LET GO (neglected) PRAYER and they followed lusts so they will encounter (the result of) straying away; Except for those who
repented and did righteous deeds so those will enter Paradise and no injustice will be done them.
Translation of: Ayat 58 - 60, Surat Maryam. (19:58-60)
* Those refers to the following names of some chosen persons mentioned in the Chapter of ('Maryam' = Mary) starting with "Mention (command to Prophet Muhammad)
in the Scripture: "Zakariya, Mary (Maryam), Jesus (Issa), Abraham (Ibraheem), Moses (Moosa), Ishmael (Ismaeel), Idris" (refer to the preceding Ayat in Surat Maryam).
Words: Anama = Bestowed His grace, Nabiyeen = Prophets, Hamalna = We carried, Kharra = Fell down, Khalafa =
Succeeded - Took their place - Followed, Khalf = Successors - Next generations, Adhaou = The let go - The neglected, Shahawat = Lusts - Desires, Ghayy = Straying away.
Q: What will not be heard in Paradise?
A: They will not hear in
them (Paradise Gardens) any nonsense (= Laghu) except what is peaceful (greeting = salama) and they will have their
sustenance in them morning and evening.
Translation of: Ayat 62, Surat Maryam. (19:62)
Words: Laghu = Nonsense - Vain talk, Bukrah wa Ashi'ya = Morning and evening.
Q: What makes people enter Saqar (rank in Hell)?
A: Every soul with what it earned is a hostage*. Except the People of the Right (righteous people): In
Gardens inquiring about the sinners: What did admit you in Saqar (Hell)? They said: We were not from those
who prayed and we were not feeding the needy and we were indulging (into nonsense) with the indulgers and we were
rejecting the Day of Religion (Judgment) as lies until certainty (death) reached us; Then the mediation of the
mediators will be of no use to them; So what's wrong with them that they are turning away from the Reminder (Quran)?!
Just like asses put on the alert; Have run away from a lion; Rather every person from them (disbelievers) wants to
be given spread out scrolls (= suhuf)**; By no means - rather they (disbelievers) do not fear the Other Life; By no means - it (Quran) is a Reminder: Whoever
wishes he will remember it; And they will not remember except when Allah pleases: He is the Lord of Righteousness,
the Lord of Forgiveness.
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 56, Surat AlMuddasthir. (74:38-56)
* Has to free itself with faith in Allah and good deeds to earn salvation.
** like the scrolls of Allah's Scripture that some of Allah's messengers received.
Note: Paradise is on a high place and Hell is on a low place. People of Paradise can see the people of Hell.
Words: Nafs = Soul, Kasabat = Earned, Raheenah = Hostage, Yatasa'al = Inquires, Salaka =
admit, Musaleen = Those who pray, Nutem =, Feed, Kha'idh = Indulger - Talker, Shafie' =
Mediator - Intercessor, Tathkirah = Reminder, Humur = Asses - Donkeys, Mustanfirah = Put on
the alert, Farrat = Have run away, Qaswarah = Lion, Suhuf = Scrolls - Books, Munashsharah =
Spread out, Ahl = Lord - The Right One.
Q: Who are really the fortunate?
A: Alif Lam Meem*; Those are the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic lines) of the Wise Book (Qur'an); A Right Guidance and Mercy for
those who perfect their religion (good doers); Those who perform the prayer and give the mandatory charity (Zakat)
and of the Other World they are certain (to happen); Those are on Right Guidance from their God and those are the prosperous.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat Luqman. (31:1-5)
* The pronunciation of the letters A L M. Allah knows best the meaning of Ayah 1
translated here.
Words: AlHakeem = The Wise, Huda = Right Guidance - Guidance, Rahmah = Mercy, Yuqeem = Performs, Yuqinoun = They are certain -
Have no doubt, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous - The successful.
Q: What is the responsibility of the head of a family with regards to performing the prayers?
A: And do order your family members to pray and persevere (continue) upon it; We (Allah) do not
ask you for sustenance - We provide you with sustenance and the good ending is for the devoutness.
Translation of: Ayah 132, Surat Taha.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Increase your prayers upon me on Fridays because
your prayers are presented to me on that day. The Prophet was asked how can that be when his body is
decayed after death. The Prophet said that Allah had forbidden on earth the corpses of the prophets.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: Who increases his prayers upon me (Say in any
form: Allah's blessings and peace be upon Muhammad!) he will guarantee my pleading (intercession) for him
on the Day of Judgment.
Words: U'mur = Order, Ahl = Family members, Estaber = Persevere, Nas'al = We ask,
Rizq = Sustenance - Provision, Aaqibah = Good ending, Taqwa = Devoutness - The protection of the
self by fearing Allah - Righteousness.
Q: What was in the earlier Scriptures and is repeated in the Qur'an?
A: He has succeeded who has become righteous; And he remembered his God's name* and prayed. Yet you
prefer the Life of this World; And the Other World is better and everlasting; Indeed this is in the earlier
Leaflets: Leaflets of Abraham (= Ibraheem) and (Tablets of) Moses (= Moosa).
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 19, Surat AlA'la.
* Allah or any of Allah's names.
Words: Aflaha = Succeeded, Tazakka = Has become righteous - Purified himself, Thakara =
Remembered, Ism = Name, Salla = Prayed, Tu's(th)ir = Prefer, Aakhirah = Other life, Khair
= Better, Abqa = Everlasting, Suhuf = (Holy) Leaflets.
Q: Why was the Prophet Muhammad commanded in prayers first to face the Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem
(AlMasjid AlAqsa in Bait AlMaqdis) then he was commanded to face the Ka'bah (the Sacred Mosque in Mecca) that
even pagan Arabs were used to face?
Note: AlMasjid AlAqsa is part of the Sacred Sanctuary (AlHaram AlSharif) which is believed to be built initially by the Prophet
Solomon (Suleiman).
A: And the fools from the people will say: What turned them from the prayer direction that
they were used to? Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to Allah belongs the East and the West - He guides
whoever He pleases to A Straight Way (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 142, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Yaqool = Says, Sufaha' = Fools, Walla = Turned, Qiblah = Prayer direction,
Mashriq = East, Maghrib = West, Yahdi = Guides.
Q: What type of test was implied in commanding the Muslims in the beginning to face the Sacred Mosque in
Jerusalem (Bait AlMaqdis) and later to direct themselves towards the Sacred Mosque
in Mecca?
A: And this is how We (Allah) appointed you (Muslims) as a nation acting as a
mediator* so that you (Muslims) be witnesses (= shuhada') upon all people (= AlNas) and the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad)
be a witness upon you (Muslims at the Prophet's time); And We (Allah) did not appoint the prayer direction (AlQiblah) that you
were facing (towards Bait AlMaqdis = Jerusalem) except to mark who follows the Messenger from those
who turn back on their heels** and it (the command) was certainly
hard except upon those whom Allah guided and Allah was not going to make in vain your (plural) Faith***
indeed Allah with people certainly is Compassionate, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 143, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:143)
* commanding good deeds and forbidding bad deeds, as per the Quran and the Prophet's Sunnah.
** Disbelieves after having Faith.
*** Those Muslims who died while in their prayers facing Sacred Noble
Sanctuary (= AlHaram Ash-Sharif which contains Al-Aqsa
Mosque in Bait AlMaqdis (Jerusalem).
Notes: Remember witnesses (= Shuhada') will be chosen by Allah on the Day of Judgement. (Refer
to Surat AlZumar)
Remember Jesus peace be upon him was a witness upon his people. (refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
Words: Ja'ala = Appointed, Ummah = Nation, Wassata = Acting as a mediator, Takounou
Shuhada' = Witnesses
Be witnesses - Bear witness (plural), Na'lam = We mark - We see, Yatteb' = Follows, Yanqalib Ala Akibayhi = Turns back on his
heels, Kabeerah = Hard, Yudee' = Makes in vain.
Q: Why did Allah grant the Prophet Muhammad a prayer direction (= Qiblah) towards the Sacred Mosque
(AlKa'bah) in Mecca?
A: And We (Allah) have already seen the turning of your (Prophet Muhammad) face in the sky so We (Allah) are
certainly turning you towards a prayer direction (Qiblah) that you will be pleased with* so do direct yourself
towards the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) and wherever you may be so do direct yourselves towards it and
indeed those who have been given The Book (Jews and Christians) certainly know that it is The Truth
from your God and Allah is Not Unaware of what they do.
Translation of: Ayah 144, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Direction to Allah's Sacred House in Mecca that the Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) built with his son
Prophet Ishmael. Mecca is the birth town of the Prophet Muhammad.
Note: While in prayer it is necessary to look down to be in a state of awe of Allah. In a summary of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad: What is wrong with some people when they are praying they are looking towards the sky. Then
the prophet once added: They should stop or their eyesight will be about to be snatched away.
Words: Nara = We see, Taqalub = Turning, Wali = Direct, Shatr = Towards, Ma = Not,
Ghafil = Unaware, Ya'mal = Do.
Q: Who sees us when we stand up for prayers?
A: And put your trust in Al-Mighty, The Merciful; Who sees you when you stand up (for prayer);
And your ups and downs among those who prostrate; For He is The All-Listener, The All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 217 - 220, Surat AlShuara'.
Words: Tawwakal = Put your trust in, Yara = Sees, Heena = When, Taqoum = Stand up, Taqalub
= Ups and downs, Sajid = Who prostrates - Who stretches down with the forehead on the ground in awe and
Q: Whom does Allah call His servants (= Ibad AlRahman)? And what will they own in Paradise?
A: And the servants (= Ibad) of the Most Merciful (Allah) who walk on earth humbly and when the
unaware (of Allah) (= disbelievers) talk to them they say a peaceful saying; And those who spend the
night prostrating and standing up (in prayer)*. And those who say: Our God! Keep away from us the
punishment of Hell for its punishment is intolerable; For it is a bad dwelling and resting place; And
those who when they spend they do not spend extravagantly neither do they become stingy and
between that it (spending) is a fair balance. And those who do not call upon with Allah another god and they
do not kill the soul (innocent) that Allah had forbidden except with justice and they do not commit
adultery and who does that he will face the punishment of his sin; The punishment will be doubled for
him on the Day of Judgment and he will stay in it forever humiliated; Except who has repented and
had faith and did good work so those Allah changes their bad deeds with good deeds and Allah is
Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful; And who repented and did good deeds then he certainly repented to Allah
a truthful repentance. And those who do not give false testimony and when they come across nonsense
remarks they pass by it dignified;
And those (Allah's servants) who when reminded of the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic lines) of their God they
do not fall upon them (listen) with a deaf ear and a blind eye; And those who say: Our God! Grant us from our
mates and offspring the delight of our eyes and make us religious leaders of the righteous people
are given the chamber** (in Paradise) because of what they were patient and they will be met in it
(Paradise) with salutation and peaceful greeting (Salam). Staying forever in it - what a good dwelling
and resting place!
Translation of: Ayat 63 - 76, Surat AlFurqan. (25:63-76)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The best prayer to Allah is the prayer of David (Prophet
Dawood) and the best fasting to Allah is the fasting of David: He used to sleep half the night and stay
awake praying a third of the night and he sleeps its sixth. And he used to fast one day and not fast another
day (and so on).
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: During the night there is one hour if a Muslim person
calling on Allah for something from this life or the other life catches it surely Allah will give him what he
asks and that is every night.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet peace be upon him said to Abdullah Bin Amr
Bin AlAas: O Abdullah! Do not be like that person: He was praying during the night and then he stopped
the night prayer (one must be capable of being regular).
** Special chambers in Paradise
Words: Ibad = Servants, Yamshi = Walks, Hawna = Humbly, Khataba = Talked,
Jahil = Unaware of Allah, Salama = Peaceful saying, Yabeet = Stays the night, Sujjadan =
Prostrating, Qiyama = Standing up (in prayer, Esref = Keep away, Gharama = Intolerable,-
Accompanying forever like infatuation, Sa'at = Is bad, Mustaqar = Dwelling place, Maqama =
Resting place, Anfaqa = Spends, Yusrif = Spends extravagantly, Yaqtir = Becomes stingy,
Qawama = Fair balance, Yazni = Commits adultery, Yalqa = Faces, As(th)ama = Punishment
of his sin, Yudhaaf = Is doubled, Adhab = Punishment, Muhana = Humiliated, Amila = Did,
Yatoub = Repents, Yashhad AlZour = Gives false testimony, Laghou = nonsense remarks,
Kirama = Dignified, Yakhur Ala = Falls upon, Summa = Deaf ear, Umyanna = Blind eye,
Mutaqeen = Righteous, Imam = Religious leader, Yujza = Will be rewarded, Ghurfah = Room,
Yulaqqa = Will be met, Hasunat = What a good.
Q: What is the special rewards for the righteous people in Paradise?
A: For indeed who have faith in Our (Allah's) lines (Qur'an) are those who when reminded of them they
fall down prostrating and they glorify the Praise of their God and they do not
become arrogant; Their sides often turn away from the beds calling on their God in fear and in hope and from what
sustenance We provided them they spend; So no soul knows what is being hidden for them from the
delight of the eyes (pleasant things) as a reward for what they were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 17, Surat AlSajdah.
Note: In a summary of a speech of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah Glory and Supremacy to Him said: I (Allah) had prepared for my righteous
servants what an eye has not seen neither has an ear heard neither has a human being dreamt of.
Note: In a summary of a speech of the Prophet Muhammad: When the people of Paradise have been admitted to Paradise
Allah Glory and Supremacy to Him will say: Do you want me to give you something more? So they will say: Have you
not honoured us (= Alam
tubayedh wujouhana)?! Have you not admitted us to Paradise and saved us from Hell?! So He (Allah) will remove
the cover and there is nothing they have been given better for them than looking towards their God.
Words: Thukkira = Reminded, Kharra = Fell down, Sujjada = Prostrating - Putting the
forehead on the ground in worship, Yastakbir = Becomes arrogant, Tatajafa = Often turns away from - Shuns, Junoub
= Sides, Madhajie' = Beds, Khawfan = In fear, Tama'an = In hope, Razaqa = Provided sustenance,
Yunfiq = Spends, Qurrat A'yun = Delight of the Eyes.
Q: What are the main religious duties of Muslims?
A: O people who believed (in Allah)! Kneel down and prostrate* and worship your God and do good deeds
so as you may succeed; And fight in the Way of Allah (Jihad) with His (Allah's) Due Right in Jihad -
He (Allah) had chosen you and didn't include any complication in the religion - The religion of your forefather
Abraham (Ibraheem). It is He (Allah) who had before named you Muslims; And in this
(the Qur'an) the prophet (Muhammad) to be a witness upon you and you (Muslims) become witnesses upon mankind so perform
the prayer and give the mandatory charity (Zakat) and seek protection in Allah - He is your Protector and what an Excellent Protector! And
what an Excellent Supporter!
Translation of: Ayat 77 - 78. Surat AlHajj.
* Upon hearing this line Muslims prostrate (making the forehead down in awe of Allah).
Words: Erke' = Kneel down = Prostrate, Ef'el = Do, Khair
= Good deeds, Tufleh = Succeeds, Jaahid = Fight (order), Haq Jihadihi = His due right in Jihad,
Aqem AlSalat = Perform the prayer, Aati Alzakat = Give prescribed (mandatory) amount charity (2.5%), Ni'ma =
What an excellent.
Q: Why should the believers who did wrong in the past rejoice in bringing forth good words and deeds?
A: And perform the prayer at both ends of the day (dawn, noon and afternoon) and during parts of the
night (sunset and evening) - indeed good (righteous) deeds remove bad deeds - this is a Reminder
for those who continuously remember* (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 114, Surat Hood. (11:114)
* It is very rewardful to mention Allah's Name and be mindful of Him. Prayer (Salah) is one way
of remembering Allah. (refer to Surat AlAhzab)
Words: Aqim = Perform, Ttarafay = Both ends - Both sides, Nahar = day - day time, Zulufan = Parts, Layl =
Night, Hasanat = Good deeds, Yuthhibna = Remove, Saye'at = Bad deeds, Thikra
= Reminder, LilThakireen = For those who continuously remember (Allah) - For those who are mindful (of Allah).
Q: When the Imam is reciting Qur'an in a prayer why should those who pray behind him not recite but listen
A: And when The Qur'an is recited, do listen to it and pay attention so that you may receive Mercy (from Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 204, Surat AlA'raf.
Note: Narrated by Imam Ahmad, originally reported by Abi Hurairah that the Prophet Muhammad finished
from a prayer in which he recited the Qur'an loudly. The summary of the speech: The Prophet said: has anyone of you recited the Qur'an with
me in the prayer. A man said: I did, Prophet of Allah. The Prophet said: I was telling myself why I am pulling (=
Unazi') the Qur'an. (The reading of the Imam is for all those who pray behind him). Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, Volume 2, pages 79-80.
Words: Kuri'a = Recitd, Istami' = Listen,
Ansit = Pay Attention, La'allaka = You may receive, Turham = Receive Mercy.
Q: What three actions should be performed along with the prayer?
A: (Luqman said)* O my son perform the prayer and command good deeds and forbid
bad deeds and have patience upon what grieves you for that is from the
matters of firm decision (best matters).
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat Luqman. (31:17)
* Luqman was a wise man. Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti of Egypt mentioned in his book "
Safwat AlBayan Lima'ani AlQur'an" that he was probably from AlNoubah (south of Egypt) or Sudan or
AlHabashah (Ethiopia).
Note:: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Command good deeds and
frobid bad deeds before (it is too late) when you ask Allah for something and and
you will not be answered.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The first time shortcoming
(in actions came) among the people of Israel appeared when a man used to meet a man and he said to
him: Fear Allah and stop what (bad deed) you are doing for it is not allowed for you. Then next day
he meets him and nothing stops him from eating, drinking and sitting with him. When they did this
Allah made enmity among them (= dharaba Allah quloub ba'dhihim bi Ba'dh). Source:
Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1 page 538.
Words: Aqim AlSsalat = Perform the prayer, Enha = Forbid, Munkar = Bad deeds,
Essber = Have patience, Ma Assabak = What grieves you - What is inflicted upon you, Azm AlUmour =
The matters of firm decision - Natters of strong decision.
Q: Who should not pray in the places of worship of Allah?
A: It is not allowed for those who join partner(s)* with Allah to fill (= Y'morou) the places of worship of Allah -
witnessing to infidelity upon themselves - those their (all) deeds have failed and in the Fire (Hell) they are
remaining forever.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlTawbah. (9:17)
* There are different forms of partnership with Allah: Self, idols, nature forces and
Words: Mushrik = Who join partner(s), Ya'murou = Fill - Regularly visit, Masajid = Places of worship - Mosques,
Shahideen = Witnessing (plural), Habitat = Failed, A'mal = Deeds, AlNar = The Fire - Hell,
Khalid = Remaining forever.
Q: What do you need to do to enter into a successful business contract with Allah?
A: For those who recite Allah's Scripture (Qu'ran) and perform the prayer and spend from what
wealth We (Allah) provided them secretly and openly they look forward to a trade* that will not be unsuccessful.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat Fatir.
* In trade with Allah believers get rewards for their deeds based on their intentions.
Words: Yatloun = Recite, Anfaqa = Spent, Razaqna = Wealth that We
provided, Yarjoun = They look forward, Tejarah = Trade - Commerce - Business, Len = Not, Len Tabour = Will not be
Q: What did Allah leave for the Prophet Abraham (= Ibraheem) across humanity?
A: And Our messengers (angels) have reached Abraham (= Prophet Ibraheem) with the
good news - they said peace he said peace and quickly he came back with a roasted calf; So
when he saw their (angels') hands not reaching towards it* he denied them and
had a sensation of fear of them - they said do not fear for we are sent to the People of (Prophet) Lut (Abraham's nephew);
And his wife (Sarah)
was standing then she laughed (tension gone) so We gave her the good news of Isaac (= Prophet Is'haq) and from after
Isaac Jacob (= Prophet Yaqoub); She said woe to me (= YaWaylati) - am I going to give birth when I am an old woman and this is my husband an old
man (around 100) - indeed this is cetrainly a strange thing; They (angels) said are you wondering at Allah's command - Mercy
of Allah and His blessings upon you - the people of the house for He is Praiseworthy, Glorified.
Translation of: Ayat 69 - 73, Surat Hood.
* Angels do not eat based on a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (source will be added insha Allah later).
Note: Towards the end of every prayer Muslims pray: Our God! Bestow Mercy (= salli) upon
Mohammad and the family of Mohammad as You bestowed Mercy upon Abraham and the family of Abraham
- You are Praiseworthy, Glorified. Our God! Bless Mohammad and the family of Mohammad as You blessed Abraham and
the family of Abraham. In the worlds You are Praiseworthy, Glorified.
Note: Continuation of the lines.
Words: Rusul = Messengers, Bushra = Good news - Happy announcement, Salam = Peace, Aydi = Hands, Nakira = Rejected, Kheefah = Fear,
Imra'ah = Wife - Woman, YaWaylati = Woe to me - O my God, Ajooz = Old woman, Rahmat = Mercy, Barakat = Blessings,
Ahl AlBayt = People of the house.
Q: Why should we be attentive to what we say in the prayer and not think of anything else during
the prayer?
A: Indeed the believers are certainly those when Allah is mentioned* their hearts shiver and when His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) are recited to them they add to
their Faith and in their God they put their trust; Those who perform (regularly) the prayer and from what sustenance We
(Allah) provided them they spend; Those ones are the true believers - for them are ranks (= Darajat) with Allah and
Forgiveness and honorable sustenance.
Translation of: Ayat 2 - 4, Surat AlAnfal. (8:2-4)
* In the prayer a Muslim remembers Allah and mentions His Name = Thikr Allah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When it is called for the prayer (=
Athan) Satan runs away farting so that he does not hear the call; When the call ends he comes back. When the
prayer begins with saying the intention of the prayer (= Tasthweeb) he goes away. When the intention
ends he comes back and tries to be between the person and his self reminding him: Remember this! Remember this until the person does not know how many parts (= rakah) of the prayer he prayed. Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, Page 75.
The Prophet also added if you see this action (of not being able to concentrate on the prayer) then make an extra prostration (= sujoud) at the
end of the prayer.
Words: Thukira = Is mentioned, Wajilat = Shiver, Qoloubuhum = Their hearts,
Tuliyat = Are recited, Razaqnahum = What sustenance We provided them, Yunfiqoun = They spend,
Haqqan = True - Truly, Kareem = Honorable.
Q: Before praying in a Muslim praying house why should a Muslim make sure that the praying house follows the
Qur'an and the Prophet's Way?
Note: Nowadays Muslims' mosques have different names: Mosques, Houses, Centres...etc. However not all of them follow what is in the Qur'an and/or the Prophet's Way
(sayings and actions).
A: And those who built a mosque (with the intention) for causing harm, disbelieving and disunity among
the believers and in preparation for who* fought Allah and His Prophet (Muhammad) before and certainly they
take an oath (that) we intended only the good deeds (in the building) and Allah bears witness that they are
certainly liars.
Translation of: Ayah 107, Surat AlTawbah.
* One aspect of the Qur'an being a miracle is that the Qur'an is for all times. It
refers to specific incidents or events that also have general implications.
A summary of an incident mentioned in "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer", volume 2, page 565 - 566:
A man called Amir AlRahib asked some hypocrite Muslims among his people to build a mosque in
AlMadinah while he went to seek support of Hercules, the Roman Emperor to fight the Prophet Muhammad
and his followers. When the mosque
was built they asked the Prophet to pray in it. Being busy with a trip to "AlTabouk" the
Prophet told them he will pray there when he comes back. On the way back it was revealed to the Prophet
the intention of the new mosque. The Prophet sent two men and the mosque was demolished.
Words: Etakhathou = They built, Masjidan = A mosque, Dhiraran =
For causing harm, Kufran = Disbelieving, Tafreeqan = Disunity, Irsadan = In
preparation, Ardna = We intended, Illa = Only, AlHusna = The good deeds, Yashhad =
Bears witness, Kathiboun =
Q: What type of mosque does Allah command the Prophet Muhammad and his followers to pray in?
Note: The coming line follows the line 107 which is posted immediately above this.
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Do not ever stand up (for prayer) in it (mosque of the hypocrites) for
a mosque* that was founded on the fear of Allah from the first day is more worthy of your
standing up in it - in it men (who) love to be cleansed** and Allah loves those who cleanse themselves.
Translation of: Ayah 108, Surat AlTawbah.
* Reference is to the Prophet's Mosque in AlMadinah. And about "Masjid Quba'" the first mosque
built in AlMadinah the Prophet Muhammad said: In it much good (= khair kastheer). Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 569.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet said to some Muslims in Masjid Qabba' in
AlMadinah: Allah commended you for your cleansing so what is it? They said: We don't know except that we had
some Jewish neighbours who used to wash their buttocks after evacuating their bowels (= Ghaaitt) so we
did like them. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 567. (Note: Nowadays in all Muslim countries there is
water available inside the toilet stalls for cleansing).
Words: La = Do not, Taqum = Stand up, Usisa = Was founded, AlTaqwa =
the fear of Allah - Piety, Ahaq = More worthy, Rijal = Men, Yuhibouna = They love,
Yatataharou = To be cleansed - To be purified.
Q: What will happen to those who contribute to the building of a mosque that may cause harm to the
major group of Muslims?
Note: The coming line follows the line 108 which is posted immediately above this.
Note: The line includes a scene from the Day of Judgment. Remember the future is an Open Book for Allah.
A: So is the one who founded its (mosque's) construction on fear of Allah and Satisfaction
(of Allah) is better or who founded its construction on the edge of a cliff that is falling off so it
collapsed with him in the Fire of Hell and Allah does not guide (to His Path) the people who transgress (against
Translation of: Ayah 109, Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Assassa = Founded, Bunyanahu = Its construction, Taqwa = Fear,
Ridhwan = Satisfaction - Approval, Khair = Better, Shafa = Edge - Brink, Juruf =
Cliff - Steep slope, Harin = Falling off, Enhara = Collapsed - Fell down, La Yahdi =
Does not guide.
Q: What does a mosque that is not built with the intention of following the Qur'an and the Prophet's Way
(Method) create in the hearts of its contributors?
Note: The coming line follows the line 109 which is posted immediately above this.
A: Their construction (mosque of the hypocrites) that they made will continue to cast
a suspicion (uneasiness) in their hearts until their hearts are interrupted (stop)* and
Allah is All-Knowing (of their intentions and deeds) All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 110, Surat AlTawbah.
* Until they die.
Words: La Yazal = Will continue, Bunyanuhum = Their construction,
Reebah = Suspicion - Misgiving, Taqatta' = Are interrupted - Stop, Quloubuhum = Their
Q:Why do Muslims have to do the ablution (washing) before praying?
A: And He (Allah) is Who sent the wind as a bringer of good news in the presence of His Mercy
(rain) and We (Allah) sent down from the sky purifying water (rain).
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlFurqan.
Words: Arsala = Sent, AlRiyah = The wind, Bushra = As a bringer
of good news, Bayna Yaday Rahmatihi = in the presence of His Mercy - Before His Mercy, Ma' = Water, Tahoura
= Purifying - Cleaning.
Q: Why does Allah repeat in the Qur'an the example of the rain as one Sign of Allah's Mercy on humans?
Note: The line 48 (see above) precedes the lines 49-50 translated here.
A: To revive with it (rain) a dead land and give it to drink among what We
(Allah) created animals and a lot of people; And We detailed (repeated in various forms) it (example
of rain)* among them so that they remember (Allah) yet the majority of people insisted on
being disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlFurqan.
* The example of the rain as a Sign of Allah's Mercy on humans is repeated in different forms in the Qur'an still many
(including many educated) people do not get it.
Note: Besides the Signs of Allah's Mercy on humans Allah detailed
the warning in the Qur'an.
Words: LiNuhye = To revive - To bring to life, LiYaththakarou = To remember,
Nusqeehi = Give it to drink, An'am = Animals, Anasi = People, Kastheera = A lot of,
Sarrafnahu = We detailed it, FaAba Illa Kafoura = Insisted on being disbelievers.
Q: What is the way to a good pouring down of rain in draught lands?
A: (Allah says) And if they (disbelievers among humans and Jinn)* became righteous according to The Way (Religion of
Allah)** We (Allah)
would have given them water (rain) in a liberal bestowing; So as to test*** them
with it and whoever turns away from the Reminder (Qur'an) of his God He will cause him to undergo escalating suffering.
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 17, Surat AlJinn.
* Those who swerved from justice = "AlQasitoun").
** Not following religious sects but worshipping Allah as the Prophet Muhammad did.
A Message especially for the new converts to Islam: When you pray always research and investigate: Did the Prophet
Muhammad say and do this? In order to remain on Allah's Straight Path and avoid following many Islamic
religious sects that are mislead and are misleading others. And Allah knows Best.
*** Rain (water) is a blessing from Allah. All blessings come by way of trial: The more we have
the more is expected of us. A man of gifts, talents or insight is expected to show a higher
standard of love and uselfishness than one less gifted, just as a rich man is expected to give more
in charity than a poor man. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and
Commentary. (based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali), page 1833.
Words: WaAlau = And if, Estaqamou = They became righteous, Ala
AlTareeqah = According to The Way (of worshipping Allah), LaAsqaynahum = We would have given
them, Ma' = Water - Rain, Ghadaqa = In liberal bestowing - Good pouring, LiNaftinahum = So as to test them, Yu'ridh =
Turns away, Thikr Rabihi = The Reminder of his God (The Qur'an), Yaslukuhu = He will cause him
to undergo, Athab = Suffering - Punishment, Sa'ada = Escalating - Increasing.
Q: Why do Muslims and the People of the Book not face one prayer direction?
Note: In prayer Muslims face the direction of The Sacred Mosque (= AlMasjid
AlHaram) (= First House of Allah) in Mecca (in Saudi
Arabia) while some
People of the Book (Jews) face the prayer direction of Jerusalem.
A: And for each (Muslims, People of the Book) is a
direction (of prayer) he (everyone of you) is facing so do race in the good deeds - wherever you are (dead) Allah will bring
you together (on Day of Judgment) for Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 148, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:148)
Note: Quranic Line143 in Surat AlBaqarah contains the commandment of facing the prayer
Words: Likul = For each, Fastabiqou = So do race, Howa Muwaleeha = He is facing, AlKhairat = In the good deeds,
Ya'ti = Will bring, Jameean = Togehter, Qadeer = Capable.
Q: In prayer why do Jews and Christians not face one direction?
A: And even if you (Prophet Muhammad) brought the People of the Book every
Miraculous Sign (Proof) they will not follow your prayer direction (= Qiblah)* and you are not going to follow**
their direction (Jerusalem) neither will some of them follow the prayer direction
of the others - and certainly if you follow their whims after what has
reached you from the Knowledge (Qur'an) then you are indeed from the transgressors.
Translation of: Ayah 145, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Allah's Sacred Mosque (= AlMasjid AlHaram) in Mecca.
** The Prophet Muhammad obeys Allah. All Muslims are warned here not to follow any
prayer direction other than Allah's Sacred Mosque (= Masjid or Bayt Allah
AlHaram) which contains AlKa'bah "=The Cube" in Mecca.
Words: Atayta = You brought, Ayah = Miraculous Sign -
Proof, Tabiou = Followed, Ahwa' = Whims, AlIlm = The Knowledge.
Q: What prayer direction was the Prophet Moses commanded to follow before bringing his people to freedom?
Note: Prophet Moses and the Israelites had houses in Egypt before they were commanded to
cross the sea to the Holy Land.
A: And We (Allah) revealed to Moses and his brother (Aaron) to provide for their
(believing) community (special) accommodation places in Egypt and make your (special) accommodation
places a prayer direction (Qiblah)* and perform the prayer (in them) and give the good news
(of victory) to the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat Yunus.
* Note: AlKa'bah ("The cube" that the Prophet Abraham originally built with his son Ishmael = Bayt Allah
AlHaram) is inside the Sacred Mosque where Muslims pray. The Sacred Mosque (=
AlMasjid AlHaraam) is inside Mecca. Mecca is called "AlHaram" = the (first) sacred place.
According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, ex-mufti (religious scholar) of Egypt in "Safwat
AlBayanLiM'ani AlQuran" page 35: ALKa'bah is the prayer direction for AlMasjid AlHaraam. AlMasjid
AlHaraam is the prayer direction for Mecca. Mecca is the prayer direction for Muslims outside
Note: Lines 84-86 in Surat Yunus, that precede the line translated in this posting.
Words: Awhaina = We revealed, Taboua'a Boyoutan = Provide
accommodation, Ejalou = Make, Qiblah = A Prayer direction, Aqeemou AlSalat =
Perform the prayer, Bashshir = Give the good news.
Q: How can we understand that the gathering that can cause unrest (protest for example) is not allowed after
Note: Remember: "And when the (Friday) prayer is finished then disperse through
the land and seek the favour of Allah and remember Allah a lot so that you may prosper." Translation of Line 10 in
Chapter AlJumuah in the Qur'an.
A: And perform the prayer and give alms (= Zakat) and obey* the Prophet so that
you may receive Mercy (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlNoor.
Note: Reference is to the protest after prayer in Syria.
(Note the name of Allah should be invoked with awe and submission. It should not be invoked for acts which Allah and His Prophet forbade such as
(war-like acts of) fighting Muslim government staff who did not break away from any pillar of Islam).
* Obey the Prophet!
In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad reported by Ibn Masoud: There will
be after me governors who give your rights to others (= astharah). They said O Prophet Of Allah what do you
command us then? The Prophet said: You do your responsibilities and ask Allah for your rights. (In another
saying the Prophet Muhammad said: For Allah is going to ask them about whom He made them their leaders). Source:
AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, Page 400.
Note: In a summary of another saying of the Prophet Muhammad when he was asked : O Prophet of
Allah What do you think if we have princes who ask us for their rights and they hold back our rights. So what
do you command us. The Prophet turned away from him. Then the man asked agains. So the Prophet peace
be upon him said: Listen and obey for they are going to be asked about their responsibilities and you are going to be asked about your
responsibilities and (= Ema'ou waAteeou! FaInnama Alayhim Ma Hummilou waAlaykum Ma Hummiltum).
Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 224.
Note: A saying of the Prophet Muhammad about the governors
you hate.
Note: As initially narrated by the respected companion Abu Bakr. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad:
Whoever humiliates the Sultan Allah will humiliate him. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min
Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, Page 224.
Note: As reported by the respected cousin of the Prophet Muhammad "Ibn Abbas" - in
a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever hates his governor so let him be patient because
whoever goes a length of a hand measure away from his governor he will die the death of
Pre-Islamic Ignorance (= Men Karaha Min Ameerihi Shayan FelYasbir. Fa'Innahu Men Kharaja Min AlSultan Shibran
Mata Maytat Jahiliyah). Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim,
Page 401. Also mentioned in Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, Page 224.
Note: In a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Listen and obey even if your governor is
an "Abyssian (Ethiopian)" slave whose head is like a raisin. "Esma'ou wa Ateeou waIn Ustu'mila Alaykum Abd
Habshi KaAnna Ra'sahu Zabeebah = Obey your (Muslim) Sultan even if he is not from your
origin (it can be understood to listen and obey nowadays even if he is not from your Muslim religious sect)" Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, Page 223.
Note: Nowadays Muslim are divided among many religious sects. In a summary of a saying
of the Prophet Muhammad when he was asked by a companion: Is there after the goodness (at the time of the Prophet
Muhammad) evil. The Prophet said: Yes. He asked: And is there goodness after that? He said:
Yes but with smoke in it. He asked: What will be its smoke? The Prophet said: People guiding others
with other than my guidance - you see it in them and you will disapprove of it. The companion said:
Is there evil after that. The Prophet Muhammad said: Yes. Callers to the Gates of Hell. Whoever
follows them they will throw him in it. The companion asked: O Prophet of Allah describe them to
us. The Prophet said: They are from our own skin and they will speak our tongue. The companion asked:
What do you command me if I live to see that. The Prophet said: You follow the way of the
majority of Muslims and their Imam. The companion said: What if those Muslims did not have a majority
neither an Imam. The Prophet said: Then abandon all those sects even if you have to bite the
stem of a tree (very difficult situation) until you die being on that state. Source:
Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, Page 401.
Note: Umar Bin AlKhattab also advised Muslims
to obey the governors.
Words: Aqeemou = Perform, AlSalat = Prayer, Ateeqou = Obey,
La'alakum Turhamoun = You may receive Mercy.
Q: After finishing the prayer (five prayers) why is it important to spend some time glorifying Allah?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhmmad) And of the night do glorify Him (Allah) and (also)
after the prostration*.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat Qaf.
* All creatures prostrate to Allah willingly or unwillingly.
Note: The word "Masjid" in Arabic = Mosque is derived from the verb
"sajad" which means prostrated.
Words: Min Allayl = Of the night, FaSabbihu = Do glorify Him,
Adbar = After - At the end, AlSujoud = The prostration - Putting the forehead on the
ground in submission to Allah.
Q: What cleaning actions are associated with the prayer?
A: O believers when you are about to pray then (= do ablution "Wudou'") wash your faces and your hands to the
elbows and wipe your heads and feet* to the ankles - and if you were impure because of the dirt** then
cleanse yourselves (= do Taharah) - and if you were sick or on a journey or
if anyone of you expelled excrement*** (= ja'a AlGhaait) - of if
you touched intimately the women then you did not find water then touch clean sand and wipe your
faces and your hands with it - Allah certainly does not want to place a burden on you but He wants to
purify (cleanse) you and to complete His Favour upon you perhaps you may be thankful.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlMa'idah.
* Feet should be wiped (rubbed) properly to remove any dirt on them. It is narrated that
the companion Ali (also the companion Umar) may Allah be pleased with him wiped his feet
when he did not relieve himself (using the toilet) and washed his feet properly
after relieving himself. source Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, page 35. However Muslims during the ablution should be considerate not to drop water on
the floor that does not have a water drain on it as is the case in public washrooms in Canada for
** (= Junuban) Impure because of the dirt for example after urinating or excreting.
*** Relieves himself.
Note: Cleansing with water (= AlTaharah) the whole body (for example after a sexual
intercourse) or a certain part of it (for example after urinating) is a must before cleaning with water as
per the ritual of ablution (= AlWudou') that precedes the prayer (= AlSalat).
Words: Qumtum LilSalat = Are about to pray, FaGhsilou = Wash, Emsahou =
Wipe - Rub, Arjulakum = Your Feet, AlKa'bain = Ankles, Kuntum Junuban = If you were
dirty, Ja'a Ahadukum AlGhaait = Anyone of you expoelled excrement, Lamstum AlNisa' = You touched intimately - You touched sexually, Fattaharou =
Purify yourselves - Cleanse yourselves, FaTayammaou = Then touch clean sand, Sa'eedan =
Sand, Tayyeban = Clean, Famsahou = Wipe, Haraj = Burden - Difficulty, LiYutahirakum
= To purify you - To cleanse.
Q: What two sublime phrases of Allah does the Muslim prayer include?
A: So (repeat) glory to Allah (= Subhana Allah) when you (all) become in
the evening (prayer of AlMaghrib) and when you become in the morning (prayer of AlFajr); And to Him is
the Praise (lahu Alhamd) in the Heavens*
and the earth, and at night (prayer of AlIsha') and when you become at noon**.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 18, Surat AlRoum.
* Angels praise Allah in the Heavens.
** Forenoon (prayer of AlDhuhr) and Afternoon (prayer of AlAsr).
Note: Muslims pray everyday five prayers: Fajr (dawn or beginning of morning),
Dhuhr (forenoon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (evening) and Isha' (night).
In each standing up during the prayer ritual, Muslims recite Surat AlFatiha which starts the Qur'an and
its first line is (Praise to Allah the God of the inhabitants of
the world = AlHamdu Lilahi Rubb AlAlameen).
In every bowing down while still standing Muslims
repeat three times (Subhana Rubbi AlAdheem = Glory to my God the Al-Mighty).
In every prostration (forehead on the ground) Muslims repeat three times
(Subhana Rubbi AlA'la = glory to my God the Sublime).
Words: Heena = When, Tumsoun = You become in the evening, Tusbihoun
= You become in the morning, AlHamd = Praise - Thanking, Ashiyan =
At night, Tudhhiroun = You become at noon (forenoon - afternoon).
Q: What Muslims should do before entering mosques (the Houses of Allah = Buyout Allah)?
A: O children of Adam (people) dress well* for every mosque (= place of worship) and eat and
drink and do not transgress beyond (Allah's) Limits** for He Allah does not like those who transgress beyond
(Allah's) Limits (the immoderate = AlMusrifeen).
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlA'raf. (7:31)
* Besides the ablution (with water), wearing good and clean clothes, cleaning the teeth, and using pleasant scent (= Tteeb).
(Prophet Muhammad preferred white colour clothes. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 309).
** Do not eat or drink more than what your body needs (do not exceed the
limits). (refer to 'Note' under Surat AlMulk)
According to Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 310, some of the (worthy) ancestors said: Allah combined
the whole of medicine in a half Verse (the Line translated).
Note: Research how human cells are made of protein and the relationship between the excessive consumption of animal
protein and the high rates of cancer especially in busy environments with less physical activities.
Words: Bani = Children, Khuthou Zeenatakum = Dress well, Kulou
= Eat, Eshrabou = Drink, La Tusrifou = Do not transgress beyond limits - Do not
exceed limits - Do not exceed limits, La Yuhib = Does not like, AlMusrifeen = The immoderate.
Q: How was the Prophet Muhammad special in his prayers?
Note: Excess prayers as well as excess other forms of worship are in pursuit of better
ranks in Paradise.
A: For your God knows that you (Prophet Muhammad) stay up (praying) a little bit less than two thirds of the night and (other times) its half and its
third - along with a group from those who are with you and Allah appraises* the
night and the day - He knew that you (plural) are not going to keep count** of it so He
has forgiven you (plural) - so recite*** whatever is possible of the Qur'an - He knew that there will be among you
sick ones and others traveling in the land seeking of the favour of Allah and others fighting in the
Path of Allah - so do recite what is possible of it and perform the (prescribed) prayer (5 times) and give
the prescribed
charity (= Zakat) - and lend Allah a good loan**** and whatever you send forward for yourselves of good
deeds you will find it with Allah - that will be the best (kind) and the greatest reward and ask Allah for forgiveness for
Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 20 , Surat AlMuzzammil.
* When the night ends and the day starts.
** For the two thirds, half and third of the night.
*** In prayer we recite the Qur'an.
**** Other than the prescribed charity (= Zakat) which is a main pillar of
Islam and we will be questioned on the Day of Judgement if we do not perform it.
Note: Persistence is ncecessary in staying up praying at night. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet said to Abdullah Bin Amr Bin
AlAas: O Abdullah do not be like someone - He used to stay up at night praying then he stopped. Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa
Muslim. In Arabic, page 216.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad to one of the companions: I was told
that you fast the morning and stay up praying at night. So do fast (some days) and do not fast (other days)
and stay up (some of the night) and sleep (some of the night) because your eyes and your soul and your
family have rights upon you. The companion said that he can do better. The Prophet said so do fast like the
Prophet David (= Dawood). He used to fast a day and not fast another day. And when he used to meet the
enemy he used not to run away. Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa
Muslim. In Arabic, page 216.
Words: Taqoumu = You stay up worshipping, Adna = A little bit
less, Sthuluthai = Two thirds, Nisfahu = Its half, Sthulusthahu = Its third,
Taaifah = Group, Yuqqadir = Appraises - Proportionally measures, Alima = He knew, Tuhsouhu = Keep count - Keep measure,
Tayyassara = Possible - Feasible - Easy, Aqeemou = Perform, Aqridhou =
Lend, Howa Khairan = That will be the best, A'dham = Greatest, Ajran = Reward,
Q: Before asking Allah from His Mercy what should a believer beware of?
A: So is* the one who is humbly obedient (to Allah) during the night - (either) prostrating or
standing (in prayer) being cautious of (punishment of the) the Other
World and asking for the Mercy of his God (in both Worlds) - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) are the
ones with knowledge equal to those who have no knowledge - rather (only) men of understanding bear it
in mind.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlZumar. (39:9)
* The completion of the question is understood from the last part of the Ayah. (So is the one ---
equal to those who have no knowledge?)
Words: Qaanitat = humbly Obedient; Ana' = During, Sajidan = Who prostrates - Who stretches down with the forehead on the ground in awe and
worship, Yahthar = Being cautious of - Being mindful, Being cautious, Yarjou = Asks, Yastawi = Are equal, Ulou
AlAlbab = Men of understanding.
Q: Why should Muslims, Jews and Christians not leave the daily prayer dictated by Allah?
Note: Please read the first lines of Prophet Abraham's prayer to Allah near Allah's Sacred
House in Mecca.
A: (Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) continues) My God make me a performer of the prayer and from my offspring (too) and accept
my suuplication (this one); Our God forgive me and my parents* and the believers when the Judgement starts (on Day of
Translation of: Ayat 40 - 41, Surat Ibraheem. (14: 40-41)
* Muslims are not allowed to supplicate to Allah for FORGIVENESS for those who are disbelievers. When Prophet
Abraham relealized this he stopped it. (refer to Surat AlTawbah)
Words: Ej'alni = Make me, Muqeem = Performer, Thurriyati = From my
offspring, Du'a = Supplication - Calling upon - Prayer, Yaqoum AlHisab = Judgement starts -
Reckoning starts.
Q: What special times call for our full religious worship (for example not to miss the dictated prayer but better to perform extra prayers)?
A: (Allah takes an oath*) By the dawn**; And by the ten nights***; And by "the Shef' wel Wetr"****;
And by the night***** as it
passes (to end); Is there in that an (enough) oath (by Allah) for a rational person.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlFajr. (89: 1 - 5)
* What Allah takes an oath of is worthy our attention for its huge effects and benefits to us.
** Prayer of the dawn is witnessed (more than one group of angels witness it).
*** Most scholars explained it as the ten days of the Islamic Month of 'Thu AlHijjah' when pilgrimage to
Mecca takes place.
**** Two standing up (= rak'ah) for (AlShafe') prayer and one standing up for (AlWetr) prayer. Salat "AlShafe' wel Wetr" is
a gift (extra) prayer before we go to bed at night. It is reported that the Prophet Muhamamd told Ali may
Allah honour him not to sleep until he finishes the Wetr. Source will be added later. Also in Arabic (AlShafe') means
even number so it can include 2 and 4 times standing up in all the dictated, except sunset, prayer ritual. (AlWetr) means odd number so it can
include the 3 times standing up in the sunset (AlMaghrib) prayer ritual
***** Gift prayer (= nafilah, plural is mawafil) in the night when people
are deep asleep are for extra reward from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad alone was commanded to perform the extra night
prayer, Muslims who can make a routine of praying extra at night do it for extra reward.
Words: AlFajr = Dawn, Layal Ashr = Ten nights, AlShafe' = The even number,
AlWatr = The odd number, Allayl = The night, Yasri = Passes (to end), Fi thalika = In that, Qasam
= Oath - Swear, LiThi Hijr = For a rational person - For a person who understands.
Q: What two rituals of Islam go along with believing and doing righteous deeds to feel secure from the
terror of the Day of Judgement?
A: Indeed those who believed and did righteous deeds and performed the prayer (= AlSalat)* and gave the prescribed
charity (= AlZakat)** - for them is their Reward (with Allah) and no fear*** upon them and they will not grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 277, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:277)
* Ritual prayer (= Fardh) five times a day.
** 2.5% of money. Other assets have their own prescribed amounts.
*** The Day of Judgement is a Day of terror. (refer to Surat AlMuzzammil)
Another example. (refer to Surat AlInfitar)
Words: Amilou AlSalihat = They did righteous deeds, Aqamou = Performed, Ajruhum = Their
Reward, La Khawf = No fear, Yahzanoun = They will not grieve.
Q: How do you define "Prayer" in an elevator talk (few words)?
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad) have patience* about what they say (of harm) - and do glorify with
the Praise of your God before sunrise ('Fajr' Prayer) and before sunset ('Maghrib') - and during the
night ('Isha' prayer) so do glorify - and (during) the sides of the day ('Dhuhur' and 'Asr' prayers) so that
you (Prophet Muhamamd) may be pleased (= La'allaka Tardha**).
Translation of: Ayah 130, Surat Taha. (20:130)
*Why was the Prophet Muhammad commanded to show patience? (In Surat Ghafir, Ayah 55)
** Remember the Prophet's saying about it is Allah's Mercy which will decide who
will be pleased with Allah's Rewards in Paradise. (Believers' good deeds are to gain
Allah's satisfaction to attain His Mercy)
Words: Fesber = So have patience, Sabbeh = Glorigy - Declare Allah is above any
shortcoming, BiHamdi = With the Praise, Tolou' = Sunrise, Ghoroub = Sunset, Anaa' =
During, Atraf = Sides, La'allaka = So that you may, Tardha = Be Pleased.
Q: Whom especially should Muslim believers avoid befriending?
A: O those who believed do not take as allies (friends) those who took your religion (Islam) as ridicule and pastime (out of contempt)
from among those who were given the Book (Jews and Christians) before you (Muslims) and disbelievers and protect yourselves (by fearing
Allah) if you are believers; And when you (Muslims) call for prayer they take it (prayer) as ridicule and pastime and that is because they are people who
do not discern*.
Translation of: Ayat 57 - 58, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:57-58)
* They do not understand the Prestige of Islam because of lack of believing in it. (in Surat
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, Awliya' = Friends - Allies - Helpers, Hozowa = Ridicule - For fun, La'iba
= pastime - Play, Nadaytum = You call, La Ya'qiloun = They do not discern - realize - understand.
Q: What is important before standing to pray?
A: O those who believed do not start performing the prayer when you are
intoxicated (with wine etc) so that you understand what you are saying neither when you are in a state of impurity (= Junuban*) except
when you are wayfarers (travelers) until you have a bath and if you are sick or traveling or if any of you evacuated the bowels
or if you (plural) had sexual intercourse (= Lamastum) with women then you could not find water then wash with clean sand (or earth) so rub
with it your faces and your hands for Allah is Willingly Most-Pardoning (= AlAffou) Most-Forgiving (= Ghafoura).
Translation of: Ayah 43, Surat AlNisa'. (4:43)
* = "Junuban". In a state of impurity after defecating/urinating/ejaculating (semen).
Words: Junuban = In a state of impurity, Mardha = Sick, Abiri Sabeel = Wayfarers, Ja'a Min AlGhaitt = Evacuated the bowels - Defecated,
Lamastum AlNisa' = You had sexual intercourse with women, FaTayamamou = Wash with clean sand or earth (when water is
not available).
Q: When are Muslims allowed to make the prescribed three and four "kneeling down = Rak'at" of the prayer shorter - only two "Rak'at?
A: And if you (Muslims) travel through the land then there is no blame on you if you shorten the prayer (especially*) if you fear those
who disbelieved may persecute** you indeed the disbelievers had been to you an obvious enemy.
Translation of: Ayah 101, Surat AlNisa'. (4:101)
* It is approved by the majority of Muslim Imams to shorten the prayer when traveling in both times peace and war. And it is
proved in AlSunnah (Way of the Prophet Muhammad) to shorten the prayer during even peace. Source: "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an" by ex-Mufti of
Egypt "AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf", in Arabic, page 128.
** Persecution because of religion.
Words: Dharabtum = Travel through the land, Junah = Blame, Taqsorou = To shorten, Yaftinakum = Persecute you -
Torture you, Adowan Mubeena = An obvious enemy - A noticeable enemy.
Q: What action controls and motivates a believer's moral behavior?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 86 in Surat Hood.
A: They (people of Prophet Shuaib*) said is it your prayers which commands you that we (disbelievers) should leave
off what our fathers were worshipping or (leave off) doing with our wealth what we want - indeed you are certainly the tolerant, the
guided one**.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat Hood. (11:87)
* Prophet Shuaib no. 12 on the map of prophets whose names are in the
Qur'an. Known as "Jethro".
* With sound judgement. Prophet Shuaib was respected among his people.
Words: Nafa'la = To do, Amwalina = Our wealth, AlRasheed = Who is with sound judgement.
Q: When performing prayer, Why do all Muslims around the world NOT hesitate or have any doubt in facing the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia?
Note: The Translation of the preceeding Line 148 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) wherever you have gone out then turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque (= AlMasjid AlHaram or
AlHaram) and indeed it is certainly the Truth (just and fair Command) from your God and Allah is Not Unaware of what you (plural) do.
Translation of: Ayah 149, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:149)
Note: In prayer to Allah, all Muslims face the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslims inside Mecca face the direction of (Allah's
Sacred Mosque where Muslims pray and which contains "AlK'abah"). And inside the Sacred Mosque Muslims pray to
Allah facing "AlKa'bah = The Cube" which Prophet Abraham built with
his son Ishmael (Ismaeel).
Words: Min Hasysthu Kharajta = Wherever you have gone out, FaWalli = So turn, Wajhaka = Your face, Shatra = Towards, Ma
BiGhafil = Not Unaware.
Q: How are Muslims encouraged to follow the direction of AlKa'bah (ALKaaba) in prayer without any fear?
A: And wherever you have gone out (in travel) then turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque and wherever you are (staying) then
turn your faces towards it (the Sacred Mosque) so that people do not have against you (Muslims) any argument* except those who
transgressed** (with more than argument) from them - so do not fear them but fear Me (Allah) and (direction towards AlKa'bah) so that I complete
My Grace (Blessing) upon you (Muslims) and perhaps you may be rightly guided.
Translation of: Ayah 150, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:150)
* Argument - so that opposing Jews near Prophet Muhammad do not say the Prophet being a Muslim directs himself in prayer towards "Bayt al-Maqdis" =
"Bayt al-Muqaddas" = "Masjid AlAqssa" (House of the Holiness) in Jersusalem which Prophet Solomon (Suleiman) built.
- and so that polytheists around the Prophet Muhammad do not say the Prophet being a Muslim directs himself to what polytheists used to direct
themselves to - AlKa'bah which Prophet Abraham built with his son Ishmael (Ismaeel).
** Opposing Jews who transgressed against Allah said the Prophet left the direction of "Bayt AlMaqdis" to "AlKa'abah" because of his inclination
towards the religion of his forefathers (polytheism).
-- Polytheists around the Prophet transgressed and said the Prophet thought of it and he returned to his forefathers' direction in prayer and soon
he will go back to their religion. Source of * and **: Ex-Mufti of Egypt "AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf" in "Safwat AlBayan LiMa'ani
AlQuran", pages 35 - 36.
Words: Haysthu Ma Kuntum = Wherever you are - Wherever you are staying, LiAlla Yakouna LilNas = So that
people do not have, Hujjah = Argument, FeLa Takhsawhum = So do not fear them, LiUtimma Niamati = So that I complete
My Grace - My Blessing.
Q: When in distress what are the two qualities that can psychologically support a believer?
A: O those who believed do seek assistance (from Allah) with patience and prayer indeed Allah is with those who are patient.
Translation of: Ayah 153, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:153).
Words: Esta'eenou = Seek assistance, AlSabireen = Those who are patient.
Q: When a Muslim stands for prayer what state of mind should he intend to have then?
A: Keep (maintain) the (obligatory) prayers* and the middle** prayer and stand to pray to Allah full of obedience
in submission.
Translation of: Ayah 238, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:238)
* The obligatory five daily prayers.
** Many scholars agree it is 'Salat AlAsr = the Afternoon Prayer' when Muslims have tendency to be busy. Some
less scholars contend it is 'Salat AlFajr = the Dawn Prayer. Some worthy ancestors referred to 'Salat AlWusta' as any other
prayer such as Salat AlDuha. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, pages 412-419.
Note: All OPTIONAL or EXTRA prayers called "NAWAFIL prayers, NAFILAH for one" such as Salat 'AlTahajud' or 'AlDuha' are done between two
obligatory times. 'AlTahajud' between Isha and AlFajr. 'AlDuha' between AlFajr and AlDhuhur. And Allah knows Best.
Words: Hafidhou = Keep - Maintain, AlSalawat = The prayers, Qowmu = stand to prayer,
Qaniteen = Full of obedience in submission - Obey devoutly.
Q: How do Muslims pray when in danger?
A: So if you feel fear then (pray) walking* or riding* and when you feel safe then remember (pray to) Allah as He taught you** what you
have no knowledge of.
Translation of: Ayah 239, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:239)
* Pray using gestures and facing or not facing the "Qiblah = Muslims' direction of prayer". Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQuran, in
Arabic, page 58.
** Regular prayer when in safety.
Words: Khiftum = Feel fear, FaRijalan = Then walking - Then on foot, Rukbana = Riding, Amintum = Feel safe.
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