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Q: Why are angels sent down?
A: And they said (to Prophet Muhammad) O on whom the Qur'an has been sent down certainly you are really mad; Why don't you bring us the
angels if you are from the truthful; (Allah replies) We (Allah) do not send down the angels except for just cause (like punishment)
and then they (who asked) will not be delayed.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 8, Surat AlHijr. (15:6-8)
Words: Qaalou = Said, Nuzzila = Sent down, Majnoun = Mad, Lau = If, Ssadiq = Truthful, Ta'teena =
Bring us, BilHaq = For just cause - With Truth, Mundhareen = Delayed.
Q: Do angels have wings?
A: Praised be Allah who originated the creation of the Heavens and the earth, the Maker of the angels messengers
with wings: Double, triple and quadruple; He adds to the creation what He wishes for Allah is All-Capable of
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat Fatir.
Words: AlHamdu = Praise. Fatir = Originated the creation, AlSamawat = Heavens - Skies, Ja'il
= The Maker, AlMala'ikah = The Angels, Mathna = Double, Thulath = Triple, Ruba' = Quadruple
(four times), Ajniha = Wings, Yazeed = Adds, AlKhalq = The creation, Ma = What, Yasha' = Wishes,
Qadeer = All-Capable .
Q: Why did Allah send to people prophets as human beings and not as angels?
A: And nothing prevented people from believing when the Right Guidance reached them except that they said has Allah sent a
human being as a messenger; Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if there were on earth angels walking peacefully We (Allah)
would have certainly sent down upon them from the Heaven an angel
as a messenger; Say Allah is Enough for a Witness between me and you for He is with His people Well-Acquainted All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayat 94 - 96, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Mana' = Prevented, AlNas = The People, AlHuda = The Right Guidance, Illa = Except, Qalou =
Said, Ba'astha = Sent, Bashar = Human being, Rasool = Messenger, AlArdh = On earth, Mala'ikah =
Angels, Yamshoon = Walking, Mutma'ineen = Peacefully, AlSama' = Heaven, Khabeer = Well-Acquainted, Baseer = All-Seeing.
Q: Why were not the disbelievers who asked to see the angels to believe in Allah granted their wish?
A: The day (of their death) they (disbelievers) see the angels there will be no good news then for the sinners and they (angels) will say a forbidden barrier* (against returning to life);
And We (Allah) came to what work they (disbelievers) did so We made it into tiny dust particles**.
Translation of: Ayat 22 - 23, Surat AlFurqan. (25:22-23)
* They wished to see the angels. When death comes to any of them the Angel of death and his angel group will come to take the soul harshly with no hope
to return back to life to amend their deeds. The angels will say "Hijran Mahjoora" - they will be now in "AlBarzakh"
(refer to the note under Surat AlHajj).
Note: Allah commanded no dead person returns to this life after gone from it. (refer to Surat AlAnbiya')
** No weight for it on the scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgement.
Words: Yawm = Day, Yarawn = They see, AlMala'ikah = The Angels, Bushra = Good News,
Mujrimeen = Sinners - Criminals, Hijran = Barrier, Mahjoora = Forbidden, Amalin = Work, Haba' = Tiny
dust particles, Mansthoora = Scattered.
Q: Did some people become an enemy of the angel 'Gabriel' (Jibreel) because he revealed the religion to Prophet Muhammad after
he had, in the past, revealed it to Allah's previous messengers?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) whoever is an enemy to Gabriel then (let it be known) he (Angel Gabriel) indeed has brought it down upon
your (Prophet Muhammad's) heart with Allah's Permission, confirming what was revealed before and Guidance and good news to the believers; Whoever is an
enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel (Jibrail or Jibreel) and Michael (Mikail) then indeed Allah is An Enemy to the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayat 97 - 98, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:97-98)
Words: Men = Whoever, Adou = Enemy, Jibreel = Gabriel, FaInnahu Nazzalahu = Then indeed he has brought it down, Qalbaka = Your heart, BiIthni =
With permisssin, Mussadiq = Confirming, Huda = Guidance, Bushra = Good news, Mo'mineen =
Believers, Adou = Enemy, Rusul = Messengers, Kafireen = Disbelievers.
Q: Can the angels mediate (plead) for humans?
A: And how many angels in the Heavens their intercession (in the other World) will not be of any use but after Allah permits to whom He
pleases and accepts; Indeed those who do not believe in the Other World certainly call the angels with FEMALE NAMES; And they have
no knowledge about it - they follow nothing but assumption and assumption is of no use to the Truth.
Translation of: Ayat 26 - 28, Surat AlNajm. (53:26-28)
Note: Angels are males only. (refer to Surat AlZukhruf). (Remember angels are created by Allah's Word Be. They do not
have free will to choose like humans and Jinn. They continuously worship Allah and execute Allah's Commands)
Words: Malak = Angel, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Tughni = Be of use, Shafa'atuhum = Their intercession - Mediation, Yasha' =
Pleases - Wills, Yardhah = Accepts, AlAkhirah = The Other World, Yusamoun = They call, AlUntha =
Female, In Yattabe'ouna Illa = They follow nothing but, Althun = Assumption, AlHaqq = The Truth.
Q: How does the Qur'an refer to Angel Gabriel in his angel and human forms?
Note:When the prophet peace be upon him saw the Angel Gabriel in his real angel form twice. The first time when he saw him at the beginning of the
revelation, the prophet fainted.
A: I (Allah) swear by the stars when they go down (from the middle of the sky), your Companion (Prophet Muhammad) has not
gone astray (from Allah's Straight Path) and he was not misguided. And he does not speak out of fantasy. Indeed, it is
(The Qur'an) a revelation (from Allah) that is being revealed. Taught to him by the one with the super powers (Angel Gabriel -
Jibreel); with wisdom and he appeared (in his angel form) when he was in the highest part of the
horizon. Then he came nearer (in human form) and he let himself down; and he became two-arms distance away (from
the prophet); so he revealed to His (Allah's) servant (Muhammad) what he revealed. The heart (of Muhammad) did not
deny what he saw. So do you dispute with him what he saw! And he (Prophet Muhammad) has seen him in his second
descent (in his angel form) near AlMuntaha Tree* where there is AlMa'wa (resting) Paradise**; and the tree is covered with what
(unspeakable) it is covered. The sight didn't go astray and didn't go beyond its limit. He has seen from the Greatest
Signs of His God.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 18, Surat AlNajm.
*AlMuntaha Tree = A tree in the sky during AlMir'aj = Muhammad's Miraculous Ascent Trip with Gabriel to the Heavens
where Allah dictated five prayers upon Muslims. Then the Prophet Moses told the Prophet Muhammad to ask Allah for less prayers
because the former new that people won't do it. But Muhammad said that he feels shy to go back to the last Heaven to ask
Allah again.
**Janat AlMa'wa = The resting Paradise where the souls of the martyrs go.
Words: Malak = Angel, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Tughni = Be of use, Shafa'ah = Mediation, Yasha' =
Pleases, Yardhah = Accepts, AlAkhirah = The Other World, Yusamoun = They call, AlUntha =
Female, Althun = Assumption, AlHaq = The Truth, Nazlah = Descent, Sidrah = Tree, AlBasar =
The Eyesight, Zagha = Went astray, Ayat = Signs, AlKubra = The Greatest.
Q: Why is it a blasphemy to say that any of the Jinn has a blood relationship with Allah?
A: And they made a blood relationship between Him (Allah) and the Jinn*; And indeed the Jinn have known that they
will cetainly be summoned (for judgement on Day of Judgement); (Angels say) Glory to Allah from what they attribute
(to Him); (we angels are) But the sincerely
devoted people of Allah; So (Angels say to disbelievers) you (plural) and what you worship; You are not
going to be luring (away from Allah's Path) anyone; But the one who is going to be burnt in Hell; And no one of us (angels) except for him is a well
known rank; And (angels say) indeed it is we (angels) certainly who are the lined-up (for prayers = AlSaffoun);
And indeed it is we (angels) certainly who are the glorifiers (of Allah = AlMusabihoun).
Translation of: Ayat 158 - 166, Surat AlSaffat (37:158-166).
* According to Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 64: Disbelievers claimed that angels as goddesses whom they worship
are daughters of Allah. Abu Bakr the Propet's bossom friend asked: Then who are their mothers. They said: The daughters
of the Jinn leaders. (Praise to Allah Who is High above what they attribute to Him and claim.)
Words: Ja'lou = They made, AlJinnah = Jinn - Hidden Creatures, Nasab = Blood relationship, Alimat =
Have known, Muhdaroun = Summoned, Yasifoun = Attribute, Ta'bodoun = You worship, Fatineen = Luring,
AlJaheem = Hell, Maqam = Rank - Prestigious spot, Ma'loum = Well known, AlSaffoun = The lined up, AlMusabihoun
= The glorifiers - Who hold Allah above any shortcoming.
Q: How are our deeds recorded?
A: And indeed there are certainly overseers (angels) over you - honorable writers, they know what you do.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 12, Surat AlInfitar.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah prohibits you from becoming naked in
public so do be shy from the angels who stay with you, the deed writers who do not leave you except in three situations:
Bowel movement, impurity (Janabah), taking a bath so if anyone of you went outside (for urination or bowel movement in
an open area) so let him cover up with a cloth, wall or even his camel.
Words: Hafidheen = Overseers - Guards, Kiram = Honorable, Katibeen = Writers, Ya'lamoun = They know,
Taf'aloun = What you do.
Q: Why do angels pray for Allah's forgiveness for humans? Is it because they understand the true omnipotence (mightiness)
of Allah?
A: In this way it is being revealed to you (Prophet Muhammad) and (revealed) to those (prophets) before you (that) Allah is the AlMighty the All-Wise;
To Him belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth and He is the Most-Elevated and The Most Great; The
Heavens are about to split from above them* and the angels glorify the praise of their God and they pray for
forgiveness for whoever is on earth - well it is Allah who is the All-Forgiving the Most-Merciful; And those who have
taken other than Him (Allah) allies Allah is keeping watch over them and you (Prophet Muhammad) are not in charge of them.
Translation of: Ayat 3 - 6, Surat AlShoura. (42:3-6)
* Allah's Throne is on the top of the seventh Heaven.
Words: Yuha = BeingRevealed, Qabl = Before, Takaad = Is about, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Yatafatar =
Split, Yusabih = Glorify, Yastagfir = Pray for forgiveness, Awliya' = Allies, Hafeedh = Who keeps watch, Wakeel =
In charge - Guardian.
Q: Did the angels have some pre knowledge about man when Allah announced He is going to create him?
Hint: Allah created angels and Jinn before the creation of man. Angels had to
fight Jinn when the Jinn started corruption and there was a lot of bloodshed. Angels won. Source: Dr.Tareq Suwaida's " Stories of the
Prophets peace be upon them."
A: And when your God said to the angels I am going to place on earth a caliph (successor - they said will You
place there who makes corruption in it and sheds (a lot of) blood; and we glorify Your praise and we declare
Your Holiness - He (Allah) said I know what you do not know.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:30)
Words: Qaala = Said, Rabuka = Your God, AlArdh = The earth, Khalifah = Caliph, Yufsid = Corrupts,
Yusfik = Sheds, AlDima' = The Blood (plural), Nahnu = We, Nusabeh = Glorify, Nuqaddis =
We declare Your Holiness, A'lam = I Know, Ta'lamoun = You know (plural).
Q: Who gives the angels the knowledge that they have?
A: And He (Allah) taught Adam the names* in full then He (Allah) placed them (things) before the angels and He
said tell
Me about the names of these if you are telling the truth; They (angels) said glory to You - no knowledge we have but
what You taught us for You (Allah) are the All-Knowing the All-Wise; He said O Adam tell them (angels) about their names so when he told them He (Allah) said haven't I said
to you that I know the Unseen of the Heavens and the earth and I know what you reveal and what you were concealing.
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 33, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:31-33)
* The names of all things.
Words: Allama = Taught, Asma' = Names, Kuluha = In full, Aradha = Placed, Anbi'ouni = Tell me,
Ha'oula' = These, Sadiqeen = Truthful (plural), AlAleem = The All-Knowing, AlHakeem = The All-Wise,
Anba'ahum = Told them, Aqul = I said, Ghayb = Unseen, Tubdoun (plural) = You Reveal, Taktomoun =
You Conceal (plural).
Q: What type of angels will guard Hell?
A: O believers protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel will be people and
stones (idols) - over which are (appointed) stern and strong angels* - they do not disobey Allah in what He has commanded them and
they do what they are commanded.
* Called 'AlZabaniyah'.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlTahreem. (66:6)
Words: Qou = Protect (plural), Anfusakum = Yourselves, Nas = People, Hijarah = Stones, Ghiladh =
Stern, Shidad = Strong, Yassoun = Disobey (plural), Amar = Commanded, Yafaloun = Do, Ma Yu'maroun =
What they are commanded.
Q: Of whose punishment did the Prophet Lut receive the news from the angels?
A: And when the fear (of angels) went
away from Abraham and the good news reached him, he started to argue with Us about the people of Lut; Indeed Abraham is
a great tolerant, suffering with moaning sounds (Ah = awwah) and returning to God; O Abraham! Abandon that!
The command of your God has come and
they (Lut's people) are going to receive a punishment that cannot be returned;
And when our messengers (angels) reached Lut; he was displeased with them and he felt annoyed with them and he said
this is a critical day; And his people came running towards him and since before they were practicing the evil deeds**.
He said O my people these are my girls; They are cleaner for you so fear Allah and do not shame me in my guests -
is not there among you any reasonable man; They said you know we do not have in your girls any right and you
know what we want (sex with men); He said if only I have among you any power or if I can seek help from a powerful
support; They (angels) said O Lut! Indeed we are messengers from your God - they will not reach you so walk with
your family when parts of the night are gone and no one of you should look back only your wife for she is going to be
inflicted with what will happen to them -
their appointed (promised) time (= Maw'idahum) is the morningand is not the morning near; So when Our
(Allah's) Command came We (Allah) made them (Sodom and Gommorah)*** upside down and We showered them with rain of stones made of
stacked baked clay (Brimstones)**** marked from your God and from the sinners they (stones) are not away.
Translation of: Ayat 74 - 83, Surat Hood. (11:74-83)
** Homosexuality and passing gass in public (= shameless). They invented sins. Three angels were sent to them: Angel Gabriel, Mikaeel (angel
of sustenace) and Azrael (angel of death). Source: Dr. Tareq Suwaidan, CDs 6-7 of Stories of the Prophets.
*** Evidence of the punished cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
**** (= Brimstones. "Hijarah min Sijjeel") were also showered on Abrahah who came the year the Prophet Muhammad was born to
abolish the Ka'bah in Mecca.
Words: Awwah = Suffering with moaning sounds (Ah), A'ridh = Abandon - Stop, Mardoud = Returned, Da'qa bihim thar'an
= Was annoyed with them, Aseeb = Critical - Hard, Ya'malouna AlSaye'at = Practicing the evil deeds, Banat = Girls, Dhayf = Guest,
Rasheed = Reasonable, Quwah = Power, Asir = Walk, Yaltafit = Look back, Subh = Morning, Aaliyaha
Safilaha = Their upside down, Amtara = Showered with rain, Hijarah = Stones, Sijeel = Baked clay,
Mandhoudh = Stacked - Arranged following each other, Musawwamah = Marked from God and is different from
stones found on earth, Baeed = Away.
Q: Only according to whose command do the angels come down? (Prophet Muhammad was upset when Angel Gabriel (in man's form) didn't
come down with Qur'anic Lines (Verses) for a few days. When the angel finally came he explained that he is sent down only when Allah commands
A: (The angels say) And we are not sent down except by a command from your God - to Him belongs what we have
in front of us and what we have behind us and what is between them and your God is Not Forgetful; The God of the
Heavens and the earth and what is between them so do worship Him and be constantly patient in His worship - do you
know of anything to Him is equal (worthy of His Name); And man says is it that when I die certainly I am going to be brought
out alive; Does not man then remember that We (Allah) created him from before and he was nothing.
Translation of: Ayat 64 - 67, Surat Maryam. (19:64-67)
Words: Natanazzal = Are sent down, Amr = Command, Bayna Aydeena = In front of us, Ma Khalfana =
Behind us, Ma bayna Thalika = Between that, Nasiya = Forgetful, U'bud = Worship, Issttabir = Be
Constantly patient - Persevere, Ibadah = Worship (noun), Lahu Sammiya = To Him is equal - Worthy of His name, Mitu = I
die, Ukhraj =
Brought out, Hay = Alive, Awa La = Does not then, Lem Shaye'a = Nothing.
Q: Do the angels know that Allah is The Most-Merciful therefore they pray for mercy upon humans?
A: Those (angels) who carry the throne and whoever (angels) is around it glorify the praise of Their
God and they believe in Him and they ask for forgiveness for those who have faith: Our God ! You have embraced
everything with mercy and knowledge so forgive those who have repented and followed Your Way and protect them from
the punishment of Hell. Our God! And do admit them in the Gardens of Eden that you promised them and whoever did good
from their fathers, mates and offspring; Indeed You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. And protect them from the
disadvantages (of their deeds) and whoever you protect from the disadvantages That Day then you have granted him mercy
and that is the greatest winning.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 9, Surat Ghafir (40:7-9).
Words: Yahmil = Carries, AlArsh = The Throne, Yusabih = Glorifies, Hamd = Praise, Yastaghfir =
Asks for forgiveness, Wasia = Has embraced, Rahmah = Mercy, Ilm = Knowledge, Ta'bou = Repented (plural),
It'tabiou = Followed (plural) Sabeel = Way, Qihim = Protect them, Jan'nat Edn = Gardens of Edn (name of
Gardens of Paradise), A'ba' = Fathers, Azwa'j = Mates - Wives, Thur'riyah = Offspring, Say'yiat =
Disadvantages, Rahimtah = You have granted him mercy, Fawz = Winning, AlAzeem = The Greatest.
Q: The angels brought the good news to the righteous Mary (Maryam) about the birth of Jesus, peace be upon him. Did the
angels bring the good news to another person about the birth of another prophet?
A: When the wife of Imran (righteous man in Israel) said my God for I have vowed to dedicate to you what in in my
womb devoted to you so accept from me for You are indeed the All-Listener, the All-Knowing; And then when
she delivered her she said my God for I delivered her a female and Allah knows what she has delivered and the male is not
like the female - and I have called her Maryam and I seek refuge with You for her and her offspring (Allah) against the
stoned Satan; So her God accepted her a good acceptance and He (Allah) planted (brought up) her a good plant, and He
gave her to Zakariya (= Zacharias in the Bible) to adopt her everytime Zakariya entered the prayer place to see her
he would find sustenance (food)
with her - He said O
Maryam from where did you get this - she said it is from Allah for Allah gives whom He wills without
measure (a lot); There and then Zakariya called upon his God - He said my God grant me from you a good offspring indeed You are
the All-Hearing of the calling;
Then the angels called him (Zakariya - Zacharias) while he was standing praying in the sanctuary (prayer
place) that Allah is giving you the good news of Yahya (= John the Baptist) believer of the Truth (of Allah =
Musaddiqqan) - with a Word of Allah* - and honorable and
self-restraining (= Hasour**) and a prophet from the righteous persons; He said my
God how can I have a boy and old age has reached me and my wife is barren (cannot have babies =
Aaqir) he (Angel Gabriel) said that is how Allah does what He wills; He said my God give me a Sign -
He said your Sign is that you do not talk to people for three days except with signal
(symbolism = ramza); And mention the Name of
your God a lot and glorify Him evening and morning;
And when the angels said O Maryam for Allah has
chosen you and purified you and has chosen
you above the women of the ihabitants of the world; O Maryam be full with obedience in submission to your God and prostrate and kneel with the
kneelers (worshippers); That is from the news of the Unseen; We (Allah) reveal them to you (Prophet Muhammad)
and you (Prophet Muhammad) were not with
them when they were casting their reed pens (whose pen remains straight wins) to who will adopt Maryam, and
you were not with them when they were arguing (as to who has the right to adopt Maryam).
Translation of: Ayat 35 - 44, Surat AlImran. (3:35-44)
* with Allah's Word (Be and it is 'been' = Kun faYakoun) because the mother was barren yet Allah made her conceive
and deliver. (reminded by Sheikh: Sheharyar Shaikh (Imam,www.NAMF.ca) in
his Sunday's 'Tafseer alQur'an session' before the start of Ramadan 2013).
** Always chaste for worship - restraining himself from sex with women although capable of it.
Words: Nathara = Vowed to dedicate, Muharrar = Devoted to worshipping Allah, Taqabbala =
Accepted, Wada'at = Delivered, Thakar = Male, Unstha = Female, Thuriyyah = Offspring, Qaboul = Acceptance,
Anbata = Planted, Mihrab = Sancturay - Prayer place, Rizq = Sustenance - Food, Hisab = Measure, Qaa'im = Standing, Sayyed = Honorable, Hasoor =
Self-Restricting (by remaining always chaste for Allah's worship), Ghulam = Boy, Aaqir = Barren, Tukallim =
Talk, Ramz = By Signal - Symbolism, Ashiy = Evening, Ibkaar =
Morning, Istaffa = Chose, Tahhara = Purified, Nisa' = Women, Uqnuti = Be full with obedience in submission - Obey devoutly, Yulqoun =
Thow, Aqlam = Reed pens, Yakful = Adopts, Yakhtasimoun = Argue.
Q: Who are the soldiers of Allah and where are they located?
Note: Remember angels have different duties: Soldiers who fight according to Allah's Command, bring down punishment, convey Allah's messages, record deeds, guard the Heavens, custodians of Hell ...etc. All angels do obediently whatever Allah commands them to do.
A: He (Allah) is Who sent down
tranquility (= AlSakeenah) upon the hearts of the believers so that they add (more) Faith (= Iman) to their (existing) Faith;
And to Allah belong the
soldiers (= Jonoud) of the Heavens and the earth And Allah had been All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlFathh. (48:4)
Words: Yansur = Supports, Nasr = Support, Sakeenah = Tranquility - Peace of mind, Yazdadou = To add, Jonoud = Soldiers.
Q: Why does Allah mention the number of the custodians of Saqar? (a rank in Hell)
A: Leave Me (Allah) alone with the one whom I created single*. And I gave him extended wealth, and sons
present (with him) and I smoothened (life) for him a proper smoothing; And then he holds out hopes that I give him more;
No! He remained to Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic lines) stubborn; I will tire him gradually upward;
He thought and he evaluated; so damned (away from Allah's Mercy) is how he
evaluated; Again damned is how he evaluated; Then he looked; Then he frowned and he darkened his face; Then he
turned his back and became arrogant; So he said this (Qur'an) is nothing but magic being passed down (from magicians); This is nothing
but the word of humans. I (Allah) will burn him in 'Saqar'. And what did you know
about 'Saqar'; It does not leave
(the person) as is neither does it leave (him alone); Blackening (= Lawwahatun) the skins; Over it nineteen (custodians); And We
did not make the custodians of Hell but angels and We did not make their number but a trial for disbelievers so that
people who were given The Book (Jews and Christians) become certain and the people who believed (among Muslims) add to
their faith - and so that the people who were given The Book and the believers do not have any doubt - and so that those
who have
in their hearts illness (hypocrisy) and the disbelievers say what Allah intended with this example - this is how
Allah leaves to stray whom He wills and He guides whom He wills -
and no one knows the soldiers "= Jonoud" (angels who execute
Allah's Commands) of your God but He - and it (number of guardian angels of Saqar) is nothing but a reminder to humanity
(of Allah's extreme power).
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 31, Surat AlMuddasthir. (74:11-31)
* A rich disbeliever 'AlWaleed Bin AlMugheerah' who had no brothers but had a lot of money and many sons.
Words: Tharni = Leave me alone, Waheed = Single - Alone - Only one, Ja'ala Lahu = Gave him, Mal =
Wealth, Mamdoud = Extended,
Shuhoud = Present (plural), Mahhada = Smoothened, Tamheed = Smoothing, Yatme' = Holds out hopes - Is greedy, Azeed =
I add, Kana Aneeda = Remained stubborn, Urhiq = I will tire, Su'ouda = Gradually upward, Fakkar = Thought, Qaddar
= Evaluated, Qutila = Damned, Abas = Frowned, Basar = Darkened his face - Scowled, Adbar =
Turned his back, Istakbara = Became arrogant, Sihr = Magic, Yusthar = Passed down, Qawl = Word -
Speech, Bashar = Humans, Usli = I burn, Saqar = A rank in Hell, Tubqi = Leaves as is,
Tathar = Leaves alone, Lawwahatun = Blackening - Tanning, Bashar = Skins (plural of bashrah), Tisah Ashar =
Nineteen, Ashab AlNar = Custodians of Hell, Mala'ikah = Angels, Iddah = Number, Fitnah = Trial,
Yastayqin = Becomes certain, Yartab = Has doubt, Qoloub = Hearts, Maradh = Illness (hypocrisy),
Araada = Intended, Masthal = Example, Yudhil = Leaves to stray, Ya'lam = Knows, Jonoud = Soldiers,
Thikra = Reminder.
Q: Are there angels staying with each person?
A: When suddenly the two receivers (angels) receive (write down) - from the the right and from the left
a staying companion*; He does not utter a word but with him a vigilant observer.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 18, Surat Qaf. (50:17-18)
* The Prophet Muhammad mentioned that groups of two angels take turns in supervising each one of us day and night.
Note: Remember Line 7 in Chapter AlFathh in the Qur'an: "And to Allah belongs the soldiers of the Heavens
and the earth".
Words: Ith = When suddenly, Yatalaqa = Receives, Mutalaqian = The two receivers, Yameen = Right, Shimal =
Left, Qa'eed = Staying companion, Yalfadh = Utters, Qawl = Word - Sentence, Raqeeb = Observer,
Ateed = Vigilant - Prepared.
Q: Why did not the Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) come down for more than ten days when the Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him was waiting for him to answer the people's question about 'Thi AlQarnain' and other questions?
A hint: The Prophet told the people that he will answer the questions tomorrow when Gabriel comes down and he did not
say 'God's willing'.
A: And do not say to something 'I am going to do that tomorrow; Excepet if Allah wills and remember your
God if you have forgotten; And say: I hope my God will guide me to a closer guidance from this.
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 24, Surat AlKahf.
Words: Taqoul = Say, Shaye' = Thing, Fa'il = I am doing, Ghadan = Tomorrow, Yasha' = Wills, Uthkur
= Remember, Rub = God, Nasa = He forgot, Assa = I hope, Yahdi = Guides, Rashad =
Q: Which Angel has Allah appointed to bring down the revelation (Message and Holy Books of Allah) on the prophets?
A: (Allah) The Exalted in Ranks (Attribute of Allah = Rafee' AlDarajat) - The Owner of The Throne sends down The Spirit (Angel
Gabriel = AlRouh) from*
His (Allah's) Command (angels as soldiers under Allah's Command) upon whom He (Allah) pleases from His servants to warn of the Day of the Meeting (Judgment); The
Day they will appear (from graves = barizoun) - nothing from them will be hidden** from Allah - to whom is the Dominance
today - to Allah The One The Overpowering (who can make you cry);
Today every soul will be repaid according to what it earned - no injustice Today for Allah is Swift in taking account.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 17, Surat Ghafir. (40:15-17)
* Note the words used here in the Qur'an are "Min Amrihi" = From His Command - and not "BiAmrih" With His Command. Remember twice in Surat
AlFathh Allah's soldiers are mentioned. Refer to Ayah 7 in Surat AlFathh.
** "Barizoun" = Appear - Come forth. Nothing will be hidden. (refer to the Prophet's saying)
Words: Rafee' = Exalted - High, Darajat = Ranks, Yulqi = Sends down, AlRouh = The Spirit - Angel Gabriel,
Min Amrihi = From His Command, Talaaqi =
Meeting, Barizoun = They appear - They come forth - They step out, Shaye' = Thing, AlWaahid = The One, Qahhar = Conqueror, Kasabat =
Earned, Dhulm = Injustice, Saree' = Swift, AlHisab = Taking account - Judgement.
Q: Angels are called in the Qur'an the soldiers of Allah and they are sent down on different errands. What type of
work they had to do in the following?
A: If you (some Muslims*) do not support him (Prophet Muhammad) well Allah had supported him when the disbelievers
(of Mecca) drove him out (as) the second of two**; When in the Cave*** he says to his companion do not grieve for
Allah is with us so Allah gave him His-inspired Tranquility (= Sakeenatahu) and He supported him with soldiers (angels) you could not
see (to protect and calm) and He made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest and the Word of Allah the highest and Allah is the Omnipotent,
the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlTawbah. (9:40)
* Reference to the Battle of Tabouk, the last battle of the Prophet Muhammad. Some Muslims for different reasons did not
join the Prophet when out for the battle.
** The Second of Two became afterwards Abu Bakr's proud title.
*** A Cave on the top of the Mountain "Alsthour" where the Prophet and his friend Abu Bakr, the first companion to embrace
Islam, took shelter when they were running away from Mecca to AlMadina. Abu Bakr said to the Prophet Muhammad if the disbelievers,
who had reached the Cave searching for them, looked at their feet they would see us! The Prophet Muhammad replied: What
do you think of two persons Allah is their third?
Note: In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad: Take care of my friends! Anyone who loved them so with my love he loved them, and
anyone who hated them so with my hatred he hated them.
Words: Tansur = Supports, Akhraja = Drove out, Sthani = Second, Esthnayn = Two, Ghar = Cave,
Tahzan = To grieve - To be sad, Sakeenah = Allah-inspired tranquility - peace of mind, Jonoud = Soldiers, AlSufla = The lowest, AlAzeez = The Omnipotent -
The All-Powerful.
Q: Which angel has the power to say anything without permission from Allah?
A: The Day (of Judgment) the Spirit (Angel Gabriel = AlRouh) and the angels will stand up in rows - they do not talk
except whom The Merciful has given permission and he (angel) will say what is correct. That is the Day of Truth so who
pleases let him take a way back to His God (Allah); For We (Allah) had warned you against Approaching Punishment - the Day
a person will see what his hands had done and the disbeliever will say: I wish I were soil (dead).
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 40, Surat AlNaba'.
Words: Yaqoum = Stands up, AlRouh = The Spirit (Angel Gabriel = Jibreel), Athina = Has given, Sawaba
= What is correct, AlHaqq = The Truth, Men Sha' = Who pleases, Ma'ab = A way back, Anthara =
Warned, Qareeb = Approaching - Coming soon, Yanthur = Will see, Qadammat = did, Yad = Hand, Layta =
Wish, Turab = Soil - Earth.
Q: Is Gabriel = Jibreel peace be upon him an ArchAngel (Chief Angel)?
Q: What other name does the Qur'an call the Angel Gabriel with?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) it (Qur'an) was brought down by the Holiness Spirit (The Holy Spirit
= Angel Gabriel)* from your God with truth so
as to make firm those who believed and a right guidance and good news for the Muslims (who submit to Allah Alone).
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat AlNahl. (16:102)
* "--- The Owner of The Throne sends down The Spirit (Angel Gabriel) from
His (Allah's) Command (soldiers = angels) upon whom He pleases from His servants to warn of The Day of the Meeting (Judgment)."
Translation of Line 15 Chapter Ghafir in the Qur'an.
"---.and no one knows the soldiers (angels) of your God except He (Allah) ---". Translation of Line 31 in Chapter AlMuas(th)ir in the Qur'an.
Words: Qul = Say, Nazzala = Brought down, Rouh = Spirit, AlQudus = Holiness - Holy, BilHaq
= With truth, Yusthabit = Makes firm, Huda = Right Guidance, Bushra = Good news.
Q: Why will the people of Hell call out to "Malik" - an Angel in charge of Hell?
A: And they (companions of Hell) called out O (guardian of Hell) Malik let your God finish us off - he (Malik) said indeed you are (here) to
stay; (Allah says) For We (Allah) brought you the Truth but most of you for the Truth have hatred.
Translation of: Ayat 77 - 78, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:77-78)
Words: Yufttar = Become lightened, Mublis = Dumbfounded, Ma = Not, Dhalama = Inflicted
injustice, Naada = Called out, Yaqdi = Finish off - Kill, Makisthoun = are to stay, Ji'nakum BilHaqq = We brought you the Truth,
Karihoun = Have hatred.
Q: Do the same angels stay with each human being?
A: It is the same among you who conceals his talk or who says it aloud and who is covering up (matters) at
night and who is doing it visibly in day light; For him (appointed) are groups (of angles) in succession
each other), from his front and from his back they oversee* him - (they are) from the Command (soldiers) of Allah** -
Allah does not change*** what (condition) is with a people until they change what is in their hearts and if Allah wills
a people's harm then there is no turning back to it and for them other than Him (Allah) there is no protector.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 11, Surat AlRa'd.
* Such angels' main job.
** Remember that the ArchAngel Gabriel is from the Command (personnel under authority) of Allah.
*** From good to bad and vice versa.
Words: Sawa' = It is the same, Assara = Conceals, Qawl = Talk, Jahara = Says it aloud,
Mustakhfi = Covering up, BilLayl = At night, Saarib = Doing it visibly, BilNahar = In day light,
Lahou = For him, Muaqqabat = Groups in succession, Bayna Yadayhi = From his front, Min Khalfihi =
From his back, Yahfadh = Oversees - Guards, Min Amr = From the Command (soldiers), Yugayer = Changes,
Anfus = Hearts - Selves, Sou' = harm, Marad = Turning back, Min doun = Other than, Wali =
Q: What do some of the disbelievers call the angels?
A: And they said the Most-Merciful (Allah) had got (for Himself) an offspring (= 'walada' among angels) - Glory to Him
but (angels are) honoured (male*) servants (of Allah); They do not speak
before He speaks and by His command they act; He (Allah) knows what is before (= Ma Bayna Aydeehim) them
and what is behind them (= Ma Khalfahum) and they do not intercede** except for whom He (Allah) is pleased with and from His
awe they are pitiful; And whoever says*** from them (angels) that I am a god other than Him (Allah) so that one (angel) We (Allah) repay him
with Hell - this is how We repay the transgressors.
Translation of: Ayat 26 - 29, Surat AlAnbiya'.(21:26-29)
* Allah says angels are only males.
** Note: Allah does talk to His angels whom He sends down to the earth as witnesses. In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): Allah
has roaming angels. When they see a religious gathering of believers they go to the Lowest Heaven making them
the centre of attention. So Allah asks them how did you leave My servants. They say We left them praising You and
glorifying You and Remembering You. Allah will ask: Could they have seen Me? Angels say No. Allah asks what if they
could have seen Me? Angels say: They would have then increased their praising and glorification. Allah will ask: What
are they after? Angels say: Paradise. Allah asks: Did they see it? Angels say: No. Allah asks: What if they
could have seen it? Angels say: They would have been more after it...
Then Allah says: So I make you witnesses that I have
granted them Forgiveness. Angels say: Only one person joined them
because he was in need of something. Allah says: In such a gathering no one becomes miserable.
Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 24-25.
*** Angels know better than claiming to be gods.
Note: All the words, in the mentioned Ayat, that refer to angels are masculine and not feminine.
Words: Walada = Offspring - Children - Son, Ibad = Servants, Mukramoun = Honoured, Yasbiqoun = Speak
before, Yashfe'oun = Intercede - Mediate, Ertadha = Is pleased with, Khashyah = Awe - Fear, Mushfiqoun = Pitiful - Fearful, Ilah
= God, Kathalika = This is how - In this way, Nujzi = Repay, Dhalimeen = Transgressors.
Q: Where is the Throne of Allah in relation to the angels?
A: And to Allah prostrates* whatever moving creature is
in the Heavens and the earth and the angels and they do not become arrogant;
They fear their God from above them and they do what they are commanded.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlNahl.
* willingly or unwillingly through their submission to Fate.
Words: Yasjud = Prostrates - Submits in worship, Dabbah = Moving creature - Living
creature, Yastkbir = Becomes arrogant, Yakhaf = Fears, Fawq = Above, Yu'mar = Is commanded.
Q: What should people know if they plot against Allah?
A: And when We (Allah) let some people taste Mercy after a hardship that touched them and suddenly they show cunningness* against
Our Miraculous Signs, say (command to Prophet Muhammad) Allah is
the Fastest in plotting for Our messengers (angels) write down what cunningness you show.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat Yunus. (10:21)
* An example of people's cunningness & ingratitude. (refer to Surat AlAnkaboot)
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, Egypt's ex-Mufti (top scholar of Islam):
The Arabs around the Prophet Muhammad did not have rain for seven years. They asked the Prophet to pray to
Allah for rain and they would believe. When the rain came they betrayed and argued in Allah's Qur'an.
Words: Itha = When, Athaqna = We let taste, Rahmah = Mercy, Dharra' =
Hardship - Harm, Itha = Out of a sudden, Makr = Showing cunningness - Scheming - Plotting, Ayat = Miraculous signs, Asre' Makran = The Fastest in plotting, Rusul = Messengers,
Yaktub = Writes down.
Q: Some people pray to goddesses claiming that they are praying to angels. Do angels approve such worship?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And the Day He (Allah) gathers them (worshippers of goddesses) together then
He (Allah) says to the angels were these worshipping
you; They (angels) said glory to You (Allah) You are our Supporter (as God) other than them* - rather they were worshipping
the Jinn (Satan and his offspring) - most of them (idol worshippers) in them (the Jinn) were believers.
Translation of: Ayat 40 - 41, Surat Saba'. (34:40-41)
* Angels follow the Commands of Allah and they do not initiate on their own any relationship with humans.
Words: Yawm = Day, Yahshur = Gathers, Jamee' = Together, LilMala'ikah = To the angels, Weli = Supporter - Friend.
Q: Why is the name of the Messiah (Jesus " = Issa" peace be upon him) comes in the following Qur'anic line near the
angels who are honoured by Allah?
A: The Messiah (Issa son of Maryam) will not disdain to be serving Allah neither do the close angels and whoever
disdains from worshipping Him (Allah) and shows arrogance then towards Him He will gather them all.
Translation of: Ayah 172, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: Some disbelievers worship angels in the form of idols. (Note: Please refer to the
posting above this one).
Words: La Yastankif = Will not disdain - Looks on with scorn, Abddan = Serving, Muqarrab = Close - Honoured,
Yastakbir = Shows arrogance - Becomes arrogant, Yahshur = Gathers, Jameean = All.
Q: When do angels worship Allah?
A: And if they (disbelievers) become arrogant so those who are with your God (angels) glorify
Him night and day (all time) and they do not become fed up (with it).
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat Fusilat (41:38).
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: There is not a span of the hand clear in the Heaven without an angel
standing, bowing down, or prostrating to Allah.
Words: Estkbarou = Became arrogant, Inda = With, Yusabbehoun = Glorify,
Yasa'moun = Become fed up - Become bored - Become tired.
Q: Who will surround Allah's Throne on the Day of Judgment?
A: And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne* (of Allah) glorifying the praise of their God** -
and it was judged among them (all creation) with justice and it was said praise to Allah (= AlHamduLilah) the God of
the inhabitants of the worlds.
Translation of: Ayah 75, Surat AlZumar.
* The best place you can imagine.
** = Subhana Allah wa BiHamdihi.
Words: Tara = You see, Mala'ikah = Angels, Haafeen = Surrounding, Hawl = Around, Arsh = Throne,
Yusabih = Glorifies, Hamd = Praise, Qudhiya = Judgment was made, Haqq = Justice, AlHamdu Lilah =
Praise to Allah - Thanks to Allah, Rub = God.
Q: Who obediently worship Allah?
A:Those who
are near to your God (angels) do not arrogantly abstain from worshipping Him and they glorify Him and to Him they prostrate.
Translation of: Ayah 206, Surat AlA'raf.
Words: Yastakbir = Arrogantly abstains from - Becomes arrogant, Yasjud = Prostrates - Puts
the forehead on the ground in worship.
Q: Are angels females?
A: And they made the angels who are the devoted servants of the Most Merciful females (as goddesses) - did they witness their
creation - We will write their testimony and they will be questioned.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlZukhruf (43:19).
Words: Ja'alou = Made, AlMala'ikah = The Angels, Ibad = Devoted servants, Ina'th = Females,
Ashahadu = Did they witness, Khalq = Creation, Naktub = We will write, Shahadah =
Testimony - Statement, Yusaloun = Will be questioned.
Q: Some religions worship idols of angels as "female goddesses". How do they defend such worship?
A: And they (Arab worshippers of angels in the form of idols) said if it had been the Will of the Most Merciful
(Allah) we would not have worshipped them (angels) - (Allah says) they have about that no (true) knowledge for they are only fabricating lies
based on guessing; Or did We give them (disbelievers of Arabia) a Scripture before it (Qu'ran) so they are adhering to it; Rather they
said indeed we found our fathers on a way of worship to be followed and indeed following in their footsteps we are rightly guided.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 22, Surat AlZukhruf.
Note: Are there females among angels?. (Line 19 in Surat alZukhruf).
Words: Law Sha' = If it had been the will, Yakhrusoun = Fabricating lies based on guessing, Mustamsikoun =
Adhering - Holding tight, Ala Ummatin = On a way of worship to be followed, Ala Astharihim = Following
in their footsteps, Muhtadoon = Rightly guided.
Q: Who must be present when a person is dying?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Say the Angel of Death* who is made in charge of you (all) will
take away your souls then to your God you will return.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlSajdah.
* The Angel of Death is called Azrael = Izraeel. He is a Head Angel for he comes
with other angels at the time of death.
Note: Remember that Allah gets His Commands executed in three ways: 1. By Allah's Command
"Be" and it is done 2. Allah created Adam with His own Hands. 3. Through Allah's soldiers
Words: Yatawaffakum = Takes away your souls, Wukkila = Made in charge of,
Turja'oun = You will come back.
Q: Based on its length of fifty thousand years* what name the Day of
Judgement is given?
Note: Pleaee read first the transaltion of the preceding Lines 10-12 in Surat AlNazi'at.
A: Rather** it is only one scolding scream (blasting sound)***; And suddenly they are in the (Day of)
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 14, Surat AlNazi'at.
* (= AlSaihrah). The length of the Day of Judgement.
** Tone of (keep silent) to whoever doubts resurrection (refer to the preceding Lines).
*** = Zajrah "trumpet blowing by the Angel Israfil" to raise up the dead.
Words: Innama = Rather - But indeed, Zajrah = Scolding Shout - Scolding Scream, BiSahirah = In the
(Day of) Sleeplessness - wide-awakeness - Alertness - being on one's guard.
Q: Are angels provided with free will to worship whoever they want?
A: And to Him (Allah) belongs what is in the Heavens and the earth and whoever is with Him (in Seven
Heavens) do not become arrogant* to worship Him and they do not give in to fatigue; They glorify (Allah) night and day
- they do not slack (become less active).
Translation of: Ayah 19 - 20, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* Man can become arrogant to worship Allah but not angels.
Note: Remember that only Jinn and humans are induced with free will to worship therefore
they will be judged according to their deeds on the Day of Judgement.
Words: Indahu = With Him, La Yastakbiroun = They do not become arrogant, La Yastahsirun
= They do not give in to fatigue, Yusabbihoun = They glorify, La Yaftaroun = They do not slack -
They do not become less active.
Q: Why should groups that plan to hurt Muslims or Islam be worried about who is near them?
A: Or have they endorsed a scheme for We (Allah) are certainly endorsing (their punishment);
Or do they think that We do not hear their secret thoughts and their confidential talk yes indeed and Our
messengers (angels who are) with them are writing.
Translation of: Ayat 79 - 80, Surat AlZukhruf.
Words: Abramou Amran = Endorsed a scheme - Approved - Concluded, Yahsaboun = Think,
La Nasme' = We do not hear, Sirrahum = Their secret thoughts, Najwahum = Their confidential talk,
Bala = Yes indeed, Yaktoboun = Are writing - Are recording.
Q: Why the argument goddesses are daughters of Allah, therefore they are worshipped by many
disbelievers, is refuted from the beginning?
A: And they (disbelievers of Pre-Islamic Arabia) assign to Allah the girls (female angels as goddesses)* - glory to Him - and to them belong what
(boys) they desire.
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat AlNahl.
* There are no females among angels.
A Side Note: An amulet (a tiny tightly stitched leather pocket = Taweeth) was cut
open to see its content. It was given for
money by someone who called himself religious (= peer) in South Asia to a sick Muslim person who did not know its
content. The amulet had a paper
written on it: "Ya = O" followed by names of angels: Gabriel, Mikaeel, Israfil...etc. (It is considered in Islam 'shirk' =
calling on anyone other than Allah.)
Words: Yajaloun = They assign, Suhannahu = Glory to Him - How far is He from what they
assign, Yashtahoon = They desire.
Q: How did many disbelievers who worshipped goddesses treat their own new born female babies?
A: And when one of them (polytheists of Pre-Islamic Arabia) is given the (birth) news of a female his face
remains blackened (out of
humiliation) and he is silent concealing his anger; He hides himself from people because of the badness of the news that he
was given; Should he hold it (female baby) with humiliation or thrust it under the soil* - (Allah says) well
how badly they judge.
Translation of: Ayat 58 - 59, Surat AlNahl.
* Killed.
Note; Allah will defend the killed new born females on the Day of Judgement.
Words: Bushshira = Is given the news, BilUnstha = Of a female, Wajhuhu = His face, Kazheem = Silent concealing his anger,
Yatawara = Hides himself, Sou' = Badness, Ala Hoon = With humiliation, Yadussuhu = Thrust it,
Alturab = The soil, Ala Sa' = Well how badly - Truly how badly, Yahkomoun = They judge -
They decide.
Q: Are there females among angels because worshippers of goddesses attribute them as daughters of Allah?
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad) ask them (worshippers of goddesses) their opinion do daughters belong
to your God and to them the sons; Or did We create the angels females* while they were witnesses;
Rather they indeed from their fabrication they certainly say; Allah had begotten offspring and (Allah
says) indeed they are certainly liars; He favoured daughters over sons; What's wrong with you how you
judge; Will you not remember (The Message)**; Or do you have a manifest (explaining) authority; So do bring about
your (holy) book (with proofs) if you were telling the truth.
Translation of: Ayat 149 - 157, Surat AlSaffat.(37:149-157)
* Angels are all males.
** Allah's Message is summarized in Surat AlIkhlas.
Note: Read the translation of the Qur'anic Lines which follow in Surat AlSaffat.
Note how angels defend that they do not want to be associated with whoever worships them.
Words: Fa'staftihim = So ask them their opinion, AlBanat = Daughters, AlBanoon =
Sons, Inasth = Females, Shahidoon = Witnesses, Ifkihim = Their fabrication - Their lying, Walada
= Had begotten, Estafa = Favoured - He chose, Kayfa = How, Takhdomoon = You judge, Tathakkaroon
= You remember, Sultan = Authority - Proof.
Q: Why did not Allah send down an angel to support the Prophet Muhammad as per the demand of the
disbelievers to make them believe?
A: And they (disbelievers) said only if an angel was sent down with him (Prophet Muhammad) - (Allah says)
and if We sent down an angel the whole matter certainly would have been over* then they would not have been given a
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlAn'am. (6:8)
* Remember what the ArchAngel Gabriel told Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet mentioned that his people
requested a miraculous sign to believe. (Beigns with Note: Narrated ...)
Words: LaQudhiya = Certainly would have been over, La Yundharoun = They would not
have been given a respite (waiting time).
Q: If Allah wanted to choose an angel as a messenger to humanity would the angel have come to humans in his
angelic form or in a human form?
A: And if We made him (Allah's messenger) an angel certainly We (Allah) would have made him a man* and certainly
We would have confused them (disbelievers) as they are confusing (Allah's Truth with Falsehood).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlAn'am (6).
* Allah would have sent an angel to humanity if human race was made of angels.
Words: Law = If, Ja'alnahu = We made him, Rajulan = We would have made him, LLabisna
Alayhim = We would have certainly confused them - made it obscure, covered, Yalbisoun = They are
Q: How do we know that angels are honoured by Allah?
A: Did the narrative of Abraham's (Prophet Ibraheem's) honoured* guests reach you (Prophet
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlThariyat. (51:24).
* Angels are Allah's honoured (noble) servants.
Words: Hel = Did, Ataka = Reach you, Hadeesth = Narrative, Dhayf =
Guests, AlMukrameen = The honoured - The noble.
Q: Like believers what salutation do angels use?
Note: The narrative of Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) continues. Please read first above the
translation of the preceding Line 24 in Surat AlThariyat.
A: When they dropped in (as men) to see him so they said peace* - he said peace (and told himself) unknown**
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlThariyat. (51:25)
* Also the salutation in Paradise.
** A side note: Remember Angel Gabriel in the form of man without any effects of travel on him.
Words: FaDakhalou Alayhi = They dropped in to see him, Salam = Peace, Qawm =
People, Munkaroun = Unknown.
Q: How is it that Allah's messengers were humans who knew of the Unseen only what Allah
wanted them to know?
Note: The narrative of Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) continues.
A: So he (Prophet Ibraheem) got out of their (visiting angels) way to his household so he brought
a fleshy (roasted) calf - he said are you not going to eat*; So he had a sensation of fear - they said
do not fear and they gave him the good news of a knowledgeable son (Prophet Isaac).
Translation of: Ayat 26 - 28, Surat AlThariyat. (51:26-28)
* How did Prophet Ibraheem know that they are not going to eat?
Words: FaRaagha = So he got out of their way, Ahlihi = His household, BiIjl
= With a calf, Sameen = Fleshy - Meaty, FaAwjasa Minhum Kheefatan = So he had a sensation of
fear of them, Aleem = Knowledgeable.
Q: How is Allah's Supremacy shown in female pregnancy?
Note: The narrative of Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) continues.
A: So his (Prophet Ibraheem's) wife (Sarah) stepped forward with a roaring sound* so she struck her face (in
astonishment) and said a Barren** (and) OLD woman; They (angels) said thus your God has said indeed He is The All-Wise
the All-Knowing.
* Saying 'woe to me'.
** Barren since she was a young woman.
Translation of: Ayat 29 - 30, Surat AlThariyat. (51:29-30)
Words: FaAqbalat Emra'atuhu = So his wife stepped forward, Fi Sarrattin = With a
roaring sound, FaSakkat = So she struck, Ajooz = Old woman, Aqeem = Barren - Cannot have a baby.
Q: Did miracles related to angels' actual participation in a war happen during the time of
the Prophet Muhammad?
A: When you (Muslims at Badr Battle) were asking your God for help so He answered you
that I (Allah) am going to aid you with one thousand of angels riding back (on the same animal = Murdifeen).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlAnfal. (8:9)
Note: Remember angels fighting. (Narration of "Ibn Abbas").
* Angels as Allah's soldiers.
Note: 'Badr' is the first battle in Islam. Muslims with the Prophet Muhammad were around 300. The enemy was
around a 1000. Muslims won.
Words: Tastagheesthoun = Were asking for help, Mumdidkum = Going to aid
you, Murdifeen = Riding back on the same animal - coming In succession.
Q: What was the purpose of Allah's command to support Muslims with fighting angels in 'Badr' - the first battle
in Islam against the polytheists of Arabia?
Note: In a fight a little more than 300 Muslims fighting a little more than 1000 well equipped
polytheists chances are Muslims will lose the battle. But Muslims won their first fight 'Badr' and killed 70 of their enemy and took
other 70 as prisoners of war.
A: And Allah did not make it (angels' participation) but as good news and so that your (Muslims) hearts with it
(news) feel tranquility, and victory is only from Allah indeed Allah is AlMighty All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlAnfal. (8:10)
Clarifying Notes:In a summary from "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer" volume 2 pages 425-433:
* After the war of Badr the Prophet Muhammad asked his companions Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali about what to be done
with the 70 captives. Abu Bakr suggested to take ransom since the enemy were acquaintances and relatives from the same tribe of
the Prophet Muhammad's 'Quraysh'. But Umar Bin AlKhttab whom the Prophet later named as the hardest of
Muslims about Islamic rules said: He agrees with Abu Bakr but to allow him (Umar) kill his immediate relative
among the captives and allow Ali to kill 'Aqeel' - his brother among the captives and Hamzah (the Prophet's
uncle) to kill his brother (another uncle) so that to prove to Allah that in our hearts there is no mercy (biased mercy) for fighting
* The Battle of Badr was a decisive battle for the future of Islam (Islam was in the beginning but now Islam thank to Allah is spreading as the
first religion in the world). The Prophet Muhammad ordered to take ransom and let the captives go. When again Umar went to the Prophet
Muhammad and Abu Bakr he saw them crying. Umar said to the Prophet: Tell me what makes you both cry so that
I cry too if it is worth crying. Or I will make myself cry because of your crying (if not worth crying). The
Prophet said Because of what your friends suggested of the ransom it was revealed to me that you (Muslims)
will be punished soon. Next year in the battle of 'Uhud' the same enemy won and killed 70 of Muslims and
the Prophet was injured.
* When the Prophet Muhammad was proceeding with his army towards 'Badr' - a famous well, he camped near
the first water well he found. 'AlHubab Bin AlMunthir' asked the Prophet if he was commanded by Allah to
camp there. The Prophet said no. So AlHubab suggested to move forward where there are more
small wells beyond the enemy camp. It is narrated that when 'Hubab' said this, an angel came down and told
the Prophet Muhammad while Angel Gabriel was sitting with him that Allah sends His Peace on the Prophet and
tells him to follow 'AlHubab's' opinion. The Prophet asked 'Gabriel' if he knows the angel. Angel Gabriel said he does not know
all angels. But that he is an angel and not one of Satan's followers.
Words: Ma Ja'alahu = Did not make it, LiTattma'inna = So that your hearts with it feel
tranquility, AlNasr = Victory.
Q: What was the main job of the angels who participated in the Battle of Badr - first battle in Islam?
A: When your (Prophet Muhammad) God was inspiring the angels that I (Allah) am with you so do make those
who believed feel firm (brave) - I (Allah) will strike terror to the hearts of those who disbelieved so (command to
the fighters) strike (= FeDhribou) the necks* and do strike from them every hand*.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlAnfal. (8:12)
* If wearing armour it is difficult to reach the hearts. So heads can be cut off (with swords as war weapons). And attacking the hands
can make the fighter easily a prisoner. Source: Abdullah Yusuf Ali in "The
Holy Quran - English translation" page 472.
Note: In a summary of a narration by 'Ibn Abbas': When a Muslim was going after a
fighting disbeliever in front of him, he heard a strike of a whip and the rider's voice saying: Come on
'Hayzoom' (a name not much known in Arabic) and he saw the disbeliever falling dead so he looked at him and
saw his nose destroyed and face cleaved with a strike of a whip so the Muslim man got frozen in his place. When the
news reached Prophet Muhammad he said to the man: You said the truth. That was an aid (angel) from the
Third Heaven. Source: Tafaseer Ibn kastheer, volume 2, page 427.
Words: Yuhi = Was inspiring, Fasthabittou = So do make feel firm -
So do make feel brave, SaUlqi AlRu'b = I will strike terror, Fi Qoboub = To the hearts,
FaDhribou Fawqa AlA'naq = So do strike the necks - So do hit the necks - Behead, Kulla Banan = Every hand -
Q: Face to face how could 300+ Muslim fighters in Badr (the first battle in Islam) defeat an enemy of 1000+ fighters?
A: So you (300+ Muslims) did not kill them (of the enemy) but Allah killed* them and you (Prophet Muhammad) did not throw
(a handful of dust**) but Allah threw - (that aid) and so that He (Allah) tests the believers from Him with a good***
testing (= Bala'an Hasana) indeed Allah is All-Listening All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlAnfal. (8:17)
* With Allah's Permission.
** In the war the Prophet Muhammad picked a handful of dust and threw it into the direction of the enemy. It reached their eyes and
affected them.
*** To strengthen their Faith by knowing that without Allah's Favour on them 300+ Muslims could not have won the face to face battle of
Words: Ma Ramayta = You did not throw, LiYubliya = And that He tests with ordeal, Bala'an = Test.
Q: What is the big news for Muslims who witnessed the battle of Badr and for Muslim generations to come?
A: That (all news of Allah's aid) is (= Thalikum) and (also) Allah is going to weaken the plotting of the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlAnfal. (8:18)
Words: Muhin = Is going to weaken, Kayd = Plotting - Planning.
Q: If CAPABLE Muslims cannot stop the religious persecution facing them and they cannot practice their religion as per
the Commands of Allah what should they do?
A: Indeed when the angels take away (at death) the souls of those who were unjust (unfair) to themselves
they ask them what were you in (busy) - they said we were oppressed* in the land - they (angels) said was not the land of Allah spacious so
that you could migrate in it - so those ones their dwelling place is Hell and what a miserable ending.
Translation of: Ayah 97, Surat AlNisa'. (4:97)
* They were oppressed so they could not worship Allah as Allah should be worshipped.
Words: Tawaffahum = Take away their souls, Dhalimiy = Unjust - Unfair - Transgressing against, Feema Kutum
= What were you in - What were you doing - What were you busy in, Mustadhafeen = Oppressed - Made weak, Wasi'ah = Spacious, FaTuhajirou = So that you could
Q: Except who has an excuse to stay in a persecution place where he cannot worship Allah as per Allah's commands?
A: Except the helpless among the men and women and the children - they have no other choice (but to stay) and they cannot find
a way (to migrate).
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat AlNisa'. (4:98)
A side note: It is heard that in many places in towns in India and Pakistan for example you hear the calling for the
dawn (Fajr) prayer from one
mosque's loudspeaker and when it has started and before it finishes or after it finishes the other mosque which is ten minutes walk from it starts and a third
one and so on. After the prayer Praise (= Na't) for the Prophet
Muhammad starts from a mosque's loudspeaker and another and maybe another and they continue for an hour or more and it is no more dawn time.
And everyday the same.
Words: Illa = Except, AlMustadhafeen = The helpless - The oppressed, The weak, AlWildan = The children, La
Yastatee'ouna Heelatan = They have no choice - La Yahtadouna Sabeela = They cannot find a way.
Q: How do we understand that even the weak are encouraged to emigrate from the place of persecution if Muslims there cannot
stand their ground?
A: So those may Allah pardon (excuse) them and Allah is Willingly Most-Pardoning*, Most-Forgiving.
Translation of:
* Who Willingly overlooks sins. "AlAffou" is an Attribute of Allah.
Words: Ya'fou = Pardons - Excuses.