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Q: Who will come down for judgement on The Day of Judgement?
A: Are they (disbelievers) waiting until Allah comes to them in shades of white clouds with the angels (on the Day of Judgement) - and it is
all over (finished) - and it is to Allah that all things will return.
Translation of: Ayah 210, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:210)
Words: Hal = Are?, Yandhorouna = Waiting, Zhulul = Shades, AlGamam = White Clouds, Kudiya =
Finalized, Turja' = Return - Go back. AlUmour = All things - All matters - All affairs.
Q: Is the Day of Judgement coming soon?
A: Indeed they (most people) see it far away and We (Allah) see it coming soon; The Day (of Judgement) when the sky will be like the melted
metal; And the mountains will be like the coloured wool*.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 9, Surat AlMa'arij. (70:6-9)
* Like the fleece of a sheep (woolly covering of a sheep).
Words: Yarawnahu = They see, Ba'eedan = Far away, Qareeba = Coming soon, Muhl =
Melted metal, E'hn = Coloured wool, AlJibal = Mountains.
Q: How will the punishment of Allah on the Day of Judgement affect human relations?
A: And an intimate person will not ask about his intimate (relative); (although) They
will be put in sight of each other - the guilty one desires if he could redeem (free) himself from the punishment
of that Day with his children; And his wife and his brother; And his family that shelters him; And all those on earth so as to
save himself.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 14, Surat AlMa'arij. (70:10-14)
Words: Hameem = Intimate person, AlMujrim = The guilty one - The sinner, Yaftadi = Redeems, Adhab = Punishment, Faseelah =
Q: On The Day of Judgement do we have to read ourselves what we did in Life or will we be told about it?
A: And every human being, We (Allah) had forced his 'bird upon his neck' (his deed will come flying to him); and on the
Day of Judgement We will take out a book that he will find it spread open; Read your book - sufficient is yourself
today to be accountable upon you.
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 14, Surat AlIsra'. (17:13-14)
Words: Kul = Every, Insan = Human being, Alzama = Forced, Taair = Bird, Unq = Neck, Yawm =
Day, AlQiyamah = Judgement, Menshour = Spread open - Wide open, Kafa = Sufficient, Haseeb = Accountable (subject
to giving an account).
Q: What will happen to the sky and the earth on The Day of Judgment?
A: When the sky is split open; And it listens to the Command of its God and its obedience is fitting for it;
And when the earth is flattened; And it throws out what is in it and becomes empty; And it listens to the Command of
its God and its obedience is fitting for it; O man you are working hard towards your God then you will find your
hard work (waiting for you);
So the one who is given his Book (Record of Deeds) in his right hand; So he will be judged
an easy judgement; And he will return to his family happy;
And yet who is given his Book from behind his back; So he will burst into a loud lament
(mourning his own destruction) (= Yadou sthoboora); And he will
be burnt in a Blazing Fire (of Hell); He was among his people happy; And he thought he will not return (to Allah); Yes
indeed his God was of him All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 15, Surat AlInshiqaq.
Words: AlSama' = The Sky, Inshaqat = Split open, Muddat = Was Flattened, Alqat = Threw out, Kaadih
= Working hard, Kadh = Hard work, Kitab = His Book, Yameen = His Right Hand, Yuhasab =
Will be judged, Yaseer = Easy, Yanqalib = Returns, Masrour, = Happy, WaAmma = And yet, Wara' = Behind, Dhahr = Back,
Yadou Sthoboora = He will burst into a loud lament, Saeer = A Blazing Fire, Dhanna = He thought,
Yahoor = Returns, Baseer = All-Watchful.
Q: Into how many groups will mankind be divided on The Day of Judgement?
Note: A true scene from Allah's Day of Judgement yet to come.
A: And you have become three of-same-kind groups; So the companions of the Right Side (= AlMaymanah) - who are the
companions of the Right Side*; And the companions of the Left Side - Who are the companions of the Left
Side (Disbelievers);
And the winners (= 'AlSabiqoun' from among the Right Side), the winners; They are the ones held
close (to Allah = AlMuqarraboun); In the Gardens of Bliss (= AlNa'eem); A big group (= Sthullah) from the first ones (believers =
AlAwwaleen**); And a small number (= Qaleel) from those who come after (= AlAkhireen**).
* Believers who are on Allah's Straight Path which is moderate (without extremism (negative aspect) or
excess worship (positive aspect). The Path leads to Paradise. Excess worship as the Prophet Muhammad used to practice
(example Sunnah prayer) makes a person eligible for extra reward from Allah.
** 'AlAwwaleen = First ones: 1. The first believers during Islam from the time
of Prophet Muhammad. 2. The first generations from the time of humanity's forefather Adam, and 'AlAkhireen = Those who come after the first ones'.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 14, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:7-14)
Words: Kuntum = You have become, Azwaj = Of-same-kind Groups, Asshab = Companions, AlMaymanah = The Right Side,
AlMasha'mah = The Left Side, AlSabiqoun = The winners, AlMuqarraboun = The ones held most close,
Jannat = Gardens, AlNaeem = Affluence, Sthullah = A big group, Qaleel = a small number, AlAkhireen =
Who come after.
Why will Hellfire make a noise?
A: And for those who disbelieved in their God (Allah) is the punishment of Hell and what a miserable outcome (of
deeds); When they are cast into it (Hell)they will hear an inhaling for it while it is flaring up; It (Hellfire) is about to
burst with rage - every time a group is thrown into it its custodians (= Khazanatuha) will ask them did a warner not reach you; They
will say yes ndeed a warner reached us but we rejected as lies and we said that Allah
had not sent down anything - (custodians will say) you are (no where) but in a great loss.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 9, Surat AlMulk. (67:6-9)
Words: Athab = Punishment, Bi'sa = Miserable, Masseer = Outcome - Ending, Itha = When, Ulqou = Were thrown,
Samiou = They heard, Shaheeq = Inhaling - Breathing in, Tafoor = Flaring up, Tamayazu =
Burst (while flaring up), Ghaydh = Fury - Rage, Khazantuha = Its custodians), Natheer = Warner, Kathabna = We rejected as lies - We lied, Nazzala = Sent down, Shaye' = Thing, Dhalal =
Loss, Kabeer = Great - Big.
Q: Some muslims like to count their prayers on their fingers instead of using a rosary (string with beads),
Are the hands going to talk on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Day their tongues and hands and legs will bear witness against what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlNoor. (24:24)
Note Please refer to the preceding Ayah 23 in Surat AlNoor.
Words: Yawm = Day, Tashhad = Bears witness, Alsinah = Tongues, Aydi = Hands, Arjul = Legs,
Kanou Ya'maloun = They were doing.
Q: What type of punishment is available for the disbelievers on The Day of Judgement?
A: The God (Allah) of the East and the West - there is no god but He so do take Him as (your) Trustworthy; And (you
Prophet Muhammad)
be patient with what they (disbelievers) say and ignore them in a graceful way; And leave Me alone with the liars - the
owners of the life of affluence (pleasures) and give them some time;
For We (Allah) do have torture in various methods and Hellfire; And a food which causes choking and a severe
(painful) punishment; The Day the earth and the mountains will shake; And the mountains
will become fragile sandhills.
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 14, Surat AlMuzzammil.
Words: Rub = God, Mashriq = East, Maghrib = West, Wakeel = Trustworthy - Whom you completely depend
upon - Master, Esber = Be patient, Uhjur = Ignore, Jameel = Graceful - Beautiful, Tharni = Leave Me,
Uli = Owners, Ne'mah = Life of affluence,
Ankaal = Torture in various methods, Jaheem = Hellfire, Ta'am = Food, Dha Ghussah = Which causes choking, Athab = Punishment, Aleem
= Severe, Katheeb = Sandhills, Maheel = Fragile - Weak.
Q: When is The Day of Judgement?
A: And they ask you to hurry up with the Punishment (of Day of Judgement); And had it not been set for an appointed time, the Punishment
would have come to them; And it will reach them SUDDENLY and while they are not aware (of it); They ask you to hurry
up with the Punishment and Hell is certainly (already) surrounding the disbelievers (in the Other World);
The Day (of Judgement) the Punishment (in Hell) will cover (= Yaghshahum) them from above them and
from under their legs and He (Allah) will say taste what you were doing; (Allah says) O my people who believed My
earth is spacious* so it is Me Whom you should worship.
Translation of: Ayat 53 - 56, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:53-56)
* A Message that a person should not blame the bad circumstances around him for not worshipping Allah.
Words: Yasta'jilounka = They ask to hurry up, Adhab = Punishment, Ajal Mussama = Appointed Time - Stated
term, Ja'a = Comes, Baghtah = Suddenly, Jahanam = Hell, Muheetah = Surrounding, Kafireen = Disbelievers,
Yaghshahum = Cover them, Fawq = Above, Taht Arjulihim = Under their legs, Ibad = People - Servants - Devout
people, Ardh = Earth, Waasiah = Spacious.
Q: The Qur'an does not leave the human mind to guess what will happen in the Other World. What will be the food of
people then?
A: Except for the devout servants (persons = Ibad Allah AlMukhlasseen) of Allah; Those for them is a well known sustenance (food+); Fruits
while being honoured; In the Gardens of comfort (= AlNa'eem); On couches facing one another; Passing around them (by serving boys) with
a glass of wine from a spring; White (wine) tasty to the drinkers; No alcohol in it neither do they suffer intoxication from it; And beside them maidens with the confined look (upon their husbands only), with wide eyes (like the deer's);
As if they were well guarded eggs. ---
Is that a better hospitable lodging or "AlZaqoum" (bitter poisonous) Tree; We did make it a source of agony (= Fitnatan)
for the transgressors (against Allah); It is a tree that grows in the bottom (= asl) of Hell; Its sprouts are like the heads of Satans*;
And they (people of Hell) are going to eat from it and they are going to fill their bellies from it; Then they have on
it (food) certainly a mixture
of boiling water; Then their return is certainly to Hell; They were used to find their fathers astray (on the wrong path) and
they on their tracks were hurrying; And before them most of the ancient people went astray; And We had sent among them
warners; So see how the (bad) ending of the warned was; Except for the devout, the sincere people of Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 40 - 49, 62 - 74, Surat AlSaffat. (37:40-49, 62-74)
* The plural form of Satan = Satan and his followers (= Shayateen).
Words: Il'la = Except, Mukhlasseen = Devout - Sincere, Ibad Allah = Servants of Allah,
Rizq = Sustenance - food, Ma'loum = Well known,
Fawakih = Fruits, Mukramoun = Being honoured, Jannat = Gardens, Na'eem = Comfort - Bliss - Affluence, Ka's =
Glass of wine - Drinking glass, Maeen = Spring, Surur = couches, Bayda' = White, Laththah = Tasty, Shaarib = Drinker, Ghawl =
Alcohol, Anha Yunzafoun = Suffer intoxication from it - Get exhausted, Qaasirat AlTarf = Maidens with the confined look,
Ee'n = Wide eyes like the deer's eyes, Baydh = Eggs, Maknoun = Well guarded, Khayr = Better, Nuzul
= Hospitable lodging, Shajarat "AlZaqoum" = A kind of tree in Hell, Fitnah = Source of agony - Distress - Mental and physical suffering, Dhalimeen =
Trangressors - Unjust, Tale' = Sprouts, Ru'ous = Heads, Shayateen = Satans (Satan and his offspring who are from Jinn), Asthar = Tracks, Yuh'ra' =
Hurries up, Dhal'a = Went astray, Aksthar = Most of, AlAwaleen = The Ancient, Munthir =
Warner, Aaqibat = Ending - Outcome, Munthar = Warned.
Q: The Day of Judgement has different Signs that indicate its approach. What is one of its signs?
A: Indeed you (Prophet Muhammad) cannot make the dead people hear and you cannot make the deaf (disbelievers) hear
the call (on Allah) if they turned running away; And you are not going to guide the blind (disbelievers) away from their
straying away (from Allah's Path) for you
get to hear only those who have Faith in Our (Allah) Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) because they are Muslims (submitting to Allah);
And when the Word (of Allah) comes true (before the Day of Judgement) against them (disbelievers)
We will take out for them a moving creature (= Daabbah)* from the earth talking to them about how people were not
believing in Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines);
And the Day (of
Judgement) when We gather from every community a group (leaders) who were rejecting as lies Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic
verses) and they will be
restrained; Until they came (before
Allah) He (Allah) said you rejected as lies (= Kaththabtum) My Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and you did not have comprehensive knowledge of
them or what where you doing; And the Word (of Allah) came true against them for what injustice (against Allah) they were
doing so they will be unable to speak.
Translation of: Ayat 80 - 85, Surat AlNaml. (27:80-85)
* According to Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volme 3 pages 550-551: One major Sign that will signal the immidate approach of the Day of
Judgement is 'AlDabbah' - A terrifying moving creature coming out from the earth talking to people about
disbelieving and attacking and hurting the living disbelievers then. (Believing will be
of no use then since people will not have time to do good).
Words: Tusme' = make hear, AlMawta = The dead people, AlSsum = The deaf people, Dua' = Call on Allah,
BiHadi = Going to guide, Waqa' AlQawlu Alayhim = The Word (of Allah) comes true against them, Dabbah = A moving Creature,
Tukalim = Talks to, Youqin = Believe, Nahshur = Gather, Ummah = Community, Fawj = Group, Yukaththib
Rejects as lies, Yuza'oun = Will be restrained, Jaaou = Came, Tuheetou biha ilm = Did not have comprehensive
knowledge of them, Ta'maloun = You were doing, Dhalamou = injustice they were doing,
Waqa Alqawlu Alayhim = The Word became against them, Yantiqoun = Speak.
Q: Who will be called first to stand witness on the Day of Judgement? (A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement)
A: And it was blown in the Trumpet so whoever in the Heavens and whoever on the earth became thunderstruck (died
of fear) except whom Allah
had willed; Then it was blown in it a second time and all of a sudden they were standing, looking;
And the earth has shone
with the Shining Light of its God and the Record (of deeds*) was placed; And the prophets (=
AlNabiyeen) and the witnesses** (= AlShuhada') have been brought forward; And it was judged among them (their people) with justice and no
injustice will be made on them; And each soul
was paid for what it did and He (Allah) is All-Knowing of what they do.
Translation of: Ayat 68 - 70, Surat AlZumar. (39:68-70)
* The 'collective' Record of deeds on the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlKahf)
Remember writing angels record our deeds (sayings-actions) and then their writing is being copied to a Record. (refer to
Surat Aljasthiyah (45)
And then everyone gets his own record of deeds. (refer to Surat AlIsra')
** "AlShuhda' = The witnesses" to Allah's Truth from among the believers across humanity.
And Jesus peace be upon him also be a witness. (refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
Remember Prophet Muhammad will be a witness (Shaheed) upon the believers of his time. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
(Remember all Muslims from the time of Prophet Muhammad to the Day of Judgement will be members of the Muslim Nation whose leader is Prophet Muhammad. The same will be for Allah's other
Prophets with their communities.)
Words: Nufikha = Was blown, Soor = Trumpet - Horn, Sa'iqa = Became thunderstruck - Fainted, Ukhra = Second time, Qiyam =
Standing, Yandhur = Looking, Ashraqat = Has shone, Noor = Shining Light, Wodhi'a = Was placed, Nabi = Prophet,
Shuhada' = Those who bear witness - Witnesses, Woffiyat = Was paid, Nafs = Soul, Amilat = Did, A'lam = All-Knowing,
Yafaloun = Do.
Q: How do angels take care of writing our deeds
A: And to Allah belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens and the earth and the Day the Hour (Day of Judgement) comes that Day the annihilators
(of Faith in Allah) will be in a loss; And you will see each community on their knees - every community will be called for its
Record (= kitabiha) today you will be repaid what you were doing; This is Our Book (Record = Kitabuna) telling about you the Truth -
indeed We were making exact copies (= nastansikh) of what you were doing (writings by staying angels); So those who had Faith and did the righteous deeds then Allah will
admit them in His Mercy and that is the unmistakable Victory;
But as for those who disbelieved - (Allah asks) were My
Miraculous Signs* (Qur'anic Verses) not being recited upon you - so you became arrogant and you were sinning
people (criminals according to Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 31, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:27-31)
* Remember Allah's Verses from the Qur'an and before the Qur'an from Allah's Previous Books such as the Torah and the Bible)- they all were sent down from one
Source called in the Qur'an "Um AlKitab" = The Mother (Origin) of the Book.
Words: Yakhsir = Be in a loss, Mubtil = Annihilators (of Faith) - Rejectors of faith - Liars, Ummah =
Community - Nation - Group of people, Jasthiyah = Ont their knees - Resting on their knees, Tud'a = Will be called, Kitab =
Record - Book, Nastansikh = Make exact copies, Tutla = Recited, Qawm Mujrimeen = Sinning people - Criminal people.
Q: Why will the Day of Judgement be very hard for the disbelievers?
A: (On the Day of Judgement) So when the stars are blacked out; And when the sky is opened widely (also for angels to
come down); And when the mountains are blown up; And when the messengers are scheduled for a fixed time; For what Day
were they postponed; For the Day of
rendering Final Decision (= Yawm AlFasl); And what do you know about the Day of rendering Final Decision; Woe (destruction) that Day to the
rejectors (of Faith) as lies (disbelievers = AlMukathibeen); Had We (Allah) not
destroyed the (disbelieving) forefathers; Then We followed them with those who came after them; That is how We deal with the sinners; Woe that
Day to the rejectors (of Faith) as lies (disbelievers = AlMukathibeen); Did We not create you from contemptible water; Then We made it in a firm resting place; For
a known time; So We appraised and the Best of the appraisers We are; Woe that Day to the rejectors of Faith as lies;
Had We not made
the earth a holding place (= kifata); For the living (= ahya'an) and the dead (= amwata); And We made in it
high rising unshakable (immovable) mountains and We gave
you to drink sweet water;
Woe that Day to the rejectors (of Faith) as lies; Go ahead to what you were rejecting as lies (Hell); Go ahead to
a shade of three divisions; Not shady nor does it protect from the flame; It (Hell) throws about sparks
(huge) as logs (huge wood pieces); As if they were (a string of) yellow camels; Woe that Day to the rejectors of
Faith as lies; This is a Day
when they do not speak; And they will not be given the permission so that they apologize; Woe that Day to the
rejectors of Faith as lies; This
is the Day of rendering Final Decision (= Yawm AlFasl) - We gathered you with the forefathers; So if you have a plot (to escape punishment) then plot
it against Me (Allah); Woe that Day to the rejectors of Faith as lies;
Indeed those who protected themselves (by fearing Allah) are in shades and springs; And fruits
of what they desire; Eat and drink with pleasure (in Paradise) because of what you were doing (in life); We indeed in that way reward the good doers;
Woe that Day to the rejectors of Faith as lies; Eat (in Life) and enjoy a LITTLE (life is a short time) for you are indeed sinners; Woe that Day to
the rejectors of Faith as lies; And when
it was said to them to kneel (pray) they were not kneeling; Woe that Day to the rejectors of Faith as lies; So with what Word beyond
it (the mentioned Qur'anic Ayat) they are going to have Faith (= Yo'minoun).
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 50, Surat AlMursalat. (77:8-50)
* What Allah takes an oath of is worthy of human attention for its importance to humanity.
Words: Nujoum = Stars, Ttumisat = Blacked out, Furijat =
Opened widely - Split, Jibal = Mountains, Nusifat = Blown up - Exploded, Rusul = Messengers, Uqtitat = Scheduled for a fixed time,
Uj'jilat = Postponed, Fasl = Rendering Final Decision, Wayl = Woe - destruction - disaster of all kinds, Mukathibeen =
Rejectors (of Faith) as lies - Disbelievers; Nuhlik = Destroy, AlAwalleen = The Forefathers, The ancients, Nutbe'uhum = We followed them,
Aakhereen = Those who came after them, Nafal = Deal, Maheen = Contemptible - Low, Qarar = Resting
place, Makeen = Firm - Strong, Qaddara = Appraised - Determined, Kifata = Holding Place, Holding pots,
Ahya' = the living (people), Amwat = The dead (people), Furat = Sweet, Intaliq = Go ahead, Dhil =
Shade, Sthalath = Three, Shuab = Divisions, Lahab = Flame; Sharar = Sparks, Qasr = Logs - Huge
wood pieces (plural) One is 'qasrah'. Jimalat = Camels, Sufur = Yellow, Ya'tather = Apologize, Kayd =
Plot, Uyoun = Springs, Eshrab = Drink, Hanee'an = With pleasure, Tamat'te'ou = Enjoy, Erke'ou = Kneel,
Hadeesth = Word - Speech, Ba'dahu = Beyond it, Yu'minoun = They have Faith - They believe.
Q: Is the Day of Judgement real?
A: (Allah takes an oath)* And by The ones sent forth as messengers (angels*) as is the practice (at time of Allah's punishment in life); Then who blow
violently with a proper storming (Allah's punishment); And (Allah takes another oath) by
the scatterers (of Allah's Command) with a proper scattering; Then the separators (among who receive the command) with a proper separating; Then the deliverers of a Reminder;
Forgiveness or a Warning (from punishment); Indeed what you are being promised is certaily going to happen.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 7, Surat AlMursalat. (77:1-7)
* Angels are alos Allah's messengers to our earth.
Words: AlMursalat = The ones Sent forth, Urfa = As usual - Out of custom, AlAasifati = Who blow violently, Asfa = A proper
storming, Naashirati = Scatterera, Fariqati = Seperators, Mulqiyati Thikr = Delivering a Reminder - Delivering a Message,
Tu'ad = To be promised, LaWa'qi' = Certainly going to happen.
Q: How will the Day of Judgement start?
Note: The Day of Judgement has many names. Each name describes what will happen that Day.
A: So when it is blown
in the Trumpet - one blow; And the earth and the mountains were raised and pounded - one pounding; So that Day the
Happening (Day of Judgement) has occured; And the sky (lower Heaven) was split and that Day it is fragile; And
the angels upon its sides and the Throne of your God* will be carried over them (angels) by eight (angels)**.
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 17, Surat AlHaqqah.
* Allah will be coming down to earth for judgement on the Day of Judgemnt which is fifty a thousand
years long.
** By uttering the name of Allah the angels become capable of lifting Allah's Throne. Source: (will be added later).
Words: Nufikha = it is blown, Soor = Trumpet, Dakkah = Pounding, Waqiah = Happening, Waahiya =
Fragile, Malak = Angels, Arsh = Throne, Sthamaniyah = Eight,
Q: Can a righteous believer ask for his righteous family to be with him in Paradise even if the family's righteous work is less than the
A: Indeed those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) (= AlMutaqeen) are in Gardens and Affluence (= Na'eem); Busy
enjoying what their God has given them and their God protected them from the punishment of Hell; Eat and drink -'Good appetite!'
because of what you were doing;
Reclining on couches arranged and We have wed them to maidens with gazelle-like beautiful eyes (= Hoor een*);
And those who believed and their
offspring followed them in Faith We have joined them with their offspring and We did not deduct from their
(persons) work anything - every person is held as security** for what he earned (from deeds); And We provided them with
fruits and meat from what they desire; Exchanging in it (Paradise) a glass of wine - it does not result in
nonsense or offense; And passing around them are boys as servants (= Ghilman) for them as if they were well-guarded pearls; And
they came to one another asking one another; They (the believers) said we indeed were before in our people worried (= Mushfiqeen***); So Allah has bestowed a
favour on us and He protected us from the punishment of the hot blowing wind (of Hell called AlSamoum); Indeed we
were before calling upon Him for it is He Who is the Beneficent the Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 17 - 28, Surat AlToor. (52:17-28)
* Image of gazelle's beautiful eyes.
** Held as a security pending the outcome of the evaluation of his deeds.
*** Mushfiqeen = Worried so their hearts are softened because of desiring Allah's Satisfaction with Paradise and
fearing Allah's Wrath with Hell (= Raghaban wa Rahaban) (refer to Surat AlAnbiya').
Words: Mutaqeen = Who protect themselves by fearing Allah - Righteous Persons, Faakiheen = Busy enjoying (plural), Waqa = Protected, Kul =
Eat, Eshurb = Drink, Hanee'an = Good appetite, Muta'keena = Reclining - Leaning - Sitting comfortably, Surur =
Couches, Masfoufah = Arranged, Hoor Een = Maidens with gazelle-like beautiful eyes - Wide, soft, expressive and lustrous
black-eyed maidens, Een = Gazelle - Antelope, Thuriyyah
= Offspring, Alhaqa = Joined, Ma Alatnahm Min Amalihim = We did not deduct from their work, Kasaba = Earned, Raheen =
Held as security Held in pledge, Amdada = Provided, Fakihah = Fruits, Lahm = Meat, Yashtahi = Desires, Yatanaze' =
Exchanges, Ka's = Glass of wine, La Laghw Feeha = It does not result in nonesense, Tastheem = Offense, Yatouf Alayhim = Passing around them, Ghilman
= Boys as servants, Lu'lu' = Pearls, Maknoun = Well-guraded, Aqbala = Came,
Mushfiqeen = Worried - Concerned - On our guard - Pitiful, Manna = Bestowed a favour, AlSamoum = The hot blowing
wind, AlBerr = The Most-Beneficient, The Giver - The Most-Generous.
Q: What is the width of one Garden in Paradise?
Note: Paradise has many Gardens.
A: Race (one another) for Forgiveness from your God and a Garden (of Paradise) its width is like the width of the sky and
the earth prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers - that is Allah's Grace He bestows it on
whom He pleases and Allah is the Lord of the Infinite Grace.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlHadeed. (57:21)
Note: If the width of a Garden in Paradise is such as mentioned in the Ayah what will be the length! Glory to Allah!
Words: Sabiqou = Race (plural), Jannah = Garden - Paradise, Ardh = Width, U'iddat = Prepared,
Men Amana = Who believe, Rusulihi = His messengers, Fadhl = Grace - Favour, Yu'tyeehi = He bestows it - Gives, Adheem = Infinite - Enormous.
Q: To whom will the people of Hell plead for rescue from the punishment of Hell?
Note: A true scenario from the Day of Judgment.
A: And those who are in Hell said to the Custodians of Hell (strong and firm angels) call on
your God to ease for us one day of punishment; They said had not your messengers (from Allah) come to you with
the Miraculous Signs (of Allah's Attributes) - they said yes indeed - they (angels) said so supplicate (to Allah) (yourselves) and (Allah says) the
disbelievers' supplication (then) is not but in vain.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat Ghafir (40:49-50).
Words: Khazanat = Custodians - Guards, Yukhaffif = Eases - Makes less - Lightens, Dhalal =
In vain.
Q: After Allah's Judgement who will be chained and why?
Note: Remember Hell is a dwelling place. Punishment in it is repeated until Allah wills.
A: And the one who is given his record (of deeds) in his left hand he will say I wish I was not given
my book and (I wish) I did not know what is my judgement; I wish it was the end; My wealth did not
avail me; My power has perished from me; Take him (command to angels of Hell) and restrain him
with fetters (chains); Then burn him in Hell; Then in a chain that measures seventy arm-length
do pass him through: He was not believing in The AlMighty Allah; And he (companion of Hell) was not encouraging the food of
the needy; So for him today is no intimate;
And no food except from the pus (dead
cells)* that washes the wounds (= Ghisleen); It is not eaten except by the wrongdoers.
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 37, Surat AlHaqqah. (69:25-37)
* = Ghilsleen. Liquid with pus that oozes from wounds.
Words: Kitab = Record of deeds - Book of deeds, Shimal = Left, Adri = Knew, Hisab = Judgement, Qadiyah
= The end, Maliyah = My wealth, Sultan = Power, Halaka = Has perished - Finished, Khudh = Take, Ghul = Restrain
with fetters, Sallouh = Burn him, Silsilah = Chain, Isluk = Pass him through, Sab'oun = Seventy Thira' =
Arm length - .75m, AlAdheem = The AlMighty, Masakeen = Needy - Poor, Hameem = Intimate -
A very close friend, Ghisleen = Liquid with pus, Ya'kul = Eats, Khati'een = Wrongdoers - Sinners.
Q: What type of clothes will people be wearing on the Day of Judgement?
Note: On the Day of Judgement all will die with the first Blowing in the Trumpet and with the second Blowing all will be awake for judgement.
A: And they were brought before your God in ranks: You
have come to us as We created you the first time* yet you claimed (in life) that We will not make for you an appointment.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlKahf.
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: On the Day of Judgement people will be raised up naked = Urat, bare-footed =
and uncircumcised = ghurrun. And the first person to have clothes on will be the Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem).
A'isha may Allah be pleased with her, the Prophet's wife, said: People looking at one another O Prophet of Allah?! The
Prophet said: A'ishah - the whole matter is more grave (serious) than that.
Words: Saffa = In ranks - In rows, Ji'tou = You have come, Khalaqa = Created, Awal = First, Mar'rah = Time, Maw'id =
Q: Where will the people of Paradise live?
A: Every soul is going to taste death and to Us (Allah) you (all) will return and those who believed and
did good deeds We will provide lodgings for them in chambers underneath which the rivers flow -
remaining for eternity in them and how excellent is the reward of the (good) doers; Those who were persevering (patient) and
in their God they were putting their trust.
Translation of: Ayat 57 - 59, Surat AlAnkaboot.
* Please note that in Paradise Allah's standards for humans will be different from our standards in Life and
man's physique will be huge.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: People in Paradise will look at one another's chamber (room)
as now in life we look at the stars. The Prophet also added for example one chamber is like a shell with the length
of ten miles. Also the Prophet said that in the Garden of Paradise there is a tree and it takes the horse rider one hundred
years of life time to cross its shade. The Prophet also added that we will be re-created similar to the shape of
our forefather Adam: Sixty cubits (= Sixty Thira') - each cubit is 18 inch long) and God knows Best.
Words: Nafs = Soul, Thaiqah = Will taste, Mawt = Death, Turja'oun' = You (all) will return, Salihat =
Good deeds, Nubawe' = Provide lodgings, Ghuraf = Chambers - Rooms, Anhaar = Rivers, Ni'ma Ajr = How excellent is the
reward, Sabarou = Were persevering - Were patient, Yatawakalloun = They were putting their trust - They were depending.
Q: Why wouldn't a person care about his family members on the Day of Judgement?
A: And when the Deafening Sound* comes; That Day the person will run away
from his brother; And his mother and his father; And his female companion (wife) and his children; For everyone from them that Day
there is an affair which will make him busy (from others); Faces that Day are beaming; Laughing rejoicing with
the good news;
And faces that Day upon them dust**; Overburdened with darkened faces***; Those are the
ungrateful (disbelievers), the transgressors (against Allah) beyond limits.
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 42, Surat Abasa. (80:33-42)
* Sound which will make everyone alive lend an ear.
** From Hell conditions. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Perspiration will keep the disbeliever's
face down then the dust (mixed with soot of Hell) will fall on their faces (faces become darkened (blackened)
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volme 4, Page 715
*** As explained by the scholar "Ibn Abbas" may Allah be pleased with him. (Psychologically with humiliation and physically with soot and lack of good food).
Words: Saakhah = Deafening sound, Yafir = Runs away, Akh = Brother, Um = Mother, Ab =
Father, Sahibah = Woman - Wife, Baneeh = His children, Sha'n = Affair, Yughni = Keeps him
busy, Musfirah = Beaming, Dhahikah = Laughing, Mustabshirah = Rejoicing with good news, Ghabarah
= Dust, Tarhaquha = Overburdened - Tired, Qatarah = Gloominess - Marks of stinginess, Fajarah = Transgressors
beyond limits - Shameless.
Q: What action by the angel Israphil will lead to the death of all humanity and will raise them up?
A: And they (disbelievers) say when this promise (Day of Judgement) is if you are telling the truth;
They will not see but one scream that will take them away (dead) while they are arguing; So they will not be able
to leave a will neither will they return (to their families)*; And it was blown in the trumpet (resurrection scream) so
suddenly they are
from the graves rushing out to their God; They said woe to us - who has raised us from our lying place - this is
what the Most-Merciful (Allah) had promised and those who were sent as messengers (from Allah) had told the truth; It was only one scream (for resurrection)
and suddenly they were all brought before Us (Allah); So Today no injustice will be made on a soul and you will
be repaid only what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 48 - 54, Surat YaSeen.
* All relations with their families are cut because they are companions of Hell.
Words: Wa'd = Promise, Sadiq = Telling the truth, Yadhur = Sees, Sayhah = Scream, Takhud =
Takes away - Kills, Yakhsim = Argue, Tawseeah = Leave a will, Ahl = Family - People, Nufikha =
Was blown, Sour = Trumpet, Marqid = Lying place, Sadaqa = Told the truth, Yansil = Rushes out,
Wa'ada = Promised, Mursal = Prophet - Messenger, Muhdhar = Brought, Tudhlum = Injustice be made.
Q: Can you imagine some of the bliss that the believers will enjoy on the Day of Judgement?
A: So Allah protected them (righteous believers = AlAbrar*) against the disaster of that Day (of Judgement) and He bestowed upon them glowing youth and joy (= Nadhratan waSuroura); And He rewarded them for being patient with a garden (in Paradise) and silken garments; Reclining in
it (Garden) on couches - they do not see in it a sun or (feel) bitter coldness; And bending upon them are its
(Garden trees') shades and its (Garden's) fruits which are to be picked are made within proper reach; And
being passed around them (by serving boys) is a bowl of silver and cups (= Akwab) that were (originally) round glass - glass of silver
** that they (servers) measured it a proper measuring***; And in it they will be served a drink which
has the blending of ginger; (from) A spring in it called Salsabeel; And passing around them
are youths (as servants = Wildan) - remaining the same for eternity - when you see them you will think they were scattered
pearls; And if you see there you will see affluence and a magnificent kingdom; On them will be
garments of green fine silk (= Sundus) and rich (heavy) silk (brocade = istabraq****) and they were adorned with bracelets of silver and their God gave them to drink a pure drink; For this was your reward and your hard work (in life = Sa'ye) was
appreciated (by Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 12 - 22, Surat AlInsan. (76:12-22)
* Mentioned in Ayah 6 in Surat AlInsan.
** A specialty of the Other World, not available in this Life.
*** According to a person's thirst without excess or less.
**** Rich fabric with raised patterns in gold and silver.
Words: Waqa = Protected, Shar = Disaster, Laqqa = Bestowed upon - Gave to meet, Nadhratan =
Glowing youth, Suroura = Joy, Hareer = Silk, Muttak'keen = Reclining - Sitting comfortably, Araaik = Couches,
Daniyah = Bending - Nearing, Dhilal = Shades, Thulilat = Made within proper reach - Made to yield - Made to submit, Qutouf = Fruits to be
picked, Yutafu Alayhim = Being passed around them, Aniyah = Bowl, Vessel, Qaddara = Measured, Mizaj = Mixture,
Zanjabeel = Ginger, Ayn = Spring, Wildan = Youths - Young men, Mukhallad = Remaining the same
for eternity, Ra'ayta = You see, Sthamma = There, Lou'lou = Pearls, Mansthour = Scattered, Naeem = Affluence -
Bliss, Mulk = Kingdom, Aaliyahum = On them, Stheyab = Garments - Clothes, Sundus = Fine silk, Istabraq = Brocade - Rich silk with raised patterns woven with gold and silver, Hulou = Adorned, Asawir = Bracelets, Fidhah = Silver,
Sharab = Drink, Tuhour = Pure, Jaza' = Reward - Payment, Sa'ye = Hard work, Mashkour =
Q: Why is it too late on the Day of Judgement to save oneself from Allah's anger?
A: For those who disbelieved (in Allah) and died while being disbelievers so it will not be
accepted from any of them gold equal to the whole earth even if he ransomed himself
with it -
those for them is a severe punishment and for them are no supporters.
Translation of: Ayah 91, Surat AlImran.
Words: Kafara = Disbelieved, Len = Not, Yuqbal = Will be accepted, Mil' AlArdh =
Equal to the whole earth, Thahab = Gold, Wa Lawo = Even if, Eftada = Ransomed,
Nasir = Supporter.
Q: What human deeds are being recorded by angels?
A: And The Record was placed so you will see the sinners (Criminals in Allah's Court = AlMujrimeen) worried (= Musfiqeen)
of what is in it and they say woe (destruction) to us what is wrong with this Record (= AlKitab) it does not leave out anything small or big
without taking account of it and they found what they did present and your God does not do injustice to anyone.
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat AlKahf. (18:49)
Words: Wudhia' = Was placed, AlKitab = The Record, Tara = You will see, Mushfiqeen = Worried - Concerned - On their guard, Mali = What is wrong, Yughadir = Leaves out, Sagheerah = Small thing, Kabeerah
= Big thing, Ahsa = Took account of, Wajada = Found, Amila = Did, Hadhir = Present, La Yadhlim
= Does not do injustice.
Q: How will the custodians of Hell identify the people of Hell?
A: Then when the sky is split open so it becomes like a flower (flimsy) of (melted) ointment; So which of the
Favours of your God do you both (Jinn and human races) reject as lies;; So on that Day no human or Jinn will be
asked* about his sin; So which of the Favours of your
God do you both reject as lies; The sinners** will be known by their Marks***
so they will be seized by the foreheads (= AlNawasi) and the feet; So which of the Favours of your
God do you both reject as lies; (seized and thrust) This is Hell that the sinners were rejecting (in Life) as
lies; They will go round between it (flames) and immediately very hot water (to drink); So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 37 - 45, Surat AlRahman.
* No need to ask the sinner about his sin for "The Day their tongues and hands and legs will bear witness against
what they were doing." Translation of Line 24, Chapter AlNoor in the Qur'an.
** 'AlMujrimoun = Criminals in Allah's Court.
*** Example of the Marks:
"Their eyesight will be cast down; humiliation will tire them out." Translation of line
43, Chapter AlQalam in the Qur'an.
Words: Inshaqat = Split open, Wardah = Flower, Dihan = Ointment, Yusal = Will be asked,
Yu'raf = Will be known, Seema' = Marks, Yu'khath = Will be seized, Nawasy = Foreheads,
Aqdam = Feet, Yatouf = Goes round, Bayn = Between, Hameem Ani = Spontaneously very hot water.
Q: What will be shared between the people who partner with Allah and their evil masters who were
aware that they were made as partners to Allah?
Note: A true picture from the World of the Unseen.
A: And the Day (of Judgement) when He (Allah) says: Call My (Allah's) partners whom
you claimed! So they called them but they did not answer them and We (Allah) made
shared between them a destruction place (Hell).
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlKahf.
Words: Nadou = Call (plural) - , Shuraka' = Partners, Za'mtum =
You claimed (plural), Baynahum = Shared between them, Mawbiq = Destruction place.
Q: How will the deeds be measured on the Day of Judgement?
A: And the weight that day (of Judgement) is the Truth - so whose weighing scales* (of good deeds) are heavy then they are the
prosperous; And whose weighing scales are light then those are
who harmed themselves because of what they were doing injustice (to themselves) through (denying) Our (Allah's) Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines).
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 9, Surat AlA'raf. (7:8-9)
* An actual scale of balance.
Words: AlWazn = The weight, Yawmaithin = That day, AlHaqq = The Truth, Sthaqulat
= Are heavy, Mawazeenuhu = His weighing scales - His balances, AlMuflihoun = The Prosperous ones, Khaffat = Are light, Khasirou Anfusahum = They harmed
themselves, BiAyatina = Through Our Mirculous Signs - Quranic Lines - Verses of the Qur'an - Signs indicative of Allah, Yadhlimoun = Doing
injustice - doing wrong.
Q: How long is the Day of Judgement?
Note: A real scene from the coming Day of Judgement "And your God came (down) with
the angels row upon row;" Translation of line 22 in Chapter AlFajr in the Qur'an.
A: A questioner asked about a forthcoming Punishment (Day of Judgement); For the
disbelievers there is no repellent for it; From
Allah the Owner of the Ways of the Ascent (in the Seven Heavens); The angels and the Spirit (AlRouh = Angel
Gabriel) ascend towards Him (Allah) in a Day which was equal to FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat AlMa'arij. (70:1-4)
Note: Allah will come down (with angels) to our earth for judgement on the Day of Judgement. (refer
to Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Sa'ala = Asked, Saail = A Questioner, Waaqi' = Forthcoming, Daafi' =
Repellent, Thi AlMa'arij = Owner of the Ways of the Ascent, Ta'ruj = Ascend, Da'fi' =
Repellent - Something to push it away, Kana Miqdaruhu = Which was equal to, Khamseena = Fifty, Alfa = Thousand, Sanatin = Year.
Q: How long is human life in proportion to the Day of Judgement?
Note: The Qur'an gives you actual images from the future.
A: He (Allah) said how long you stayed on earth - number of years; They (disbelievers) said we stayed a day or
a part of a day so ask those who keep count; He said for you stayed only a little* if only you knew;
So have you thought that We (Allah) created you for fun (without purpose) and to Us (Allah) you will not
Translation of: Ayat 112 - 115, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* Time of human life is of no importance when compared to the Day of Judgement and eternity of the Other
Words: Labisthtum = You stayed, Yawm = Day, FeEs'el = So ask, Qaleelan = A little,
Kuntum Ta'lamoun = Only you knew, Hasibtum = Did you think, Khalqa = Created, Turje' =
Q: Do disbelievers who do not fear Allah's punishment in life think they will be returned to this life after their
A: And it is forbidden for a town that We (Allah) annihilated that THEY WILL NEVER RETURN (back to this life)*; Until when Gog and Magog** are let through (their barrier)
and they will be walking hurriedly from everywhere; And the True Promise approaches (more near) so suddenly the
eyes of those who disbelieved are wide open and fixed - (they say) woe (destruction) to us we (disbelievers) were certainly
in an unawareness of this (Day of Judgement) rather (they admit) we were transgressors (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 95 - 97, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:95-97)
* but they will return to life when this world ends and the Other One starts.
** Gog and Magog = Ya'jouj and Ma'jouj in the Qur'an - a disbelieving power is currently behind a barrier which an ancient wise king
called (the two-horned = Thou AlQarnain) had made to restrain them. Their letting out is a prophetic indication of the imminent
approach of the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlKahf)
Note: Believers know that this is our only life and after our death period we will be raised up on the
Day of Judgement.
Words: Haram = Forbidden - Ban, Qaryah = Town - Village, Yarje'oun = Return, Futihat =
Was Let through - Was opened, Hadb = Everywhere, Yansil = Walks hurriedly - Rushes,
Shakhisah = Wide and fixed - Staring, Wayl = Woe, Ghaflah = Unawareness - Foolishness.
Q: Have the prophetic indications of the approach of the Day of Judgement started?
A: So are they waiting for the Hour (Day of Judgement) to come upon them suddenly - its
prophetic indications have started* so at what time when it comes their remembrance of
Allah will be?!
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Muhammad. (47:18)
* One grave indication of the approach of the Day of Judgement are the tribes of Gog and Magog
(= Ya'jouj and Ma'jouj).
The time of the descending of the Qur'an is (610-632 C. E.). The Prophet Muhammad once became red-faced
and looked very worried. He said: Great grief (=Wayl) to the Arabs. Gog and
Magog have broken through their barrier today so much! And the Prophet widened
his hand between his thumb and index finger. His wife Zainab Bint Jahsh asked: Will we perish when there are good people
among us. The Prophet said: Yes! When the viciousness (badness) prevails.
Words: Hel = Do, Yanthur = waiting, Ashrat = Prophetic indications, Anna
= At what time, Thikrahum = Their remembrance of Allah.
Q: Gog and Magog are a prophetic indication of the approaching Day of Judgement. Who initially kept them behind a barrier?
A: Then he (The two-horned)* followed a way; Until he
reached between the two mountain barriers he found below them a people who almost did not understand any word (of his);
They said you the Two-Horned indeed Gog and Magog** (= Ya'jouj and Ma'jouj) are corrupters in the land so do we pay you
a tribute on the condition that you make between us and them a barrier; He said what my God made me powerful in is better (than
your tribute) so aid me with (human) force - I will make between you and them a filling up (dam); Bring me huge blocks of iron
until when he leveled it up between the two sides (of the mountains) he said blow until when he made it fire he
said bring me to pour on it molten metal; So they (Gog and Magog) could not climb it neither could they pierce it; He said this
is Mercy from my God so when the Promise of my God arrives He (Allah) will make it (barrier) pounded to dust and
the Promise of my God is Truthful; And We (Allah) left them bump into one another (so many of them like waves) and it was blown in
the Trumpet (Day of Judgement starts) so We gathered them a complete gathering.
Translation of: Ayat 92 - 99, Surat AlKahf. (18:92-99)
* = Tha AlQarnain believed to be Alexander the Great. An alternative suggestion is an ancient Persian King or a
pre-historic Himyarite King. Reference is Abdulla Yousuf Ali's English translation of the meanings and commentary of
the Holy Qur'an.
** From the offspring of Japheth, a son of the Prophet Noah. Reference is "Mukhtasar Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer".
Note: In a brief summary of a part of a topic narrated by Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki in his speech in English about 'The Hereafter: The minor signs of
the Day of Judgement): The disbelieving tribes of Gog and Magog are continuously trying to break through their
barrier. Finally they will succeed when their leader says "God's willing". Their place is in the East. They will
swarm the land after the anti-Christ is killed by the "the real" Christ, The "real" Christ will retreat to Jerusalem
because of Gog and Magog who will fill the earth with killing. Allah will send big birds to kill and take their corpses away. Then rain to wash their stink. Then peace will prevail for some time before the arrival of the Day
of Judgement. Also reference is to 'Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer".
Words: Saddayn = Two mountain barriers, Qawm = A people, Yadqeh = Understands, Mufsid =
Corrupter, Ala an = On the condition that, Sadda = Filling up - Dam, Zubur = Huge blocks, Unfukh = Blow, Qitr = Molten metal (lead,
copper), Yadhhar = Climbs, Naqb = Pierce, Dakka = Pounded to dust, Yamouj = Bump into, Jama' =
Q: The end of Jesus' life was controversial as was his birth. What does the Qur'an say about
what happened to Jesus?
Hint: Jesus' coming back to earth is a prophetic indication of the imminent
arrival of the Day of Judgement.
A: And because of their (a group of Jews) disbelieving and their saying against
Maryam (= veracious Mary) a great slander (Defaming = buhtan)*; And their saying that we certainly killed the Messiah Jesus son of
Mary (= AlMaseeh Issa Bin Maryam) - the messenger of
Allah and (Allah says) they did not kill him neither did they crucify him (G ma salabouh) but (one)
looked exactly the same (= shubbiha) to them and those who differed in it (this matter) they are
certainly in doubt about it - they have no knowledge of it except following assumption (remember Allah is
talking) and they did not kill him for sure; Rather Allah lifted (body and soul)** him towards Himself and Allah
is AlMighty, The All-Wise; And there is none of the people of the Book but must believe in
him before his death (after Jesus comes back) and on the Day of Judgement he will be upon them a witness.
Translation of: Ayat 156 - 159, Surat AlNisa'. (4:156-159)
* They made a false accusation against Jesus' mother.
** Allah took Jesus' soul away like in
sleep (=Tawaffa). Source: The Abridged Version of Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer who died 774 Hijri. Remember Allah takes souls away during
sleep and during death
Note: A prophetic indication of the approach of the Day of Judgement is the
imposter christ (anti-Christ = AlMessih AlDajjal).
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad in "Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer": The imposter christ will be one-eyed. His second eye will be
like a floating grape. He will
to people around the world: I am your god. The Prophet Muhammad continued: And your God is not one-eyed.
the Imposter Christ will have in his hands fire and water. So choose the fire because the
fire (of the imposter) is Paradise of Allah and water (of the imposter) is Hell. The imposter christ will take
faithful who rejects him and orders
his body to be severed into two with a saw. Then the imposter christ will order the killed faithful person to come
back to life. Then he
will ask him: Do you believe in me now? The believer will say: This has only increased my faith in Allah and
increased my rejection of you! So the imposter christ will hold him and fling him away. The faithful will be
actually flung to a Garden of Allah.
After some time of the extreme riot (fitnah) made by the imposter christ,
the real Christ (Issa) will be sent down to earth. He will kill the imposter christ. Peace will prevail afterwards for
around forty (weeks, months or years). The prophet Muhammad said he was not sure which one of them.
In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's saying: Then just before the beginning of the Day of Judgement a good
breeze will blow and makes all believers dead. Then the Day of Judgement will begin on the heads of the remaining extremely vicious people. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in
Arabic, page 494.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: I am worthier than any other
prophet of Jesus because there was
no other prophet between me and him,. So when he comes down do recognize
him! A man of red and white colored-skin, wearing two garments dyed with red dust (= mumasar); as if his
hair is dripping (overflows as if with moisture) even it is not wet. The imposter christ (antiChrist) will be
killed by Jesus. Jesus will do other things to support Allah's True Religion (Please research them.). Allah in Jesus' time will destroy all
religions except "Allah's True Religion". Peace will
prevail then he will die his natural death and he will be buried. Source: The Abridged Version of Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer who died 774 Hijri, volume 1, page 459.
Words: Buhtan = Slander - Defaming - Falsehood, Adheem = Great, Qawlihim = Their saying,
Qatalna = We killed, Ma Qatalouh = They did not kill him, Ma Salabouh = They did not crucify him,
Shubihha Lahum = looked exactly the same, Ekhtalafou = Differed, Shak = Doubt, Etteba' AlDhan
= Following suspicion, Yaqeenan = For sure - For certain, Bel = Rather, Rafa' =
Lifted, In min = None, Yu'minunna = Must believe, Qabla = Before, Mawt = Death, Shaheedan
= Witness.
Q: Is the punishment of the Day of Judgement true?
A: And they ask you to foretell is it (punishment) true say (command to Prophet Muhammad) yes by my God indeed
it is certainly true and you are not escaping; And if every soul that has transgressed has
everything on earth it will (readily) offer it in ransom (for itself) and they repented in secret when
they saw the punishment and it was judged among them with fairness and they will not
be treated with injustice.
Translation of: Ayat 53 - 54, Surat Yunus. (10:53-54)
Words: Yastanbiounaka = The ask you to foretell, AHaqqun Howa = Is it true, Ey = Yes,
Mu'jiz = Escaping - Making give up, Nafs = Soul, Thalamat = Transgressed - Wronged, Ma
= Everything, Eftadat = Offered in ransom, Assarrou AlNadamah = Repented in secret,
Ra'a = Saw, Qudiya = It was judged, Qist = Justice, La Yudhlam = Will not be treated with
Q: Will the disbelievers in Hellfire eventually die?
A: And those who disbelieved for them is Hellfire - they will not be finished off so that
they die neither will its punishment be lightened for them - that is how We (Allah) repay every
ungrateful one.
Translation of: Ayah 36 , Surat Fatir.
Words: Yuqdha = Finished off, Yamout = Dies, Yukhafaf = Be lightened,
Athab = Punishment, Najzi = We repay.
Q: On the Day of Judgement what will the disbelievers think of Hellfire in front of them?
A: So woe (destruction) on that Day (of Judgement) for the rejecters (of Faith) as lies; Those
who are (in life) absorbed in falsehood amusing themselves; The Day when they will be pushed towards Hellfire
a suitable pushing; (Hell guards say) This is the Fire that you were denying as lies; So is this
magic or you can not see; Be burnt in it then have patience or do not have patience -
it is the same for you for you are not but being repaid what you were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 16, Surat AlToor.
Words: Mukathibeen = Rejecters (of Faith) as lies, Fi Khawdh = Absorbed in falsehood,
Yalab = Amusing himself, Yuda' = Be pushed, Sihr = Magic, Tubsiroun = See, Eslouha =
Be burnt in it, Esber = Have patience, Sawa' = The same, Tujza = Being repaid, Ta'maloun =
Q: Will the people of Paradise be able to ask Allah for unique desires?
Hint: It will not be forbidden to ask for unique desires but the bliss of the Garden
will be more than enough.
A: Enter into the Garden (of Paradise) - you and your spouses in rejoicing; Dishes and goblets of
gold will be passed around them and in it what the souls desire and the eyes delight
and you are
in it (Garden) remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayat 70 - 71, Surat AlZukhruf.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet was preaching
while a Bedouin (from the desert) was present. The Prophet said: A man in Paradise Asked Allah that he wants to
cultivate the land. He was told isn't the bliss of the Garden and its trees enough for him. The man
nodded yes but since he was workaholic in this life he wanted to work as a farmer in Paradise. His
request was granted. He was given some seeds. When he threw them immediately plants sprouted as tall
as the mountains and were ready to be reaped. Allah told him: Son of Adam! Nothing makes you
satisfied. The Bedouin who heard the Prophet's speech said: This man must be from Quraish (the Prophet's
tribe who immigrated to AlMadinah (an agricultural land) or from the Ansar (of AlMadinah) because we
Bedouins do not care about agriculture. The Prophet laughed.
Source: Anwar Al-Awlaki. "The Hereafter: Paradise, a tour of Paradise" cassette. no. 15.
Words: Udkhl = Enter, Azwaj = Spouses - Wives, Tuhbar = In rejoicing,
Yutaf = Will be passed, Sihaf = Dishes, Thahab = Gold, Akwab = Goblets, Tashtahi
= Desires, Anfus = Souls, Taluth = Delight, A'yun = Eyes, Khalid = Remaining for
Q: Can a human mind imagine a full picture of Paradise with all the scenarios and the images that the Qur'an
A: So no soul does know what is hidden for them (devout believers) from the delight of the eyes
as a reward for what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlSajdah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Moses (Moosa) peace be upon him asked
His God the Sublime: What is the least rank of the people of Paradise. He said: A man who comes after the people
of Paradise were admitted to Paradise (maybe after being punished). So it will be said to him: Enter Paradise.
He will say: How is it my God and people have taken their dwellings and their belongings. So it will be said
to him. Do you get pleased if you have a kingdom like a king of the kings of earth. So he will say: I am pleased, my God!.
So He will say to him: For you that, and like that and like that and like that. So in the fifth he said: I am
pleased my God!. So he will say to him: This is for you and ten times like it with it and for you what your
soul desires and your eyes delight in. So he will say: I am pleased my God. So he (Moses) said: And their highest
in ranks. He (Allah) said: Those whom I have planted their honour (gifts) with My hand and put a seal on it
so no
eye has seen and no ear has heard and it never occurred to the heart of a human being. And (Ayah 17 of Surat
AlSijdah is its proof) Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer (in Arabic), volume 3, page 75.
Words: La Ta'lam Nafs = No soul does know, Ma = What, Ukhfiya = Is hidden,
Qurat A'yun = Delight of the eyes, Jaza'an = As a reward, Bima = For What, Ya'maloun = Were
Q: What are the two placements of the Day of Judgement?
A: Then whoever transgressed (against Allah); And preferred the life of this world; So
Hell is
the dwelling place;
But whoever feared standing before Allah (for judgement) and forbade the soul from lower desires so
Paradise is the dwelling.
Translation of: Ayat 37 - 41, Surat AlNazi'at.
Note: Once the well known Umayyad Caliph Umar Bin AbdelAziz who was known for his
justice woke up from his sleep shivering and crying. When his wife asked him what made him
in this state he said: I remembered that day when I will be told: Either to Paradise or
to Hell. He could not sleep all night. Source: Anwar Al-Awalki, "The Hereafter" Cassetter no. 13.
Words: Tagha = Transgressed - Was unjust, Asthara = Preferred, Ma'wa =
Dwelling, Maqam = Standing before Allah (for judgement), Naha = Forbade, Hawa = Lower desires - Base
Q: When is the Day of Judgement?
A: Those who denied as lies the meeting with Allah has already lost until when it (Day of
Judgement) comes on them suddenly they will say: What a pity to us for what we neglected of it
and they will carry their sins on their backs - how terrible then is what they will be carrying.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlAn'am.
Note: Once the Prophet Muhammad was preaching when a man stood up and asked: When is the
Hour (Day of Judgement)? The Prophet ignored him. After his third time asking and when the Prophet
finished his preaching, the Prophet said: Where is the man who asked about the Hour? Then the Prophet
asked him: What have you prepared for it. The man answered: Not much of praying or fasting. But I
prepared for it the love of Allah and his prophet. The Prophet Muhammad said: The person is with whom
he loved. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer. Source: Anwar AlAlwaki "The Hereafter" cassetter.
Words: Qad = Already, Khasira = lost, Kaththaba = Denied as lies, Liqa'
= Meeting, Hasratana = What a pity for us - Woe for us, Farattna = Neglected, Feeha =
Of it, Yahmil = Carries, Awzar = Sins, Ala Sa'a = How terrible then.
Q: How will the Day of Judgement start?
Note: An image from the future.
A: And it was blown in the Trumpet that is the Day of the Warning*.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat Qaf.
* Another name for the Day of Judgement.
Note: When the Prophet Muhammad was accompanied by the Angel Gabriel on a
night travel through the Heavens (Chapter AlIsra' in the Qur'an) he saw the Angel Israfil (Rafael in English) who
is given the responsibility of sounding the Trumpet which will begin the Day of Judgement. In a summary of
a speech of the Prophet Muhammad: How can I have
interest in this life when the one given responsibility of sounding the Trumpet has already
put the Trumpet in his mouth. His face is turned towards Allah's Throne lest he misses the
moment Allah commands him to blow. His eyes are like two bright stars. The Prophet's companions
said then what should we say. The Prophet Muhammad said: Say "Allah is Enough for us and He is The
Best you can trust.(Ni'ma AlWakeel)". Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer (in Arabic). Source: Anwar
Al-Awalki's "The Hereafter" Cassette number 8.
Words: Nufigha = It was blown, Sour = Trumpet - Horn, Yawm = Day, AlWaeed
The Warning.
Q: Why will rows and rows of angels come down on the Day of Judgement?
Note: A true scene from Allah's World of the Unseen "Day of Judgement".
A: By no means (= Kalla)* - when the earth has been pounded - a pounding after a pounding (to be leveled);
and your God has come with the angels (of each Heaven) row after row; And that Day Hell has been
brought (nearer) - that Day human being
will remember and then what use the remembering is; He says I WISH I PREPARED FOR MY (this) LIFE; That Day no one
will punish like His (Allah's) punishment; And no one will chain like His chaining.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 26, Surat AlFajr. (89:21-26)
* By no means what many people think about Allah's testing of them is true. (refer to Surat AlFajr)
Words: Dakka = Pounding, Youma'ithin = That Day, Yatathakkar = Remembers, Kaddamtu = Prepared, Hayat = Life,
Athab = Punishment, Wisthaqaji = His chaining.
Q: How will people admitted to Paradise obtain property there?
A: That is the Garden (Gardens of Eden 'Complete Bliss') which We (Allah) give to inherit from
Our servants whoever was a devout.
Translation of: Ayah 63, Surat Maryam.
Words: Tilka = That is, Nouristh = We give as inheritance, Taqqiya =
Was a devout - Protected himself by fearing
Q: What is the only form of worshipping of Allah in Paradise?
A: Whatever is in the Heavens and on earth glorify* Allah and He is the AlMighty, the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlHadeed.
* Elevating Allah high above any imperfection or shortcoming.
Words: Sabbaha = Glorify, Samawat = Heavens - Skies, Ardh = Earth.
Q: What will start the Day of Judgement?
A: And He (Allah) created the Heavens and the earth for a true purpose and the Day (of Judgement) He
says Be and it is been - His Word is the Truth and to Him belongs The Supreme Authority* on the
Day it is blown into the Trumpet - The All-Knowing of the World of the Unseen and Witness and He is
the All-Wise the All-Expert.
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat AlAn'am.
* In a brief summary of an excerpt of a long saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Angel
Israfil (Rafael in English) will blow in the Trumpet three times: The Blow of Terror, the Blow of being Thunderstruck (dead) and the Blow of
the Raising up. In the Second Blow Israfil will come to Allah and say: God! all the inhabitants of the
Heavens and the earth are dead except whom You willed. Allah will say and He knows it: Who is remaining.
He will say: God! You are the ever Alive Who does not die and the angels carrying Your Throne and Gabriel
(Jibreel) and Michael (Mikaeel). Allah will say: Let Gabriel and Michael die. Then Allah will ask the question again and Allah will
say: let the carriers of My Throne die. Then Allah will ask the question again and Allah will say: I created
you (Angel Israfil) as a creation of Mine now you are dead and Israfil dies. Then Allah will be The
Last as He was The First. Then Allah will say: I am The Omnipotent (= AlJabbar), the Omnipotent, the
Omnipotent (three times). Then Allah will say with His Own Voice: To Whom is the Absolute Authority
(Kingdom of Allah = AlMulk) today? Then Allah will say with His Own Voice: To Allah The One The Subduer (= AlQahhar)
(Surat Ghafir Line 16). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 216.
Words: Khalqa = Created, BilHaq = For a true purpose, Sour = Trumpet, AlKhabeer = The All-Expert.
Q: What will happen to our secret sins that we do not want anyone to know?
A: That Day you will be brought to judgement - No hidden deed of yours will be hidden.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlHaqqah.
* In a summary of a speech of the Prophet Muhammad: On the Day of Judgement (when the judgement is in process)
Allah will come very near to each of his servants. Allah will provide with an enclosure (= Kanafihi) (so that no one can
hear what is being said). Allah will remind his servant about each of his sins that Allah has kept secret from
people. Allah will then say: In life I covered them for you and Today I forgive them for you. Source: Anwar
AlAwlaki, The Hereafter, CD no 10.
Words: Tu'radhoun = You will be brought to judgement,
Khafiyah = Hidden deed - Secret deed.
Q: What will the believer's reaction be when he is given his Record of deeds in his right hand?
Note: A scene from the World of the Unseen.
A: Then whoever has been given his Record in his right hand
so he will say here! Read my Record! I knew that I was going to see my account; So he is in a pleasant living;
In a lofty Garden; Its fruits to be picked are within reach; Eat (plural) and drink with pleasure for what you did in the days
that passed.
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 24, Surat AlHaqqah.
Words: Haaum = Here!, Kitab = Record - Book, Eishah = Living, Radhiyah = Pleasant -
Satisfactory, Qutouf = Fruits to be picked, Daniyah = Within reach, Haneean = With pleasure, Aslaftum
= You did (plural), Ayam = Days, Khaliyah = That passed.
Q: On the Day of Judgement how will you know that Allah has been Merciful to you?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) for I fear if I disobey my God the punishment of a Severe Day
; Whoever is averted (kept away) from it that Day then He (Allah) has been Merciful to him and that is the
explicit triumph.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Akhafu = I fear, Aseetu = I disobey, Yusraf = Is averted - Kept away, Rahimahu = Has
been Merciful on him, Fawz = Trimuph - Winning.
Q: Ali may Allah be pleased with him said: "About us, by Allah, the people of Badr this line (of the
Qur'an) descended."* Which line?
A: Indeed the righteous are in Gardens (of Paradise) and springs; Enter them in peace feeling
safe; And We (Allah) removed from their hearts any hidden hatred - As brothers on
couches face to face; No weariness will touch them in it and from it they are not going to
be expelled.
Translation of: Ayat 45 - 48, Surat AlHijr. (15:45-48)
* Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 810.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad promised Paradise to ten of his companions: Abu Bakr, Umar, Usthman,
Ali, Talhah, AlZubair, AbdulRahman Bin Awf, Sa'ad Bin Abi Waqas, Saeed Bin Zaid and Abdullah Bin Masoud. They were
great leaders of Islam and thought to be the ones meant directly in this line. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 810.
Note: In a summary of an incident from the Islamic history: Imran Bin Talha came to Ali Bin
Abi Taleb may Allah be pleased with him. Ali said: I hope Allah makes me and your father "Talhah" among those
Allah said "= And We removed from their hearts any hidden hatred - As brothers on
couches face to face ". A man from Hamdan stood up and said: Allah is More Just (Fair) than that, O
Ameer AlMou'mineen. So Ali shouted at him to the extent the others thought the palace was going to
collapse. Ali said: If it was not we? Then who?! Source:Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page
Note: In a summary of an incident from the Islamic history: Kastheer AlNawwa' said: I went to
Abi J'afar Muhammad Bin Ali and I said: My supporter is
your supporter. My enemy is your enemy. I ask you by Allah: Shall I reject (= Atabarra') Abi Bakr and
Umar? He recited: "Then I was led astray and I was not from the guided." (Translation of Line 65 Chapter AlAn'am in the
Qur'an). Support them (= tawallahuma)! O Kastheer. Then he recited the Qur'anic line "ikhwanan ala surur mutaqabeleen = As brothers on
couches face to face." He said: Abu Bakr and Umar and Ali may Allah be pleased with them all.
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 810.
Words: Mutaqqeen = Righteous - Those who protect themselves by fearing Allah,
Edkholou = Enter (plural), Amineen = Feeling safe, Naza'na = We removed , Sudour =
Hearts - Chests, Ghil = Hidden hatred - Bitter feeling, Ikhwanan = As brothers, Nassab =
Weariness - Fatigue - Hardship, Surur = Couches, Mutaqabileen = Face to face.
Q: Will the people admitted to Paradise want to change their places in Paradise?
A: For those who believed and did the righteous
deeds will have the Gardens of AlFirdous (Gardens in high places in Paradise) as their guest house: Remaining for eternity in it; They will not
wish for a transfer from it.
Translation of: Ayat 107 - 108, Surat AlKahf.
Words:Nuzula = A guest house - Resting place, Yabghoun = Wish, Hiwala = Transfer.
Q: How much did the Prophet Muhammad know about the time of the Day of Judgement?
A: They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Hour (Day of Judgement) - when its anchoring time
is; Where are you (Prophet Muhammad)* from its declaration!; To your God is its
conclusion; For you are but a warner of whoever fears it; As if the Day they see it they did not stay (in life)
except for an evening or its morning**.
Translation of: Ayat 42 - 46, Surat AlNazi'at.
* An exclamation phrase that implies you know nothing about the time of the Day of Judgement.
** The Day of Judgement is fifty years long. It begins with horror that makes the child grey-haired as mentioned in
the Qur'an.
Words: Ayyana = When, Mursaha = Its anchoring time (The day of Judgement is like a ship that is nearing and it has to be
anchored) - Its fixing time; Feema Anta = Where are you! - In what way you know, Thikraha = Its declaration,
Muntahaha = Its conclusion - Its ending - Its outcome, Munthir = Warner, Yakhshaha = Fears it, Yalbasthou =
They stayed, Ashiyyah = An evening, Dhuhaha = Its morning.
Q: Is it enough for Muslims to know that another World is coming after this Life?
A: TtaSeen* these are the Miraculous Signs (verses - lines = Ayat) of the Qur'an and an explicit Scripture**;
As a Right Guidance and good news for the believers; Who perform the prayer and give the prescribed
charity and in the Other World they are certain (about their faith).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlNaml.
* Two Arabic letters (TS) that do not make an Arabic known word. The meaning is from Allah's World of the
** Remember that the origin of Allah's Scripture sent down on all of Allah's prophets is one.
Words: Tilka = These are, Mubeen = Explicit, Huda = Guidance, Bushra = Good news,
Yuqeemoun = Perform, Yu'toun = Give, AlZakat = The prescribed charity, Yuqinoun = Are certain
(about their faith).
Q: Why should humans fear the Day of Judgement?
A: And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah then everybody
will be repaid for what they earned (of deeds) and no injustice will be done to them.
Translation of: Ayah 281, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:281)
Words: Etaqqou = Fear, Yawman = A Day, Turjaoun = When you will be returned,
Tuwaffa = Will be repaid, Kulu Nafs = Everybody, Kasabat = Earned - Did, La Yuthlamoun =
No injustice will be done to them.
Q: Why should one believe first in Allah then believe in the Other World?
Hint: What Allah says is the truth.
A: Then they were returned (on Day of Judgement) to Allah - their Lord of the Ultimate
Truth - well ruling is His and
He is the Most-Swift in taking account.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Ruddou = Were returned, Mawlahum = Their Lord, AlHaq = Of the
Ultimate Truth The True, Hukm = Ruling - Judgement, Asre' Hasibeen = Most swift in taking account.
Q: What information Allah tells the Prophet Muhammad that no one will ever provide him with?
A: People ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Hour (timing of Day of Judgement) say for its
knowledge is with Allah (Alone) and what do you know* perhaps the Hour is near.
Translation of: Ayah 63, Surat AlAhzab.
* According to the thoughts of the Shaikh ElSharawi about the verses of the Qur'an: If Allah
says "what do you know" in the
present tense (= yudreeka) then no one will tell you and you will never know. But if Allah says
as in Chapter AlInfitar Line 17 "And what did you know (= adraaka) about the Day of Religion" in the
past tense then Allah will tell you about it.
Words: Yasaluka = They ask you, AlSa'ah = The Hour, Ilm = Knowledge,
Yudreeka = You know, Takoun = Is, Qareeban = Near.
Q: Why do the disbelievers ask for the Day of Judgement to come quickly?
Hint: They do not believe it will really come so they make fun about it.
A: Those who do not believe in it (Day of Judgement) ask for it to come quickly* - and
those who believe in it are worried of it and they know it is the Truth - well indeed THOSE WHO DISPUTE (and doubts) about the Hour (Day of
Judgement) are certainly in far straying away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlShoura. (42:18)
* Disbelievers make fun of the coming Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlIsra')
Words: Yasta'jil Biha = Ask for it to come quickly, Mushfiqoun = Worried , Ala = Well indeed, Yumaroun =
Dispute - Doubt - Oppose, Dhallal = Straying - Error,
Baeed = Far.
Q: What will admit people into Paradise: Their good deeds?
A: And Lut (Prophet) - We (Allah) granted him administration of justice and knowledge and We saved him from the community that
was practising obscenities* - for they were people of evil straying away (from Allah's normal ways); And We (Allah)
admitted him in Our Mercy for he was from the righteous persons.
Translation of: Ayat 74 - 75, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:74-75)
* The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were known for inventing abnormal sexual behaviour.
AlWaleed Bin AbdulMalik (an Umayyad caliph who ruled from 705 - 715 CE.) said: If Allah the Supreme did not
tell us the story of the people of Lut I would have never thought that a man can have sex with a man (= thakar yalou
thakar). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 339.
Note: The believers' good deeds bring them nearer to the Satisfaction of Allah but they
do not admit them to Paradise.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad the Prophet said: The deeds of no one of
you will admit him to Paradise. They asked: Neither you, Prophet of Allah? The Prophet said: Neither me except if
Allah admits me into His Mercy (= illa an yataghamadani Allah biRahmatihi) (reference will be added insha Allah later).
Words: Ataynahu = We granted him, Hukm = Administration of justice, Ilm = Knowledge, Najjaynahu =
We saved him, Qaryyah = Community - Town, Ta'mal AlKhaba'isth = Was practising obscenities - Was
practising abnormalities - Was practising malicious deeds, Qawm Sawe' = Evil - Sins, Faasiqeen = Straying
away - Immoral, Adkhalna = We admitted, Rahmatina = In our Mercy, Saliheen = Righteous people.
Q: Is Paradise a fantasy that Allah is promising to create?
A: And make haste in asking forgivenss from your God and Paradise as wide as (all of)
the Heavens and earth (already) prepared for those who protect themselves (by
fearing Allah) (= LlMutaqeen).
Translation of: Ayah 133, Surat AlImran.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: If you call upon Allah for granting
you Paradise then ask for the Garden of "AlFirdous" (= Jannet AlFirdous) because it is the highest Garden (in Paradise) and it is
in its center and from it all the rivers of Paradise gush out and its roof is the Throne of Allah The Merciful
(Allah's Throne is on the top of the seventh Heaven). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 563.
Words: Saariou = Make haste, Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Jannah = Paradise, Ardhuha =
As wide as - Its wide flat surface - Its width, U'iddat = Prepared, Muttaqeen = Those who protect themselves by
fearing Allah - Righteous people.
Q: Why should the disbelievers beware of not doing injustice to themselves?
Hint: An actual scene from the Other World after the Judgement.
A: Indeed the sinners (disbelievers = AlMujrimeen) in the punishment of Hell are remaining for eternity; It will not be
lightened for them and in it they are dumbfounded; And We (Allah) did not do them injustice but they themselves were
the unjust* (to themselves).
Translation of: Ayat 74 - 76, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:74-76)
* They transgressed Against Allah so they subsequently wronged themselves by bringing Allah's
punishment to themselves.
Words: AlMujrimeen = The sinners - The guilty party - The criminals,
Khalideen = Remaining for eternity, Athab = Punishment,
La Yuftar = It will not be lightened, Mublisoun = Dumbfounded - Desperate - Overwhelmed, Ma Dhalamnahum = We did not
do them injustice, AlDhalimeen = The unjust - The unfair.
Q: On the Day of Judgement what will it be known about what Allah says?
A: (On Day of Judgement) And intercession will not be put to use with Him (Allah) except to whom He (Allah) has given permission until
when terror* is lifted from their hearts they (angels) say what did your God utter they say the Truth and He is
the Most-Elevated, the Most-Great.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat Saba'. (34:23)
* Example of the terror of the beginning of the Day of Judgement.
Words: La Tanfe' = Will not be put to use, AlShafa'ah = Intercession -
Mediation, Fuzia' = Is lifted, Quloubihim = Their hearts, AlHaq = The Truth, AlAly
= the Most-Elevated.
Q: Why is it better for the disbeliever to believe in what Allah promises to come?
A: For what you are promised is certainly coming and you are not escaping (from Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 134, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Ma Tu'adoun = What you are promised, La'ati = Is certainly coming, Ma
BiMu'jizeen = Not escaping - Not making Allah give up.
Q: On the Day of Judgement why will the disbelievers stop arguing about Allah's Religion?
Note: An actual scene from the Day of Judgement that is now part of Allah's World of the Unseen.
A: And the Day (of Judgement) those who disbelieved are being exposed to the Fire* (of Hell) -
(they were asked) is this not real - they would say yes indeed by our God - he said (Allah's Command) then taste the
punishment for what you were disbelieving (in).
* A psychological torment before the physical torment in Hell.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlAhqaf. (46:34)
* An example of the Fire of Hell being like a master in action.
And another example.
Note: Custodians of Hell will be astonished why people could not believe so they will ask questions. (Refer to Surt
Words: Yu'radh = Are exposed to - Are put before, Bilhaq = real,
Fathoqou = Then taste.
Q: Why should people only enjoy what Allah allowed in this life?
A: And the Day (of Judgement) those who disbelieved are being exposed to the Fire - (it is said to them)
you used your good things in your life on earth and enjoyed them so today you are going to be repaid with
a punishment of disgrace for being arrogant (against Allah) on earth without any right and because of you were sinfully straying away
(from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlAhqaf. (46:20)
Words: Athhabtum = You used, Tayyebatikum = Your good things, Estamta'tum
= You enjoyed, Tastakbiroun = Being arrogant, Bighayr AlHaq = Without any right,
Tafsoqoun = Sinfully straying away (from Allah's Path) - You were committing sins.
Q: Why will the disbelievers look at the Fire of Hell from the corner of their eyes?
A: And whoever Allah leaves to stray away (from Allah's Path) then for him there is no
protector (= weli) and you will see the transgressers (ungrateful to Allah) when they saw the punishment (of Day of Judgement) saying is there a way to returning (to life) ; And you will see them being exposed to it (the Fire) submissive out of humiliation looking at it
out of the corner of their eyes and those who believed said indeed the losers are those who caused loss to
themselves and their families* on the Day of Judgement well indeed the transgressers are in staying (remaining forever) punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 44 - 45, Surat AlShoura. (42:44-45)
* The righteous believers in Paradise will have their righteous families with them. (refer to Surat AlToor)
Words: Yudhlil = Leaves to stray away, Weli = Protector - Ally, Marad = Returning,
Khashi'een = Submissive - Downcasting their faces - Lowering their eyes, Min Taraf Khafi = Out of the corner of their
eyes, AlKhasireen = The losers, Muqeem = Staying - Remaining forever - Permanent.
Q: Which special group Allah will allow to stand up and talk on the Day of Judgement?
A: For We (Allah) certainly support Our messengers and those who believe* in this Life and
when the witnesses arise (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat Ghafir (40).
* Those who believe (= Allatheena Amanou). Iman (Faith) is a step higher than Islam.
Words: LaNansur = We certainly support, Yaqoum = Arise - Stand up,
AlAshuhada' = The witnesses.
Q: Why is the reward of the Day of Judgement the best?
A: For those who believed and did the righteous deeds for them (on Day of Judgement) is a reward that will not
be severed*.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat Fusilat (41:8).
* The reward is everlasting.
Note: The reward of Allah is comprehensive. An example of part of the reward.
Another example.
Words: Ajr = Reward, AlSalihat = The righteous deeds, Ghayr Mamnoun
= That will not be severed - Will not come to an end.
Q: Who will attain Salvation (be freed) on the Day of Judgement?
Note: A scene from the Day of Judgement.
A: Every soul according to what it earned (of deeds) is held as security (= raheenah)*; Except the companions of
the Right Side**; In Gardens (of Paradise) are inquiring one another (= Yatasa'aloun); About the sinners (criminals);
What led you into "Saqar" (Hell)***; They said we were not from those who pray; And neither were we
feeding the needy person; And we were indulging in vain talk (against Muslims) with the others who indulge in
vain talk; And we were treating as lies the Day of the Religion (Judgement); Until the Inevitable Truth
(death) reached us.
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 47, Surat AlMuddasthir.
* We are all indebted to Allah therefore on the Day of Judgement we all will be held as security pending the outcome
of our deeds: Either attaining salavation or being doomed to Hell.
** This is what is referred to as the Salvation. If not Salvation
then Restraint.
*** Saqar is a rank in Hell.
Words: Nafs = Soul, Raheenah = Held as security - Held in pledge, Asshab = Companions, AlYameen =
The Right Side, Nakhoudh = Indulge in vain talk (in nonsense).
Q: What is another Name for Paradise?
A: And Allah calls to the Dwelling of Peace (Dar AlSalam* = Paradise) and He guides** whomever He wills to a
Straight Path (leading to Paradise).
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat Yunus.(10:25)
* Another Name for Paradise.
** Allah guides whoever shows willingness to be guided to Allah's Path. (refer to Surat
Words: Yadou = Calls, Dar = Dwelling - Home, AlSalam = Peace, Yahdi = Guides, Sirat = Path, Mustaqeem =
Q: Who will attain Salvation (deliverance from Allah's punishment and destruction) on the Day of Judgement?
A: And Allah will bring to safety (Paradise) those who protected themselves (by
fearing Allah) through their Salvation* (= biMAFAZATihim) - no harm will touch them neither will they grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlZumar.
* On the Day of Judgement every soul will be held as
a prisoner.
Words: Yunajji = Will bring to safety, Etaqqau = Protected themselves by fearing
Allah, BiMafazatihim
= through their Salivation, La Yamusuhum = Does not touch them, AlSou' = Harm,
Yahzanoun = Grieve.
Q: To where will be the Salvation (deliverance from Allah's punishment)?
A: Certainly for those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) are Salvation (places)
(= MAFAZA); gardens and grapevines; And well developed maidens of the same age; And
a drinking glass brimful (with wine); They do not hear in them nonsense or lying; As a reward from your God - a sufficient grant.
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 36, Surat AlNaba'.
Words: Mafaza = Salvation (places), Hadaaiq = Private gardens, A'naba =
Grapevines, Kawa'ib = Fully developed maidens, Atraba = Of the same age, Ka'san = Drinking
glass, Dihaqa = Brimful, Laghwan = Nonsense, Kiththaba = Lying, Jaza'an =
As a reward - As a repayment - As a return, Ata'an = Grant, Hisaba = Sufficient.
Q:What should those who believe in Allah always try to do to themselves?
A: The Gardens of Eden (Complete Bliss) underneath which the rivers flow remaining for eternity in
them and that is the reward of whoever has purified* himself (against sins).
Translation of: Ayah 76, Surat Taha. (20:76)
* Although Muslims should work hard to purify themselves against sins they should
refrain from recommending themselves as pure and sinless. Some Muslims in different
Muslim countries nowadays have a tendency wrongfully and untruthfully to refer their blood lineage to the Prophet
Muhammad and his respectful family to impress people by their purity.
Words: Tajri = Flow. Jaza' = Reward, Tazakka =
has purified himself (against sins) - Tries not to commit sins.
Q: Best friends in life will be enemies of each other on the Day of Judgement except who?
Note: A true scene from Allah's Day of Judgement.
A: Best Friends that Day (of Judgement) of each other are enemies except those who protected themselves (by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:67)
Words: AlAkhilla' = Best friends, Yawmaithin = That Day, Ba'dhuhum Liba'dhin
= Of each other, Illa = Except, AlMutaqeen = Those who protected themselves - God conscious.
Q:What is the condition to feel secure in the Other Life?
Note: A true scene from Allah's Day of Judgement.
A: (Allah says) O My (devoted) servants there is no fear upon you Today
neither will you grieve; Those who believed in Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and they were Muslims*.
* Submitting to Allah as the Only and One God without holding anyone else
(no matter who he is) in similar awe and love.
Translation of: Ayat 68 - 69, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:68-69)
Words: YaIbadi = O My servants - O my righteous people, La Khawf =
No fear, La Tahzanoun = Neither will you grieve.
Q: In what state will the people given Paradise as a reward enter it?
A: Enter Paradise you (plural) and your wives (you all) leaping with joy.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:70)
Words: Udkhulou = Enter (plural), Antum = You (plural), Azwajukum =
Your wives, Tuhbaroun = Leaping with joy - Rejoicing.
Q: What is the main commonality between Paradise and Hell?
A: And to all ranks (levels/degrees) according to what they did (in Life) and your God is Not
Unaware of what they do.
Translation of: Ayah 132, Surat AlAn'am. (6:132)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet Muhammad was
asked by a man "what is the rank (level or step = Darajah)" the Prophet answered him: It is not
the doorstep of your
mother's house. Between every two steps (it takes) one hundred years (of human time in this life). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 1. page 762.
Note: Remember that the human body in the Other Life will be reshaped according to
the standards of Paradise and Hell.
Words: LiKulin = To all, Darajat = Ranks - Levels - Degrees, Amilou = They did, Ma BiGhafil =
Not Unaware, Ya'maloun = They do.
Q: To what World does the Other Life (Other World) (= AlDar AlAkhirah) belong?
A: They (hypocrite Muslims) will give excuses to you (other Muslims) when
you return (from war)* to them say (command to Prophet Muhammad) we will not
believe you for Allah has told us about your news** and Allah will see your
work and so does his Prophet*** then you (all) will be returned to the World of the
Unseen and Witness (= Aalim AlGhayb welShahadah) so He (Allah) will inform you about what you
were doing (in Life).
Translation of: Ayah 94, Surat AlTawbah.
* Some rich people who could afford to go to the war in Islam gave excuses and stayed back.
** Line 93 is translated: --- they were pleased to be among those who stayed back---".
*** Just like Allah's other messengers, the Prophet Muhammad was a witness on
the people that he was among them.
Words: Ya'tatheroun = They give excuses - They apologize, Raja'tum = You returned,
Nu'min = Believe, Naba'ana = Informed us, Akhbarikum = Your news, Turadoun =
You will be returned, AlGhayb = The Unseen, AlShahadah = The witness, FaYunabi'ukm
= He will inform you, Ta'maloun = You were doing.
Q: Before being admitted to Paradise where will the righteous person with Faith be admitted?
A: And those who believed and did righteous deeds We (Allah) will
certainly admit them among* the righteous people (= AlSsaliheen*).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:9)
* Righteous believers will be admitted to Paradise in groups depending On Allah's Mercy to them and on their deeds:
Either in the Group of the People of the Right (= Asshab AlYameen) or the Group of the
Winners (= AlSabiqoun). (refer to Surat AlWaqiah)
** AlSsaliheen = Those who do righteous deeds (= AlSsalihat).
Words: Amilou = Did, AlSsalihat = Righteous deeds, LaNudkhilannahum = We will
certainly admit them, Fi AlSsaliheen = Among the righteous people.
Q: If people of Paradise will enter it in small groups "zumara" how will the people of Hell enter
A: And those who disbelieved were led to Hell in small groups until when they
reached it its Gates were opened and their custodians (angels) said to them did not
messengers from you* reached you reciting upon you the Miraculous Signs (Lines of the Holy Books) of your God and warning you
the meeting of this Day of yours - they said yes indeed but the word of Punishment was to
come true against the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlZumar. (39:71)
* The Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger to all humanity. Before the Prophet
Muhammad and beginning with the first man created "Adam" all nations had witnessed
messengers of Allah. (refer to Surat Fatir)
In a brief summary of a long saying of the Prophet Muhammad which is considered by Islamic
scholars to be "a weak saying" because the line of its narrators that lead to the Prophet
Muhammad include one or more of unauthenticated or untrustworthy narrators: The companion Abu Thur asked the
Prophet Muhammad about the total number of Allah's prophets (= anbiya'). The Prophet said: One
hundred and twenty four thousand. Abu Thur asked: How many messengers (= rusul)
among them? (remember messengers were given Docrines "shar'ie' plural of Shariah" from
Allah. Every messenger was a prophet but not every prophet was a messenger) The
Prophet said: Three hundred and thirteen - a big crowd. Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 1, page. 824.
Note: People of Paradise will enter it in small groups.
Words: Seeqa = Were led, Futihat = Were opened, Khazanatuha =
Their custodians - The guards of the Gates, Yajloun = Reciting, Liqa' = Meeting,
Haqqat = Was to come true.
Q: What first portion of Allah's Mercy the disbelievers will be deprived of on the Day of Judgement?
A: Allah promised those who believed and did the righteous deeds (in life) - for
them is Forgiveness and a superb reward; And those who disbelieved and
rejected our Lines (the Qur'an) as lies - those are the companions of Hell.
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 10, Surat AlMa'idah.
Words: Wa'ada = Promised, Amalou = Did, AlSalihat = The righteous
deeds, Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Ajr = Reward, Adheem = Superb - Great, Kaththabou = They
rejected as lies, Asshab = Companions.
Q: When Allah's Judgement on the Last Day comes to and end what will start?
A: Enter into it (Paradise) peacefully - that is the Day* of Eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat Qaf. (50:34)
* Days of Allah (= Ayaam Allah) will start. (refer to Surat AlJasthiyah)
Words: Edkholouha = Enter into it, BiSalam = Peacefully, Thalika
= That is, Yawm AlKholoud = Day of Eternity - Day of Eternal Life.
Q: What show will be presented to the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement?
Note: A true scene from Allah's World of the Unseen (the Day of Judgement).
A: And We presented Hell that Day(Day of Judgement) to the
disbelievers as a proper show.
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlKahf.(18:100)
Note: On the Day of Judgement, showing all of Hell increases the
suffering of those who will be admitted to it. (Remember Hell is a place of dwelling with
boiling water, Fire, choking food...etc.).
Words: Aradhna = We presented, Yawmaithin = That Day, Ardha =
As a proper show.
Q: Why are the believers certain that the Day of Judgement is going to happen?
A: (The believers pray) Our God You are certainly going to gather people to a Day
there is no doubt about it for Allah never fails the Promise.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlImran.
Words: Jaami' = Going to gather - Gathering, La Rayba Feehi = There is
no doubt about it, La Yukhlif = Never fails, AlMeead = The Promise - Appointed time.
Q: Why is the punishment of Hell described as severe?
A: And when those who transgressed (against Allah) see the punishment then
it is not going to be made less for them neither will they be delayed.
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlNahl. (16:85)
Note: Remember that Hell is a staying place.
Words: Dhalmou = Transgressed - Committed injustice, AlAthab =
The punishment, Yukhafaf = Made less, La Hum Yundharoun = They will not be delayed.
Q: Will the reward of the believers who did righteous deeds be only Paradise?
A: For those (believers) who did righteous deeds is the Best Outcome (Paradise) and More* - and
no black smoke or humiliation will burden their faces - they are the companions of Paradise in
it they are remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Yunus. (10:26)
* Looking towards the Face of Allah. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When
people of Paradise are admitted to Paradise a caller will call: O People of Paradise!
Allah has still a Promise for you He likes to fulfill it. They will say: Has Allah not
made our weights (of good deeds) heavy? Has He not honoured us and admitted us to Paradise
and saved us from Hell? So Allah will remove the cover and they will look at Him. And
by Allah (The Prophet says) Allah has not given them anything more lovely to them than looking at Him. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 603. (Note: People of Hell has no chance of seeing
Allah's Face in the Other World).
Note: You may be wondering then what about seeing Allah during the Judgement on the Day of
Judgement! (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
Words: Ahsanou = Did righteous deeds, AlHusna = The Best Outcome - The Happy
Ending - The best, Yarhaq = Burden, Wujouhuhum = Their faces, Qatr = Black smoke,
Thillah = Humiliation, Asshab = Companions.
Q: How will those who enjoy life forgetting about Allah arrive on the Day of Judgement for
A: So is the one whom We (Allah) promised a satisfying promise (of Paradise) and he is
going to see it fulfilled equal to the one whom We grant to enjoy the temporary enjoyment of
life then on the Day of Judgement he is going to be among those who will be brought up (with force)*.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlQasas.
* By angels for harsh questioning/punishment.
Words: Wa'adnahu = We promised him, Hasan = Satisfying, Laaqeehi = Going
to see it fulfilled, Matta'nahu = We grant him to enjoy, AlMuhdhareen = Those who will be
brought up (with force).
Q: Why what Allah says about Paradise for example has to come true?
A: Indeed those who believed and did the righteous deeds - for them are Gardens of Bliss;
Remaining for eternity in them - the Promise of Allah has to be fulfilled and
He is the AlMighty the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 9, Surat Luqman. (31:8-9)
Words: Amilou = Did, AlSsalihat = The righteous deeds, Jannat =
Gardens, AlNa'eem = Bliss - Affluence, Wa'd = Promise, Haqqan = Has to be fulfilled.
Q: Why will the believers be given Paradise?
A: Those are the companions of Paradise remaining for eternity in it as a reward for what
they where doing (in Life).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlAhqaf. (46:14)
Note: Ayah (Line) 13 in Surat AlAhqaf.
Words: Asshab = Companions, Jaza'an = Reward, Payment, Ya'maloun = What
they were doing.
Q: In which place will Allah's punishment be gradually increasing?
Note: "I will tire him gradually upward" is a translation of Line 17 in Surat (Chapter)
AlMuddasthir in the Qur'an.
A: By no means* - by the moon**; And by the night when it goes away; And by the
day when it shines; it (Saqar = rank in the bottom of Hell) is
certainly one of the great catastrophes; As a warning for humanity; For whoever of
you wants to come forward (on Allah's Path) or lags behind.
Translation of: Ayat 32 - 37, Surat AlMuddasthir.
* Allah says No to what the disbelievers thought. The disbelievers mocked the meaning behind the number
of guardian angels of Saqar - a rank at the bottom of Hell.
** What Allah takes an oath of is worthy of human attention because it is a Miraculous Sign that affects human
Words: Kalla = By no means, AlLayl = The night, AlSubh = The day - The morning,
Itha = When, Asfar = It shines, LaIhda = Certainly one, AlKubar = The great catastrophes,
Natheeran = As a warning, Yataqaddam = Comes forward, Yatakhkhar = Lags behind.
Q: Will those doomed to Hell, a staying place, be given respire from the Fire of Hell when they are
eating or drinking?
A: And indeed the pious ones will certainly be in bliss; And indeed who lived a
dissolute life (without restraint) will certainly be in Hell; They will be burnt in it on the Day of Religion (Judgement);
And they will not from it be absent*.
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 16, Surat AlInfitar.
* Hell is a staying place with disgusting food and boiling water to drink. See how sparks of
Hellfire will follow those doomed to Hell even when they are out of the Fire.
Words: Inna = Indeed, AlFujjar = Who lived a dissolute life (without restraint),
Yaslaounaha = They will be burnt in it, BiGhaaibeen = Will not be absent.
Q: Why should people fear Hellfire?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad to say) So I warned you against a Fire* that keeps on flaring up (= talladha); No one
will be burnt in it except the damned; Who rejected (Allah's Religion) as lies and turned away.
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 16, Surat AlLayl.
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Your fire is one part of seventy parts of
Hellfire. It was said: O Prophet of Allah, it (earthly fire) would have certainly been enough (for punishment). He
said: Hellfire has been favoured with sixty nine parts more. Each one is similar to the heat of it (our fire). Source:
AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim. In Arabic, page 647.
Words: FaAnthartukum = So I warned you against, Nar = Fire,
Talladha = Keeps on flaring up, Yaslaha = Will be burnt in it, AlAshqa = The most
unfortunate - The most miserable, Kaththaba = Rejected as lies, Tawwala = Turned
Q: When will those who deny the Day of Judgement as lies will stop their claim?
A: When the Happening* occurs; There is no delusion** in its
occurence; Bringing down, raising up***.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlWaqiah.
* A name of the Day of Judgement.
** No fancy or imaginative scenes. Line 12 in Chapter AlRoum in the Qur'an is translated: "And the Day the Hour (Day
of Judgement) occurs the sinners will be struck dumb".
*** Natural catastrophes.
The Lines (verses) 4 - 6 that follow in Surat AlWaqiah.
Note: In life it is Allah Who raises people ranks above others. So it is
Allah on the Day of Judgement Who will make people up and others down.
Words: Waqa'at = Occurs, AlQaqiah = The Happening - The occurence,
Kathibah = Delusion - Fancy, Khafidhah = Bringing down, Rafi'ah = Raising up.
Q: Against what do Muslims work to protect themselves on the Day of Judgement?
A: Is then the one (Muslim) who protects his face against the
worst punishment on the Day of Judgement * - and it was said (by angels) to the
transgressors (against Allah) taste (the result of) what you were earning (bad deeds).
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlZumar.
* The answer is understood that he is not similar to the one who is going to be punished.
Note: The worst humiliation is harming the face.
The faces of the companions of Paradise.
Note: Also in the Arabic language one's face
stands for 'onself'.
Words: AfaMen = Is then, Yattaqi BiWajhihi = Protects him face -
Protects himslef, Sou' AlAthab = The worst punishment, Qeela = It was said, Thoqou =
Taste, Taksiboun = Were doing.
Q: Why should those believers who did not do good deeds or did bad deeds have a reason to panic and
they should try quickly to change their actions?
A: And We (Allah) are setting up balances* with the justice of the scales for the Day of Judgement so no one will
receive any injustice - and (even) if it (the deed) is the weight of a seed of mustard We (Allah) will
bring it forth (for account) and Enough for Us (Allah) as Settlers of accounts.
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:47)
Note: The basis of good deeds is to have Faith in Allah Who will judge us all. Otherwise good deeds will
equal 0 according to Allah.
* real measuring instruments.
Words: Nadha'u = We are setting, AlMawazeen = Balances, AlQist =
With the justice of the scales, La Tudhlam Shayan = Will not receive any injustice, Nafs =
Person - Soul, Misthqal = Weight, Habbah = Seed, Khardal = Mustard, Atayna Biha = We will
bring it forth, Kafa = Enough, Hasibeen = Settlers of accounts.
Q: On the Day of Judgement what will come after questioning why new babies were killed (according to Islamic analogy
'hukm qiyassi' fetuses are included)?
Note: The preceding lines 8 - 9 in Surat AlTakweer are translated:: And when the (new-born) female who was buried alive (killed) is questioned (on the Day of
Judgement); For what crime she was killed.
A: And when the scrolls (of deeds) are spread open.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlTakweer.
Note: Before people's deeds are judged, the killed babies will be defended by Allah. Note how important it
is to Allah the life of the new born baby (fetuses are included among
the new-born babies according to Islamic analogy 'Hukm Qiyassi'). Read
Toronto Star's article "divulging baby's gender".
Words: AlSuhuf = Scrolls - Records of deeds, Nushirat = Are spread open.
Q: What is the destiny of the sky (lowest level) with all its stars and constellations on the Day of
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 14, Surat AlTakweer.
* The surface will be damaged and peeled off. Remember what will happen to the stars on the Day of Judgement. And
to the sky.
** Hellfire is already existing. It is kindled. On the Day of Judgement it will be flared up (= su'irat).
In a In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, through the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): Fire
(of Hell) complained to its God so it said: My God, my parts are eating one antoher so Allah allowed it
to breathe twice. One breath in winter and another in the summer; The extreme heat you find and
the extreme coldness: Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 312.
*** Each one's record will be taken from the Scrolls. Hence in Ayah 10 in Surat AlTakweer the
Scrolls will be spread open. And in Ayah 14 in Surat alTakweer each one will know his record. And between both actions the
horror of the Day of Judgement will continue: Note 1. Please refer to (Ayah 10 in Surat AlTakweer) just above.
By the scrolls (of
deeds) it is meant the original scrolls from which each person's record will be produced.
Note 2. Remember that the first thing Allah created was the pen and
it was commanded to write whatever will
happen from the beginning of the creation to the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlQalam)
Note 3. According to Ibn Kastheer in his interpretation of Surat
'AlIsra', page 34: (On the night of AlMi'raj when the Prophet Muhammad was
escorted by Angel Gabriel through a quick journey across the seven Heavens); The Prophet Muhammad heard
the sound of writing with pens (= Sareef alAqlam).
Note 4. According to Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him and others: Angels write down the deeds of people
and they go up to Heaven with them to meet those angels who have copied down
from Allah's Preserved Tablet They find nothing at all is changed. Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 4, page 244. (It is Allah's justice to make
angels who stay with us witnesses of what we do).
Note 5. Each one of us will have a record from the original scrolls.
Words: AlSama' = The sky, Kushitat = Is scraped off - Is removed, AlJaheem = Hellfire,
Su'irat = Is kindled - Is made to blaze, Uzlifat = Brought near, Alimat = Has come to know, Ahdharat
= Brought forward.
Q: What greeting heard in this life will be heard in the Other Life?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And those who believed and did the righteous deeds were admitted to Gardens (of Paradise) underneath
which the rivers flow - remaining for eternity in them - their greeting in them is 'Peace'*.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat Ibraheem.
* Even Allah will greet the dwellers of Paradise. (Remember as explained
in an earlier posting dwellers of Hell will have no chance of seeing Allah.)
Words: Udkhila = Were admitted, Amilou = They did, AlSalihat = the righteous
deeds, Jannat = Gardens, Tajri = Flow, AlNahar = The rivers, Khalideen = Remaining for eternity,
Tahhiyatuhum = Their greeting, Salam.
Q: When being punished in Hellfire what will the sinners be wearing?
Note; A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And you will see the criminals** that Day bound together in fetters; Their garments
are of tar**.and Fire covers their faces.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat Ibraheem.
* of Allah's court. = Sinners.
* Black bituminous flammable liquid. Bitumen: Obtained as residues after heat-refining natural substance (as
petroleum). Source: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary.
Note: Remember that Hell is a dwelling place. For example
the shade in Hell.
Words: Tara = You will see, AlMujrimeen = The sinners - companions of
Hell, Muqaranneen = Bound together, AlAsfad = Fetters - Chains, Sarabeeluhum= Their
garments, Qatiran = Tar, Taghsha = Covers, Wujuhahum = Their faces.
Q: What is Allah's answer for the disbelievers who doubt the coming Day of
A: About what are they inquiring; About the Great News (of Day of Judgement); The one
about which they cannot agree; By no means (that their doubt is true) - they will come to know; Again by no means -
they will come to know.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlNaba'.
Words: Amma = About what, Yatasa'aloun = Are inquiring, AlNaba' = The News,
AlAdheem = The great, AlLathi = The one, Feehi = About which, Hum Mukhtalifoun = They cannot
agree, Kalla = By no means - Never, SaYa'lamoun
= They will come to know.
Q: What special effect only the believers will have on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Day when you will see the believing men and the believing women - their light
proceeds in front of them and to their right side (= aymanihim)* - good news for you today are Gardens
underneath which the rivers flow - remaining for eternity in them - that is the Superb Triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlHadeed.
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet said I will be the first one who will be
given permission on the Day of Judgement to prostrate and the first one to be given permission to lift his
head so I will look in front of me and behind me and towards my right and my left and I will know my
(Muslim) nation among all nations. A man asked: O Allah's messenger, how do you know your nation among
all nations. He said: I will know them white in the ankles because of the effect of ablution (washing before
prayer) and this will not be for any nation other than them. And I will know them by being given
their records (of deeds) by their right hands. And I will know them by their marks in their
faces (some light on the forehead because of prostration). And I will know them by their light proceeding
in front of them and (in front of) their offspring. Source: Tafaseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 469.
Words: Tara = You see, AlMo'mineen = The believing men, Yasa' =
Proceeds - Runs, Khalideen = Remaining for eternity, AlAdheem = Superb, AlFawz = The
Triumph - The victory.
Q: What favour will the hypocrite Muslims ask the believers on the Day of Judgement?
Note: The preceding Line 12 in Surat AlHadeed is translated above.
A: The Day (of Judgement) when the hypocrite men and hypocrite women will say to the believers
give us some time (= undhurouna 'plual') to get some of your light - it was said (by angels) go back behind you and seek light then it was separated
between them with a fence (barrier) that has a gate - its inside (for the believers) there is Mercy and its
outside (for the hypocrite Muslims) from its direction is punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlHadeed.
Words: Yaqoul = Say, AlMunafiqoun = Hypocrite males, Undhurouna = Give us some
time - Tend (plural) to us, Naqtabis min Noorikum = Get some of your light, Erja'ou = Go back, Wara'akum = Behind you, FaDhuriba = It was separated,
BiSour = With a fence, Bab = Gate, Batinuhu =Its inside, Dhahiruhu = its outside, Min Qibalihi
= From its direction, AlAthab = Punishment.
Q: In life are hypocrite Muslims a separate group?
Note: The preceding Lines 12-13 in Surat AlHadeed are posted above. (A summary of the Prophet's saying is added in translation of Line 12).
A: They (hypocrite Muslims) will call out to them (believers) were we not (in life) with you (Muslims)
they will say yes of course yet you subjected yourselves to temptation and you stayed in wait (for what happens, without repentance) and you doubted (Allah's Promise)
and (vain) hopes (of life) deceived you until the command of Allah came and self-conceit* had deceived you
about Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlHadeed.
* Your self-conceit, through Satan, that Allah will forgive you no matter what you did had
deluded you away from Allah's Path.
Words: Yundaounahum = They will call out, Fatantum = You subjected yourselves to
temptation, Tarabbastum = Stayed in wait, Ertabtum = Doubted, Gharatkum = Deceived you - Deluded you, AlGhorour
= Self-conceit - Self-deception.
Q: In life why do hypocrite Muslims stay in wait for what happens to other Muslims?
Note: The word "stayed in wait" = Tarabbastum) is mentioned in Ayah 14 in Surat AlHadeed above.
A: Those ((hypocrite Muslims) who stay in wait for what happens to you (Muslims) and if there was victory for you
from Allah they would say were we not with you (Muslims) and if there was for the disbelievers a share (of victory) they would
say (to the disbelievers) did we not overpower you (to save you) and we shielded you against the
believers - so Allah is going to judge between you (Muslims and hypocrite Muslims) on the Day of Judgement
And no way will Allah let the disbelievers* win over the believers (in argument...etc on the Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 141, Surat AlNisa'.
* Where will the hypocrites be on the Day of Judgement?
Words: Yatarabbasouna BiKum = They stay in wait for what happens to you, Fathh =
Victory - Success, Naseeb = A share, Nastahwith = Overpower you, Namna'akum = We shielded you -
We protected you, Yahkum = Judges, Sabeela = Way.
Q: What will happen to some people whose good deeds are equal to their bad deeds?
Note: Please read first the preceding Lines 44-45 in Suart AlA'raf.
A: And between them* a barrier (= hijab)** - and on the Heights (between Paradise and
Hell) men*** - they recognize each (group) with their marks**** - and they called out to the companions of Paradise
that peace be upon you - they (themselves) did not enter it (Paradise) and they are (still) hoping.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlA'raf.
* Companions of Paradise and companions of Hell.
** Remember that the companions of Hell will be kept in seclusion (=
mahjoboun) and will not have a chance to see Allah with their eyes.
*** Companions of the Heights (= Asshab AlA'raf) are believers whose good deeds equaled
their bad deeds. So their bad deeds made them fall short of Paradise and their good deeds were more than the quota for Hell. So they were kept aside until Allah
judges them as He wills. Source: Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt in Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page
**** Example of the marks of the disbelievers.
Words: Hijab = Barrier - Wall, A'raf = Heights, Ya'rifoun = They recognize - they know, BiSeemahum
= With their marks, Lem Yadkholouha = They did not enter it, Yatma'oun = They are hoping.
Q: What will the companions of the Heights fear on the Day of Judgement? (who are they? Explained in *** above.)
Note: Remember a true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And when their* eyes were turned towards the companions of Hell they would say our God do not make
us with the transgressing people (wrongdoers).
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlA'raf.
* Companions of the Heights (= Ashab AlA'raf). (Please read the *** explanation) above.
Words: Surifat = Were turned, Absaruhum = Their eyes, Tilqa' = Towards,
As'hab = Companions, La Taj'alna = Do not make us.
Q: How will the companions of the Heights recognize the arrogant disbelievers in Hell?
Note: The preceding line 47 in Surat AlA'raf is above.
An Explanation: Please note that in Arabic "Jamakum" means 1.what you amass (of wealth) 2.
your assembly or gathering of persons. In Ayah 48 the reference is to the assembly of persons who support
each other against Allah (as will be clear in the translation down).
A: And the companions of the Heights called out to men (in Hell) they recognize them by their marks* -
they said (to the men) your assembly (of disbelievers = Jam'ukum) did not avail you anything neither did what you
were showing arrogance (= Tastakbiroun)** about.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlA'raf.
* Fetters and chains (mentioned in Ayah 71 in Surat Ghafir).
** Two signs of showing arrogance are rejoicing (arrogantly) 'Tafrahoun' and
doing what you like (arrogantly) 'Tamrahoun'. (as mentioned in Ayat 75-76 in Surat Ghafir)
Note: It is clear here that the companions of the Heights were in life among the meek (submissive) and the
weak of the society. They are speaking up Today against the arrogant disbelievers who held themselves superior to
others and used to ridicule them.
Words: Ma Aghna Ankum = Did not avail you - Was of no use, Jam'ukum = Your assembly - Your
gathering, Tastakbiroun = Showing arrogance.
Q: As understood from the judgement of the companions of the Heights, what is the secret for
salvation in the Other World?
A: (It is being said by an angel) Are these (companions of the Heights) the ones you (arrogant
disbelievers) swore (in life) that Allah will not grant them Mercy - (Allah's Command) Enter
into Paradise - no fear upon you and you are not going to grieve.
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat AlA'raf.
Hint: Not to lose hope in Allah's Mercy. (Refer to Ayah 23 in Surat AlAnkaboot which
is posted today).
Note about the companions of the Heights "--- and they are (still) hoping" Translation of Ayah 46 in Surat AlA'raf (above)
and "they would say our God do not make us with the transgressing people (wrongdoers)" Translation of
Ayah 47 in Surat AlA'raf (above).
Note: An example of the weak and the needy (= AlDhu'afa' wel Masakeen) in Islam are
orphans, young girls...etc. and the needy. Which needy? In a summary of a saying
of the Prophet Muhammad: The needy (AlMiskeen) is not the person (beggar) who roams around people being
convinced with a morsel (of food) or two or a date (from palm tree) or two. But the needy (AlMiskeen)
is who finds satisfaction (in his heart) that makes him feel sufficient (with no need) and people do not
figure out his need to be charitable to him and he does not beg. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen,
in Arabic, Page 104.
Words: AHa'oula' = Are these, Aqsamtum = You swore, La YanaLuhum = Will not
grant them, BiRahmah = With Mercy, Udkholou = Enter, La Khawfa = No fear, Tahzanoun = Grieve.
Q: What is the Great Bounty of Paradise?
A: And you will see the transgressors (against Allah) worried of what they earned (of bad deeds)
and it (punishment) is going to befall them - and those who believed and did the righteous deeds
(will be) in the meadows of the Gardens (of Paradise) - for them* whatever they wish for from their God -
that is the Great Bounty.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlShoura. (42:22)
* they will be granted what they wish for. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The one of
you (Muslims) with the least seat in
Paradise, when he is told to make his wish so he will wish and wish more. He will be asked:
Did you make your wish? He will say: Yes. So he will be told: For you is what you wished and similar to
it with it. Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in Arabic, page 521.
Words: Mushfiqeen = Worried - Concerned - On their guard, Mimma = Of what, Waaqi'un = Is
going to befall - Is going to happen, Rawdhat = Meadows, Lahum = For them, Ma Yasha'oun =
What they wish for, AlFadhl = Bounty, AlKabeer = The Great.
Q: What is the evaluation word that describes the companions of Paradise?
A: The companions of the Fire (of Hell) and the companions of the Garden (of Paradise) are
not equal - the companions of the Garden are the winners.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlHashr.
Words: La Yastawi = Are not equal, Asshab = Companions, AlFa'izoun = The
Q: How will the Day of Judgement overwhelm those who disbelieve?
A: Has the news of the (Day of Judgement) Calamity which will befall on all reached you (Prophet
Muhammad); Faces (of companions
of Hell) that Day will be downcast (with humiliation); Toiling** (and) exhausted to the utmost***; Being burnt in Fire that flares up;
Being given to drink from
a spontaneously boiling spring; No food for them except 'AlDharee' (bitter dry thorny plant)****; It does not nourish nor does it
satisfy any hunger.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 7, Surat AlGhashiyah. (88:1-7)
* Another Name for the Day of Judgement. People will be completely overpowered
by its natural disasters before the Judgement begins.
** Moving in Hell with fetters and chains. (Remember that Hell
is a residing place).
*** What will make them very tired?
**** A plant known in Arabia as AlShshibrq when it dries up it is called 'AlDharee' and it is poisonous.
(Remember that Hell is divided into ranks. For example the food of the lowest level
is 'AlZaqoum' Tree).
Words: Ataka = Has reached you, Hadeesth = News, AlGhashiyah = The Calamity that
befalls on all, Wujouh = Faces, Khasi'ah = Downcast - Submissive, Aamilah = Toiling, Naasibah
= Exhausted to the utmost, Tasla = Being burnt, Hameeyah = That flares up, Tusqaa = Being given
to drink, Ayn = Spring, Aniyah Spontaneously very hot, Ta'am = Food, Dharee' = Bitter dry thorny
plant, Yusmin = Nourishes, Yunghni = Satisfies, Joo' = Hunger.
Q: How will the believers' dreams in life come true on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Gardens of Eden - they will enter them - underneath which the rivers flow - for them in them
whatever they desire - in this way Allah rewards those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) (= AlMutaqeen).
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlNahl. (16:31)
Words: Adn = Eden - Complete bliss - Complete affluence, Yadkholounaha = They enter them, Tajri = Flow, Ma Yasha'oun =
Whatever they desire, Yajzi = Rewards - Repays, AlMutaqeen = Who protect themselves by fearing Allah.
Q: To reserve your place in any Garden of Paradise what must you do?
A: An example of the Garden that those who protect themselves by fearing (Allah)
(= alMutaqoun) were promised - underneath which the rivers flow - its food is constant and (so is) its
shade - that is the outcome of those who protected themselves by fearing (Allah) and the outcome of the
disbelievers are (in) the Fire (of Hell).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlRa'd.
Words: Masthal = An example, Wu'ida = Were promised, AlMutaqoun = Those who
protect themselves by fearing Allah, Ukuluha = Its food, Daa'im = Constant, Dhilluha = Its
shade, Uqba = Outcome - Ending.
Q: On the Day of Judgement how is Hellfire personified?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 11 in Surat AlFurqan.
A: When it (Hellfire) sees them from a far away place they (companions of Hell) will hear for it flaming
up with rage and (fiery) exhalation*.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlFurqan. (25:12)
* What could the Fire's letting out a deep breath result in? (refer to Surat AlMursalat)
Words: Ra'athum = It sees them, Ba'eed= Far away, Makan = Place, Sami'ou = They
will hear, Taghayyudhan = Flaming up with rage - Flaring up with rage, Zafeera = Exhalation - Letting out
a deep breath.
Q: To what extent will the companions of Hell be frustrated with themselves?
A: And when they ecnountered from (ulqu minha)* it (Fire of Hell) a tight place - being bound together in
fetters** they burst therein into a loud lament*** (mourning their own destruction).
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlFurqan.
* After they are cast in the Fire.
** What makes the place tight in the Fire that they will be tied up (prisoners).
*** By uttering the word "WaSthoboora".
Words: Ulqou Minha = They found it were jettisoned from it, Makanan = Place, Dhayyeq = Tight,
Muqarraneen = Bound together, Da'ou Sthoboora = They burst into a loud lament - They mourned
their own destruction.
Q: Is it only when in the Fire the companions of Hell will mourn themselves?
Note: The translation of Ayah 13 in Surat AlFurqan is above.
A: Do not burst into a single loud lament (to mourn your own destruction) but burst into frequent* loud laments.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlFurqan.
* When? An example of when they will be mourning
Note: Remember that Hell is a staying place not only Fire.
Words: Tad'ou Sthoboora = Burst into a loud lament to mourn your self destruction,
Wahida = Single, Kastheera = Frequent - Repeated - Recurrent.
Q: What is Allah's Promise that the believers can freely ask Allah about on the Day of Judgement?
(Example: Allah You promised us so give us...)
Note: We are continuing to experience a true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
Note: The translation of Ayat 12 - 14 in Surat AlFurqan is above.
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) is that (being in Hell) better or the Eternity Garden
(in Paradise) that those who protect themselves by fearing (Allah)* were promised - it was for them a repayment and an
outcome (of their deeds); For them in it whatever they desire - remaining for eternity - it was upon your
God a Binding (Demandable) Promise.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat AlFurqan. (25:15-16)
* And complying with His commands (= AlMutaqoun).
Words: AThalika = Is that, Khair = Better, AlKhuld = Eternity, Jaza'an =
A repayment - A reward, Maseer = Outcome, Khalideen = Remaining for eternity, Wa'dan = A promise,
Masoula = Binding - Demandable.
Q: What will whom people take as gods to be worshipped other than Allah be questioned by Allah?
Note: We are continuing to experience a true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And the Day (of Judgement) when He (Allah) gathers them (disbelievers) (in a group) and what they worship other than
Allah and He says (to the worshipped) did you lead astray My servants (= Ibadi) these or they themselves went astray from the Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlFurqan. (25:17)
Words: Yahshuruhum = He gathers them, Ya'bodoun = They worship,
AAntum = Did you, Adhlaltum = lead astray, Ibadi = My people - My servants, Hum = They themselves, Dhalloo = They went astray,
AlSabeel = The Path.
Q: What two proofs will gods that are worshipped provide Allah to defend that they are not responsible for
people's straying away from Allah's Path?
A: They (gods that are worshipped) said glory to You (Allah) - we did not have the right to take other
than You any helper (as god)* but You (Allah) granted them temporary enjoyment**
(in life) and (granted) their fathers until they
forgot the Message (of Allah) and they were unsuccessful people (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlFurqan.
* Angels for example are worshipped as gods. They themselves believed and supported (the Message of) Allah as the One and Only Supporter (as God) so how could they have
told their followers to believe in them and support them as gods?!
** They became spoiled and ungrateful.
Note: On the Day of Judgement who will be in a similar situation (questioned by Allah
because his followers put him in such a situation)?
And who also will be questioned the same?
Words: Ma Kana Yanbaghi Lana = We did not have the right, Nathakhitha = To take,
Min Doonika = Other than You - Leaving You, Min Awliya' = Any helper - Any protector, Matta'tahum = Granted them
temporary enjoyment, Aba'ahum = Their fathers, Nasau = They forgot, AlThikr = The Message, Boora =
Q: How will the worshippers of other gods be convicted on the Day of Judgement?
Note: This is the judgement scene from the coming Day of Judgement. (According to the famous translator
Abdullah Yusuf Ali in "The Holy Qur'an: English Translation", page 1037: The argument is as in a court of
A: (Allah says) So they (the worshipped) proved you (the worshippers) liars in what you say so
you are (now) not capable of any averting (of the punishment through them) neither receiving support and* whoever
transgresses (against Allah) from you We (Allah) will make him taste a great punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlFurqan.
* The futuristic scene ends and we are back in life.
Words: Kaththaboukum = They proved you liars, BiMa = In what, Taqoloun = You say,
Tastatee'oun = Be capable, Sarfan = Averting, Naran = Receiving support, Yadhlem = Transgresses -
Becomes unjust, Kabeera = Great - Severe.
Q: Besides being a permanent staying place what is Paradise for its companions?
A: The companions of the Garden (of Paradise) that Day (of Judgement) will be in a superior
staying place and in a best resting place
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlFurqan.
Words: Asshab = Companions, Yawmaithin = That Day, =
Khair Mustaqarra = In a superiour staying place, Ahsanu Maqeela = In a best resting place.
Q: What type of judgement will the disbelievers receive from Allah on the Day of Judgement?
Note: Remember that the "enemy" of the disbelievers' is the Judge of the Day of Judgement.
A: The True Absolute Authority that Day (of Judgement) belongs to the Lord of Mercy* and
it was for the disbelievers a very hard Day**.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlFurqan.
* In life disbelievers ignore this Attribute of Allah and do not use it.
** When Judgement is done.
Words: AlMulk = The Absolute Authority - The Kingdom, Yamaithin = That Day, AlHaqq =
The True, Aseera = Very hard.
Q: What does Allah consider the disbelievers*?
Note: Translation of the preceding Line "27" in Surat Fusilat (41).
A: Such is the repayment of the enemies of Allah - (also) The Fire (of Hell) for them in it an
Eternity** Home as a repayment for that they were rejecting to recognize Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines).
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat Fusilat (41:28).
* Remember that there are two types of disbelievers.
** Remember there is no death in the Other World.
Words: Jaza' = Repayment, A'da' Allah = Enemies of Allah, Dar AlKhuld = Eternity Home,
Yajhadoun = Rejecting to recognize.
Q: Why Allah's Wrath had fallen on those who join in worship any partner with Allah?
A: So as He (Allah) admits the male believers and the female believers in Gardens underneath which the rivers
flow - remaining in them for eternity and to pardon them their bad deeds and that is according to Allah is the great
victory; And (to) punish the male hypocrites and the female hypocrites and the male polytheists and the female
polytheists - those who suspect Allah with low opinion - (Allah says) upon them is the catastrophe of
evil and Allah was angry with them and He cursed* them and He had prepared for them Hell and what a miserable
Translation of: Ayat 5 - 6, Surat AlFathh. (48:5-6)
* Away from Allah's Mercy.
Hint: They imply that Allah needs help. (A group of Muslims believe in "AlGawth AlAdham")
Words: Yukaffir = To Pardon, Fazan = Victory, AlDhaneen = Those who suspect,
Dhan AlSou' = The catastrophe of evil, Ghadhiba = Was angry, Sa'at = What a miserable, Maseera =
Outcome - Ending.
Q: When is the Day of Judgement?
A: And they say when is this promise (Day of Judgement) if you are truthful; Say (command to
Prophet Muhammad) the knowledge is with Allah
and I am but a clear warner; And when they saw it (the punishment) approaching the faces of those who did not
believe became miserable and it was said (by angels) this is what you were claiming as false.
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 27, Surat AlMulk.
Words: Mata = When, Sadiqeen = Truthful (plural), Ilm = Knowledge, Natheer = Warner, Ra'au = Saw,
Zulfa = Approaching, Wujouh = Faces, Taddaoun = Claiming as false - Lying.
Q: Why should one make amends with Allah in this life before it is too late?
A: So if they become patient then the Fire (of Hell) is a staying place for them and if they
beg to be excused* (for their sins) then they are not going to be among the excused.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat Fusilat (41:24).
* How will the companions of Hell be begging to be excused in the Other World? (the answer is edited
Words: FaIn = So if, Yasbirou = Become patient - Show patience, Masthwa =
Staying place, Yasta'tibou = They beg to be excused - They beg for forgiveness, AlM'tabeen = Among
the excused.
Q: How do those who are going to be in Hell in the end not find in life anyone to help them be on Allah's Path?
A: And We (Allah) appointed (in life) in exchange for them (disbelievers) comrades (close associates)* (=
qurana') so they made look good for them what is in front of them and what is behind them** and the Word (of Allah) in their regard came true among communities that
had passed before them from Jinn and humans that they were losers.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat Fusilat (41:25).
* Are the close associates that mislead people away from Allah's Path from
humans? (remember any human who misleads from Allah's Path is called in the Qur'an Satan because he is a follower of
the Devil 'Satan' and his soldiers from Jinn 'called Satans'. So we have Satans from Jinn and Satans from humans).
** They were surrounded so that they could not see the Right Guidance.
Note: What do Satans (The Devil Satan and his followers) do to their human comrades?
Words: Qayadhna = We appointed in exchange, Qurana' = Comrades - Close associates, FaZayanou = So they made look,
Haqqa = Came true - Was fulfilled, Qad Khalat = That had passed, Innahum = That they.
Q: Other than boiling water what type of water will those who defy Allah have as their drinks in the
Other World?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 15 in Surat Ibraheem is: And they (Allah's messengers) implored God for judgement (against the disbelievers) and unsuccessful
is every stubborn (against Faith) tyrant.
A: Behind him (Waiting for him) is Hell and he is given to drink pussy water*; He gulps it down but
almost he cannot swallow it and death comes to him from everywhere (agony of punishment) but he is certainly not going to die and
from behind him (waiting for him) is a ruthless punishment
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 17, Surat Ibraheem. (14:16-17)
* One type of drinks in Hell as part of the choking food there.
Words: Min Wara'ihi = Behind him - Waiting for him, Yusqa = Given to drink, Sadeed = Puss, Ma Howa BiMayet = He is certainly not
going to die, Min Waraihi = Ghaleedh = Ruthless - Merciless - Harsh.
Q: How can no one escape Allah's Judgement in the End?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah
48 in Surat Ibraheem.
A: (Day of Judgement is) So that Allah repay every soul according to what it earned (of deeds) for
Allah is Swift* in taking account.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat Ibraheem. (14:51)
* How is our account being taken?
Note: What does the statement "Allah is Swift in taking account" result in?
Words: LiYaziya Allah = So that Allah repay, Kulu = Every, Nafs = Soul - Person,
Kasabat = It earned, Saree' = Swift - Quick, AlHisab = Taking account.
Q: How is the harsh punishment of Hell categorized?
A: Yes (it's true) - and indeed for the transgressors (against Allah) is certainly the worst returning place;
Hell they will be burnt in it so what a miserable resting place; Yes - so let them taste it (a type of punishment) -
very hot water (= hameem) and pussy (with pus) liquid (= ghassaq*); And other (food) from its
(harsh) type in varieties.
Translation of: Ayat 55 - 58, Surat Saad. (38:55-58)
* Pus (= sadeed) that oozes from wounds. In Arabic 'ghassaqa AlJurh" when yellowish liquid oozes from
the wound. Source: Egypt's ex-Mufti AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf in 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani
AlQur'an' in Arabic page 581.
Words: Hatha = Yes (it's true) - This one, LaShar = Is certainly the worst, Maab = Returning place, Ghassaq =
Pussy liquid that oozes from wounds, Akhar = Other, Min Shaklihi = From its type - From its kind,
Azwaj = Varities.
Q: What will not deplete in Paradise?
A: (For those who fear Allah) Gardens of Eden* (Complete Affluence) - open for them are the Gates;
Reclining in
it (on couches) calling in it for a lot of fruits and a drink**; And beside them maidens with the confined
look (upon their husbands only) - of equal age; This is what you are being promised for the Day of Account;
For this is certainly Our sustenance (provision = Rizq una) - for it there is no running out.
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 54, Surat Saad (38: 50-54).
* When 'Rizq Kareem = Honorable sustenance (provision)' is mentioned in the Qur'an then that is Paradise.
Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3 page 337.
** What type of special drink will be demanded in Paradise?
Note: The succeeding Qur'anic lines (55-58) in Surat 'Saad' are translated above.
Words: Mufattaha = Open, AlAbwab = the Gates, Muttak'Keena = Reclining - Sitting
comfortably, Atrab = Of equal age, Tu'adoun = Are being promised, AlHisab = Account - Reckoning,
Nafaath = Running out - Depletion - Ending.
Q: How will people in the Fire of Hell welcome the new group being thrust there?
Note: Remember that Hell is a staying place with Fire, shade,
food water...etc.
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: (Guardians of Hell say) This is a (another) crowd being crammed (thrust in a tight place) with you (those already
in the Fire - their leaders say) we do not welcome them indeed they
are going to be burnt in the Fire; They said rather you (plural) we do not welcome you - you
(leaders) brought it upon us so what a miserable resting place; They (followers) said our God whoever brought
upon us this then add for him a double* punishment in the Fire.
Translation of: Ayat 59 - 61 , Surat Saad. (38:59-61)
* Who will get a double punishment in the Fire of Hell?
Words: Fawj = Crowd - Multitude - Party, Muqtahim = Being crammed - Being thrust, La
Marhaba = No welcome, Saalou = Going to be burnt, Qaddamtomouh = You brought it, FaZidhu = Then
add - Then increase, Dhi'fan = Double.
Q: What is the other topic of the dispute among the people to be burnt in the Fire of Hell?
A: And they (companions of Hell) said why do not see men we were considering them to be among the very
bad ones; We took them (in life) as an object of ridicule or have the eyes missed them; Indeed this is certainly
a true dispute of the people of the Fire (of Hell).
Translation of: Ayat 62 - 64, Surat Saad. (38:62- 64)
Words: Na'uduhum = We were considering them, AlSharar = Very bad ones - Very evil ones, Zaghat
Anhum AlAbsar = Have the eyes missed them, LaHaq Takhasum = Certainly a true dispute, Ahl =
Q: What two things together will cause a psychological destruction to the companions of Hell?
A: And it was said today (Day of Judgement) We (Allah) will FORGET (away from Allah's Mercy =
Nasnskum) you (plural) as you forgot the Meeting with this Day of yours and your dwelling** is the Fire (of hell) and for
you there are no supporters.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlJasthiyah (45:34).
* Their pleading will be ignored.
** Remember that Hell is a staying place. When not being burnt in the Fire the Fire sends sparks outside. (refer to
Surat AlMursalat)
Words: Qeela = It was said, Nansakum = We will forget you - We will leave you - We
will disregard you, Ma'wakum = Dwelling - Staying, Nasireen = Supporters.
Q: About what will the companions of Hell flashback on the Day of Judgement because
they will really see it somehow happening again?
A: And the bad deeds of whatever they committed appeared* to them and what** they were mocking brought
disaster upon them (on the Day of Judgment).
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:33)
* Appeared to punish them. Punishment is of the same kind of the sin committed. In other words it is the
productive result of bad deeds.
Note: For example about the punishment of some Muslims who committed sins which were not forgiven by Allah for any reason:
In his one night nocturnal journey across the Heavens (Surat AlIsra' (17) with Angel Gabriel, the
Prophet Muhammad was shown many live scenes from the coming Day of Judgement.
Here is a summary of selected four scenes: In the First Heaven the
Prophet Muhammad saw a table with sliced tasty meat and another with rotten meat. People were eating from the
rotten meat leaving the other meat. The Prophet asked Angel Gabriel who are they? The answer: People from your nation
(Muslims) who leave the halal and take the forbidden (= haram). Another scene: People with camel lips having their mouths
open and embers (live coal) were being thrown in them. Who are they, the Prophet
asked? Gabriel answered: From your nation who devour the wealth of orphans. Another scene: Women dangling
from their breasts. Who are they? The adulteresses among your (Muslim) nation. Another scene: People with flesh
being cut from their sides and they are devouring it. Who are they? Gabriel answered: the back-biters
among your Muslim nation. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, In Arabic, volume 3, page 19.
** What were they mocking? (refer to Surat AlTawbah)
Words: Bada = Appeared - Came into view, Saye'at = Bad deeds - Sins, Ma Amilou = Whatever they committed - did,
Haqqa = Brought disaster - Befell, Yastahze'oun = Were mocking - Were making fun -
Were ridiculing.
Q: What punishment in Hell is the productive result of denying the reality of the Day of Judgement?
A: (command to Hell guardians) Seize (plural) him (disbeliever) and drag him relentlessly to the middle of
Hellfire; Then pour on his head of the punishment of boiling water; Taste* for you are the
powerful, the
honorable**; Indeed this (reality) is what you were arguing and doubting about***.
Translation of: Ayat 47 - 50, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:47-50)
* = Use your senses now because in life your senses did not testify to the coming Day of Judgement so you
denied it as a lie.
** arrogant disbeliever, weren't you in life?
*** Tamtaroun = Arguing and doubting. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 1528.
Words: Khuthouhu = Seize him, Fe'tilouh = And drag him relentlessly, Ila Sawa' AlJaheem = To the middle of
Hellfire - To be surrounded by Fire, Subbo = Pour, AlHameem = Very hot water - Boiling water, Tamtaroun =
Arguing and doubting.
Q: Why will the punishment of Hell be eternal and never ending?
A: So do taste (the punishment of Hell) because of what you disregarded the meeting of this
Day of yours - indeed We (Allah) have disregarded you and do taste the punishment
of eternity* because of what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlSajdah. (32:14)
* When Allah says He disregards someone Allah means for eternity. (no time line is associated with
the verb disregard).
Note: Remember Allah rewards and punishes accourding to His
Attributes and not accourding to human standards.
Words: FaThouqqou = So taste, BiMa = Because of what , Naseetum =
You disregarded - You left alone - You ignored - You forgot,
Q: What is the productive result of enjoying this life without restraints as if it were the only
life humans have?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Verse 34 in Surat AlJasthiyah.
A: (Remaining in Hell) That is because you used to mock* Allah's Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines)
and life of this world deceived you (away from Allah) so Today they will not be brought out of it** neither
will they be excused***.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:35)
* Mocking starts with denying the Qur'an as lies.
** This is really the only one life now you have - in hell.
*** Their apology will be of no use.
Words: Etakhathtum Hozowa = You used to mock, Gharatkum = Deceived you,
AlHayat AlDunya = The Life of this World, La Yukhrajoun,
They will not be brought out, Yusta'taboun = They will not be excused - Their apology will not be
Q: How will disbelievers know that they were wasting their time in this life?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And the Day (of Judgement) when He (Allah) gathers them (disbelievers) (together) as if they did not
spend (in life) except an hour* of a day knowing one another - (Allah says) those who rejected as lies the Meeting
with Allah had already lost (with Allah) and they were not rightly guided (in life).
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat Yunus. (10:45)
* Seeing the horrible events they were promised about the
Day of Judgement will make disbelievers lie and make excues about their short life in our world.
Words: Yahshuruhum = He gathers them, Yata'arafoun = Knowing, Qed Khasara = Had
already lost.
Q: From where does the Fire of Hell get its fuel?
A: For those who disbelieved - their wealth neither their children will avail them anything against Allah
and they will be fuel (waqoud)* for the Fire (of Hell).
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlImran. (3:10).
* Who also will be fuel for the Fire of Hell?
Words: Len Tughni Anhum Shay'a = Will not avail them anything, Waqoud = Fuel.
Q: On the Day of Judgement why will those who disobeyed Allah arrogantly be humbled and without arrogance?
Note: A true scene from the Day of Judgement.
A: And the Day (of Judgement) it was blown in the Trumpet* so whoever in the Heavens were
terrorized** and (also) who were on earth except whoever Allah willed and all came to Him
(Allah) humbled (= Dakhiroun).
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlNaml.
* By Angel Israphel (Raphael).
** The Day of Judgement will start with a Trumpet blow to announce what we call natural
catastrophes. People present then will be
filled with terror except whom Allah wills. Source of the fear.
Then it will be blown in the Trumpet and all people will die. Then
when another blow occurs dead people will all rise up.
Words: Yunfakh = It is blown, Fuzia' = Were terrorized, Atouhu = They
came to Him, Dakhireen = Humbled - Lowered in dignity and importance - Yielding.
Q: Who will feel safe on the Day of Judgement which all of it from the start to the end is characterized by
A: Who (believer) brings forth (on the Day of Judgement) good (deeds) then for him is better (reward) than
it and they are from the Terror of that Day feeling safe*.
Translation of: Ayah 89 , Surat AlNaml. (27:89)
* Terror of the Day of Judgement is called "AlFaze' AlAkbar" = "The Major Terror". Believers whom Allah is satisfied with will be
free from it. (refer to Surat AlAnbiya').
Note: Example 1 of what will cause the Terror of the Day of Judgement (refer to Surat AlQiyamah).
And example 2. (refer to Surat AlMursalat)
Words: Ja'a BilHasanah = Brings forth good, Khair = Better, Faze' = Terror,
Aminoun = Feeling safe.
Q: Besides the natural catastrophes on the Day of Judgement what will be another source of terror for
those who are against Allah?
A: And who (against Allah) brought forth bad (deeds) so their faces* were cast down in the Fire (of Hell) - should you not be repaid except what** you were doing (in life)!
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat AlNaml. (27:90)
* They will be pulled in Hell with their faces on the ground. (refer to Surat AlQamar)
** what you were doing = ma kuntum ta'maloun'. Remember that Allah's punishment on the Day of Judgement will be of the
kind of the sin commited. If one joins a partner with Allah (even one's own self for those who say they do
not believe in God) he will be cast face downwards into the Fire of Hell. (note one's face represents his dignity. Remember Prophet Muhammad
prohibited slapping the face)
If one stores gold and silver (refer to Surat AlTawbah)
Examples of some other punishments. (refer to the Note about Prophet Muhammad's nocturnal journey, under Surat AlJasthiyah)
Words: Ja'a BiSaye'ah = Brings forth bad, FaKubbat = So their faces, Hel Tujzawna =
Should you not be repaid except what you were doing - Of course you will be repaid only what you
were doing.
Q:On the Day of Judgement how will justice be served (delivered)?
A: So whoever his weights (of good deeds) are heavy then those are the prosperous*; And whose weights
are light then those are who brought loss to themselves - in Hell remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayat 102 - 103, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:102-103)
* They please Allah so Allah's Mercy will enable them to attain salvation.
Note:: Remember our deeds will decide if Allah is pleased with us.
Yet it is only Allah's Mercy which will decide who enters Paradise.
Words: Sthaqulat = Are heavy, Mawazeenuhu = His weights, AlMuflihoun = The
prosperous, Khaffat = Are light, Khasirou Anfusahum = Brought loss to themselves.
Q: To increase their humiliation how will Hell leave its dwellers recognizable (one can tell who is who)?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Lines 102-103 in Surat AlMo'minoun.
A: The Fire sears* their (companions of Hell) faces and they in it are showing their teeth (= Kalihoun)**.
Translation of: Ayah 104, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:104)
* Burn or scorch the surface of the face with a sudden, intense heat.
** Facial expression because of not being able to ward off the fire from their faces.
Note: Tired psychologically and physically with sweating and soot.
'Kalihoun' = With a facial expression - Gloomy - Dark - Dull (colour). Source: Hans Wehr's Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic English.
Words: Talfah = Sear - Scorches, Wojouhahum = Their faces, Kalihoun = Showing
their teeth (facial expression) - Darkened - Gloomy - Dull (colour).
Q: When in Allah's 'Court' on the Day of Judgement how will family members support psychologically
one another?
A: So when it is blown in the Trumpet (Judgement call) then no blood relationships among them neither will
they inquire about one another (= Yatasa'aloun).
Translation of: Ayah 101, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:101)
Note: When accounts are settled people will be able to inquire about one another.
Words: Nufikha = It is blown, Ansab = Blood relationships, Yawmaithin = That Day,
Yatasa'aloun = Inquire about one another,
Q: Why in Islam it is said that if not in life one will for sure receive his right in
the Other Life?
A: The Day He (Allah) will gather you (humanity) for the Gathering Day* - that is the Day of
'Mutual Disputing for Justice (= Yowm AlTaghabun)'** - and whoever believes in Allah and does righteous
(deeds) He (Allah) will pardon (remove) his sins and He will admit him into Gardens (of Paradise)
underneath which the rivers flow - remaining for eternity in them for ever and that is the Superb Triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlTaghabun. (64:9)
* Another name for the Day of Judgement.
** = Yawm AlTaghabun: Another name for the Day of Judgement.
How will one dispute for his right on the Day of Judgement?
Note: Many gathering activities will happen on the Day of Judgment also known as the Day of
Gathering. For example. Another example.
Words: Yawm AlJame' = The Gathering Day, AlTaghabun = Mutual Disputing for Justice -
Mutual Disputing for Rights - Asking for Rights - Complaining about Injustice Done (in life), Yukaffir =
Will pardon, AlFawz = Triumph - Winning - Victory.
Q: To summarize: Who are the companions of Hell?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 9 in Surat
A: And who disbelieved and rejected Our (Allah's) Miraculous Signs**.- those are the companions of Hell -
remaining for eternity in it and what a miserable ending.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlTaghabun. (64:10)
** = Ayat: Miraculous Signs that indicate the existence of Allah and His Attributes. The Qur'anic Lines
(Verses) are called 'Ayat'.
Words: Ulaika = Those are, WaBi'sa AlMaseer = And what a miserable ending.
Q: Allah's Punishment in the Other World in severe but why should I and you care?
A: To Allah is your (plural) return and He is upon everything Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat Hood. (11:4)
Words: Marji'ukum = Your return.
Q: In what state of mind are those whom Allah accept as martyrs in His Cause?
A: He (Allah) will guide them (= SaYahdeehim*) and He will make peaceful their state of mind**; And He will admit
them into the Garden (of Paradise) which He (Allah) made it known*** for them.
Translation of: Ayat 5 - 6, Surat Muhammad known also as Surat AlQital. (47:5-6)
* who were killed in Allah's Cause and accepted by Allah as martyrs. (refer to Ayah 4 in Surat Muhammad).
** Guidance of Allah for dead believers who gain Allah's Satisfaction. (refer to Ayah 2 in Surat
*** Paradise is described a lot of times in the Qur'an. What
happens to the soul of a person who is accepted by Allah as a martyr after the person's death? (refer to
Surat AlBaqarah)
A Side Note: Many types of martyrs.
Words: SaYahdeehim = He will guide them, Arrafaha = He made it known.
Q: What luxurious fibre and precious metals are forbidden for male believers in this life but they will be among
their rewards in the Other Life?
A: Indeed Allah will admit those who believed and did righteous deeds into Gardens underneath
which (= Tahtiha) the rivers flow - they will be adorned in them with bracelets of gold and pearls
and their garments in them will be of silk.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlHajj. (22:23)
Note: Some details about gold and silk.
Words: Yudkhil = Admits, Yuhallawn = They will be adorned, Asawir = Bracelets,
Lo'luw'a = Pearls, Libasuhum = Their Garments - Their clothes, Hareer, = Silk.
Q: How will Allah's Guidance be in Paradise?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 23 in Surat AlHajj.
A: And they were rightly guided (in Paradise) to what is good in speech (AlTayyeb Min AlQawl)*
and they were rightly guided (in life) to the Path** of the Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlHajj. (22:24)
* In Paradise only pleasant words.
The companions of Paradise will be inspired by instinct (the best of pleasant words): Glorification and
praising of Allah (= AlTasbeeh wel Tahmeed) just like breathing - a summary of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3 page 313.
In life believers avoid vain talk.
** Where can Guidance to Allah's Path be found?
Words: Hodou = They were rightly guided, AlTayyeb = What is good, Min AlQawl = In speech,
Sirat = Path.
Q: Why is Paradise considered a place of affluence (all good things)?
A: So those who believed and did righteous deeds for them is Forgiveness (in the Other World)
and an honorable sustenance (provision)*.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat AlHajj. (22:50)
* Honorable (hospitable and noble = Kareem). An example of sustenance
(provision - means of support = Rizq) in Paradise.
Words: Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Rizq = Sustenance - Provision - Means of support, Kareem
= Honorable - Hospitable - Noble.
Q: In life we work hard for a decent living. What about work in Paradise?
Note: Please read the translation above of Ayah 50 in Surat AlHajj about the companions of
A: Indeed the companions of the Garden (of Paradise) today (in Paradise) are busy uttering humorous
Translation of: Ayah 55, Surat YaSeen. (36:55)
* Indication of being care-free (free from anxiety or responsibility) and joyful.
Note: There is no tiring work in Paradise. Remember the man who wanted to do gardening in
Words: Fi Shughul = Busy, Fakihoun = Uttering humours remarks - Being humorous.
Q: Besides delicious food what will companions of Paradise enjoy?
Note: The translation of the previous Line (55) in above.
A: They and their wives in shades - on couches are leaning.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat YaSeen. (36:56)
Words: Azwajuhum = Their wives, Dhilal = Shades, AlAra'ik = Couches, Muta'kioun
= Leaning - Sitting comfortably - Reclining.
Q: Is there only fruits for food in Paradise?
A: For them (companions of Paradise) in it fruits and for them is whatever they call for.
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat YaSeen. (36:57)
Words: Lahum = For them, Fakiha = Fruits, Ma Yadda'own = Whatever they call for.
Q: What will those who follow Satan say with their mouths about their deeds on the Day of Judgement?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines (59-64) in Surat YaSeen.
A: Today (Day of Judgement) We (Allah) seal up (close) their mouths and their hands* talk to
Us and their feet* bear witness to what they were earning** (of deeds).
Translation of: Ayah 65, Surat YaSeen. (36:65)
* Why will those who follow Satan be angry with their own skins?
(Remember skin covers also hands and feet)
** Our deeds are being recorded.
Words: Nakhtim = Seal up - Close, Afwahihim = Their mouths, Tukallimuna
= Talk to Us, Tashhadu = Bear witness, Yaksiboun = They were earning (of deeds) - They
were doing.
Q: Whom will disbelievers point out to on the Day of Judgement?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 85 in Surat AlNahl.
Note: A true scene from the Day of Judgement yet to come.
A: And when those who joined partner(s) (with Allah) SAW what they joined (with Allah) they said our God those
are our partners (joined with Allah) whom we were calling* upon, other** than You (Allah) - so they (idols***) ANSWERED them
back indeed you are certainly liars.
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat AlNahl. (16:86)
* Supplicating to them. Remember calling upon (supplicating) = worshipping. (refer to Surat Ghafir)
** Any form of god other than Allah. (refer to the history of how idol worshipping started)
*** Idols and what they represented.
Note: Remwember the fuel of Hellfire will be (persons
and STONES (in Surat AlTahreem). As for the bad Jinn in Hell, Jinn are made of fire).
Words: Ashrakou = They joined partner(s) - They partnered with Allah, FaAlqau Ilayhim AlQawl = So
they answered them back, LaKathiboun = Certainly liars.
Q: In Paradise how is the reward SPECIAL of those close to Allah (= AlMuqarrboun) - the winners
over other companions of Paradise?
Note: Please read first about the three major groups on the Day of Judgement.
The translation of the preceding Lines 7-14 in Surat AlWaqiah.
A: ('AlMuqarraboun') On couches tightly interwoven with gold; Reclining on them - sitting face to face; Passing
around them are youths (serving boys) remaining the same* for eternity; With cups and pitchers and a glass of wine from
a spring; They do not suffer a headache from it neither do they get intoxicated; And (all kinds of) fruits from whatever they
choose; And meat of what bird they desire.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 21, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:15-21)
* Serving boys who look like pearls.
Words: Mawdhounah = Tightly interwoven with gold, Mutaqabileen = Sitting face to face, Wildan = Youths, Abareeq =
Pitchers - Jugs, Maeen = Spring, La Yusadda'ouna = They do not suffer a headache, Yunzifoun = Get
intoxicated - Get exhausted, Yashtahoun = They desire - They crave.
Q: And the continuation of the SPECIAL reward of those held close to Allah (= AlMuqarraboun)?
Note: From which generations are 'AlMuqarraboun'? Please first re-read an earlier
translation. Edited and a link is added.
A: And maidens with beautiful eyes (as wives); As if they were well-guarded pearls; A reward for what they were doing
(in life); They do not hear in it (top places in Paradise) any nonsense or offense; Except the saying Peace Peace.
Translation of: Ayat 22 - 26, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:22-26)
Words: Hoor Een = Maidens with beautiful eyes - Wide and lustrous eyed maidens.
Q:And the reward of the rest of the companions of Paradise?
A: And the companions of the Right-Hand (= AlYameen)* who are the companions of
the Right-Hand; (In places) Among thornless lotus trees**; And stacked banana trees***; And stretched out shade;
And poured out water; And lots of fruits; Neither picked nor forbidden.
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 33, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:27-33)
* Companions of Paradise are called companions of the Right Side (= Asshab AlMaymanah) or companions
of the Right-Hand (= Asshab AlYameen) because
they will be given their Record of Deeds in their right hands.
** Also known as Christ's-Thorn Trees. they are shady trees.
*** Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an. By ex-Mufti of Egypt, page 694.
Words: Asshab AlYameen = Companions of the Right-Hand, Sidr = Lotus Trees -
Christ’s-Thorn Tree, Makhdoudh = Thornless, Talh = Banana trees, Mandhoud = Stacked - Piled, Dhil
= Shade, Mamdoud = Stretched out, Maskoob = Poured out, Fakihah = Fruits, Kastheerah =
Lots of, Maqtoo'ah = Picked, Mamnou'ah = Forbidden.
Q: And the continuation of the reward of the rest of the companions of Paradise?
A: And couches raised up (elevated = Marfouah); Indeed We (Allah) re-made them (women from life) a
proper re-making; So We made them (return) virgin*; Full of love (for their husbands) - equal in age;
For the companions of the Right-Hand; A big group from the first ones (believers) And a small
number (= Qaleel) from those who come after.
Translation of: Ayat 34 - 40, Surat AlWaqiah.(56:34-40)
* Every time they return virgin after their husbands sleep with them. (Note those of the the first
group (held near to Allah = AlMuqarraboun) will also have human wives besides their special rewards.)
Note: In a a brief summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad when asked who will be better: The created maidens of Paradise
(= Hoor) or women from this life: Rather the women from this life as the outside of a cloth is better
than its inside. Why? Because of their prayer, fasting and worship Allah 'dresses' their faces with light.
Source: Tafaseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, in Arabic, page 445. (Also remember as mentioned earlier in this site, that when asked by his wife Aisha may Allah be
pleased with her the Prophet said: Women from life whom Allah made with His Hand will be better than maidens (= Hoor) whom Allah made
with the word 'be').
Note: The translation of some succeeding Lines in Surat AlWaqiah.
Words: Furush = Couches - Mattresses - Beds, Marfouah = Raised up - Elevated, Ansha'nahunna = We re-made them, Abkara = Virgin, Uruban = Full of love,
Atraba = Equal in age, Sthullah = A big group, AlAkhireen = Those who come after.
Q: What title in Islam is related to the title of "AlMuttaqeen = Those who protect themselves by
fearing Allah so they act according to what is allowed in Islam and stay away from what is forbidden in Islam"?
A: But those who protected themselves (= AlLatheena Ettaqau (AlMuttaqeen)* by fearing their God for them are Gardens underneath which the
rivers flow remaining for eternity in them as hospitable lodging from Allah and what is with Allah is better for
the righteous believers (= AlAbrar)**.
Translation of: Ayah 198, Surat AlImran. (3:198)
* What do 'AlMuttaqeen' - who protect themselves by fearing Allah do? (refer to Surat AlZumar)
** 'AlAbrar' are 'AlMutaqoun or AlMuttaqeen' who try to perfect their religion by doing righteous work; AlAbrar are 'AlMuhsineen' from 'AlIhsan'.
Note: "AlTaqwa" and "AlBirr" are related terms in Islam.
Words: AlLatheena Ettaqau = Those who protected themselves, Nuzululan = Hospitable lodging, Khair = Better, AlAbrar = Righteous
believers, Good doing believers.
Q: Why will 'AlMuttaqoun = who protect themselves by fearing Allah' and 'AlAbrar = who try to perfect
their Religion by doing righteous work' be rewarded by Special Gardens in Paradise?
A: And for the one who fears standing before his God (for judgement = Maqam*) are two Gardens (in Paradise);
So which of the Favours of your God do you both reject** as lies; Full of branches; So which of the Favours of your
God do you both reject as lies; In (both of) them two springs flowing freely (= Tajriyan); So which of the Favours of your God do you
(both) reject as lies; In (both of) them of every fruit a pair; So which of the Favours of your God do you both
reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 46 - 53, Surat AlRahman. (55:46-53)
* What do persons who fear standing before Allah for judgement do in life?
** (Jinn and human races). Other Favours of Allah which none can deny.
Words: Khafa = Feared, Maqam = Standing before Allah for judgement, Tawata Afnan =
Full of branches, Aynan = Two springs, Tajriyan = Flowing freely, Ala' =
Favours - Benevolences - Generous Gifts, Tukaththiban = Reject as lies, Zawjan = A pair.
Q: And what are other details of the Special Gardens in Paradise?
A: Reclining on mattresses (cushions) whose inner linings are of rich (heavy) silk (= istabraq) and the fruits to be picked of the two Gardens are within reach; So
which of the Favours of your (both humans and Jinn) God do you
reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 54 - 55, Surat AlRahman. (55:54-55)
Words:Muttak'keena = Reclining - Leaning - Sitting comfortably, Furush = Mattresses -
Cushions - Futons,
Istabraq = Brocade - Rich (heavy) silk with raised patterns woven with gold and silver, Jana = Fruits to be picked, Dan = Within reach,
Made near.
Q: Do we understand from the Qur'an that Jinn also can have intercourse?
A: In them (Special Gardens of Paradise) maidens with the confined look (upon their
husbands only) - no human had intercourse with them before them (companions of these Gardens) nor
any one of Jinn; So which of the Favours of your (both humans and Jinn) God do you
reject as lies; They look like rubies and coral (precious stones).
Translation of: Ayat 56 - 58, Surat AlRahman. (55:56-58)
Words: Qaasirat Altarf = Maidens with the confined look, Lem Yatmesthhumnna Ins
= No human had intercourse with them, Qablahum = Before them, Jann = One of Jinn.
Q: Why is the reward very special for those who try to perfect their religion?
A: So which of the Favours of your (both humans and Jinn) God do you
reject as lies; Is not the repayment of the perfection of Faith (= AlIhsan*) is but
the perfection of the reward (= AlIhsan); So which of the Favours of your God do you
reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 59 - 61, Surat AlRahman. (55:59-60)
* Remember 'Islam' then a step higher is 'Iman' then a step higher is 'Ihasan'.
Words: Jaza' = Repayment - Reward, AlIhsan = Perfection of Faith -
Perfection of the reward.
Q: And what is special in the two other Gardens which will be given to everyone of the companions of Paradise
(other than those in places near to Allah (= AlMuqarraboun)*?
Note: Remember the Prophet Muhammad said Paradise has Gardens. In them is what no body saw
or heard or crossed his mind.
A: And other than them* two Gardens; So which of the Favours of your (both humans and Jinn) God do you
both (Jinn and humans) reject as lies; (Both) Dark green (plants and grass); So which of the Favours of your God
do you both reject as lies; In (both of) them (= Feehima) two springs gushing out (water); So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies; In them fruits** and palm trees and pomegranates; So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies; Among them*** (= Feehinna) beautiful good-natured ones; (the mentioned are) Maidens with beautiful
eyes (= Hoor) confined in tents****; So which of the Favours of your God do you both reject as lies; No human had intercourse with them before them (companions of these Gardens) nor
any one of Jinn; So which of the Favours of your God do you reject as lies; Reclining on beautiful skillfully made green cushions;
So which of the Favours of your God do you both reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 61 - 76, Surat AlRahman. (55:61-77)
* The two Gardens mentioned in the translation above of the preceding Lines (55:46-61) seem to be for everyone of 'AlMuqarraboun - those in places
held near to Allah in the Gardens of 'AlFirdous'. (Reference 'AlFirdous'. and another reference about 'AlFirdous'..
The two Gardens mentioned in this translation seem to be for everyone of the general companions of Paradise
** While 'AlMuqarraboun' will have from every fruit a pair.
*** Women from life will be wives for the Companions of Paradise. Also 'AlMuqarraboun' will have women
from life with them.
In a brief summary of a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad: Every man in Paradise will have 72 wives. Seventy from 'AlHoor' created with Allah's Word 'Be' and two (human
wives) from Adam's offspring. Human wives will be better than 'AlHoor'. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page
218 and volume 4 page 446.
Remember that man will be in a stronger build-up.
**** Tents of pearls. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4,
Words: Khayrat = Good-natured ones, Hisan = Beautiful, Hoor = Maidens with
beautiful eyes, Rafraf = Cushions, Khudr = Green, Abqari = Skillfully made.
Q: The Qur'an mentions 'Hoor = maidens with beautiful eyes ' and 'Hoor Een = maidens with gazelle-like
beautiful eyes. Where will the 'Hoor Een' be?
A: Indeed those who protect themselves by fearing (Allah = AlMutaqeen) are in secure place; Among
Gardens and springs; They are dressed in silk brocade (= Sundus) and brocade with raised patterns in gold and silver (=
Istabraq) sitting face to face; In this way and We wed them to maidens with gazelle-like beautiful eyes (= Hoor
Een); They call for every kind* of fruits peacefully.
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 55 , Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:51-55)
* Every kind of fruits.
Note: Remember 'Hoor' are females created with Allah's Word 'Be'. They are for enjoyment. What the
Prophet referred as better are women from this life. (made purified (=
Words: Maqam = Place, Ameen = Secure, Sundus = Silk brocade, Istabraq = Brocade with
raised patterns in gold and silver, Mutaqabileen = Sitting face to face, Zawwajnahum = We wed them, Hoor Een = Maidens with gazelle-like
beautiful eyes.
Q: How is Allah's Mercy apparent in evaluating our deeds on the Day of Judgement?
A: Whoever brings forth a good deed then for him is (something) better from it and whoever brings
forth a bad deed then those who committed bad deeds will not be repaid* except what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlQasas. (28:84)
Note: Translation of the succeeding Line 85 in Surat AlQasas.
* Repayment for bad doers will be in Hell according to what they did in life but as per the standards of
the Other World. For example.
Words: Ja'a = Brings forth - Performs, Yujza = Repaid - Punished, Ma Kanou Ya'maloun =
What they were doing.
Q: How many people will be near their resurrection areas on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Maker of tumultuous noise (= 'AlQariah*'); What is the Maker of tumultuous noise; And what did**
you (Prophet Muhammad) know about the Maker of tumultuous noise, the Day people will be
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat AlQariah. (101:1-4)
* Another name for the Day of Judgement.
** Note according to Sheikh Mutawali AlSha'rawi: In the Qur'an the verb 'adraka' in the past tense means
Allah is going to let you, Prophet Muhammad, know. But if 'Yudreeka' in the present tense the news are from
Allah's World of the Unseen. An Example.
*** refers to too many people. An example to show how many.
Note: Loud noise calamities also hit in life
Note: Example of ancient disbelievers who were destroyed
with 'AlQariah' - Maker (calamity) of tumultuous noise.
Words: AlQariah = The Maker of tumultuous noise - The Maker of loud cofusing noise -
The Calamity Day, AlFarash = Grasshoppers - Locusts, AlMabsthousth = Scattered.
Q: If in a picture how will humanity look like on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Maker of tumultuous noise (= 'AlQariah*'); What is the Maker of tumultuous noise; And what did**
you (Prophet Muhammad) know about the Maker of tumultuous noise, the Day people will be like the spread out
moths (= AlFarash)***.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat AlQariah. (101:1-4)
* Another name for the Day of Judgement.
** Note according to Sheikh Mutawali AlSha'rawi: In the Qur'an the verb 'adraka' in the past tense means
Allah is going to let you, Prophet Muhammad, know. But if 'Yudreeka' in the present tense the news are from
Allah's World of the Unseen. An Example.
*** Moths are known to be of thousands of types. An example
of moths.
Out from their graves people will look like scattered grasshoppers (locusts = Jarad).
Note: Loud noise calamities also hit in life
Note: Example of ancient disbelievers who were destroyed
with 'AlQariah' - Maker (calamity) of tumultuous noise.
Words: AlQariah = The Maker of tumultuous noise - The Maker of loud cofusing noise -
The Calamity Day, AlFarash = Moths - Butterflies, AlMabsthousth = spread out.
Q: Why should a believer work to increase his balance of good deeds?
A: Then as for whose weights (of good deeds) become heavier*; Then he is (for sure) in a pleasant life (in Paradise); But
as for whose weights (of good deeds) become lighter**; Then his mother*** is a (bottomless) Pit (Hell); And what did you (Prophet
Muhammad) know what it is; Very hot Fire.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 11, Surat AlQariah. (101:6-11)
* His weights of good deeds on the scales of the Balance become heavier than his bad deeds.
** Become less than his bad deeds.
*** to hold him when he falls into the Pit.
Note: What makes all good deeds of a person weigh nothing on the scales? (Remember the
Qur'an refers a lot to ('AlMushrikeen' = Polytheists) as disbelievers.
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 5 in Surat AlQariah.
Words: Sthaqulat = Become heavier, Mawazeenuhu = Weights, Hawiyyah = Pit, MaHiya =
What it is, Hamiyyah = Very hot.
Q: More than anything else in Paradise what will give the companions of Paradise peace of mind?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 7 in Surat AlBayyenah.
A: Their reward with their God are Gardens of Eden underneath which the rivers flow remaining for
eternity forever in them Allah became satisfied with them and they became satisfied with Him that
(special reward) is for whoever (in life) feared out of awe (= khashiya) his God (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlBayyenah. (98:8)
Words: Abadan = Forever, Radhiya = Became satisfied - Became pleased, Khashiya =
Feared out of awe - Feared out of reverence.
Q: How do disbelievers use ridicule to invalidate the resurrection concept of the Day of Judgement?
A: They say (tone of ridicule) is it indeed we are going to be certainly returned to the previous form (as in
life); Is it when we
become worm-eaten bones; they said that (argument) is then a hopeless return.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 12, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:10-12)
Note: The translation of the succeeding Lines 13-14 in Surat AlNazi'at.
Words: AInnana = Is it indeed we, LaMardodoun = We are going to be certainly
returned, Fi AlHafirah &$61; To the previous form, Nakhirah = Worm-eaten - Rotten, Karrah
= Return - Second time, Khasirah = Hopeless - Impossible.
Q: What will cause all the terror of the Day of Judgement?
A: The Day when what causes a shaking blast (first trumpet blow = AlRajifah) sounds the
shaking*; Followed with what is similar (resurrection blow = AlRadifah); Hearts that Day will be beating
rapidly (of terror); Their (disbelievers) eyes will be lowered down (in submission).
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 9, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:6-9)
* The earthquake of the Day of Judgment. Mountains
and oceans. And etc.
The first trumpet blowing.
Words: AlRajifah = What causes a shaking blast, What is similar - What is synonym, Wajifah
= Beating rapidly, Absaruha = Their eyes, Khasi'ah = lowered down - Cast down - submissive.
Q: From the Name given to the Day of Judgement what type of terror will be felt then?
A: So when the Greatest Overwhelming Calamity* arrives.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:34).
* The disasters of the Day of Judgement are more overpowering than any of Allah's punishment in life. (the link is in red colour)
Words: AlTammah AlKubra = Greatest Overwhelming Calamity, Ja'at = Arrives.
Q: On the Day of Judgement what autobiography will man remember?
A: The Day man will remember what hard work he did (in life = Sa'a).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:35).
Note: As a believer how will you get your place in Paradise?
Words: Ma Sa'a = What hard work he did.
Q: What big show will be presented on the Day of Judgement?
A: And Hell will be presented to whoever* can see (it).
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlNazi'at. (79:36).
* On the Day of Judgement while the Judgement is going on who will be made to see the Big Show of Hell? (answer in
Ayah 100 Surat AlKahf)
Words: Burrizat = Will be presented - Will be made to come into view, LiMen = Whoever, Yara = Can see.
Q: Why is the punishment of Hell with its various kinds a lasting punishment that never ends?
Note: Remember Hell is not only Fire but it is a dwelling place.
A: Indeed whoever comes to his God (Allah) as a sinner (criminal in Allah's Court = Mujrim*) then
for him is Hell - he does not die in it neither does he live**.
Translation of: Ayah 74, Surat Taha. (20:74)
* Who are the 'Mujrim' or (plural) 'Mujrimeen' on the Day of Judgement? (Answer companions of Hell).
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Believers punished in the Fire because of their
sins, the Fire will make them dead. So when they become coal they will be brought in groups near the rivers
of Paradise. Companions of Paradise will throw on them water and they will grow like the growing of a seed carried
by a torrent. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, page 233.
Note: Who is the 'Mujrim' in Allah's Court on the Day of Judgement?
** No peace of mind or enjoyment at all. Remember companions of Paradise will
have a good life. (in Surat AlNahl)
Words: Mujrim = Sinner - Criminal, La Yahya = Does not live.
Q: What is the general reward for the common believer who does righteous deeds?
A: And whoever comes to Him (Allah) as a believer who did righteous deeds then those for them are the
highest ranks (in Paradise).
Translation of: Ayah 75, Surat Taha. (20:75)
Note: From the Qur'an it is understood that Paradise has ranks above ranks. So in Paradise we have Gardens (of bliss), Gardens of Eden (of complete bliss), and
Gardens of AlFirdous (Highest complete bliss) and more what Allah knows Best.
Note: The translation of the succeeding Line 76 in Surat Taha.
Words: Amila = Did, AlSalihat = Righteous deeds, AlUla = The Highest.
Q: Why should we try hard to work for the Day of Judgement by making our good deeds overweigh our bad deeds?
A: And no burdened soul (sinful or not sinful) bears the sin of another and (even) if a soul over loaded calls for help with its
load nothing of it will be carried even if he (the helper) was a relative - rather you (Prophet Muhammad) warn those who fear their God
in the Unseen (Invisible) and they performed the prayer - and whoever purifies himself then
indeed he gets purified for his own soul and to Allah is the ending (of all).
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Fatir. (35:18).
Note: Remember after the Judgement is done companions of Paradise in higher ranks will be
capable of having their believing offspring with them. (in Surat AlToor)
While companions of Hell will never unite again with their families. (in Surat Yaseen)
Words: Taziru = Bears, Wazirah = Burdened soul, Wizr = Sin - Burden, Musthqalatun = Soul over loaded - Soul over burdened, Tadu = Calls for help, Himliha = its load, Tha Qurba
= Relative.
Q: What is the basic (least) reward anticipated from Allah for Muslims who believe and do good deeds?
* The translation of the preceding Line 32 in Surat Fatir.
A: Gardens of Eden - they will enter them - they will be adorned in them with bracelets of gold and pearls** and their garments
in them will be of silk.
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat Fatir. (35:33)
** Basic (least) reward for all Muslims who believe and do good deeds.
Words: Fadhl = Favour - Bounty, Yuhallawn = Will be adorned, Thahab = Gold, Asawir = Bracelets,
Lo'lou' = Pearls, Hareer = Silk.
Q: Skins will be burnt and replaced to be burnt in Hell
as explained in the preceding Line (56) in Surat AlNisa'.
What about skins that give pleasure in Paradise?
A: And those who believed and did righteous deeds We (Allah) will admit them into Gardens underneath which the rivers
flow remaining for eternity in them - forever - for them (believers) in them (Gardens) purified spouses* and We will admit
them into leafy (sheltered) shade.
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat AlNisa'. (4:57)
* Better enjoyment than this life.
Words: Azwaj = Spouses - Wives, Mutahharah = Purified, Dhil = Shade, Dhaleel = Leafy -
Q: Who takes heed when he hears about Allah's Wrath that annihilated previous major disbelieving communities?
A: Indeed in that (punishment in life) is certainly a Miraculous Sign (of Allah's Attributes) for whoever fears the punishment of the
Other World - that is a Day people will be (all) gathered for it and that is a Day which will be witnessed*.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat Hood. (11:103)
* Either you will be a witness or witnessed. (in Surat AlBurouj)
Words: Majmou' = Gathered, Mashhood = Witnessed.
Q: What will the news of Paradise do to believers?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 106 in Surat AlImran.
A: And on the other hand those whose faces are brightened (with honour of Paradise) then in the Mercy (Paradise) of Allah they are in
it remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 107, Surat AlImran. (3:107)
Words: WaAmma = And on the other hand, Ebyadhdhat = Brightened.
Q: Will those who incur Allah's Wrath upon themselves be in one place in Hell?
Note: Translation of the preceding Line (3:162).
A: They are (in) ranks (= Darajat)* according to Allah and Allah is All-Seeing of what they do.
Translation of: Ayah 163, Surat AlImran. (3:163).
* Our deeds presided by winning Allah's Mercy or being away from it will decide everyone's rank in Paradise or Hell.
Note: Both Hell and Paradise have ranks in them.
Words: Darajat = Ranks, Ta'maloun = They do.
Q: How do we know that the Day of Judgment is coming nearer and nearer but most of us are inattentive to its nearness?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) warn them about the Day which is drawing nearER (= Yawm AlAzifah)* when the
hearts are reaching the throats - (the transgressors) suppressing (their fear) - the transgressors (against Allah's Commands) will have no intimate friend neither an intercessor who could be listened to.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat Ghafir. (40:18)
* Every day the Day of Judgement is coming nearer. (in Surat AlNajm)
Words: Anthirhum = Warn them, Yawm AlZifati = The Day which is drawing nearer, Lada AlHanajir = Reaching the throats, Kadhimeen = Suppressing, Kadhimeen = Suppressing, Yuta' = could be listened to.
Q: Why is the Other World a reality similar to the reality of this life?
A: And when they (companions of Hell) argue in the Fire* (of Hell) so the weak will say to those who were arrogant (oppressors in life) indeed we were followers of you so
are you going to help us with a portion of the Fire; Those who were arrogant (in life) said indeed we all are in it (in the Fire) for Allah has already judged among human beings.
Translation of: Ayat 47 - 48, Surat Ghafir. (40:47-48)
* Remember Hell is a staying place. How is Hellfire directed upon its companions? (refer to Surat AlHumazah)
Words: Yatahajoun = Argue, AlDhuafa' = The weak, Taba'an = Followers, Mughnouna = Going to help us -
Going to be substitute for us, Hakama = Judged.
Q: Why do believers work towards avoiding Allah's Curse (away from Allah's Mercy)?
A: The Day (of Judgement) when their (people doomed to Hell) excuses will be of no use to the transgressors (against Allah) and for them is the Curse (away from
Allah's Mercy) and for them is the worst (eternal) dwelling.
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat Ghafir. (40:52)
Words: La Yanfe' = Will be of no use - Will avail nothing, AlLa'nah = The Curse - Away from Allah's Mercy, Sou' AlDar
= The worst(eternal) dwelling.
Q: During the process of deed evaluation What organ of human body Allah will look at on the Day of Judgement?
(As the Prophet Muhammad explained that Allah will not look at your
shapes (looks) (in the process of human evaluation then).
Note: Prophet Abraham continues his supplication to Allah. Translation of the preceding Ayah
87 in Surat AlShuara'.
A: (Prophet Abraham supplicates) The Day (of Judgement) when wealth* will be of no use nor any children (will avail)*; Except whoever
came to Allah with a pure** (= Saleem) heart.
Translation of: Ayat 88 - 89, Surat AlShuara'. (26:88-89)
* No ransom will be accepted then.
** A believing heart sincere to Allah void from disbelieving (= AlKufr), polytheism (= AlShirk) or hypocrisy (= AlNifaq). Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 3 page 500.
Words: La Yanfe' = Will be of no use, WeLa Banoun = Nor any children (will help), Ata Bi = Came with, Saleem
= Pure - Sincere to Allah - Honest and not crooked.
Q: How do we understand there is no appeal process after Allah's Judgement?
A: Indeed the Day of rendering Final Decision (= Yawm AlFasl*) is their appointed time all together.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:40)
* Another Name for the Day of Judgement.
Note: If Allah did not decree the Day of Judgment what would have happened for sure
to disbelievers in this life? (in Surat AlShoura)
Note: All of Allah's messengers will be called forward to lead their communities on the Day of Judgement. (in Surat AlMursalat)
Words: AlFasl = Rendering Final Decision - Rendering Last Word, Meeqat = Appointed time.
Q: What is One Thing from Allah each and every human will need and hope to attain on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Day (of Judgement) when (even) a supporter (protector) will be of no use to the supported one neither will they be aided (by
others); Except (Allah's Help for) on whom Allah has bestowed Mercy* indeed He is the AlMighty the Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 42, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:41-42)
* Remember the Prophet Muhammad's saying about our need for Allah's Mercy to enter Paradise. (in
bold font)
Words: Mawla = Supporter - Protector - Guardian - Keeper, Yunsaroun = Neither will they be aided.
Q: What will be the main food of the companions of Hell?
A: Indeed "AlZaqoum" Tree*; Is the food of the sinner (criminal in Allah's Court).
Translation of: Ayat 43 - 44, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:43-44)
'AlZaqoum' tree in Hell - not in this life. (in Surat AlSaffat)
Words: Ta'am = Food, AlAstheem = The sinner - The sinful.
Q: How will "AlZaqoum" food impact the bodies of the companions of Hell?
A: ("Alqoum" food is) Like melted metal boiling in the bellies; Just like the boiling of very hot water (in Hell).
Translation of: Ayat 45 - 46, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:45-46)
Words: AlMuhl = Melted metal, AlHameem = Very hot water - Boiling water.
Q: Who decides about witnesses among communities of people in every nation?
A: And the Day We (Allah) raise up from every community a witness* (upon them) then it will not be given permission for those who disbelieved
(to talk) neither will they be excused.
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlNahl. (16:84)
* Witnesses other than Allah's Prophets. (in Surat AlZumar)
Important Note: Even disbelieving groups or communities will have witnesses.
Their witnesses will be pulled out (with force) (in Surat AlQasas).
Note: Allah chooses witnesses. (in Surat AlImran).
Note: Remember Prophet Muhammad will be a witness upon those people at his time. We all Muslim as the followers of Allah and
Prophet Muhammad will be the nation of Islam. Among us will be witnesses upon Muslims at their times. (Refer to Surat AlHajj, Ayah 78).
Note: Likewise Jesus peace be upon him will be a witness only upon people at his time. (in Surat AlMa'idah)
Words: Nab'asth = Raise up, Shaheeda = A witness, La Yu'than = Will not be given permission, La Yusta'taboun =
They will not be excused.
Q: On the Day of Judgement Who will abandon disbelievers who join in worship any partner with Allah?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 86 in Surat AlNahl. (Note: How Allah
will make stones formed in shapes of gods worshipped by disbelievers talk.)
A: And they (disbelievers) willingly submitted to Allah that day and got lost from them what (lies) (gods) they were fabricating.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlNahl. (16:87)
Words: Alqau Alsalama = They willingly submitted, Dhalla = Got lost, Yaftaroun = Lies they were fabricating.
Q: On the Day of Judgement who will defend those who disbelieved in life?
A: The day when every soul will come pleading for itself* and every soul will be repaid in full according to what it did and
no injustice will be done to them.
Translation of: Ayah 111, Surat AlNahl. (16:111)
* Wrongdoers against Allah will have no 'lawyers' will argue or plead for them in the Other World. (in Surat
Words: Ta'ti = Will come, Tujadilu = Pleading - Arguing, En Nafsiha = For itself, Tuwaffa = Will be
repaid in full.
Q: Who will get to see and hear the show of Hell on the Day of Judgement before being admitted to Hell? (Please first refer to the
translation of the preceding Ayah 100 in Surat AlKahf).)
A: The ones (disbelievers) whose eyes were under a cover from My (Allah's) Remembrance and they were INCAPABLE of hearing*.
Translation of: Ayah 101, Surat AlKahf. (18:101)
* Allah places seals on some of their senses. (Refer to Surat AlNahl)
Words: Fi Ghitta'in = Under a cover, Thikri = My remembrance, La Yastattyouna Sam'a = They were incapable of
Why will the faces of the companions of Paradise be glowing with happiness in Paradise and what will they reflect?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 1 - 7 in Surat AlGhashiyah.
A: Faces that Day (in Paradise) will have a tender look (youthful = Na'imah*); With their hard work (in life**) they will be satisfied.
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 9, Surat AlGhashiyah. (88:8-9)
* Reflecting life of ease and affluence in "Jannat AlNa'eem" = in "Gardens of Bliss".
** Hard work in life as per Allah's Commands.
Words: Na'imah = Will have a tender look (youthful) - Will reflect life of ease and affluence, LiSa'yeha = With
their hard work, Radhiyah = Satisfied.
Q: What will one not hear in the lofty garden of Paradise?
A: In a lofty Garden (of Paradise); You do not hear in it any incorrect usage (of words*).
Translation of: Ayat 10-11, Surat AlGhashiyah. (88:10-11)
* Laghiyah = False, foolish nonsense or irrelevant words which avail nothing.
Remember one characteristic of the believers who will attain Salvation is that they avoid nonsense which avails nothing (= AlLaghu). (in Surat "AlMo'minoun")
Words: Aliyah = Lofty - High, laghiyah = Incorrect usage - False, foolish nonsense or irrelevant words.
Q: What are the other general characteristics of Gardens of Bliss (Affluence) in Paradise?
A: In it a spring flowing freely (=Ayn Jariyah*); In it couches raised up**; And cups (goblets) placed, And cushions arranged;
And rugs spread out.
Translation of: Ayat 12-16, Surat AlGhashiyah. (88:12-16)
* In Surat AlRahman the top reward two Gardens with two springs flowing freely.
** "Surur Marfouah" for the companions of the Right Side in Paradise. In Surat AlWaqiah.
Note: Even "AlAbrar" - righteous work doers who protect themselves by being mindful of Allah "AlMutaqeen" will have
the mentioned Garden and more from Allah. Refer to Surat AlInsan.
Words: Jariyah = Flowing freely, Marfouah = Raised up, Mawdhouah = Placed, Namariq = Cushions,
Massfoufah = Arranged - In a row, Zararabi = Rugs - Carpets, Mabsthousthah = Spread out.
Q: What will increase the psychological suffering for the disbelievers in front of Hellfire?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And (to Prophet Muhammad) only if you could see when they (disbelievers) are brought to a stop according to (the Command of)
their God (Allah) - he* (angel guardian of Hell) said is this not the Truth they said yes indeed by our God - he said (Allah's Command) then taste the punishment for what you were
disbelieving (in).
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlAn'am. (6:30)
* Angels custodians of Hell will talk to the companions of Hell. Refer to Ayah 71 in Surat AlZumar. And (in Surat
Remembe to increase their psychological suffering, disbelievers will have a show of HellFire before being cast
into it. (in Surat AlAhqaf)
Words: Wuqifou Ala Rubbihim = Brought to a stop according to (the Command of) their God, ALaysa = Is this
not, Bala = Yes indeed - Certainly yes, FaThoqou = Then taste.
Q: According to what will all humanity be judged on the Day of Judgement?
A: That Day Allah pays them (disbelievers*) in full according to their True Religion (Allah's Religion = Deenahum**) and they will know
that Allah is the Manifest Ultimate Truth.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlNoor. (24:25).
* Refer to the translation of the preceding Ayah 24 in Surat AlNoor.
** What is Allah's Religion? (in Surat AlImran)
Note: Please refer to the translation of Ayah 86 in Surat AlWaaqiah about the Day of Judgement.(in Surat AlWaaqiah) (translation edited today)
Note: Please refer to the translation ofAyah 53 in Surat AlSaffat about the Day of
Judgement (in Surat AlSaffat) (translation edited today)
Words: Yuwaffeehim = Pays them in full - Gives them to the full extent - Does them full justice,
Deenahum = Their Religion - AlHaqq = True, AlHaqq AlMubeen = The Manifest Ultimate Truth = The
Unmistakable Ultimate Truth.
Q: What will mainly keep the believers busy in the Other World?
A: So as for those who believed and did righteous deeds then they in a flower garden will be rejoicing (freely).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlRoum. (30:15)
Note: On the opposite side no freedom for the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement. (Refer to the succeeding Ayah 16 in Surat AlRoum).
Words: Rawdha = A flower garden, Yuhbaroun = Rejoicing - Being delighted.
Q: The Day of Judgement is a very severe day - for whom it will not be an easy day?
A: So when it is blown in the wind instrument (= AlNaqoor); So that is then a severe day; For the disbelievers it will not be easy.
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 10, Surat AlMuddasthir. (74:8-10).
Words: Nuqira = Blown - Struck, AlNaqoor = The Wind Instrument, Yawmaithin = Then - That day, Aseer =
Severe - Difficult, Ghayru Yaseer = Not easy.
Q: Why earthquakes that the earth witnessed so far are nothing compared to the Earthquake of the Day of Judgement?
A: When the earth is shaken ITS* Earthquake; And (when) the earth throws out its burdens**.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 2, Surat AlZalzalah. (99:1-2)
* Final Major Devastating Earthquake, which the earth can call ITS EARTHQUAKE, is waiting to happen.
** Remember the Day of Judgement will come suddenly which means some people will witness its
starting horror before being dead. (Refer refer to Surat AlHajj. and also refer
to Surat AlInfitar).
Words: Zulzilat = Is shaken, Zilzaliha = Its earthquake.
Q: On the Day of Judgement will man understand on his own why the earth is throwing out what it holds*?
A: And (when) man will say what is wrong with it (earth); That day it (earth) will tell its news (what's happening); That your God has inspired it (to
do so).
Translation of: Ayat 3 - 5, Surat AlZalzalah. (99:3-5)
* Among what the earth holds are graves which will be scattered on the Day of Judgement. (Refer to Surat
Words: Ma Laha = What's wrong with it - What's happening, Tuhaddisth = Will tell, Akhbaraha = Its news,
Awha = Inspired.
Q: How will people arise on the Day of Judgement?
A: That Day (of Judgement) people will step out (from their graves) in dispersed (scattered) groups* so as to be shown their deeds.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlZalzalah. (99:6)
* Each grave will hold many dead bodies across humanity. Remember everyone will go back to Allah singly. (Refer to Surat AlAn'am)
Words: Yassdur = Step out - Proceed - Arise - Appear, Ashtata = In dispersed groups - In scattered groups - eparately, LiYuraw = To be shown, A'malahum = Their
Q: Why does Allah say there will be no injustice on the Day of Judgement?
A: So whoever does an atom's weight of good he will see it; And who does an atom's weight of evil (bad deeds) he will see it.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 8, Surat AlZalzalah. (99:7-8)
Words: Ya'mal = Does, Misthqala Tharratin = An atom's weight, Khairan = Of good, Sharran = Of evil - Sins -
Bad deeds.
Q: What is special about fruits in Paradise?
A: And give the good news to those who believed and did righteous deeds that for them are Gardens underneath which the rivers flow -
everytime they are given provision from them (Gardens) with a fruit as provision they (companions of Paradise0 said this is what we were provided
before and they thought of it as similar and for them in them purified* wives and they are in them remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:25)
* Remember according to a saying of Prophet Muhammad there will be no unwanted bodily excretions (urine, menses..etc) in Paradise. (reference
will be added later insha Allah)
Words: Ruziqou = They were given provision, Sthamarah = A fruit, Utou Bihi = They thought of it, Mutashabihan
= Similar, Mutaharrah = Purified.
Q: What do parables and examples which teach moral lessons in the Qur'an do to the believers?
A: Indeed Allah does not shy away to set a parable (moral lesson) of a a mosquito and what is above it (other species) so
those who believed then they know that it is the Truth from their God - and those who disbelieved then will say what did Allah
mean by this as a parable - (the answer) He (Allah) leaves to stray with it a lot (of people) and He guides with it (to Allah's Path)
a lot (of people) and no one goes astray with it except those who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:26)
Words: Ba'oudhah = A mosquito, Yudhilu Bihi = Leaves to stray with it, Yahdi Bihi = He guides with it, Kastheeran
= A lot, AlFasiqeen = Those who sinfully strayed away from Allah's Path.
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