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Q: Why cannot we see Allah?
A: The eyesight cannot reach Him (Allah)* and He reaches the vision (power of seeing) and He is Most Kind, the Most Expert.
Translation of: Ayah 103, Surat AlAn'am. (6:103)
* No one can see Allah in this Life. In the other life companions of Paradise will have the fortune of being able to
see Allah when He suddenly showers them with the Utmost Favour in Paradise by revealing Himself so they can see Him. Companions of Hell will be deprived of such Favour. In the Qur'an: "Faces that Day are beaming, looking towards their God." Translation of Lines 22-23 in Surat
AlQiyamah in the Qur'an.
Words from the Ayah (Arabic = English): La = No, Tudrikuhuau = Reach Him, Howa = He, AlAbsar = The eyesight,
Q: What does Allah answer those who say they want to see Allah?
A: Those who do not have hope in meeting Us (Allah in the Other World) said if only the angels were sent down to us or we see our God - cetainly they
became arrogant about themselves and they became insolent with great hautiness.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlFurqan. (25:20)
Words: Al = The, Malaika = Angels, Nara = We see, Atau = They became insolent, Utouwan Kabeera =
With great hautiness.
Q: For what purpose did Allah create the Heavens, earth and what is between them?
A: And We (Allah) were not playing* when We created the sky (Lowest Heaven) and the earth and what is between them; If We wanted to
have fun We
could have taken it from near Us if We were going to do (it); Rather We hurl the Truth onto Falsehood so it
crushes its brain and it (Falsehood) is bound to vanish and you will have the severe punishment for what (lies) you attribute (to Allah)
(= Tasifoun).
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 18, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:16-18)
* The Purpose of Allah's creation of the Universe. (refer to Surat AlImran)
Words: Khalaqna = Created, AlSama' = The Heaven - The sky, AlArdh = The Earth, Laaibeen = Playing, Nakthif =
Hurl, AlHaqq = The Truth, AlBatil = Falsehood, Yadmagh = Crushes its brain, Zaahiq = Bound to
vanish, AlWayl = The Severe Punishment, Tassifoun = Attribute - Describe.
Q:Whom do we call for help?
A: Who does answer the call of the needy person when he calls Him and who removes the disaster and makes you inheritors of the earth is there a
god with Allah - little is what you remember.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlNaml. (27:62)
Words: AMen = Who does, Mudhttar = The needy, Yajalakum = Makes you, Aailahun? = Is there a god, Ma'a = With.
Q: What is Allah's Word of Command?
A: Indeed it is Our (Allah's) Word to the thing when We want it (to happen) that We say to it 'Be'and it is 'been'.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlNahl. (16:40)
Words: Itha = If, Aradnahu = We want it - We will it, Naqula = We say.
Q: Can we estimate the greatness of Allah?
A: They didnot estimate the true worth of Allah, and on the Day of Judgment the earth is His
handful and the Heavens will be folded in His right Hand. Glory to Allah and He is Far above what partner
they ascribe (to Him).
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlZumar.
Words: Ma qadarrou = They did not estimate, Kabdah = Handful, Youm AlKiyamah = Day of Judgment, Yameen =
Right Hand.
Q: How does Allah describe Himself?
A: He is the First (nothing before Him) and the Last (nothing after Him) and the Evident (all creations witness His
existence) and the Hidden (nothing hides from Him). And He is All-Knowing of everything.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlHadeed.
Words: Howa = He is, AlAwwal = The First, AlAkhir = The Last, AlTha'hir = Evident, AlBa'tin =
The Hidden, BiKuli Shay'e = With everything, Aleem = All-Knowing.
Q: How did Allah build the sky and the earth?
A: And We (Allah) built the sky with power and We cetainly are Capable. And the earth We spread it out and the Best flatteners We are.
Translation of: Ayat 47 - 48, Surat AlThariyat.
Words: AlSama' = The Sky, Bana = Built, Wa = And, AlArdh = The earth, Farashnaaha = Spread it out,
Mahidoun = Flatteners.
Q: What happened when some Jews asked The Prophet Moses (Moosa) to bring Allah in front of them?
A: The People of the Book (Jews) ask you (Prophet Muhammad) to bring down to them a Book (Qur'an) from the Heaven; But
they had asked Moses (Moosa) greater than that for they said: Show us Allah in public; So a thunderbolt hit them
because of their sin; Then they took The Calf* after the clear Signs had reached them; But We forgave that and
We gave Moses an explicit (fully developed) authority (power).
Translation of: Ayah 153, Surat AlNisa'.
* They made it out of their gold and worshipped it as god.
Words: Yas'al = Asks, Tunazzil = You bring down, Kitab = Book, Akbar = Greater, Arina = Show Us,
Sai'qah = Thunderbolt, Ijl = Calf (Young cow), Bayyenat = Clear signs, Afawna = We Forgave, Sultan
Authority - Reign - Power, Mubeen = Explicit.
Q: When and who can look at Allah?
A: No! But you you like the hasty life (This Life) and leave behind The Last Life. Faces will be that Day
beaming (bright and beautiful) looking towards their God; And faces will be that Day frowning (fearful) thinking of
a backbone breaking calamity that will be inflicted on them.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 25, Surat AlQiyamah.
Words: Tuhib = Like, A'jilah = Hasty Life, Tadhar = Leave behind, Wujouh = Faces, Nadhirah =
Beaming - Fresh looking, Nazirah = Looking towards, Basirah = Frowning, Yuf'al = Inflicted on, Fa'qirah = Backbone breaking calamity
Q: Who are those with whom Allah is very angry to the extent that Allah will not look at them on the Day of Judgment?
A: For those who purchase with Allah's Covenant and their oaths a small price (value) - those no
share of the positive qualities of religion for them in the Other World and Allah will not talk to them nor will He
look at them on the Day of Judgement and He will not
recommend them and for them is a severe punishment; And indeed among them is certainly a group who twist their tongues with the
(Holy) Book (other than the Qur'an) so that you think it is from the Book and it is not
from the Book and they say it is from Allah and (Allah says) it is not from Allah and they say upon Allah the untruth (lying) while they know it;
No human being has the
right when Allah gives him the Book and administration of justice and prophethood (= AlNobowwah) and then
he says to people be devout
people to me leaving Allah but (he should say) be pertaining to God because of what you were teaching the Book and
you were studying (it); And he (any prophet) cannot command you to take the angels and the prophets (= AlNabiyeen) gods - does he command you to disbelieve
after when you have become Muslims (submitting to Allah);
And when Allah made the Covenant (contract) with the prophets (= AlNabiyeen) for
what I (Allah) gave you A Book and wisdom and then a messenger (of Allah) (= rasool) comes to you confirming what you
have with you - you certainly will believe in him and you will certainly support him - He (Allah) said have you agreed and taken on
My Contract which is binding - They
(prophets) said we have agreed - He said so be witnesses and I am with you among the witnesses; So whoever turns away
after that then those are the ones who sinfully strayed away;
A religion other than Allah they wish for and to Him has
submitted whoever is in the Heavens and the earth willingly or unwillingly* and to Him they will come back.
Translation of: Ayat 77 - 83, Surat AlImran.
* Through their obedience and submission to Allah's Fate.
Words: Yashtaroun = Purchase (plural), A'hd = Pledge in the Covenant - Binding Promise to
do or forbear, Aymaan = Oaths, Sthaman =
Price, Qaleel = Small, Ula'ika = Those, Khalaaq = Share of good qualities of religion, AlAkhirah =
The Other World, Yukalim = talks, Yandhur = Looks at, Athab = Punishment, Aleem = Severe,
LaFareeqan = A certain group, Yalwoon = Twist, Alsinah = Tongues, Tahsab = You think, AlKitab = The Holy Book, Ind
Allah = From Allah, Ma = Not, Kathib = Untruth - Lying, Ya'lam = Knows, Bashar = Human being, Yu'tee =
Gives, Hukm = Administration of justice, Nobowah = Prophethood, Ibad = Devout people, Min Doon = Leaving - Without, Rabbani
= Doing and saying things that pertain to God, Tualim = You teach, Tadrus = You study, Ya'mur = Orders,
Tatat'akhidh = You Take, Malaikah = Angles, Nabi'yeen = Prophets, Kufr = Disbelief - Ungratefulness, Atheism, Muslimoun
= Submitting (plural) to Allah, Hikmah = Wisdom, Ja'a = Has come, Musaddiq = Confirming, Ma'akum =
with you, Tu'min = You believe, Tansur = To Support, Isri = My Contract which is binding, Akrartum = Have you accepted, Eshhadou =
Be witnesses, Tawalla = Turns away, Faasiqoun = Who strayed away (from Allah's Path) - Sinner, Yabghi =
Wishes for, Aslama =
Submitted, Taw'ann = Willingly, Karhann = Unwillingly, Yurja'oun = Will come back.
Q: Who is The Most Merciful? Please remember that Allah's concepts are different from those of humans, so do not
contemplate on the question 'how?'.
A: And depend upon The Ever-Alive Who does not die and glorify His praise and enough for Him to be with
the sins of his servants (people) Well-Acquainted (All-Expert);
Who created the Heavens and the earth* and what is between them in six days then He
settled on the Throne; The Lord of Mercy - you will find Him All-Expert (without a rival); And when it is said to them to prostrate to The Lord of Mercy they
say and what is The Lord of Mercy - shall we prostrate to whom you (Prophet Muhammad) order us and it increased their rejection (of
the Truth).
Translation of: Ayat 58 - 60, Surat AlFurqan. (25:58-60)
* What humans refer to as the Universe (the earth and the the Lowest Heaven of the seven Heavens is a part of the Universe).
Words: Tawakkal = Depend, AlHayy = Ever-Alive (An Attribute of Allah), Thonoub = Sins, Ibad = People,
Fes'el Bihi Khabeera = You'll find Him an All-Expert without a rival - Ask whoever you want about Him for He is An All-Expert
without a rival, Sittah = Six, Ayyam = Days, Estawa = Settled - Sat firmly - Established Himself
straight, Arsh = Throne, Fe'sel Bih Khabeera = You will find Him All-Expert, Usjudu = Prostrate, Zaad =
Increased, Nufour = Rejection.
Q: Some people say that the world manages itself. Is that true?
A: EVERYONE on it (earth) will perish; And will remain the Face of your God The Sublime The Noble*; So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies; Whoever is in the Heavens and the earth ask Him; Every
day He is in business; So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies;
(On Day of Judgment) We (Allah) will free Ourselves for you both O you (both) who are burdened (Jinn and humans)**; So which of the
Favours of your God do you both reject as lies.
Translation of: Ayat 26 - 32, Surat AlRahman. (55:26-32)
* All are going to die with fear or with Allah's Command before the resurrection. (refer to the Prophet's saying)
** Humans and Jinn are endowed with choice: They are burdened with the responsiblity of Islam (worshipping Allah
Alone): They have the choice to accept it or reject it. (Note Ayah 33 in Surat AlRahman)
Words: Fani = Will perish - Will die, Yabqa = Will remain, Wajh = Face, Thou AlJalal = The Sublime - High,
Thou AlIkram = The Noble, Ala' = Favours - Blessings, Yas'al = Asks, Sha'n = Business, Nafrugh = We will be
free, Ayuha = You, S(th)aqalan = Both of the burdened (humans and Jinn), Tukaththib = Deny (for two).
Q: What are the proofs that there is only One God?
A: Say (command to Prophet Mohammad) praise be to Allah and peace be upon His servants (prophets) whom He had
chosen -
is Allah better or what else they join as partners (= yushrikoun) (with Him); Or who else created the Heavens and the earth and sent
down from the sky water so We (Allah) planted
with it delightful gardens - you were not capable of planting their trees - a god with Allah? - rather they are people
who hold as equal (partner with Allah); Or Who had made the earth a settling place (= qarar) and made through it rivers and made for
it unshakable mountains and made between the two seas (salty and fresh waters) a partition - a god with Allah? - rather
most of them have no knowledge (about Allah); Or Who answers the call of the needy when he calls upon Him and relieves
from suffering - and He makes you inheritors of the earth - a god with Allah? - little is what you remember;
Or Who guides you in the depths of
darkness of the land and the sea - and Who sends the winds with the good news in the presence of His Mercy (rain)- a god with Allah? -
Elevated is Allah above what they join as partners (with Him); Or Who originates the creation and then repeats it and Who gives you
sustenance (provision) from the
Heaven and the earth - a god with Allah? - say bring about your proof if you were saying
the truth.
Translation of: Ayat 59 - 64, Surat AlNaml. (27:59-64)
Words: Issttafa = Had chosen, Khair = Better, Ma Yushrikoun = What they join as partners (with Allah), Anbata = Planted, Hada'iq =
Gardens, That Bahjah = Delightful - Beautiful, Tunbitu = Planting, Illah = god, Ya'diloun = Hold as equal - Put on the
same level - Put on an equal footing, Qarar = Settling place, Anhar = Rivers, Rawasi = Unshakable mountains, Yujeeb = Answers, Mudh'tar
= Needy, Sou' = Suffering, Kulafa' = Inheritors, Dhulmat = Depths of darkness,
Bushara = Good news, Bayna Yadi Rahmatihi = in the presence of His Mercy - Before His Mercy, Yabde' = Originates - Starts, Yu'eed = Repeats, Burhan = Proof,
Ssadiqeen = Saying the truth - Truthful (plural).
Q: Why should not muslims use swear-words against disbelievers?
A: And do not use swear-words (bad words) against those who call upon other than Allah then (in return) they use
swear-words against Allah in transgression without knowledge - that is how We made to every people its work look
attractive then to their God is their return so He will ask them what they were doing; And they took an oath by their most solemn oaths that
if a Miraculous Sign* came to them they would certainly believe in it - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) rather the Miraculous Signs are with Allah and
what will make you (Muslims) realize that even if they (Miracles) came they will not believe; And We turn around
their hearts and their eyes as they did not believe in it the first time and We will leave them in their transgression wandering about.
Translation of: Ayat 108 - 110, Surat AlAn'am. (6:108-110)
* They asked for the mountain of 'AlSafa' to be changed into gold. Prophet Muhammad asked them will you then believe. They said yes all of them. The
Prophet started
praying to Allah about it. Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet. He told the Prophet to choose one either the Miracle happens and if they still do not believe Allah will punish them
severely or to leave them until whoever wants to repent (and become Muslim) does. Prophet Muhammad said rather 'who wants to repent does'. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 2, page 240.
Words: Yasubou = They use swear-words - foul language, Yadu = Calls upon, Zayenna = Made look attractive - alluring,
Yush'erukum = Makes you realize - feel, Aqsamou = They took an oath - swore, Jahd Aymmanihim = Most solemn oath, Nuqallib = Turn around, Nathar =
Leave, Ttughyanihim = Their transgression, Ya'mahoun = Wandering around.
Q: Generally speaking why doesn't Allah punish the sinners for their sins during their life-times?
A: And if Allah were to punish people for what they have earned (of bad deeds) He would not have left
on its (earth) surface any moving creature; Yet He postpones them to an appointed known (to Him) time; So when their time (death) comes then Allah
has been observant of His servants.
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat Fatir.
Words: Yua'khith = Punishes, Nas = People, Kasaba = Earned, Taraka = Left, Thahr = Surface, Daabah
= Moving creature, Yua'khir = Postpones, Ajal = Appointed time - Fixed time, Musamma = Known, Ibad = Servants.
Q: Humans cannot see Allah which is in fact Allah's Mercy on humans. Has any of the prophets asked to see Allah?
A: And when Moses (= Prophet Moosa) came according to Our (Allah's) Meeting time and his God spoke to him he said my God
let me look at You He said you cannot see Me but look towards the mountain (Sinai) and if you see it remaining firm in its
place so you would see Me So when He (Allah) appeared to the mountain it (Appearance) pounded it (leveled flat) and Moses fell down
thunderstruck* so when he recovered he said glory to You I have repented to you and I am first of the
believers (= mou'mineen); He said O Moses indeed I have chosen you over the people with My messages** and My
speech (with you) so take whatever I have given you and be from the grateful (people).
Translation of: Ayat 143 - 144, Surat AlA'raf. (7:143-144)
* He died then Allah revived him.
** Messages on Tablets of Stone from Allah.
Words: Meeqat = Appointed time, Kalamahu = Spoke to him, Len Tarani = You will not see Me,
Unthur = Look, Jabal =
Mountain, Istaqarra = Remained firm, Jala Dakka = Pounded - Leveled flat, Kharra = Fell down, Ssa'iqa =
thunderstruck - dumbfounded, Afaqa = He recovered - He was revived - He woke up, Tubtu = I repented, Awwal = The first,
Isstafaytuka = I have chosen you, Risalati = My Messages, Kalami = My Speech, Khudh = Take, Aataytuka = I have given you.
Q: Allah's Throne is on the top of the Seventh Heaven. Can people whisper so that Allah does not hear them?
A: Have you not known that Allah knows what is in the Heavens and what is on earth - there is not a secret
conversation between three but He (Allah) is their fourth and neither among five but He is their sixth; And Neither
less than that nor more but He is with them wherever they are then He will inform them about what they did on the Day
of Judgement for Allah of everything is All-Knowing (= Aleem).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlMujadilah.
Words: Ya'lam = Knows, Yakoun = Is, Najwa = Secret Conversation, S(th)alas(th)ah = Three, Rabi' =
Fourth, Khamsah = Five, Sa'dis = Sixth, Adna = Less, Aks(th)ar = More, Ma' = With, Yubal'igh
= Informs, Amila = Did, Aleem = All-Knowing.
Q: What are some of the forms of Allah's punishment that can be inflicted on communities?
A: And when Our (Allah's) messengers (angels) reached Lut (prophet) he knew his shortcomings* and he
felt helpless so they said: Do not fear and do not grieve! For we are going to save you and your family except your
wife - she is (destined to be) from the past; For We (Allah) are going to send down upon the people of this town a
punishment (stones)** from the sky because of what they were leading a dissolute (lacking restraints)
life; And We have
left from it (town) an evident mark for (any) people who use their brains;
And to Midian (People of = Madyan) their brother
Shuaib*** (Prophet) so he said O people worship Allah and look forward to the Last Day and do not act wickedly corrupting in the land; So they rejected him as a liar so the shaking (earthquake) overtook (punished) them then by the morning they were
in their dwellings lying with faces down.
And Aad**** (people of Prophet Hood) and Sthamud (People
of Prophet Saleh) and it became clear to you from their houses***** and Satan made look good their deeds so he
prevented them from the Path (of Allah) though they were discerning ('mustabsireen' = showing insight and
And Qarun****** and Pharaoh
(= Phiroun) and Haaman (Pharaoh's religious advisor) - and Moses (Prophet Moosa) has brought them the miracles so
they became arrogant in the
land and they were not winners; So each one of them We punished for their sins; So from them against whom We sent
a tempest (with stones); And from them who was overwhelmed by the scream (of Angel Gabriel that causes a storm); And from
them whom We made the earth sink down with them (earthquake); And from them whom We drowned; And Allah was not to make injustice to them but they
were making injustice to themselves.
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 40, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:33-40)
* Prophet Lut thought the angels, who descend down in the shape of men, were actually men and he knew he could not protect his guests
from his people who always rejoiced (for sex with men) at the news of new guests.
** Sijjeel: Allah's stones marked in the sky for punishment.
*** Prophet Shuaib is identified in the Syriac language as 'Jethro' (needs research). According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali in "The Holy Qur'an: English
Translation...", page 1160 the Madyan people's sin was fraud and commercial immorality.
**** People of Aad lived from Amman (Jordan) to Hadhramout (Yemen). (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation of the Qur'an, note 1040).
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When the
Prophet Muhammad sometimes had to cross the valley of Aad (in Saudi Arabia) he used to tell his companions to cover
up their heads and faces and run because it has witnessed the punishment of Allah.
***** People of Sthamud whose Prophet was Hood were discerning (showing insight and understanding). They
built a strong civilization.
Note: People of Sthamud lived between Syria and Medinah (in Saudi Arabia). They are called the companions of the Rocky
Tract (= AlHijr) north of Medinah. Source: Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation, note 1043 page 419.
****** Qarun was a very wealthy arrogant disbeliever among the people of Moses.
Words: Seea' = knew his shortcomings, Dhaqa Thar'an = Felt Helpless, La Takhaf = Do not fear, Ghabir =
of the past, Rijz = Punishment, Yafsuqoun = Leading a dissolute life - Straying away from Allah's Way, Ta'sthau
= Do harm, Mufsideen = Corrupters, Akhthathum = Overtook them - Punished them, Rajfah =
Shaking - Earthquake,
Jasthimeen = Lying with faces down (dead), Masakin = Dwellings, Zayyana = Made look good, Mustabsir =
Discerning - Understanding the differnce, Sabiqeen = Winners, Thanb = Sin, Hassib = Tempest with stones, Sayha =
Scream, Khasafa = Sink down, Aghraqa = Drowned, Yadhlim = Makes injustice - Wrongs.
Q: What is written in the Reocord with Allah?
A: And whatever matter you may be engaged in and whatever part of the Qur'an you may be reciting and you do not
do anything without Us (Allah and the angels that Allah appoints) being witnesses over you when you indulge in it (all
details) - and no weight of a dust-speck on the earth or in the Heaven can escape your God nor anything
smaller than that or greater but in an explicit (clear) Record*.
* The Record which was prepared by Allah before the creation. (refer to Surat AlQalam)
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat Yunus. (10:61)
Words: Sha'n = Matter - Business, Tatlou = You recite, Ta'mal = You do, Shuhoud = Witnesses,
Tufeedh = Indulge, Ya'zab = Escapes, Mis(th)'qal = Weight, Thar'rah = Dust-speck, Asghar =
Smaller, Akbar = greater, Kitab = Rcord - Book.
Q: What is the argument that proves Allah is the the One and Only God - without any offspring people claim?
A: So had Allah singled you (people) out with the sons and He took from the angels daughters* - well you are saying
a terrible saying; And certainly We (Allah) explained in detail in this Qur'an (One God) so that they remember and
it does not increase but their running away (with rejection); Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if there were gods with Him (Allah) as
they are saying then they (gods) would have aimed at seeking a way to (reach) the God of the Throne (Allah);
Glory to Him and Exalted (Elevated) is He Far above what they say - exaltation beyond measure.
The Seven Heavens, the earth and all WHO is there declare His glory and there is not a THING** but glorifies His praise but you do not
understand their praise indeed He (allah) is Most-Tolerant, Most-Forgiving.
Translation of: Ayat 40 - 44, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel). (17:40-44)
* Some disbelievers worship angels as goddesses. (refer to Surat AlSaffat)
** Also through their submission to Destiny (Fate). See how the thunder glorifies Allah (Surat AlRa'd);
How the birds pray (Surat AlNoor); And the
mountains (Surat Saba'). (Note: man would not have noticed if the Qur'an
does not tell us)
Words: Asfakum = Had singled you out - Chosen, Baneen = Sons, Inasth = Daughters, Qawal = Saying, Sarrafa
= Explained in detail, Yaththakkar = Remembers, Yazeed = Increases, Nufour = Running away - Hatred,
Thi AlArsh = God of the Throne, Sabeel = Way, Kabeera = Beyond measure - Sublime - Very high, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Alsab'e
= The seven, Tafqahoun = Understand (plural), Tasbeehahum = Their praise.
Q: Why is Allah called the Most-Merciful?
A: If you disbelieve so Allah is in no need of anyone and (yet) He is not pleased with disbelieving (in Allah)
for his servants - and if you are grateful He is pleased with it for you and no burdened soul (sinful or not sinful) will
bear the sin of another (soul) - then to your God is your return so He will inform you about what you were doing for He is
All-Knowing of what is in the hearts.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlZumar.
Words: Takfur = Disbelieve, Ghani = In no need of, Tashkur = Are grateful, Tazir = bears, Wazirah =
Burdened soul, Wizr = Sin,
Ukhra = Another, Yunabe' = Informs, BiThat AlSudour = In
the hearts.
Q: What is that which Allah enumerates (counts) and man forgets about it?
A: For those who show enmity to Allah and His prophet (Muhammad) they are suppressed (for humiliation on Day of
Judgment) as those before them were suppressed; and We (Allah) had sent down Clear Signs (Holy Book) and for the
disbelievers there is a humiliating punishment. The Day Allah will raise them up then He will inform them about what
they did: Allah had enumerated it and they forgot about it; And Allah upon everything is a Witness.
Translation of: Ayat 5 - 6, Surat AlMujadilah.
Words: Yu'had = Shows enmity - Opposes, Kubit = Suppressed, Muheen = Humiliating, Yunabe' = Informs, Ahsa
= Enumerated, Nasa = Forgot.
Q: Disbelievers usually attribute the idols and the forms that the idols represent to Allah The God. What does Allah
say about the idols?
A: And have you thought of AlLat* and Aluza*; And Manat* the other third (idol); Do you (disbelievers) have the male
sex and for Him (Allah) the female**; That is then an unfair division; (Allah confirms) These (idols) are nothing but NAMES
YOU had named them - YOU and YOUR FOREFATHERS for which Allah had not sent down any legitimation (authority) - they
(disbelievers) only follow assumption and what their souls desire and the Guidance (Qur'an) from their God had
reached them; Or does it belong to man what he desires; Well to Allah belongs the End (Other World) and The First (This life).
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 25, Surat AlNajm. (53:19-25)
* Idols representing feminine forms were worshipped by Arabs in Mecca at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
** Polytheists of pre-Islamic Arabia worshiped the feminine idols as 'daughters' of Allah. A lot of disbelievers in Allah as the Only and
One God, still worhship female deities.
Words: Afa Ra'aytum = And have you thought of - considered, AlUkhra = the Other, AlThakar = The male sex, Unstha = Feminine, Qismah = Division, Dheeza = Unfair,
Asma' = Names, A'ba' = Forefathers; Sultan = Legitimation - Authority, Dhun = Assumption - Doubt, Tahwa = Desires, Tamanna = Desires.
Q: Is there anything ever similar to Allah in anything?
A: Originator (= Fatir) of the Heavens and the earth - He made for you from yourselves mates and from
the cattle mates to multiply you in this manner - nothing is similar to Him and He is The All-Hearing,
The All-Seeing; To Him belong the Keys (Control - Power) of the Heavens and the earth -
He gives plenty of sustenance to whom He pleases and
He restricts - for He is of everything All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayat 11 - 12, Surat AlShoura.
Words: Fatir = Originator - Creator from scratch, Anfus = Selves, Azwaj = Mates, An'am = Cattle, Yathra' = Multiply -
Increase, Misthl = Similar, Maqaleed = Keys, Rizq = Sustenance - Provision - Favour - Food, Yabsut =
Gives plenty - Gives in abundance, Yaqdir = Restricts.
Q: What is Allah's Straight Path?
Hint: The Path that leads to Paradise.
A: He (Satan) said my God since you led me to go astray*
(away from the Straight Path) I will certainly make (wrong doing) good-looking for them on earth and I will certainly delude them all; Except your
loyal servants among them; He (Allah) said I stick to this Straight Path; (Allah says to Satan) Indeed my servants you (Satan)
have no control upon them except who followed
you from the deluded (= AlGhaween); And indeed Hell is certainly their promised place for them all; To it seven gates (Hell has ranks) - for each gate of them
an assigned division (of sinners); Indeed those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) are in Gardens and springs; Enter into them in peace feeling secure; And
We removed what was in their hearts from bitterness - (they are now) brothers on couches facing each other; They will not be touched
in them with tiredness and from them they are not going to be expelled.
Translation of: Ayat 39 - 48, Surat AlHijr. (15:39-48)
* If someone wants to stray away from Allah's Path, Allah helps him.
Words: Aghwaytani = led me to go astray - Delude, Uzayyen = Make good-looking, Mukhliseen = Sincere, Hatha Siratun Alaya
Mustaqeem = I stick to to this Straigh Path - This is for me a straight Path, Sultan = Control - Infuuence - power, Mukhliseen = Loyal - Sincere, Ajma'een = Them all, Juze' =
Division - Share, Maqsoum = Assigned, AlMuttaqeen = Those who protect themselves by fearing Allah - The God-fearing ones, Amineen = Feeling
secure, Naza'na = We removed, Surur = Couches, Mutaqabil = Facing each other, Yamas =
Touches, Nasab = Tiredness, Mukhrijeen = Expelled.
Q: What was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad exactly as it was revealed to the prophets before Muhammad?
Note: Remember that the translation of Line 40 in Chapter AlAhzab in the Qur'an is "Muhammad was --- a seal of the prophets ---."
A: Ha Meem*; Ain Seen Qaf*;
In that way it is being revealed to you and to the ones (prophets) before you (that) Allah is the Omnipotent the
All-Wise; To Him belongs whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is on earth and He is the Sublime the Most-Great; The
Heavens are about to be torn asunder from their above** and the angels glorify the praise of their
God and they pray for forgiveness for whoever in on earth - well indeed Allah is the Most-Forgiving the Most-Merciful;
And those who had taken other than Him (Allah) allies (protectors = awliya') Allah is observing them and
you (Prophet Muhammad) are not their disposer of affairs.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 6, Surat AlShoura.
* Letters that do not make a word in the Arabic language. From Allah's World of the Unseen.
** Allah's Throne is on the top of the Seventh Heaven.
Words: Kathalika = In that way - Thus, Yuwha = Being revealed, Qabl = Before, Takad = Is about, Yatafatar = Splits asunder - Tears,
Fawq = Above, Yusabih = Glorifies, Etakhadha = Took, Awliya' = Allies - Protectors - Helpers - Supporters, Ala = Well!, Hafeedh = Observing - Watching,
Wakeel = Disposer of affairs - In charge - In control.
Q: Often Muslims say 'May Allah guide you!'. What is Allah's Guidance and where can it be found?
Hint: Everything in the Creation directs to Allah. It needs only some opening of the mind and fair thinking.
A: Allah is the Light (= Noor) of the Heavens and the earth - the example of His Light is a lantern (niche) in
it a lamp; The lamp is in glass - the glass as if it is a twinkling star being ignited from a
Blessed Tree - an Olive tree that is neither from the East nor from the West - its oil is about to illuminate even if
fire has not touched it - Light upon Light (= Noor Ala Noor) - Allah guides to His Light whoever He
pleases - And Allah sets the parables for people and Allah with everything is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlNoor. (24:35)
Words: Noor = Light, AlSamawat = Heavens, Mishkah = Lantern - Protective case for a
light, Misbah = Lamp, Zujajah = Glass, Kawkab = Star, Durri = Twinkling - Brilliant, Yuqad = Being ignited - Lit, Shajarah = Tree, Mubarakah =
Blessed, Zaytounah = Olive tree, Sharqiyah = Of the East, Gharbiyah = Of the West, Yakad = About, Zayt =
Oil, Yudheye' = Illuminates - Gives light, Noor =
Light, Yahdi = Guides, Yadhrib = Sets, Amsthal = Parables - Examples, Aleem = All-Knowing.
Q: What is Allah's Ultimate Reward that is even greater than Paradise for the believers?
A: Allah had promised the male believers (in Allah) and the female believers Gardens underneath which the
rivers flow - remaining for eternity in them and
pleasant houses in the Gardens of Eden (Paradise) and satisfaction of
Allah is the greatest (bliss) - that is the Ultimate Triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlTawbah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah will ask the people of the Garden if they are
satisfied so they will answer: How can we not be satisfied and you gave us what you did not give any of your people.
So Allah will say: Shall I give you something better than that? So they will say: And what thing can be better than
that? So Allah will say: I shall grant you My satisfaction so I shall not be angry with you after that.
Words: Wa'ada = Had promised, Mu'mineen = Male believers, Mu'minaat = Female believers, Jannat =
Gardens, Masakin = Houses, Tayyebah = Pleasant, Eden = Name of Paradise - Bliss, Ridhwan = Satisfaction,
Akbar = The greatest, Fawz = Triumph, AlAdheem = Ultimate.
Q: Who is Allah of Moses and Aaron and all the inhabitants of the world?
A: He (Pharaoh) said: Then who is your (Moses & Aaron) God, O Moses? He said: Our God is Who brought
everthing into creation (universal God) then He guided (everything manifests Allah's existence). He (Pharaoh)
said: So what is the matter with the ancient generations? He (Moses) said: Their knowledge is with my God in
a Record" - My God never errs or forgets. ---
And We (Allah) manifested (through Moses) Our Miraculous Signs (Miracles) all of
them so he (Pharaoh) rejected (them) as lies and refused (to believe).
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 52, 56, Surat Taha. (20:49-52, 56)
* Everything is predestined and written in Allah's Record (Book). Line 6 in Chapter AlAhzab is translated as:
"--- It was written in The Record."
Note: Everything is predestined means Allah knows what is going to happen to everything in the universe. This
does not contradict with the concept that humans have the option to follow Allah's Guidance or to follow Satan
whom Allah has given respite to the Day of Judgment.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: "Nothing prevents the destiny except the calling on
Allah (= La Yarudu AlQadha' Illa AlDua')". Note: Except death which has a fixed time for each.
Words: A'ta khalq = Brought everying into creation, Hada = Guided,
Bel = the matter, Quroun =
Generations, Oula = Ancient, Yadhil = Errs - Goes astray, Yansa = Forgets.
Q: What do humans not know about Allah's Knowledge?
A: Do you not know that Allah knows everything in the Heaven and the earth indeed that is in a
Record* for that is for Allah easy (to do).
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlHajj.
* Everything is predestined and written in Allah's Record (Book).
Words: Ta'lam = Know, Kitab = Record, Yaseer = Easy.
Q: Who is Allah - The Supreme, The Sublime?
A: Allah - there is no god except He The Ever-Alive the All-Disposer of affairs - He does not
doze off or sleep - to Him belongs what is in the Heavens and the earth - Which one*
can mediate (intercede) with Him (?) except with His (Allah's) Permission - He knows what is in front of them
and what is behind them and they do not know thoroughly anything about His Knowledge except what He wills -
His Seat (Throne = Kursiyuhu) had encircled the Heavens and the earth and managing them does not tire Him - and He is
The Supreme, The Sublime.
Translation of: Ayah 255, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:255)
* From angels, messengers or of their status.
Note: Line (Verse) 255 in Surat AlBaqarah is called Ayah AlKursi (= The line (verse) of
The (Elevated) Seat = Throne (is where Allah settled Himself)).
Note: The linguisitc Miracle in Surat AlKursi. (by Sheikh Nouman A. Khan).
Words: Ilah = god, AlHay = Ever-Alive, Al-Qayyoum = All-Disposer of affairs,
Sinah = Doze - Light sleep, Nawm = Sleep, La Takhuduhu Sinah or nawm = Does not doze off or
sleep Yashfa' Ind = Mediates with - Intercedes with, Ithn = Permission, Bayna Aydeehim = In
front of them, Ma Khalfahum = What is behind them, Yuheetouna BiShaye' Min Ilmihi = They do not know
thoroughly anything about His Knowledge, La Yu'uduhu Hifdhuhuuma = Managing them does not tire Him, Wasia' = Had encircled - Had
encompassed - Had enveloped - Kursiyuhu = His Seat - His Throne, AlAly = The Supreme - The
Highest, AlAdheem = The Sublime - The Exalted.
Q: What shows Allah's vast Mercy? Why is Allah called The Most Merciful?
A: Whoever brings forth (says or does) good then for him is ten
times its like and
whoever brings forth bad so he will not be repaid except (once) like it and no injustice will
be done to them.
Translation of: Ayah 160, Surat AlAn'am. (6:160)
Words: Men Ja' = Whoever brings forth, Hasannah = Good - Good saying and/or deed,
Ashr Amsthal = Ten times like it, Sayyeah = Bad - Bad saying and/or deed,
Yujza = Repaid, La = Not, Yuthlam = Injustice be done.
Q: What is the ever most important Testimony because Allah bore witness to?
A: Allah bore witness that there is no god but He and (so did) the angels and
the people with knowledge - (Allah is) Administering Justice - there is no god but He the Omnipotent, the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlImran. (3:18)
Words: Shahada = Bore witness - Ulu AlIlm = People with knowledge,
Qaaiman = Administering, Qisst = Justice, Ilah = God.
Q: Why does Allah mention His Mercy before His Punishment?
A: (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Inform My (Allah's) servants (mankind) that it is I (Allah) Who is The
Most-Forgiving, The Most-Merciful; And that My punishment is the most painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 49 - 50, Surat AlHijr. (15:49-50)
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel and not part of the Qur'an) narrated by the Prophet Muhammad: The sky said
to Allah: let me collapse on the offspring of Adam. They ate Your sustenance and they worshipped other
than You. The water body said: let me drown the offspring of Adam. They ate Your sustenance and they
worshipped other than You. The earth said: let me swallow the offspring of Adam. They ate Your
sustenance and they worshipped other than You. Allah said: No! Leave them! If you (all) created them you would have
been merciful to them.
Words: Nabe' = Inform, Ibadi = My servants - My people, AlGhafoor = The Most-Forgiving, AlRaheem
= The Most-Forgiving, Athabi = My punishment, AlAleem = The most painful punishment.
Q: People around the Prophet Muhammad asked: Who is Allah?* Why is this Surah equal to one third** of the
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) He is Allah The One (God); Allah is Who is always
needed and He is in need of nothing (= AlSamad); He did not beget
neither He was begotten; And none is ever comparable to Him.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat AlIkhlas = Purity of Faith. (112:1-4)
* According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, the ex-Mufti (top Islamic scholar) of Egypt.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Is anyone of you incapable of reading one third of
the Qur'an in a night? They found it hard and they said: Who is capable of that O Prophet of Allah? He
said: (Surat AlIkhlas) Say He is Allah The One.. is one third of the Qur'an. Source:
Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran, In Arabic, page 603.
Words: Qul = Say, Ahad = The One, AlSamad = The Everlasting 'Who is always
needed' Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran, In Arabic, page 603) , Lem = Not,
Yalid = Beget - Become a father, Lem = Not, Yulad = Was begotten - Was given birth to, Kfwan
Comparable - Equal, Lem Ahad = None - No one.
Q: Why is there no partner with Allah?
A: Allah Who made yield to you the sea so that ships sail through it by His command and so that
you seek His favour and that you may become grateful; And He made yield to you what is in the
Heavens and the earth - all without exception is from Him for in that certainly are miraculous Signs for
the people who contemplate.
Translation of: Ayat 12 - 13, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:12-13)
Words: Sakhkhara = Made yield - Bahr = Sea - Water body, Tajri = Sail, Fulk =
Ships, BiAmrihi = By His command, Tabtaghou = You seek (plural), Fadhl = Favour - Bounty,
Jameean = All without exception - Everything, Ayat = Miraculous Signs, Yatafakaroun = Contemplate (plural) -
Use their brains.
Q: Which sincerely uttered Islamic saying weighs heavily on the scale of deeds on the Day of Judgment?
A: So let it be known to you (Prophet Muhammad) that there is no god but Allah and do
ask (Allah) for forgiveness for your fault and for the male believers and the female believers and Allah
knows your (plural) movements and your standing still*.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital). (47:19)
* How, when, where, why...etc.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: On the Day of Judgment a
man's 99 scrolls opened to the extent where the eyesight reaches and they were placed on one side of
the scale. Then one card was pulled from the scrolls and was placed on the other side of the scale.
It made all the scrolls fly and scatter away from the scale. The card contained the man's sincere
utterance of "there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is a Messenger of Allah". Source: Anwar Al-Alwlaki "The Hereafter" cassette.
Words: E'lam = Let it be known to you - Know, Ilaha = God, Illa = Except - But, Estaghfir = Ask for
forgiveness, Thanb =Fault - Sin, Ya'lam = Knows, Mutaqalab = Movement, Masthwa =
Standing still (while praying).
Q: According to Allah what sin is unforgivable?
A: For Allah does not forgive to be joined with any partner* and He forgives other than
that to whomever He wills and whoever joins any partner with Allah so he has fabricated (lied) a grave sin.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlNisa'. (4:48)
* There are different forms of making partners with Allah: Idols, nature force, wealth, one's self, whatever one loves**... etc.
** Remember that calling upon Allah is similar to worshipping Allah.
(So be careful that demanding something from anyone dead is similar to worshipping him).
Note: Be ware of even acting like joining a partner with Allah. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Among the People of Israel there were two men,
one was very righteous and kept watch over the other sinful one. When the sinful person committed a great sin the
righteous person told him: By Allah, Allah is not going to forgive you or He is not going to admit you ever in
Paradise. So Allah sent an angel and made them both dead. Then He said to the sinful: Go and enter Paradise with
My Mercy. And He said to the other: You were a learned person?! You thought you were capable of what I (Allah)
can do? Take him to Hellfire. The Prophet Muhammad said: By the One in Whose Hand is my soul he said a word that
failed his life on earth and his Other Life. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer (in Arabic). Vol 1, page
Words: Inna = For, Yaghfir = Forgives, Yushrak = To be joined with any partner,
Ma doon = Other than, Eftara = Fabricated, Ithman = Sin, Atheeman = Grave - Very serious.
Q: Why is Allah enough for the believers?
A: For Allah defends those who believe - for Allah does not love anyone who is too much unfaithful (to Allah),
too much ungrateful (to Allah)*.
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat AlHajj.
* Line 34 from Chapter Ibraheem in the Qur'an is translated "--- And if you numerate the favours of Allah you will not be
able to count them for the human being is certainly too much unjust (to Allah), too much ungrateful (to Allah)."
Words: Yudafe' = Defends, La Yuhib = Does not Love, Khawwan = Too much unfaithful,
Kafour = Too much ungrateful.
Q: Allah created Adam with His Own Hands. Allah's other way of creation is a Word 'Be' and it is done.
What else is mentioned in the Qur'an that Allah created with His Hands?
A: Or did they not see that We (Allah) created for them from what Our Hands (Allah's) did cattle
then they became their owners; And We made them (cattle) yield to them so from them their riding and from them
they eat; And for them (people) in them (cattle) uses and drinks so will they not be thankful.
Translation of: Ayat 70 - 73, Surat YaSeen.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Angels said to Allah: Our God! You
gave the offspring of Adam the life on earth - they eat in it, drink, wear clothes and we glorify Your
Praise and we do not eat, neither do we drink or have fun. So as you made the life of earth for them so let the
life of the Other World be for us. He said: I do not make the righteous offspring of whom I created with
My Hands like the one I told him 'Be' and it was done (= Kun faKan). Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 389.
Note: How Jesus peace be upon him was made.
Words: Yarou = See (plural), Khalaqa = Created, Amilat = Did, An'am = Cattle,
Aydi = Hands, Malik = Owner, Thallalna = We made them yield, Rakoub = Riding,
Ya'kul = Eat, Manafe' = Uses, Masharib = Drinks, Yashkur = Be thankful (plural).
Q: How do you show your love for Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if you love Allah then follow me (the way of the Prophet Muhammad) Allah
will love you and forgive you your sins and Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. Say obey Allah and the Prophet but if they turn away
then (know that) Allah does not love the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 32, Surat AlImran.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Religion (of Islam) is nothing but the love
in the Name of Allah and the hatred in the Name of Allah. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer
Ibn Kastheer, page 275.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah gives wealth to both whom He loves
and the one He does not love. But Allah gives Religion (Allah's Religion not man-made religion) only to whom He loves.
Words: Tuhib = You love, Ettabe' = Follow, Yaghfir = Forgives,
Thonoub = Sins, Kafir = Disbelievers - Ungrateful to Allah.
Q: When will the faces of all humans be humble before Allah?
Note: A true scene from the Day of Judgment.
A: (On the Day of Judgment) And the faces were obliged to be humble* before the Ever-Alive, the All-Disposer of
affairs and he has caused himself to fail (= Khaba) whoever is burdened with injustice (wrongdoing = Dhulm)**.
Translation of: Ayah 111, Surat Taha. (20:111)
* Like in captivity.
** The major injustice according to Allah, is worshipping other than Allah Alone in other words joining a partner with Allah the Creator of
everything. (refer to Surat Luqman)
Note: Remember that only people admitted to Paradise, and only in Paradise they will receive the Best News of
being able to see Allah without a
cover or a partition (many times) as understood from a saying of the Prophet Muhammad. People permanently in Hell will miss this
Supreme Priceless Reward.
Note: Allah's two Names (AlHay AlQayyoum = the Ever-Alive the All-Disposer of affairs) are
also mentioned
in line 255 in Chapter "AlBaqarah" (known as Ayat "AlKursi"). The Prophet Muhammad was
asked (which verse is the greatest in the Qur'an?) The Prophet recited the Verse of "AlKursi". Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, page 433.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: By the One in Whose Hand is my
soul "Ayat AlKursi" has a tongue and two lips praising (Allah) the Holder of the
Absolute Authority (= Malik alMulk) at the leg (= saq) of the Throne (of Allah). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
page 432.
Words: Anat = Were obliged to be humble, Wujouh = Faces, AlHayy = the Ever-Alive, AlQayyoum =
The All-Dispenser of affairs, Khaaba = Has caused himself to fail, Hamla Dhulm = Is burdened with
injustice - wrongdoing.
Q: Why should humans fear Allah?
A: --- (Command to Prophet Muhammad) Say for the Guidance of Allah is THE GUIDANCE and we are
commanded to submit to the God of all people; And you should perform the prayer and protect yourselves by
fearing Him and He is to Whom you are going to be gathered.
Translation of: Ayat 71 - 72, Surat AlAn'am. (6:71-72)
Words: Huda = Guidance, Umirna = We are commanded, Rub = God, Aqeemou =
Perform, Etaqou = Protect yourselves by by fearing Allah - Fear, Tuhsharoun = To be gathered.
Q: Why did Allah send prophets and Holy Books to guide people towards Himself?
A: For upon Us (Allah) is the Guidance; And the Other World and this World
certainly belong* to Us.
Translation of: Ayat 12 - 13, Surat AlLayl.
* The whole world and its dominance belong to Allah. Allah does with it what He wills.
Words: Alayna = Upon Us - Our part, Huda = Guidance, AlAkhirah = The Other World -
The Last World, AlOula = This World - The Former World.
Q: Which other "god" made what Allah did?
A: O people worship your God Who created you and those before you so that you may protect
yourselves (by fearing Allah);
(Allah) Who made the earth spread out for you and the sky raised up and He sent down
from the sky water so He brought out with it (types) of the agricultural produce as sustenance
for you so do not join with Allah equals while you know (it).
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 22, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: U'bodou = Worship, Khalaqum = Created you, Tattaqoun = You protect
yourselves, Ja'ala = Made, Firasha = Spread out, Bina'an =
Raised up, Min Alsthamarat = Of the agricultural produce, Rizqan = As sustenance, Andadan =
Equals, Ta'lamoun = You know.
Q: Why does Allah not like the arrogant people?
Note: Verse 23 in Chapter AlNahl in the Qur'an is translated "--- He does not like the arrogant".
A: And to Him (Allah) belongs the Grandeur (= Arrogance) in the Heavens and the earth and He is the AlMighty*,
the All-Wise*.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:37)
* Note Surat Aljasthiyah, Verse 2 (45: 2) includes the two Attributes of Allah mentioned in (45:37).
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah the Sublime says Sublimity
(Highness = AlAzhamah) is My wrap (bottom part of the clothing = Izar) and Arrogance (Grandeur) =
AlKibriya') is My garment (upper part of the clothing = Rida') and whoever fights me for his right to any of them I will
make him dwell in My Fire. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4 page 245.
Words: Lahu = To Him, AlKibriya' = The Grandeur - The Majesty.
Q: Why should not any king be called the king of kings?
Hint: Because Allah is The Holder of the Supreme Kingdom - not anyone else.
A: For the righteous people are in Gardens (of Paradise) and river(s);
In a seating of Truthfulness (real as promised) with (One) Holder of the Absolute Authority (Kingdom = Maleek)
Omnipotent (of absolute capability).
Translation of: Ayat 54 - 55, Surat AlQamar. (54:54-55)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The most low (humiliating) name
according to Allah is a man called "king of kings". Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, Saying no 1385 page
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Mohammad: Do not call any king "ShahinShah"
(the Persian equivalent to "king of kings") for Allah is The Holder of the Supreme Authority.
Words: Mutaqeen = Righteous people - Those who protect themselves by fearing Allah,
Nahr = River, Maq'ad = Seating - Place, Sidq = Truthfulness, Maleek = Holder of Absolute
Authority (Kingdom), Muqtadir = Omnipotent - All-Capable.
Q: Which god can restore what Allah takes away?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhmmad) tell me if Allah takes away your hearing and your eyesight
and puts a seal on your hearts (no Guidance) which god other than Allah will give you back each (of them) -
see how We (Allah) detail the Miraculous Signs (Lines of the Qur'an) then still they turn away.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlAn'am. (6:46)
Words: Ara'aytum = Tell me, Akhatha = Took away, Same' = Hearing, Abasar
= Vision (plural), Khatama = Sealed up, Undhur = See, Kayfa = How, Thumma = Then still,
Yassdifoun = They turn away.
Q: How does Allah help humans to get out of ignorance and falsehood?
A: He (Allah) is Who sends His Blessings* on you and His angels (ask forgiveness for humans)
so as to bring you out from the depths of darkness (ignorance of Faith and falsehood) into the Light
(of Faith) and He is Most-Merciful** with the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 43, Surat AlAhzab. (33:43)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah says Whoever remembers Me in himself I remember
him in Myself and whoever remembers me in an assembly I remember him in a better Assembly (angels). Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The prophet saw a woman among the captives of war
lifting up a baby and immediately nursing him. So the Prophet said: Do you think this one will cast her son
in the fire
while she is capable of doing that? The Prophet's companions said: No. The Prophet said: By Allah! For Allah
is More Merciful to his servants than this one with her son. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, page
Words: Yussaly = Sends His Blessings, Mala'ikatahu = His angels,
Dhulumat = Depths of darkness, AlNoor = The Light, Raheema = Most-Merciful.
Q: What part of the universe belongs to Allah?
A: The Most-Merciful upon The Throne settled*, To Him belongs
whatever is in the Heavens, whatever is on earth, whatever is between them and whatever is under the soil**.
Translation of: Ayat 5 - 6, Surat Taha.
* Remember that Allah's concepts are Sublime and Higher than humans so do not ponder on how.
** Layers of the earth.
Note: Line 6 in Chapter AlSaaffat in the Qur'an is translated as "For
We decorated the lower Heaven (sky) with the decoration of the stars".
Words: Estawa = Settled - Sat firmly - Established Himself Straight, Taht = Under, Sthara = Soil - Sand.
Q: Why do humans tire themselves looking for the Creator when the answer is easily available?
Hint: The Qur'an and Allah's earlier Holy Scriptures.
A: Allah Who made for you night so as you rest in it and day with light to see indeed Allah is of
Favour on people but most people do not give thanks (to Allah); Such is your God - the Creator of everything - there
is no god but He so to where (other than Allah) you are deluded; In the same manner were deluded those who
were (before you) rejecting as lies the Miraculous Signs of Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 61 - 63, Surat Ghafir (40:61-63).
Words: Layl = Night, LiTaskanou = So as you rest, Nahaar = Day, Mubsira
= With light to see, Fadhl = Favour, Aksthar = Most, La Yashkuroun = Do not give thanks - Are unthankful,
Khaliq = Created, Anna = To where, Kathalika = In the same manner, Yu'fak = Are
deluded, Ayat = Miraculous Signs - Lines of the Qur'an, Yajhadoun = Rejecting as lies
Q: How instant is Allah's Knowledge of what we do?
A: Well to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - He already knows what
you are (now) doing* and the Day they (all) are made to return to Him so He will tell them what they
did and Allah of everything is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat AlNoor.
* And the motive behind your deed.
Words: Lillah = Belongs to Allah, Qad Ya'lam = He already knows, Ma =
What, Antum Alayhi = Your are doing, Yurja'oun = Made to return, Yunabe'uhum =
He will tell them, Amilou = They did.
Q: Why did Allah establish Himself on the Throne?
Hint Think why is Allah called by 99 Attributes. It will give
you a hint why Allah watches our acts.
A: Allah is Who created the Heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days* then He
settled on the Throne ---.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlSajdah. (32:4)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet Muhammad took his hand and
said: Allah created soil on Saturday, mountains on Sunday, trees on Monday, harmful things on Tuesday, light on
Wednesday, and Adam on Friday in the last hour of the day after the afternoon. He created Adam from the different
types of soils (its red, its black, its good, its bad) therefore we have the good and the bad among the
offspring of Adam. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kstheer, volume 3, page 667. Dr. Tareq Suwaidan.in "Stories of the
Prophets peace be upon the" said because of the different types of soil that was initially in the creation of Adam we
humans are of different colours.
Words: Estawa = Settled - Sat firmly - Established Himself straight.
Q: In which melody should humans join Allah's other creatures to keep the harmony of the
existence as Sheikh ElShar'awi noted in his "thoughts on the Qru'anic verses"?
A: Glorify (= sabbeh*) the Name of your God the Supreme**; Who created then He shaped; And Who
determined according to proportion (balance) and guided*** (them); And Who brought out the (green)
pasture ; Then He made it into dark-colored debris.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlA'la.
* Sabbeh = glorify is originally from the word s i b a h a h = swimming. So glorify Allah as if
you are swimming smoothly seeking only the satisfaction of your Creator.
** In every prayer when Muslims put their foreheads on the ground in prostration to Allah they, without
exception, repeat three times: Subhana Rubbi AlA'la = Glory to my God the Supreme.
*** Like the blood system in the body for example.
Note: Remember The seven Heavens, the earth declare Allah's
glory. Also for example the thunder glorifies Allah.
Words: Sabbeh = Glorify - Praise - Deem far above, Consider too
exalted for, Ism = Name, A'la = Supreme, Khalqa = Created, Sawwa =
Shaped, Qaddara = Determined according to proportion - Destined, Hada = Guided, Akhraja
= Brought out, Mar'a = Pasture, Ghustha' = Debris - Scum, Ahwa =
Q: What do you think about the God who does not do you any injustice yet He will double your good deeds?
A: For Allah does not do any injustice even of the weight of a fine particle of dust and if it is
a good deed He doubles it and He gives (free) from Himself a Great Reward*.
* Of doubling the reward of the good saying or action to many times.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: Remember certain sins are punished double if they are not followed by repentance
accepted by Allah.
Words: La Yathlim = Does not do any injustice, Misthqal = The weight of, Tharrah =
Fine particle of dust, Yu'ti = Gives, Ajr = Reward.
Q: Why is the command to fear Allah is mentioned twice in this Line of the Qu'an?
A: O people who have faith protect yourselves by fearing Allah and let
everyone see what he has prepared for Tomorrow and protect yourselves by fearing
Allah for Allah is Well-Acqainted with what you do.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlHashr.
Words: Etaqou = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah, WelTanthur Nafsun =
And let everyone see, Qaddamat = Has prepared, Khabeer = Well-Acquainted.
Q: What was continuously being revealed to the Prophet Muhammad?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhamamd) for it is being revealed to me that indeed your God is
One God so are you Muslims (sbumitting to Allah alone).
Translation of: Ayah 108, Surat AlAnbiya'.
Words: Yuha = Being revealed, Annama = Indeed, Ilahukum = Your
God, Muslimoun = Muslims.
Q: Why can not people do wrong things secretly?
A: For your God is indeed Allah Who there is no god but He - His Knowledge embraces everything.
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat Taha.
Words: La Ilah Illa Howa = There is no god but He - There is no god except
He, Wasia' Kuli shaye'n Ilma = His Knowledge embraces everthing.
Q: Why is it very important to refrain from 1. assigning any attribute to Allah other than what
Allah assigned to Himself and 2. assigning Allah's Attributes to anyone other than Allah?
Note: Allah's First Attributes in Surat (Chapter) AlIkhlas. Allah
is known by 99 attributes.
A: And who can be more of a transgressor (against Allah) than the one who fabricated lies upon Allah - those will be
brought before their God and the witnesses will say (testify) these are who lied upon their God - well Allah's
Curse* is upon the transgressors (against Allah); Those who prevent (by lying upon Allah) from Allah's Path and they want it (
Allah's Path = Religion) crooked and in the other Life they are disbelievers; Those were not going
to make Allah give up (by escaping) on earth
and for them other than Allah there were no allies (awliya') - The
punishment (on Day of Judgment) will be doubled - (in Life) they were incapable of hearing (Allah's
Message) and they were unable to see (Right Guidance); Those are who caused loss to themselves and it
got lost what lies (against Allah) they were fabricating; No wonder in the Other Life they are the biggest
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 22, Surat Hood. (11:18-22)
* Being away from Allah's Mercy.
Words: Eftara Kathiban = Fabricated lies, Yu'radhoun = Will be brought before - Exposed to,
La'nat = Curse, Yassodoun = Prevent, Iwaja = Crooked, Lem Yakounu Mu'jizeen = Were not
going to make Allah give up, Awliya' = Allies - Supporters, Yudha'af = Doubled, AlSame' = Hearing,
Yubsiroun = See, Khasirou = Caused loos - Caused damage, Dhalla = Got lost, La Jarama = No wonder,
AlAkhsaroun = The biggest losers.
Q: Why does Allah specify that there are NOT TWO gods?
A: And Allah said do not take (for worship) two gods rather He (Allah) is One God so Me (Allah Alone)
do hold in awe.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlNahl. (16:51)
Words: La Tatakhithou = Do not take, Ilahayn = Two gods, Innama = Rather,
Ilah = God, Wahid = One, Farhabouni = Do hold Me in awe - Do fear Me.
Q: What does Allah never abandon?
A: And Allah passes judgement with justice* and those (false gods) whom they (disbelievers) call upon other than
Allah cannot judge anything** for Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat Ghafir (40:20).
* Allah is Just and Fair.
* Why cannot they judge anything.
Words: Yaqdhi = Passes judgment, BilHaq = With justice, AlLatheena =
Those, Yadouna = Call upon, Min Dounihi = Other than him, La Yaqdouna = They
cannot judge.
Q: Why is Allah called the God of the Throne?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) if the Most-Merciful (Allah) had a son (= Walad*) then I
(Prophet Muhammad) would have been the first among the worshippers; Glory to the God of the Heavens
and the earth - the God of the Throne** above what they ascribe (to Him); So leave them to indulge in vain talk (nonsense) and play about until they
meet their Day (of Judgement) that they are promised.
Translation of: Ayat 81 - 83, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:81-83)
* Note the Tone in the Qur'an of the notion of associating a son (offspring) with the Creator. (refer
to Surat AlKahf)
** Allah is on His Throne. (refer to Surat AlFurqan)
Words: Awwal AlAabideen = The first among the worshippers, Subhanna =
Glory to - How Far from imperfection, Amma Yassifoun = Above what they ascribe (to
Him) - Above what they attribute, FaTharhum = Leave them, Yakhodhou = Indulge in vain talk - Indulge in nonsense,
Yulaaqou = They meet, Yu'adoun = They are promised.
Q: How is Allah the God of the whole Universe?
A: And He (Allah) is Who in the Heaven is God and on the earth is God and He is the All-Wise,
the All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:84)
Words: Sama' = Heaven, Ilah = God, Ardh = Earth.
Q: What is an attribute of Allah's Throne?
A: So Exalted* is Allah the True King - there is no god except He - the God of
the Holy Throne**.
Translation of: Ayah 116, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* Above what disbelievers attribute to Allah. Line 115
that precedes the line translated in this posting
** Remember Allah is on His Throne. When will Allah
come down from His Throne?
Words: Fata'ala = So exalted is - So Sublime is, AlMalik AlHaq = The
True King, Rubb = God, AlA'rsh = The Throne, AlKareem = The Holy.
Q: Why will Allah give Paradise - an extremely generous reward for those who obey Him?
Note: A true scene from Allah's Day of Judgment (Allah's World of the
A: And they (believers) said Praise to Allah Who removed from us the grief (of
Day of Judgment) for our God is certainly Most-Forgiving, Most-Thankful; (Allah) Who
put us in a permanent dwelling from His Favour - no weariness (fatigue) befalls on us in
it nor does weakness befall on us.
Translation of: Ayat 34 - 35, Surat Fatir.
Words: Athhaba = Removed, AlHazan = Grief, LaGhafoor = Certainly
Most-Forgiving, Shakoor = Most-Thankful, Ahallana = Put us, Dar AlMaqamah = Permanent
Dwelling, Yamassana = Befalls on us, Touches us, Nasab = Weariness - Fatigue, Loghoub = Weakness.
Q: Why does Allah call the sinners to turn in repentance to Him?
A: Allah wants to grant you Forgiveness* and those who follow greedy desires want you
to turn away (from Allah) - turing far away.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlNisa'.
* Remember that Allah forgives all sins (including blasphemy). When a disbeliever in his life
(and not at time of death) sincerely turns to Allah in repentance all his
pre-Islamic sins will be forgiven. The Prophet Muhammad said: Islam
throws away what sins were committed before (= AlIslam yajubu ma Qabluhu).
Note: There are clear punishment methods for some crimes in Islam such as stealing,
committing adultry and killing. Please refer to top Islamic Authorities to find out if blasphemy in Islam falls in the
category of sins that if repented for Allah forgives them or it is a punishable sin like stealing for example.
Words: Yureed = Wants, Yatoub = Grants you Forgiveness - Forgives,
Yattabioun AlShahawat = They follow greedy desires, Tameelou = Turn away, Maylan
Atheeman = Far turning away.
Q: How is Allah's Mercy preceded Allah's Wrath?
A: So if they (disbelievers) rejected you (Prophet Muhammad) as a
liar then say your God is of all-embracing Mercy and His Might cannot be
averted from the sinners.
Translation of: Ayah 147, Surat AlAn'am. (6:147)
Words: Kaththabouka = They rejected you as a liar, Wasi'ah =
All-embracing - Abdundant, Yurad = Be averted - Be avoided, AlQawm AlMujrimeen = The sinners -
The sinning people - The criminals.
Q: How do you become on Allah's Straight Path which is One and it leads straight to Paradise?
A: And those who strived for us (to please Allah) We (Allah) will certainly
guide them to Our Ways* and Allah is indeed with those who
perfect** their Religion.
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:69)
* Ways of worshipping Allah which lead to Paradise. Allah made the ways clear to His Prophets such as: Prayer,
Fasting, Calling on Allah...etc. (refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
** (= AlMuhsineen) from 'AlIhsan' = (strong believing and doing righteous deeds). (refer to the Note under Surat AlImran)
Words: Jahadou = They strived - They exerted great effort - They did hard work, Subulana = Our Ways - Our Paths.
Q: What summarizes Allah's Power over every human?
A: He (Allah) is Who gives life and makes dead
and to Him (Allah) you (all) will return (for Judgment).
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat Yunus. (10:56)
Words: Yuhye = Gives life, Yumeet = Makes dead, Turja'oun = You will
Q: What Word will Allah say to the dwellers of Paradise?
A: Peace (= Salam) - As uttered by Most-Merciful God.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat YaSeen. (36:58)
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an) said by the Prophet Muhammad: (a true scene from
the Hereafter) While the people of
Paradise were enjoying their affluence a light shone upon them so they raised their heads and suddenly
God was in the scope of their view and He said: Peace be upon you - People of Paradise. So He looks at them
and they look at Him and they do not turn their eyes towards anything else of the affluence as long as they
are looking at Him until He becomes out of their scope of view. And His Light and Blessing remain upon them
in their dwellings. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, pages 324 - 325.
Words: Qawlan = As uttered, Rubb = God, Raheem = Most-Merciful.
Q: Why is it better for everyone of us to settle accounts* with ourselves and with other humans before
the Day of Judgment?
A: Indeed upon Us (Allah) is their return (on the Day of Judgement); Then indeed upon Us is the settlement of
their accounts.
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 26, Surat AlGhashiyah, (88:25-26).
* Settle accounts among yourselves before your accounts are settled (by Allah) (= Hasibou Qabla en Tuhasabou), an Islamic saying reminded us by Sheikh Mufti
Nazim Mangera in the Youth Tarbiyah Conference held at the Islamic Foundation of Toronto on June 26, 2011.
Words: Iyabahum = Their return, Hisabahum = The settlement of their
Q: Why do the believers put their trust in Allah Alone?
A: Allah there is no god except He and in Allah let the believers put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlTaghabun.
Words: FelYawakkal = Let them put their trust, Let them depend.
Q: What motivates the believers to put their trust in Allah Alone?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) put your trust in Allah and enough is Allah for
a Disposer of affairs.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlAhzab. (33:43)
Words: Kafa = Enough, Wakeela = Disposer of affairs.
Q: Why no human should be called "holy = Qiddees" or "holiness = qoddous or qaddasat" with the meaning of "perfect in goodness and
A: Whatever is in the Heavens and on earth glorifies** Allah the Master, the
All-Holy, the AlMighty, the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlJumuah.
* Exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness.
(Source: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary).
** Glorifying Allah (= Tasbeeh Allah) is holding Him High Above any fault or shortcoming.
Note: Being holy or Holiness also means the intentions are pure. In a summary of a well known
saying of the Prophet Muhammad: "Really actions are (measured)
by the intentions (behind them). And every person earns what he intended." Allah
the All-Holy Alone knows the real intentions behind the actions.
Note: Land, books, sayings and other things can be called holy
= Devoted entirely to God or to the Work of God.
Words: Yusabih = Glorify - Holds High above any shortcoming, AlQoddous = The
All-Holy - All-Pure Who is above any fault or shortcoming.
Q: Why is it easy for Allah to hear and see everyone of us?
A: Nor your (all) creation neither your (all) resurrection
(on the Day of Judgment) is except as one soul ineed Allah is All-Hearing* All-Seeing*.
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat Luqman. (31:28)
* It is easy for Allah the Omnipotent to hear and see all of us as if we all are one soul to Allah.
Note: Remember Allah's Word of Command. (refer to Surat AlNahl)
Words: Ma Khalqukum = Nor your (all) creation, La Basthukum = Neither your
resurrection, Kanafs = As soul, Wahidah = One, Samee' = All-Hearing, Basseer = All-Seeing,
Q: Why also should Allah Alone be worshipped and whatever is worshipped other than Allah should
be renounced?
A: For the reason that Allah is the Ultimate Truth (Reality) and whatever they call upon other than Him
is Falsehood* and that Allah is He (Alone) - the Most-Elevated the Most-Great.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlHajj. (22:62)
* The emphatic construction calls attention to the fact that Allah is the only abiding Reality. alla else is like shadows that will
pass away. Source: The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
page 969.
Words: Thalika = On the reason that - On the grounds - Because, AlHaqq = The Ultimate Truth, Ma = Whatever, Yad'oun = They call
upon, AlBattil = Falsehood, Howa = He - The One, AlAly = The Most-Elevated, AlKabeer = The Most-Great.
Q: If Allah's Attribute is Most-Forgiving so what is expected from the believers?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) ask Allah for forgiveness for Allah is Most-Forgiving,
Translation of: Ayah 106, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Estaghfir = Ask forgiveness, Gahfouran = Most-Merciful.
Q: What three attributes a Muslim must avoid calling with Allah?
A: And say (command to Prophet Muhammad) praise to Allah Who had not taken a son neither
was there a partner with Him in the Absolute Authority (Allah's Kingdom) nor is there with him a helper
(= weli)* pertaining out of humiliation** - and do proclaim His due exaltation.
Translation of: Ayah 111, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel).
* Weli (singular), Awliya' (plural) in Islam means allies and being righteous people. Yet many Muslims ignorantly
consider awliya' as helpers/protectors/supporters with Allah. They pray to
them to intercede with Allah or they pray to Allah to help them through such 'awliya'.
** According to "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer", volume 3, page 101: People of the Book say
Allah has taken a son.
Polytheists of Pre-Islamic Arabia said: Here we are
(Labbayka) - there is no partner with You (Allah) except a partner is Yours - You
own him and what he owns.
And the Sabians (= AlSabi'ah) and the followers of Magianism
(= AlMajoos) said: Was it not for the helper (protectors) of Allah He would have been
humiliated (harmed).
Words: AlHamdu Lillah = Praise to Allah - Thanks to Allah, Lem Yatakhith =
He had not taken, Walada = A son - An offspring, Shareek = Partner, Weli = Helper - Protector - Supporter - Heir,
AlThul = Humiliation - Submissiveness - Weakness, Kabbirhu Takbeera = Do proclaim His due exaltation.
Q: Let alone the others, what would have happened to Prophet Muhammad if the Prophet
joined a partner with Allah?
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not call with Allah another god lest you be from
the punished ones.
Translation of: Ayah 213, Surat AlShuara'.
Words: FaLa Tadou = So do not call - So do not invoke, Ilahan = God, Akhar =
Another, FaTakouna = Lest you be, AlMuaththabeen = The punished ones.
Q: Who has Allah as their Guardian?
Note: Line 10 in Surat Muhammad that precedes the Line translated here.
A: That (Allah's punishment) is because Allah is the Guardian of those who believed and that the
disbelievers - there is no guardian for them.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat Muhammad (Known also as Surat AlQital).
Words: Thalika = That is, Mawla = Guardian.
Q: Why does Allah have the Right to do anything?
A: Did you not know that Allah has the Absolute Authority of the Heavens and the earth
(Universe) and there is not for you other than Him any helper (= weli) or supporter (= naseer).
Translation of: Ayah 107, Surat AlBaqarah.
Words: Alem T'alam = Did you not know, Mulk = Absolute Authority, Min Doun
= Other than, Weli = Helper - Protector - Guardian, Naseer = Supporter.
Q: How is Allah's Absolute Authority shown in His control of the commands in the Qur'an?
Note: Line 107 in Surat AlBaqarah is translated above this posting.
A: We (Allah) do not invalidate* a verse (line) or We omit** it (except) We bring about a better (verse) one
than it or a similar to it (in command)*** - did you not know that Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 106, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Some commands contained in some verses of the Qur'an were made invalid (= Mansoukhah)
and were replaced by other commands in other verses. For example the command of
consuming alcohol.
** For example some commands that came earlier in Allah's Holy Books were omitted (made oblivious) in
the Qur'an as a gesture of Mercy from Allah and because of the interactivity of the Qur'an since the need of people
changed. An example.
*** According to the need of the general community because the Qur'an is an interactive text. Remember the Qur'an
was completed by Allah for all people and it is the seal of Allah's Holy Books.
Words: Nansakh = Make invalid; Nunsiha = Omit - Remove, Na'ti = We bring
about, BiKhayr Minha = Better one than it.
Q: Which part of Allah's Kingdom anyone else every claimed or can claim?
A: And Self-Blessed is He (Allah) to Whom is the Absolute Authority (Kingdom) of the
Heavens and the earth and what is between them and He has the knowledge of the Hour (Day of
Judgment) and to Him you (all) will return.
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:85)
Words: Tabaraka = Self-Blessed - Lord of blessings, Mulk = Absolute Athority - Absolute Supremacy - Kingdom,
Baynahuma = Between them, Indahu = He has, Ilm = Knowledge, AlSaa'ah, Turja'oun =
You will turn.
Q: Why do many Muslims nowadays follow the pillars* of Islam yet they do not follow
the morality of Islam so they lie, accept bribery, do not command the good and they do not forbid the bad ...etc?
* 1. Testimony of Faith (Witness there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger) 2.
Prayer (5 times/day) 3. Prescribed charity (= Zakat) 4. Fast (month of Ramadhan) 5.
Pilgrimage (to Mecca to the capable physically and financially).
A: And whoever obeys Allah and his messenger and fears* Allah and protects**
himself (against Allah's Wrath) by fearing Allah then those are the winners.
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlNoor.
* In a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Fear Allah because if you cannot
see Him (Allah) He is seeing you.
* By word and acts.
Words: Yute' = Obeys, Yakhsha = Fears, Yattaqeh = Protects himself by fearing
Q: When do believers thank Allah and praise Him?
A: Praise be to Allah* (in this Life) to Whom belongs whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is
on earth and to Him belongs the Praise in the Other Life and He is the All-Wise the
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat Saba'. (34:1)
* Giving thanks to Allah.
Words: AlHamdu Lillah = Praise be to Allah - Giving thanks to Allah, AlAkhirah =
The Other Life, AlHakeem = The All-Wise, AlKhabeer = The All-Expert.
Q: Why Allah's Promise of Paradise has to come true?
A: And those who believed and did the righteous deeds - We (Allah) will admit them in
Gardens underneath which the rivers flow remaining for eternity - forever in
them - the Promise of Allah has to be fulfilled and who is more truthful than Allah is
Translation of: Ayah 122, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Amilou = Did, AlSalihat = Righteous deeds, SaNudkhiluhum = We will
admit them, Jannat = Gardens, Tajri = Flows, AlAnhar = The rivers, Abada = Forever, Wa'd = Promise,
Haqqan = Has to be fulfilled - Truthful, Asdaq = More truthful, Qeela = Speech.
Q: Why the argument of many gods specializing in different aspects is refuted in front of the argument
of Allah - the One and Only God?
A: Whatever Mercy (Favour) Allah bestows on people then there is none to hold it
back and whatever (Mercy) He holds back then there is no sender of it other than Him and
He is the AlMighty the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat Fatir.
Words: Yafteh = Bestows, Rahmah = Mercy - Favour, La Mumsik = None to
hold it back, Yumsik = Holds back, La Mursil = No sender, Min Ba'dihi =
Other than Him.
Q: To worship a god other than Allah what should such god be capable of?
A: O people remember the favour of Allah upon you - is there any creator other than
Allah to provide you with sustenance from the Heaven* and the earth - there is no god except He so
to where they are falsely turning (to worship).
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat Fatir.
* Rain revives the land.
Words: YaAyuha AlNas = O people, Uthkurou = Remember, Ni'mat = Favour -
Mercy, Khaliq = Creator, Yarzuqukum = Provides you with sustenance, FaAnna = To where -
In what way, Tu'fakoun = You are falsely turning - You are deluded.
Q: Why should we not call a person who commits sins a "sinner doomed to Hell"?
A: And it will not happen what you want except when Allah wills for Allah is
All-Knowing All-Wise; He admits whomever He wills in His Mercy and the
transgressors (against Allah) He (Allah) had prepared for them a severe punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 31, Surat AlInsan.
Note: Allah is The Judge. Maybe the sinner repents and Allah forgives him. In a summary
of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Whoever calls a man a disbeliever or 'enemy of Allah' and the man is
not as he said, his words will come back on him (he becomes the disbeliever). Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen
Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, page 473.
Words: Ma Tasha'ouna = It will not happen what you want; Yasha' = Wills, Yudkhil = He admits, Rahmatihi = His Mercy, AlDhalimeen = The transgressors - The unjust, A'adda =
He had prepared, Aleema = Severe, Painful.
Q: Why do all creatures glorify Allah willingly or unwillingly*?
* Through their obedience and submission to Allah's Fate.
A: Whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is on earth glorifies** Allah - to Him belongs
the Absolute Authority (Kingdom) and to Him belongs the Praise - and He is upon everything
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlTaghabun.
** Holds Allah High above any shortcoming or anything that does not suit His
Words: Yusabbih = Glorifies, Ma = Whatever, AlMulk = Absolute Athority - Kingdom, AlHamd = Praise, Qadeer
= Capable.
Q: Where does the Violation of the First Covenant with Allah lead to?
Note: A true scene from the coming Day of Judgement yet to come.
A: And the companions of the Left-Hand* - who are the companions of the Left-Hand; In
hot blowing wind (of Hell called AlSamoum) and (to drink) very hot water; And a shade of black
smoke**; No cold drink neither hospitable food; For they were before that (in Life) living in
ease and luxury; And they were insisting upon the Grave (Major) Violation (of Allah's First Covenant =
AlHinsth AlAdheem)***.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 46, Surat AlWaqiah.
* .
** Remember that Hell is a living place. Hell has what is called a shade.
*** 'AlHinsth AlAdheem' refers to 1. disbelieving 2. joining a partner with Allah.
Man had agreed to Allah's First Covenant (no god but Allah)
Words: Asshab = Companions, AlShimal = The Left Side, Samoum =
Hot blowing wind, Hameem = Very hot water, Dhil = Shade, Yahmoum = Black smoke,
Barid = Cold drink, Kareem = Hospitable food, Mutrifeen = = Living in ease and
luxury, Kanou yusirroun = They were insisting, AlHinsth = Violation of
an oath or a contract - Oath Breaking, AlAdheem = Grave - Major.
Q: Can one claim that he does not believe in Allah and in His Beam of Religion (Christianity) but he
believes in Jesus Christ for Jesus is a god in his eyes? What is Allah's Answer?
Note: Note Allah's Tone of Wrath.
A: For they have disbelieved those who said that Allah is the Messiah*
(Christ) son of
Mary (= Maryam) say (command to Prophet Muhammad) then who has any
power against Allah if He wanted to destroy the Messiah (Christ) son of Mary and his
mother and those on the earth - all of them and to Allah belongs the Absolute
Authority (Kingdom) of the Heavens and the earth and what is between them - He
creates** whatever He wills and Allah upon everything is Most-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlMa'idah.
* = The line means he does not believe that Allah exists and he makes the Messiah his god.
Note how Allah in one line (verse) of the Qur'an refers to the Messiah as
son of Mary.
** Note creates = 'yakhluq' is in the present tense.
Note: A spoken word artist in this context on Youtube.com
And a Muslim spoken word artist in this context on Youtube.com
Words: Kafara = Disbelieved - Became ungrateful to Allah, Qalou = Said,
AlMaseeh = The Messiah - Christ Jesus peace be upon him, Yamlik Min Allah Shayan = Has any
power against Allah, Arada = He wanted, Yuhlik = Destroy - Annihilate, Ummuhu = His
mother, Men Fi AlArdh = Those on the earth, Jameean = All of them, Mulk = Absolute
Authority, Yakhluqu = He creates - he brings into creation, Ma Yasha' = What He wills,
Kuli Shaye' = Upon everything.
Q: Was the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him sent to be a promoter of love for Allah?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) warn through
it (the Qur'an) those (among humans) who fear to be gathered towards their
God - for them other than Him there is no helper (= weli) or an intercessor* so that
they may protect themselves by fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlAn'am. (6:51)
* No intercessor without Allah's Permission.
Note: What is the job description of all of Allah's messengers?
Words: Anthir = Warn, Yakhafoun, Who fear, Yuhsharou = Be gathered, Ila
Rubbihim = Towards their God, Min Dounihi = Other than Him, Weli = Helper - Protector,
Shafee' = Intercessor, Yattaqoun = They may protect themselves by fearing (Allah).
Q: When it comes to Muslims talking about Allah what should they avoid?
Hint: Argument about the Essence of Allah (Thatu Allah). Remember that Muslims know that
Allah is the One (AlWahid) and the Alone (AlAhad) God.
A: And from people* (= mina Alnas) who argues about Allah without knowledge (given by Allah) nor
Right Guidance (from Allah's Prophets) and without an illuminating Book (Allah's Scripture).
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlHajj. (22:8)
* Can be a disbeliever or a believer.
Words: Mina AlNas = From people, Yujadilu = Argues - Disputes, Bighayri Ilm =
Without knowledge, Huda = Right Guidance, Kitab = Book, Muneer = Illuminating - Showing the
When will the interpretation (= ta'weel) of everything that is in the Qur'an be clear to everyone?
Note: Refer to Ayah 52 in Surat AlA'raf that precedes the line
translated here.
A: Are they waiting only for its (Qur'an's) interpretation (= ta'weelahu) to come true - the Day (of Judgement) its
interpretation (= ta'weeluhu) comes true those who forgot it will say the messengers of our God came with the Truth so
are there for us any intercessors (with Allah) so as to intercede for us or can we be sent back (to Life) so
as to do other than what we were doing - (Allah says) they have made themselves at a loss and away went from
them what they were fabricating as lies.
Translation of: Ayah 53, Surat AlA'raf.
Note: Who only can interpret what is hidden (= ta'weel) in the lines of the Qur'an?
Please refer to Ayah 7 in Surat AlImran in the Qur'an for the answer.
Note: Remember the Other Life will have a lot from the 'World of the Unseen' as the Prophet Muhammad mentioned: What an
eye has not seen, and what an ear has not heard and what one has never thought of.
Words: He = Are they, Yandhoroun = Waiting, Ta'weelahu = Its interpretation,
Nasawhu = They forgot it, Shufa'aa = Intercessors - Mediators, Khasirou Anfusahum = They
made themselves at a loss, Yaftaroun = Fabricating as lies.
Q: Why arrogance in one's opinion about Allah can lead to punishment from Allah?
Note: Remember that Ayah 8 in Surat AlHajj is translated: "And from people
(a believer or a disbeliever = mina Alnas) who argues about Allah without knowledge (given by Allah) nor
Right Guidance (from Allah's Prophets) and without an illuminating Book (Allah's Scripture).
A: Arrogantly turning his back* to lead away from Allah's Path - for him in
this Life is humiliation and
We (Allah) will make him experience on the Day of Judgement the suffering of the burning (of Fire).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlHajj.
* A sign of arrogance.
Words: Sthani Itafahu = Arrogantly turning his back, LiYudhil = To
mislead, AlDunya = In this life, Khizye = Humiliation, Nutheequhu = We will make him experience,
Athab = Suffering - Punishment, AlHareeq = The burning.
Q: Who taught Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) "Ta'weel Al-ahadeesth" to uncover the hidden meanings of
narratives (dreams)?
A: And the one who bought him (Prophet Yusuf) from Egypt said to his wife make his staying place
honorable perhaps he benefits us or we may adopt him as a son and thus We (Allah) made Yusuf settle in
the land And so that We (Allah) teach him from the interpretation (= ta'weel) of narratives
(dreams) - And Allah is Pre-Dominant (= Ghalib) over His Command* but most people do not realize.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat Yusuf. (12:21)
* Allah's Command has to be fulfilled.
Note: Remember the Parable Allah sets for Himself about Light upon
Light (Ayah 35 in Surat AlNoor in the Qur'an).
Note: Here is some excerpts from 'no god but God' by Reza Aslan, page 184 - 187 in reference to "al-Ta'weel": The
primacy of ta'wil in shi'ism had great advantages for the early Shi'ah, who were eager to link themselves with
the Prophet Muhammad by uncovering scriptural references that would justify their distinctive beliefs and
practices... "the Verse of Light" (Ayah 35 in Surat AlNoor in the Qur'an)... According to the sixth Imam, Ja'far as-Sadiq, these exquisitely
wrought lines conceal a message from God to the Shi'ah. God's light, Ja'far claimed, is actually Muhammad;
its containment in the glass, a reference to the prophetic knowledge that he passed on to Imam Ali (the Prophet's
cousin and his daughter's husband may Allah be pleased with them) who (Ali) "is neither a Jew (of the East) nor a
Christian (of the West)." And just as the sacred oil glows without being touched by fire, so divine knowledge issues
from the mouth of the Imam, "even if Muhammad had not spoken it." "Light upon Light!" exclaims the Quran. "Imam to
Imam!" replied Ja'far. (Note: on page 184 from the mentioned book): In Sunni Islam the imam is merely the person who
stands at the head of the mosque and leads the congregation in prayer. (It is the same for the Shi'ah). But the
Shi'ah also recognize a "fixed" number of Imams... who as the Prophet's legitimate successors, bear the responsibility
of guarding and preserving Muhammad's divine message... the imam (according to the Shi'ah) is endowed with the
living spirit of the Prophet... The Prophet 'transmits' the Message of God while the Imam (according to the Shi'ah)
'being the eternal guardian of the Revelation (page 185) 'translates' it...To the Shi'ah "There is no god but God,
Muhammad is God's Messenger and Ali is God's Executor (wali)... Consequently the Shi'ah developed the view that the
Imams were created not from dust, as other humans were, but from eternal light... To the Shi'ah the First Imam was
Ali followed by his sons Hasan and Husayn respectively. The fourth Imam was 'Ali the son of Husayn' known as
Zayn Al-Abadin, was succeeded by his son Muhammad al-Baqir... (Names of more Imams in the book).
Words: Esthtarahu = He bought him, LiImr'atihi = To his wife, Akrimi Masthwahu =
Make his staying place honorable, Yanfa'ana = Benefits us, Nattakhithahu Walada = We adopt him as
a son, Makkanna = We made settle, LiNualimmuhu = So that We (Allah) teach him, Ta'weel =
Interpretation, AlAhadeesth = Narratives - Dreams, Ghalib = Pre-Dominant, Amrihi = His Command,
Aksthar = Most of, Ya'lamoun = Realize.
Q: Why should Muslims' praise be dedicated to Allah?
A: And He is Allah - there is no god but He - to Him belongs the
Praise in this Life and the Other Life - and His is the Ruling (Judgement)* - and to Him you (all) will return.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlQasas.
* Remember no reviewer to Allah's Rule.
Note: Here is an excerpt about 'there is no god but God' from the book with the same title by
Reza Aslan, pages 246-247: Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was influenced by Shah Wali
Allah's puritanical ideology. In
Basra (Iraq) he experienced for himself the rich diversity of Shi'ism and Sufism in all its local variations that his
anger at what he considered the adulteration of Islam transformed into a fanatical obsession to strip Islam of its
"superstitious innovations" and restore it to its original Arab purity. He started promoting his
radical sect of Islam called "Wahhabism". But its adherents prefer to be called "Muwahiddoun (= Unitarians)...By
"there is no god but God' a Unitarian means that God must be the sole object of religious devotion; any
act of devotion, any act of worship that involves any other entity whatsoever is considered 'shirk'
(= joining a partner with Allah). To Abd al-Wahhab this included the veneration of Pirs (spiritual leaders
of Sufism), the intercession of
of the Imams, the commemoration of most religious holidays, and all devotional acts that centered on the Prophet
Muhammad...Abd al-Wahhab called for a return to the unadlterated Muslim community established by Prophet
Muhammad in Arabia...Wahhabism had two distinct advantages that would guarantee its place as the most important
sectarian movement in Islam...First it emerged in the sacred lands of the Arabian Peninsula, where it could
lay claim to a powerful legacy of religious revivalism. Second it had its patron (supporter) Muhammad ibn
Saud (founder of the Saudi Dynasty).
Words: La = There is no, Ilaha = god, AlHamd = Praise, AlUla = This
Life, AlAkhirah = The Other Life, AlHukm = Ruling - Judgement, Turja'oun = You will be returned.
Q: Why Allah Alone is Who gives life and Who makes dead?
A: To Him (Allah) belongs the Absolute Authority of the Heavens and the earth - He gives life and
makes dead and He is upon everything Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlHadeed.
Note; Jesus (Prophet Issa) peace be upon him could raise up the dead with permission from
Second Note: Please be aware that as a test Allah can allow whoever He wants to raise up
the dead. The Prophet Muhammad warned in a saying about
the anti-Christ (= AlMasseeh AlDajjal) who will come at the end of time: He will call a young man and he
will cut him with his sword into two parts. Then he will call him and the man will walk towards him laughing. (The
Prophet earlier said:The Anti-Christ is a young man, one-eyed (disfigured in the second eye. The Prophet mentioned
it is like a circling grape). So read the beginning of Surat AlKahf to avoid him. (And try to run away to the
mountains from his path, as explained in a detailed version of the saying). The Anti-Christ will order the
sky and it will rain, and the earth and the plant will grow. He will ask people to follow him but they refuse.
So they will wake up without their wealth. And he will pass by the bare land and order it to bring forth its
treasures and they come out. And under such conditions, Jesus
(Prophet Issa) peace be upon him will come down towards the East of Damascus (Syria), putting his hands on
two angels' wings. And he will follow the Anti-Christ and kills him at 'Bab Lud'. Source: Riyadh
AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in Arabic, page 493.
Words: Mulk = Absolute Authority - Dominance - Kingdom, Yuhye = Gives life, Yumeet = Makes dead,
Qadeer = Capable.
Q: What is the condition for Muslims to win chambers in Paradise?
Note: It is understood that chambers are reserved places in Paradise.
A: So is the one on whom the punishment Word (of Allah) has been pre-decreed* - so you (Prophet Muhammad)
are going to save who is in Hell (Not possible); Yet those (Muslims) who protected themselves by fearing their
God (in life) - for them are chambers above which are (other) built chambers - beneath which the
rivers flow - (certainly this is) Allah's Promise - Allah does not fail the Promise.
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 20 , Surat AlZumar. (39:19-20)
* If a person is pre-decreed by Allah to die being a disbeliever and thus receives Allah's punishment, the
Prophet Muhammad cannot change it.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The people of Paradise will certainly
keep on looking at the people of the chambers above them exactly as you (Muslims) keep on looking at the far-away twinkling star in the
horizon from the east or the west for the rivalry of precedence among them (which one is better). They said:
O Messenger of Allah - those should be the houses of the messengers - no one will reach (this rank) except
them. He said: Yes by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, men had Faith in Allah and they believed the messengers.
Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in Arabic, page 520.
Words: Haqqa = Was pre-decreed, Kalimat = Word, AlAthab = Punishment, Tunqith =
Are going to save, Etaqqou Rubbuhum = Who protected themselves by fearing their God, Ghuraf = Chambers,
Min Fawqiha = Above which, Mabniyah = Built, Wa'da = Promise, La Yukhlif = Does not fail,
AlMeead = The Promise.
Q: How does Allah help those Muslims who mend themselves and start fearing Allah?
A: O those who believed if you protect yourselves by fearing Allah He will grant you
a criterion (= Furqan) to differentiate right from wrong and
He will make amends (remove) for your sins and He will forgive* you
and Allah is the Owner of Superb Favour (= AlFadhl AlAdheem).
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlAnfal. (8:29)
* Sins will be removed from the records and they will be forgiven (not mentioned in front of people) on
the Day of Judgement. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 2, Page 443.
Words: Tattaqou Allah = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah - Be God fearing, Yaj'al = He will grant you, Furqan = Criterion, Yukaffir = Removes,
Say'eatikum = Your sins - Your bad deeds - Your wrongdoing, Yaghfir = Forgives, Thou AlFadhl AlAdheem =
Is The Owner of Superb Favour - Great Graciousness.
Q: What can emotionally move a disbeliever to believe in Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to whom belongs whatever is in the Heavens and
the earth - say to Allah - He (Allah) had dictated upon Himself Mercy* - certainly He
will be gathering you to the Day of Judgement no doubt in it - those who
have caused themselves to lose so they do not believe.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlAn'am. (6:12)
* Note that Allah's Mercy will follow us in the Other World.
In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): (a true
scene from the Day of Judgement) Two men
who were admitted to Hell (on the Day of Judgement) were wailing (loud mournful crying). Allah commanded to get them out.
When they were out Allah asked them: What made you wail? They said: We did that so that You become
Merciful upon us. Allah said: My Mercy to you is that you go and you cast yourselves in the same place of
Fire you were in. They went and one of them threw himself so Allah made the Fire cool and peaceful for him. But the
other one did not cast himself. Allah will ask him: What made you not cast yourself like your companion? The
man said: O God I do hope that You do not return me to it after You took me out. So Allah will say to him:
Your hope is fulfilled. So both of them will be transferred to Paradise with Allah's Mercy. Source:
AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 194.
Words: Kataba = Had dictated, AlRahmah = Mercy, La Rayba Feehi = There is
no doubt, Khasirou Anfusahum = Have caused themselves to lose, La Yo'minoun = They do not
Q: Why does Allah not differentiate between believers or disbelievers when it comes to distribution of wealth for
A: Allah is Most-Kind* towards His (believing/disbelieving) servants - He provides sustenance to whomever He
wills and He is The Omnipotent The AlMighty.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlShoura.
* Also this world is worth nothing to Allah.
Words: Lateef = Most-Kind, BiIbadihi = Towards His servants - Towards His people,
Yarzuqu = Provides sustenance - Provides provisions of life.
Q: What two Attributes of Allah indicate that Allah can easily re-create man after death?
A: Indeed it is your (Prophet Muhammad) God Who is the Powerful-Creator, the
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat AlHijr. (15:86)
Note: Which is more difficult to create: The Universe or man?
Words: Rubbaka = Your God, AlKhallaq = The Powerful-Creator, AlAleem = The
Q: What facts should we bear in mind about why Allah Alone is Worthy to be worshipped and Implored (called or prayed for earnestly i.e. =
Ya Allah)?
A: Indeed your God is Allah Who created the Heavens and the earth in six days* then He
settled on the Throne - He regulates the command of affairs - there is no INTERCESSOR (on the Day of Judgement) except
after His permission - That is your God** so do WORSHIP Him - will you not then bear it in mind.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat Yunus. (10:3)
* In human time what is Allah's day equal to? (refer to Surat AlHajj)
** In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by Angel Gabriel, and narrated by Prophet Muhammad): Satan
comes to one of you saying: Who created this and this...etc., until he says to him: Who created your
God. So if man reaches this he should seek refuge with Allah from Satan (and busies himself with another
thought). Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 43.
Note: Remember Surat "AlIkhlas = Purity of Faith".
Words: Rubbakum = Your God, Khalaqa = Created, Sittat = Six, Ayam =
Days, Estawa = Settled - Sat firmly - Established Himself straight, Yudabbir = Regulates -
Manages, AlAmr = The command of affairs - The business, Shafee' = Intercessor - Intervenor, Min Ba'di Ithnihi = After His
permission, Thalikum = That is - Such is - This is, AfaLa = Will you not then, Tathakkaroun = Bear it in
mind - Remember.
Q: How is Allah Sublime in His Knowledge of everything?
A: Indeed Allah knows the Unseen* of the Heavens and the earth and
Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlHujurat.
* The Unseen (hidden from us) of the present, the past or the future.
Words: Ya'lam = Knows, Ghayb = The Unseen - The Hidden, Baeer = All-Seeing -
Q: What is an example of a BLASPHEMOUS act against Allah?
A: And they (disbelievers of Pre-Islamic Arabia) assigned to Him (Allah) from His
servants a share (in worship)* indeed man
is for sure clearly too much ungrateful; Or (reason they worship goddesses) had He (Allah) taken (for Himself) from what
He creates daughters and favoured you with sons.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:15-16)
* Some angels as 'Female goddesses'. Remember all angels are males only (refer to Surat AlZukhruf) (they are created with Allah's Word 'Be').
The renowned translator of the Qur'an 'Abdullah Yusuf Ali' mentions: To imagine assigning goddesses (female gods) or
mothers or daughters to Allah was particularly blasphemous in the mouths of people (pre-Islamic
Arabia) who held the female sex in contempt. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, based on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 1499.
Note: Who is going to judge blasphemous
persons? (Those who ridicule Scripture in any form will all be called to account for their
insolence by Allah on the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlHijr) Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, based on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 728.
Note: Why is it a blasphemous act to worship anyone with Allah (type of disbeliever) or without Allah (another type of disbeliever)?
Words: Min Ibadihi = From His servants, Juza = A share, Kafoor Mubeen = Clearly too
much ungrateful, Em = Or, Etakhatha = Had taken, Yakhluq = He creates, Banat = Daughters, Asfakum =
Favoured you, Baneen = Sons.
Q: From history who are known to become sad at the news of a new born female instead of a male one? (an irony
worshipping females and holding their own females in contempt)?
Note: The preceding Lines 15-16 are translated above.
A: And when one of them (disbelievers of Pre-Islamic Arabia) is given the news of what he set as an
example* of the Most-Merciful his (the man's) face remains blackened (out of humiliation) and he is silent concealing his emotion (anger).
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlZukhruf.
* Assigning female goddesses to Allah.
Words: Bushshira = Is given the news, Dharaba Masthalan = Set an example, Dhalla Wajhuhu
= His face remains, Muswaddan = Blackened - Darkened, Kazheem = Silent concealing his emotion (anger).
Q: What is the true reason behind why do influential disbelievers assign female goddesses to Allah?
Note: Line 16 in Surat AlZukhruf is translated above as "Or (why they worship goddesses) had He (Allah) taken (for Himself) from what
He creates daughters and favoured you with sons.
A: Or is the one not who is brought up among (gold or silver) ornaments* and in the dispute
(about goddesses) he cannot provide proof.
Translation of: Ayah l8, Surat AlZukhruf.
* Leading a luxurious feminine-like life. Leaders of disbelievers who assign goddesses to Allah
are the wealthy influential persons who live in luxury and argue about Allah.
Note: Translation of the succeeding Line 19 in Surat AlZukhruf.
Words: Awa Men = Is the one not, Yunsha' = Is brought up, Fi AlHilyah =
Among ornaments - Wearing ornaments, AlKhisam = Dispute, Ghayru Mubeen = Cannot provide proof - Is not
Q: Where would you turn to to answer questions, about the creation, that boggle the human mind?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line (Verse or 'Ayah') 31 in Surat Yunus.
A: Then that is Allah - your True God and what is beyond Truth except straying away
(= alDhalal) so to where you are turning (Tusrafoun).
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat Yunus. (10:32)
Words: FaThalikum = Then that is, AHaqq = The True - Truth, Rubbukum = Your God,
AlDhalal = Straying away - Being in error, Anna Tusrafoun = To where you are turning.
Q: If one worships any partner with Allah or other than Allah what should the worshipped be capable of?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) is any of your partners (with Allah) who originates the
creation then he will re-do it (on the Day of Judgement) - say Allah originates the creation and He
will re-do it (on the Day of Judgement) so to which falsehood (untruth) you are being deluded (to worship).
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat Yunus.
Note: Forms of worship other than Allah.
Remember reproducing man before the resurrection will be easy for Allah.
Words: Shurakaa'ikum = Your partners, Yabdau' = Originates - Begins, AlKhalq = The creation,
Yu'eeduhu = He will re-do it - He will repeat it, Anna Yu'fakoun = To which falsehood you are being
Q: Does anyone of the worshipped other than Allah guide towards Truth and
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) is any of your partners (with Allah) who guides towards
Truth* (Justice) - say Allah guides towards Truth so does the one who guides towards Truth have the
right to be followed or the one who does not guide except if it (he) is shown the guidance so what is
wrong with you how you pass judgement (who to worship).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat Yunus.
* 'AlHaqq' in Arabic language can be used for both concepts 'truth' and 'Justice'. (If the standards
of Truth and Justice are left to be decided by humans what is true, just and fair for one person can
be false and unjust to another person. Allah's standards for Truth and Justice provide
the balance for humanity and the Universe).
Note: Remember that Allah's Guidance is different than the Prophet
Muhammad's guidance.
Words: Yahdi = 'Guides - Directs the conduct or course of life - Provides guiding
information (Source: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary', Ahaqq = Does he have the right - Is more
worthy, Yuttabe' =
To be followed, Tahkomoun = You pass judgement - Make a decision.
Q: If told about Allah whom do you expect to probably become believers: Those who are unaware about Allah or
those who knowingly reject Allah and worship other than Him?
A: Thus the Word of your God has come True against those who sinfully (disobediently)
strayed away (from Allah's Path) (= fasaqou) that they will not believe.
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat Yunus. (10:33)
Note: Translation of the preceding Line 32 in Surat Yunus: "Then that is Allah - your True God
and what is beyond Truth except straying away (= alDhalal) so to where are you turning."
Words: Haqqat = Has come true, Fasaqou = Sinfully strayed away, La Yo'minoun = They
will not believe.
Q: Are Allah's Days similar to human days?
A: And certainly We (Allah) had created the Heavens* and the earth* in six days** and no
weakness befell on Us.
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat Qaf.
* What humans refer to as the Universe. Note: Where stars are detected this is only the sky = the
Lowest Heaven.
** A day according to Allah.
Words: Sitat = Six, Baynahuma = What is between them, Ma Massana Loguoub = No
weakness befell on Us - No wekness touched Us - No weakness affected Us.
Q: Who started the tradition of enmity with Allah?
A: O people (believers and disbelievers) eat of what (food) is on earth lawful (= halal)(and) good and
do not follow the footsteps of Satan* for he is to you a fully developed enemy.
Translation of: Ayah 168, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:168)
* Satan's enemity with Allah started when Adam was created. (in Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Halalan = Lawful, Tayyeban = Good, La Tatabe'ou = Do not follow,
Khutuwat = footsteps, Adou = Enemy, Mubeen = Fully developed - Maniest.
Q: How can Muslims and even People of the Book unite together?
Hint: In worshipping Allah as Allah dictated not as human made worshipping methods.
A: To Whom (Allah) belongs the Absolute Authority of the Heavens and the earth (Universe) and He did not
take a son and there was no partner with him in the Kingdom (Absolute Authority) and He created everything
so He determined it according to appropriate proportion.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlFurqan.
Note: Muslims keep on making sects and diverting from the mainstream Islam. For example
in the nineteenth century in India a sect in Islam called "AlAhmadiyyah" follow their founder "Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani". He wanted to unite the defeated Muslims (because of their 'Jihad') during
the English rule in India. He appealed to the spiritual beliefs of Christian British, Hindus
and Muslims. And he started s series of claims depending on his own interpretation of the Miraculous Lines of the
Arabic language Qur'an and AlSunnah of the Prophet to justify his objective. So he
claimed to be "the
Promised Messiah" (Jesus peace be upon him will return at the end of time and he will kill the "imposter"
messiah named "= AlDajjal) in Arabic).
Also he claimed to be "Krishna"
And he claimed to be a
messenger (with revelation from Allah = rasool) of Allah after the Prophet Muhammad through his own interpretation of the
Line 40 Surat AlAhzab.
And he claimed to be "AlImam AlMahdi" whom the Prophet Muhammad said will come immediately before the return of Jesus and will
fight the imposter messiah before Jesus returns to earth.
May Allah unite all believers according to the Qur'an and the Way of the Prophet Muhammad.
Words: Mulk = Absolute Authority - Kingdom, Lem Yattakhith = He did not take,
Walad = Son - Offspring, Shareek = Partner, FaQaddarahu Taqdeera = So he determined it according
to appropriate proportion.
Q: What do some persons who have little knowledge about Allah's Religion resort to in order to
make people follow them and leave Allah's Straight Path?
A: And from people who obtains (by effort) entertaining speech* so as to lead astray from Allah's
Path without knowledge (ignorant) and he makes it (Allah's Path) an object of ridicule - those for them is a
humiliating punishment**.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat Luqman. (31:6)
* Entertaining speech such as myths (fairy tales), stories...etc that do not have a moral or do not make sense.(Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran,
In Arabic, page 411). And according to Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt: Such as singing or
entertaining news from other places, And for every community and
time there are talk pastime that are well known to the those who are mislead and want to mislead. (Source:
in Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 516).
** Maybe In life and in the Other Life.
Words: Yashtari = Obtains - Acquires - Purchases, Lahou AlHadeesth = Entertaining speech - Pastime talk, BiGhayri
Ilm = Without knowledge, Yathakhithuha = He makes it, Hozoua = An object of ridicule, Muheen =
Q: Why does Allah not need any help of any kind?
A: To Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth (Universe) - indeed Allah is The Self-Sufficient the Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Luqman. (31:26)
Words: AlSamawat = The Heavens, AlArdh = The earth, AlGhani = The Self-Sufficient, Who can do without,
AlHameed = The Praiseworthy.
Q: What is the meaning behind the concept that Allah controls everything (see the translation of Ayah 26 in Surat Luqman
A: For Allah is admitting those who believed and did righteous deeds into Gardens (of Paradise) underneath
which the rivers flow indeed Allah does what He wants (wills).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlHajj.
Words: Yudkhil = Admits, Amilou = Did, AlSalihat = Righteous deeds, Yaf'el =
Does, Yureed = Wants.
Q: What is the dividing point between Allah and what they call upon other than Allah?
Note: A proof that Allah is the Only One who should be called upon is in: The translation of the preceding Ayah 29 in Surat Luqman.
A: That is because Allah is the Truth and whatever they call upon* other than Him is Untruth and Allah is
the Most-Elevated, the Most-Great.
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat Luqman. (31:30)
* Only Allah should be called upon and not the dead persons whom people deemed
righteous. Because calling upon (invoking) Allah is = worshipping Allah.
Words: AlHaqq = The Truth, Yadouna = They call upon, AlBatil = Untruth -
Q: What makes a person who has true knowledge about Allah reject Allah's Promise about the Day of Judgement?
A: O people (believers and disbelievers) protect yourselves by fearing (Allah) and fear a Day when a
parent will not avail his son and no son will be availing his father in any way - indeed the Promise of
Allah is True* so do not let the life of this world deceive you and do not let the Big Deceiver (Satan)
(= AlGharour) deceive you about Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat Luqman. (31:33)
* Allah's Promise has to be fulfilled.
Words: Ittaqou = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah - Be mindful of Allah, Ekhsau =
Fear, Walid = Parent, Yajzi = Avail - Be of use, Waladihi = His son, Wa'd = Promise, Taghurrannakum = Deceive you,
AlGharour = The Big Deceiver - Satan.
Q: If we do not restraint ourselves and leave ourselves to stray away from Allah's Path will Allah guide us
to His Path?
A: If you (Prophet Muhammad) are keen for their Right Guidance (to Allah's Path) then (let it be known)
certainly Allah does not guide whoever He (Allah) leaves to stray away* (from Allah's Path) and for them there are no
supporters (in the End).
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlNahl. (16:37)
* Whom does Allah guide to Himself? (Remember Allah loves who loves Allah).
Note: Remember the difference between Allah's Guidance and the Prophet's guidance to Allah's
Words: Tahris = If you are keen, Ala Hudahum = For their Right Guidance, Yudhil =
Leaves to stray away, Nasireen = Supporters.
Q: What much does Allah know about humans?
A: And He is Allah in the Heavens and the earth - He knows your (plural) secret thoughts and what
you make public* nd He knows what you earn (of deeds).
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlAn'am. (6:3)
* What is between secret thoughts and making public such as whispering is included.
Words: Ya'lam = He knows, Sirrakum = Your secret thoughts, Jahrakum
= What you make public, Taksiboun = What you earn.
Q: How much does Allah know about everything?
A: And to Allah belongs what is in the Heavens and what is on earth and Allah had surrounded everything* (with thorough knowledge = Muheeta).
Translation of: Ayah 126, Surat AlNisa' (no 4 in the Qur'an).
* Allah surrounds everything with knowledge and this is the real meaning of
Allah's omnipresence.
Remember that Allah can do whatever He wants because
Allah is The Omnipotent, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, All-Knowing and the rest of Allah's
Attributes that man knows.
A side Note: Some followers of religions other than Islam are confused and think that
Allah is (physically) existing in everything.
First remember that nothing is similar to Allah.
Secondly remember that
Allah Himself tells us in the Qur'an that He is
settled on His Throne (on the top of the Seventh Heaven.)
Also in a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an): Narrated by Abi Hurairah that the Prophet Muhammad said:
Our God the Sublime comes down repeatedly (= yatnazzal) (physically) every night to the lowest
Heaven (sky) when the last third of the
night remains so Allah says: Who calls upon (supplicates to) Me so I answer him? Who asks Me so I give him? Who
asks for My Forgiveness so I forgive him. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 56.
Also remember on the Day of Judgement Allah will physically come down to our earth for judgement.
Words: Bikulli Shaye'n Muheeta = Had surrounded everything.
Q: When you think without any religious bias why is it safe for you in the end to believe now in Allah as
the One and Only God?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) do I seek other than Allah a god and He is The God of everything
and every soul will not earn (sinful deeds) except (they will be) upon itself (= alayha)* and no burdened soul (sinful or not sinful) will bear the
sin of another (soul) then to your God is your return (on Day of Judgement) so He will inform you about
what you were differing in (religious sects)**.
Translation of: Ayah 164, Surat AlAn'am (6:164).
* Detailed in another Ayah.
** Remember the religion of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad is a revival of Allah's religion known from the dawn of
humanity (Adam the first man created was also Allah's first messenger (see no. 1 on the map of prophets). Islam is
a revival of the religion known to us nowadays as Abrahamic religion.
Words: AGhayr Allah Abghi = Do I seek other than Allah, Taksib = Earn, Illa Alayha =
Except upon itself, Tazir = bears, Wazirah = Burdened soul, Wizr = Sin, Takhtalifoun = You
were differing.
Q: How do we find Allah's Mercy in no one will share or be responsible for the sins of others?
A: And whoever earns sin so indeed he earns it upon himself* and Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 111, Surat AlNisa'. (4:111).
* He is alone responsible for it.
Hint: On the Day of Judgement the relatives will not be affected by the person's sins. But remember
the relatives who believe in Allah will be allowed by Allah to join their
righteous believing person in higher ranks.
Words: Yaksib = Earns - Commits, Isthm = Sin, Ala Nafsihi = Upon himself.
Q: How much does Allah reward a believer for his good deed?
A: So those who believed and did righteous deeds then He (Allah) will pay them their rewards and
He will add to them from His Favour* (Bounty) but as for those who disdained and
became arrogant so He will punish them a severe punishment and they will not find for them other than
Allah any helper or supporter.
Translation of: Ayah 173, Surat AlNisa'. (4:173)
* Allah multiplies the reward of every good deed.
Words: Amilou AlSalihat = Did righteous deeds, FaYuwafeehim = He will pay them,
Ujourahum = Their rewards, Yazeeduhum = He will add to them, Fadhlihi = His Favour - His Bounty,
Istankafou = Disdained, Estakbarou = They became arrogant, Walia = Helper, Naseera =
Q: How many favours of Allah on man can one count?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah 32 and Ayah 33
in Surat Ibraheem.
A: And He provided you of whatever you asked Him and if you (plural) count the
blessings (favours) of Allah you will not be able to calculate them (all) - indeed man is certainly too much unjust (unfair
to Allah) - too much ungrateful (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat Ibraheem. (14:34)
Words: Sa'ltomouh = You asked Him, Ta'odou = Count, Tuhsouha = Calculate them - Number them ,
LaDhaloum = Certainly too much unjust - Unfair, Kaffar =Too much ungrateful - Too much of
a disbeliever.
Q: In what situation a person is commanded by Allah to disobey his parents?
A: And We (Allah) had directed man about kindness towards his parents - and if they try hard to make you join as a partner with Me (Allah) what you have no* knowledge of so do not obey them** - to Me (Allah) is your
(plural) return so I will inform you about what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlAnkaboot. (29:8)
* Do not worship what is not dictated by Allah by following suspicion or doubt.
For example do not follow people worshipping angels.
** Which way of worship to follow then?
Words: Jahadaka = They forced you, LiTushrika = To join as a partner, FaLa Tute'huma = So do not obey them, Marj'ukum
Your return.
Q: What all-time 'Strategy' of Allah - Allah warns us to carefully observe and realize if we want to
avoid Allah's Punishment in life?
A: And whenever We (Allah) sent in a community a prophet We simply afflicted (as a test) its people with misery and
hardship so as they may call earnestly (upon Allah); Then We replaced misfortune with fortune* until they
multiplied (prospered a lot) and said hardship (bad times) and prosperity (good times) touched (tested) our
parents** (not us) so We (Allah) took (punished) them suddenly while they were not aware*** (of it).
Translation of: Ayat 94 - 95, Surat AlA'raf. (7:94-95)
* A test from Allah. Allah warns disbelievers to be aware of His Plotting
against them
** Current people do not think that they are being tested by Allah with their prosperity and wealth.
*** Remember why seismologists with their modern equipment cannot all the time predict earthquakes?
Words: Akhathna = We afflicted as a test, Ba'sa' = Misery, Dharraa' = Hardship -
Bad times, Yatadhara'oun = They call earnestly - They beg earnestly Affau = They multiplied, AlSarra' = Prosperity - Good times,
Baghtah = Suddenly, La Yashoroun = They were not aware.
Q: Why should we protect ourselves against Allah's Wrath by constantly fearing Allah in our actions?
A: So have the people of the communities felt secure that Our (Allah's) Mighty Attack will not reach
them at night while they are asleep?; Or have the people of the communities felt secure that Our Mighty
Attack will not reach them by day while they are having fun (unaware)?
Translation of: Ayat 97 - 98, Surat AlA'raf. (7:97 - 98)
Note: Earthquakes as an example of Allah's Wrath and punihsment.
Words: AlQura = Communities - Towns, Ya'tiyahum = Reaches them, Ba'suna = Our mighty attack, Bayatan = At night,
Na'imoun = Aasleep, Dhuha = By day - In the daylight, Yalaboun = Having fun - Unaware - Care-free.
Q: Why should no one feel secure from Allah's punishment that is not spontaneous with the time of the
committed sin?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 97-98 above.
A: So have they felt secure from the Plotting (Trickiness) of Allah well no one feels secure from
the plotting of Allah except people who are (going to be) losers (in Allah's Court).
Translation of: Ayah 99, Surat AlA'raf.
Words: Makr =Plotting - Tricking, Ya'men = Feels secure, AlKhasiroun = Losers.
Q:When our deeds are evaluated by Allah what should we always bear in mind?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 42-43 in
Surat Yunus.
A: Indeed Allah does not do any injustice to people but rather people to themselves do injustice.
Translation of: Ayah 44, Surat Yunus. (10:44)
Words: La Yadhlem Shayan = Does not do any injustice, WaLakin = But rather, Anfusahum
= Themselves - Their own souls.
Q: How can we all enter into a friendship relationship with Allah?
Note: The term 'allies of Allah = awliya' Allah' is not restricted to certain persons
as many Muslims consider. It is easy for all of us to become 'awliya' Allah'.
A: Well indeed the allies (= awliya') of Allah - there is no fear upon them neither will they grieve; Those
who believed and were protecting themselves (by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 62 - 63, Surat Yunus. (10:62-63)
Words: Awliya' = Allies - Friends, La Khawf = No fear, La Yahzanoun =
Neither will they grieve, Kanou Yataqqoun = They will protecting themselves (by fearing Allah).
Q: Why do 'awliya Allah' (refer to the translation, above, of Lines 62-63 in Surat Yunus) lead a
self-contented life?
A: For them (awliya' Allah) the good news (= alBushra)* in this life and in the Other Life - no
alteration** to the Words of Allah - that is the great triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat Yunus. (10:64)
* Allah is their Ally in life.
** Words of Allah have to be fulfilled.
Words: AlBushar = The good news, La Tabdeel = No alteration - No change, AlFawz =
The Triumph - The Winning.
Q: Why should believers who fear Allah not grieve when disbelievers fabricate lies against Allah's
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not let their words* grieve you for might (impressive
power) belongs entirely to Allah - He is the All-Hearing the
Translation of: Ayah 65, Surat Yunus. (10:65)
* An example of disbelievers' rejection of Prophet
Muhammad (in Surat Yunus itself).
* An example of disbelievers' rejection of the Qur'an (in Surat Yunus itself).
Words: Yahzunka = Grieve you, Qawluhum = Their words - Their saying, AlIzzah =
Might - Impressive power.
Q: How does Allah refute the worship of gods other than Him? In other words are what disbelievers worship as partners with Allah really gods?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 65 in Surat Yunus.
A: Well indeed to Allah belong whoever is in the Heavens and on the earth - and
those who call upon (pray to) other than Allah do not follow (in worship) partners (with
Allah) - they follow nothing but assumption* (guessing) - only they are fabricating lies.
Translation of: Ayah 66, Surat Yunus. (10:66)
* Needs to be proved.
Words: Men = Whoever, Ma = Do not, Yattabe' = Follow, Shuraka' = Partners, AlDhann
= Assumption - Guessing - Supposition, In = Only, Yakhrosoun = Fabricating lies - Telling
Q: How does Allah REFUTE the worship of an offspring/son (= walad) attributed to Allah?
Note: Please read first above the translation of Line 66 in Surat Yunus.
A: (Allah says) They said Allah had gotten (for Himself) an offspring/son (= walada)* - glory to Him
(= Subhanahu)** - He
is The Self-Sufficient - to Him belong whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - do
you have authority (legitimation)*** about this (offspring/son) - are you (plural) saying against Allah what you
do not have knowledge of.
Translation of: Ayah 68, Surat Yunus. (10:68).
* How does the saying of the People of the Book resemble the saying of the
disbelievers? (in Surat AlTawbah)
** How far Allah is from imperfection. (Source: Sheikh Muhammad Alshareef, discoverulife.com).
*** = An authority which is true and approved because it is conforming to Allah's commands,
well-founded and not in vain.
Words: Etakhatha = He got (for Himself), Walada = Offspring -
Children - Son, AlGhani = The Self-Sufficent - Who can do without -, A Taqoloun = Are you saying, La Ta'lamoun =
You do not have knowledge of - You do not know.
Q:How does Allah REBUKE the worshippers of an offspring/son (= walad) attributed to Allah?
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of the preceding Line 68 in Surat Yunus.
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed those who fabricate (make up) lies against Allah
are not going to prosper* (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat Yunus.(10:69)
* 'La Yuflehoun' = Will not attain salvation. In the call for the prayer (5 times per day):
'Hayya ala AlSalah, Hayya ala AlFalah = Come for prayer, Come for prosperity (salvation in the end).
Words: Yaftaroun AlKathib = Fabricate lies - Make up lies - Invent lies, La Yuflehoun
= Are not going to prosper - Are not going to attain salvation.
Q: Why are many worshippers of an offspring/son (= walad) attributed to Allah still not punished
in life by Allah?
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of the preceding Line 69 in Surat Yunus.
A: (Allah allows them) Temporary enjoyment in life then to Us (Allah) is their return then We
will make them experience the severe punishment for what they were disbelieving* in.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat Yunus. (10:70)
* Allah's Harsh Message to the Christians.
Words: Mata' = Temporary enjoyment, Sthumma = Then, Nutheequhum = We make
them experience, Yakforoun = Disbelieving.
Q: How does Allah describe the claim of an offspring/son attributed to Him?
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of Lines in Surat Yunus.
A: And they said Allah had got (for Himself) an offspring/son (= walada); You certainly had come up
with something shocking (denied = Shayan Idda).
Translation of: Ayat 88 - 89, Surat Maryam. (19:88-89).
Words: LaQad Ji'tum = Certainly had come up with, Shayan Idda = Something shocking -
Something denied - Something horrible.
Q: Is the balance placed in the Universe set up to allow attributing an offspring/son (= walada)
to Allah?
Note: Allah created the Universe with a purpose of worshipping
Him Alone and placed the balance in the Universe according to this concept.
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of Lines 88 - 89 in Surat
A: The (7) Heavens are about to split asunder from it (claim of 'walad') and the earth split open
and the mountains fall down in ruins; For they attributed to the Most-Merciful an
offspring/son (= walada).
Translation of: Ayat 90 - 91, Surat Maryam. (19:90-91)
Words: Takadu = Are about, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Yatafattarna = Split asunder -
be broken into parts and pieces, Tanshaq = Split open, Takhir = Fall down, Hadda = In ruins - Apart, An Da'ou = For they
attributed, Walada = An offspring - A son.
Q: What is inappropriate to be Allah's?
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of Lines 90 - 91 in Surat
A: It is not befitting* for the Most-Merciful to get (for Himself) an offspring/son (= walada).
Translation of: Ayah 92, Surat Maryam. (19:92)
* Why? The answer is: Nothing is similar to Allah. (Allah is not like humans).
Note: The succeeding Lines 93 - 95 in Surat Maryam.
Words: Ma Yanbaghi = It is not befitting - It is inappropriate - It is incorrect,
Q: Humanity is in need of offspring/son (= walad) what about Allah?
Note: Please read first, above, the translation of the preceding
Lines 33 - 34 in Surat Maryam.
A: Allah was not in a position to get (for Himself) an offspring/son (= walada*) glory
to Him when He decrees something He simply says to it Be and it is been (= Kun faYakoun).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat Maryam. (19:35).
* Jesus peace be upon him was born with Allah's Word "Be" and Jesus was made. (in Surat AlNisa')
Words: Ma Kana Lillah = Allah was not in a position, Qadha Amran = He decrees
something, Kun FaYakoun = Be and it is Been - Be and it is made - done.
Q: What do we mean when we say that Allah sees us all the time?
A: Indeed nothing is hidden from Allah on earth or in the Heaven.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlImran. (3:5)
Words: La Yakhfa shaye' = Nothing is hidden, AlSama' = The Heaven.
Q: What does Allah Himself directly warn us against?
A: The Day (of Judgement) when every soul finds what good it did (in life) present
(in the Record) and (also present) what bad it did - it will wish that there is a long time
between itself (soul) and it and Allah warns you (plural) against Himself and Allah is
Compassionate toward the servants (of Allah)
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlImran. (3:30)
Words: Tajidu = Finds, Ma Amilat Min Khair = What good it did, Muhdharan =
Present, Sou' = Bad, Tawwad = It will wish, Amadan Ba'eedan = Long time, Yuhathirukum =
He warns you, Ra'oufun = Compassionate.
Q: If disbelievers who are enemies of Allah are the powerful party are Muslims (weak party) allowed to comply
with their wishes?
Note: Even if weak believers their hearts
should be filled with Faith and fear of Allah.
A: Believers do not take disbelievers allies leaving aside believers and whoever does that then he
has nothing to do with Allah - except if you (plural) seek somehow to protect yourselves against them and
Allah warns you (plural) against Himself and to Allah is the return*.
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat AlImran. (3:28)
* To Paradise or Hell.
Words: Al Yatakhith AlMo'minoun = Believers do not take, Awliya' = Allies,
Min doon = Leaving aside, Tattaqou Minhum Tuqattan = You seek somehow to protect yourselves,
AlMaseer = The return.
Q: When rejecting Allah as the Only and One God what do people actually reject?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding lines 6 - 8 in Surat AlInfitar.
A: By no means rather you (disbelievers/polytheists) reject as lies the Religion (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 82, Surat AlInfitar. (82:9)
* Remember that religion means a set of beliefs. The Day of Judgement is also called the Day of Religion (= Yawm AlDeen) (in the same Surat 'AlInfitar').
Words: Kalla = By no means - Never, Bel = Rather - Verily, Tukaththiboun BiDeen =
You reject as lies the Religion.
Q: How is Allah the One and Only God in this world and the Other World? (Which other human-made
god claims the 'copyright' of what Allah says is His?)
A: And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the Heavens* and the earth* and to Allah
is the return (of all).
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat AlNoor. (24:42)
* What humans call the Universe.
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 41 in Surat AlNoor.
Words: Mulk = Kingdom - Ownership, AlMaseer = The return.
Q: What is the first argument against polytheists which proves that Allah is Capable of our resurrection on
the Day of Judgement?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 81-83 in Surat
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to whom does the earth* belong and whoever* is there if you have
knowledge they (disbelievers of ancient Arabia) will say to Allah - say will you not then remember (bear it in mind).
Translation of: Ayat 84 - 85, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:84-85)
* Maalik AlMulk = The Owner and Controller of the Kingdom is an Attribute of Allah. 'Maalik' among humans = Controls things.
AlMalik = The King another Attribute of Allah. 'Malik' among humans = Controls people. Source: Refer to
an explanation of Ayet AlKursi.
Words: LiMan AlArdh = To whom does the earth belong, Men Feeha = Whoever is there, In Kuntum Ta'lamoun = If you have knowledge, Tathakkaroun = Remember - Bear it in
Q: What is the second argument against polytheists which proves that Allah is Capable of our resurrection on
the Day of Judgement?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) who is God of the Seven Heavens* and God of the Majestic Throne**;
They (polytheists of ancient Arabia) will say (belonging) to Allah - say will you not then protect yourselves
by fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 86 - 87, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:86-87)
* Remember the sky which we can see and detect with tools is the Lowest
** Allah on His Throne had encircled what we call the Universe.
Allah's Throne is above the Seven Heavens.
Words: Rub = God, AlArsh = The Throne, AlAdheem = The Majestic, AfaLa = Will you
not then, Tattaqoun = Protect yourselves by fearing (Allah).
Q: What is the third argument against polytheists which proves that Allah is Capable of our resurrection on
the Day of Judgement?
Q: Why is the protection of Allah for whoever He wills is the Top protection?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) in whose Hand is the Absolute Authority
(Kingdom) of everything - and He grants protection and no protection* is offered against His if only you
knew; They (disbelievers) will say to Allah - say then to whom are you bewitched
Translation of: Ayat 88 - 89, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* No one can protect anyone against Allah's Will.
** Deluded into worshipping other than Allah the One and Only God.
Words: Yujeer = Grants protection, La Yujar Alayhi = No
protection is offered against His, FaAnna Tussharoun = To whom you are bewitched - Deluded.
Q: In our sustenance (provision) what is Allah's Miraculous Sign indicating Allah's Dominance?
A: Do they (arrogant persons)* not know that Allah gives plenty of sustenance to whom He pleases and
He restricts - indeed in that are certainly Miraculous Signs for believing people.
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlZumar. (39:52)
* Reference to persons ungrateful to Allah.
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 50-51 In Surat AlZumar.
Words: Awa Lem Ya'lamou = Do they not know, Yabsut =
Gives plenty - Gives in abundance, Yaqdir = Restricts, LAyat = Certainly Miraculous Signs.
Q: How do you refer to Allah when you explain who is Allah to those who have no knowledge of Him?
A: And Moses (Prophet Moosa) said O Pharaoh (= Phiroun) indeed I am a messenger from the God of the
inhabitants of the world (= Rub AlAlameen).
Translation of: Ayah 104, Surat AlA'raf. (7:104)
Words: Inni = Indeed I am, Rub AlAlameen = God of the inhabitants of the world - God of
all people.
Q: Who is the God of the inhabitants of the world, Pharaoh (Phiroun) and Beni Israel?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Line 104 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: (Prophet Moses speaks) it is my obligation not to say upon Allah except the truth
- I have brought you (plural) an indesputable evidence from your (plural) God so let Beni Israel go with me.
Translation of: Ayah 105, Surat AlA'raf. (7:105)
* To free them from slavery.
Words: Haqeequn = It is my obligation, La Aqoul = I do not say, AlHaqq = The truth,
Min Rubbikum = From your (plural) God, Bayyenh = Indesputable Evidence - Explaining Sign, FaArsil Ma'i = Let go
with me, Beni Israel = Beni Israel - People of Israel, Children of Israel.
Q: Instead of clashing with one another what should be the priority concern for Muslim leaders (to mention Sunni and
Shia for example) in countries where the majority are Muslims like Pakistan?
Note: The Love of Allah should be the major love of Muslims. The top priority should be avoiding
joining any partner with Allah (=Shirk). Recently two amulets (talisman = 'Ta'weethah')
given to a sick person to help heal from an
illness were opened and in it was written ('Ya Jibreel, Ya Michael...etc' = invoking Angel Gabriel, Michael for help). Visit a lot of their towns and see their spiritual ads on their market walls (heal and protect against black magic etc). This is clear that those who
deal with black magic also exit.
A: And they worship other* than Allah what He (Allah) did not send down an authority (Legitimation)**
and they have no (real) knowledge*** of it and there is for the transgressors (against Allah) no supporter.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlHajj. (22:71)
* Like calling upon angels.
** Conforming to Allah's commands, well-founded and not in vain.
*** It is really the work of Satan and Allah knows its details.
Note: Remember Invoking Allah and WORSHIPPING Allah is the same.
Words: Sultan = Authority, Legitimation, Ilm = Knowledge, Naseer = Supporter.
Q: Why do disbelievers who worship other than Allah DARE to do so?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 73 in Surat AlHajj.
A: They (who worship other than Allah) do not give Allah His Due Right (of Respect) indeed Allah is certainly Omnipotent AlMighty.
Translation of: Ayah 74, Surat AlHajj. (22:74)
Words: Ma Qadarou Allah Haqqa Qadarah = They do not give Allah His Due Right - They do not give Allah His Due
Respect, Qawi = Ominpotent, Azeez = AlMighty.
Q: Why should we worship Allah Alone and not curse or swear at time when met with misfortunes?
A: On the grounds that Allah makes the night penetrate* into day and makes the day penetrate into night and
Allah is All-Hearing All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlHajj. (22:61)
* In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
but not part of the Qur'an, brought down by the Angel Gabriel, and narrated by the Prophet Muhammad): Allah said:
Son of Adam insults Me. He (human) says: (a curse) What a disappointment is time ( damn time = 'YaKhaybat AlDahr')
and I (Allah) am (The Creator and Controller of) The Time - I turn around
its night and its day. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, (in Arabic) page 37.
Note: Why also should Allah Alone be worshipped? The translation of the succeeding Line 62 in Surat AlHajj.
Words: Yulij = Makes penetrate.
Q: Why there is certainly no partner with Allah?
A: To Him belong* (creation and control of) whatever is in the Heavens and the earth and indeed
Allah is certainly The Self-Sufficient, The Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat AlHajj. (22:64)
* Is there any human made god who claims any of Allah's Attributes?
Words: AlGhani = The Self-Sufficient, Who can do without - Who is in no need of anyone
or anything.
Q: Why does Allah humiliate in this life whoever argues about Allah's religion without true knowledge?
(refer to Ayah 9 in Surat AlHajj).
A: That (Allah's punishment) is because what your hands* have sent forward and that Allah is
Not Unjust to His servants.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlHajj. (22:10)
* You argued so you brought Allah's punishment on yourself.
Words: Qadammat Yadaak = Your hands have sent forward - You did, Laysa BiDhallam = Is
Not Unjust, LilAbeed = To His servants.
Q: Directly* - what does Allah confirm to humanity that it is going to happen?
A: O people (humanity = AlNas) indeed the Promise of Allah is True** so do not let the life
of this world deceive*** you and do not let the Arch-Deceiver (Satan)**** deceives you away from Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat Fatir. (35:5)
* Note that some Qur'anic Lines start with "Qul = say" - a command to Prophet Muhammad.
** Going to be realized. Reference the Words on the Image at the end of the page.
*** With enjoyments and false hopes.
**** AlGh a rour. Reference: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and
Commentary. Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 1692.
Words: Wa'd = Promise, Haqq = True - Going to be realized, Taghurrannakum = Deceive
you (with enjoyments & false hopes), AlGharour = Arch Deceiver
Q: Why should all humans beware of Satan - the international Arch-Deceiver?
A: Indeed Satan to you (plural) is an enemy so treat him as an enemy - indeed he calls (= Yadou)* his
alliance (followers (= Hizbahu) only so that they become among the companions of the Blazing Fire (in Hell).
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat Fatir. (35:6)
* Satan calls them in life to follow him. What about on the Day of Judgement? (refer to Surat Ibraheem)
Words: Fattakhithouhu = So treat him as an enemy - So consider him an enemy, Innama = Indeed only, Hizbahu
= His alliance, AlSa'eer = Blazing Fire.
Q: Why should believers rejoice in the confirmation Allah provides them about His
Reward for them?
A: Indeed (a confirmation) those who believed* and did righteous deeds* - indeed We (Allah) do not
miss the reward of whoever perfected his work (= Ahsana Amala).
Translation of: Ayah 30, Surat AlKahf. (18:30)
* Deeds that please Allah should be based on a firm belief in Allah as the One and Only God. Refer to the
translation of the last Qur'anic Line (Ayah 110 in Surat AlKahf).
Words: Inna = Indeed, Innaa = Indeed We, La Nudhee'u = We do miss - We do not leave to go to
waste, Ahsana Amala = Who perfected his work - Who did good deeds.
Q: What is Allah's Guaranteed Reward for the believers who please Allah?
A: Those (believers) for them are the Gardens of Eden (complete Bliss) - the
rivers will flow underneath them (believers = Tahtihim*) they will be adorned in them (Gardens) with bracelets of
gold** and they will wear green garments of fine silk (= Sundus) and rich (heavy) silk (= istabraq)
- reclining in them (Gardens) on couches - how excellent is the reward and how satisfying it is as a resting place.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlKahf. (18:31)
* Paradise is on a high place.
** And more.
Note: The inner linings of cushions will also be of 'istabraq'.
Words: Istabraq = Brocade - Rich silk with raised patterns woven with gold and silver, Ni'ma = How excellent,
Hasunat Martafaqa = How satisfying it is as a resting place.
Q: Why is Allah Capable, without any ever restriction, of punishing or forgiving as He pleases??
A: Do you not know that Allah to Him belongs the Absolute Authority (Dominance) of the Heavens and the earth - (as a result) He punishes
whomever He wills and He grants Forgiveness to whomever He wills and Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:40).
Words: Mulk = Absolute Authority - Dominance - Control - Kingdom, Yasha' = He wills - He pleases, Qadeer =
Q: What question many polytheists are capable of answering it correctly like the believers yet they are in error because of their
joining gods with Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) who provides you with sustenance from the Heavens and the earth - say (the well known
answer*) Allah - and indeed we (Muslims) and you (polytheists) are certainly on right Guidance (on Allah's Path) or in a clear
straying away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat Saba'. (34:24)
* Even polytheists of Pre-Islamic Arabia knew that it is Allah who gives them sustenance. So they should not have joined any
partner with Allah. One can be either right or wrong (in Surat Yunus, Ayat 31-32).
Words: Inna = We, Iyakum = You (plural).
Q: A translation or interpretation Issue: Does “Khabeer” in two specific Ayat of the Qur'an refer to Allah or to humans?!
A: In the translation of Ayah 59 Surat AlFurqan. (25:59).
In the translation of Ayah 14 in Surat Fatir(35).
There is correlation (interconnection – interdependence) in the Qur’anic Ayat.
Sometimes missing the correlation in the Qur’anic Ayat can create misunderstanding.
The word "Khabeer" which is mentioned in the Qur'an at least 45 times refer to Allah Alone and not humans.
Note: An example. Based on the famous translation of the late "Abdullah Yusuf Ali", in the The Holy Qur'an: "English Translation of
the Meanings and Commentary": (it is mentioned in the book that this translation book has some mistakes yet it is still the widely used book of
famous translation).
On page 1049 A.Y. Ali's translation of (25:59) is "--- Allah Most Gracious: Ask thou, then, about Him of any
acquainted (with such things)".
On Page 1302 A.Y. Ali's translation of (35:14) is "If ye invoke them, they will not listen to your call, and if they were to listen, they
cannot answer your (prayer). On the Day of Judgement they will reject your "Partnership". and none, (O man!) can inform you like Him who
is All-Aware.
Also note the word's grammar: The words in the Qur’an is “Esel BIHI” and NOT “Esel Anhu = about him”. No one is
an expert about Allah or the topics of the Qur'an. (refer to Surat 'AlImran')
Remember that the Qur'an is a miracle partly because of its eloquent language so no translation can give it its due right.
And Allah knows best!
Q: How much power and control do gods (idols) that people worship other than Allah have in this life and the Other Life?
A: He (Allah) makes the night penetrate into day and makes the day penetrate into
night and He made the sun and moon yield - each one (of them) moves for an appointed time* - That is your God (Allah) - to Him belongs the
Absolute Authority (over everything) and those (gods) whom you (plural) call upon other than Him (Allah Alone) do not
have power even over a pellicle** (thin skin) which surrounds a date pit.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat Fatir. (35:13)
* Until when?
** In Arabic "Min Qitmeer" = They do not own a thing. And as the saying goes "he hasn't a red cent to his name".
Source: Hans Wehr's "A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic".
Note: The translation of the succeeding Line 14 in Surat Fatir.
Words: Tadouna = You call upon - You worship, Min Qitmeer = Even over a pellicle (thin skin) which envelopes a
date pit, AlMulk = Absolute Authority - the Dominance - The Kingdom.
Q: If all control is Allah's how does such control affect humans?
A: O humans (humanity) you are who are in need of Allah and Allah is the Self-Sufficient* - the Praiseworthy.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat Fatir. (35:15)
* "AlGhani" is the Self-Sufficient - Who can do without. It is one of 99 attributes of Allah.
Words: AlFuqraa' Ila Allah = Who are in need of Allah - The poor who need Allah, AlHameed = The
Praiseworthy - The Worthy of all Praise.
Q: Why should each community that disobeys Allah start worrying since all control is Allah's?
Note: Humanity will pass over to the Other World either in Paradise or in Hell. In this life Allah replaces
disbelieving communities with others when their replacement time arrives.
A: If He (Allah) wills (wants*) He will take you (plural) away and brings in a new creation (other than humans).
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat Fatir. (35:16)
* (= Yasha'). Note the verb is in the present tense. Muslims use a lot the past tense (= Sha'a) as in (Ma Sha' Allah = What Allah willed (or had dictated for
Words: Yasha' = He wills - He wants, Yuthhibkum = Take you (plural) away - Annihilate you -
Eliminate you, Yati BiKhalqin Jadeed = Brings in a new creation.
Q: Why should one take very seriously the concept of Allah being Capable of eliminating disbelieving communities?
A: And that (eliminating communities) is for Allah not hard.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat Fatir. (35:17)
Words: Ma BiAzeez = Not hard.
Q: What is instantly known by Allah when people talk simultaneously?
A: Indeed He (Allah) knows what is made public of the speech and He knows what you (plural) conceal.
Translation of: Ayah 110, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21: 110)
Words: AlJahra = What is made public, Mina AlQawli = of the speech, Taktomoun = You conceal (plural).
Q: When desperate from people who do not listen to the Truth from Allah how do believers find inner peace?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) my God (Allah) judge (separate between believers and disbelievers) with Truth and our God the Most-Merciful
is Whose Assistance is sought* against what (lies) you (plural) attribute** (to Allah = Tassifoun).
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:112)
* Allah may guide them if they show willingness for guidance or Allah may punish them in this life before the Other Life.
** What is the repayment for the lies disbelievers utter about Allah and Allah's Religion? (in the same
Surah - "AlAnbiya")
Words: Uhkum = Judge - Separate with judgement, AlMustaan = Whose assistance is sought, Ma Tassifoun = What you attribute.
Q: Even when there is no real enemy what is the cause of terror for disbelievers?
A: We (Allah) are going to cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved because of what they joined (partner(s)) with
Allah for which He (Allah) did not give authority* and their dwelling place with be the Fire (of Hell) and what a miserable staying
place for the transgressors (unjust (ungrateful) to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah , Surat .
* legitimation. (in Surat Yunus, Ayah 68)
Words: SaNulqi = We will cast, Alru'b = Terror, Quloub = Hearts, Ashrakou BilLah= They joined partners
with Allah, Bi'sa = What a miserable.
Q: Why did Allah send the Qur'an and teach it to Prophet Muhammad to teach it to Muslims?
A: The Lord of Mercy (= AlRahman); Taught the Qur'an.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 2, Surat AlRahman. (55:1-2)
Note: Remember how Satan challenged Allah! (in Surat Saad)
Words: Allma = Taught.
Q: What two "initial trademarks" does Allah own about man?
A: He (Allah) created man; He taught him speech* (verbal communication).
Translation of: Ayat 3 - 4, Surat AlRahman. (55:3-4)
* Adam, the first man created, was not ignorant. He came to earth knowing names of
everything which Allah taught him. (in Suat AlAlaq)
Words: Allamahu = Taught him, AlBayan = Speech - Explanation - Verbal communication.
Q: How do we know that the time of our sun and our moon is ticking nearer to the end?
A: The sun and the moon (are) with calculation (commanded by Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlRahman. (55:5)
* The sun will remain until the Day of Judgement only. (a long narration)
Is the sun
coming nearer to earth? (in Surat YaSeen)
The sun and the moon. (in Surat AlQiyamah)
Words: BiHuhban = With calculation.
Q: Do inanimate things (things that we say do not have a life) have some sort of life in them?
A: And the stars and the trees prostrate*.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlRahman. (55:6)
Muslims explain the Ayah: Through their obedience and submission to Allah's Fate. (Note: It can be an actual prostration which we
humans cannot perceive0
Remember about the mountains (in Surat AlHashr)
The commandments in the Torah.
The rock and prophet Moses.
And the well known incident of the palm tree. When Muslims built a pulpit in the mosque for the prophet Muhammad to preach. The tree
near which the Prophet Muhammad used to preach started uttering a sound like weeping of a child. Until Prophet Muhammad went down and
comforted the tree with his hands so it stopped weeping.
Words: AlShajar = The tress, Yasjudan = Prostrate.
Q: Again why Muslims have no right to try to share judgement with Allah by saying 'these persons' for example are going to Hell?
A: And to Allah belongs the Absolute Authority (Kingdom) of the Heavens and the earth - He grants Forgiveness to whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah had been Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful (to humans).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlFathh. (48:14)
Words: Mulk = Absolute Authority - Kingdom.
Q: What is Allah's Main Purpose behind rumbling thunder and flashing lightning for example?
A: He (Allah) is Who shows you (humans) His Miraculous Signs - and He sends down for you from the
Heaven* sustenance** and no one remembers except whoever turns (to Allah) with repentance.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat Ghafir. (40:13)
** Rain from the sky. (In Surat Ibraheem)
* Main purpose of lightning.
Words: Yureekum = Shows you, Ma Yatathakkar Illa = No one remembers except - No one takes heed except, Yuneeb = Turns with repentance.
Q: How does Allah give life and take life?
A: He (Allah) is Who makes alive and makes dead and when He decrees something then indeed He only says to it Be and it is been (done)
(Kun FaYakoun*).
Translation of: Ayah 68, Surat Ghafir. (40:68)
* Allah does not need anything even not what people ascribe to Allah? (in Surat Maryam)
Words: Yuhye = Makes alive - Gives life, Yumeet = Makes dead, Qadha = Decreed, Amran = Something, Kun =
Be, FaYakoun = It will be done - It will be made.
Q: What part of disbelievers' dispute* in Allah's Miraculous Signs (the Qur'an) you should doubt and reject?
A: Have you considered (thought of) those who dispute* in Allah's Miraculous Signs (what the Qur'an says) to where they
are turning** (Tusrafoun).
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat Ghafir. (40:69)
* Disagree and discuss heatedly.
** What is there beyond the Truth?. (in Surat Yunus)
Words: Anna = Where to, Yusrafoun = Are turning - Are distracted.
Q: What are some of Allah's major creations without which no human life could have existed?
A: Allah is Who made for you (humans) the earth a settling place and the sky raised up and He formed you so He excelled in your
forms and He provided you with good food - that is your God so Self-Blessed is Allah the God of all worlds.
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat Ghafir. (40:64)
Do you hold someone in awe and esteem with Allah? (in Surat AlNaml)
Do not join any equal with Allah. (in Surat AlBaqarah)
Who could have made a better form than a human being's? (in Surat AlTaghabun)
Words: FaAhsana = So He excelled, Sowarakum = Your forms, AlTayyebat = Good food - Delicacies, AlAlameen = All worlds - All inhabitants of the worlds.
Q: What do you need to make your Faith in Allah firm without any doubts?
A: (Allah) The God of the Heavens and the earth and whatever is between them if you were convinced (without doubts).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:7)
* Which of Allah's messengers Allah made think about the Kingdom of the Heavens and the earth? (in Surat AlAn'am)
Words: Kuntum Muqineen = You were convinced - You were certain - You were without doubts.
Q: What Right of Allah no human made god had ever the right to claim?
A: There is no god but He (Allah) - He (Allah) gives life and He makes dead - your (all humans) God and the God of your ancient forefathers*.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:8)
* When will you see the mentioned Argument being realized ? (in Surat Yunus)
Note: All with Allah's Permission Jesus peace be upon him was fortified with a Miraculous Sign of making the dead alive.
Words: AlAwwaleen = Ancient, Aaba'ikum = Your forefathers.
Q: When called to have Faith in Allah what two things keep disbelievers distracted from Islam (submitting to Allah Alone)?
A: Rather they (disbelievers) are in doubt amusing themselves (having fun).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:9)
Words: Shak = Doubt, Yalaboun = Amusing themselves - Having fun.
Q: What will save whomever Allah wills from among the believers (even if they committed some sins in life) from Hellfire?
Note: Remember even believers may be punished in Hell for their sins (before
entering Paradise) except whomever Allah bestows His Mercy and Favour upon.
A: (People in Paradise) They will not* taste in it (Paradise) death except the first death (end of one's life) and He (Allah) saved
them from Hellfire punishment; As a Favour** from your God- that is the Superb Triumph.
Translation of: Ayat 56 - 57, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:56-57)
* Life in the Other World in Paradise or Hell is eternal.
** How will Allah's Favour save believers from Hellfire punishment. (In Surat AlAnfal)
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 51 - 55 in Surat AlDukhkhan.
Words: Yathoqoun = Taste, Waqahum = He saved them, AlFawz = Triumph, AlAdheem = The Superb.
Q: How fast does everyone's deeds written by the two writing angels that accompany each of us reach Allah?
Note: The two writing angels. (in Surat Qaf)
A: He (Allah) regulates the command of affairs from the Heaven to the earth then it (written work) ascends towards Him in a day* which is
equal to one thousand years of what you (humans) count.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlSajdah. (32:5)
* Remember human dimension of time is different from Allah's time. According to Allah one day is equal to one thousand
years of human time (in Surat AlHajj). (It means what humans perform in one thousand years can reach Allah in one day)
In a summary of a "Hadeesth Qudsi" - directly from Allah through the Angel Gabriel and not part of the Qur'an) narrated by the Prophet
Muhammad: As reported by Anas bin Malik who said: Allah's Messenger said: No two writing angels raised to Allah what
they wrote duing the night or the day then Allah found good work in the beginning of the record and at the end of the record except that Allah
said: I make you (the two angels) witnesses that I have forgiven for My servant what is between the two sides (beginning and end) of
the record. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyah, (in Arabic) Parts 1 - 2, Tab'ah Jadeedah Munaqaha Mashrouha Min Kutub AlA'immah AlBukhari, WalNawawi
WaIbn Hajr WalManawi WalAtheem Abadi Aibn Taymiyyah Waibn Kastheer WaAbu AlIzz AlHanafi WalImam Abi Hunaifah WalMubarak
Fawri WalQurtubi. Egypt, Alexandriyah Markaz AlQuds. (no date), page 31.
Note: Allah, everyday, is in business. (In Surat AlRahman).
Words: Yudabbir AlAmr = He regulates the command of affairs, Ya'rju Ilayhi = Ascends towards Him.
Q: Being the Creator of man and the whole Universe, what ABSOLUTE RIGHT does Allah have besides the Right of being worshipped?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) other than Allah should I take as an ally?! - the Originator (Created from scratch) of the Heavens and
the earth and He feeds and is not fed* - say indeed I am commanded to be the first of those who submitted (= Aslama) and (command to Prophet
Muhammad) do not certainly be from the polytheists** (= AlMushrikeen).
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlAn'am. (6:14)
* To Allah we owe the satisfaction of all needs, but He is independent of all needs. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation . Based on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 341.
** Those who join with Allah any type of god.
Remember Prophet Muhammad devoted the whole religion of Islam to Allah. (in Surat AlZumar)
Note: In the Qur'an what directly refutes that there is a son of Allah? (in Surat AlZukhruf)
Words: AGhayra = Other than, Weliya = An Ally - A helper, Fatir = Originator - Creator from scratch, Yutam = Is not
fed, La Takounanna = Do not certainly be, AlMushrikeen = The polytheists.
Q: Being the Lord of Overpowering everything why does not Allah overwhelm each one of us for our sins?
A: And He (Allah) is Who Overpowers His servants (all humans) and He is the All-Wise the All-Expert.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlAn'am. (6:18)
Note: Another Attribute of Allah is "AlQahhar" = The Overpowering - The Subduer - The Overwhelming - Who can make you cry -
The Supreme Master.
Words: AlQahir = Who Overpowers - Who Controls - Who Overwhelms.
Q: As a Muslim what should you follow to avoid straying away from it?
A: Indeed your God (Allah) is Who knows Best who goes astray from His Path and He knows Best the rightly guided ones (to Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 117, Surat AlAn'am. (6:117)
Words: Howa A'lamu = He knows Best, Yadhillu = Goes astray - Wanders away, BilMuhtadeen = The rightly guided ones.
Q: What does the Qur'an warn against straying away of?
A: And this is the Path of your God leading Straight* - We (Allah) had detailed the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic
Lines) for people who remember (take heed).
Translation of: Ayah 126, Surat AlAn'am. (6:126)
* How does one become on Allah's Straight Path? (in Surat AlAhqaf)
Words: LiQawmin = For people, Yathakkaroun = Remember - Take heed.
Q: What makes believers rejoice besides the news of Paradise waiting for them?
A: For them (believers) is the Dewelling of Peace* (Paradise) with their God (Allah) and He is their Ally (= Waliyuhum)
because of what they were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayah 127, Surat AlAn'am. (6:127)
* = Daru Salam. Another Name for Paradise. How does Allah guide the believer to Paradise? (in Surat Yunus)
Words: Daru Salam = Dwelling of Peace - Name of Paradise, Waliyuhum = Their Ally.
Q: What is the Major sin that Allah does not ever forgive rather He repudiates and rejects it as lies?
A: And they said Allah had gotten an offspring/son (as a partner = Walada) - glory to Him - rather to Him belong what (animate and inanimate
= Ma) is in the Heavens and
the earth - all (creation) to Him are devoutly obedient (=Qanitoun*).
Translation of: Ayah 116, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:116)
* Through submission to Fate (Destiny).
Note: Some disbelievers still attribute some angels as daughters to Allah - glory
to Allah. (Refer to Surat AlSaffat where Allah indicates angels are only males not females).
Note: How does Allah refute what people attribute to Him - Glory to Him. (in Surat Yunus)
Words: Bel Lahu = Rather to Him belong, Qanitoun = Devoutly obedient - Piously submissive.
Q: With what Command did Allah create Jesus peace be upon him?
A: (Allah) The Marvelous Originator (= Badee') of the Heavens and the earth - and when He rules* something then indeed only He says to it
be and it is been (made).
Translation of: Ayah 117, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:117)
* Creation of Jesus peace be upon him. (in Surat AlImran)
Words: Badee' = Marvelous Originator, Qadha = Rules - Decides, FaInnama = Then indeed only, Kun = Be, FaYakoun = It is been.
Q: What is the difference between believers who follow Allah's Guidance and those who follow guidance other than Allah's?
A: Allah is the Ally (= Weli*) of those who believed - He takes them out from the depths of darkness to the light (of Faith) and those who disbelieved
their allies are "AlTaghout** (= what is worshipped other than Allah") - they take them out from the light (of Faith) to the depths of darkness - those are
the companions of the Fire (in Hell) they in it are remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 257, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:257)
* Who are Awliya' Allah? (in Surat Yunus)
Why do disbelievers follow other than Allah "= AlTaghout"? (in Surat AlNisa')
Words: Weli = Ally - Friend, AlDhulumat = Depths of darkness, AlNoor = The light.
Q: On the Day of Judgement what will believers be eagerly waiting to hear especially from Allah?
A: Their (believers) Greeting the Day they meet with Him (Allah) will be Peace* and He had prepared for them an Honorable Reward.
Translation of: Ayah 44, Surat AlAhzab. (33:44)
* Besides from the angels, believers will hear 'Salam' from Allah Himself. (refer to Surat YaSeen) (May Allah grant us all such Honor).
Words: Tahiyatuhum = Their Greeting, A'ada = Had prepared, Kareema = An honorable.
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