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Q: Why did God create death?
A: Blessed be Him (Allah) in whose Hand is the dominance (of the universe) and He is Capable of everything; Who created death
and life to test which one of you has better work and He is the Almighty and the Most-Forgiving.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 2, Surat AlMulk.
Words: Tabaraka = Blessed be, Allathi = Who, AlMulk = The dominance - The Kingdom, Kuli = Everything,
Shaye' = Thing, Kadeer = Capable, Khalaka = Created, AlMout = The Death, AlHayat =
The Life, Ahsan = Better, Amal = Work, AlAzeez = The AlMighty, AlGhafoor = The Most-Forgiving.
Q: Who comes to take the soul away at the time of death?
A: And He is the Dominant over His people. And He sends down over you guardians until the time of death
comes upon any of you, Our messengers (angels) will take his soul away and they do not neglect.
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Howa = He, AlQa'hir = The Dominant, Fawka = Over, Ibadah = His people, Hafathah =
Guardians, Ahadukum = Any of you, Rusuluna = Our messengers, Hum = They, La = no, not,
Yufaritoun = They neglect.
Q: Is the time of death for each one of us already fixed?
A: And a person can not die but with the permission of Allah according to a fixed-time Record. And who wants the
reward of this life We will give him from it and who wants the reward of the after-life We will give him from it and
We will reward the grateful.
Translation of: Ayah 145, Surat AlImran.
Words: Nafs = Person, Tamoot = Dies, Bi'thin = With permission, Kitab = Record, Moaj'al =
Fixed-time - Predestined time - Appointed time, Yureed = Wants, Thawab = reward, AlDunya = This Life, AlAkhirah = The Other Life, Najzi =
Reward, AlShakir = The Grateful.
Q: Is there an immediate punishment at the time of death (before the Day of Judgment)?
A: And only if you could see at the time of the death of those who disbelieved the angels smacking their faces and
their backs and (saying) taste* the punishment of the Fire; That is because of what their hands
had prepared and Allah is never unjust to His servants;
Just like the persistent work of the People of
Pharaoh (Phiroun) and those before them - they disbelieved in the Miraculous Signs of Allah so Allah destroyed them for their sins - indeed Allah
is Al-Mighty Relentless in the punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 52, Surat AlAnfal.
* Remember the Prophet Muhammad's saying (source mentioned in another part of this Website) that at the time of the death of a disbeliever a window to Hell opens in his grave
(for hot air) to get a taste of the punishment of Hell. (Remember that Hell and Paradise are already prepared).
Words: Tara = You see, Yadhrib = Smacks - Hits, Wujouh = Faces, Adbar =
Backs - Bottoms, Dhouqou = Taste (plural), Athab = Punishment, AlHareeq = The Fire, Qaddama = Prepared,
Aydi = Hands, KaDa'bi = Just like the persistent work, Qabl = Before, Thanb = Sin, Shadeed G Relentless - Severe.
Q: After the person dies and after the dead body is layed down in his grave is there a quick questioning of the dead person?
Note: Includes a true scene from the coming Day of Judgement.
A: And who can be more transgressor (ungrateful to Allah) than the one who fabricates lies against Allah or
rejects as lies His Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) - those
a portion of the Book (what is pre written for them good or bad) will reach them - until our messengers (angels) come
to them to take their souls away they (angels) will say where are those whom you were calling upon other than Allah - they
will say they went astray from us and they witnessed upon themselves that they were disbelievers; He (Allah on Day of
Judgment) will say enter into (the company of) communities who had passed away before you from the Jinn and humans in the
Fire -
every time a community entered it it would curse its sister until when they all caught up with each other in it the
last of them said to the first our God those had misled us so give them a double punishment of the Fire (of Hell) - He (Allah) said for
every one a double but you do not realize;
the first of them said to their last but you did not have any advantage over us so taste the punishment for what (deeds) you
were earning; Indeed those who have rejected as lies Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) and turned arrogantly away
from them the Gates of
the Heaven will not be opened for them and they will not enter Paradise until the camel thrusts (passes) through the
eye of the needle (impossible) and that is how We (Allah) repay the sinners (criminals (in Allah's Sight) = alMujrimeen); For them from
Hell beds and above them bedcovers (punishment); And that is
how We repay the transgressors (beyond Allah's Limits);
And those who believed and did the righteous deeds - We do not overburden a self
but with what
is in its capacity - those are the companions of Paradise they in it are eternal; And We pulled out what is
in their chests of bitterness (for other believers) - underneath them the rivers flow - and they said praise to Allah Who
had guided us to this and we were not to be guided had it not been for Allah to guide us - Our God's messengers had brought
(us) the Truth and
they were called this is Paradise - you (plural) have inherited it (Paradise) with what (good) you were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 37 - 43, Surat AlA'raf. (7:37-43)
Words: Ja'at = Came, Tatawaffa = To take the soul away, Tadou = Call, Min Doun Allah = Other than
Allah, Dhallou Anna = Went astray away from us, Udkhul = Enter, Umem = Communities - Peoples - Nations, La'nat = Cursed, Ukht = Sister,
Eddarakou = Caught up (plural), Ukhra = Last one, Oula = First, Dhe'f = Double, Taksib = Earn,
Abwab = Gates, Yalij = Thrusts - Pushes with force, Jamal = Camel, Sem = Eye, Khiyat = Needle; Mihad = Beds,
Ghawash = Bedcovers, Nukallif = Overburden, Wose' = Capacity, Khalid = Eternal, Naza' = Pulled
out, Ghil = Bitterness - Hatred, Hada = Guided, Awristhtomouha = You inherited it (plural).
Q: Does death has its own agony (pain)? (The Prophet Muhammad had the agony of death as a severe headache for three days before
his death).
A: And the intoxication of death (like drunk from agony) has come with the truth (of death) that is what you were turning
away from; And it was blown in the Trumpet that is the Day of the Warning (Judgment); And every soul came with
it a driver (angel drives each) and a witness (angel who witnessed his work);
Certainly you were in (intentional) unawarness of this so We (Allah)
have removed your cover (= Ghita'aka) so your sight (= Basaruka) today is iron (= Hadeed); And his companion (Satan who accompanies the wrongdoer in life)
said: This one with me is next (prepared). Throw (command to the two angels) in Hell every faith rejecter, stubborn,
forbidding the good, aggressive, suspicious, who made with Allah another god; So throw him
in the severe punishment. His companion (Satan) said: Our God I did not make him tyrannical but he was
in a faraway stray (from the Truth). He (Allah) said: Do not dispute in front of Me and I had sent you in advance
(prophets) with the warning. The Word (Allah's word) is not changed with Me and I am not at all unjust to my servants.
The Day (of Judgment) when We say to Hell have you become full and it will say is there more? And Paradise will be
brought for the righteous not at a distance. This is what you were promised for every one returning to Allah with
repentance, observant (of Allah's orders), who was afraid of the Most-Merciful secretly and he came with a repenting heart.
Enter into it (Paradise) with peace
and that is the Day of the Eternal Life; For them is what they desire and We have more. And how many generations did
We destroy before them: They were more in violent attacks than them (later wrongdoers) and they wandered in the land
so was there an escape (from Allah)?
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 36, Surat Qaf.
Words: Sakrah = Intoxication, Tuheed = Turning away from, Waeed = Warning, Sa'iq =
Driver, Shaheed = Witness, Fi Ghaflah = In (intentional) unawareness - In carelessness (foolishness), Kashafa = Removed - Revealed, Ghita' = Cover - Veil,
Basar = Eyesight, Hadeed = Iron, Qareen = Companion, Ateed = Forthcoming - Next, Alqiya = Throw
(order to two), Aneed = Stubborn, Man'na' = Forbidding, Mu'tad = Aggressive, Mureeb = Suspicious,
Atghayt = Made him tyrannical, Baeed = Faraway, Yubad'dal = Is changed, Imtalati = Are you full,
Mazeed = More, Awwab = Returning to Allah with repentance, Hafeedh = observant - mindful, Qarn =
Generation, Batsh = Violent Attack, Mahees = Escape.
Q: Is there punishment in the grave?
Note: After every prayer, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to call upon Allah seeking refuge from the
punishment of the grave.
Note: The grave of a person is wherever his body lies be it land, air or water.
The Barrier (= AlBarzakh) is where the dead person stays. It is a life
between this Life and the Other Life. In an excerpt of a
saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A window opens in the grave so that the dead has a taste of Paradise or a
taste of Hell according to his deeds.
A: And We certainly sent Moses with Our Miraculous Signs and a clear authority (to be obeyed); To Pharaoh (Phiroun) and Haaman and
Qarun so they said a lying magician; So when he came to them with the Truth from Us they said kill the sons of those
who believed with him and bring shame to their women and the plotting of the disbelievers is not but in a loss; And
Pharaoh said leave me to kill Moses and let him call his God - for I fear that he will change your religion or
he will cause corruption to appear in the land; And Moses said indeed I seek refuge with my God and your God from every
arrogant who does not believe in the Day of Judgement;
And a believing man from the people of Pharaoh concealing his Faith (= Iman) said are you going to kill a man who says my god is Allah and he has brought you the clear Signs from your God - and if
he is a liar so his (sin of) lying will be upon him and if he is truthful some of what he promises you will befall upon you for
Allah does not guide who is a transgressor, a liar; O my people yours is the kingdom today - having the upper
hand in the land but who is going to help us from the violent attack of Allah if it comes to us - Pharaoh said I do not give you an opinion except
what I see (to kill Moses) and I do not guide you but to the path of reason; And the one who believed said O my
people I fear for you similar of the Day of the Parties (earlier disbelieving communities);
Just like the persistent behaviour of the nation of
Noah and Aad and Sthamud and those after them and Allah does not want injustice to the servants (people); And O my people:
I fear for you the Day of the Calling (Disputing and wailing); The Day when you will turn your back
running away - you do not have from Allah any protector and whoever Allah leaves to stray will have no guide; And
Joseph (Prophet Yusuf)* came to you before with the clear Signs and you continued in a doubt from what he brought you until
when he died you said Allah will not send after him a prophet - that is how Allah leaves to stray who is a transgressor,
a doubtful;
Those who dispute in the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines)of Allah without an authority that He (Allah) gave them - too
much of hatred (of their disbelieving**) in the Sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believed and that is how Allah stamps on the heart of every
arrogant, tyrannical;
And Pharaoh said O Haaman construct for me a structure in order for me to reach the ways; The ways of the Heavens so
that I can glance a look at the God of Moses and I am certain he is a liar - and that is how it was made to look nice
for Pharaoh the
evil of his work and he was prevented from the Way (of Allah) - and the plotting of Pharaoh is not but in utter
destruction; And the one who had Faith said O my people follow me I will guide you to the Way of Reason; O my
people this Life is but temporary enjoyment and the Other Life is the Staying Place; Whoever does a bad deed he will
not be paid but similar to it - and who did good as a male or a female while being faithful so those will
enter Paradise - being provided in it without any limit;
And my people why I call you to salvation and
you call me to the Fire (of Hell); You call me to disbelieve in Allah and join partner(s) with Him what I do not have knowledge*** of and
I call you towards the AlMighty, the Most-Forgiver; No doubt what you are calling me towards it has no true call in
Life neither in the Other Life and indeed our return is to Allah and indeed the transgressors are the companions of Hell;
And you will remember what I am telling you and I do commit myself to Allah - indeed Allah is All-Aware of His servants;
So Allah saved him from the evil deeds of what they had plotted
and the worst of the punishment was inflicted on the people of
Pharaoh (they drowned); (And after death) The Fire (of Hell) - they are brought in front of it (in their graves)**** in the
morning and at night and on the Day of Judgement admit the people
of Pharaoh into the worst of the punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 46, Surat Ghafir (40:23-46).
* Joseph son of Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham.
** All types of disbelieving (being ungrateful to Allah the One and Only God) is hated by Allah. (refer to
Surat Fatir)
*** Allah did not send any command to worship other than Him - the One and Only God. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
**** In an excerpt from a long saying of the Prophet Muhammad describing the punishment in the grave as mentioned in many
authenticated Islamic books: A window of Hell or Paradise opens in the grave to let the dead person taste the
punishment (hot air) or the affluence (cool air) according to his deeds in life until the Resurrection Day.
Words: Saahir = Magician, Kaththab = Lying (liar), Kayd = Plotting, Tharouni = Leave me, Aqtul =
Kill, Fasaad = Corruption, Mutakabbir = Arrogant, Yo'min = Believes, Yaktum = Conceals, Ya'id
= Promises, Musrif = Transgressor, Mulk = Kingdom, Dhaahireen = Having the upper hand, Ba's = Violent
attack, Rashaad = Reason - Right,
Ahzab = Parties, Tanad = Calling, Tawalloun Mudbireen = Turn your back running away, Halaka = Died,
Yabasth = Sends, Murtab = Doubtful, Yujaadil = Disputes, Kabura = Too much of, Maqt =
Hatred, Yattba' = Stamps, Qalb = Heart, Sarh = Structure, Asbab = Ways and means, Sudda =
Was prevented, Tabab = Destruction, Ittabi'ouni = Follow me, Dar AlQarar = Staying Place, Najat =
Salvation, Da'wah = True call, Marad = Return, Ufawidh = Commit, Yu'radh = Brought in front of,
Ghudou = Morning, Ashey = At night, Ashad AlAthab = the worst of punishment.
Q: Is there an immediate questioning from the angels when the dead body is lied down to rest?
A: Allah makes firm those who have faith with the firm word in Life and in the end (grave); And Allah leaves to
stray the transgressors (unjust); And Allah does what He wills. Haven't you thought about those who had changed the favour of
Allah into disbelief and they caused their people to take the dwelling of the uselessness: Hell they burn
in it and what a miserable staying place.
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 29, Surat Ibraheem. (14:27-29)
Words: AlQawl = The Word - Talk, Yusthabit = Makes firm, Yudhil = Leaves to stray, Tara = Have thought -
Have seen, Ni'mat = Favour, Dar AlBawar = Dwelling of uselessness, Bi'sa = What a miserable, Qarar = Staying place, Sir = Secretly,
Alaniyah = In public, Yawm = Day, Baye' = Selling, Khilal = Friendship.
Q: What are believers commanded to do regularly?
A: Say to My people who have faith to perform the prayer and to
spend from what We provided them secretly and in public before a Day comes when there is no selling in it neither is friendship.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat Ibraheem. (14:31)
Words: Sirran = Secretly, Alaniyatan = In public, Yawm = Day, Baye' = Selling, Khilal = Friendship.
Q: Does the dying person see death when it comes to him?
Note: In an excerpt of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him that a dead person's eyes become wide open when he dies because that is when his eyes follow his soul.
A: By no means! But you love the instant Life; And you leave behind the Other Life; Faces that Day will be beaming; Towards their God looking;
And faces that Day will be frowning; Thinking for sure a backbone-breaking calamity will be inflicted on
them; By no means! When it (soul) reaches the collar-bone; And it is said is there someone who can treat (the dying person) with prayer; And he
(the dying person) thought for sure (= Dhanna) it was the parting; And the leg joined the leg (hardened from fear); Towards your God that
day is the drive (by angels); And he did not make freewill charity (Sadaqah) neither did he pray; But he rejected as lies and
turned away; And then
he went to his family swaggering (walking proudly); (Allah says) It (coming punishment) is more appropriate for you because you are
more deserving; Then
again it is more appropriate for you because you are more deserving; Does man think he will be left without purpose; Was he not a drop of sperm that
was ejaculated; Then he was a leach-like clot so He (Allah) created and shaped; And He made from it the two mates
the male and the female; Is He then not Capable of bringing the dead to life?!
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 40, Surat AlQiyamah. (75:20-40)
Words: Kalla = By no means - Certainly not - No, Tuhiboun = You love, AlAjilah = The Instant Life, AlAkhirah
= The Other Life, Nadhirah = Beaming - Beautiful, Nazhirah = Looking, Baasirah = Frowing,
Faaqirah = Backbone-breaking calamity, Taraaqi =
Collar-bone, Raaqi = who is going to treat with prayers, Dhanna = Thought for sure, Firaaq = Parting, Saaq = Leg, Masaaq = The
drive, Sad'daqa = Made freewill charity (zakat = Fixed amount charity in Islam), Yatamatta = Swaggering -
Walking proudly, Awla = More appropriate - More deserving, Yahsab = Thinks, Yutrak = Will be left,
Suda = Without purpose, Nutfah = Drop, Meni = Sperm, Yumna = (verb) Enjaculated, Thakar = Male,
Unstha = Female, Yuhye = Bringing to life - Making alive - Giving life.
Q: What happens to the soul of the unfaithful after the soul leaves the body?
A: Believing in One God, not making partners with Him; And who makes partner with Allah it is as if he falls from
the Heaven and the birds will snatch him or the wind drops him in a bottomless place.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat AlHajj. (22:31)
Note: In a brief summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: After the soul becomes in the
hands of the Angel of death (Azrael - Izraeel) the other present angels take the soul and prepare it in
a coffin with good frangrnace of musk or the worst odor (depending on one's deeds) and take it up on a trip
across the Seven Heavens towards Allah. In the case of the soul of the person with Faith in Allah the
angels in each Heaven welcome it and know it is a good soul because of its beautiful smell that has
come from towards earth. But in the
case of a disbelieving person, the gates of each Heaven will not easily open for it and the angels will point to its bad
odour. Until the soul reaches the Seventh Heaven and Allah knows what type of person he was and Allah commands his record
to be written in "Illiyeen" (in the highest place) or Sijjeen (in the lowest earth). Then Allah will command to take
it back to earth. So the angels gently return back the believing person's soul to his body. As for
the unbelieving person's soul, the angels throw it from the Heaven to go back to its body.
Then the questioning by Munker and Nakeer (angels) begins
that is the beginning of the Life of the Barrier 'AlBarzakh' = The Partition or the Interval between This Life and The Other
Life. (Three quesitons are asked when the dead person bcomes in it: Who is your God, your Prophet and your Religion). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume
2, pages 778 - 781
Words: Hunafa' = Believing in One God, Ghayr = Not, Mushrik = Making partner, Khar'ra = Fell down,
Takhat'tafuhu = Snatched him, Tayr = Birds, Tahwi = Drops, Reeh = Wind, Saheeq =
Bottomless - Very deep, Makan = Place.
Q: After the death, when the angels take the soul on a trip across the seven heavens, why does Allah ask them to
take the soul back to earth? The answer is highlighted.
A: He (Allah) Who made for you the earth flattened (leveled) and he clarified for you in it ways and He
sent down from the sky water so We brought out with it pairs of various plants. Eat and pasture your cattle; Indeed in
that are Miraculous Signs for those who have brains. From it We created you, and in it We return you, and from it We take you
out once again.
Translation of: Ayat 53 - 55, Surat Taha.
Words: Ja'la = Made, Ardh = Earth, Mahdan = Flattened, Salaka = Clarified, Subul = Ways, Nabat
= Plants, Shat'ta = Various, Ir'ou = Pasture, An'am = Cattle, Uli Alnuha = Those who have brains,
Khalaqa = Created, Nueed = We will return, Nukhrij = We will take out, Tarrah = Once, Ukhra =
Q: When the angels take the soul on a trip, of course there is a big purpose behind that. When the soul reaches
the Seventh Heaven Allah , before ordering to send the soul back to earth, orders to write its book in one of the two
Reference Books: Iliyeen or Sijjeen. What are these books?
A: No for the Record of the sinners is found in Sijjeen; And what do you know about Sijjeen; A numbered Record*;
Woe that Day for the rejecters; Who reject as lies the Day of the Religion (Judgement);
And no one rejects it except every transgressor
beyond bounds, sinner. When Our lines were recited to him he said mythologies of the Ancients; By no means
(whay they say is true) rather what
they were earning has prevailed (like a shadow) on their hearts; By no means - certainly they are from (seeing) their
God that Day kept
in seclusion (= mahjouboun); Then they are going certainly to be burnt in Hell; Then it will be said (by angels) this is what
you were about it lying; By no means - the Book of the righteous is in
Iliyeen; And what do you know about Iliyeen; A numbered Book; Witnessed by the intimate (prophets...etc); Indeed the
righteous are certainly in affluence; On raised couches they are looking; You see in their faces the freshness of affluence;
They are given to drink from stamped (for purity) nectar (wine); Its ending is of musk (nice smell) and for that let
the contestants (rivals) contend; And its mixture is of Tasneem (Spring in Paradise): A spring from it the intimate (near to
Allah) drink.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 28, Surat AlMutaffifeen.
* Sijjeen = Reference Book with levels of imprisonment (punishment) in Hell,
Words: Kalla = By no means - No, Kitab = Record - Book, Fujjar = Sinners, Marqoom = Numbered, Wayl = Woe -
Destruction, Mu'tad = Transgressor beyond bounds, Astheem =
Sinner, Asateer = Mythologies, Awaleen = Ancients, Rana = Prevailed, Quloub = Hearts, Yaksib =
Earning, Mahjouboun = Kept in seclusion - They are concealed, Saalou = Going be burnt, Abrar = Righteous, Iliyeen = Reference Book with
levels of high places, Muqaraboun = Intimite, Nadhrah = Freshness - Beaming, Na'eem = Affluence, Raheeq
= Nectar, Makhtoum = Stamped, Khitam = Ending, Misk = Musk,
Yatanaafas = Contend, Mutanafis = Contestant, Mizaj = Mixture, Tasneem = Spring in Paradise.
Q: Especailly at the time of death of believers what do the angels tell them?
A: Indeed those who said our God is Allah then they became on the Straight Path (of Allah) the angels repeatedly come down upon
them (at death time saying) do not fear - do not grieve* - and be delighted with the good news of Paradise that you were
being promised; We (Allah and what Allah commands) are your allies** in this life and in the Other Life and for you in it what your selves
desire and for you in it what you demand as a hospitable reception from Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 32, Surat Fusilat. (41:30-32)
* Do not grieve for what you are leaving behind. Source Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4.
** Other than Allah there are no real allies. (refer to Surat Hood)
Words: Istaqamou = Became on Allah's Straight Path - Became righteous, Tatanaz'zal = Repeatedly come down, Al'la Takhafou = Do not fear
(plural), La Tahzanou = Do not grieve, Abshirou = Be delighted with the good news, Awliya'ukim = Your allies - Your supporters,
Tashtahi = Desire, Tad'doun = You Demand (plural), Nuzulan = As a hospitable reception.
Q: Again, is the punishment of grave (no matter how a person dies) a reality?
A: And around you from the Normads (people living in the desert) hypocrites, and (also) from the people of the
Madinah ( people living in the city);
They are used to hypocrisy; You (Prophet Muhammad) do not know them; We (Allah) know them; We will punish them twice* then they will be returned for a severe punishment (the Other Life).
Translation of: Ayah 101, Surat AlTawbah.
* First punishment in this Life. Second punishment in the grave.
Words: Hawl = Around, A'rab = Normads - Bedouins, Ahl = People, AlMadeenah = City in Saudi Arabia It was
called Ya(s)thrib before the Prophet's immigration to it, Nifaq = Hypocrisy, Maratain = Twice, Yurad = Will
be returned, Adhab = Punishment, Adheem = Severe.
Q: Does it help to call on Allah to postpone the death of someone? And why not?
A: And do spend from what We (Allah) have provided you before death comes to any of you then he says: O my
God! If only you delay me to a near fixed time so that I make charity and I become from the righteous. And Allah will
not delay a soul when its time of death comes; And Allah is Expert with what you are doing.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 11, Surat AlMunafiqoun.
Note: Pray to grant the person health instead of praying to delay the person's death.
Words: Anfiq = Spend, Ya'ti = Comes, Akh'khar = Delayed, Ajal = Fixed time - Appointed time, Qareeb = Near, As'sadiq =
I make charity, Salih = Righteous, Khabeer = Expert.
Q: What is the Surah (chapter) in the Qur'an that told the Prophet Muhammad about the nearing of his death?
A: When the support of Allah and the victory (= AlFathh*) have come; And when you (Prophet Muahmmad) have seen people entering into the
Religion of Allah in crowds then glorify the Praise of your God and ask for His forgiveness for He is the
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlNasr. (110:1-3)
* Conquest of Mecca (= Fathh Mecca or AlFathh). Mecca was conquered without fighting or blood shedding and was cleared from the idols worshipping in 630 C.E. The
Prophet died in 632 C. E.
Note: According to Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad: After this Surah of the Qur'an was revealed, the prophet
after every prayer used to say: I ask Allah for forgiveness and I repent to Him (astaghfir Allah wa atoubu
Ilayhi). Prophet Muhammad died 632 C.E.
Words: Jaa' = Has come, Fath = Victory, Ra'ayta G Have seen, Deen = Religion, Afwaja = In crowds, Estaghfir = Ask for
forgiveness. Tawwab = Most-Pardoning - Most-Frogiving.
Q: Why should the faithful concentrate on the lessons that Allah's miracles contain and not the details of the
miracles themselves?
Note: Reference is to Allah's miracle that happened to a group of some believers in Tarsus (Asia Minor - Turkey).
Note: According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, ex Mufti (scholar) of Egypt, the young men referred to
in the Qur'an were on the Religion of Jesus
(Prophet Issa) and they took shelter in a cave running away with their religion from a tyrant idol worshipping
king named in Arabic Deqyanous in Asia Minor (Turkey nowadays).
Note: Some People of the Book questioned the Prophet about the story of the Companions of the
Cave. Then the Angel Gabriel came down with Qur'anic Lines about them.
A: Or did you (Prophet Muhammad) think that the companions of the Cave* and (owners of) AlRaqeem* were
among Our (Allah's) Miraculous Signs wonder; When the young men took shelter in the cave and they said our God grant us
from You mercy and
prepare for us guidance to our ordeal; So We made them sleep deep (like dead) in the Cave for a number of years; Then We
awakened them up so that We make known which of the two parties counted the period of their staying;
We (Allah) narrate upon you
(Prophet Muhammad) their story with Truth (as it really happened) - indeed they were young men who believed in their God and We increased
them in Guidance; And We tightened (made firm = Rabattna) their hearts when they stood up and they said our God is the
God of the Heavens and the earth we will not call upon any god other than Him otherwise we have said what exceeds the
proper bounds (deviation = shatata) (upon
Allah); These our people have taken other than Him (Allah) gods - if only they (gods) could bring upon them a clear
authority (legitimation to prove) so
who can be more transgressing (unjust) than the one who fabricates lies against Allah; And since you withdrew from them
and what they worship instead of Allah so have shelter in the Cave - your God may shower His mercy upon you and He
may make an easy way out of your ordeal; And you see the sun when it rises it bends away from
their Cave to the right and when it sets it avoids them to the left and they were in an opening of it - that is from the
Miraculous Signs (= Ayat) of Allah and whoever Allah guides is the guided and whom He leaves to stray you will not
find for him a guiding
protector ; And you think that they were awake and they were (really) asleep and We turned them to the
right and to the left and their dog was stretching forth his forelegs on the threshold (dead) - if you (Prophet Muhammad) had looked at
them you would have certainly run away from them and you would have certainly been filled with terror; And that is how We awakened them so
that they question each other - one of them said how long you had stayed they said we stayed one day or
part of a day they said your God knows best how long you stayed so send someone with this paper money of yours to
the town so let him see which food is more delicious and let him bring you some sustenance (provision) from it and let
him be alert and not to let anyone be aware of you; Indeed they - if they find out about you they will stone you or they will return you to their
religion and then you will never prosper (gain salvation); And thus We (Allah) did allow them (town people) to find them** so that they
realize that the Promise of Allah (raising the dead) is true and that there is no doubt in the Hour (Day of
Judgment) - when they
(the people) disputed among themselves their (young men's) matter so they said build a structure (building) over them
(leave them in the cave) - their
God knows best about them - those who won in their matter said we are going to make a mosque (place of worship)*** over
them; They
are going to say three and their fourth was their dog and they say five - their sixth was their dog while stoning at the
Unknown (guessing) and they say seven and their eighth**** is their dog - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) my God knows Best about their
number - Only few knew about them (their number) so do not dispute about them except with what is an obvious dispute and do not
inquire about them (companions of the Cave) anyone (who disputed with the Prophet). --- And they stayed in their cave three hundred
years and they went beyond that by nine ; Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) Allah knows Best how long they stayed - to Him
belong the Unseen of the Heavens and the earth: What (Glory to) an All-Seeing, All-Hearing - they do not have other
than Him (Allah) any protector and He does not share His Ruling with anyone.
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 22, 25 - 26, Surat AlKahf. (18:9-22, 25-26)
* Most probably the name of their dog. Some commentators also say it may refer to the mountain's name or the tablet that
listed their names.
** Everything had changed. The money of the young man and his clothes were old. The people of the town had become on the religion of the youth.
They went with the young man to the cave. The young man re-entered the cave and did not come out. They all were found
dead inside.
*** According to Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volme 3, page 114: 1. Either the Muslims then or the disbelievers won over their
matter and decided to have a mosque (worship place) over their grave.
2. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad. Allah cursed Jews and Christians who took the graves of their
prophets and their righteous persons as mosques (places of worship = Masajid).
**** According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, ex Mufti (scholar) of Egypt: This is the true number because it came after
the guessing line.
Words: Hasbta = You thought, Asshab = Companions, Kahf = Cave, A'ti = Grant, Haye' =
Prepare, Rashada = Guidance, Sineen = Years, Adad = Number, Bastha = Awakened, Hizb = Party,
Ahsa = Counted, Amad = Duration, Naqus = We narrate, Naba' = News, BilHaq = With Truth - As it really
happened, Fityah = Young men, Rabattna = We tightened - Made firm - Strengthened, Qalb = Heart, Shatata = What is exceeding the
proper bounds - Infringement, E'tazala =
Isolated, Mirfaq = Easy way, Tuzawir = bends away, Taqrudh = Avoids, Fajwah = Opening, Ayqaadh =
Awake (plural), Roqoud = Asleep, Nuqallib = We turn them, Yameen = Right, Shimal = Left, Kalb = Dog,
Basit = Stretching, Thira' = Foreleg, Ru'b = Fear, Bas(th)a = Awakened, Yawm = Day, Azka = More
delicious, Waraq = Paper money, Walla Firaran = Ran away, Ru'b = Terror, Waraq = Paper money, Azka =
More delicious, Yatalattaf = Be alert, Yush'ir = Make aware, Yadhhar = Finds, Yarjum = Stones,
Yueed = Returns, A's(th)ara = Allowed to find, Yatanaze' = Disputes, Ghalaba = Won, S(th)als(th)a
= Three, Ra'bie' = Fourth, Khamsah = Five, Sadis = Sixth, Sab'ah = Seven, Sthamin = Eighth,
Tumari = Dispute, Dhahir = Obvious - Clear, Tastafti = You inquire - You consult, Tisah.= Nine, Absir wa Asmie' = What an
All-Seeing, All-Hearing, Weli = Protector - An Ally - A helper, Yushrik = Shares - Joins, Hukm = Ruling.
Q: What is very hard for the disbelievers to believe in?
A: And those who disbelieved said: Shall we show you a man (Muhammad) who can give you the news that when you are
ripped apart - a complete ripping apart (after death) you are indeed going to be in a new creation (raised up for
Judgment). Did he
(Prophet Muhammad) lie upon Allah*?! Or is he possessed (mad)?! But (Allah says) those who do not believe in the
Other Life are in the Punishment (in the Other Life) and they are in a far away error (in this Life). So Have they not looked into what is in front of them and behind them of
the sky and the earth?! If We please We can make the earth sink down with them or drop down upon them pieces (of
punishment) from the sky: For in that is a Sign for every repentant servant.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 9, Surat Saba'.
* The Arab disbelievers in Mecca knew about Allah even before the Prophet Muhammad was born but they partnered idols with Allah and they did not believe in the Other Life.
Words: Nadul = We show, Yunabe' = Gives the news, Muzziqa = Was ripped apart, Khalq = Creation,
Bihi Jinnah = He is possessed, Adab = Punishment, Nasha' = We please, Nakhsif = We make sink down,
Nusqit = Drop down, Kisaf = Pieces, Dhalal = Error - Straying away, Baeed = Far away.
Q: What action will raise up the dead on the Day of Judgment?
A: Then it is only one scolding shout (= zajrah)* and
suddenly they are looking; And they said woe (destruction) to us this is the Day of The Religion (Judgement);
This is the Day of Judgement that you (disbelievers) were rejecting as lies; Gather those who transgressed and their mates and what they
were worshipping; Other than Allah so guide them to the Path of Hell;
And do restrain them for they are going
to be questioned; What is wrong with you that you are not supporting one another; Yet today they are
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 26, Surat AlSaffat.
* Trumpet blowing by the Angel Israphil.
Words: Zajrah = Scolding shout Scolding scream, Wahidah = One, Yanthur = Is looking, Wayl = Woe, Ehshur =
Gather, Ehdi = Guide, Sirat = Way, Qifouhum = Restrain them - Stop them, Tunasiroun = Supporting one another,
Mustaslimoun = Surrendering.
Q: Should the faithful regret the time or the location where a dear person died?
A: O people who have faith do not be like those who disbelieved and they said to
their brothers (comrades) when they were traveling in the land or they were on a military expedition: If
were with us they would not have died neither would they have been killed - so that Allah makes that a
regret in their hearts, and Allah is Who gives life (to the embryo) and Who makes dead and Allah of
what you do is Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 156, Surat AlImran.
Words: Ikhwan = brothers - of the same tribe, Dharbou Fi AlArdh = Were traveling in the landh, Kanou Ghuzat = Were on a military
expedition - Were engaged in fighting, Qutila = Was killed, Yaj'al = Makes, Hasrah = A regret, Quloub = Hearts, Yuhye =
Gives life - Makes alive, Brings to life, Yumeet = Makes dead, Baseer = Watchful.
Q: Why do not Muslims believe in the reincarnation of the soul after death?
A: Until when death comes to one of them (disbelievers) he says my God send me back (to life); So that
I may do good in what I left - never indeed it is a Word (death time) He (Allah) is its
Speaker and behind them is a Barrier (Barzakh)* until the Day (of Judgment) they will be raised up.
Translation of: Ayat 99 - 100, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:99-100)
* The Barrier (= AlBarzakh) is the state of the dead person until the Day of Judgment. It is the Interval Life
between this Life and the Other Life. In a brief summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: After
one's death the person's soul is carried up across the seven Heavens. The righteous person's
soul is welcomed by angels in each Heaven. The unrighteous person's soul is rejected and the
angels in each Heaven do not open the gates for it. When it reaches the Seventh Heaven Allah
orders the name of the person to be written in the Record of the righteous people or the other
Record. Then the righteous soul is brought back to the body while the unrighteous soul is
hurled down to its body. The person stays in the state of "AlBarzakh" (like sleeping and seeing
dreams) until the Day of Judgment.
Note: Examples of the images of Life in the Barrier: In an excerpt of a
saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A window opens in the grave so that the dead has a taste of Paradise or a
taste of Hell according to his deeds.
Also in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Weren't it for the fear that
you do not bury your dead, I would have prayed to Allah to let you hear the sounds of the dead persons
(when being punished in the grave).
Also the Prophet Muhammad called the death of a person the short form of the Day of Judgment (Qamat
Qiyamatuhu AlSughra).
Words: Hatta = When, Ja'a = Comes, Ahad = One, Erjaouni = Send me
back, Salihan = Good, Taraktu = I left, Kalla = Never - By no means, Kalimah = A Word -
A saying, Min wara'ihim = Behindthem , Barzakh = Barrier - Dividing Life - Interval Life, Yubasthoun =
Will be raised up.
Q: What do the disbelievers say about why they die?
A: And they (disbelievers) say: It is only our life in this world: We die and we live (only here) and
nothing but the course of time can destroy us - (Allah says) and they have about that (course of Time) no
knowledge for they are only guessing.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:24)
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= Hadeeth Qudsi) brought down by the Angel Gabriel
narrated by the Prophet Muhammad: (Allah says) The son of Adam insults (= yu'theeni) Me (Allah) - he swears at time (= AlDahr) and I (Allah)
am the Time: In My hand is the matter (of everything) - I alter its night and day. In a summary of another saying of the
Prophet Muhammad: Do not swear at Time for Allah is The Time. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume
3, page. 311.
Words: AlHayat AlDunya = The life of this world, Namout = We die, Nahya =
We live, Yuhlik = Destroys, Dahr = Course of time - Time, Yathunn = Guesses.
Q: Why should humans not die while being disbelievers in Allah?
A: For those who disbelieved and died being disbelievers - upon those is the curse of Allah and the
angels and all humans*; Remaining for eternity in it (Hell) - Punishment will not be eased for them neither
will they be given respite (temporary relief); And your God is One God there is no
god but He**, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 161 - 163, Surat AlBaqarah.
* All humans agreed to a covenant with Allah.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Those who are considered the people of "La ilaha
illa Allah = There is no god but Allah" there is no loneliness (and melancholy = Wahshah) in
their graves. The Prophet
continued: As if I see the people of 'La ilaha illa Allah' raising up from their graves shaking off
the dust from their heads saying: La ilaha illa Allah = There is no god but Allah. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume
2, page. 382.
Words: Kafarou = they disbelieved, Matou = They died, La'nat =
Curse, Malaikah = Angels, Nas = People, Ajma'een = All, Khalid = Remaining for
eternity, Yukhafaf = Is eased, Yunthar = Is given respite, Ilah = God, Rahman =
Most Gracious, Raheem = Most Merciful.
Q: Why is it hard for the disbelievers to believe in the resurrection after death?
A: And they said when we have disappeared (after death) into the earth are we going to be
in a new creation - rather (more correctly) of the meeting with their God they are disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlSijdah.
Words: Dhallalna = We have disappeared, Khalq = Creation, Jadeed = New, Bel =
Rather - More correctly, BiLiqa' = Of the meeting, Kafiroun = Disbelievers.
Q: Why does Islam deny the reincarnation (transmigration of the souls) of the dead?
Note: Allah's Name is also "The Just" and all of His creation is based on Justice. Is it then just and fair to be
rewarded or punished by returning to this life in which there is suffering?
A: And when Our Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) were recited to them with eye-opening proofs their argument was not but
that they said (mockingly) bring back our forefathers if you are telling the truth; Say (command to Prophet Muhammad)
Allah gives you life* then he makes you dead then He gathers you to the Day of Judgment -
there is no doubt in it but most of humans do not know (this).
* When the embryo is created he is lifeless. Only after the soul is injected in it the embryo becomes alive. (refer to Prophet Muhammad's saying)
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 26, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:25-26)
Words: Tutla = Recited, Bayyenat = With eye-opening proofs - With evidences - With Explaining Signs, Hujatahum = Their argument, E'tou = Bring back, Yuhyeekum =
Brings to life, Yumeetukum = Makes you dead, La Rayba Feehi = No doubt in it.
Q: What is the Inevitable Truth that will eventually reach each one?
A: And worship your God (Allah) until The Inevitable Truth (of death) reaches you.
Translation of: Ayah 99, Surat AlHijr.
Words: U'bud = Worship, Yatiyaka = Reaches you, AlYaqeen = The Inevitable Truth -
The Certainty.
Q: What is the origin of the human body?
A: He (Allah) is Who created you from clay then He decreed an appointed time (of death*)
and an appointed time (of Day of Judgment) known to Him (Alone) then still you remain in doubt.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlAn'am. (6:2)
* When one is nearing death we pray that Allah gives him health and not for his death time to change because it is a fixed time.
Note: The difference between the Fixed Time of the Day of Judgement and the Fixed Time of each one's death is that no one
ever knows when is the Day of Judgment.
But about death, specific angels led by Angel "Azrael" know from Allah that the death time has come so they come to
take the soul away of the dying person. The same is about Allah's Commands from Allah's World of the Unseen.
Note: The steps involved in the creation of man. (refer to Surat AlMo'minoun)
Words: Tteen = Clay, Qadha = Decreed, Ajal = An appointed time - A fixed time - a fixed term,
Musamma Indahu = Known to Him, Sthumma = Then still, Tamtaroun = You remain in doubt.
Q: If a fighter stays behind will he avert death?
A: Those (hypocrites among Muslims) who said to their religious brethren while
they (themselves) stayed behind: If they
(Muslim fighters) obeyed us they would not have been killed - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) then avert
death from your own selves if you were telling the truth.
Translation of: Ayah 168, Surat AlImran.
Note: "And a person can not die but with the permission of Allah
according to a fixed-time Record---." Translation of Line 145, Surat AlImran in the Qur'an.
When the Angel of Death came to take the soul of the strong Prophet Moses (Moosa) the
Prophet hit him. The angel returned to Allah saying that he was sent to a servant who does not
want to die. Allah sent the Angel back to tell Moses that he can put his hand on the back of an ox. As much
as hair he covers he will be given days to live. Moses chose to die.
Also the Angel of Death crossed all the fortified walls of the palace where the Prophet David
(Dawood) lived
with his one hundred wives. When the Prophet asked him who he was, the Angel replied: I am the one who
cannot be stopped by walls or barriers and the Prophet preferred to die then.
When the Prophet Muhammad was given to decide between living or death the Prophet's last heard words were:
Rather the Supreme Companion (= Bel AlRafeeq AlA'la). Source: Dr.
Tareq Suwaidan's "Stories of the Prophets peace be upon them" CDs.
Words: Ikhwan = Religious brothers - fellow men, Qa'adou = They stayed behind, Edra'ou = Avert, Anfusikum =
Your selves, Mawt = Death' Sadiqeen = Truthful.
Q: When does the disbeliever give up being against Allah?
A: Those whose souls the angels take away while being unjust to themselves - so they have given up (and said)
we were not doing any evil - yes, indeed! For Allah knows what you were doing; So enter the gates of Hell
remaining for eternity in it and how miserable is the dwelling of the arrogant (not submitting to Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 28 - 29, Surat AlNahl.
* Immediate punishment.
Words: AlLatheena = Those, Tatawaffahum = Are taking away their souls,
Thalimy Anfusahum = Were unjust to themselves, FaAlqou AlSalma = They gave up - They
became submissive, Sou' = Evil, Ta'maloun = What you were doing.
Q: What good news the believers are given by the angels at the time of death?
A: Those whose souls the angels take away while being agreeable* (to Allah) - they (angels) say
Peace be upon you enter Paradise for what you were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlNahl.
* Have faith in Allah as the One and Only God as well as what Allah commanded,
and did good deeds.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an) and told by the Prophet Muhammad: It was said to
the Prophet Muhammad: We hate death. The Prophet said: The matter is not like this. When death comes to
the believer he is given the good news of Allah's Satisfaction and Bounty for him so nothing is more loveable
to him than (death) what is in front of him for he loves to meet Allah and Allah loves to meet him. And the
disbeliever when in the pain of death he is given the bad news of Allah's Punishment and suffering for him so
nothing is more detestable for him than (death) what is in front of him for he hates to meet Allah and
Allah hates to meet him. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, page 233.
Words: Tayebeen = Agreeable - Pure, Salam = Peace.
Q: Why did Allah refer to our waking up from sleep as a revival from the state of death = Resurrection?
A: And it is He (Allah) Who made for you the night as a garment (cover up) and sleep inactivity
and the day as a resurrection*.
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlFurqan.
* Rising up from the state of death.
Note: The Day of Judgment is also called the Day of Resurrection "= Yawm
Words: AlLayl = The night, Libasa = As a garment - As clothing, AlNawm =
Sleep, Subata = Inactivity - Cut off from outside activities - Slumber, Alnahar = The day, Nushoura =
Resurrection - Wake up from the state of death.
Q: Why does Islam completely reject the concept of reincarnation?
A: Too bad for people - no messenger (from Allah) was reaching them except they were mocking him; Did not
they see how many generations that We (Allah) destroyed before them certainly to them they do not come
back*; And the entire (of people) for sure altogether before Us (Allah) they will be brought** (on the Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 32, Surat YaSeen. (36:30-32)
* In any form.
** The dead pesons remain dead until the Day of Judgement when they will be brought again to life.
Words: YaHasrah = Too bad - Alas, AlIbad = People, Ahlakna = We destroyed,
AlQuroun = Generations, Kulun = The entire - Each one - All, Jamee'un = Altogether, Ladayna = Before Us,
Muhdharoun = Will be brought - Are going to be present.
Q: What does the sincere saying "there is no god but Allah" also oblige you to believe in?
Note: A true scene from Allah's World of the Unseen (the Day of Judgment).
A: Then they (companions of Paradise) came to one another questioning; One of them said indeed I had a
constant companion (in Life); He was saying is it that you are certainly from those who believe; That when we die and we become
dust and bones that we are certainly going to be judged based on Allah's Religion (= LaMadeenoun*); He (angel) said: Are you going to look;
So he looked and he saw him (his companion) in the bottom of Hell; He (of Paradise) said by Allah you
almost brought me to ruin;
And had it not been for the Grace of my God I certainly would have been from those
who were made present (by angels with force); (He repeats out of joy) So we were not going to die?; Except our first death
and we were not
going to be punished?; Certainly this is the supreme triumph; (Allah says) For such (ending) let the doers (of
good deeds) do.
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 61, Surat AlSaffat. (37:50-61)
* implies your account with Allah has to be settled.
Note:: The Qur'anic Lines which precede and succeed the ones translated in this posting.
Words: Aqbala = Came, Yatasa'aloun = Questioning, Qareen =
A constant companion - A close friend, AlMusadiqeen = Those who believe, LaMadeenoun = Certainly
are going to be judged based on Allah's Religion, Mutale'oun = Looking, Kidta LaTurdeeni = You almost brought me to ruin,
Ni'mat = Grace, Min AlMuhdhareen = From those who WERE MADE present, AlUla = The first,
AlFawz = The Triumph, Limsthli = For such.
Q: Where does the soul go after death?
A: When death comes to one (person) of them he says God send me back; In order that I do good work in what I
left - By no means! For it is a
Word that He (Allah) has uttered and beyond them is an Isthmus (Partition) to the Day they will be raised up.
Translation of: Ayat 99 - 100, Surat AlMo'minoun.
Note: See why there is no reincarnation in Islam. At death the soul (spirit) is taken
out of the body then it is returned to it.
Except for the souls of the
A martyr is 1. who faces the enemy in a battle.
2. who dies while defending
Words: AlMout = Death, Kalla = By no means - No, Kalimah = Word, Howa = He,
Qaailuha = That He uttered, Rubbi = My
God, A'mal = Do, Salihan = Good work, Taraktu = I Left, Wara'ihim = Beyond them, Barzakh = Isthmus, Partition, Yawm =
Day, Yobasthoun = Raised up.
Q: What do Muslims repeat when a Muslim person dies?
A: O peaceful soul come back to your God satisfied and satisfying; And enter among My devoted people; And enter
My Garden (of Paradise).
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 30, Surat AlFajr.
Note: The difference between the spirit and the soul.
Words: AlNafs = The soul, AlMotmainna = The Peaceful, Irjai' = Come back, Raadhiyah = Satisfied,
Mardhiyah = Satisfying, Udkhali = Enter, Ibadi = My devoted people, Jannati = My Garden (of Paradise.
Q: Can any human live for eternity in this life?
A: And We (Allah) did not allow before you (Prophet Muhammad) remaining for eternity so if
you (Prophet Muhammad) become dead (= Mitta) then are they the ones who will remain for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlAnbiya'.
Words: Ma Ja'alna = We did not allow, Min Qablika = Before you,
AlKhuld = Remaining for eternity, In Mita = If you become dead.
Q: With what do disbelievers associate the resurrection after death?
A: And when they consider a Miraculous Sign (Line of the Qur'an) they repeatedly make
fund (of it); And they said this is but clear magic; Indeed when we had died and we became
dust and bones indeed we are going to be certainly raised up; Or (also) our forefathers; Say
(command to Prophet Muhammad) yes and you will be submissive with humiliation.
Translation of: Ayat 14 - 18, Surat AlSaffat.
Words: Yastaskhiroun = They repeatedly make fun, Mitna = When we had died,
Turaba = Dust, Idhama = Bones, LaMabusthoun = Are we going to be certainly raised up,
Aba'ona AlAwaloun = Our forefathers, WaAntum Dhakhiroun = And you will be submissive with humiliation.
Q: What one thing is enough for humanity to make each one of us always grateful to Allah?
A: And He is Who made you alive* (in the womb).then He makes
you dead (at death time) then He makes you alive (resurrection) for human being is
certainly ungrateful.
Translation of: Ayah 66, Surat AlHajj.
* Remember the creation of man in the womb.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad's saying about man's creation.
Words: Ahyakum = Made you alive, Yumeetukum = Makes you dead, Inna = For,
AlInsan = Human being - Man, LaKafour = Certainly ungrateful.
Q: What is the reaction of the believers when the disbelievers deny resurrection after death?
A: And anything that can make you (Prophet Muhammad) surprised then it is surprising their saying that
is it when we become dust (after decaying) we are certainly (mocking tone) going to be in a new creation* -
(Allah says) those are who disbelieved in their God and those are - the fetters around their necks - and those are
the companions of Hell - they are in it remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlRa'd.
* Why is it not difficult for Allah to re-create humanity on the Day of Judgement?
Note: It is not exactly resurrection after death that the disbelievers deny but something
bigger they deny.
Note: What has someone who denies the Day of
Judgment initially denied?
Words: In Ta'jab = Anything that can make you surprised, Turaban = Dust,
Khalq = Creation, Jadeed = New, AlAghlal = Fetters, A'naqihim = Their necks.
Q: Across humanity why do disbelievers deny the resurrection of the dead on the Day of Judgement?
A: Qaf* And by**.the Glorious Qur'an; Rather*** they became surprised that a warner (Prophet Muhammad) from among themselves
came to them so the disbelievers (of Pre-Islamic Arabia) said this is a surprising thing; Is it when we are
dead and we become dust - that is an unlikely bringing back (alive).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat Qaf.
* The pronunciation of the Arabic Letter Q (from the bottom of the throat). The pronunciation does not make a word known in the Arabic language. From Allah's
World of the Unseen.
** Allah takes an oath. And what Allah takes an Oath with is worth paying full attention to because of its importance
to humans.
*** (= Bel) Instead of paying attention they opposed it.
Note: What is the proof that Allah is Capable of re-creation of man?
Words: AlMajeed = The glorious, Ajibou = They became surprised, Munthir = Warner,
Ajeeb = Surprising, Mitna = When we die, Turaba = Dust - Soil, Raje' = Bringing back, Ba'eed =
Unlikely - Improbable.
Q: How are all humans being tallied (checked off a list) until the Day of Judgement?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 1-3 is above.
A: We (Allah) had already known what (number) the earth becomes less* (because of death) of them** and with Us is a Well Preserving Record**.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat Qaf.
* By subtracting the dead persons from the total humanity to come until the Day of Judgement.
** The Initial Record of Allah.
** All humanity from the first man created to the Day of Judgement.
Words: Qed = Already, Alimna = We had known, Tanqus = Becomes less - Loses,
Indina = With Us, Kitab = Record -
Book, Hafeedh = Well Preserving - Well Retaining - Well guarding - Well keeping.
Q: Why is it better for one's mind to accept the concept of resurrection on the Day of Judgement?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 1-3, 4 is above.
A: Rather* they rejected the Truth as a lie when it reached them so they are in
a state of confusion.
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat Qaf. (50:5)
* Instead of accepting the concept of resurrection they doubted it.
Words: Kaththabou = They rejected as a lie, Amr Mareej = A state of confusion.
Q: Those who deny Allah's Capability of raising the death on the Day of Judgement about what should they think and contemplate?
Note: The translation of the preceding Qur'anic Lines 1 - 5 is above.
A: Or have they not looked towards the sky above them - how We (Allah) built it and decorated it and there are
no gaps* in it; And the earth We (Allah) spread it out and We set** in it immovable mountains and We grew on
it plants of every delightful pair***; Enlightening**** and a Reminder for every repentant (= Muneeb) servant.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 8, Surat Qaf. (50:6-8)
* No discrepancy seen in the sky. (refer to Surat AlMulk)
** This indicates that immovable mountains were not made gradually over time.
*** Allah created a pair (male and female) of everthing. (refer to Surat AlThariyat)
**** Teaching with eye-opening proofs.
Words: Yandhurou = Look, Banaynaha = We built it, Zayyannaha = We decorated it,
Forouj = Gaps - Splits, Madadnaha = We spread it out, Alqa = He set, Rawasi = Immovable mountains, Anbatna = We grew
plants, Zawj = Pair, Baheej = Delightful, Tabsirah = Englightening - Teaching with eye-opening proofs, Thikra = Reminder,
Muneeb = Repentant - Who turns (to Allah) in repentance.
Q: What does Allah say about death for all humans?
A: (Allah says) Then indeed you (all) are after that (human life on earth) certainly going to be
dead*(=LaMayyetoun); Then indeed you (all) on the Day of Judgement are going to be raised up.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* Including Prophet Muhammad Allah's Blessings and Peace be upon him.
And in another Ayah.
Note: What comes immediatley after death?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines
12-14 in Surat AlMo'minoun.
Words: LaMayyetoun = Are certainly going to be dead, Innakum = Indeed you (all),
Tub'asthoun = Are going to be raised up.
Q: At the time of death how does the humiliation of those hypocrites among Muslims who oppose what
Allah dictated begin?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 25-26 in Surat Muhammad.
A: So what will they (hypocrites who oppose Allah's Islam) do when angels taking away their souls
(at death) beating up their faces and their rear parts.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat Muhammad. (47:27).
Words: FaKayfa = So what will they do - Tawaffathum = Taking their souls at death, Yadhriboun = Beating up - Hitting, Wojouhahum
= Their faces, Adbarahum = Their rear parts.
Q: When it comes to our righteous deeds why should we be careful not to incur Allah's Wrath on us?
A: That is* (punishment at death) because they (hypocrites) followed what incurred
Allah's Wrath** and they hated His Satisfaction so He (Allah) made their (righteous) deeds
Translation of: Ayah 28, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQuital) (47:28)
* Gotten beaten up when angels are taking the soul out of the body at death. Please read first above the
translation of the preceding Line 27 in Surat Muhammad.
** Fabricated lies and falsehood of Satan.
Words: Etabbaou = Followed, Karihou = They hated, Ridhwanahu = His
Satisfaction, FaAhbata So He made fail, A'malhum = Their deeds.
Q: At the time of death what is the first good news given by angels for the person indicated to be on the Day of Judgment among
the companions close to Allah?
A: So if he is (indicated) from the ones held close (to Allah = AlMuqarrabeen); Then (for him good news of) Soothing Relief (Mercy) and sweet
basil (= Rayhan**) and a Garden of Bliss (Affluence).
Translation of: Ayat 88-89, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:88-89)
* Remember on the Day of Judgement humanity will be divided into three major groups.
** 'Rayhan' in Arabic is the plural of Rayhanah = Any aromatic plant - Sweet Basil. (Refer to translation of
Ayah 12 in Surat AlRahman)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: (In life) 'AlRayhan' should not be rejected if offered by someone.
Source will be added insha Allha later.
Words: AlMuqarrabeen = Held - Deemed close (to Allah), Rawh = Soothing Relief - Soothing Mercy, Rayhan = Sweet
Q: What is the first good news for those who are indicated to be among the companions of the Right Side?
A: So if he is (indicated to be) from the companions of the Right Side; Then peace (= Salam*) upon you (single) from the (other) Companions of
the Right Side.
Translation of: Ayat 90 - 91, Surat AlWaqiah. (56:90-91)
* Good news of Paradise the place of peace. (in Surat Maryam)
Note: And the companions of the Left Side in the translation of the succeeding Lines
(92-96) in Surat AlWaqiah.
Words: Ashhab = Companions, AlYameen = The Right Side.
Q: What is the natural reaction from an ungrateful person when Allah makes what seems to be impossible possible for him?
* A: Have you (Prophet Muhammad) not thought about those who went out from their houses (while) being in thousands of fear of death* so Allah said to
them die then (later) He made them alive indeed Allah is certainly The Owner of Favour upon people but most of people do not pay thanks.
Translation of: Ayah 243, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:243)
* They was a community of the People of Israel in the past and an epidemic spread there so they fled their land in thousands. So Allah made them all dead.
Then a prophet from the People of
Israel called "Hizqeel (Ezekiel)" passed them and asked Allah to make them alive. So
Allah commanded him to say to the rotten bones be alive... and they became alive looking. So they all like the voice of one man prayed to Allah "Glory to
You there is no God except You". Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, page 424.
Words: ALem Tara = Have you not thought - Have you not considered , LaThou Fadhl = Certainly The Owner of Favour -
The Lord of Favour, La Yashkoroun = Do not pay thanks.
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