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Q: Are Muslims allowed to destroy themselves through suicide or through not spending to buy
appropriate weapons, for example?
A: And spend in Allah's Cause and do not throw yourselves into ruin (jeopardy) and be charitable for Allah likes
the charitable (persons).
Translation of: Ayah 195, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:195)
Words: Anfiqou = Spend, Sabeel = Cause - Path - Way - Cause, La Tulqou = Do not throw, Tahlukah = Ruin - Jeopardy - Danger, Ahsinou = Be charitable, Yuhib =
Likes, AlMuhsineen = The charitable.
Q: If two groups of those who have Faith in Allah fight what should the other Muslims do?
A: And if two groups of the believers were in a fight so reconcile between them; And if one of
them oppressed the other so fight the one who oppresses until it complies with Allah's command; So if it complies then
reconcile between them with justice; And be fair for Allah likes who are fair. Indeed the believers are
brothers so reconcile among your brothers; And fear Allah so that you may receive mercy.
Translation of: Ayat 9 - 10, Surat AlHujurat.
Words: Taifah = Group, Iqtatal = Was in a fight, Baghat = Oppressed, Qatilou = Fight,
Tafee' = complies with - Returns, Aqsit = Be fair, Ikh'wah = Brothers, Itaqou
= Fear.
Q: Is martyrdom restricted only to Islam?
Note: Martyrdom means to be killed trying to make Allah's Name and Word the highest. Intention is important in
martyrdom. For example if someone fights to gain land so his fight is for that as explained in a saying of the
Prophet Muhammad.
A: Indeed Allah has purchased from the believers their souls and their wealth that for them is Paradise -
they fight in the Path of Allah (in the Cause of Allah) so they kill and they are killed - a Promise upon Him (Allah) truly in
the Torah, the Bible (Gospel = Injeel) and the Qur'an and who can be more Faithful to His
Commitment than Allah - so rejoice in the sale that you made a bargain with - that is the supreme victory.
Translation of: Ayah 111, Surat AlTawbah.
Note: In a summary of a well known saying of the Prophet 'Muhammad: The martyr will go to Paradise without
judgment except for the debt that he owes (will hinder him).
Words: Ishtara = Purchased, Anfus = Souls - Selves, Yuqatil = Fights, Wa'd = Promise, Tawrah
= AlTawrat, A'hd = Commitment - Promise - Agreement, Baye' = Sale, Awfa = More faithful,
Fawz = Victory.
Q: If fighting to make Allah's Word the highest is important in Islam what is not less important to that?
A: And it was not proper for the believers to depart into battle all together; Except
for a part from every unit from them to stay clear (from battle) so as to have knowledge of the Religion (=
yatafaqahou fi AlDeen) and
to warn their people when they come back to them perhaps they may be on their guard (against wrongdoing).
Translation of: Ayah 122, Surat AlTawbah. (9:122)
Words: Yanfiroun = Depart into battle (plural), Kaafah = All together, Nafara =
Stayed clear, Firqah = Unit, Tta'ifah = Part - Nubmer - Group, Yatafaqahou = To have knowledge of the religion,
Yunthir = To warn, Qawm = People, Yahthar = To be on one's guard.
Q: Why is fighting only to please Allah (AlJihad) is associated with justice?
A: Permission (to fight) is granted to those against whom
war is launched because injustice has been done to them and Allah of supporting them is certainly All-Capable; Those who were
driven out of their homes without any right except
because they say 'Allah is our God' - and was it NOT FOR Allah SHOVING ASIDE (pushing) some people
(righteous) against the others (vicious) then monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques where
Allah's Name is mentioned a lot would have been destroyed; And Allah will certainly support who supports
Him for Allah is All-Powerful, AlMighty.
Translation of: Ayat 39 - 40, Surat AlHajj. (22:39-40)
Words: Yudafe' = Defends, Yuhib = Likes, Khawwan = Disloyal, Kafour
= Ungrateful to Allah, Uthinna = Permission is granted, Yuqataloun = Against whom
war is launched, Ukhrija = Was driven out,
Dafe' = Pushing aside, Hudima = Was destroyed, Ssawame' = Monasteries, Biye' =
Churches, Salawat = Synagogues, Masajid = Mosques, Yuthkar = Is mentioned, Yansur =
Q: We sometimes hear the news of Muslim suicide bombers killing other
people, usually the innocent ones. What does the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad warn such acts committing persons about?
A: O people who have Faith do not wrongfully consume one another's wealth except if it is a trade by mutual
consent among you; And do not kill yourselves* for Allah is to you Most-Merciful. And who does
that out of hostility or aggression We (Allah) will burn him with Fire and that is easy for Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 29 - 30, Surat AlNisa'.
* Through suicide, suicide bombing, unfair fighting ...etc.
Important Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad to Muslims: Do not turn back after my
death disbelievers beheading one another.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The martyr (= AlShaheed) (in a war) is who dies or is killed
while facing the enemy (in combat), not running away from the war and was fighting only for
the reward from Allah in the Other World.
Words: Ta'kul Amwal = Consume wealth, BilBatil = Wrongfully, Tijarah = Trade, Taradh Minkum = Mutual
Consent, La = Don't, Taktolou = Kill, Anfosakum = Yourselves, Raheem = Most-Merciful, Yaf'al = Does,
Udwaan = Hostility, Dhulm = Aggression - Injustice, Nusleehi = We will burn him, Nar = Fire,
Yaseer = Easy.
Q: Who started the action of killing among humans who are all the offspring of the first man - Adam? And why
do those who believe in Allah bury and not burn their dead?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) do recite upon them the truth about the story of Adam's two sons (Abel and Cain)*.
When they offered a sacrifice (to Allah) so it was accepted from one of them (Abel) and it was not accepted from the
other.**. He said: Certainly I will kill you. He (Abel) said: Indeed Allah accepts only from the righteous. Indeed if you
stretch out your hand towards me to kill me I will not stretch out my hand towards you to kill you for I do fear Allah - the
God of all people. For (then) I want you to be burdened with my sin (for killing me) and your sin (
other sins)
so you become from the companions of the Fire (Hell) and that is the punishment of the wrongdoers. So his soul
prompted him to kill his brother so he killed him and thus he became from the losers. Then Allah sent a raven scratching
the earth to show him how to hide the naked body of his brother. He said: Woe to me! Could I have not been like this
raven so that to cover up the naked body of my brother and he became from the remorseful. On account of that We (Allah)
had decreed to the people of Israel that whoever kills a soul without (in retribution for) a soul or for corruption on
earth so it is like he has killed all mankind and whoever saves it, it is like he has saved all mankind. And Our prophets reached
them with the Clear Signs (from Allah) and then a lot of them after that are transgressors on earth.
Translation of: Ayat 27 - 32, Surat AlMa'idah.
* "Cain and Abel" = in Arabic "Habil and Qabil". Abel "Habil" was the younger brother and the righteous. Cain "Qabil" was the eldest
and arrogant.
** According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, top scholar (ex-mufti) of Egypt: At that time a white fire came down to
consume the sacrifice if Allah accepted it. Otherwise the wild animals and birds ate it.
Words: Utlu = Recite, Naba' = Story, BilHaq = The Truth, Qarraba = Offered, Qurban =
Sacrifice, Yutaqabbal = Is accepted, Ahad = One, Akhir = Other, Aqtul = I kill, Basata = Raised,
Tabou' = Be burdened, Isthm = Sin, Jaza'a = Punishment, Dhalim = Wrongdoer - Transgressor, Tawwa'at =
Prompted, Khasir = Loser, Bastha = Sent, Ghurab = Raven, Yuwaari = Covers up, Naadim = Remorseful,
Kataba = Decreed, Ghayr = Without, Fasaad = Corruption, Ahya = Saved life, Musrif = Transgressor -
Violator - Goes beyond limits.
Q: When in Jihad (fighting in Allah's cause) what should Muslims be very careful about?
Hint: Not to kill blindly.
A: O people who believed when you travel in Allah's Path (= Jihad) so do examine carefully and do not say
to whoever surrenders to you that you are not a believer (= Lasta Mo'mina*) seeking the vanities (transient things) of this
Life so with Allah a lot of gains (= Maghanim), and such you were (polytheists as disbelievers) before so Allah bestowed on you His favour so do
examine carefully for Allah of what you do is All-Aware.
Translation of: Ayah 94, Surat AlNisa'. (4:94)
* It is undestood indirectly here that Muslims should not call other Muslims "hypocrites" because Allah knows what their real intentions are.
Words: Dharaba Fi = Travelled in, Sabeel Allah = Path of Allah, Alqa Ilaykum AlSalam = Surrendered to you,
Tabtaghi = Seeking, Aradh = Vanities - Perishable goods, Maghanim = Gains, Kastheerah = A lot,
Tabayyen = Examine carefully - Check, Manna = Bestowed His favour, Ta'mel = You do, Khabeer = All-Aware - All-Expert.
Q: In Islam what should Muslims fight for?
A: So let fight be in Path of Allah (what pleases Allah) by those who sell this Life for the Other Life and who fights in the Path of
Allah and he is killed or he wins so We (Allah) will grant him a great reward. And why don't you fight in the Path of
Allah and the helpless (without defense) from the men, women. and children who say: Our God take us out
from this
town whose people are unjust and prepare for us from You a protector and prepare for us from You a supporter.
Translation of: Ayat 74 - 75, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Yuqatil = Fights, Sabeel = Path, Yashri = Sells, Yaghlib = Wins, Nou'ti = We grant, Mustadhaf
= Helpless, Nisa' = Women, Wildan = Children, Akhrij = Take us out, Dhalim = Transgressor - Tyrant, Wali = Protector, Naseer = Supporter.
Q: Is AlJihad (fighting in the Cause of Allah) dictated in all of Allah's Holy Books (in Judaism, Christianity and Islam)?
A: And those who believed in Allah say only if a Chapter (= Surah about alJihad) in the Qur'an was
sent down* - so when an obligatory Chapter** is sent down and alJihad (Fighting in
Allah's Path) is mentioned in it you (Prophet Muhammad) see those in whose hearts is sickness
(hypocrisy) looking at you just like the one who becomes unconscious because of death (wide open eyes) so it (death)
is more deserving*** for them; (Better was for them) Obedience and good word - so when the matter (AlJihad) became
serious (obligatory) then
if they were truthful to Allah it (obedience) would have certainly been better for them.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 21, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital).
* To make AlJihad obligatory like in Allah's earlier Books.
** = Surah Muhakamah. A firm clear Surah containing 'AlJihad' as prescribed obligatory religious duty.
'AlJihad' is obligatory in all of Allah's Holy Books.
*** A prayer against them.
Note: Firm (Fundamental) and Made look similar Lines (Verses) of the Qur'an..
Words: Nuzzilat = Is sent down, Surah = Chapter, Muhkamah = Made fundamental containing prescribed obligatory religious duty, Qalb = Heart, Maradh =
Sickness, Maghshi = Unconscious, Mawt = Death, Awla = More deserving, Ta'ah = Obedience, Qawl Ma'rouf
= Good word, Azama AlAmr = The matter becomes serious, Sadaqa = Truthful, Khairan = Better.
Q: Why do some Muslims readily give their lives in the cause of Allah?
A: And cetainly do not think those who were killed in the Path (cause) of Allah are dead but alive from their God (in Heaven) they are
being given sustenance (food); Rejoicing in what Allah has given them from His Grace and they cheerfully announce the good news to those
who have not yet joined them after them: There is no fear upon them and they do not grieve; They cheerfully announce
the good news about Grace from Allah and Bounty and that Allah does not let the reward of the believers to be lost.
Translation of: Ayat 169 - 171, Surat AlImran. (3:169-171)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, reported by Abi AlA'war Saeed Bin Zaid - one of the ten persons whom the
Prophet witnessed to be from Paradise, he said: I heard the Prophet saying: Who is killed defending his wealth
then he is a martyr; And who is killed defending himself then he is a martyr; And who is killed defending his Religion (submitting
to Allah Alone) then he is a martyr; And who is killed defending his family then he is a martyr.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Reported by Anas may Allah be pleased with him, a woman named
Um AlRabee' mother of Haristha Bin Suraqah came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger! Talk to me about Haristha! And he was
killed in the Badr Battle, if he was in Paradise she will become patient otherwise she will mourn him a lot. The
Prophet said: O mother of Haristha! They are Gardens and your son has been given the Highest Garden (AlFirdous
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Reported by Jabir Bin Abdulla may Allah be pleased with them
both. He said: My father was brought to the Prophet and his body was mutilated (severe injuries). So I wanted to
uncover his face so the Prophet forbade me saying: The angels are still shading him with their wings.
Note: Do not begin a fighting situation because Allah does not like the transgressors.
Words: La Tahsabbanna = Certainly do not think, Qutilou = Were killed, Sabeel Allah = Path of Allah, Amwat = Dead, Ahya' =
Alive, Yurzaqoun = Being given sustenance - Being fed, Fareheen = Rejoicing, Aata = Gave, Ni'mah = Grace, Fadhl = Bounty - Favour, Yastabshir =
Cheerfully announcing the good news, Khawaf = Fear, Yahzan = Grieves, Yudhee' = Let be lost, Ajr =
Q: Why does Allah allow injustice through war to be launched on the believers?
A: And We (Allah) certainly will put you to the grievous test (through war) so that We mark (by experience) those who strive in the Path
of Allah (= Mujahideen from Jihad*) among you and the patient ones (= AlSabireen) and to have witnesses (angels etc.) by testing your experiences.
Translation of: Ayah 31, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital) (47:31)
* Remember "AlJihad" (what mostly is known as a just and fair fight to please Allah) can also be in different types of situations (Refer to the Prophet's
Words: Nablou = To put you to the grievous test, Na'lam = Mark, Mujahideen = Those who fight or strive in the Path of
Allah, Sabireen = Patient ones - Who persevere, Nablou = (from ibtila') To have witnesses by testing, Akhbar = Experiences
Q: Does Allah allow collective punishment? (A message for Muslims, Christians and Jews who believe in the Same
A: And if you punish then do punish equivalent to what you were punished and if you
become patient certainly that is better for the patient ones.
Translation of: Ayah 126, Surat AlNahl.
Words: In Aaqaba = If he punishes, Mis(th)l = Equivalent, In sabara = If he becomes patient,
Khair = Better.
Q: Which Line of the Qur'an, it seems, that some Muslims nowadays (April-May 2009) refer to when they are considering
a tax (Jizyah) on the non-Muslims as a component of the implementation of the Sharia Law in Baluchistan,
Are Muslims, nowadays when Islam is wide-spread, allowed to take AlJizyah (tax in Islam) from the
non_Muslims living in their territory? If they refuse, according to
Islam, Muslims are supposed to launch AlJihad on them. The question is are Muslims allowed to launch AlJihad on
such citizens who live in peace and do not intend any war against Muslims?
Hint: According to readingIslam.com, AlJihad is governed by two conditions: Self-defense and defending
the helpless. Muslims' wars were never intended to convert people into Islam by force.
A: Fight those who do not believe in Allah neither in the Last Day (of Judgment) and they do not forbid what
Allah and His prophet forbade and they do not acknowledge the True Religion (Islam) from those who were given the
Book until they agree to hand in the tax (payment for return) while being subdued (to this act).
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: According to M.A.S. Abdel Haleem's translation of the Qur'an: AlJizyah is payment for
return i.e. in return for the protection of the Muslim state with all the accruing benefits
(a return for enjoying the same rights as the Muslims) and exemption from military service. AlJizyah was levied
upon the capable adults. The amount was generally low.
Note: Remember Line 8, Chapter AlMumtahana in the Qur'an is translated: " Allah does not forbid you from
doing good and justice to those who did not fight you in religion and they did not drive you out of your
houses for Allah likes the just (fair) people.
Words: Qatil = Fight, Yuharrim = Forbids, La Yadeen = Does not acknowledge, Utou = Were
given, Yu'tu An Yad = Agrees to hand in, Saghir = Subdued.
Q: Can a believer (Mou'min) kill any other believer who says there is no God but Allah
and Mohammad is His prophet? Is the killer aware of the huge compensation that he has to pay to clear himself with Allah?
Note: Reference is the current events (May 2009) in Pakistan. Muslims take their weapons and proceed to
fight other Muslims under the flag of purifing Islam. Remember there are innocent, non-fighting Muslims that can be trapped and
Allah alone is the Judge of who are on the Right Path among the Muslims.
A: And never a believer (Mou'min) should kill a believer but by mistake and who kills a believer by mistake then
(compensation is) freeing a faithful slave and a ransom (blood-money)
handed over to his family except if they forgo it charitably but if he (the killed) was from a people who are at war with
you while he (the killed) was a believer so (compensation is) freeing a believing slave but if he was from a people where
a (peace) treaty is (made) between you and them so a ransom (blood-money) is handed over to his family and freeing of
a believing slave so who does not find (either) then fasting of two consecutive months as repentance (commanded) from
Allah and Allah is Knowledgeable, All-Wise; And who kills a believer on purpose he will be punished in Hell - constantly
in it and Allah has become angry with him and cursed him and prepared a severe punishment for him.
Translation of: Ayat 92 - 93, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Ma Kana = Never, Mou'min = Believer, Yaqtul = Kills, Khata' = By mistake, Men = Who,
Tahreer = Freeing, Raqabah Mou'minah = Believing slave, Diyyah = Ransom, Musallamah = Handed over,
Yassadaq = forgoes it charitably, Qawm = People, Adou = At war - Enemy, Meesthaq = Treaty, Fidyah = Ransom, Musallamah =
Handed over, Seyyam = Fasting, Shahrren = Two months, Muttatabe' = Consecutive, Tawbah = Repentance,
Muta'amid = By mistake, Jaza' = Punishment, Jahanam = Hell, Gadiba = Has become angry, Alayhi
= Upon him, La'anahu = Cursed him, A'adda = Prepared, Aza'b = Punishment, Azeem = Severe.
Q: If a war starts between two groups of Muslims what can stop the war?
Note: When two groups of Muslims fight usually at least one group calls the other group "disbelievers".
Important Note: Remember: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad to the Muslims: Do not turn back after my
death disbelievers beheading one another.
A: And let those who disbelieved not think that they have won for they cannot make (Allah) give up;---;
And if they incline towards peace so do incline towards it and put your trust in Allah for He is All-Hearing,
All-Knowing. And if they want to deceive you so Allah is enough for you - He is Who aided you with His support and
with (the company of) the believers.
Translation of: Ayat 59, 61 - 62, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: La Yahsabanna = Let them not think, Sabaqa = Won, Yu'jiz = Makes give up,
Janahou = Inclined, Silm = Peace, Tawwakal = Put your trust -
Depend, Yakhda' = Deceives, Hasb = Enough, Ayyada = Aided, Nasr = Support.
Q: Who has the right to fight back?
Note: Reference nowadays (May 2009) the displacement of families because of the war between the Taliban and the
Government of Pakistan.
A: Have you not considered (command to Prophet Muhammad) the assembly of the People of Israel after Moses (Prophet Moosa) when they said to a messenger
(prophet)* (sent) to them send us a king so as to fight in the Path (Cause) of Allah. He said is it not possible that
when fighting is decreed upon you that you will not fight. They said and why should we not fight in the Path of
Allah and we were driven out of our houses and our children so when fighting was decreed upon them they
turned away except some of them and Allah is All-Knowing about the transgressors (against Allah's Commands).
Translation of: Ayah 246, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:246)
* According to the translator 'Abdullah Yusuf Ali' the prophet is Samuel (Shammil (or Shamoun) in Arabic) whose name
is not mentioned in the Website's Propets Map because remember
the translation of Line 78 in Chapter Ghafir in the Qur'an: "And We sent messengers before you (Prophet Muhammad) - from
them whom We (Allah) narrated them to you and from them We did not narrate them (their Stories) to you..."
Words: Tara = Considered, Bani = People, Ebasth = Send, Malik = King, Nuqatil = We fight, Aseetum
= Is it possible, Ukhrijna = We were driven out, diyarina = Our homes, Abnaina = Our children, Kutiba
= Decreed, Qaleel = Some.
Q: Where do the martyrs' souls go if they do not go to the Barzakh (The Barrier which is a waiting life between this life
and the other life)?
A: And do not call those who are killed in the Path (Cause) of Allah dead - rather they are alive but you
are not aware (of them).
Translation of: Ayah 154, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:154)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When 70 of the Prophet's companions
died as martyrs in the Battle of Uhud, Allah made their souls inside green birds that frequent the trees and
rivers of Paradise as they want. Then they come back to golden places on trees under Allah's Throne (until the
Day of Judgment when the soul goes back to its body). When they
saw their good lives they said they wish their alive brothers know what happened to them. Allah said: I will tell
them and Allah sent down the mentioned Ayah (154). Source: The Abridged version of Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, page 336.
Words: Taqoul = Call - Say, Yuqtal = Is killed, Sabeel Allah = Path of Allah, Amwat =
Dead, Ahya' = Alive, Tashur = Are aware - Feel.
Q: When 'There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is His prophet" is commonly observed in a country. What justifies
a fight between a group of Muslims and their governing authority in such a country?
Note: Reference is the current fight (October 2009) among Muslims and their authority in Pakistan.
A: Say to the disbelievers if they cease (fight against Islam) it will be forgiven for them what is past and if
they start again (to fight) so passed away the way of the ancient people (they were punished by Allah); And fight them
(disbelievers who fight you) so that there is no persecution (=fitnah) and the entire Religion becomes Allah's then
if they cease so Allah is with what you do Watchful; And if they turned away (from Allah) so do know that Allah is
your (believers') Protector - The Best Protector, The Best Supporter.
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 40, Surat AlAnfal.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad to a companion called Usama, "You killed
a man after he said: There is no god but Allah!" What are you going
to do with "La Illaha illa Allah on the Day of Judgment? Usama who killed the
man answered: But he said it only to protect himself. The Prophet said: Why didn't you open his heart to know? And the
Prophet kept on repeating "What are you going to do with La illaha illa Allah" to the extent that as Usama said: I
wished I only became Muslim on that Day. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, who died 774 Hijri (in Arabic), volume 2, page 105.
Important Note: After the death of the Prophet Muhammad some Muslims became against others. Different Muslim
leaders interpreted different judgment to make all Muslims back on the Path of Allah. Some Muslims said to Abdullah
the son of the second Caliph in Islam 'Umar Ibn AlKattab': You saw what people did (riot of Ibn AlZubair) and you
, Abdullah, were a companion of the Prophet Muhammad! What prevents you from fighting? He said: What prevents me that Allah has made
the blood of my brother "forbidden = haram". They said: Does not the Qur'an
mention: And fight them so that there is no persecution (= fitnah)? (Reference to 2:191)
He said: We fought (at the time of the
Prophet) and there became no persecution (fitnah) and the Religion (in Arabia) became Allah's.
But now you want to fight to create a persecution 'fitnah' and to make the Religion for other than Allah. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 331.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When two Muslims meet with their
against each other the killer and the killed are in Hell. A Prophet's companion asked: The killer in Hell but why
will the killed be in Hell? The Prophet said: He was trying to kill the other one. Source: AlLou'lou'
walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, page 657.
Words: Yantahou = They cease - They stop, Qad Salaf = Is past, Ya'oudou = If they
start again, Madhat Sunnat AlAwwaleen = Passed away the way of the ancient people, Qatil = Fight, Fitnah
= Persecution - Ordeal trial, Entahou = They cease - Stop, Tawwalaaw = They turned away,
E'lamou = Know. Ni'ma AlMawla = Best Protector - Best Master, Ni'ma AlNaseer = The Best Supporter.
Q: "I do not fear for my nation except the misleading religious leaders (A'imah)," the Prophet Muhammad said.
What motivates a large Muslim group to fight another large Muslim group?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad): He (Allah) is The All-Capable to send on you punishment from above you
(violent wind) or from under your feet (earthquake) or divide you into (religious) sects and let
some of you taste the violence of others - See how We (Allah) detail the Lines (Qur'an) so that they may
understand. And your people (some Arabs) rejected it as a lie (above line)
and it
is The Truth say (command to Prophet Muhammad): I am not over you a protector; For every prophecy
there is a settling point and you (Muslims) will come to know.
Translation of: Ayat 65 - 67, Surat AlAn'am.
Note: When the above Ayat were sent down the Prophet Muhammad said: Do not return after me
disbelievers (kuffar) killing one another. Some companions said: While we witness: There is no god but
Allah and you are a prophet of Allah? The Prophet said: Yes! So some of them said: This can never happen!
We kill one anther when we are Muslims. So lines 66 - 67 were sent down "And your people did not believe it..."
Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer" (Imam Ibn Kastheer) who died 774 Hijri. Volume 1, page 588.
Note:The Prophet Muhammad said: "I was commanded to fight people until they say: There is no god but Allah so if they
say it then they have protected their blood and their wealth from me except with their right (soul for soul or
forgiveness and punishment for wealth taken or forgiveness) and their account is with Allah.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: I prayed to my God 1. not to destroy my (Muslim)
nation at large with hunger (= sannah) and 2. not to let an outside enemy lay violent hands on my nation at large and
3. not to divide them into religious sects (shiyaan) and 4. not to
let some of them taste the violence of others. The Prophet was granted the first two and was rejected the rest. The
Prophet said: I do not fear for my nation except the misleading religious leaders (a'imah) and when the sword
(weapon) is withdrawn among my nation it will not be laid down until the Day of Judgment. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer" (Imam Ibn Kastheer) who died 774 Hijri. Volume 1, pages 586 - 587.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad said that the
Islamic nation "will be divided into 73 sects. All of them in Hell except one." Sheikh Anwar AlAwlaki explains it in his
cassette on "The Hereafter": A lot of Muslims do not even know that they belong to a religious sect. They go to a mosque,
perform the
prayer, do other Islamic rituals and go about their routine work in life. It is to Allah either to punish those in sects
or to be Merciful to them. Even when belonging to a sect the foundation of Islam should be observed: There is no god but
Allah and Muhammad is the last and the seal of prophets.
Words: AlQaadir = The All-Capable - Has the Power, Yabesth = Sends, Athab = Punishment,
Arjul = Feet, Yalbis Shiya'an = Divides into (religious) sects, Ba's = Violence, Nusarrif = Detail,
Yafqah = Understands, Kaththaba = Rejected as a lie, Wakeel = Responible - Dispenser of affairs,
Likul = For every, Naba' = Prophecy - News, Mustaqar = A settling point. Ta'lam = You will
come to know.
Q: According to Islamic belief what affects the result of the war?
A: If you (Polytheists of pre-Islamic Arabia) implore (Allah) for judgement (against the believers) then the judgment has arrived you (disbelievers lost)
and if you cease (your attack) then it is better for you but if you return We (Allah) will return (to support believers) and
your force will avail you nothing even if it multiplied for Allah is with the believers* .
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlAnfal.
* Muslims with Faith (= Iman) that is reposed in the heart.
Note: Reference is to the War of Badr in Islam: Between the Prophet Muhammad with his companions
against the polytheists of Mecca.
Note: Disbelievers of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad knew about Allah since they are
descendants of the Prophet Ishmael (Ismaeel), Abraham's son. But as time passed some of their ancestors started to join
with Allah gods in the form of more than 300 idols. They used to circle the Ka'bah as in AlHajj nowadays. They used to
say what Muslims say nowadays: "There is no god but Allah - No partner with him '= La illaha illa Allah, La shareeka
Lahu" except that they used to add blasphemy
to it ("except a partner who is his '= illa shareek howa Lahu'". Source: Mukhtasar Tafsseer Ibn Kastheer.
Words: Tastaftehou = Implore Allah for judgement, Fathh =
Judgment, Tantahou = Cease, Khair = Better, Ta'oudou = You return, Na'ud = We return,
Tughni = Be of use, Fi'ah = Force - Group, Len Shaye'an = Nothing, Law Kastharat = Even if
it multiplied.
Q: Before Allah dictated AlJihad people used to fight for personal causes. What is the Islamic philosophy
behind Fighting in the cause of Allah?
A: Have you not considered those to whom it was said (before AlJihad) hold back your hands
(do not fight = Kuffou Aydiyakum) and perform the prayer and give the prescribed charity (Zakat) and then when fighting was
dictated on
them suddenly a group of them were fearing people as they fear Allah or more fearing and they said our God
why did you dictate upon us fighting only if You delayed us to a nearby time (another time) say
(command to Prophet Muhammad) the enjoyment of this life is short and the Other Life is better for
whoever protects himself (by fearing Allah) and no thread-like injustice will be done to you.
Translation of: Ayah 77, Surat AlNisa'.
Note: AlJihad first was decreed on the Jews. Before that Messengers of
Allah used to leave their areas without AlJihad and Allah used to punish and sometimes destroy
completely the transgressing nations.
Words: Kuffou = Hold back, Aydiyakum = Your hands, Kutiba = Was dictated,
Fareeq = Group, Khashyat = Fearing, Lawla = If only, Akhkharra = Delayed, Ajal Qareeb
= Nearby time - Future time, Mata' = Enjoyment, Qaleel = Short - Little, AlAkhirah =
The Other Life, Etaqqa = Protects himself by fearing Allah, Tuthlamouna Fateelan = No
thread-like injustice will be done to you.
Q: In times of suffering when does the support of Allah reach the faithful?
A: Or did you (faithful) think that you are going to enter The Garden (of Paradise)
and the similar of those (generations) who passed away before you did not reach you? They were
afflicted with misery (because of fighting) and harm and they were shaken
(with fear) until
the prophet (then) and those who believed with him said: When is the support of Allah coming? Well
certainly the support of Allah is coming soon.
Translation of: Ayah 214, Surat AlBaqarah.
Note: In a summary of
the Prophet's speech, Khabbab Bin AlArt, a companion, said to the Prophet Muhammad: Prophet of
Allah! Will you not ask Allah to support us? Will you not pray to Allah for us? The Prophet said:
Before you there were generations when they used to saw the faithful person from the head to his feet
without that turning
him away from his Religion but you are people asking for haste. Source: Makhtasar Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, page 188.
Words: Em = Or, Hasibtum = Did you think, Lamma Ya'tikum = It did not reach
you, Masthal = Similar - the like, Ba'ssa' = Misery (because of fighting), Dharra' = Harm, Zulzilou = Were shaken, Mata = When, Nasr = Support - Victory,
Qareeb = Coming soon.
Q: How can faithful people win the hearts of those whom they do not like?
A: And good and evil cannot be equal - Repel (evil) with what is best so suddenly the one
you have enmity with is like a close friend; And no one is granted it (goodness) except those who
are patient and no one is granted it except who is with a great fortune (righteousness); And if you
are prompted with a sly prompt (to fight) from Satan then seek refuge with Allah for He is the All-Listener,
the All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayat 34 - 36, Surat Fusilat (41:34-36).
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Any of you (faithful)
should not point with a weapon towards his brother because you do not know when Satan slyly
prompts his hand (uses the weapon) so he falls in a pit of fire (Hell).
Words: Tastawi = Are equal, AlHasanah = Good, AlSayye'ah = Evil, Edfe'
= Repel - Push away, Baynaka waBaynahu adou = You have enmity with, Weli = Friend, Hameem = Close - Sincere,
Yulaqqa = Is granted, Sabarou = Were patient, Thou Hadh = With fortune, Adheem =
Great, Yanzaghannaka = Are prompted, Nazagh = Sly prompt, Este'th = Seek refuge.
Q: If Allah says He supports the believers then He does. When do Muslims lose wars?
Note: Remember 'AlMo'min' is a Muslim who is a believer = He has Faith and fear of Allah reposed in his heart. Iman (having Faith which makes one fear Allah in
secret) "Iman".
A: And We (Allah) sent before you (Prophet Muhammad) messengers to their peoples so they brought them
the clear Signs (Signs indicative of Allah) then We took revenge against those who were criminals (sinners) and it is appropriate for US (Allah)
the support of the BELIEVERS (= AlMou'mineen).
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlRoum. (30:47)
Note: Remember the Prophet's time was in the 6th-7th century. In a summary of a saying
of the Prophet Muhammad: Nations are about to provoke one another against you (Muslims) as the eaters
call each other to the bowl of food. A person asked: Is it because we are a little group then? The
Prophet said: No! Rather you are then a lot but you are scum (worthless) like the scum of the stream (Muslims and believers only by name).
And Allah will pull out your fear (they will not fear you) from the chests of your enemy. And Allah will throw
powerlessness (= alwahn) in your hearts. A person asked: Prophet of Allah! What is powerlessness?
The Prophet said: Love of this life and hatred of death. Source: A religious
sermon in Arabic about "The Best Morals" by the Sheikh Wisam AlOthman (Kuwait).
Note: Also remember that in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The best generations
(= khair alquroun) is my
(the Prophet's) generation then the one who follows them then the one that follows them. (The narrater of the
Prophet's speech could not recall if the Prophet said it three times or four times).
Words: Arsalna = We sent, Min Qablika = Before you, Rusul = Messengers, Entaqamna
= We took revenge, Ajramou = Were criminals (sinners), Haqqan Alayna = It is appropriate for Us - It is fitting for Us,
Nasr = Support, AlMou'mineen = The believers - Muslims who have Faith and love of Allah and fear of Allah's punishment reposed in their hearts.
Q: When in a war what do Muslims call those who believe in "AlTaghout" (other than Allah such as idols, nature
A: Those who believe (in Allah alone) fight in the Path of Allah and those who disbelieve* fight in the path of
other than Allah (= AlTaghout) so do fight the supporters of Satan for the plotting of
Satan is weak.
Translation of: Ayah 76, Surat AlNisa'.
* Joining any partner with Allah is a form of disbelieving in Allah and is called "AlShirk".
Note: Worshipping of AlTaghout.
Words: Yuqatiloun = They fight, Sabeel Allah = the Path of Allah, Awliya' =
Supporters, Kayd = Plotting - Planning, Dha'eefa = Is weak.
Q: When did man start making armors from iron (defensive covering for the body)?
A: And We (Allah) already bestowed on David (Dawood) from us a favour (beautiful sound) - O mountains
return back (echo) with him (David's glorification of Allah) and the birds (glorify with him too)* and We
softened iron for
him; (command to Prophet David) Do make long armors and measure the links well - and do righteous deeds (especially here
warriors) for I (Allah) am with what you are doing All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 11, Surat Saba'. (34:10-11)
* Sheikh ElSha'rawi in his "Thoughts on the Qur'anic Verses" noted that man should not be abnormal
from the rest of Allah's creation. Man should join in glorifying the Praise of the Creator.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Prophet heard the voice of
Abu Moosa AlAshari reciting the Qur'an at night so he stood listening to his recitation then he said:
This has been gifted a pipe (flute = mizmar) from the pipes of the family of David (Dawood). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 3, page 764.
Note: Why did Allah command the Prophet David (Dawood) to
make armors?
Words: Atayna = We bestowed, Fadhlan = A favour, Awwibi = Return back, Tayr =
Birds, Allanna = We softened, =Hadeed = Iron, Sabighat = Long armors - Long coats of mail,
Qaddir = Measure well, Sard = Linds - Rings of chain armor, E'malou Salihan = Do (plural) righteous
Q: Why should the believers in Allah not quarrel among themselves?
A: And do obey Allah and His Prophet (Muhammad) and do not fight among
yourselves then you lose courage and your (favourable sailing) wind (= power) goes away and be patient for Allah is
with those who are patient.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Ateeou = Obey, La = do not, Tanaza'ou = Fight among
yourselves, FaTafshalou = Then you lose courage - You fail, Reehukum = Your (favourable
sailing) wid, Tathhab = Goes away, Esbirou = Be patient - Persevere.
Q: When the believers who follow in the steps of the Prophet Muhammad unite whose help do they need?
A: (Allah says) O Prophet (Muhammad) enough for you Allah and whoever
followed you among the believers (in Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Hasbuka = Enough for you, Etab'aka = Followed you, AlMou'mineeen
= The believers in Allah.
Q:Who loves those who do justice even to those whom they do not like?
A: Allah does not forbid you against those who did not fight you for (your) religion and they did
not drive you out from your homes to deal kindly with them and to do justice to them for Allah
loves those who do justice*.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlMumtahanah.
* Who do justice are called in the Qur'an "AlMuqsiteen". Who serve from
justice and deal unjustly are called "AlQasitoun".
Words: La Yanhakum = He does not forbid you, Lem Yuqatiloukum = They did not
fight you, Lem Yukhrijoukum = They did not drive you out, Diyarikum = Your homes, Tuqsitou
= Do justice, Yuhib = Loves.
Q: If they do not want to anger Allah whom Muslims should not befriend?
A: On the contrary Allah forbids you against those who fought you for (your) religion
(Allah's) and drove you out from your homes and they stood up for driving you out to befriend
(support) them and whoever befriends them then they are the transgressors (against Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Words: Innama = On the contrary - Indeed, Qataloukum = Fought you,
Thaharou = Backed up - Supported, Towalouhum = To befriend them - To support them,
AlThalimoun = The transgressors - The unjust - The wrongdoers.
Q: When embarking on an attack why should the leader of an army take with him only whom he trusts?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 248 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: So when Talut (king Saul in the Bible) set forth with the warriors he said for Allah is going to test you with a river so
whoever drinks from it then he is not going to belong with me and whoever does not taste it then he belongs with
me except (excused) whoever scoops up (and drinks) the amount of water scooped up with one hand - Then they
(all) drank from it except for a few of them - so when he crossed it he and those who had Faith with him they
said no strength have we today against Jalut = (Goliath in English)* and his soldiers -
those who knew for certain that they
are going to meet Allah (on Day of Judgment) said how many how often a small force has defeated a large
force with Allah's Permission (= BiIthn Allah) and Allah is with those who are patient (who endure).
Translation of: Ayah 249, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:249)
Note: The translation of the succeeding Lines 250-251 in Surat AlBaqarah in the Qur'an.
* The enemy commander (called Jalut in the Qur'an) is a giant Philistine warrior (source: Wikipedia.org) and his
army is called the Philistine army (source: The Holy Qur'an (based on Abudullah Ali Yusuf's translation) page 112).
Also "when the Israelites fought the Amalekites of the Philistines (Amaalikah in Arabic = Tall
people or Giants), the "Ark of the Covenant" provided them
with God's protection." Source: Wikipedia.org
It is worth remembering that the (Amalekites of Philistine: Source wikipedia.org) were idol worshippers. Palestinians (called in
Arabic Philistinieen) nowadays are not
idol worshippers but mostly Muslims or Christians. They believe in God and all of them call Him Allah. Palestinians
call their original land "Palestine" which is called in Arabic "Philisteen". Also
it is worth researching the origin of the Amalekites, the idol worshippers who
were defeated and annihalated by the soldiers of the Children of Israel and Allah knows best.
Words: Fasala = Set forth, AlJonoud = The Warriors - The Soldiers, Mubtaleekum = Is going to test you,
BiNahr = With a river, Famen Shariba = Whoever drinks, FaLaysa Mini = He is not going to belong with
me, Eghtarafa = Scooped up, Fasharibou = Then they drank, La Taqata =No strength, Fi'ah = Force,
Qaleelah = Small, Kastheerah = Large.
Q: How do the believers in Allah protect the earth from human corruption?
Note: The transaltion of the preceding Line 149 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: And when they met in duel (= barazou) with Goliath (Jalut in Arabic) and his
warriors they said our God pour out on us patience and let us gain a foothold (not run away)
and make us victorious over the disbelieving people; So they defeated them with
Allah's willing and David (Dawood) killed Goliath and Allah granted him kingdom* and
wisdom (prophethood) and He (Allah) taught him from what He (Allah) wills and was it not for
Allah's shoving aside (pushing) some people (righteous) against the others (vicious) the earth would have
certainly become (completely) corrupt but Allah is The Owner of Favour upon all people.
Translation of: Ayat 250 - 251, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:250-251)
* As a reward David (Dawood) peace be upon him married the daughter of King Saul "Talut" and became a
king after him. Only David (Dawood) peace be upon him was given the Kingdom and Prophethood by Allah.
Later on his son Solomon "Suleiman" inherited him and Solomon peace be upon him was also a king and a prophet.
Words: Barazou = Met in a duel, Afrigh = Pour out, Sthabit Aqdamana =
Let us gain a foothold - Make us firm, Qatala = Killed, AlMulk = Kingdom, AlHikmah =
Wisdom, Dafe' = Pushing aside - Driving back, Lafasadat = Would have certainly
become corrupt, thou Fadhl = Owner of Favour.
Q: What happens to the wealth dedicated to turn people away from the Path of Allah?
A: For those who disbelieved spend their wealth to turn away from the Path of Allah so they will
spend it then it (spent wealth) will be on them a regret (brings
grief) then they will be overcome and those who disbelieved (on Day of Judgment) to Hell
will be gathered.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Yunfiqoun = spend, Amwalahum = Their wealth, Liyasodou =
To turn away, Hasrah = Regret, Yuqlaboun = They will be overcome, Yuhsharoun =
Be gathered..
Q: Only those who experienced war know what war is: Killing, blood spilling, widespread rape, theft, hunger, lack of sleep and all
day fear. In such conditions why do Muslims not give up their fighting against their enemy?
A: It was not right for the people of AlMadinah (the Prophet's city) and those around
them from the Bedouin Arabs to hold back from following Allah's Prophet nor to care about themselves more than him -
that is because they do not suffer from thirst, weariness or extreme hunger in the Way (Cause) of Allah or they
set foot in a place that angers the disbelievers, or they harm the enemy in any way except
a good deed (= amal salih) for it is recorded (by the angels) for them for Allah does not
leave to fail the reward of the good doers; Neither do they spend - a small or a large amount nor do they
cross a valley (in Jihad) except it (a good deed) is recorded for them so that Allah rewards them according to the
best of what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayat 120 - 121, Surat AlTawbah. (9:120-121)
Words: AlA'rab = Bedouin Arabs, Yatakhalafou = Hold back from following,
La Yarghabou = nor to care, Dhama' = Thirst, Nasb = Weariness - Tiredness,
Makhmasah = Extreme hunger, Yata'ouna = They set foot, Yugheedh = Angers,
Yanaloun Nayla = Harm in any way, Kutiba = Recorded, AlMuhsineen = Good doers - Those
who perfect their Religion, Yunfiqoun = Spend, Wadiyan = Valley.
Q: How can Faith in Allah play a role in strengthening the position of the Muslim fighters?
Note: Reference is to the first Battle in Islam against the disbelievers known as
the "Battle of Badr". Muslim army consisted of 313 fighters and the enemy were between 900 and 1000
fighters. Muslims won the battle. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, page 492.
A: Certainly there was for you a Miraculous Sign in two troops met (in battle) - a troop
fighting in the Way (Cause) of Allah and another one is a disbeliever - they (Muslims) were seeing
them (the disbelievers) with their own eyes (only) twice their number (626 fighters) and Allah aids with
His Support whoever He wills for in that is certainly a moral lesson for men of understanding.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlImran. (3:13)
Words: Fi'atayn = Two groups, Ukhra = Another one, Kafirah =
Disbeliever, LaIbrah = Certainly, LiUli AlAbsar = Men of understanding - Those who
Q: Other than wars, what three ways of cold war do those who fight Islam from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to
the present day follow to harm Muslims?
Note: Remember that the miracle of the Qur'an also lies in its specific incidents and
general meanings (= Khusous AlHadasth wa Umoum AlMa'na) since the Qur'an is for everyone, every time and every place.
A: And they swore their strongest oaths by Allah that if a warner (from Allah) came to them they
would certainly be more rightly guided than any other community so when a warner reached them
it increased their alienation (avoidance); Showing
arrogance in the land and PLOTTING of EVIL* and the plotting of evil
does not surround (befall on) except its doers - so do they expect anything other than the Way (of Allah's punishment) that has
passed on from the past
because you will not find any alteration for Allah's Way and you will not find any diversion (to another
direction) for Allah's Way.
Translation of: Ayat 42 - 43, Surat Fatir.
* Remember what Allah says about some of their great plotting against Islam:
"And they plotted their plot and Allah has their plot, and their plot is such that
mountains could have vanished with it." Translation of Line 46 in Chapter Ibraheem
in the Qur'an.
Words: Aqsamou = They swore, Natheer = Warner (of Hell),
Ahda = More rightly guided, Ihda AlUmam = Any other community, Nufoura =
Alienation, Estikbaran = Showing arrogance in the land, Makr AlSaye' =
Plotting of evil, La Yuheequ = Does not surround, BiAhlihi = Its doers,
FaHel Yandhoroun = Do they expect, Sunnat AlAwaleen = The Way that has passed on from the
past, Tabdeela = Alteration - Modification - Change, Tahweela = Diversion - Shifting.
Q: Aside from special exceptional cases mentioned in the Qur'an what type of Muslims, generally speaking, request permission
not to join the just and fair fight in the cause of Allah (AlJihad)?
A: Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day (Day of Judgement) do not ask for your
(Prophet Muhammad's) permission (for exemption) to fight with their wealth and themselves and
Allah is All-Knowing of those who protect themselves by fearing Allah;
Rather those (hypocrite Muslims) who do not believe in Allah and the
Last Day ask for your permission (for exemption) and their hearts became doubtful so in their
doubt they are wavering (between belief and disbelief).
Translation of: Ayat 44 - 45, Surat AlTawbah. (9:44-45)
Words: La Yasta'thinuka = They do not, Yujahidou = To fight, Anfusihim =
Themselves, Ertabat = Became doubtful, Raybihim = In their doubt, Yataradadoun =
Are wavering - Going to and fro.
Q: Why when performing the prayer in the zone of war Muslim fighters should have their arms
with them?
Note: Reference in the Qur'anic lines is mainly to ground wars that used to be fought justly. Nowadays
we find unequal wars which is evem not a chivalrous (ideal knight) conduct on the part of those who have the upper hand in war
technology. (Bombs pound places and people who may have very little or none of the similar technology).
Note: Remember no wars among Muslims are allowed. In Islam Muslims can launch war against other Muslims only when they
break away from a pillar of Islam (AlShaadah "The Testimony of Islamic Creed: I witness there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is a messenger of
Allah (Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah)", Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving (Zakat) and The Pilgrimage (to
Mecca for the capable). For example the war that took place after the death of the Prohet Muhammad
when some Arabians stopped paying the Zakat and the Prophet's companion as well as Islam's first caliph fought
A: And if you (Prophet Muhammad) were among them (Muslim fighters) and you were to lead them in prayer then let a
part of them stand up for prayer with you and let them carry their arms so when they finished prostrating*
let them go to the back and let another part who have not prayed so they pray with you and let them be on
their guard and with their arms - those who disbelieved wish that you become heedless of your arms and
your baggage so that they take you in a single assault - and there is no blame on you if you were overtaken by
rain or illness to lay aside your arms and be on your guard for certainly Allah had prepared for the disbelievers
a humiliating punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat AlNisa'.
* The prayer of fear (= Salat AlKhawf) at the time of war. The prayer can even be delayed. When two lines of
fighters in the Muslim army, one Rak'ah (standing and bending) and two
Prostrations (can be a gesture down with the forehead = Ima') for each line of fighters.
It comes two Raka'h for the Imam (Prophet Muhammad). Source: Tafaseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume 1, Pages 772-773.
Words: FaAqamta = And you were to lead them in prayer, Ta'ifah = A part - A Number - A group,
Aslihatihim = Their arms, LiYa'khothou Hithrahum = Let them be on their guard,
Taghfoloun = You become heedless - To forget for a while, Amtiatikum = Your baggage,
Maylah Wahidah = A single assault.
Q: Do the war policy makers realize that Islam allows equal revenge on the attackers if not
now then in the future?
Note: For example count the number of bombs that fell in this decade on Islamic lands until now.
Note: "Tit for tat" that is based on justice is in all of
Allah's Religions. In the Torah for example.
A: (Attacking in) The Prohibited Month* (calls for counter attacking) for the prohibited month and
punishment for (violating) what is sacred so whoever commits an aggression (unjustly attack) on you (plural)
then you commit aggression on him SIMILAR to
what he attacked you (plural) and fear Allah and let it be known to you that Allah is with those who
protect themsleves by fearing Allah.
Translation of:
* The month of Pilgrimage "ThulHijja" was a sacred month in which warfare was prohibited by Arab
custom. Also were considered prohibited the months of "ThulQa'dah", "Muharram"
known as AlHaram and "Rajab". If the pagan enemies of
Islam broke that custom and made war in the prohibited months, Muslims were free also to break that custom but only to the same extent as the others broke it. Similarly the
territory of Mecca was sacred in which war was prohibited. If the enemies of Islam broke that custom, Muslims
were free to do so to that extent. Source: The explanatin of the Ayah by the famous Qur'an translator "Abdullah
Yusuf Ali.
Words: AlShahr AlHaram = The Prohibited Month - The Sacred Month, AlHurumat
What is sacred, Qisas = Punishment, Men E'tada = Whoever commits an aggression - Whoever makes an unjustly
attack, BiMisthli =
Similar to - Like, AlMuttaqeen = Those who protect themselves by fearing Allah.
Q: Why do the enemies of Muslims (who fear Allah) from outside Muslim lands have to use the policy "Divide - you Conquer = Farreq Tasud" to win the war?
A: O believers if you support* (follow) Allah He will render you victorious and let you gain a
foothold (make you firm in wars);
And those who disbelieved then misery for them and He (Allah) made their (righteous) deeds in vain; That is
because they hated (= Karihou) what Allah sent down (Qur'an) so He made their (righteous) deeds fail.
Translation of: Ayat 7 - 9, Surat Muhammad (known also as Surat AlQital). (47:7-9)
* by supporting Allah's followers, keeping Allah's limits (= Hodoud Allah) and fulfilling Allah's Covenants (of Islam) and abstaining from
what Allah made forbidden. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 507.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an) said by the Prophet Muhammad: After a long prayer
called the prayer of Desiring (Allah's Satisfaction) and Fearing (Allah's Punishment) (= Salat Raghab
Wa Rahab) the Prophet Muhammad said: I asked Allah for three favours. So I was granted two and was
refused one. I prayed that Allah does not annihilate us (Muslims) with what He destoyed the nations before us
(Famine - Drowning - etc) so I was granted it. And I prayed to Allah not to make an enemy (non Muslims) other than us
victorious upon us so Allah granted it to me. And I prayed to Allah not to make you (Muslims) into
partisans (= Shia'an: Followers exhibiting blind, prejudiced and unreasoning allegiance (source: Merriam Webster's
Deluxe Dictionary) but Allah did not grant it to me. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, page 188.
Words: Tansorou = If you support, Yansurkum = He will render you victorious - He will
support you, Yusthabit Aqdamakum =
Make you gain a foothold, FaTa'san = Then misery, Adhalla A'malahum = He made
their deeds in vain, Karihou = They hated, FaAhbata A'malahum = So He made
their deeds fail.
Q: In all times why are the enemy of Islam intent on fighting only Muslims under different pretexts?
Note: Today 28 June 2011 (= 27 Rajab 1432 "Hijri or Muslim Calendar").
A: They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Prohibited Month (concerning) a fight** happening in it - say
the fight in it is a great sin (BUT) preventing from the Path of Allah and disbelieving
in Him and (in) the Holy Mosque (in Mecca) and expelling its people (Muslims) from it (Mosque) is
a more grave sin to Allah and the ordeal trial*** is more grave than killing - and they will
continue (= la yazaloun) to fight you until they turn you back from your Religion (of Islam) if they could - and whoever
turns back from his Region and dies while being a disbeliever then those their (all) deeds come to fail in
this Life and the Other Life and those are the companions of Hell - they are in it remaining for eternity.
Translation of: Ayah 217, Surat AlBaqarah.
* The month of Thu AlHijjah.
** The Prophet Muhammad sent a group to find out about the condition of the disbelievers of Quraish and he
did not command them to fight. But they killed one in the Prohibited Month of Rajab without knowing that
the Prohibited Month started. So the disbelievers asked the Prophet Muhammad the question mentioned in the Ayah. Source: Ex-Mufti
of Egypt's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", page 91.
*** Inflicting different types of suffering on Muslims to divert
them from their Religion. Source: Ex-Mufti of Egypt's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", page 52.
Words: Yasalounaka = They ask you, AlShahr AlHaram = The Prohibited Month,
Qital = Fighting, Sud = Preventing, Ikhraj = Expelling, Akbar = More grave sin,
Yarudoukum = They turn you, Yartad = Turns back, Habitat = Comes to fail.
Q: In any type of fight who is more of a transgressor (deserves more punishment)?
Note: A famous Arab saying is 'AlBadi Adhlam' = the beginner is
more of a transgressor. And starting a fight can be as simple as provoking by words or actions the opposite
A: Will you not fight a people who have broken their oaths (a treaty)* and they were
about to drive the Prophet (Muhammad) out (from Mecca) and they began attacking you
first** - do you fear them - well Allah has more right to be feared if you were
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlTawbah. (9:13)
* They attacked the tribe of Khuza'ah which were allies of fighting Muslims. Source: AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an" page 249.
** At the beginning of Islam the disbelieving Arabs of Quraish in Mecca started verbally/physically
abusing whoever became on the Religion of Islam.
Words: Nakasthou = They have broken, Aymanahum = Their oaths, Hammou
= They were about, BiIkhraj = To drive out, Bada'oukum = they began attacking you,
ATakhsawnahum = Do you fear them.
Q: When Muslims fear treachery from a group who were their allies before what should they do?
A: And if you fear from a people treachery then do terminate any affiliation with them
equally** for Allah does not like the treacherous people.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat AlAnfal.
* Get rid of what treaty you have with them and go to fight them.
** As they feel about you.
Words: Imma = If, Takhafanna = You fear, Fanbuth = Then do
terminate any affiliation with them - Then do disassociate with them, Ala Sawa' = Equally,
AlKha'ineen = The treacherous people.
Q: What is allowed at the end of a lawful (just and fair) war to be gathered and shared?
A: So consume what spoils you have gained (in war) in a good and lawful manner
and protect yourselves by fearing Allah for Allah is Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
Note: Remember that In Islam Muslims who follow the five pillars of Islam are not allowed to fight similar other
Muslims. (Dont' forget to avoid even a doubtful action of joining someone or anything which can interfer with the Word of Islam (There is
no god but Allah. Muhammad is a messenger of Allah = La Ilaha Illa Allah, Muhammad rasool Allah). Stop! Do not add
anything to this Word because the Prophet Muhammad himself did not add anything to it.
And only if a group transgresses against another one, Muslims should fight the transgressing group.
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlAnfal.(8:69)
Words: FaKolou = So consume, Ghanimtum =
Spoils you have gained, Halalan Tayyeban = In a good and
lawful (halal) manner, Etaqou Allah = Protect yourselves by fearing Allah.
Q: What are the three bravery qualities of those who fight in the
Path of Allah (for a just cause)?
A: And how many prophets (of Allah) with each fought a lot of God-fearing men so
they did not lose courage because of what (suffering) has befallen upon them in the Path of Allah
neither did they weaken nor did they surrender and Allah likes those who are patient
Translation of: Ayah 146, Surat AlImran.
Words: KaAyen = How many, Qatala = Fought, Ribiyoun = God-fearing men,
FaMa Wahanou = So they did not lose courage (lose heart), Asabahum = Has befallen, WaMa Dha'afou =
They did not weaken, WaMa Estakanou = They did not surrender.
Q: Why does Allah take an oath on a war machinery?
Note: When Allah takes an oath on something it should be a focus for human
research for its importance on human life.
A: And by the dashers* panting; So the strikers of sparks of fire**; So the raiders
at dawn; So they stirred up in it (land) dust; Then they penetrated into the middle of the
crowd (enemy).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlAdiyat.
* Steeds (war horses in warfare). Remember that the Qur'an is for every place and every time. Nowadays
other machinery does what war horses used to do in wars.
** When steeds strike flint with their hooves.
Note: The lines (verses) that follow in Surat AlAdiyat.
Words: AlAdiyat = The dahsers - The fast runners, Dhabhan = Panting - Snorting,
AlMouriyat Qadha = the strikers of sparks of fire, AlMugheerat = They raiders, Subha = At dawn,
Astharna = They stirred up, Naqa' = Dust, Wasatna = They penetrated into the middle, Jama' =
Q: Do Muslims look forward to solving their major disputes with the non-Muslims through wars?
A: And when Allah has promised you (Muslims) one of the two groups* will fall to you and you
(Muslims) wish the one not armed to fall to you - and Allah wants (through war) to make the Truth (Islam)
come true (be established) with His Words (Promise to Muslims) and to cut off the roots (leaders)** of the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlAnfal.
* It wss revealed to Prophet Muhammad that he and his companions will win in one of the
two groups belonging to the disbelievers of Mecca. Muslims around the Prophet Muhammad hoped to get
what they wanted without resorting to war. They wanted to attack the caravan loaded with riches, coming from
Syria, led by the disbelieving leader then "Abu Sufyan" with only 40 unarmed men. But when Abu Sufyan managed to
change route to Mecca and saved the caravan, Muslims had no alternative but to face the 1000 non-believers from
Mecca after Abu Sufyan managed to call them for war against the 300 Muslims with the
Prophet Muhammad.
** Some prominent leaders of the disbelievers were killed with some other leaders in the war of Badr -
the first war in Islam.
Words: Ya'idukum = Has promised, Ihda = One, AlTa'ifatayn = Two groups,
Tawaddown = You wish, Ghayra Thati AlShawkati = The one not armed, Yureed = Wants, LiYuhiqqa AlHaqq = To make Truth come true -
To establish the Truth, Yaq'ta' = Cuts off, Daabir AlKafireen = The roots of the disbelievers.
Q: Why Muslims are encouraged in Islam not to pray for a battle to happen but when a just battle erupts then they must
Note: Reference is to the third battle in Islam "The Trench = 'AlKhandaq' Battle" between Muslims in AlMadinah lead by the Prophet
Muhammad against the polytheists of Mecca with their allies. To defend themselves Muslims made a trench around
AlMadinah. The disbelievers finally had to run away on a violent stormy day.
A: And Allah sent back those who disbelieved in their rage - they did not get any good thing
and Allah spared the believers the fighting (of the enemy) and Allah is Omnipotent, AlMighty.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlAhzab. (33:25)
a Side Note: If Muslims are not allowed in Islam to dispute with the People of the Book (refer to Surat AlAnkaboot) about
the worship of Jesus peace be upon him, are then Suuni and Shiite Muslims allowed to fight a sectarian battle in Syria?! Both parties are weakening
their country. Read a recent Toronto Star article in this context.
Words: Radda = Sent back, BiGhadhihim = In their rage - In their fury, Yanalou
= Get, Khairan = Good thing - Benefit, Kafa = Spared - Saved.
Q: Why do Muslims enter into a civil war?
Note: Remember that a civil war is a punishment from Allah. Show patience and forgiveness towards
your Muslim brothers and expect the reward from Allah. Then repent to Allah (= Istaghfirou) to bring an end to the war.
A: That Other Dwelling (in Paradise) We (Allah) grant it to those who do not seek superiority (with arrogance) on
earth neither corruption and the good ending is for those who protect themselves by fearing Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat AlQasas.
Note: An example of who seeked superiority over others.
Words: AlDar AlAkhirah = The Other Dwelling, La Yureedouna = They do not seek,
Uluwan = Superiority, Fasadan = Corruption, AlAqibah = Good ending.
Q: Who will be rewarded among those who are forced to leave their houses behind because of religious tensions?
A: And those who emigrated in the Cause* of Allah after injustice (oppression) was done to them We
(Allah) will certainly grant them a good settling place** in this life and certainly the reward of the Other World is
greater only if they knew; Those who persevered and in their God they put their trust.
Translation of: Ayat 41 - 42, Surat AlNahl. (16:41-42)
* Leaving their houses behind and fleeing with their religion to please Allah and to help prevail His
Word. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, by Ex-Mufti of Egypt, page 347.
** Prophet Muhammad and his companions were forced to flee Mecca so Allah gave them AlMadinah
to settle down in it.
Words: Hajarou = Emigrated - Left their houses, Min Ba'di Ma Dhulimou = After injustice
was done to them, LaNobawe'anahum = We will certainly grant them, Hasanah = Good, LaAjr = Certainly the reward, Ssabarou =
They persevered - They were patient, Yatawakaloon = They put their trust - They depend.
Q: When face to face with the enemy in ground wars how can fighting Muslims bring Allah's Wrath upon
Note: Please refer to the translation of Surat AlFatiha
for "-- object of Wrath (of Allah)".
A: O those who believe when you meet those who disbelieve marching (on the ground) so
do not turn your backs to them; And whoever turns his back to them - except maneuvering to
fight or
joining a troop - then he has incurred a Wrath of Allah and his staying place is Hell and
what a miserable ending.
Translation of: Ayah 15 - 16, Surat AlAnfal. (8:15-16)
Words: Laqeetum = You meet, Zahfan = Marching - Advancing, La Tuwalouhum AlAdbar =
Do not turn your backs to them, Mutaharrifan = Manoevering - Skillfully turning, Mutahayyezan
= Joining, Fi'ah = Troop, Baa' Bighadhab = Incurred a Wrath, Bi'sa = What a miserable.
Q: In the name of love can Muslims get rid of AlJihad with the sword as dictated by Allah?
Note: Remember that AlJihad is prescribed in all of Allah's Holy Books.
A: Fighting (= AlJihad) is prescribed* upon you (Muslims) and it (fighting) is hated
by you - and you may hate something which is good for you and you may love something which is bad for you
and Allah knows and you (plural) do not know.
Translation of: Ayah 216, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:216)
* Prescribed obligatory religious duties are in the Ayat which Allah made firm (clear fundamental/basic
Ayat = Muhkamat) and they make 'Um AlKitab'
preserved in Heaven.
Note: A group's motto about love for all
Love for all - 'Jihad and Ahmadiyyat'.
And Love for all - ref their founder's book.
Their Founder's
(Note: Some of their internet pages are recently
modified. Date at the end of the page is: 15 Nov 2013) (Today is: Jan
the 8th, 2014)
Words: Kutiba = Prescribed - Dictated - Ordained, Kurh Lakm = You hate it, Khair =
Good, Shar = Bad, La Ta'lamoun = You do not know.
Q: Believers pray: (---- and take our souls at death to be with the righteous persons (=
What is considered according to Allah a top righteous deed?
A: So their God answered them (righteous believers = AlAbrar) indeed I (Allah) do not leave to
fail the work of a worker from you (righteous believers = AlAbrar) - a male or a female - you belong
to one another - so those who emigrated (left) and were driven out of their houses and they suffered
harm in My (Allah's) Cause** and they fought and they were killed certainly I
will pardon them their bad deeds and certainly I will admit them into Gardens underneath
which the rivers flow as a reward from Allah and Allah has the Best Reward.
* 'AlAbrar' mentioned in the translation of Lines 193-194 in Surat AlImran.
** Fi Sabeel Allah. To please Allah per Allah's Commands mentioned in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad.
Translation of: Ayah 195, Surat AlImran. (3:195)
Note: Even nowadays (February 2014) some Muslims are being viciously driven out of their
houses. An example.
Words: Ba'dhukum Min Ba'dh = You belong to one another, Hajarou = Emigrated - Left,
Ukhrijou = They were driven out, Fi Sabeeli = In My Cause - In My Path.
Q: What are some conditions of 'AlJihad' (= justified fight, fight in the Path of Allah, fight which
pleases Allah)?
A: And fight (make Jihad) in the Path of Allah those who fight you and do not
start aggression (unjustly attack) for Allah does not like those who commit aggression.
Translation of: Ayah 190, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:190)
Note: And another 'Jihad' condition.
Note: The Command of avoiding aggession also involves avoiding the forbidden acts in a war: Mutilation, exploiting, killing women, children and aged
persons who have nothing to do with wars, killing monks, burning trees and killing animals without any use, as narrated by Ibn Abbas. Source: Ibn Katheer,
volume 1, page 329.
Words: AlLatheena = Those - The ones, Yuqatilounakum.= fight you (plural) La Ta'tadou
= Do not start aggression - Do not start unjustly attack, AlMu'tadeen = Those who commit aggression.
Q: Why most famous calendars even nowadays have 12 months?
A: Indeed the number of months according to Allah are twelve months in Allah's (Initial) Record* the
Day He created the Heavens and the earth - Of them four (months) are sacred** - that is the
True Faith (= AlQayyem***) Religion so do not wrong**** in them (sacred months) yourselves and do fight
the polytheists together as they fight you together and let it be known to you that Allah is with those who
protect themselves by fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlTawbah. (9:36)
* Remember the first thing Allah created was the pen and it was
commanded to write everything.
** The four sacred months in Islam.
*** That leads straight to Allah's Path which leads Straight to Paradise.
**** By treating them as not sacred.
Remember 'AlQayyem' in Arabic also means guiding straight and priceless.
Words: Esthna Ashar = Twelve, Ashhur = Months, Khalaqa = He created,
AlDeen AlQaqayyem = The True Faith Religion - The Religion Guiding Straight to Allah's Path - The Priceless
Religion, Qatilou = La Tadhlimou = Do not wrong - Do not trasgress - Fight, Kaafattan = Together - As a whole,
E'lamou = Let it be known - Do know.
Q: Is it an Islamic behavior to make lawful (= halal) what Allah forbade on the pretext that one will ask Allah later for
forgiveness for example?
A: Rather the delayed* (sacred month) is an addition to disbelieving - led astray with it (were) those who
disbelieved - they were making it lawful one year and forbidden another year in order to conform with what number
(four months) Allah made forbidden so they were making lawful what Allah made forbidden - the evil of their
deeds was made to look good (by Satan) to them and Allah does not guide disbelieving people.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlTawbah. (9:37)
* "= AlNasie'" is a sacred month made delayed. Pre-Islamic Arabs of Arabia used to delay a sacred month
(especially 'Muharram' among the four sacred months) to another month when they wanted for example to fight
in the sacred month. Source: Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, pages 522-523.
Words: Ziyadatun = Addition - Increase, Yudhal = Led astray - Misguided, Yuhillounah
= They make it lawful, Yuharrimounahu = They make it forbidden, LiYuwatt'ou = To conform,
Idata = Number, Sou' = Evil, La Yahdi = Does not guide.
Q: What do quarrels among a group members embarked on a serious mission bring about?
A: And do obey Allah and His Prophet (Muhammad) and do not quarrel then (if you quarrel) you incur
a loss and the wind that helps you sail will leave you* and do persevere indeed Allah is with those who persevere.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlAnfal. (8:46)
* You will become out of luck's way.
Words: FaTasshalou = Then you incur a loss - You lose, Tathhab Reehukum = The wind
that helps you sail will leave you - You will become out of luck's way - Wind that sails your power will leave
you, Esberou = Persevere - Be patient.
Q: How is human logic limited and cannot keep up with Allah's Wisdom?
A: When Allah showed them (around !000 disbelievers)* to you (Prophet Muhammad) in your dream as few and if
Allah showed them to you as a lot you would certainly have lost courage and you (Muslims) would certainly have argued in this
matter but Allah made it (pre-war situation) safe** (for you) indeed He is All-Knowing about what is in the bottom
of the hearts***.
Translation of: Ayah 43, Surat AlAnfal. (8:43)
* In the Battle of Badr.
** Protected you from cowardice and argument about the coming Battle of Badr.
*** The Prophet Muhamamd was worried because he knew that the first battle in Islam 'Badr' will be decisive about the future of Muslims so
he prayed to Allah "Allah where is what You promised me. Allah give me what You promised me. Allah if you finish this
group of Muslims You will never be worshipped (As Only God) on earth (Prophet Muhammad
is the last of Allah's messengers). So the Prophet's companion 'Abu Bakr' came to
him and said enough asking your God because He is going to fulfill His Promise for you. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 2, page 425.
A Side Note: We are commanded to be patient in problems and disasters because what we may think is bad for us Allah
may had written it as good for us. Example of Allah's Wisdom that human logic find difficult to conceive.
Words: Yureekahum = He shows them to you, Manamika = Your dream, LaFashaltum = You
would certainly have lost courage, LaTanza'tum = You would certainly have argued - Quarreled, Sallama =
Made it safe - Protected you from cowardice and argument.
Q: In reality how was the Prophet Muhammad's dream about the number of the enemy in 'Badr' fulfilled?
A: And when (actually) He (Allah) showed them to you (Muslims) in your eyes when you met (in 'Badr') as few* and (Allah) was making you (Muslims) look few** in their eyes so as to
fulfill a matter (victory for Muslims) that had to be realized and to Allah all things will return.
Translation of: Ayah 44, Surat AlAnfal. (8:44)
* In a narration of the companion Abdullah Bin Masoud: They (enemy) were made to look few in our eyes in the
Battle of Badr to the extent that I asked a man near me: Do you think they are (70) he said no rather they
are (100) until we captured one of them (enemy). He said we were a thousand. Source: Tafseer Ibn
Kastheer, volume 2 page 463.
** According to Ibn Kastheer: So both parties indulge in fighting thinking the opposite party is few (and Allah gives victory to Muslims
over the enemy in 'Badr').
Note: Prophet Muhammad used not to lie even when telling a joke. An old woman came to the
Prophet Muhammad requesting him to pray for her to enter Paradise but the Prophet said: No old woman enters Paradise. So she
went away crying. The Prophet sent a messenger to tell her that companions of Paradise will enter it
in their young age (34) like Prophet Issa's (Jesus') age. Source will be added later insha Allah.
Words: Qaleelan = Few - Not many, Yuqalilukum = Of no real significance, Kana
Mafoula = Had to be realized - fulfilled.
Q: What should Muslims always remember about the Battle of Badr that was then decisive for the future of Islam?
A: And Allah made you (Muslims) victorious in Badr while you were helpless so do protect yourselves (by fearing Allah)
so that you may give thanks (express gratitude to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 123, Surat AlImran. (3:123)
Words: Nasarakum = Made you victorious, Athillah = Helpless, La'allakum = So that you may give thanks - express
Q: What was the reaction of some believers when they knew they were going to fight in Badr - the First
Battle in Islam?
Note: The disputes among believers before the Battle of Badr were normal and could have happened in any
Muslim or non-Muslim First Battle. This also supports Islamic events as historical human events and not narratives from
A: As when your God made you (Prophet Muhammad) go out from your house (in AlMadinah) for a True Purpose (fight)
and indeed a group of believers were certainly hating (it); They were arguing with you about the Truth (fight)
after it became clear* to them as if they were being driven to death which they could see.
Translation of: Ayat 5 - 6, Surat AlAnfal. (8:5-6)
* Muslims left their full houses in Mecca. So when they heard a loaded Caravan of Quraysh presided by
Abu Sufyan was returning to Mecca from
(Bilad AlSham = Syria and around it) the Prophet Muhammad with 300+ went out of AlMadinah to get it. The
Caravan made a detour and was saved. Disbelievers from Quraysh wanted to revenge and show Arabia their power so
they set out to meet the Muslims who were after the Caravan. Some believers argued with the Prophet Muhammad: You took
out to get the camels and you did not teach us how to fight so we get ready for it. Some argued: We have no power
to fight the enemy and we were after the camels. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 pages 422-423.
Words: BilHaqq = For a ture purpose - The Truth, LaKarihoun = Certainly are hating it,
Tabayyana = Became clear, Hum Yandhoroun = They could see.
Q: What does a humiliating defeat mean for disbelievers in life?
A: That (defeat for disbelievers) is because they put themselves in a division against Allah and
His Prophet and whoever puts himself in a division against Allah and His Prophet then Allah is Severe in
the punishment; That (punishment in life) is so taste it - and
for the disbelievers is the punishment of the Fire (of Hell in the Other World).
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 14, Surat AlAnfal. (8:13-14)
Note; A special warning from becoming a polytheist by joining anyone with the worship or
calling upon Allah.
Words: Yushaqiq AlRasool = Puts himself in a division against, Splits off - Breaks up from -
than the way of Allah's Messenger Prophet Muhammad - Shows enmity and
objection to the Messenger (or his way in Islam), Fathoqouh = So taste it, Shadeed = Severe.
Q: Before the First Battle in Islam what was Allah's Wisdom in making Muslims leave their homes in AlMadinah and go
after the loaded Caravan?
A: (Remember) When you (Muslims) were on the near (to AlMadinah) slope (of the valley) and they
(enemy from Mecca) on the far off slope (near Mecca) and the Caravan (heading towards Mecca) was below you (parallel to the Red
Sea) and if you made a mutual appointment to meet (without going after the Caravan) you (both parties) would
have certainly differed in the (place and time of) appointment yet (Muslims went out after the Caravan)
in order that Allah certainly executes a matter (fight)* that had to be realized - so that whoever
passes away does pass away after being fully informed (about Allah's Evidence of Islam**) and whoever lives
does live being fully informed and indeed Allah is certainly All-Hearing All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat AlAnfal. (8:42)
* To make the two armies nearer so that they engage in a fight that will decide the future of Islam.
Some of the enemy leaders openly aggressive to
Islam like 'Abu Jahl' were killed. Abu Jahl arrogantly refused to return to Mecca after the Caravan was saved because he wanted to
win over Muslims in Badr. He said so that all Arabia hears we will celebrate by drinking, sacrificing animals
and hearing ladies' maids singing. But Banu Zuhra and Bunu Uday from Quraysh listened to their leaders and
went back without fighting. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 462.
** So that everyone hears about the Evidence of Islam from Allah. (Ayat 1 - 3 in Surat AlBayyenah)
Words: BilUdwah = On the slope, AlDunya = Near, AlQusswa = Far off - Out of the
way, AlRakb = The Caravan - The riders, Asfal = Below, AlMee'ad = Appointment, LiYaqdhiya Allah =
So that Allah executes, Amr = Matter, Kana Mafoula = Had to be realized, Halaka = Does pass away,
Does become dead, En Bayyenah = Being fully informed - Being fully aware.
Q: What was the opinion of the hypocrites among Muslims who stayed in Mecca about Muslims taking part in the first Battle of Islam
against a big enemy?
A: When the hypocrites* and those in whose hearts is a sickness** were saying their Religion (Islam) has
misled (deceived) these ones (Muslims) - (Allah answers them) and whoever puts his trust in Allah then indeed Allah is
AlMighty*** All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat AlAnfal. (8:49)
* "= AlMunafiqoun". A hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. Source: Merriam Websters' Deluxe
Four Signs indicating a hypocrite person.
** "= Fi Quloubihim Maradh". Muslims with weak Faith which is not reposed in the hearts have doubts about
Islam and swing to
and fro between obedience of Allah and disobedience - to the side where their interests lie. Note: So they are
considered hypocrites.
According to Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 468: Some persons who confessed Islam in Mecca said (their Religion deceived these ones (Muslims)
when they heard about the little number of Muslims in 'Badr'.
*** Capable of giving victory.
Note: Does Allah cure hypocrisy (considered a psychological
illness = Maradh) in the hearts of some Muslims?
Words: Gharra = Has misled - Has deceived - Has tricked, AlMunafiqoun = Hypocrites - Those with two
faces, Fi Quloubihim Maradh = In their hearts is a sickness.
Q: Which group among those who embraced Islam is Allah Angry with?
A: Indeed the worst among moving creatures according to Allah are those who disbelieved
so they will not have Faith*; Those with whom you (Prophet
Muhammad) made a pledge (Covenant of Islam) then they keep on breaking their pledge every time and they do not
protect themselves by fearing (Allah = La Yattaqoun); So if you (Prophet Muhammad) arrest
them in the war so by making them homeless drive away (scare = Sharrid Bihim) who back them so that they may remember.
Translation of: Ayat 55 - 57, Surat AlAnfal. (8:55-57)
* Hypocrites and those with weak Faith (psychological sickness in their hearts = Fi Quloubihim Maradh).
They swing between believing and disbelieving so Allah marks them as disbelievers. Read above (Ayah 49 Surat AlAnfal).
Words: Aahadta Minhum = You made a pledge with them, Tasthqafannahum = You arrest them, FaSharrid = So by making them homeless
drive away who back them, Men Khalfahum = Who back them - Who are behind them, Yathakkaroun = Remember.
Q: What does any Muslim who puts his trust in Allah expect to happen when he goes to war?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) are you (hypocrite Muslims*) waiting expecting to happen to us either one of the two best
outcomes (victory or martyrdom) and we (Muslims) are waiting for you expecting that Allah afflicts you with
punishment from Him or by our hands so keep on waiting indeed we are with you waiting.
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlTawbah. (9:52).
* Remember the preceding Ayat in Surat AlTawbah talk about hypocrites among Muslims.
(Hypocrites will be punished in the lowest rank of Hell)
Note: Remember the Prophet Muhammad's saying about fights among Muslims.
Words: Tarabbasouna = Waiting expecting, Ihda = One, AlHusnayayn = Two best
outcomes - Two happy endings.
Q: Does Allah accept any spending on wars from hypocrite Muslims?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) spend willingly or unwillingly - it will not be accepted (by Allah)
from you for you were people who sinfully strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 53, Surat AlTawbah. (9:53).
Words: Anfiqou = Spend, Taw'an = Willingly - Voluntarily, Karhan = Unwillingly - By
force, Len Yutaqabbal = It will not be accepted, Fasiqeen = Who sinfully strayed away.
Q: Why does Allah not accept any spending on wars from hypocrite Muslims?
Note: In the Qur'an hypocrite Muslims are considered disbelievers. Remember hypocrites will be
punished in the lowest rank of Hell (more burning and heat).
A: And nothing prevented them (hypocrite Muslims) from their expenditures being accepted (by Allah)
except that they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhamamd) and they were not performing the prayer except
while being lazy and they were not spending except while being haters (of spending).
Translation of: Ayah 54, Surat AlTawbah. (9:54).
Words: Mana'ahum Illa = Nothing prevented them except, Nafaqatuhum = Their expenditures,
La Ya'touna = They do not perform, WaHum Kusala = While Being lazy, Karihoun = Haters.
Q: Why does Allah give some hypocrite Muslims who make false excues not to join Muslims wars a lot of wealth in life?
A: So do not be impressed with their (hypocrite Muslims) wealth or their children (offspring) - rather Allah wants to
punish them with them (these things) in the life of this world and (Allah wants) their souls go out (die) while being disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 55, Surat AlTawbah. (9:55)
Words: Fi AlHayat AlDunya = In the life of this world, Tazhaqa Anfusuhum = Their souls go out - They give up the ghost - Die.
Q: Who joins forces with the disbelievers in their fights against Muslims?
A: O Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) fight (make Jihad*) against the disbelievers and the hypocrites (among
Muslims) and be harsh on them - and (in the End) their dwelling place is Hell and what a miserable ending.
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat AlTawbah. (9:73)
* When in situations of war. (In Surat AlBaqarah, Ayah 2)
Words: AlMunafiqeen = The hypocrites, Ughludh = Be harsh - Be tough.
Q: Some Qur'anic Ayat are repeatsd on purpose to remind the believers, an example?
A: O Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) fight (make Jihad) against the disbelievers and the hypocrites (among
Muslims) and be harsh on them - and (in the End) their dwelling place is Hell and what a miserable ending.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlTahreem. (66:9)
Words: Ma'wahum = Their dwelling place.
Q: What is a clear characteristic of a hypocrite Muslim during wars?
A: They take an oath by Allah (they lie) that they did not say (against Islam and the
Prophet) and (Allah confirms) certainly they said the word of disbelieving (= kufr) and they did disbelieve
after their Islam and they were about to do what they did not achieve* - and they were not spiteful against
them (Muslims) except because Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) made them rich (in AlMadinah) from
His (Allah's) Favour (from war spoils) - so if they (hypocrites) repent (to Allah) it will be better for them and if they turn away
Allah will punish them with a severe punishment in this life and the Other Life and for them in the
land will be no ally neither a supporter.
Translation of: Ayah 74, Surat AlTawbah. (9:74)
* During the last battle of the Prophet Muhamamd "Battle of Tabouk", some hypocrite Muslims planned with
covered faces to kill the Prophet Muhammad by pushing him off his
riding animal but they failed. And the Prophet Muhammad knew about them. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, pages 544-545.
Q: Why do some hypocrite Muslims not join the fight in the Path of Allah?
A: Those who were left behind (with false excuses = AlMukhallafoun) felt happy with their sitting down apart from the
Prophet Muhammad (who set out to the Battle of Tabouk) and they hated to fight (make Jihad) with their wealth and their souls in the
Path* of Allah and they said do not go to war in the heat** - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) Hellfire is
much hotter only if they could understand.
Translation of: Ayah 81, Surat AlTawbah. (9:81)
*Just and fair cause which pleases Allah.
** Why was it better for them to go even in the heat
Words: Faraha = Felt happy, AlMukhallafoun = Those who were left behind, BiMaqadihim =
With their Sitting down - With their remaining, Khailafa = Apart from - Opposite, Karihou = They hated, La Tanfirou = Do not go quickly to war, Ashadu Harran = Much hotter, Law = Only if, Yafqahoun = They could understand.
Q: What is the result of ridiculing and not taking seriously Allah's commands?
A: So let them (hypocrite Muslims) laugh* a little (in life) and let them cry a lot (in
the Other world) as a repayment (punishment) with what (= biMa)** they were earning (doing of deeds).
Translation of: Ayah 82, Surat AlTawbah. (9:82)
* They think they fooled Muslims with their lies.
** Remember punishment in the Other World will be similar to the sins people commit in life.
Words: FelYadhhakou = So let them laugh, Qaleelan = A little, WelYabkou = And let
them cry a lot, Jaza'an = As a repayment - As a punishment, BiMa = With what, Yaksiboun = They
were earning.
Q: Why are capable hypocrite Muslims who refuse to join Muslims the first time banned from joining future Islamic
A: So if Allah brought you back (Prophet Muhammad) to a part of them (hypocrite Muslims after "Tabouk"*) then they
asked your permission to go out (for war) then say you will never go out with me and you will not fight with
me an enemy for you accepted to sit down (remain) the first time* so do sit down with those who stay behind.
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat AlTawbah. (9:83)
* Command, after the Battle of Tabouk (in Ayah 81 Surat AlTawbah), not to enroll in Muslims' wars those Muslims who proved several times to be hypocrites. Every time during the time of Prophet Muhammad, hypocrites
made false excuses to
stay back from joining Muslims' just and fair causes (like Emigration from Mecca to AlMedinah "AlHijrah" and the Event that led to the "Treaty of Hudaibiyya"). And they made false excuses not to join the Prophet Muhammad in wars against Muslims' enemies.
Words: Raja'aka = Brought you back, Ta'ifah = Part - Number - Group, Festa'thanouka = So they asked
your permission, Radheetum = You accepted, BilQuoud = To sit down - To remain, AlKhalifeen = Those
who stay behind.
Q: What shows Allah's Wrath upon those whose actions in wars deem them hypocrite Muslims?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) do not ever pray for anyone of them (hypocrite Muslims) who
died and do not visit his grave for they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger* and they died while
being sinfully astray (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 84, Surat AlTawbah. (9:84)
* A reminder from the Ayah for those who hold other persons after the Prophet Muhammad in esteem similar to the Prophet
Muhammad: Believing in the Prophet Muhammad as Allah's last messenger is part of believing in Allah.
Words: La Tussali = Do not pray, Abadan = Ever, La Taqum = Do not visit - Do
not stay, Fasiqoun = Being sinfully astray from Allah's Path.
Q: What is the value of the wealth of capable hypocrite Muslims who actually do not join Muslims' rightful wars?
A: And do not be impressed with their (hypocrite Muslims) wealth or their children (offspring) -
rather Allah wants to punish them with them in this world and (Allah wants) their souls go out (die) while being
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlTawbah. (9:85)
Note: Ayah 85 in the same Surah (AlTawbah) repeats Ayah (55).
1. Ayah 55 emphasises the situation of
hypocrite Muslims and their false excuses before the war.
Ayah 85 emphasizes after the war when hypocrite
Muslims stayed behind.
The difference is an extra one word in Ayah 55: "AlHayat" AlDunya = "The life"
of this world
2. In Ayah 55 "So do not = FaLa" be impressed with their wealth as a result of their hypoccrite actions (in
Ayah 54).
In Ayah 85 "And do not = WaLa" be impressed with their wealth in case they do not die (in Ayah 84).
Words: AlDunya = In this world.
Q: Why do hypocrite Muslims turn away from the Ayat of AlJihad in the Qur'an?
A: And when a chapter (Surah) is sent down (to Prophet Muhammad) that do believe in Allah and fight (make
Jihad) with His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) men of power (strength) among them (hypocrite Muslims) ask your (Prophet
Muhammad's) permission and they say leave us behind to be with those who sit down (remain).
Translation of: Ayah 86, Surat AlTawbah. (9:86)
Words: Esta'thanaka = Ask your permission, Ulou AlTawl = Men of power - Strength,
Tharna = leave us behind.
Q: What happens to those Muslims who do not value AlJihad - the just and fair fight based on Islamic conditions
of fighting and which is in the Path of Allah?
Note: Remember the Qur'an is a miracle for every place and time. Surat AlTawbah (9)
details the actions of rich capable hypocrite Muslims who made false excuses to Prophet Muhammad and
were given permission not to join the Battle of Tabouk - last Battle of the Prophet Muhammad.
A: They (hypocrite Muslims) were pleased to be with those who remained behind* and it was
stamped** (by Allah) on their hearts so they (always) lack understanding (of Religion)***.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlTawbah. (9:87)
* Who remained behind and did not join the Fight (AlJihad in Battle of 'Tabouk'.
Note: Those who remained behind were of different groups. Some with genuine excuses like weakness or poverty and
others hypocrite Muslims.
* 'AlKhalifeen' = A group of those who remain behind. 'AlKhawalif' the plural form. 'AlMukhallafoun' Those
who were left behind with excuses while other Muslims went to the war.
** A seal was placed on their hearts in order not to receive Guidance from Allah.
*** They do not understand the value of Allah's Commands in His Qur'anic Ayat so they make fun of
Words: Radhou = They were pleased, AlKhawalif = Those who remained behind, Tubi'a =
It was stamped - A seal was placed, La Yafqahoun = They lack understanding - They do not understand.
Q: Contrary to the behaviour of hypocrite Muslims what is the behaviour of believers in wars?
A: But the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and those who believed with him fought (made Jihad) with their
wealth and their souls - and those for them are the good things (in Paradise) and those are the prosperous*
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat AlTawbah. (9:88)
* Those who attain salvation from Hellfire and are admitted to
Paradise with Allah's Mercy are the prosperous ones.
Words: AlKhairat = Good things, AlMuflihoun = The prosperous ones - Those who attain
Q: What is the reward of those who fight for a just and fair cause to please Allah?
A: He (Allah) had prepared* for them Gardens (= Jannat) underneath which the rivers flow -
remaining for eternity in them - that is the Superb Triumph.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat AlTawbah. (9:89)
* Paradise and Hell are prepared and are already existing in the Other World. They will be brought
nearer to our earth. (Remember Day
of Judgement will take place on our earth after Allah comes down from His
Throne to our earth)(in Surat AlFajr).
Words: A'adda = Had prepared, AlAdheem = Superb, AlFawz = The Triumph -
The victory.
Q: What does a Muslim who lies about his ability of joining Muslims' justified war become?
A: And the Bedouin Arabs (living outside city of 'AlMadinah') with excuses came (to Prophet Muhammad) so that permission be granted
to them - and those who lied to Allah and His Messenger sat down (remained) - a severe punishment will
afflict those who disbelieved among them.
Translation of: Ayah 90, Surat AlTawbah. (9:90)
Words: AlMuathirouna = With excuses, AlA'rab = Bedouin Arabs - Desert Arabs,
SaYuseeb = Will afflict.
Q: What characteristic can gain strength in some harsh places around or away from cities?
A: Bedouin Arabs* (in Pre-Islamic Arabia) are stronger in disbelieving and hypocrisy* and it is
more appropriate if they do not know the limits** of what (commands) Allah sent down to His Messenger and Allah
is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 97, Surat AlTawbah. (9:97)
* Specific reference is to the tribes of 'Asad' and 'Ghatfan' at the time of the Prophet Muhamamd. Remote
communties can be away from men versed in Allah's Religion so they do not learn from them. Source:
AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, ex-Mufti of Egypt in 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an', page 264.
* Please read the following Ayah 99 in Surat AlTawbah.
** Because they will not observe and respect Allah's limits in His commands rather they will
mock/transgress them.
Words: Ashadu = Stronger - More, Nifaqan = In hypocrisy, Hodoud = Limits.
Q: What is the intention of some hypocrite Muslims who give charity to be spent on Islamic wars?
A: And from the Bedouin Arabs who considers what he spends (on Islamic wars) as a financial
obligation (fine) and he waits expecting the turn of misfortunes (disasters) on you (Muslims) - (Allah says)
upon them is the turn of misfortune and Allah is All-Hearing All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat AlTawbah. (9:98)
Note: Please read the following Ayah 99 in Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Men Yattakhith = Who considers, Maghraman = Financial obligation - Fine,
Yatarabus = Waits expecting, AlDawa'ir = Turn of misfortunes, Da'irat AlSou' = The turn of
Q: What should those who have genuine excuses to stay behind and not participate in Muslims' just and
fair fighting (AlJihad) do?
A: There is no blame on the weak (including the disabled) neither on the sick nor on those
(generally speaking*) who do not find what to spend (on war equipment) if they give good advice** for
(remaining on the Path of) Allah and His
Prophet - there is no objection against those who perfect their Religion (= AlMuhsineen***) and
Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 91, Surat AlTawbah. (9:91)
* In the next Ayah 92 in Surat AlTawbah about specific persons who did not find what to spend for joining the Muslim army.
** If they do not discourage others. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Religion is giving good advice (commanding the good and forbidding
the bad = AlDeen AlNaseeha).
*** They become as if they were participants in the war although they were left behind in AlMadinah, as per a
summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, volume 2, page 557.
Words: AlDhua'fa' = The weak - The disabled, AlMardha = The sick, Ma Yunfiqoun =
What they spend, Haraj = Blame, Nasahou = Gave good advice, AlMuhsineen = Those who perfect their
religion - The righteous believers, Min Sabeel = No objection.
Q: How did some incapable Muslims in the past show their sincere intention for joining alJihad?
A: And neither (no blame) on those whenever they came to you (Prophet Muhammad) so as you load up
(animals) and carry them on, you said I do not find what (animals) to load up and carry you on - they went
away while their eyes were overflowing
with tears out of grief for not finding what they can spend.
Translation of: Ayah 92, Surat AlTawbah. (9:92)
Words: Ma Atouka = Whenever they came to you, LiTahmilahum = So as you load up and
carry them on, Tafeedhu = overflowing, Hazanan = Out of grief, Alla Yajidou = For not finding,
Ma Yunfiqoun = What they can spend.
Q: What happens to rich capable men if they do not join Muslims' just and fair wars (= AlJihad)?
A: Rather the objection (sin) is against those who ask your (Prophet Muhammad) permission while
being wealthy - they accepted to be with those who remain bind and Allah stamped (sealed) their
hearts* so they do not have knowledge (of Religion).
Translation of: Ayah 93, Surat AlTawbah. (9:93)
* So that no Faith enters it and they remain astray from Allah's Path which leads to Paradise.
Words: AlSabeel = Objection - Access to blame, Aghniya' = Wealthy - Rich, Qoloubihim
= Their hearts, La Ya'lamoun = Do not have knowledge.
Q: Why are Muslims commanded to leave hypocrite Muslims who do not join Muslims' fair and just wars
(AlJihad) alone and turn away from them?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 94 in Surat AlTawbah.
A: They (hypocrite Muslims) are going to swear to you by Allah when you (Muslims) return to them
in order that you leave them alone so turn away from them for they are
impurity (filth = rijs*) and their
dwelling place is Hell as a repayment according to what they were earning (of bad deeds).
Translation of: Ayah 95, Surat AlTawbah. (9:95)
* Hypocrisy is filth and psychological impurity.
Words: SaYahlifouna = They will swear - They will take an oath, Enqalabtum = You
returned back, FaA'ridhou = So do leave them alone - So turn away from them, Rijs = Impurity - Filth, Yaksiboun
= Were earning - Were doing.
Q: What is the motive behind hypocrite Muslims' taking an oath to support their excuses for not joing Muslim
Note: Please re-read first the translation above of (9:95). The word filth because of hypocrisy is
A: They swear to you by Allah so that you accept them - so if you accept them then indeed Allah
is not pleased with the sinfully straying away* people.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlTawbah. (9:96)
* Straying away from Allah's Path.
Note: Besides hypocrisy what is an example of other things
considered impurity (filth) in Islam? (In Surat AlMa'idah Ayah 90)
Words: LiTardhaw Anhum = So that you accept them - So that you come into terms with them, La
Yardha = Is not pleased, AlFasiqeen = Sinfully straying away.
Q: From 'alMuhajireen' wel 'Ansar' with the Prophet Muhammad who actually already received Forgiveness and
Mercy from Allah?
Note: No fighting took place in the difficult battle of Tabouk but Muslims who went for it got the reward from Allah.
A: Allah had already granted Forgiveness to the Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) and the
emigrants 9= AlMuhajireen*) and the supporters = AlAnsar**) who followed him during the time of
hardship*** after the hearts of a group of them were about to deviate (from duty) then
Allah granted them (all) Forgiveness indeed He (Allah) is towards them Compassionate Most Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 117, Surat AlTawbah. (9:117)
* Meccan Muslims who migrated to AlMadinah fleeing with their religion of Islam.
** Mulsims in AlMadinah who supported Meccan Muslims when they reached them.
*** Time of very hot weather and excessive thirst.
Note: In the succeeding Ayah 118 in Surat AlTawbah three men who remained
behind and did not join the Prophet Muhammad in the battle of Tabouk. They did not lie to the Prophet when he
came back about why they remained behind. They felt so sorry for disobeying Allah's command and made charity
until Allah forgave them.
Note: 'AlMuhajiroun' wel 'Ansar' were the first Muslims at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They
are special because they endured until Islam started spreading. Remember the Prophet Muhammad said the best
generation is my generation then those who follow them then another generation.
Words: Taba = Granted forgiveness, Sa'at AlUsrah = Time of hardship, Ma kada = Were
about, Yazeeghu = Deviate.
Q: Who decides how to divide the spoils gathered after a just and fair war (Jihad)?
A: They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the spoils (of war = alAnfal*) say (distributing) the spoils is according to
Allah and his Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) so protect yourselves by fearing Allah and do make amends among yourselves** and do obey Allah
and his Messenger if you are believers.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlAnfal. (8:1)
* 'AlAnfal' in Arabic language means EXTRA. According to the ex-Mufti of Egypt "Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf": Collecting spoils were forbidden on
the nations before the nation of Prophet Muhammad. So they are an extra favour from Allah. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page 233.
** Muslims quarreled about distributing the spoils of the War of Badr so the Ayah was sent down. Source: As above "Safwat AlBayan...".
Words: AlAnfal = Spoils - An extra favour, Aslihou = Make amends - Reconcile, That Baynikum = Among yourselves,
Atteeou = Do obey.
Q: How should the spoils of war gathered after a fight be distributed?
A: And let be known to you (Muslims) that whatever things you gain (of spoils after a fight = Ghana'im*) then its one
fifth** is
(distributed) according to Allah and (divided among) the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the relatives (of the Prophet) and the orphans and the poor and the wayfarers** if you
have believed in Allah and (in) what (Message) We (Allah) sent down upon our servant (Prophet Muhammad) the Day of the Criterion (= Yawm
AlFurqan)*** - the day when the two forces (believers against disbelievers) met and Allah upon everything is All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 41, Surat AlAnfal. (8:41)
* Ghana'im (or AlAnfal) are spoils gained after a fight (war). Source: Safwat AlBayan Li'Mani alQur'an, page 239.
** Four fifths of "spoils gained after a fight = Ghana'im) are divided among the forces. Source: Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 480.
*** Needy travelers.
**** The Battle of Badr is named the "Day of the Criterion" that distinguishes truth from falsehood - between what is right and what is wrong.
Words: Ghanamtum Min Shaye' = Whatever things you gain, Khumusahu = Its one fifth, LiThi AlQurba = For the
relatives, Ma Anzalna = What We sent down, AlJamaan = The two forces.
Q: When there is a war what is important before going out to meet the enemy?
A: O those who believed take your precaution then hurry to go to war in groups following each other or
hurry to go to war together.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlNisa'. (4:71)
Words: F'nFirou = Then hurry to go to war, Sthubattin = Groups following each other, Jamee'an = Together.
Q: What do hypocrites capable of joining Muslim wars do when preparation for war starts?
A: And among you (Muslims) who (hypocrites) certainly slows (himself and others) down (not to join fighting) then when a
misfortune befalls you he says Allah has
bestowed His Favour upon me because I was not with them present (= Shaheed).
Translation of: Ayah 72, Surat AlNisa'. (4:72)
Words: LaYubattianna = Certainly slows down - Certainly stays back, Shaheeda = Present.
Q: How can we tell that hypocrites who lie a lot to deceive others can actually deceive also themselves?
A: And if a Favour is bestowed upon you from Allah they (hypocrites) will certainly say as if there is between
you (Muslims) and him (hyocrite Muslim) no ties of affection (through Islam) I wish I was with them so I would have achieved a great
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat AlNisa'. (4:73)
Words: Mawaddah = Ties of affection, FaAfouz = So I would have achieved - won, Fawzan = Victory -
Winning - Achievement.
Q: When going to fight the enemy what is the same feeling Muslims and non Muslims have?
A: And do not lose courage in seeking the enemy - if you (plural) feel pain* (in war) then they (also) feel pain as you feel pain and
you hope from Allah what they do not hope and Allah is All-Knowing** All-Wise**.
Translation of: Ayah 104, Surat AlNisa'. (4:104)
* Psychological and/or physical.
** Because Allah's Command of AlJihad in the Cause of Allah.
Words: La Tahinou = Do not lose courage, Ebtigha' = Seeking, Ta'lamoun = Feel pain, Tarjouna = You hope.
Q: When Muslims go to a war why their Intentions for fighting should be only to please Allah?
A: And when you (Prophet Muhammad) left your family early in the morning appointing believers places for fighting* and
Allah is All-Listening All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 121, Surat AlImran. (3:121)
* The second battle in Islam, Battle of 'Uhud'.
A Side Note: An eye opener for ISIS:
Prophet Muhammad is Muslims' example. For just and fair Jihad that pleases
Allah Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not do anything that displeases Allah.
When preparing the army for AlJihad in the Battle of Tabouk, the Prophet had to send back some Muslims because of lack of resources.
The Prophet did not terrorize anyone to make resources available for the poor fighters.
Remember Ayah 92 in Surat AlTawbah (9) in the Qur'an.
The way ISIS is gathering money to gather fighters in this video - does it please Allah? Fear Allah!
Words: Ghadawta = Left early in the morning, Min Ahlika = Your family, Tubawe'ou = Appointing, Maqaa'id
= Places, LilQital = For fighting.
Q: Why should Muslim war leaders not follow blindly those hypocrites who displease Allah in Muslim wars?
A: When two parties* of you were about to become cowardly** and Allah was their Helper and in Allah let the
believers put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 122, Surat AlImran. (3:122)
* The two sides of the Muslim Army: Banu (Banai) Salamah from the tribe of "AlKhazraj" and Banu Haristha from the tribe of "AlAus" in
AlMadinah (originally from AlYemen). Both groups
from "AlAnsar" - supporters of Prophet Muhammad in AlMadinah. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page 93.
** They (some other Muslims) felt they might not be capable of fighting when they saw Abdullah Bin Ubai, the head of hypocrite Muslims deserting the
Muslim army. He took around 300 soldiers back to AlMadinah saying "if we knew you are
going to fight (Battle of Uhud) today we would have fought with you". He was angry because Prophet Muhammad did not follow his advice to stay and
fight inside AlMadinah. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page 93.
Words: Hammat = Were about, Tafshala = To become cowardly - To give up, Waliyyuhuma = Their Helper.
Q: How does Allah explain to Prophet Muhammad that even the Prophet has nothing to do with the Fate of disbelievers - Allah's
Mercy may be against them or with them?
A: (Muslims' winning in 'Badr' for example) In order that He (Allah) cuts off (annihilate) a part of those who disbelieved or
hold them back so they would turn back (to their land)
being unsuccessful; You (Prophet Muhammad) have nothing to do (with them) - either He (Allah) grants them forgiveness (if they
repent and accept Islam*) or punishes them for indeed they are transgressors (against Allah's limits).
Translation of: Ayat 127 - 128, Surat AlImran. (3:127-128).
* Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, page 94.
Words: Taraf = Part of, FaYanqalibou = So they turn back, laysa laka Mina AlAmri Shayun = You have nothing to do (with them) -
It is not your decision, Aw = Either, Dhalimoun = Transgressors - Unfair and unjust (towards the commands of Allah)
Q: Why does Allah sometimes not punish in life a vehement disbeliever whom Muslims want to be punished severely in life?
A: And to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - He forgives whom He wills and He
punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving Most Merciful.
Translation of: Ayat 129, Surat AlImran. (3:129).
Note: According to the famous translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali "The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the
Meanings and Commentary", page 179: Allah's Mercy is always open to us but it is also open to our enemies and those who
seem to us His enemies. His plan may be to bring sinners to repentance, and to teach us righteousness and
wisdom through those who seem in our eyes to be rebellious or even defiant. There may be good in them that He sees and we do
not - a humbling thought that must lead to our own self-examination and self-improvement.
Words: Wa Lillah = And to Allah.
Q: What does the Ownership of the Heavens and the earth tell us about Allah?
A: And to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - and Allah upon everything is All-Capable*.
Translation of: Ayat 189, Surat AlImran. (3:189).
* For example Allah's Capability to punish or forgive is beyond humans'
perception. Humans' knowledge is limited and they know only what Allah allows them to know. Remember how Prophet Moses' knowledge was limited. In Surat AlKahf.
Note: The translation about those who will be punished according to Allah. In the preceding Line 188 in Surat AlImran.
Words: Qadeer = Capable.
Q: Why are Muslims prevented from harming disbelievers just because they are disbelievers*?
A: And to Allah belongs whatever is in the Heavens and the earth - and all matters are returned
to Allah**
Translation of: Ayat 109, Surat AlImran. (3:109).
* An eye opener. Refer to Ayah 94 in Surat AlNisa' (4).
** Allah decides the outcome of everything.
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines 106
107 108
Words: Turj'e = Are returned - Are referred, AlUmour = All matters - Everything.
Q: Why should Muslims who act as if they know a lot about Islam fear Allah and stop their ARROGANT actions?
Note: In the Battle of Uhud, at that time with the Prophet Muhammad among them, some Muslims arrogantly felt that Allah
will be always on their side. Some archers disobeyed the order and left their high places to gather the war spoils. The
enemy from Mecca took their places and Muslims were defeated.
A: Is it not when misfortune (calamity) befell* you (Muslims) - you had inflicted twice** as
much (destruction to enemy), you said from where is this (defeat) - say (Allah's Command to Prophet Muhammad) it is from
yourselves indeed Allah upon everything is All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 165, Surat AlImran. (3:165)
* In the Battle of Uhud.
** Muslims defeated their enemy in the battle of "Badr" - the battle before "Uhud".
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayah 164 in Surat AlImran.
Words: Awa Lemma = Is it not when, Museebatun = Misfortune - Calamity, Misthlayha = Twice as much, Anna =
From where.
Q: Muslims' defeat in the Battle of Uhud was because of some warriors' disobedience to the Prophet Muhammad. Why did Allah not forgive them
and make them victorious?
A: And whatever (calamity) befell you the day the two gatherings (Muslims against disbelievers in "Uhud") met then (it was) with the Permission
of Allah and so that He marks* (by testing) the believers.
Translation of: Ayah 166, Surat AlImran. (3:166)
* What does Allah want to mark in believers by testing them with calamities?
Words: Aljamaan = The two gatherings, LiYa'lama = So that He marks.
Q: By testing Muslims with calamities whom does Allah want to mark besides the believers?
A: And so that He (Allah) certainly marks those who acted hypocritically (In 'Uhud' Battle) and (when) it was said come fight in the Path of Allah or
(at least) repel (the enemy) they said if we knew there was going to be fighting we would certainly have followed you - they to
disbelieving that day were nearer than to believing - they were saying with their mouths* what was not in their hearts and Allah
knows Best what they were concealing.
Translation of: Ayah 167, Surat AlImran. (3:167)
* Abdullah Bin Ubai was the leader of hypocrites then. (Refer to ** in translation of Ayah 122 in Suat AlImran)
Words: Ta'alou = Come, Qatilou = Fight, Law Na'lam = If we knew, Aqrabu = Nearer, BiAfwahihim =
With their mouths, A'lamu = Knows Best, BiMa Yaktomoun = What they were concealing.
Q: Ask any Muslim anywhere in the world fighting with a weapon today and he will answer he is fighting in the Path of Allah (Jihad to please
Allah). How do we as humans judge whose actions may please Allah?
A: Those (Muslims) who complied with (the command of Jihad) Allah and the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) after they suffered wounds (to
their bodies)* - for those who perfected their religion (= Ahsanou**) and protected themselves (by fearing Allah = Ettaqou) a superb reward.
Translation of: Ayah 172, Surat AlImran. (3:172)
* When Muslims were defeated in the Battle of Uhud, the leader of Meccan disbelievers "Abu Sufyan" challenged them to meet his army at the
fair of Badr AlSughra next year. The challenge was accepted. The Prophet with some chosen Muslims went there but the enemy did not show up. They
returned enriched by the trade at the fair. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. King Fahd
Holy Qur'an Printing Complex. Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 194.
** How does a Muslim become a 'Mohsin' (commonly known as a righteous person)? First: From the
Qur'an (in Surat AlImran) Second: From the Prophet Muhammad's sayings.
Note: Remember 1. The Qur'an is a miracle from Allah for every time and every
place (in Surat AlIsra') 2. Nothing important to humanity is left out in the Qur'an (in Surat AlAn'am)
Words: Estajabou = Complied with - Responded to, Asabahum AlQarh = They suffered wounds, Ahsanou = Perfected
their religion - Did their best to comply with Allah's Religion, Ettaqou = They protected themselves by fearing Allah, Adheem = Superb,
Ajr = Reward.
Q: Why do a believing small group of Muslims who fear Allah in their actions not fear big gatherings against them?
A: Those (Muslims*) whom some people told them that people have gathered (big army) against you so do fear them (= Fekhshawhum)
but it (this news) added to their Faith and they said Enough is Allah for us and How Excellent is The One we put our trust in (= AlWakeel).
Translation of: Ayah 173, Surat AlImran. (3:173)
* (called in Arabic 'AlMuttaqounn' wel 'AlMuhsinoun'). Refer above to the translation of Ayah 172 in Surat AlImran.
A Side Note: A Just and Fair Strategy of Fear: How does Allah command believers to frighten the
enemy? (Reference to Ayah 60 in Surat AlAnfal).
And nowadays some Muslims take a shortcut which terrorizes all Muslims and the world by beheading innocent men with knives - men whose 'sin'
is that Allah made them belong to countries they consider them enemies.
Who in the Qur'an is mentioned as a big slaughterer of innocent persons? (Reference to the beginning of Surat
May Allah guide all Muslims and all people!
Words: Jam'ou = Gathered, Lakum = Against you, Fekhshawhum = So do fear them, Hasbuna = Enough for us,
Ni'ma = How excellent, AlWakeel = The One we put our trust in - The Dependable.
Q: Why is it a life long process for a Muslim to keep on pleasing Allah by performing what Allah allowed and commanded?
A: So they (Muslims*) returned with Grace from Allah and Favour - no harm afflicted them and they followed (all the time) pleasing
Allah and Allah** is of Great Favour**.
Translation of: Ayah 174, Surat AlImran. (3:174)
* Again (called in Arabic 'AlMuttaqounn' wel 'AlMuhsinoun'). Refer to the translation of Ayat 172-173 in Surat AlImran.
** Allah is Most-Thankful and repays well.
What is Allah's Favour and Blessing on the believers? (in Surat AlHujurat)
Words: FenQalabou = So they returned, BiNi'mah = With Grace, Fadhl = Favour, Yamsashum = Afflicted them,
Etabba'ou = They followed, Ridhwan = Pleasing.
Q: What is Allah's Purpose on making war extremely hard on both the disbelievers as well the believers?
Note: The translation of the preceding Lines (139-140) in Surat AlImran.
A: And certainly to examine closely (by very hard testing = Yumahhiss) those who believed and to wipe out* the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 141, Surat AlImran. (3:141)
* By wiping out Allah's blessings on them and destroying them.
Words: WaLiYumahhiss = And Cetainly to examine closely, Yamhaq = Wipe out.
Q: What is Allah's Purpose in testing and examining closely the hearts of those known as believers?
A: Or did you (plural) think that you are going to enter Paradise without Allah marking those who fought (in His Path =
Jahadou*) and marking those who were patient!
Translation of: Ayah 142, Surat AlImran. (3:142)
* = Just and fair fight which is according to Allah's Commands.
Words: Em Hasibtum = Or did you think, Lemma Ya'lam = Without marking.
Q: Why are Muslims commanded not to wish for wars (violence) and meeting the enemy? (if war is imposed on Muslims then they should
do their best)?
A: And certainly you (some hesitant Muslims in Battle of "Uhud") were wishing for death (killing in fierce battle) before seeing it (the
fierce battle) and you saw it (some comrades were killed) while you were watching.
Translation of: Ayah 143, Surat AlImran. (3:143)
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Do not wish for meeting the enemy (in war) and ask Allah for safety (peace). But if you
meet them then be patient and let it be known to you that Paradise is under the shades of swords. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 1, page 570.
Note: Remember say "peace be upon him" every time the Prophet's name is mentioned. (Reminded
in the 'note' beginning the Webpage "Muahmmad" peace
be upon him.
Words: Tamannaoun = Wishing for, Talqawhu = Meeting it, Tandhoroun = You are watching - You are
Q: Why do believers who fear Allah in their hearts and actions not fear death in wars and take part in just and fair fights (AlJihad) willingly and without any pressure
from anyone?
A: (In the war of "Uhud") Then He (Allah) sent down upon you (Muslims) after the grief (of defeat and wounds) sleepiness*
(drowsiness) as peace of mind covering a party of you and a party (another one) their souls were the most important thing for them -
they were thinking about Allah other than the Truth - thought of pre-Islam era (= AlJahiliyah) - they were saying are we going
to get anything of this (Islam)- say (command to Prophet Muhammad) indeed everything (& control of everything) belongs to Allah - they were
concealing in themselves (their minds) what they were not revealing to you (Prophet Muhammad) - they were saying if we
were going to get anything of this (Islam victorious) we (our comrades) would not have been killed here - say (command to Prophet
Muhammad) if you were in your houses certainly those on whom it was dictated, killing (death) would have appeared on their beds -
and so that Allah certainly puts to the test what is in your chests (secrets) and He certainly examines closely (=
Yumahhissa) what
is in your hearts (Faith or hypocrisy) and Allah is All-Knowing of what is the bottom of hearts (= That AlSodour).
Translation of: Ayah 154, Surat AlImran. (3:154)
* Both in the battle of "Uhud" and "Badr". (in Surat AlAnfal)
Words: Ahammathum = The most important thing for them, Anfusuhum = Their souls, Madhaji'ihim = Their beds -
Their sleeping places, LiYabtali Allah = So that Allah puts to the test.
Q: In the Battle of "Uhud" What was Allah's Wisdom in making Muslims experience defeat when some companions disobeyed the order of their leader
Prophet Muhammad and left their war positions?
A: Indeed those who turned away from you (Muslim warriors in "Uhud") the day the two gatherings (Believers - Disbelievers) met rather Satan
has made them commit an error (and Allah allowed it) because of some of what (previous sins) they earned - and Allah had already pardoned them* indeed Allah
is Most-Forgiving Most-Tolerant.
Translation of: Ayah 155, Surat AlImran. (3:155)
* Among them was one of the Prophet's beloved companions "Uthman Bin Affan". Also he did not attend the Battle of Badr because he was tending to
his wife, the Prophet's beloved daughter "Ruqayyah" who died. Yet the Prophet Muhammad gave him a share of the spoils (so he was considered as one who joined the
war). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 584.
A Note: A top Islamic moral uttered by a Muslim: O believers do not blame Allah about His Ruling because Allah does not do injustice to anyone. So if someone of you
experiences what he likes so let him thank Allah. And if some harm afflicts him let him be patient and ask Allah for reward (of patience) because
Allah has the Best Reward. Source: Tafseer Ibn kastheer, volume 1, page 617.
Words: Tawallou = Turned away, Estazallahum = Made them commit an error, BiB'dh = Because of some of what,
Ektasabou = They earned, Afaa = Pardoned.
Q: What thought gives believing warriors comfort about the possibility of death or being killed in a war zone?
A: And certainly if you (plural) die or are killed then certainly to Allah you are going to be gathered (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 158, Surat AlImran. (3:158)
Note: What special thought gives believing warriors solace about death or being killed in a war zone? (translation of the preceding Line 155 in Surat AlImran)
Words: La'in = Certainly if, Mutum = You die, Qutiltum = You are killed, Tuhsharoun = You will be
Q: Why do believers trust Allah completely about what is going to happen in wars: Victory or defeat?
A: If Allah supports you (Muslims) then there is no victorious over you and if He abandons you then who is the one who is going to
support you after Him and in Allah let the believers put their trust*.
Translation of: Ayah 160, Surat AlImran. (3:160)
* Why? Because they believe in Fate (Destiny) - its good and bad.
Words: Yansurkum = Supports you, Ghaliba = Victorious, Yakhthulkum = Abandons you, FaMen Tha AlLathi =
So who is the one who.
Q: What does believing in Fate (Destiny) mean?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) nothing will happen to us except what Allah had dictated (written) for us* - He is our
Guardian (Master) and in Allah let the believers put their trust.
Translation of: Ayah 51, Surat AlTawbah. (9:51)
* Belief in destiny (Fate).
Remember the Five Pillars of (Islam).
Remember what does having belief (= Iman) mean?
Words: Len Yuseebana = Nothing will happen to us, Kataba = Dictated - Decreed - Written, Mawlana = Our
Guardian - Our Master - Who takes care of your affairs - Our Protector.
Q: How do those hypocrite Muslims who do not obey Allah and the Prophet's commands behave when Muslim warriors win or lose?
A: If some good fortune befalls you (Prophet Muhammad) it will make them (hypocrite Muslims) feel bad* and if misfortune
afflicts you they would say we have taken our caution already and they would turn away rejoicing.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat AlTawbah. (9:50)
* They chose not to belong to the believers. (in Surat AlTawbah)
A side Note: "Khalifah" in Arabic is successor or deputy. Did the Prophet Muhammad mention many "khulfa'" after him at
a time (= FaYaksthoroun)?
A Side Note: Muslims are competing to control under the name of Islam.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad narrated by a companion "Uqbah Bin Amir" may Allah
be pleased with him. He said: The
last look I cast on Prophet Muhammad (before the Prophet's death). When the Prophet went out to those who were killed in "Battle of
Uhud". The Prophet made a prayer for them after eight years as the one who says farewell to those alive and dead. Then the Prophet went
up on the pulpit and said: I am among you for some time and I will be a witness upon you and your meeting place is The (AlKawsthar Pool)
Basin, and i am looking at it now from my place this one. Well I do not fear for you to join a partner (with Allah) yet I
(Prophet Muhammad) fear for you this life competing for it (= Wa Lakin Akhsha Alaykum AlDunya An Tanafasouhu). Source: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed
AlMursaleen. in Arabic, Page 507.
Words: Tusibka = Befalls you - Comes your way, Taso'uhum = It will make them feel bad, Qed Akhathna
Amrana = We have taken our caution, Farihoun = Rejoicing.
Q: What should happen to disbelieving enemy if they come to understand Islam and become Muslims?
A: But if they (disbelievers) repented and they performed the prayer and they gave the prescribed charity (= AlZakat) then they are
your brothers in religion and We (Allah) explain in details the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Verses) for people who realize (about 'true' Islam).
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlTawbah. (9:11)
Words: Taabou = They repented, Aqamou = They performed, Aatou = They gave, AlZakat = The prescribed charity,
Nufassil = We explain in details - We detail, LiQawm = For people, Ya'lamoun = Who realize - They have knowledge - They know -
Q: How was Prophet Muhammad commanded to make Allah's Sacred House in Mecca to be visited by only Muslims who do not join any partner with
Note: Muslim groups intending revenge and control under the name of Islam can take the Qur'anic Verses which are
translated here out of context. So beware!
Note: This Surah "AlTawbah" was among the last chapters that were sent down on Prophet Muhammad.
The circumstances
surrounding the sending down of this Surah "AlTawbah": Prophet Muhammad towards the end of his life wanted to make pilgrimage to
Mecca from AlMadinah. He heard the remaining polytheists of Arabia were still making their own pilgrimage to Allah's House in Mecca
while being naked and uttering disbelieving words. (see Note) The
Prophet hated it. So the surah was revealed to force the remaining polytheists to become Muslims so that they make a pilgrimage like the
pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad and Muslims. (And hence all Arabia became Muslims. And Allah's house is visited only by
Muslims). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 488.
An important note: Leave polytheists among the People of the Book nowadays without forcing them into
Islam why? Do not dispute with them (in Surat AlAnkaboot)
And because Allah is going to ask Jesus (Prophet Issa) peace be upon him about Christians' belief. So you Muslims do not interfere in their
religion because you are then interfering between Allah and jesus! (in Surat AlMa'idah)
A: Exemption (from fighting) from Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) to those among the polytheists (disbelievers)
with whom you made treaties; So (those exempted) do go and come in the land for four months* and let it be known to you that you are not
going to make Allah give up (following you) and Allah is going to humiliate the disbelievers; ---; Then when the four sacred months are
over then kill the polytheists (disbelievers) wherever you find them and siege them and wait for them at every ambush so if
they repented and performed the prayer and gave the prescribed charity then set them free (= FaKhallou Sabeelahum)** - indeed
Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful***.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 2, 5, Surat AlTawbah. (9:1-2, 5).
* Even Pagan Arabs in Pre-Islamic Arabia observed no fighting
in four months known as sacred months.
** A special message that should be heeded by Boko Haram who have now Nigerian girls in captivity!
*** Learn from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad mentioned in a saying that some coming people from his nation (Muslims) will have the hearts of
wolves. Source will be mentioned insha Allah later.
Words: Bara'atun = Exemption, Aahadtum = You made treaties with - agreements with, FaSeehou = So do go and
come - So do travel, Ghayr Mu'jizi Allah = Not giving to make Allah
give up, Mukhzi AlKafireen = Going to humiliate the disbelievers, Ensalakha = Are over, AlHurum = The sacred, Wajadtomouhum =
Where you find them, Uhsorouhum = Siege them, Eqadou Lahum Kulla Marsad = Wait for them at every ambush, Tabou = Repented,
Aqamou AlSalat = They performed the prayer, FaKhallou Sabeelahum = So set them free.
Q: What is enough warning to announce to polytheists who join any partner with Allah?
A: And An announcement from Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) to people* on the Day of the Great Pilgrimage** that
Allah disclaims association with polytheists (= AlMushrikeen) and so does His Messenger - then if you (polytheists)
repented then it is better for you and
if you turned away (from the Message) then let be known to you (warning tone!) that you are not going to make Allah give up*** (following you) and (command to Prophet Muhammad) do pass on the news (= Bashshir****) to those who disbelieved of a Painful Punishment (on Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat AlTawbah. (9:3).
* Believers and disbelievers in Pre-Islamic Arabia.
** Prophet Muhammad called "Umrah" (pilgrimage to Mecca - other than the known Pilgrimage (= AlHajj) celebrated once a year) the smaller
pilgrimage (= AlUmrah Hiya AlHajj AlAsghar). Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufridat AlQuran, in Arabic page 187.
*** With punishment in life (in Surat AlRa'd) and the Other Life. (Remember in the Qur'an polytheists and disbelievers are the same to Allah)
**** The Word "Bashshir" is associated in the Qur'an with the Day of Judgement. For
example. (in Surat AlZumar)
Words: Athan = Announcement - Proclamation, Baree'un = Disclaims association with polytheists - Clear from.
Q: What are Muslims commanded to honour between them and their enemy?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah "1" in Surat AlTawbah.
A: Except (exemption from fighting) those polytheists with whom you made treaties and then they did not fail you in any part and
they did not seek help of anyone against you then do complete with them their treaty to the end of their term for Allah
likes those who protect themselves (by fearing* Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlTawbah. (9:4).
* Through fulfilling Allah's Commands.
Words: Lem Yanqosoukum Shayan = They did not fail you in any part, Lem Yudhhirou Ahada = They did not seek the help of
anyone, Alaykum = Against you, FaAttimou = So do complete, Ila Muddatihim = To the end of their term.
Q: Why is it better to have a treaty with the enemy who are always ready to fight Muslims at any time?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 6 in Surat Altawbah.
A: How can the polytheists (disbelievers) have a covenant (they don't) with Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) except
those with whom you made a treaty near the Sacred Mosque* so as long as they are sincere to you then be sincere to them for Allah
likes those who protect themselves (by following Allah's commands).
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlTawbah. (9:7)
* Sacred for Pre-Islmaic polytheists and Muslims likewise. Reference is to the treaty that Prophet Muhammad had with polytheists of
Mecca "Sulah AlHudaiybiyah" In year six from Hijrah for ten years. Then "Quraysh" broke the treaty and killed from Bani Khuza'ah - allies of Prophet Muhammad. So the Prophet in year eight invaded them and the Sacred Mosque became free to Muslims alone. Two thousnad people were captured. And
the Prophet set them free. those who fled the Prophet gave them 4 months exemption from fighting. So they accepted Islam. And people of Arabia
became Muslims. source: Tafseer Ibn kastheer, volume 2, pages 496-497.
Words: Kayfa Yakunu LilMushrikeena Ahd = How can the Polytheists have a treaty, Aahadtum = You made a treaty -
Agreement, Estaqamou = They were sincere.
Q: How do polytheists who fight the believers not fear Allah?
A: How is it (disbelieving enemy being without a covenant with Allah and His Prophet) and when they have the upper hand over you
(believers) they
will not give any consideration to you about any (ties of) blood relationship or (ties of) protection* - they please you with their mouths while their hearts
reject (you) and
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlTawbah. (9:8)
* They will treat you ruthlessly (mercilessly). Source: Hans Wehr's: A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic: Arabic-English.
Words: Kayfa = How is it, Yadhahrou Alaykum = They have the upper hand over you, Illan = blood relationship,
Thimmah = Protection, Yardhounakum = They please you, Ta'ba = Reject, Fasiqoun = Immoral persons - Who sinfully strayed
away from Allah's Path.
Q: Who tries hard to prevent people from becoming believing Muslims?
A: They (polytheists*) exchanged the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) of Allah for a small value** so they prevented from
His Path indeed how evil (bad) what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlTawbah. (9:9)
* Anyone who joins a partner with Allah the Creator of everything. The majority of the people of Arabia at the time of Prophet
Muhammad were polytheists. They knew Allah and called Him Allah. But joined more than 300 idols in worship with Allah.
** How did they purchase the life of this world (of no value to Allah)- refer to the Prophet's
saying - by selling Allah's COVENANT - Allah's Word (am I (Allah) not your
God?) (in Surat "AlA'raf")
For what thing or purpose in this life polytheists (disbelievers) sell Allah's Covenant? (In Surat "Luqman")
Words: Eshtarau = They exchanged - They purchased, Sthamanan = Value, Qaleelan = Small, FaSaddou
= So they prevented, Sa'a Ma = How evil - How bad.
Q: When the fight is only in the name of supporting one's religious beliefs what will the disbelieving enemy not respect in believing captives
for example?
A: They (polytheists) will not give any consideration to any believer about any (ties of) blood relationship (kinship)* or (ties of)
protection* and those (polytheists) are the ones who transgressed (Allah's Limits & Commands).
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlTawbah. (9:10)
* Remember for example what happened to the Muslims of Bosnia on the hands of their "country men".
Note: The opposite should be practiced by the believers.
In a well known episode of Prophet Muhammad's life When Prophet Muhammad conquered Mecca he asked the
captives (around 2000) what do you think I am going to do with you? They said: An honorable man son of an honorable brother (kinship). The
Prophet said: Go you are all free.
Note: Please read the translation of the succeeding Line 11 in Suret AlTawbah.
Words: La Yarqabouna = They will not give any consideration - They will not care, AlMu'tadoun = The ones who
transgressed (Allah's Limits and Commands).
Q: How could Allah have helped Muslims in the "Battle of Badr" without Muslims even imagining it?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 123 in Surat AlImran.
A: When you (Prophet Muhammad) were telling the believers will it not be enough for you that your God aids you (in "Badr") with three thousand
angels being sent down (to the earth = Munazaleen); Yes indeed (Allah says) if you become patient and protect yourselves (by following
Allah's Command) and they (enemy) reach you without any delay on their part in this one your God will aid you with five thousand
angels launching an attack (with their animals = Musawwimeen*).
Translation of: Ayat 124 - 125, Surat AlImran. (3:124-125)
* launching an attack. Source: "Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran", in Arabic, page 66.
Note: The Prophet was encouraging his army with the Capability of Allah to help with any number. In Badr Allah aided
Muslims with 1000 angels (note "Murdifeen" in the referred Ayah).
Angels main job in "Badr" was to emotionally support the
believers. Yet some angels did fight with Muslims in "Badr".
Note: Remember Allah made miracles to support His messengers . With the end of Allah's messengers and prophets miracles also ended.
Nowadays if something we consider extraordinary happens then it
is a Favour (= Fadhl) from Allah. For example a man pulling a car with his teeth.
Words: Munazaleen = Being sent down, Min Fawrihim = Without any delay on their part, Hatha = In this one,
Yumdidkum Rubbukum = Your God will aid you, BiKhamsati = With five, Musawwimeen = Launching an attack - Marking themsleves to launch
an attack.
Q: Were Muslims victorious in "Badr" because of the participation of angels?
Note: This Ayah is mostly a repetition of Ayah 10 in Surat AlAnfal.
Remember there is sometimes repetition in the Qur'an to make the concept settle in the hearts and the minds.
A: And Allah did not make it (angels' participation) but as good news (= Bushra) and so that your (Muslims) hearts feel
tranquility with it, and victory is only from Allah the AlMighty the All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 126, Surat AlImran. (3:126)
Words: Bushra = Good news, Ma AlNasr Illa = Victory is only - Victory is not but, Min Indi Allah = from Allah.
Q: As soon as Muslims get a wish fulfilled in a war for example Why should they be careful not to start disobeying Allah's Commands?
A: And Allah had fulfilled His Promise to you (Muslims in "Uhud" Battle) when you were finishing them with passing strokes* with
His (Allah's) Permission - until when you became cowardly and disputed in the matter and disobeyed after when He (Allah) showed you what
you love (victory**) - (disputing) among you who wants the life of this world (spoils of war) and among you who wants the life of the
Other World (to continue the fight) then He (Allah) distracted you from them (the enemy) so that He (Allah) puts you to the ordeal test*** (Muslims
failed) - and Allah had already pardoned you and Allah is (The Owner) of Grace to those who believe.
Translation of: Ayat 152, Surat AlImran. (3:152)
* 'Tahosounahum' = Like brushing or currying a horse.
** Muslims were winning in the first round of "Uhud" Battle.
*** Many Muslim archers left their places to gather the spoils that the fleeing enemy left. Khaled Bin AlWaleed - an enemy then - came with
his horsemen and attacked the remaining fighting Muslims from the back. Muslims were defeated.
Words: Sadaqakum Wa'dahu = Fulfilled His Promise to you, Tahossounahum = You were finishing them with passing
strokes - currying them, Fashiltum = Became cowardly, Tanaz'tum = Disputed, Asaytm = Disobeyed, Sarafakum = Distracted you,
Afa = Pardoned.
Q: What is Allah's Wisdom in allowing a series of deep sorrow to happen to the same person?
A: When you (Muslim fighters in "Uhud") were climbing up (Uhud mountain) and you were not turning to anyone and the
Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) was calling you (back) from behind you so He (Allah) repaid you (for this deed with) grief (deep
sorrow) after grief so that you do not become sad over what (victory and spoils) you missed and what (personal injuries and
death) was inflicted upon you (plural) and Allah is All-Expert of what you do.
Translation of: Ayat 153, Surat AlImran. (3:153)
Words: Tusidouna = You were going up, La Talouna = You were not turning to, FaAsthabakum = So He
repaid you, Ghamman = Grief - Deep sorrow, LiKayla Tahzanou = So that you do not become sad - Lest you become sad, Asabakum
= Happened to you.
Q: What four qualities especially related to war are required from the believers in order to attain salvation (avoid Hell and get Paradise)?
A: O those who believed* be patient and encourage others to be patient and take up positions (be ready in war) and protect yourselves by
fearing Allah so that you may attain salvation (be successful).
Translation of: Ayah 200, Surat AlImran. (3:200)
* Believe In Allah as the One and Only God.
Words: Esbirou = Be patient - Persevere, Sabirou = Encourage others to be patient, Rabitou = Take up positions -
Be ready to fight, Tuflihoun = Attain salvation - Be successful.
Q: Why should Muslims fight those from the enemy who are known to be the ones who started the fight?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 13 in surat AlTawbah.
A: Fight them (from the enemy) - Allah will punish them by your hands and He will disgrace them and makes you victorious upon them and
He will restore to (psychological) health the chests of believing people*; And He will vent out their hearts'
anger (by taking revenge) and (then) Allah grants forgiveness to whomever** He wills and Allah (not humans) is All-Knowing
Translation of: Ayat 14-15, Surat AlTawbah. (9:14-15)
* Who suffered injustice and Muslims fought to avenge them.
** Even from those fighting enemy who survive and turn to Allah for forgiveness. (in Surat "AlImran")
Words: Yashfi Sodour = Restores to (psychological) health, Yuthhib Ghaydha Qoloubihim = Vent out their hearts'
anger, Yatoub = Grants forgiveness.
Q: Why is just and fair fighting by Muslim believers a way of trial from Allah to them?
A: Or do you (believers) think you are going to be left (without being tested by Allah) without Allah marking those who
fought (made Jihad) among you and who did not take other than Allah and His Messenger and the believes as innermost intimate
friends (for consulting) and Allah is Most-Expert in what you do.
Translation of: Ayat 16, Surat AlTawbah. (9:16)
Words: Ya'lem = Marks - Makes known, Waleejatan = innermost intimate persons (for consulting).
Q: Whom should believing Muslims target In a just and fair war when they see treason from those who pledged not to harm them?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 11 in Surat AlTawbah.
A: And if they (disbelievers) broke their oaths after their treaty (of peace with you) and they attacked you because of your religion
so do fight the chiefs of disbelieving for there are no oaths for them* (not trustworthy) so that they may stop (fighting you).
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlTawbah. (9:12)
Note: The translation of the succeeding Line 13 in Surat AlTawbah.
* If they are not sincere to you do not be sincere to them. (in Surat AlTawbah)
Words: Ahdihim = Their treaty, Tta'anou Fi Deenikum = They attacked you because of your religion, Yantahoun = Stop - Put an end.
Q: Allah commanded doing good deeds. Is every good deed equal to another good deed in the Sight of Allah?
A: Do you (plural) consider giving a pilgrim water to drink and regularly visiting (Imarat*) the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) as equal to the one who
believed in Allah and the Last Day and made Jihad (just and fair fight) in Allah's Path** - they are not equal according to Allah and
Allah does not guide (to His Path) the transgressing*** people.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlTawbah. (9:19)
* Please read (edited today): Who regularly visit (Fill = Ya'mur) mosques which are called houses of Allah? (in the preceding Ayah 18 in Surat AlTawbah)
(Note: "Ya'mur" = Regularly visit and not
"Yuammir" (= raise up or maintain).
** According to Allah's Conditions in 'AlJihad' so as to please Allah Alone and not for a purpose other than that.
*** People who are ungrateful to Allah and go beyond Allah's Commands and His Limits.
Words: AJa'altum = Do you consider, Siqayat AlHaj = Giving a pilgrim water to drink, Imarat = Regularly visiting -
Q: Perhaps depending on what "Concept (Policy)" of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad
uttered: "--- Allah might have looked at the participants (= ahl) of Badr and said: Do whatever you want because I forgave you"*?
A: Those who believed and emigrated (from Mecca to AlMadinah) and fought in Allah's
Path with their wealth and their souls are a greater rank according to
Allah and those are the winners.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlTawbah. (9:20)
* In a summary of an incident narrated by Ali may Allah be pleased with him: "Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah" had a hidden note to the
polytheists of Mecca telling them some of the secrets about the Prophet. So the Prophet faced him saying:
What is this, O Hateb. He said that he was dealing with the enemy not because he reverted to disbelieving but to secure his
relatives among them in Mecca. Umar said let me kill him. The Prophet said he had witnessed the Battle of Badr and what do you know
Allah might have looked at the participants (= ahl) of Badr and said: Do whatever you want because I forgave you". Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, page 551.
Words: A'dham Dararjah = Greater rank, AlFa'izoun = The winners.
Q: Winners of what (refer to the preceding Ayah 20 in Surat ATawbah (above)?
A: Their God gives them (special believers) the good news of a Mercy from Him and Satisfaction and Gardens -
for them in them LASTING BLISS (= Na'eem Muqeem).
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlTawbah. (9:21)
Words: Yubashiruhum = Gives them the good news, Ridhwan = Satisfaction, Na'eem = Bliss - Affluence, Muqeem =
Lasting - Remaining forever - Staying.
Q: What is the umbrella under which you find Allah's Mercy, Satisfaction and gardens full of bliss?
A: Remaining for eternity in them (Gardens of Paradise) forever indeed Allah has A Great Reward.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlTawbah. (9:22)
Words: Ajr = Reward, Adheem = Great.
Q: When believers who fear Allah participate in just and fair cause or war (according to Allah's command) - whose support they
A: And to Allah belong the soldiers of the Heavens (among angels) and the earth* And Allah had been AlMighty**, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlFathh. (48:7)
* (Soldiers = Jonoud or Jund) Angels who come down to the earth. And among humans supporters of Allah. They strive to be on Allah's Path. So they
are supported by Allah. (in Surat AlSaffat)
** Allah has soldiers among angels. Believers who support justice according to Allah's Command are supported by Allah.
Why? Because Allah is All-Wise, AlMighty (All-Powerful) and what else? (in Surat AlFathh)
Note: In the Qur'an when the word "Allah's Jonoud = Jonoud Allah or Jonoud Rubbuka" is mentioned the reference is
to angels. (we do not know the number of Allah's soldiers) (in Surat 'AlMuddasthir')
Words: Azeez = AlMighty.
Q: Why is Allah not pleased with those ones who had excuses to stay behind from joining the Prophet in a just and fair cause*?
* According to famous Qur'an commentators like Ibn Kastheer, reference is when the Prophet went to do pilgrimage (before conquering
Mecca = Fath Mecca).
A: Those who were left behind from the Bedouin Arabs** will say to you (Prophet Muhammad afterwards) our wealth and families
kept us busy*** so do ask (Allah) for forgiveness for us - (Allah says) they are saying with their tongues what is not in their hearts say
(command to Prophet Muhammad) so who has power to help you in anyway against Allah if He wanted to harm you or wanted to benefit you -
rather Allah had been with what you do Well-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlFathh. (48:11)
** Harsh life outside cities such as in deserts tend to teach some people some sort of survival by hypocrisy.
*** But everytime the truth is other than that. An example in the Battle of 'Tabouk'(in Ayah 81 in Surat AlTawbah)
So their excuses where what? (in Ayah 90 in Surat AlTawbah)
Words: Shaghalatna = Kept us busy, BiAlsinatihim = With their tongues, FaMen Yamlik Lakum Mina Allah Shayan = So who
has power to help you in anyway against Allah, Aw arada Bikum Naf'a = Or wanted to benefit you, Kana Kahbeera = Had been Well-Acquainted.
Q: What was the hypocrite Muslims' real deterrent for not joining a just and fair cause ordered by the Prophet Muhammad? (Here joining believers going to
polytheist Mecca for Muslim pilgrimage)
A: Rather you (hypocrite Muslims) thought that the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the believers (going to polytheist Mecca)
will never return to their families (in AlMadinah) and that was made (by Satan) to look good in your (hypocrites) hearts and you had a negative thought of harm (to Muslims) and you were useless people (destined to perish).
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlFathh. (48:12)
Note: Towards the last years of Prophet Muhammad's life some major events took place and there were some Muslims who
lagged behind in every event and did not join the believers commanded by the Prophet Muhammad:
When the Prophet marched peacefully to do Islamic pilgrimage in polytheist Mecca
- Sulh AlHudaibiyyah happened, in year 628 Hijri.
Battle of Khaibar, in year 629 Hijri.
Battle of Tabouk, in year 630 Hijri (in time of thirst and extreme heat).
Words: Zayyana = Made it look good, Dhannantum Dhanna AlSou' = You had a negative thought of harm, Boora = Useless
people (destined to perish).
Q: When Muslims gather spoils after a just and fair war, what is the reaction of those hypocrite Muslims who did not join them?
A: Those who were left behind (due to their false excuses) will later say (later) when you set forth for spoils to take them let us
follow you - they want to alter (change) the Word* of Allah - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) you will not follow us - that is what Allah said before* - so they will say rather you are envious** of us - (Allah says) rather they do not comprehend*** except a little.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlFathh. (48:15)
* Allah's Pre Promise to only believers (not hypocrite Muslims) to take lots of
spoils. (will be translated insha Allah in Ayah 19 in Surat AlFathh)
Note: later in Surat AlTawbah, Ayah 83 the Command of not allowing Muslims who prove to be hypocrites, to take part in Muslims' wars descended.
** = You do not want us to be richer than you.
*** Hearts of Muslims who prove to be hypocrites are stamped by Allah for hypocrisy so
they do not comprehend a lot (= La Yafqahoun) (in Ayah 3, Surat AlMunafiqoun).
They will always make excuses to stay behind from joing just and fair fighting.
Words: AlMukhallafoun = Those who were left behind (with false excuses), Intalaqtum = You set forth, Tharouna
= let us, Len tattabe'ouna = You will not follow us, Tahsadounana = You are envious of us, La Yafqahoun = They do not comprehend -
They do not have insight (into things).
Q: What was Allah's REWARD to the believers about war spoils, because of the believers pledge of Islam to Prophet Muhammad in AlHudaibiyyah (BEFORE the Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah)?
Note: Believers pledged allegiance to Islam* by holding their hands over Prophet Muhammad's hand.
A: And a lot of spoils (in the Battle of Khaibar after Hudaibiyyah Treaty) they will take them and Allah had been AlMighty All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlFathh. (48:19)
* The following is extracted form Wikipedia
The statement of the treaty was as follows:
“In your name, O God!
This is the treaty of peace between Muhammad Ibn Abdullah and Suhayl ibn Amr. They have agreed to allow their arms to rest for ten years. During this time each party shall be secure, and neither shall injure the other; no secret damage shall be inflicted, but honesty and honour shall prevail between them. Whoever in Arabia wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with Muhammad can do so, and whoever wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with the Quraysh can do so. And if a Qurayshite comes without the permission of his guardian to Muhammad, he shall be delivered up to the Quraysh; but if, on the other hand, one of Muhammad's people comes to the Quraysh, he shall not be delivered up to Muhammad. This year, Muhammad, with his companions, must withdraw from Mecca, but next year, he may come to Mecca and remain for three days, yet without their weapons except those of a traveller, the swords remaining in their sheaths.”
Words: Maghanim = Spoils Gains - Profits, Kastheerah = A lot of.
Q: Why the believers' pledge to Prophet Muhammad before the Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah is called "Bayat AlRidhwan = Pledge of Satisfaction - Allah's Satisfaction?
A: Already Allah was satisfied with the believers when they were pledging to you (Prophet Muhammad) under the tree* so
He marked (= FaAlima) what (sincerity) in their hearts then He sent down tranquility upon them and He REWARDED them with a coming victory**.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlFathh. (48:18)
* Called the Pledge of Satisfaction or the Pledge of the Tree.
Note: According to ex-Mufti of Egypt 'AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf', in "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", in Arabic, page 653:
The tree was brownish "samurah"
and it became famous. Some Muslims started to come and pray near it. Later on Umar Bin AlKhattab, since pre-Islam (= AlJahiliyah) was not far away, ordered to cut the tree to save
Muslims from being tested (= Khashyat AlIftitan Biha) with it (some may start holding it in awe and sacred (form of worship anything else with Allah).
** 'Fathh Mecca' = The Conquest of Mecca in which all Arabia became Muslims. (refer to Surat )
Note: The Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah was the speedy victory for the believers after the "Pledge of Satisfaction" of Allah). Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 513.
Words: LaQad Radhiya Allah = Already Allah was satisfied, FaAlima = So Allah marked, AlSakeenah = Tranquility,
Asthabahum = He rewarded them, Fathan = Victory, Qareeba = Coming - Soon.
Q: What are those who were left behind with false excuses given one more time to do?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) to those who were left behind (did not join the Prophet's march to "Sulh AlHudaiybiyyah") from the Bedouin Arabs (not from the cities) you will be summoned to (face) a very powerful* people (army) - you have to fight them (to death) or they become Muslims* so if you obey - Allah will grant you a Great Reward (especially in Paradise) but if you turn away as you turned away before (then) He (Allah) will punish you a painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlFathh. (48:16)
* In the Battle of Tabouk. Note: Again they made excuses not to join Battle of
To face the Byzantine Army. There was fear on the Fate of Muslims and Islam at that time from the Byzantine Empire - one of the super powers of that time (7th century C.E.)
Note: Hypocrite Muslims kept on making false excuses to stay behind and not go out with the Prophet Muhammad until
their last excuses where in the Battle of Tabouk. Then Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad after the Battle of Tabouk (in Ayah 83 Surat AlTawbah), even not to pray over their dead bodies (in Ayah 84 in Surat AlTawbah).
Words: SaTudawna = You will be summoned - called, Uli Basin Shadeed = Very powerful, Yuslimoun
= They become Muslims, Tutee'ou = You obey, Ajran = Reward, Hasana = Great - Good, Tatawallou = You turn
away - You go away.
Q: Why not everyone who stays behind with genuine excuses and does not join Muslims wars is considered some type of a hypocrite?
Note: Remember how many chances those who were thought to be hypocrites were given to be with Prophet Muhammad and
the Muslims in just and
fair causes and wars. This is some type of a moral lesson to refrain from generally categorizing all other Muslims who stay behind as hypocrites.
A: There is no blame on the blind person neither on the person who walks with a limp nor on the sick person - and
whoever obeys* Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) He (Allah) will admit him in Gardens underneath which the rivers flow and whoever
turns away He will punish him a painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlFathh. (48:17)
* No blame on the mentioned persons for not joining the Muslim war if they had good intentions and they
were willing to do what is within their capabilities.
Words: AlA'ma = The blind person, AlA'raj = The person who walks with a limp, Haraj = Blame, AlMareedh = The sick person, Yute' = Obeys, Yatawalla = Turns away.
Q: Why does Allah make it easy for Muslims who are on Allah's Straight Path to get gains (profits) in this life?
A: Allah had promised you (Muslims on Allah's Straight Path) a lot of gains* you will gather them so He hastened for you this
one (spoils of Khaibar**) - and He restrained*** people's hands from you (Muslims) and so that it (spoils of war and restraining hands)
becomes a Miraculous Sign**** for the believers and that He (Allah) guides you to A Straight Path.
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlFathh. (48:20)
* Allah has a lot of GAINS (= Maghanim) in this life and the Other Life for Muslims who are on Allah's Straight
Path. (in Surat AlNisa')
** The spoils in the Battle of 'Khaibar', after the Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah.
*** There should be no attack on Muslims as per the Treaty of AlHudibiyyah. (in Surat AlFathh)
Note: Remember the Prophet and the believers with him had enemies because of their following of Allah's Religion.
(in Surat AlMa'idah)
**** A Reminder that Allah supports the believers. (in Surat 'Muhammad')
Words: Maghanim = Gains - Spoils - Profits, FaAjjala = So He hastened, Hathihi = This one, Kaffa = Restrained.
Q: What gains in life (spoils of war) other than "Khaibar's" Muslims who pledged sincerity to Islam in
"Bay'at AlRidhwan - Pledge of the Allah's Satisfaction" were promised by Allah?
Note: Take heed about how the Qur'an fortells events that actually happened and will happen.
Note: Take heed about the Day of Judgement which the Qur'an keeps on
reminding all humanity of it!
Note: A Muslim who wants to show his love to the Prophet Muhammad (and his beloved family and his respected companions) follows the Qur'an and "AlSunnah - sayings, actions and life morals of Prophet Muhammad".
Note: Please read first above the translation of (48:20).
A: And other ones (gains of Battle of Hunain*) you** (Muslims around the Prophet) did not have (yet) control over them - Allah had
surrounded them (kept them for you) and Allah upon everything is All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlFathh. (48:21)
* Battle of Hunain happened in 630 Hijri -
after the Conquest of Mecca "Fathh Mecca".
** Muslims with the Prophet Muhammad who collected the spoils in the Battle of "Khaibar" which
happened before the Conquest of Mecca.
Words: Ukhra = Other ones, Lem Taqdirou Alayha = You did not have (yet) control over them, Ahata = Had surrounded.
Q: Why should Muslims in a JUST AND FAIR FIGHT pray to Allah to support them and put an end to the fight?
A: And He (Allah) is Who made their (disbelievers') hands restrained from (attacking) you (Muslims) and your hands from
them (when) on the outskirts of Mecca (in AlHudaibiyyah)* after He made you victorious* over them and Allah had been of what you do All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlFathh. (48:24)
* In "AlHudaibiyyah", on outskirts of Mecca, and before the treaty a group of armed young men descended from a nearby mountain to attack
Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet prayed against them and quickly they were captured by Muslims. The Prophet set them free. Source:
Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, in Arabic, volume 4, page 300.
Note: Many times Prophet Muhammad and/or Muslims around him were about to be under attack but Allah saved them. (in Surat AlMa'idah)
Words: Kaffa = Restrained - Held back, BiBatni = On the outskirts - On the outer side, Adhfarakum = Made you victorious, Baseera = All-Seeing.
Q: What can happen if Muslims feel arrogant about their huge army in a war?
A: Allah already had supported you (Muslims) in many locations and on the Day of Hunain* - when your great numbers made you
feel conceited so they did not avail you anything and the land became confined (tight) for you despite its
spaciousness then you turned running away.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlTawbah. (9:25)
* Refer above to Ayah 21 in Surat AlFathh. Battle of Hunain. The battle occured on 16 Shawwal, Year 8 Hijri calendar. The number of the soldiers were 12000 - a
number not reached before. The disbelievers were 4 thousands.
Words: Mawatin = Locations, A'jabatkum = Made you feel conceited, Dhaqat Alayhim AlArdh = The earth became confined for them - closed in on them, BiMa Rahubat = Despite
its spaciousness.
Q: In a just and fair war, what should Muslims, who are on Allah's Straight Path, pray to Allah to grant them so that they become victorious?
A: Then (in the Battle of Hunain) Allah sent down His-inspired Tranquility upon His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and upon the believers and He sent down soldiers (angels) you did not see them and He punished the disbelievers and that is the repayment of the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlTawbah. (9:26)
Words: Anzala = Sent down, Jonoud = Soldiers, Jaza' = Repayment.
Q: Why should Muslims not think or say that Allah is never going to forgive disbelievers who do not die in a war?
A: Then Allah grants forgiveness after that (punishment in war) to whomever* He wills and Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlTawbah. (9:27)
* After the Battle of Hunain, the rest of the Tribe of Huwazin (who fought in Hunain) followed the Prophet Muhammad declaring their
Islam. The Prophet gave them a choice of taking their captives (6000 persons) or the spoils of the war. They chose the captives. And the
Prophet gave spoils to some of those set free to keep their hearts pro Islam. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 508.
Words: Sthumma = Then.
Q: How does the Qur'an support the Islamic Concept as the Prophet Muhammad said: There is no obedience to a person when it comes to disobey Allah)(= La Ta'ah LiMakhlouq fi Ma'siyat Allah)?
A: O those who believed do not take your parents and your siblings as allies* (bosom friends) if they preferred disbelieving (in Allah) over believing and whoever makes allies with them then they are the transgressors (against Allah's Limits).
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlTawbah. (9:23)
* Remember if they remained disbelievers a believer should treat them well but not obey them in matters that are against Allah's
Commands. Remember the wise man luqman's advice to his son mentioned in the Qur'an. (Surat
Luqman). (Luqman was a wise man) (print in bold)
Words: Aba'akum = Your parents - Your fathers and mothers - Your fathers, Ikhwanakum = Your siblings - Your brothers, Estahabbou
= If they preferred, Yatawalahum = Makes allies, AlDhalimoun = The transgressors - Who show injustice towards Allah.
Q: When Muslims around the Prophet Muhammad were commanded to fight polytheists who became a real threat to Islam and Muslims what type of
fight was initiated then against similar groups from the People of the Book?
A: Fight those who do not believe in Allah (as the Only and One God) neither the Day of Judgement and they do not
make forbidden what Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) made forbidden and they do not follow the Religion of Truth (as
Allah sent down) from among those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) until they give tribute (like tax*) submissively while being self-abasing**.
Translation of: Ayah 29, Surat AlTawbah. (9:29)
* As fees for the Muslim Government to protect them, their wealth, their honour and their religion. And no compulsory
military training on them and they do not give what Muslims are supposed to give - mandatory charity (= Zakat) . Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 191.
** Why is Allah Angry with those Jews and Christians who say similar things like what some types of disbelievers say? The translation of the succeeding Ayah 30 in Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Jizyah = Tribute - Tax, En Yadin = Submissively, Saghiroun = Self-abasing - Humiliated.
Q: What should believers do when a well known just and fair Muslim leader on Allah's Path calls them for a just and fair war?
A: O those who believed what is wrong with you when you are told to go quickly to war (Battle of Tabouk) in the Path of Allah*
you became weighed yourselves down (burdened yourselves) to the ground - have you preferred the life of this world to the Other World - but the temporary enjoyment of the life of this World in
comparison to the Other World is only a little.
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat AlTawbah. (9:38)
Battle of Tabouk
* To please Allah.
Words: Ma Lakum = What is wrong with you, Qeela Lakum = You are told - It is said to you, Enforou = Go quickly, Esthaqaltum = Weighed yourselves down - Became slow, Ila AlArdh = To the ground, Mata' = Temporary
enjoyment, Fi AlAkhirah = In comparison to the Other World, Illa Qaleel = Only a little.
Q: Why should capable Muslims answer the call to join a fair and just war summoned by MUSLIM LEADER(S) known to be on Allah's Path (as per
Allah's Commands in the Qur'an)?
A: If you (capable Muslims) do not go quickly to war He (Allah) will punish you a painful punishment (for sure in the Other Life) and He
will (in this life) replace people (in your land) other than you and you will not harm Him anything and Allah upon everything is All-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 39, Surat AlTawbah. (9:39)
Words: Illa = If you do not, Qawman = People, Ghayrakum = Other than you, La Tadhurouhu = You will not harm
Q: Muslims who have to equip themselves to join a just and fair war - what type of equipment and supplies they have to take with them?
A: Go out quickly for war either lightly or heavily armed and make Jihad (fight) with your wealth and yourselves in the Path* of
Allah - that (making Jihad) is better for you if only you knew.
Translation of: Ayah 41, Surat AlTawbah. (9:41)
* For the only purpose of pleasing Allah (as Allah sent the religion and not what some men invented in it). The very clear way to be guided to
Allah's Straight Path is to hold Allah Alone in awe - and love not comparable to the love of any creature
ever. Note: only Allah's Name is mentioned here not any of His Messengers peace be upon all of them: "AlI'tisam Billah" (in Surat AlImran).
" AlUrwah AlWusthqa" (in Surat Luqman).
Words: Enfirou = Go out quickly to war, Khaifafan = Lightly armed, Sthiqalan = Heavily armed, Khair = Better.
Q: Again what is the general characteristic which describes hypocrite persons?
A: If it (travel for war) was a nearby task for vanities (gains in life) and a moderate (without difficulties) travel they (hypocrite
Muslims) would have certainly (in 'Tabouk' Battle) followed you (Prophet Muhammad) but the difficult journey was far away for them and they will take an oath by Allah that if we were capable we would have certainly get out with you - (Allah says) they are destroying themselves
(by excessive swearing) and Allah knows that indeed they are certainly liars.
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat AlTawbah. (9:42)
Battle of Tabouk.
Words: Aradh = Task for vanities - Perishable goods, Safaran = Travel, Qasidan = Moderate - Without difficulties,
AlShuqqah = The distance, Yuhlikouna = They are destroying themselves.
Q: What shows that Prophet Muhammad was only a human being, being revealed to Him whatever Allah wants?
A: Allah has pardoned you (Prophet Muhammad) for what permission (not to join the war) you gave them (hypocrites) so that it becomes
clear to you those who told the truth and that you know the liars.
Translation of: Ayah 43, Surat AlTawbah. (9:43)
Words: Afa = Pardoned, Hatta = So that, Yatabayyana = Becomes clear, Sadaqou = Who told the truth.
Q: When some Muslims show laziness in preparing to join Muslims' just and fair fight (AlJihad) who is actually slowing them down?
A: And if they (hypocrite Muslims) wanted to go out (to 'Tabouk Battle') they would have certainly made for it a preparation but Allah
hated their setting out so He slowed them down and it was said stay behind (do not join war) with those who stay behind.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlTawbah. (9:46)
Note; Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayat 44-45 in Surat AlTawbah.
Words: Inba'asthahum = Their setting out, FaSthabattahum = So He slowed them down, Uqudou = Stay behind.
Q: Why is it better for the believers if hypocrite Muslims stay behind and do not join Muslims' just and fair fight (AlJihad)?
A: If they went out among you they would have not augmented for you except confusion (in opinion) and they would have certainly sowed discord among
you seeking riot and among you are those who listen* to them and Allah is All-Knowing of the transgressors (against Allah's Commands).
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlTawbah. (9:47)
* Among those who stayed behind was Abdullah Bin Ubai Bin Saloul (known as the head of the hypocrite Muslims) and AlJad Bin Qays. Both were
chiefs of their people. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 529.
Words: Ma Zadoukum = Would not have augmented for you, Khabala = Confusion, LaAwdha'aw = They would have certainly, Samm'ouna = Those who listen, AlFitnah =
Riot - Disturbance of peace - Unrest - Disorder.
Q: How do hypocrite Muslims (like other hypocrites) use CRAFTY excuses or actions which get them others' approval and permission for their actions when actually their intentions are selfish and away from Islamic values?
A: And from them (hypocrite Muslims) who says to you (Prophet Muhammad) give me* permission and do not subject me to the ordeal
test** - (Allah says) well in the ordeal test (temptations of Satan***) they have (already) fallen and indeed Hell is certainly
surrounding the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat AlTawbah. (9:49)
* AlJad Bin Qays's excuse for not joining the war (of 'Tabouk') is that he in infatuated by women and he will not be able to hold himself when he sees them, if he goes out to war (in the new land) so the Prophet turned away from him giving him permission
to stay behind. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 529.
** Either to disobey the prophet and stay back in 'AlMadinah' without permission or go out to war and do wrong things there.
*** They listened to Satan who made their lying look good in their eyes. (in Surat AlTawbah)
Words: E'thin Li = Give me permission, La Taftini = Do not subject me to the ordeal test, Saqatou = They fell
Q: What is the second type of Muslims who strayed away from Allah's Path for some time during the time of the Prophet Muhammad?
Note: Please read first about the first type of Muslims who strayed away from Allah's Path in the translation of
the preceding Ayah 101 in Surat AlTawbah.
A: And others (some Muslims) - they confessed* their sins - they mixed righteous work with bad work - may Allah forgive them indeed Allah is
Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 102, Surat AlTawbah. (9:102)
* 'Abu Lubabah Bin AbdilMunthir' and a few Muslims with him tied themselves to the poles of the mosque to show their repentance when the
Prophet came back from the war (of Tabouk). They were capable Muslims but stayed behind only because they preferred comfort over war trouble in "Tabouk"; Although they had joined
previous Muslim wars. So when the Ayah was revealed the Prophet set them free. Source: Egypt's Ex-Mufti AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf's "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", page 265.
Note: Remember Prophet Muhammad foretold about the many sects that will be invented in Islam.
At the Prophet's time there were no sects but only Islam as a religion. Sects started to be formed in Islam after the Prophet's death and will go on.
Note: An example of some information gathered in
Wikipedia about some known sects in Islam.
Words: E'tarafou = They confessed, Khalatou = They mixed, Salihan = Righteous work - Good work, Sayye'an = Bad.
Q: What is the third type of Muslims who strayed away from Allah's Path during the time of the Prophet Muhammad?
A: And others (some Muslims) who were being postponed to the Command of Allah (certainly Day of Judgement) - either He (Allah) punishes them
or He forgives them and Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Note: Remember the first type of those who disobeyed the Prophet and stayed behind from joining the Battle of Tabouk are hypocrites grounded in hypocrisy
(in translation of Ayah 101, Surat AlTawbah).
The second type are those known to be righteous but gave the Prophet excuses for their staying behind and asked the Prophet to pardon
them and to pray to Allah for forgiveness for them. Example Abu Lubabah Bin AbdilMunthir (in translation, above, of Ayah 102, Surat AlTawbah)
The third type are those financially and physically capable men who told the Prophet they did not have any excuses for their staying
behind and they sinned. So the Prophet delayed pardoning them and they were left only for Allah to judge their cases. Allah
forgave them. Example the known incident of the three men. (in translation of Ayah 118, Surat AlTawbah)
Translation of: Ayah 106, Surat AlTawbah. (9:106)
Note: A reference in the Qur'an to such group of Muslims.
Words: Murjawna = Are being postponed.
Q: If a Muslim is in a real fight with two enemy groups - one is his own people surrounding him and then other people further
than them, which group he should fight first?
A: O those who believed fight those who are nearer to you* from the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness and let it be
known to you that Allah is with those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) = AlMutaqeen**.
Translation of: Ayah 123, Surat AlTawbah. (9:123)
* The Prophet Muhammad first fought his own people of Mecca. Then the rest of Arabs in Arabia . Then the enemy among the People of the Book (Quraydha, AlNadheer,
Khaybar). Then the Romans and 'Bilad AlSham (now Syria and its surrounding)'. Then Iraq (of that time0...etc. They were conquered at the hands of the Companions after the death of the Prophet. Source:
Ex-Mufti of Egypt 'AlSheikh Hassanain
Muhammad Makhlouf' in "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an", in Arabic, page 269.
** Fearing Allah in small and big actions comes first. Fearing Allah as is His due is a compulsory condition to gain Allah's Satisfaction and Support in the fight.
Words: Yalounakum = Are near you, Ghidhah = Harshness, AlMutaqeen = Those who protect themselves by
fearing Allah.
Q: Why is Islam against* the general principle of gathering captives after a Jihad war to get ransom from them?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 67 in Surat AlAnfal.
A: (because of Muslims' taking ransom after Jihad in Badr) Was it not for a written Word pre-ordained by Allah, a great punishment would have certainly afflicted you (fighters of Badr).
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlAnfal. (8:68)
* Source: An ordinary war may be for territory or trade revenge or military glory, all "temporal goods of this world". Such a war is condemned. But a Jihad is fought under strict conditions laid down by Islam and solely for the cause of Allah (to keep the Testimony of Islam on the top "there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is a messenger of Allah). (stop! do not add anything after Allah's Word because the Prophet did not add anything to it.) Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. King Fahd Holy Qur'an
Printing Complex, Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, p. 489.
Note: The translation of the succeeding Ayah 69 in Surat AlAnfal.
Words: Kitab = Written Word, LaMassakum = Certainly afflicted you.
Q: Why is it a must in Islam to console the captives of war with good words and actions?
A: O Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) say to whoever is under your (Muslims') control from the captives (of "Badr Battle") if Allah marks in your hearts any
good (inclination to Islam) He will grant you better* than what has been taken from you and He will forgive you and Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlAnfal.(8:70)
* Guidance to Islam as a Mercy from Allah is better than anything else they may get. Followed by
Allah's Forgiveness. (in Surat Yunus)
Noted: In a summary of a narration by the Qur'an's scholar "Ibn Abbas" (son of the Prophet's Uncle "AlAbbas") that the Prophet
Muhammad said at "Battle of Badr" that he knew some persons were forced to join the disbelieving army from Mecca and that they did not want to
fight Muslims. From them is "AlAbbas Bin AbdulMataleb". So anyone who sees him not to kill him. Also in another narration by "Ibn Abbas" that
"AlAbbas" ransomed himself in Badr with 40 ounces of gold. He became a Muslim. Allah gave him 40 slaves (allowed then). So when AlAbbas knew
about this Ayah (8:70) he said he is hoping for the second part (Forgivenss from Allah). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, pages 480-481.
Words: Ya'lem = Marks - Makes known, Khairan = Any good, Yu'tikum = He will grant you.
Q: If especially a captive becomes a Muslim even if his hidden intention is to deceive the others why should Muslims trust his
testimony of Islam?
A: And if they (disbelieving fighters who become captives) want to betray you (by announcing Islam) then they had (before) betrayed
Allah (they were disbelievers) so He (Allah) enabled (Muslims) control over them (became captives) and Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlAnfal. (8:71)
Note: Allah Alone knows one's hidden intention. Remember the Prophet's saying about killing a man after he uttered
the testimony of Islam.
Also note that the Prophet said in a famous saying a believer does not get bitten from the same hole twice. So for anyone who
becomes a Muslim to deceive others beware!
Note:Also remember what did the Prophet do with the many captives during the conquer of Mecca.
Words: Khanou = They had betrayed - They were disloyal, FaAmkana = So He enabled control - So He made
hands lay on them.
Q: How does obeying Allah's Commands makes the later believers on the same footing* with the earlier believers of the time of Prophet Muhammad
and the Prophets before him?
* For example from among the earlier and later believers will be the group held close to Allah in the Other World. (in Surat
A: And those who believed afterwards and they emigrated* (to keep Allah's Word the Highest) and they made AlJihad (to
keep Allah's Word the Highest) with you (earlier Muslims) then those are part of you (earlier Muslims) - and relatives** - they
are worthier of one another (this is dictated) in Allah's (Eternal) Book*** indeed Allah of everything is All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 75, Surat AlAnfal. (8:75)
* Specific reference is to the time of Prophet Muhammad when Muslims from Mecca emigrated to AlMadinah fleeing from polytheist persecution of Islam.
** Just imagine if wealthy persons in families take care of their near and far relatives, the burden will be less on the society or the
government - it can take care of those who do not have the same privilege.
*** THe PEN and what Allah wrote for humanity before all the creation.
Words: Hajarou = They emigrated, Minkum = Part of you, Ulou AlArham = Relatives - Kin- Family members.
Q: What are the umbrella of rewards for those who are considered believers in the Sight of Allah?
A: And those who believed and emigrated (to keep Allah's Word the highest) and made AlJihad in the Path of Allah (to keep Allah's
Word the Highest) and those who gave refuge and supported (them) - those are the believers for sure = Haqqan) - for them is Forgiveness and honorable
sustenance (in Paradise).
Translation of: Ayah 74, Surat AlAnfal. (8:74)
Words: Aawoo = They gave refuge, Haqqan = For sure, Really, Kareem = Honorable.
Q: Why fighting with the major intention for example to occupy more land is not considered "Jihad"?
A: And fight in the Path of Allah (only to please Allah) and let it be known* to you that Allah is All-Hearing All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 244, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:244)
* For Allah's Cause we must fight, but never to satisfy our own selfish passions or greed for the warning is repeated: "Allah hears and knows all things". Source: Based on the translation of the famous translator 'Abdullah Yusuf Ali' in "The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary", page 107
Words: Fi Sabeel Allah = in the Path of Allah - In the Way of Allah - For Allah's Cause.
Q: How do we know that Allah loves those Muslims who seek His Satisfaction by following His Commands in AlJihad ((just and fair Muslim fight)?
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayat 204 - 206 in Surat AlBaqarah.
A: And from people who gives away his life seeking the satisfaction of Allah and Allah is Compassionate towrds the servants (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 207, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:207)
Note: Muslims cannot mix a bad deed or concept with a good deed or concept. Remember a summary of Prophet Muhammad's saying: Allah is All-Righteous (All-Good = Tayyeb) and He does not accept except what is righteous (= Tayyeb). (Source will be addeded later insha Allah)
Words: Yashri = gives away - Sells.
Q: Why should Muslims who launch attacks against other Muslims (like some Sunni-Shia attacks) beware of creating religious persecution which
Allah forbids?
Note: Why should Muslims beware of not starting an aggession? Refer to the transaltion of the preceding Ayah in (2:190).
A: And kill them (those who start aggression of killing) wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove* you
and (religious) persecution is more severe than killing** - and (command to Muslims) do not fight them near the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) until they fight you in it so if they fight you (there) so do kill them thus is the punishment of the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 191, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:191)
* Reference is to Meccan Muslims who had to flee religious persecution on the hands of polytheists during the time of Prophet Muhammad.
** = "AlFinatu Ashadu Min AlQatl". Some Muslims attack other Muslims nowadays claiming that by their attack they are preventing
a "Fitnah = religious persecution".
Important Note Refer to the answer of the companion Abdullah - son of the second Caliph Umar Bin AlKattab when they wanted him to be part of a fight against other Muslims.
Words: Sthaqiftomouhum = You find them, Akhrijouhum = Drive them out, Jazau = Punishment - Repayment.
Q: Why should Muslims heed Allah's Command about when the enemy stops fighting you?
A: But if they (Disbelievers) stopped (fighting you) then Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Note: Leave them to Allah! Allah may grant you Forgiveness and Mercy when He wills. Also Allah may grant the enemy Forgiveness and Mercy
if they turned to Him for Guidance.
Translation of: Ayah 192, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:192)
Words: Entahou = They stopped - They ended.
Q: With what two sorts of 'weaponry' (which man has no control upon until now) did Allah help Prophet Muhammad and his soldiers
in the Battle of AlAhzab?
A: O those who believed remember the Grace of Allah upon you when soldiers came to you so We (Allah) sent against them a storm and
soldiers you did not* see them and Allah is of what you do All-Seeing.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlAhzab. (33:9)
* Angels. Angels duty in the Battle of AlAhzab was to throw fear in the confederates' hearts. So with the storm blowing they went away
without real war. (Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, page 687).
Listen/Read about The Battle of AlAhzab on youtube.com.
Words: Uthkorou = Remember - Bear in mind, Junoudun = Soldiers, Reehan = A storm, Lem Tarawha = You did not
Q: When Muslims pray a lot to Allah for something and it does not happen how does Satan incite them to rebel against Allah?
A: When they (the enemy) came to you from above* you and from under* you (all sides) and when the eyes rolled (of fear) and the
hearts reached the throats (racing) and you were having many suspicions** about Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlAhzab. (33:10)
* On the two eastern sides of 'AlMadinah' near 'Uhud', and another confederate from the high lands of 'AlMadinah'. Source: Ibn Kastheer,
Volume 3, page 686.
** The hypocrites among Muslims thought Muslims will be eradicated that time. Source : Ibn Katheer, page 689.
Words: Zaghat = Rolled, Balaghat = Reached, Tadhonouna Billahi AlDhonouna = You were having many suspicions
about Allah.
Q: While putting their trust in Allah what should warriors expect in a real war?
A: There (AlAhzab battle) the believers were put to the (Faith) Test* (by Allah) and they were shaken - a severe shaking.
Translation of: Ayah 11, Surat AlAhzab. (33:11)
* "= Ubtuliya". Allah tests Muslims' Faith by good things and bad things affecting them. (Refer to Surat AlFajr)
Words: Ubtuliya = Were put to the (Faith) Test, Zulzilou = They were shaken, Zilzalan = Shaking, Shadeedan =
Q: Who usually starts the riot inside the army?
A: And when the hypocrites (among Muslims) and those in whose hearts is (psychological) sickness (weak Faith) were saying
Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) did not promise us except deception*.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlAhzab. (33:12)
* Shows mistrust in Allah. It is Satan who makes bad things look good to people.
A Side Note: Reference
to 'physician assisted suicide' which may be soon legalized in Canada:
Such an act shows lack of hope in prayer to Allah.
And lack of hope in the medical profession and future medical discoveries. It is worth debating how physicians and judges will live with their
conscience after assisting suffering patients to die. Also Muslims know that any suffering in life removes from one's sins and being patient
in the face of suffering is highly rewarded by Allah. May Allah guide us all to His Path.
Words: Maradh = Sickness = Ghuroura = Deception - Fantasy.
Q: What is the hypocrites' easy excuse to help them not join a just and fair war?
A: And when a party of them* said O People of Yasthrib** no staying for your (here) so do go back and a bunch of them were
taking permission from the Prophet (Prophet Muhammad) saying indeed our houses are week spots*** - (Allah says) and they were not
week spots they simply wanted only to run away.
* They were Banu Haristhah Bin AlHaristh and Banu Salamah. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQuran, in Arabic, page 527.
** Old name for AlMadinah.
*** Easy to enter.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlAhzab. (33:13)
Words: Ta'ifah = A party, Fareeq = A bunch, Muqam = Staying - Remaining, Awrah = Week spots, In Yureedouna Illa = They simply
wanted only, Firara = To run away.
Q: How do we know that hypocrites and whose Faith is weak can be quick to join the enemy side?
A: And if it (enemy's group) was dropped in on them (hypocrites) from its (AlMadinah) sides then they were asked for riot they would
certainly have taken part in it and they would have not delayed about it except a little*.
Translation of: Ayah 14, Surat AlAhzab. (33:14)
* Time only to get them ready.
Note: Why is it better if the hypocrites not join Muslims' just and fair war (AlJihad)? (in Surat AlTawbah, Ayah 47)
Words: Dukhilat Alayhim = It was dropped in on them, Aqtariha = Its sides, Su'ilou = They were asked, AlFitnah
= Riot, LaAatouha = They would certainly taken part, Talabbasthou = Delayed, Yaseera = A little.
Q: Why a believing soldier has to abide by the rules of a just and fair war (AlJihad)?
A: And they (hypocrites among Muslims) had certainly made a Pledge (Aahadou*) with Allah from before (that) they will not turn their backs (run away) and Allah's Pledge has to be answered for.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlAhzab. (33:15)
* Anyone who made a pledge with Prophet Muhammad is equal to making a pledge with Allah. (Refer to Surat AlFathh (48, Ayah 10)
Note: Also remember as a Muslim one enters into a Covenant (Contract - Pledge) with Allah that he
will follow Allah's Commands and Allah will grant him Salvation from Hellfire and reward him. (Refer to Surat AlAhzab, Ayah 23)
Words: Aahadou = They made a Pledge, They had entered into a Covenant, La Yowalouna AlAdbar = They will not
turn their backs - They will not run away, Masoula = Answered for - Accountable for.
Q: According to Islam why running away from a just and fair war (AlJihad) is useless?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) running away will not be of use to you (plural) - if you run away from death or killing then
you will not be given temporary enjoyment (of this life) except for some time.
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlAhzab. (33:16)
Words: Len Yanfaakum = It will not of use, Farrtum = Run away, Tumatt'aouna = Given temporary enjoyment,
Qaleela = Some time.
Q: How does a believer who fears Allah accept a just and fair war as his destiny?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) who is that who will give you (weak Faith Muslims and hypocrites) shelter against Allah if He wants something bad happening to you or if He wants to give you Mercy and they do not find for them other than Allah any Ally or
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlAhzab. (33:17)
Note: Please re-read above the translation of Ayah 15 in Surat AlAhzab. Note (*) is edited and clarified today.
Words: Men Tha Allathi = Who is that who, Ya'ssimukum = Gives you shelter - guards you, Arada Bikum Sou'an = He wanted something bad happening to you, Arada Bikum Rahmah = If He wanted to
give you Mercy, La Yajidouna = They do not find.
Q: How do hypocrite warriors among Muslims say what they do not do?
A: Allah already knows the ones among you who hinder others (in fighting in a just and fair war) and they are who say to their
brothers (of weak Faith)* come join us and they do not fight in the war except a little* (showing off).
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlAhzab. (33:18)
* Two characteristics define hypocrites. (Refer to the translation of Ayat 11-13 in Surat AlHashr).
A Side Note to give the WORD "AlJihad" its honorable status:
Allah Alone knows why nowadays a person kills another under the general Banner of Islam
"Allah Akbar".
Is the killing an act of
revenge for a family member or a group of people...etc? To strengthen a country? Or only to sow disunity and riot (= Fitnah) in the society?...etc.
Media should stop calling Muslims who publicly
terrorize people "Jihadis" - they rather call them "revengeful" since the real objective of their action in unknown.
Jihad (= fighting in and for a just and fair cause) in Muslims' minds is
considered somehow a "holy term" because it serves justice and peace. And it is associated with martyrdom (= AlShahadah, Shaheed) which is highly rewarded by
Allah (in all Abrahamic religions) (refer to Surat AlTawbah).
Prophet Muhammad had clearly described conditions of
Jihad and martyrdom. (Refer here to a SUMMARY of PROPHET MUHAMMAD's SAYING): One situation for example. And another example of martyrdom situation.
And another martyrdom situation.
May Allah guide us all to His Path
on which was our beloved Prophet Muhammad and the rest of the prophets of Allah before him.
Words: AlMoawiqeen = Those who hinder others, Halluma Ilayna = Come join us, AlBa's = Fighting
in a war, Qaleela = A little.
Q: Which Muslims can have their good deeds invalidated (=0) at the time of war and after it and why?
A: (they are*) Miserly toward you (Muslims) so when fear (war) comes you see them looking to you (Prophet Muhammad) - their eyes rolling
like the one who faints from death then when fear goes away they will lash you with sharp tongues - (they are) miserly of (doing) good -
those ones did not believe so Allah failed their (good) deeds and that is easy for Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlAhzab. (33:19)
* Description of the hypocrites among Muslims and whose Islam is weak.
Words: Ashihhatun Alaykum = Miserly - Tight-fisted, AlKhawf = Fear, Tadour = RollingYandhorouna = Looking, Yughsha Alayhi Mina
AlMawt = Faints of death, Salaqoukum = The lash you, BiAlsinatin Hidad = With sharp tongues, FaAhbatta = Failed.
Q: What completes the picture of the psychology of the hypocrites in wars*?
* Question derived from The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. Based on the translation of Abdullah
Yusuf Ali, page 1245.
A: They (the hypocrites) think the confederates did not go** and if they come (back) they wish that they were inhabiting
the desert with the
Bedouin Arabs asking about your (Muslims') news*** and if they were among you they (intended) were not going to fight (with you against
your enemy) except a little (to show off).
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlAhzab. (33:20)
** After camping around the Trench which Muslims dug to save themselves and 'AlMadinah', the confederates left without the
war happening.
*** from far away only because they are cowards.
Words: Yahsaboun = they think, Yawadouna = They wish - like, Badouna = Inhabiting the desert, AlA'rab = Bedouin
Arabs, Anba'ikum = Your news.
Q: At the time of fear how were the believers' hearts different from the hypocrites' hearts in the Battle of 'AlAhzab'?
A: And when the believers saw the confederates they said this is what Allah and His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) promised*
us - and Allah and His Messenger told the truth and it did not add to them except believing and submission (to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlAhzab. (33:22)
* Trust in Allah's Support. (Refer to Ayah 9 in Surat AlAahzab).
Words: Wa'adana = Promised us, Sadaqa = Told the truth, Zadahum = Add to them - Increased for them,
Imanan = Believing, Tasleema = Submission.
Q: Why should Muslims be cautious not to label others as hypocrites?
A: So that Allah rewards the truthful (from Muslims) with their truthfulness* and (Allah) punishes the hypocrites if He wills
or forgives them indeed Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlAhzab. (33:23)
* With the truthfulness of their Faith. What does holding to Allah's Truth (= AlSidq) mean? (Refer to Surat 'AlZumar')
Words: BiSidqihim = With their truthfulness - With their being true to their Faith, Yatouba = Forgives.
Q: Why should those with weak Faith and the hypocrites among the People of the Book refrain from supporting their similar among
Note: The translation of the preceding Ayah 25 in Surat AlAhzab.
A: *And Allah brought those from among the People of the Book who supported them (hypocrite Muslims) down from their
strongholds** and He cast in their hears fear - a group you (Muslims) were killing and taking a group as captives.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlAhzab. (33:26)
* After the disbelieving confederates left the war zone (Battle of 'AlAhzab) without real fighting.
** "Banu Quraiza" treacherously aided the disbelieving confederates during their siege of AlMadinah. When the confederates left,
Banu Quraiza shut themselves up in their castles and they sustained a siege of 25 days after which they surrendered stipulating that
they would abide by the decision of "Sa'd Ibn Mu'az' chief of the Aus Tribe with which they had been in alliance. Sa'd applied to
them the milder treatment of the "far-off" cities which is thus described in the Jewish Law. The men were slain, the women were
sold as captives of war and their lands and properties were divided among the Muhajirs. Source: The Holy Quran: English Translation
of the Meanings and Commentary. (Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali), pages 1247-1248.
Words: Sayaseehim = Their strongholds, Qathafa = Cast - AlRu'b = Fear, Fareeqan = A group, Tasiroun =
Taking as captives.
Q: What was the prophecy news for Muslims about Islamic land expansion at the time of Prophet Muhammad?
A: And (Allah) gave you (Muslims) to inherit their (Banu Quraiza's) land, their houses and their wealth and a land which
you (Muslims) did not set foot on (before)* and Allah upon everything is Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlAhzab. (33:27)
* Islamic scholars mostly refer to it as "Khaybar".
'Khaybar' about 90 miles north of Madinah.
It may also refer to the Muslim conquest of Persia.
Or the wars with he Byzantine Empire (resulted in Egypt and Syria becoming Muslim countries).
Words: Awrasthakum = Gave you to inerit, Ardhan = A land, Lem Tata'ouha = You did not set foot on.
Q: Why did the polytheists (= AlMushrikeen) of Pre-Islamic Mecca did not fight Prophet Muhammad and his companions before the Treaty (= Sulh) of
AlHudaibiyyah, as they fought in previous other wars?
A: And if those who disbelieved (of Pre-Islamic Mecca) fought* you (Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims) then certainly they would
have turned their backs** (ran away) then they will not find any ally or a supporter (in the Other World); (that is) Allah's
Way (= Sunnat Allah)*** (of dealing) that is from the past (= Khalat) and you will not find for Allah's Way any modification.
Translation of: Ayat 22 - 23, Surat AlFathh. (48:22-23)
* If they fought you instead of the Treaty of AlHudibiyyah.
** Remember Prophet Muhammad's companions before the 'Treaty of Hudaibiyyah' pledged truthfully their allegiance to Prophet Muhammad. So
they were the example of believers mentioned in the Qur'an. (Refer to Surat AlFathh, Ayah 10).
*** Allah supported His messengers and Allah supports God fearing believers who followed Allah's
messengers. (refer to Surat Yunus, Ayah 103)
Words: Sunnat Allah = Allah's Way, Qed Khalat min Qabl = That is from the past, Tabdeela = Any modification -
Q: In life, how does Allah's Wisdom prevent Allah's Wrath from falling upon wrongdoing people who anger Allah but they are saved because certain believers who have gained Allah's Satisfaction are among them?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 24 in Surat AlFathh.
Note: Reference is to Allah's Mercy which led to the the Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah.
A: They (polytheists of Pre-Islamic Mecca) are the ones who disbelieved and they prevented* you (Prophet Muhammad and
the companions) from the Sacred Mosque and the sacrificial offering (= AlHaddya**) held back from reaching its
place (near alKa'bah in Mecca***) - and if it weren't for believing men and believing women you (Muslims from AlMadinah) did not know them that you could have trampled them down then it could have brought on their account shame on you - so that Allah admits**** into His Mercy whomever He wills - if they were set apart certainly We (Allah) would have punished those who disbelieved a painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlFathh. (48:25)
* Prophet Muhammad and his companions from AlMadinah wanted to do a pilgrimage to Allah 's Sacred House when it was still under the control of
polytheists. They brought the animals for sacrifice with them and had put on the pilgrim's garb (= AlIhram). They were prevented from
entering Mecca and prevented from sending the sacrificial animals to the place of sacrifice in Mecca. The sacrifice was offered at AlHudaibiyyah. Source: The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
page 1583.
** Sacrificed to be distributed only among the poor.
*** Allah made AlKa'bah a sacred place. (Refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
**** Both believing persons who were keeping their Faith secret in Mecca and the believers with Prophet Muhammad were not harmed because no
war took place.
Words: Ssaddoukum = They prevented you, Ma'koufan = Held back, Tatta'ouhum = You Trampled them down,
Ma'arrah = Shame, Tazayyalou = Were set apart.
Q: What gave Prophet Muhammad the good news about the Conquest of Mecca?
A: Certainly Allah fulfilled His Messenger's (Prophet Muhammad) vision with truth - (the vision) certainly you (Muslims) will enter
the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) God Willing* feeling secure shaving** your heads and (some) making (hair) shorter - you do not fear so he (Prophet
Muhammad) knew what you (Muslims) did not know so He (Allah) granted other than that a coming victory***.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlFathh. (48:27)
* When Allah wills. Reference to Conquest of Mecca. (Refer to Surat AlNasr)
** Pilgrimage ritual.
*** 'Sulh' AlHudaibiyyah = The Treaty of AlHudaibiyyah - it
brought peace between the Muslims and their allies on one side and the polytheists of Mecca and their allies on the other side.
Words: Sadaqa = Fulfilled, AlRo'ya = Vision, Muhaliqeen = Shaving your head, Muqassireen = Making
shorter, Fathhan Qareeba = Coming Victory - Speedy victory.