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Q: How should a person treat his/her parents?
A: Your God had ruled not to worship but Him AND* kindness towards your parents - if any or both of them become old during
your life do not say 'ugh' (annoyed = uff) to any of them and do not scold them and do say kind words to them; And lower the wing (relax
stiffness)** to them in humbleness out of mercy and say my God be Merciful to them as they reared me when I was little.
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 24, Surat AlIsra' (also known as Surat Beni Israel). (17:23-24).
* With "And" Allah joined the Command of kindness to parents with the Command of worshipping Him Alone.
* Relax one's stiffness, severity or austerity. Source: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary. The words used in the Qur'an
are literally translated: And lower the wing (like a bird) to them.
Note: Anyone who says he believes in no God actually he believes in his own desire or his own self as a god. (Refer to Surat AlJasthiyah)
Words: Qadha =Had ruled, Rabuka = Your God, Ta'bodou = You worship, Iyyah =
Him, AlWalidayni = Both Parents, Ihsan = Kindness, AlKibar = Old age, Uff = Ugh - I am annoyed, Ekhfedh lahuma janah Althul =
Lower the wing (relax stiffness) to them in humbleness, Mina AlRahma = Out of mercy, Ssagheera &@61; Little - Young.
Q: Why did Allah create people of different races?
A: O mankind We (Allah) created you from a male (Adam) and a female (Eve) and We made you into nations and tribes
so as to know one another - indeed the most honorable of you according to Allah is the most (pious and) God-fearing (= Atqaakum) among you
indeed Allah is All-Knowing All-Acquainted.
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlHujurat. (49:13)
Words: AlNas = Mankind - People, Thakar = Male, Unstha = Female, Shouban = Nations, Wa = And, Qabaila =
Tribes, Akramakum = The most honorable, Atqaakum = The most God-fearing among you - The most ones who protect themselves by fearing Allah - The
most pious, Khabeer = All-Acquainted - All-Familiar.
Q: Why didn't Allah create all the people as one nation?
A: And if your God wanted He would have made people one nation but still they will continue to disagree. Except
upon whom your God has mercy. Therefore He created them (to be Merciful upon them) and the Word of your God has
been completed: I shall certainly fill Hell of Jinn and humans together.
Translation of: Ayah 117 - 119, Surat Hood.
Words: Sha'a = wanted - willed, Ja'ala = Made, Ummah = Nation - Community, Waahida = One, Kalimatu = Word,
Rabika = Your God, Jahanam = Hell, AlJinnah = The Jinn (creatures with super powers created before
humans), AlNaas = The humans, Ajmaeen = Together.
Q: What types of punishment Allah can bring upon whoever He wills?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) He (Allah) is The Capable to send punishment on you from
above you (hurricanes) or from under your feet (earthquakes) or make you confused (divided) into
sects (parties) to make some of you suffer from the torture of the others - see how We explain the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) in various ways so that
they may understand.
Translation of: Ayah 65, Surat AlAn'am. (6:65)
Words: Qul = Say, Yab'asth = Send, Athab = Punishment, Fawq = Above, Yalbisakum =
Make you confused - Make you divided, Shiya'n = Sects - Parties, Ba'dhukum =
Some of you, Ba's = Torture - Violence, Ondhur = See, La'alahum Yafqahoun = They may understand.
Q: What type of civilization did Pharaon and his people have?
A: And walk (to Prophet Moses = Moosa) away with my people by night - indeed you are going to be followed; And leave the
sea parted - they are soldiers to be drowned; How many gardens and springs they left behind; And plants and an honorable
place (position); And life of ease (comfort = Na'mah) they were enjoying; In that manner and We (Allah) gave it (their land) as inheritance to other people;
So the
sky did not cry upon them (Pharaoh and his assembly) neither did
the earth* and they were not given respite (to repent); And We certainly saved the people of Israel from the humiliated punishment;
From Pharaoh (= Phiroun) for he was considering himself sublime (arrogant) from those who strayed away (from Allah's Path);
And We chose them (People of Israel) intentionally above
the ihabitants of the worlds (of their time); And We gave them from the Miraculous Signs that had in them a clear test.
Indeed these (Disbelievers in Mecca) certainly SAY IT IS ONLY OUR FIRST Death and WE WILL NOT BE RAISED; So bring back (to life) our forefathers if you
are truthful;
(Allah says) Are they (polytheists in Pre-Islamic Arabia) better or
the people of Tubba'** and those before them - We (Allah) destroyed them for they were sinners (Mujrimeen = criminals in Allah's Court).
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 37, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:23-37)
* In a summary of a narration by the scholar and the Prophet's cousin 'Ibn AlAbbas': Every human has two gates in the
sky. One from which his sustenance comes down and the second through which his work goes up. So when the believer dies his
sustenance and work stop so the sky cries upon him. And his place where he used to pray to Allah will miss him and the
earth will cry upon him. The People of Pharaon did not leave good deeds so neither the sky nor the earth cried upon
them. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 303.
** Tubba' = Refers to the Himyuar (another name Saba') Kings of Yemen of the Arab Tribe
of Hamdan Bin Qahtan. (Quraysh was from Adnan). They were worshippers of Heavenly bodies (Sabianism). Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. (Based on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali), page 1526.
(Remember before "Tubba" mentioned in the Qur'an, Queen of Sheba (in the Bible) known as Bilqis in Islam, before becoming Muslim was prostrating to the sun). (in Surat AlNaml)
Each king was called "Tubba'". One of "Tubba" was the middle "Tubba'". His name was 'As'ad Abu Kurayb Bin malaki Karib AlYamni". He ruled his people
for 326 years. He died around 700 years before the Prophethood of Allah's Messenger "Muhammad". It is mentioned that "Tubba'" became on the
"Jewish" religion of his two Jewish advisors - he became a Muslim worshipping Allah Alone. To honour "AlKa'bah" he placed a "cover" on it.
A "Tubba'" also wanted to destroy "AlKa'bah". But his advisors - two Jewish
scholars prevented him because of its prestige as the House of Allah built by Prophet Abraham. So Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said do not swear at "Tubba'" because
he became a Muslim. Tubba's people also became Muslims. But after his death they returned to disbelieving. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 3, pages
232 - 233.
Also Prophet Muhammad mentioned: I do not know if "Tubba'" was a messenger of Allah or no (just a righteous man). Source: Ibn Kashteer. (Remember
when Prophet Muhammad slightly said the names of the four Arab prophets he did not mention the name of "Tubba")
Words: Asir = Walk away, Ibaadi = My People, Layl = At night, Muttabioun = Followed,
AlBahr = The Sea, Rahou = Calm, Jund = Soldiers, Mughraqoun = To be Drowned, Jannat = Gardens, Uyoun = Springs, Zorou' =
Plants, Maqam = Place - Position - Rank, Kareem = Honorable, Na'mah = Life of ease - Comfort, Fakiheen = Enjoying, Awrasthnaha =
We have it as inheritance, Aakhireen = Other people, Bakat = Cried, AlAthab = The punishment, AlAlameen = The inhabitants
of the worlds - All worlds - All people - All creation, AlAyat = The Miraculous Signs.
Q: Does Allah give more wealth to sinners or to good people?
A: Whoever wants this Life, We will rush for him what We will to whom We will and then We will make Hell for him
to burn in it, humiliated and cast away (from Allah's Mercy). And who wants The Other Life and he does the work that
leads to it while having Faith; It is those whose work is accepted (by Allah). To both, We do provide these and those from
the giving of your God and the giving of your God is not restricted (to a group)! Look! How we favoured some upon the
others; And The Other World is greater in ranks and is greater in favouring. Do not join with Allah another god
lest you remain humiliated and cast away (from Allah's Mercy)!
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 22, Surat AlIsra'.
Words: Men = Whoever, Yureed = Wants, AlAjilah = This Life, Ajjalna = We Rushed, Nashaa' = What We
Want, Ja'alna = We Made, Yaslaha = Burn in it, Mathmoumman = Humiliated, Madhoura = Cast away, Arada
= Wanted, Sa'a = Worked, Mu'min = Having Faith, Sa'yahum = Their Work, Mashkoor = Accepted -
Grateful, Numid = Provide, Ha'oula' = These, Ata' = Giving, Rabuka = Your God, Mahdour =
Restricted, Ondhur = Look, Fadhala = Favoured, Ba'dhahum = Some of them, Ata' = Giving - grant,
Mahdhoura = Restricted, Fataqud = You will remain, Mathmouman = Humiliated, Makhthoulan = Cast away.
Q: Does The Qur'an mention that humans will face a lot of hardships?
A: I (Allah) do swear by the twilight (at sunset) and the night with all that it gathers and the moon when it
gathers its light and becomes full; You will mount levels of hardship over levels of hardship; So what is wrong
with them that they do not believe; and when The Qur'an is recited upon them, they do not prostrate? But the disbelievers
deny it (The Qur'an) And Allah knows what they hide in themselves, so tell them about a severe punishment (waiting for them).Only those
who have faith and did good deeds: They will have a continuous reward.
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 25, Surat AlInshiqaq.
Words: Uksim = Swear, AlShafaq = The Twilight, AlLayl = The Night, Wasaq = Gather, AlQamar =
The Moon, Itasaq = Became Full, Tarkab = Mount, Tabaq = Levels, Ma Lahum = What's wrong with them,
Quri'a = Recited, Yasjud = Prostrate (Bow in Worship), Yukadhib = Deny it, Yo'oun = What they
hide, Adhab = Punishment, Amilou = The did, salihat = Good deeds, Ajr = Reward, Ghayr Mamnoon
= Continuous.
Q: Are humans initially created to rest and enjoy life?
A: I (Allah) do not take an Oath* by this Town (Mecca)** and you (Prophet Muhammad) are authorized (to fight if you want) in
this Town; And (if an Oath) by the father (Adam) and his offspring; Certainly We (Allah) created man with
burdens (responsibilities); Does he think that
no One has the power over him; He says I squandered a lot of money; Does he think that no One has seen him; Did We (Allah) not make
for him two eyes; And a tongue and two lips; And We showed the two (clear) ways (good and bad); So
did he break through the (time of) difficulty; And what do you know about the hardship; Freeing a neck (captive or slave); Or feeding in a
day of famine; An orphan of blood relation or a needy in extreme poverty; And then he was from those who had
Faith (in Allah) and advised patience and advised kindness; Those are the people of The Right (group going to Paradise).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 18, Surat AlBalad. (90:1-18)
* If Allah is taking an oath it will be by this Town (Mecca). Attention should be paid towards what Allah may take an Oath by.
* Mecca is a sanctuary. Only the Prophet Muhammad was allowed to fight the disbelievers in it.
Words: Uqsim = Take an oath - Swear, Balad = Town, HHil (from Halal) = Authorized, Permissible, Khalaqa =
Created, Insan = Man, Kabad = With burden - with responsiblities, Yahsib = Think, Ahad = One,
Yaqoul = He says, Ahlaktu = I squandered, Ainain = Two eyes, Lisan = Tongue, Shafatain =
Two lips, Hadainahu = We showed him, Najdain = Two clear ways, Two high ways, Iqtahama = Broke through, Aqabah =
Difficulty - Hardship - Obstacle, Raqaba = Neck, Yateem = Orphan, Miskeen = Needy, Sabr = Patience,
Marhamah = Kindness, Maymanah = Right.
Q: What can happen to humans if they anger Allah?
A: Have you not seen that Allah created the Heavens and the earth in Truth* (with a True Purpose)- if He (Allah) wills (= In Yasha') He
will remove you (plural) and bring
about a new creation; And that for Allah is certainly not hard.
Translation of: Ayat 19 - 20, Surat Ibraheem. (14:19-20)
* The True Purpose behind the creation of the Universe. (refer to Surat AlAnbiya')
Words: Alam Tara = Have you not seen, Khalaqa = Created, AlSamawat = The Heavens, Wa = And, AlArdh
= The earth, Yasha' = Wills, Yuthhibkum = Will remove you, Khalq = Creation, BilHaq = in Truth - For a True Purpose,
Jadeed = New, BiAzeez = Certainly not hard.
Q: When does Allah change the affluence (richness) of a nation?
A: Because Allah is not going to change a favour He bestowed on a nation until they change what is in themselves;
And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing;
Just like the persistent work of the People of Pharaoh (= Phiroun) and those
before them - they
rejected as lies the Miraculous Signs of their God so We (Allah) destroyed them for their sins and We drowned the People of
Pharaoh and all (destroyed) where transgressors* (sinners).
Translation of: Ayat 53 - 54, Surat AlAnfal. (8:53-54)
* Transgressing Allah's Commands and going beyond Allah's limits.
Words: Mughayyer = going to change, Ni'mah = Favour, An'amah = Bestowed upon, Hatta = Until, Anfus
= Selves, Da'b = Persistent work - continuous manner, Al = People, Kathabba = Denied - Rejected, Ayat = Miraculous Signs
- Verses of the Holy Books, Ahlaka = Destroyed, Dhanb = Sin, Aghraka = Drowned, Dhalimeen = Transgrssors - Unjust -
Q: Where there people in the same places humans are living in now?
A: And warn the people about the day (of Judgement) when the punishment reaches them so those who were unjust (to themselves) will say our God
delay us for a short time - we will answer Your call and follow the messengers - (Allah says) had you not before (in life)
taken an oath that there is no extinction of you; And you lived in the dwellings of those who were unjust* to themselves (= AlLatheena
Dhalamou Anfusahum) and it
became clear to you what We (Allah) did to them and We set for you the parables; And they (unjust to themsleves) plotted
their plot and Allah has their plot and their plot is such that mountains could have vanished with it; So certainly do not
(all of you) think that Allah is failing His messengers in His Promise indeed Allah is AlMighty the Lord of Revenge.
Translation of: Ayat 44 - 47, Surat Ibraheem. (14:44-47)
* By disbelieving and disobeying Allah.
Words: Anther = Warn, Athab = Punishment, Akhkhirna = Delay us, Ajal = Time, Qareeb = Short,
Nujib = Answer, Dawataka = Your Call, Nattabe' = We follow, AlRusul = The messengers, Aqsamtum = Had taken
an oath - Had sworn, Zawal = Extinction - Termination, Sakantum = You lived, Masakin = Dwellings -
Houses, Fa'alna = We did, Amsthal = Parables - Examples, Makr = Plot, Jibal = Mountains, Mukhlif
= Failing, Thou Intiqam = Lord of Revenge - Most Revengeful.
Q: Why do people for example have different colours and different languages?
Note: 'Ayat' in Arabic means Miraculous Signs - Indicative Signs - Wonders - Morals -
Warnings. Also the Verses (Lines) of the Qur'an are called 'Ayat'.
A: And from His (Allah's) Miraculous Signs (Indicative Signs = Ayatihi) that He created you from earth
(soil) and then you became humans widespread; And
from His miraculous Signs (= Ayatihi) that He created for you from yourselves wives to live with them and He
made among you love
and mercy indeed in that are certainly Miraculous Signs (= laAyat) for people who contemplate;
And from His
Miraculous Signs (= Ayatihi) that He created the Heavens
and the earth and the difference of your tongues (languages) and your colours - indeed in that are certainly
Miraculous Signs (= laAyat) for
all people; And from His Miraculous Signs (= Ayatihi) your (plural) sleep at night and during
the day and your seeking of His favour - indeed in that are certainly Miraculous Signs (= laAyat) for people who listen;
And from His Miraculous Signs (= Ayatihi) He shows you the lightning by way of
fear (punishment) and by way of hope (rain as Allah's Mercy)and He sends from the sky water so He brings with it the earth to life after its death -
indeed in that are certainly Miraculous Signs (= laAyat) for people who realize; And from His
Miraculous Signs (Ayatihi) that the sky (Lowest Heaven) and the earth will fulfill*
His command (on the Day of Judgement) and when He calls you one call - from the earth suddenly you will be coming out; And to Him
belong whoever is in the Heavens and the earth - all to Him are devoutly obedient**.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 26, Surat AlRoum. (30:20-26)
* Example of how the sky and the earth will fulfill Allah's Command on the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlInfitar)
** The ungrateful to Allah are only among the two races of man and Jinn who have free will.
Words: Ayat = Signs - Miracles, Khalaqa = Created, Turab = Earth, Bashar = Humans, Tantashir
= Become widespread, Anfusikum = Yourselves, Azwaj = Wives, Taskin = Lives, Mawadah =
Love, Rahmah = Mercy, Yatafakar = Contemplate, Ikhtilaf = Difference, Alsinah = Tongues,
Alwan = colours, Manam = Sleep, Layl = Night, Nahar = Day, Ibtigha' = Seeking, Fadhl =
Favour, Yasma' = Listens, Yuri = Shows, Barq = Lightning, Khawf = Fear, Tama' = Hope,
Ya'qiloun = Realize - Understand, Taqoum = Fulfill - Does, Tukhrajoun = Come out, Qaanit = Devoutly obedient - Piously submissive.
Q: How many divisions will all humans be divided into on the Day of Judgment?
A: For those who believed (Muslims) and those who became Jews and the Sabians* and the Christians
and the Magians** and those who partnered*** with Allah; Indeed Allah will judge among them on the Day of
Judgment; Indeed Allah is over everything a witness.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlHajj.
* Sabians = Rejecters of the commonly followed religion and who follow another religion. When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him, first met the Angel
Gabriel, the Prophet went home shaking. His wife Khadija went to her cousin 'Waraqa Bin Noofel' for advice.
'Waraqa' was a monotheist - a worshipper of Allah as the One and Only God, (= Hanafi) on the religion of Abraham.
He gave her the good news that Muhammad is a Prophet as was announced in the early Scriptures (of Noah
and Abraham). To differentiate them from Christians and Jews, pagan Arabs then called such people 'sabi'een'.
** Magians: Adherents of Mazdaism. They are the worshippers of fire. Their religion is based on light and
darkness. This religion started in Persia.
*** Worshippers of: Idols - self - other people - heroes - nature forces etc.; Worshipping (regarding
with great respect and devotion) anybody or anything
other than Allah alone.
Words: Amanou = Believed in Allah (Muslims), Hadou = Those who became Jews, Sabi'een =
Converters from one religion to another, Nasara = Christians - Supporters of Jesus peace be upon
him, Majous = Magians, Yafsul = Judges, Bayn = Among, Kul = Every, Shaye' =
Thing, Shaheed = Witness.
Q: Were the communities of the past that Allah destroyed powerful ones?
A: So have they not travelled through the land so that they see how the ending was of those who were before
them; They were more than them and mightier in power and in monuments (marks) on earth but what they were
accomplishing was of no use to them;
So when Our (Allah's) messengers came to them with the Clear
Signs they became arrogantly glad (= farihou) with what they had from the knowledge (theirs and their
forefathers') so disaster afflicted them for what they were mocking;
So when they saw Our (Allah's) Might (their punishment in life) they said we believe in Allah Alone and we reject as
lies what partners we were joinging with Him; But
their belief* was of no use to them when they saw Our Might - (that is) Allah's Way (of dealing) that is from the
past (= Khalat) with His servants and there and then the rejecters of Faith lost.
Translation of: Ayat 82 - 85, Surat Ghafir. (40:82-85)
* Too late to believe in Allah as the One and Only God when Allah's Wrath descends. (refer to Surat Yunus)
Words: Yaseerou = Have travelled - Have walked, Fi AlArdh = Through the land, Ashad = Mightier, Aasthar = Monuments - Marks -
Traces, Yaksiboun = Accomplishing - Earning of deeds, Farihou = Became arrogantly glad, Haaqa =
Punishment afflicted, Yastahze'oun = Were mocking -
Ridiculing, Mushrikeen = Partners we were joining, Yanfe' = Be of use, Sunnat = Way,
Qed Khalat = That is from the past, Hunalika = There and then, Khasira = Lost.
Q: What was the real reason behind drowning the disbelievers at the time of Prophet Noah?
A: Noah (Prophet)* said my God indeed they (my people) have disobeyed me and they followed the
one whose wealth and offspring did not increase for him but loss; And they plotted a very great plot (= Makran); And
they said do not leave alone your gods and goddesses and neither leave alone 'Wadd', 'Suwa' nor Yaghusth, Ya'uq, or Nasr**; And they
had misled a lot (Noah prays to Allah) and do not increase for the transgressors but straying away (from the Truth); (Allah says)
Because of their sins they were
drowned then they were admitted into Fire*** so they did not find for them other than Allah any
supporters; And Noah said my God do not leave on earth from the disbelievers any
inhabitant;**** If you leave them they will misguide your servants and they will not
breed except one who leads a dissolute life (lacking restraint), a disbeliever (ungrateful to Allah); My God grant forgiveness to me and
my parents and whoever enters my house as a believer (= Mo'minan*****) and to the male believers and the
female believers and do not increase for the transgressors but destruction.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 28, Surat Noah. (71:21-28)
* Refer no. 3 'Noah' on the Prophets' Map.
** Names of idols which Noah's people worshipped. Then Arabs in and around the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen kept on worshipping
them over many generations.
*** Remember the punishment of Pharaoh in the grave. (refer to Surat Ghafir).
**** Cut the roots of sins.
***** Mo'min is a Muslim (submitting in worship to Allah Alone) - 'Mo'min' from Iman.
Note: Remember Prophets worried against making sins. Prophet
Noah will worry on
the Day of Judgement because he prayed to Allah against his people. Allah says that they were drowned not because of Noah's prayer.
Words: Assauni = They disobeyed me, Ittaba'ou = They followed, Lem Yazid = Did not increase, Mal =
wealth, Walad = Offspring - Sons, Tathar = Leave alone, Aalihatakum = Your gods and goddesses,
Adhallou = They misguided - They misled, Khatee'atihim = Their sins - Their wrongdoing, Ugriqhou = Were drowned, Udkhilou =
Were admitted, Dayyara = Inhabitant - Living in a house (dar), Yalidou = Breed - Give birth, Fajiran = Who leads
a dissolute life (lacking restraint) - Immoral, Kaffara = Too much ungrateful - Too much of a disbeliever, AlDhalimeen = The transgressors, Tabara = Destruction.
Q: The land that is called Israel and is known to the Arabs as Palestine*, who blessed it and why?
A: We (Allah) said: O Fire! Be cool and safe for Abraham (Ibraheem)
. And they conspired against
him so We made them the greater in loss. And We saved him and Lut (prophet) to the land* that We
had blessed it for the inhabitants of the world.
Translation of: Ayat 69 - 71, Surat AlAnbiya'.
Words: Nar = Fire, Kouni = Be, Berd = Cool, Salam =Safe, Arada Kayd = He conspired -
Plotted, Baaraka = Blessed.
A: And when Moses (Prophet Moosa) said to his people
O people remember Allah's Blessing upon you (plural) for He made among you prophets and made you kings and He provided you with what He did not provide any of the
inhabitants of the worlds. O my people enter the sacred land which Allah wrote it
(destined) for you and do not turn back then you will become losers;
They (Beni Israel) said O Moses indeed in it are tyrant
people* (= jabbareen) and
we are not going to enter it until they go out of it and then we will be entering; Two men from those
who fear the (loss of the) Blessings of Allah upon them said enter upon them from the gate and when you
have entered then you are going to be winners and upon Allah put your trust if you were believers; They
said O Moses indeed we are never going to enter it as long as they are in so go and fight with your God for
we are here sitting; He (Moses) said O my God For I do not have but myself and my brother so divide
between us and the people who sinfully stray away (from Allah's Path); He (Allah) said then it (land of Palestine known as Israel) is forbidden upon
them (they cannot attain it) for forty years - they will get lost in the land (land near
the Sacred Land) so do not grieve upon the people who sinfully stray away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 26, Surat AlMa'idah.
* According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, Egypt's ex-mufti in "Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an" page 147: The tyrant people who were giant people in the
Holy Land (Palestine known now as Israel) were the remnants of the people of 'Aad' - ancient extinct Arabs). Refer to
the Prophets' Map for Prophet 'Hud' number 4. More details about the remnants of 'Aad'.
Words: Anbiya' = Prophets, Ni'mat = Blessing, Molouk = Kings, Udkhulou =
Enter, Jabbareen = Tyrant - Giant - Gigantic,
Ghalib = Winner, Tawakkal = Depend, Amlik = Have, Ufruq = Divide, Muharramah = Forbidden,
Arba'een = Forty, Fasiqeen = People who sinfully strayed away from Allah's Path - Sinning people.
A: And to Solomon (Prophet Suleiman) the wind violently blowing under his command to the land* that We
(Allah) had blessed it and We were of everything All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 81, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* According to the Qur'an Translator Abdullah Yusuf Ali: Solomon's
capital was in Palestine though his influence extended for the north of Syria.
Words: Reeh = Wind, Asifah Tajri = Violently blowing, Amr =Command.
A: And We made the son of Mary (Maryam) and his mother a Miraculous Sign (= Ayah*) and
We gave them both shelter on a high ground** with a staying place (with a palm tree) and flowing water.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:50)
* Virgin birth of Jesus" peace be upon him. (refer to Surat Maryam)
** Most probably referred to a high ground in Palestine (Israel).
Words: Ibn = Son, Ayah = A Miraculous Sign, Rabwah = High ground - Hill, That Qarar = With a staying place - With settlement, Ma'een =
Flowing water - Spring.
Q: Why do not a lot of humans acknowledge the truth when they see it? Are they just followers who do not
use their own brains?
A: And We (Allah) sent Moses (Prophet Moosa) with Our Signs (Miracles) to Pharaoh (Phiroun) and his assembly so he said indeed I am
a messenger from the God of the inhabitants of the world; So when he brought them Our Miraculous Signs (Miracles) suddenly they were laughing at them;
And no Miraculous Sign We showed them except that it was greater than its sister (previous one) and We overtook them
by punishment so that they might return (to Allah); And they said O magician pray to your God for us according to
what He entrusted you with indeed we are going certainly to be
guided (to Allah's Path); So when We removed from them the punishment suddenly they broke their word.
Translation of: Ayat 46 - 50, Surat AlZukhruf.
Words: Mala' = Assembly = Yadhhak = Laughs, Nuri = We show, Ayah = Miraculous Sign - Miracle, Akbar = Greater,
Ukht = Sister, Sahir = Magician, Ahida = Entrusted, Kashafa = Removed,
Yankuthoun = Broke their word.
Q: What type of life can Allah give a disbelieving community who becomes a believing one?
A: And only if there were a town that believed (before its punishment) so that its faith was of use to it
! Except
the people of Jonah (Prophet Yunus) when they believed We (Allah) removed from them the humiliation punishment in this
Life and We gave them to enjoy for a period of time.
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat Yunus.
Words: Aamanat = Believed, Nafa' = Was of use, Qawm = People, Kashafa = Removed, Matta' = Gave to
enjoy, Heen = A period of time.
Q: What is pre-written in Allah's Permanent Record?
Note: Allah's Wrath. Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 56-57 in Surat AlIsra'.
A: And there is no community (= Qaryatin) except that We (Allah) are destroying it before the Day of Judgment or (at least)
punishing it a severe punishment - that in the Record* was written.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel). (17:58)
* Allah's Record in the Heaven which contains what Allah had predestined. It is called the Explicit (fully
developed - Unmistakable) Record or Book (AlKitab AlMubeen).
Words: Qaryatin = Community - Population, Nahnu = We, Muhlikouha = Destroying it, Muathibibouha =
Punishing it, Shadeeda = Severe, AlKitab = The Record - Book, Mastoora = Written - Listed.
Q: Which king was given wisdom without being a prophet and what are the spiritual lessons from his expeditions?
A: And they ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about the Two-Horned one (= Thi AlQarnain)* say I will recite a reminder
of him; Indeed We (Allah) made him influential (powerful) on earth and We gave him to (achieve)
everything the means (a way); So he followed a way; Until he reached the place of the sun setting** he found it setting in
a muddy spring (water) and he found a people there - We (Allah) said O the Two-Horned one either you punish (them) or
you treat them with kindness (your choice); He said as for the one who transgressed so we will punish him then
he will return to his God so He will punish him a severe punishment; And as for who believed (in Allah) and
did righteous deeds then for him is the reward of Paradise (in the Other World = AlHusna) and we from us will be lenient
(easy going) with him; Then he followed a (another) way; Until he reached (the East) the place of the sun rising - he
found it rising upon a people We (Allah) did not provide for them a shelter against it (sun); So it was (he
left them alone***) - and We (Allah) had already knowledge of what he had.
Translation of: Ayat 83 - 91, Surat AlKahf. (18:83-91)
* Who was 'Thou AlQarnain or Thi AlQarnain = The two-horned one*'?
Popular opinion identifies 'Zul-Qarnain' with 'Alexander the Great'. An alternative suggestion is an ancient Persian King or a prehistoric
Himyarite King.
** If he is 'Alexander the Great' the reference to the "west" is understood to be to Lychnitis (now Ochrida) west
of Macedonia. About his expedition to the east. Rising of the sun has a meaning corresponding to "setting of the sun". Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation, based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
p. 845-846.
According to www.Wikipedia.org 'Alexander the Great' was an ancient Greek King of Macedonia (336 - 323 B.C.). He was one
of the most
successful military commanders of all time and is presumed undefeated in battle. By the time of his death,
he had conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks.
*** They were a primitive people. He did not fuss over their primitiveness but left them in their own way. In this he was wise. 'Zul-Qarnain'
recognized his own limitations in the sight of Allah ... he will live and let live. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation, based on the translation
of "Abdullah Yusuf Ali", page 847.
Words: Thi AlQarnain = The two-Horned one, Atlou = I recite, Thikr = Reminder - Praise, Sabab =
Means - Way, Ettaba' = Followed, Makkanna = Made influential - Made powerful, Maghrib = Setting, Ain = Spring, Hami'ah
= Muddy - Murky, Nukr = Severe, AlHusna = Another name of Paradise, Yusr = Lenient - Easy, Matle' = Rising, Sitr = Shelter, Khubr
= Knowledge.
Q: Why did the green topography of South Arabia (Yemen) change into a desert biome?
Note: Topography = the configuration of a surface of a region.
A: Certainly there was for Saba'* in their dwelling places a MIRACULOUS SIGN (reminding of Allah's Attributes) - TWO GARDENS from
the right and the left - eat from the sustenance of your God and give thanks to Him - a good land and
a Most-Forgiving God; But they turned away (from Allah's Path) so We sent upon them the tremendous flood** and
We changed their two Gardens into two Gardens of bitter fruit and Tamarisks (deset shrubs) and some of Christ's
thorn (throny shrubs) - that is how We (Allah) punished them for being ungrateful and do We punish (anyone)
except the ungrateful (disbeliever); And
We made between them (between Saba') and the towns that We sent Our blessings*** in, towns in sight
of one another and We made in due proportion among them (towns) the walking distance - Walk (travel) among them for (some) nights and
days in safety;
But they (ungrateful people of Saba') said our God make longer distances between our trips and they
transgressed against themselves (were ungrateful to Allah) so We Made them the talk of the town and We tore them up (scattered) -
the worst tearing up - for in that are certainly Miraculous Signs (Reminders) for every person who is patient (and) grateful; And Iblis
(Satan or Lucifer) made his opinion of them come true for they followed him except a group from the (true)
believers and he (Satan) had upon them no authority except (Allah allowed it) so that We (Allah) make known who
believes in the Other World from the one who from it is in doubt and your God upon everything is
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 21, Surat Saba'. (34:15-21)
* Saba', nowadays in Yemen, was also the prosperous town of Queen of Sheba (= Queen Bilqis in Islam),
who became Muslim when King Solomon invited her to
Islam. According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the famous translator of the Qur'an, the events in the Qur'anic Lines translated here, are
referred to a time long after Queen Sheba, around 120 A.D., though some authorities put it much later.
According to Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf, the famous scholar of Islam (ex-Mufti) of Egypt, the town of
Saba' was named after its first Arab king Saba' Bin Yashjab Bin Ya'rab Bin Qahtan Bin Hood. He had ten boys who
were the heads of ten tribes. After the
flood six thought of the flood as a good sign: AlAzd, Kindah, Mathhij, AlAsharyoun, Anmar and Himyar (also known as Saba'). And four of
them thought of the flood as a bad omen: Amilah, Ghassan, Lakhm and Jutham. So they scattered. It is said that
Ghassan went to Bilad AlSham (nowadays Syria and its surrounding countries "Modern day Syria - Israel -
Lebanon and Jordan). AlAws and Alkhazraj went to AlMadinah (in
Saudi Arabia), AlAzd went to Oman (on the Arabian Gulf) and Khuzaah went to Tahamah (in Saudi Arabia) and Al
Khazeemah went to Iraq.
** People of Saba' had a huge dam called "Maarib" whose destruction caused a flood. The French traveller T. J. Arnaud saw the twon and ruins of the Dam of Maarib in 1843. The dam as
measured by Arnaud was two miles long and 120 ft high. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary. King Fahd Holy Qur'an
Printing Complex. 2092p. (Based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali), page 1279.
*** Towns of the other prophets in the land of AlSham (now known as Syria and its surrounding lands).
Words: Masakin = Dwelling places, Ayah = Miraculous Sign - Miracle, Jannatan = Two Gardens, Yameen =
Right, Shimal = Left, Kulu = Eat, Rizq = Sustenance, Ushkur = Be grateful, Baldah = Land, Tayyebah
= Good, Rub = God, FaA'radou = So they turned away, Sayl = Flood, AlAram = Tremendous,
Thawatay = Of - Having (for two), Ukl Khamt = Bitter fruit, Asthl = Tamarisks, Sidr = Christ's Thron - Lote trees, Kafour = Ungrateful, Qura = Towns,
Dhahirah = In sight of, Qaddarna = We made in due proportion - We measured, Sayr = Journey, Baaid = Make longer distances, Asfar
= Trip, Ahadees(th) = Talk of the town, Mazzaqnahum = We tore them up - We made them scattered, Shar = the worst, Saddaqa =
Made come true, Dhan = Opinion, Sultan = Authority, Na'lam = We make known - We mark, Yu'min = Believes, Shak =
Q: How does the mere existence of human communities depend on Allah?
A: If He (Allah) wills - He will remove you, O community of people! And He will replace you with others
and Allah upon that is Capable
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Yashaa' = Wills - Wants, Yuthhib = Removes, Nas = Community of
people - People, Ya'ti =
Replaces, Akhereen = Others, Qadeer = Capable.
Q: Relatively speaking is the average human lifespan considered a long life?
(This note was added in 2009): We are in the year 2009 CE. According to Allah it has been only around two days. Line 47 in Chapter AlHajj in the Qur'an is translated "--- And a day according to your God is similar to one thousand years
from what you count!"
A: The Day (of Judgment) when He (Allah) calls you (resurrection) so you will answer with Words of His Praise
and you will think that you stayed (on earth) only a little*.
Translation of: Ayah 52, Surat AlIsra' called also Surat "Beni Israel". (17:52)
Note: See how time flies nowadays as if human time nowadays lacks blessing. We are in July and as if only yesterday the celebrations of January took place in many countries.
Words: Yawma = The day, Yadou = Calls you, Tastajeeb = You answer,
BiHamdihi = With words of His Praise, Yadhun = You think, Labisthtum = You stayed, Qaleelan = A little.
Q: Why doesn't Allah simply for people getting abundant sustenance?
A: And if Allah simplified for His servants (humanity) getting abundant sustenance they will certainly
wrong (transgress) on earth but He sends down with due measurement whatever He pleases for with His
servants He is Well-Acquainted, Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 27, Surat AlShoura.
Words: Basata AlRizq = Simplified getting abundant sustenance, Ibad = Servants,
LaBaghou = They will certainly wrong, Yunazzil = Sends down, BiQadar = With due measurement,
Khabeer = Well-Acquainted - Expert, Baseer = Watchful - All-Seeing.
Q: In Life will any major catastophe such as a nuclear one bring all human life to an end?
A: Allah - there is no God except He - He is certainly going to accumulate* you as far as the Day of
Judgment in
which there is no doubt and Who is More Truthful than Allah in speech!**.
Translation of: Ayah 87, Surat AlNisa'.
* individual humans are parts in one whole called humanity.
** A Waking Call to all who contemplate to find the Truth.
Words: LaYajme'anakum = Is certainly going to gather you together, La Rayba = There is no doubt, Asdaq = More truthful, Min =
From, Hadeesthan = In speech.
Q: Whom did the majority of human ancestors choose to support: Allah or Satan?
Note: Remember the challenge between Allah and Satan.
A: And if only there were from the generations before you men of virtue prohibiting corruption
on earth! Except some from whom We (Allah) saved (during Noah's Flood) and
those who transgressed followed what luxurious life they were in and they were sinners.
Translation of: Ayah 116, Surat Hood.
Words: Law La = If only, Quroun = Generations, Qabl = Before, Olou
Baqiyyah = Men of
virtue - Men of righteousness, Yanhoun = Prohibit, Fasad = Corruption, Illa = Except, Qaleelan = Some,
Anja = Saved, Ettabba' = Followed, Utrifou = Luxurious life, Fihia = In it, Mujrim =
Q: What connects humanity?
A: For Allah did choose Adam* and Noah and the Family of Abraham (Ibraheem) and the Family of Imran above
all people; (Humanity) an offspring - one of the other and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 34, Surat AlImran.
Note: See the Prophets' Map.
* Adam peace be upon him was the first man created. He was not with firm will for he disobeyed Allah when
he became weak and listened to the whisper of Satan and ate from the forbidden tree. Adam is a messenger
of Allah and was cast to earth with the Message of
worshipping Allah.
Line 115 in Chapter 'Taha' in the Qur'an is
translated: "And We had entrusted Adam from before but he forgot and
We (Allah) did not find him with firm will."
Words: Estafa = Chose, Alameen = People - Inhabitants of the world, Thuriyyah =
Offspring, Ba'dhuha Min Bu'dh = One of the other.
Q: A moment of truth: Generally speaking is humanity fair (just) in its relationship with Allah?
A: And Your God is certainly the Holder of grace (favour) upon people yet most of them are ungrateful.
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat AlNaml.
Words: Inna = Certainly, Thou Fadhl = Holder of grace, Ala = Upon, Nas =
People, Akstharahum = Most of them, La Yashkuroun = Are ungrateful.
Q: Countries claim parts of the earth. Who claims the whole earth?
A: O My servants who have faith! For My (Allah's) earth is spacious
and Me (alone) then do worship.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlAnkaboot.
Note: According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the famous Qur'an translator: There is no excuse for anyone to plead that he could not do good or
was forced to evil by his circumstances and surroundings or by the fact that he lived in evil times ... We must be
prepared for exile or immigration.
Words: Ibad = Servants, Ardh = Earth, Wasiah = Spacious, FaIyyaya = Then Me,
Fa'bdoun = Then do worship
Q: What characterized the consctruction industry of the ancient civilizations?
A: Have you (command to Prophet Muhammad) not considered what Allah did to 'Aad'*; 'Iram" (Aad's main tribe) of the (lofty)
poles (in buildings); the one (Iram) that none was created like it in the land;
And Sthamud who brought the rocks (from mountains for buildings) in the valley; And
Pharaoh (= Phiroun) of the pegs (in buildings); Who transgressed in the land; So they increased in it
corruption; So your God cast upon them (all) a whip of punishment (in this life); For your God is certainly
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 14, Surat AlFajr. (89:6-14)
* Aad an ancient disbelieving Arab nation known to be giants and
to whom the Prophet Hood was sent. They lived originally in Yemen.
Words: Kayfa = How, Fa'ala = Did, Imad = Poles - Pillars, Jabaou AlSakhr
= They brought the rocks - Carved the rocks, Thi AlAwtad = Of the poles, Taghou = Transgressed
(plural), Bilad = Land, Akstharau = Increased, Fasad = Corruption, Sabba = Cast,
Sawt Athab = Whip of punishment - Lash of punishment, BilMirsad = Watchful.
Q: In the beginning was humanity a believing or a disbelieving nation?
Why did Allah send the Scripture (of Jews, Christians and Muslims) whose Origin is kept with Allah?
A: Humanity was one nation (believing)* so Allah sent prophets** bringing the good news (of Paradise) and warning
(of Hell) and He sent with them the Scripture with Truth to judge among people in what they
disagreed in and nobody disagreed in it (Scripture) except who (Jews and Christians) received it
(the Scripture), after
the clear Signs (of Allah) reached them, in transgression against one another (because of rivalry) so Allah
guided those who
believed (Muslims) for what Truth they disagreed in***, with His permission and Allah guides whoever He wills to a
Straight Path (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 213, Surat AlBaqarah.
* Humanity started with Adam. Adam is considered the first messenger with Allah's Message to his offspring.
** "And We (Allah) were not going to punish until We send a prophet" Translation of Line 15 in
Chapter AlIsra' in the Qur'an.
*** In the abridged edition of "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer (died 774 Hijri)": The Prophet Noah was sent to humanity
when they started to partner with Allah by worshipping idols. 100 centuries was the time between
Adam and Noah. Allah sent down The Scripture. They disagreed in it. They disagreed in Friday
to which Muslims were guided. They disagreed in the Direction of Prayer, Muslims were guided to AlKa'bah.
They disagreed in Prayer, Fasting, Abraham (Ibraheem) and Jesus (Issa). Muslims were guided in each.
Words: Nas = Humanity, Ummah = Nation, Bastha = Sent, Yakum =
Judges, Ekhtalafou = They disagreed, Atou = Were given, Baghyan = In transgression, Hada
= Guided.
Q: What is the worth of the life of this world to Allah?
A: And the Life of this World is not but a pastime and a distraction (for humans) and certainly the Other World is better
for those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah) so would you not come to realize.
Translation of: Ayah 32, Surat AlAn'am.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: If the life of this world was
worth a wing of a mosquito (trivial) to Allah no disbeliever would have had a sip of water from it.
Words: AlHayat AlDunya = The Life of this World, La'ib = Pastime - Play, Lahou
= Distraction, WelDar AlAkhirah = And certainly the Other World, Khair = Better, Yataqoun = Protect
themselves by fearing Allah - God-fearing, Afala =
Would you not, Ta'qiloun = Come to Realize (plural) - Use your brains - Understand.
Q: Why does not Allah guide all humanity without exception towards Him?
A: And if We (Allah) had so willed We certainly would have given every soul its Right Guidance but
the Word of Mine had to be fulfilled for certainly I will fill Hell* with Jinn and humans
Translation of: Ayah 13, Surat AlSajdah. 32:13)
* Remember how Satan dared to challenge Allah. (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Law = If, Shi'na = We had so willed, Atayna = We would have given, Nafs = Soul,
Hudaha = Its Right Guidance, Haqqa = Had to be fulfilled - Had to come true, Qawl = Word, Amla'nna = I will certainly
I will certainly fill, Jinnah = Jinn, Nas = Humans, Ajma'een = Altogether.
Q: According to Allah why is the majority of human species in loss?
A: (Allah swears) By the afternoon*; For man is in loss (against Allah) ; Except those who had faith
and did the righteous deeds and they urged one another of Truth (justice) and they urged one another of
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 3, Surat AlAsr.
* What Allah swears by should be a focal point for contemplation because Allah singles it out. The afternoon
prayer is called the middle prayer (=AlSalat AlWusta). In a summary of a saying by the Prophet
Muhammad: Angels around you take turns in the night and the morning. Yet they become tighter in the dawn
prayer and the afternoon prayer. When the angels rise up to the Heaven they will be asked by Allah who
knows better: How did you leave My servants? So they say: We (one group) left them praying and we (another
group) reached them praying. Narrated in Allou'lou' WalMarjan (see the Reference page). Note: The Qur'an
includes a full Surah (Chapter) entitled "The Dawn = AlFajr".
Words: Asr = Afternoon, Insan = man - human being, Khusr =
Loss, Tawasaw = Urged one another, BilHaq = Of Truth, BilSabr = Of patience.
Q: Why should people have peace of mind when trying to get sustenance and wealth?
Hint: Sustenance is predestined for each person. Each will get what Allah has written for him.
A: Allah is Who created you then gave you sustenance then He
makes you dead then He makes you alive (on Day of Judgment) - Is there any from your partners (with Allah)
who does any of those - Glory is to Him and Sublime is He above what they
join as partners (with Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlRoum.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, narrated by Abdullah Bin
Masoud: Each person's creation starts inside his mother's womb in 40 days. then he becomes into blood
clot like that then he becomes into (fetus) lump like that, then Allah sends an angel and he is
commanded by four commands: Write his work (in life), his sustenance, his death time, and wether miserable (shaqi)
or fortunate (saeed), then the soul is blown into him. Source: "The Chapter of Fate" in AlLou'lou' walMarjan
feema etafaqqa alayhi alSheikhan AlBukhari waMuslim (in Arabic), page 583.
Note: The steps involved in Allah's creation of man according to the Qur'an.
Words: Khalaqa = Created, Razaqa = Gave sustenance, Yumeet = Makes
dead, Yuhye = Makes alive, Shurakaikum = Your partners (with Allah), Yagel = Does,
Min thalikum = From those, Yushrikoun = Join as partners (with Allah).
Q: What did Allah pre decree for humanity on the Day of Judgment?
A: And there is none of you (all humanity) but reaching (entering) it (Hell)* - This is upon your
God pre-decreed (command) that must be fulfilled. Then We (Allah) will save those who protected themselves by
fearing Allah and We leave the transgressors in it on their knees (humiliated).
Translation of: Ayat 71 - 72, Surat Maryam.
* Hell is a dwelling place with a blazing fire and other forms of punishment such as "Woe that Day to the
disbelievers; Go ahead to what you were rejecting as false; Go ahead to
a shadow of three divisions; Not shady nor does it protect from the flame; It (Hell) throws about sparks (huge) as
logs (huge wood pieces); As if they were (a string of) yellow camels." Translation of line 28 - 33 in Chapter
AlMursalat in the Qur'an.
Note: In a summary of a saying by the Prophet Muhammad: No righteous person
neither an openly sinner person will but enter it (Hell). Then it will cool and peaceful for the
believer as it was on the Prophet Abraham, to the extent that Fire will have a noise from their
being cooled. Then Allah will save those who feared Allah and leave the transgressors on their
knees there. Source: Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Kastheer (in Arabic).
Words: Illa = But - Except, Warid = Reaching - Entering, Hatman =
Must be fulfilled, Maqdheya = Pre-decreed, Nunaji = We will
save, Etaqou = Protected themselves by fearing Allah, Nathar = We leave, Jisthiya = On their
Q: Who is the winner on the Day of Judgment?
A: Every soul will taste death and indeed you are (plural) going to be paid your dues on
the Day of Judgment so whoever is moved away from Fire and is admitted to Paradise so he has won and the
life of this world is not except the pleasure of deception.
Translation of: Ayah 185, Surat AlImran.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The place of (just) a whip in
Paradise is better than the world and what it contains.
Words: Kulu = Every soul, Thaiqah = Will taste death, Tuwaffa = Paid,
Ujour = Dues, Zuhziha = Is moved, Udkhila = Is admitted, Faz = Has succeeded, Mata'
= Pleasure, Ghurour = Deception.
Q: How does Allah test the Faith of humans?
A: Every soul will taste death and We (Allah) put you to the test with misfortune (bad things in life) and fortune (good
things) as a way of subjecting you to trial (Satan's temptations) and to Us you are coming back.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21:35)
Words: Nabloukum = We put you to the test , BilShar = With misfortune - Misery - Badness, Khair = Fortune -
Goodness - What is good, Fitnatan = As a way of subjecting you to trial (Satan's temptations), Ilayna = To us, Turjaoun = You are coming back.
Q: Why should a community living in peace like "Quraish" the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad
worship Allah?
A: (Consider) Definitely the acquaintance of Quraish; Their acquaintance with the journey* of
winter and of summer; So they should better worship the God of this House (in
Mecca); Who (Allah) gave them food against hunger and made them secure
against fear.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat Quraish.
* Quraish in Mecca was the custodian of the House that the Prophet Abraham with his son Ishmael (Ismaeel) built to worship
Allah. Therefore Quraish was in a state of peaceful agreement with the other Arabian tribes in Arabia who visited
Mecca for pilgrimage. The peaceful situation of Quraish facilitated its (trade) journey to AlYemen in winter
and AlSham (Syria and its surrounding areas then) in summer.
Words: La = Definitely, Iylaf = Acquaintance - Familiarity - Agreement, Rihlat
AlShita' WalSayf = The journey of winter and of summer, FelYa'budou = Then they should better
worship, Bayt = House, Atama = Gave food, Jou' = Hunger, Amana = Made secure, Khawf =
Q: Is wealth distributed among humans by Allah according to whom Allah loves or does not love?
A: And as for the human being when his God puts him to the Test so He honours him and
makes him live in comfort then he says my God has honoured me; But when He puts him to the test so
He restricts his sustenance then he says my God has humiliated me; By no means! (both previous expressions are
wrong) Rather you do not honour the orphans; And you do not urge one another for feeding the poor; And you
devour the inheritance a complete devouring; And you love wealth - too much love.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 20, Surat AlFajr. (89:15-20)
Words: Ibtalahu = Put him to the Test, FaAkramahu = So He honours him, Na'amahu =
Made him live in comfort, FaQadara =
So He Restricts, Kalla = By no means - No indeed - Certainly not, Bel = Rather - But, AlYateem = The Orphans, AlMiskeen = The Poor, AlTurasth = The inheritance,
Lamma = Complete - Collective,
Maal = Wealth, Hubban = Love, Jammma = Too much.
Q: What three means of learning did Allah teach man?
A: Read in the name of your God who created; Created man from a blood clot*; Read and your
God is The Most Bountiful; who taught by means of writing; He taught man what he did not know
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlAlaq.
Note: This is the first Surah (chapter) of the Qur'an that the Angel Gabriel (= Jibreel) came down with
for the Prophet Muhammad to recite.
* A blood clot is the step in creation before the fetus lump.
Words: Eqra' = Read, Khalaqa = Created, Alaq = Blood clot, AlAkram = The Most
Bountiful, Allama = Taught, BilQalam = By means of writing, Lem Ya'lam = Did not know.
Q: When will humans witness the Greatest Terror ever? What are they preparing to combat it?
A: Certainly those for whom it has been pre-decreed from Us (Allah) the Happy ending (in Paradise) - those
from it (Hell) are kept away; They do not hear its hissing (sound of Blazing Fire) and they in what their
souls desire are remaining for eternity; The Greatest Terror* (of Day of Judgment) does not cause them grief and the
angels will meet them (saying): This is your day that you were promised.
Translation of: Ayat 101 - 103, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* The Day of Judgment is an extremely long, frightening and exhausting Day which starts with a shocking Trumpet
sounding: "The angels and The Spirit (Gabriel)
ascend towards Him (Allah) in a Day (of Judgment) which equals fifty thousand years." Translation of Line 4
in Chapter AlMa'arij in the Qur'an.
Words: Sabaqat = Pre-decreed, Husna = Happy ending, Mub'edoun = Are kept away,
Yasme' = Hears, Hasees = Hissing, Ma Eshtahat = What desire, Faze' = Terror, AlAkber =
The Greatest, Yahzun = Cause grief, Tatalaqa = Meet, Kuntum Touadoun = Were Promised.
Q: All messengers from Allah were sent with one Message: No partner in any form with the One God. Nowadays
people of different religions acknowledge the One God yet many of them pray to Him through partners. What is Allah's
A: And set a parable (moral lesson) for them of the companions of the town when the messengers (from Allah) reached them;
Indeed We (Allah) sent them two (messengers) but they denied them as liars so We enforced them with a third so they
said we are indeed sent to you; They said you are only humans like us and the Most Merciful*
(Allah) did not send anything really you are lying; They said our God knows that we are to you certainly sent; And nothing
is incumbent (duty) upon us except the clear delivery of the Message; They said indeed we regard you as an
evil omen and if you do not cease we will stone you and you will be certainly inflicted by us with a painful punishment;
They said your evil omen will be with yourselves for being reminded (of Allah and rejecting) rather you are
a transgressing people (against Allah);
And a man came running from the outskirts of the city (and) he
said O my people follow the messengers; Follow who does not ask you for a payment and they are rightly guided; And
WHY SHOULD I NOT WORSHIP WHO CREATED ME and to Him you are (all) returning; Am I going to take other than
Him gods - if the Most-Merciful wants to harm me their intercession will be of no use to me and they will not
save me; Indeed then I will be certainly in unmistakable straying away; Indeed I have believed in your God (Allah)
so do listen to me; It was said (by angels) enter the Garden (Paradise)** he said I wish my people know; About
what Allah forgave me and He made me from the honored; And We did not send to his people after him any
soldiers*** (angels) from the Heaven and We were not going to send down; Only it was one scream**** (blast) and they were
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 29, Surat YaSeen. (36:13-29)
* They were polytheists who joined partners with Allah.
** He was killed. His soul was allowed to roam in Paradise like the souls of the martyrs. Source: Ex-Mufti of
Egypt: Hassanain Mohammad Makhlouf's "Safwat AlBayan lima'ani AlQuran."
*** Angels are called in the Qur'an the soldiers of Allah and they are sent down on different errands. The people
of the town wanted angels as messengers. Allah answered them.
**** Remember Angel Gabriel's scream that destroyed the People 'Sthamud' of
Prophet Saleh - a well-established old nation. (under who are the angels?)
Note: The Prophet Muhammad said that Surat YaSeen is considered the Heart of the Qur'an.
Words: Edhreb Masthal = Set a parable to them - Give an example, As'hab = Companions, AlQaryah =
The town - The community, Mursaloon = Messengers, Esthnayn = Two, Azzazna = We enforced, Sthalisth =
Third, Takthib = Lying, Balagh = Delivery of the Message, Mubeen = Clear, Tatayerna BiKum =
We regard you as an evil omen, Narjum = We stone, Yamasanakum = Will be inflicted, Aqsa =
Outskirts - Faraway, Ettab' = Follow, Fatara = Created, Dhur = Harm, Shafa'ah =
Intercession, Mukrameen = from the Honored, Jund = Soldiers, Ma Kunna Munzileen = We were not going to
send down, Sayha = Scream - blast, Khamid = Lifeless.
Q: The Qur'an uses the terms "messengers" and "prophets" of Allah to mean the chosen men whom
Allah sent with His Message. Every messenger (= rasoul) (with Law or a Scripture from Allah) was also a prophet
(= nabi)
who received inspiration from Allah but not every prophet was a messenger. Muslims believe in all of
Allah's messengers and prophets. What are the examples from the Qur'an?
A: And mention (command to Prophet Muhammad) in the Scripture (Qur'an) Moses* (Moosa) for he was specially
chosen and he was a messenger (rasoulan), a prophet (nabiya); And We (Allah) called him from the Right Side of the
Mount (Sinai) and We made him draw near to Us for a secret talk; And We (Allah) granted him (Moses) from OUR MERCY** his brother Aaron
(Haroon) a prophet (nabiya);
And mention in the Scripture (Qur'an) Ishmael*** (Ismaeel) for he was keeping his
promise (trustworthy) and he was a messenger (rasoulan), a prophet (nabiya); And he was commanding his family to
perform the prayer and to give the mandatory charity (Zakat) and he was in the view of his God favourable.
Translation of: Ayat 51 - 55, Surat Maryam. (19:51-55)
* Moses was a prophet (nabi) in that he received inspiration (= Wahi) and he was
a messenger (rasoul) in that he was especially chosen and had a Book of Revelation and an ummah or organized community for which he instituted laws. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English translation of the
meanings and commentary based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 866.
** What did Prophet Moses supplicate to Allah about his brother Aaron (Haroon)? (refer to Surat Taha)
*** Prophet Ishmael (no. 8 on the map) is the forefather of Prophet Muhammad.
Important Note: Prophet Muhammad was Allah's last messenger and Allah's last prophet. (refer to Surat AlAhzab).
Words: Uthkur = Mention, AlKitab = The Scripture - The Holy Book, , Mukhlasan =
especially chosen, Nadayna = We called, Qarrabnahu = We made him draw near, Najjiya = For a secret
talk, Sadiq AlWa'd = was keeping his promise, Rasoul = Messenger, Nabiya = Prophet, Kana Ya'mur = Was commanding,
Ahlahu = His family, Mardhiya = Favorable - Pleasing.
Q: Why did Allah send messengers (= rusul) to mankind?
Hint: Allah's justice.
A: And messengers We (Allah) narrated upon you their stories before and messengers We did not narrate
their stories to you and Allah talked to Moses with a direct talk (not through the angel); Messengers
bringing the good news (about Paradise) and warning (against Hellfire) so that mankind does not have
before Allah any pretext after the messengers and Allah is AlMighty, All-Wise.
Translation of: Ayat 164 - 165, Surat AlNisa'.
Words: Rusul = Messengers, Qasasnahum = We narrated them, Kallama = Talked,
Takleema = With a direct talk, Hujjah = Pretext - Excuse.
Q: Is the majority of humanity believers in Allah?
Hint: People who do not know Allah's true worth say to Muslims that their head god is what Muslims call
Allah. See Allah's answer here.
A: And if you (command to Prophet Muhammad) obey most of those who are on earth they will mislead you away
from Allah's Path for they only follow guessing (about Allah) and they are certainly only fabricating lies.
Translation of: Ayah 116, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Tute' = You obey, Aksthar = Most, Man Fi AlArdh = Those who are on earth,
Yudhil = Misleads, Sabeel = Path, Yattabe'oun AlThann = They follow guessing,
Yakhrosoun = Fabricating lies - Telling falsehood.
Q: The People to whom the Prophet Lut was sent were homosexuals. Where is their location?
A Hint: For the archeologists.
A: And Lut was from those who were sent (by Allah); For We (Allah) saved him and all his family;
Except an old woman* became (dead) of the past people; Then We destroyed the others (there)**; And you (Arabs of
Arabia) certainly pass them*** (their sites) in the
morning; And at night so will you not come to realize.
Translation of: Ayat 133 - 138, Surat AlSaffat.(37:133-138)
* The wife of Lut was approving people's unnatural actions there.
** The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are called in the Qur'an in Chapter AlTawbah line
70 and Surat AlHaqqah line 9 "AlMou'tafikat = The cities overthrown".
*** Arabs of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (6th - 7th century C.E.) used to pass them in their
travels to the north. According to "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer" volume 4, page 60: Allah made their remaining
place a smelly and bad looking and tasting body of water (= buhairah).
Note: According to the Sheikh "Dr. Tareq Suwaidan" The Prophet Lut was a nephew of the
Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem). When Abraham had to leave Babylon (in Iraq now) he took Lut with him. Prophet
Lut was sent to the city of Sodom. The city was located on the
western shore of what is known now as the dead sea. Sodom was a commercial centre. Its people
were committing homosexuality openly. Dr. AlSuwaidan argues that homosexuality is an unnatural action. It is
not in the human genes as some people contend since homosexuals do not pass it on to their descendants. Also the people of Sodom were
famous for it and not the
people of other civilizations. Therefore homosexuality in history and in English dictionaries was first called
sodomy. Source: Stories of the Prophets, CD number 6. Also Dr. AlSwaidan adds that after the Prophet Lut Allah did not
send an immigrant prophet because Lut was helpless there. So Allah had to destroy those people.
Note: Homosexuality of the People of Lut.
Words: Mursaleen = Those who were sent, Najjayna = Saved, Ahl = Family,
Ajma'een = All, Ajouz = Old woman, Min AlGhabireen = Of the past people - Bygone, Dammarna =
We destroyed, Akhireen = The others, Tamuroun = You pass, Musbiheen = In the morning, Billayl = At night,
AfaLa Ta'qiloun = Will you not come to realize - not understand.
Q: Whose Offspring are the Children of Israel (Bani Israel)?
A: And We (Allah) gave Moses (Prophet Moosa) the Scripture and We made it a Right Guidance for Beni (Bene- Sons of) Israel - do
not take other than Me (Allah) a Protector (= Wakeela)*; (They are) The offspring of those whom We carried** (in the
Ark) with Noah for he was a thankful servant (of Allah).
Translation of:Ayat 2 - 3, Surat AlIsra' (known as Surat Beni Israel). (17:2-3)
* In the Commandments given to Prophet Moses: Thou shalt have no other gods before Mee; Thou shalt not make
unto thee any graven image...." Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them: For I the
Lord thy God am a jealous God....;" etc. (Exod. xx. 3-5). Source: The Holy Qur'an: English
translation of the meanings and Commentary based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page
** Remember only believers then were allowed to embark Noah's Ark. (refer to Surat AlShuara')
Note: According to "Tafaseer Ibn Ksstheer", volume 2,
page 647 (in Arabic): in a summary of a saying the disciples told Jesus (Issa) son of Mary (Maryam) If only you bring to life for us
someone who witnessed the Ark. So Jesus took them to a small dune of earth and he said. This is the lower
part "Ka'b" of Ham Bin Noah. Then Jesus said: Be alive with the permission of Allah. He
woke up. Jesus said: Tell us about the Ark of Noah. He said: Its length was one thousand
and two hundred arm-length (= cubit = 18 inch) and its width was six hundred arm-length. It had three levels. One for animals,
one for humans and a level for the birds... The disciples wanted the man to go with them. Jesus said: His
sustenance from the Heaven ended and he said: Be soil with the permission of Allah.
Note: Why was it possible for Prophet Noah to make the Ark? "And make the Ark under Our
(Allah's) care and Our inspiration ---." Translation of Line 37 in Chapter Hood in the Qur'an.
Note: In the Flood that covered the earth, only who was in Noah's ark survived. So history of the whole region can be divided into two parts:
Before the Flood, and after the Flood.
Words: Atayna = We gave, Bene = Bene - Sons - People, Ja'alnahu = We made it, Huda = Guidance, Al Lla = Do not,
Tatakhithou = Take (plural), Min Douni = Other than Me, Wakeela = A Protector - A Disposer of affairs,
Thurriyat = Offspring, Hamalna = We made carry, Abdan = A servant, Shakoura = Thankful - Grateful.
Q: Can some present communities experience Allah's Wrath?
A: And those communities - We (Allah) destroyed them when they transgressed (against Allah) and We made
for their destruction a deadline.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlKahf.
Words: AlQura = The communities - The towns, Ahlaknahum = We destroyed them, Lamma = When,
Thalamou = They transgressed - They were unfair, Mahlik = Destruction, Maw'id = Deadline -
Appointed time.
Q: "Adam forgot so did his offspring," the Prophet Muhammad said*. Are many humans characterized by some type
of forgetfulness?
A: And the companions of the Fire (of Hell) called upon the companions of Paradise pour down upon us water or from
what sustenance Allah provided you - they said indeed Allah had prohibited them to disbelievers; Those who took
their Religion (of Allah) as passtime as well as play and this Life deceived them so today (Last Day)
We (Allah) forget them (away from Allah's Mercy) as they forgot the Meeting with this Day of theirs and that they were rejecting to
recognize Our Miraculous Signs (Allah's Word).
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 51, Surat AlA'raf. (7:50-51)
* Remember the covenant that Allah made with the offspring of Adam (refer to Note under Surat AlA'raf).
In a summary of the Prophet Muhammad's saying in this context: When Allah took out the offspring from the back of Adam, Adam noticed
a young man with sparkles around him. He was told that he was the Prophet David = "Dawood". Adam asked how
long he was going to live and requested Allah to give him forty years of his own 1000 years. Allah granted him
his request. When the angel of death came to Adam, he said he has more 40 years to live. He was told that he
already gifted them to one of his offspring to come "Prophet David". Prophet Muhammad then added: Adam forgot so
did his offspring. Source: 'Stories of the Prophets' by Dr. Tareq Suwaidan, CD 15.
Words: Ashab = Companions, Afeedhou = Pour down, Harrama = Prohibited,
Etakhathou = They took, Lahuwan = As passtime, La'iban = As play, Gharrathum = Deceived them - Deluded them,
Nansahum = We forget them, Liqa' = Meeting, Yajhadoun = Rejecting to recognize.
Q: Why should new generations learn lessons from what happened to old civilizations?
A: Is there not enough Right Guidance for those who inherit the land after its people that if We (Allah) will We
will punish them (in life) for their sins and seal up their hearts then they cannot hear (understand Allah's
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat AlA'raf. (7:100)
Words: Awa Lem Yahdi = Is there not enough Right Guidance, Yaristhoun = Inherit (plural),
Ahl = People, Asabnahum
BiThonoubihim = We punish them for their sins, Natbe' = We seal, Quloub = Hearts, Yasmaoun =
Hear (plural).
Q: When does Allah destroy a mass of people together? Why does Allah watch those who take their place?
A: And We (Allah) had destroyed the generations before you when they transgressed
(against Allah) and their messengers reached them (in the past) with the Clear Signs (from
Allah) and they were not going to have Faith that is how We punish the criminials (sinning people); Then We made you
HEIRS (= Khala'if) in the land after them to see what you do.
Translation of: Ayat 13 - 14, Surat Yunus. (10:13-14)
Words: Ahlakna = We had destroyed, Quroun = Generations, Dhalamou =
They transgressed - They were unjust (unfair), Rusal = Messengers, AlQawm Mujrimeen =
The criminals - The sinning people, Khala'if = Heirs, Fi AlArdh = In the land, Kayfa = What - How, Ta'maloun =
You do.
Q: Which people are given the good news of Paradise by Allah?
A: And those who kept away from worshipping other than Allah (= AlTaghout*) and they
repented to Allah for them is the good news (of Paradise) so (command to Prophet Muhammad) do
pass on the (good) news (= Bashshir) to My (Allah's) servants.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlZumar. (39:17)
* Remember: Any form of worship other than Allah that makes one transgress against Allah
is (= AlTaghout).
Words: Ejtanabou = Kept away, Ya'budou = Worship, Anabou =
They repented - They showed regret, Bushra = Good news, Bashshir =
Pass on the good news, Ibadi = My servants.
Q: Why does Allah give the control of the lands to other generations?
A: And He is Who made you successors of the land and raised some of you above others
in ranks so as to test you in what He gave you for your God is swift in punishment and He is
certainly Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 165, Surat AlAn'am.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: This world is beautiful
and green and Allah is making you successors in it to see what you do so be aware of this life
(not to be duluded from Allah's Path) and be aware of women for the first test of Bani Israel was
in women (when the Prophet Moses left them to meet Allah, some of them became drunk and committed
sins with women). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2 page 292.
Words: Ja'alakum = Made you, Khalaaif = Inheritors - Successors,
Rafa'a = Raised, Darajat = In ranks, Saree' = Swift - Quick, Iqab =
Q: Where can humanity find truth and justice combined together?
A: Allah is Who sent down the SCRIPTURE (AlKitab*) with Truth and (sent with it) the BALANCE
(for justice in everything) and what do you know (= Yudreeka) perhaps the Hour** (timing of Day of Judgment) is near.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlShoura. (42:17)
* 'AlKitab = The Scriptue' - The Origin of Allah's Holy Books is kept in the Heaven in a Well-Preserved Tablet (= AlLawh
AlMahfoudh) - Allah's Initial Record. (Refer to Surat AlQalam)
From The Origin (The SCRIPTURE) Allah's Holy Books (generally referred to as the Scripture or the Holy Books) are extracted such as the Qur'an, The Injil (The Gospel given
to Jesus) and the Torah.
** Remember "And the Balance (of good deeds) that Day is the Truth - so whose measurements are
heavy then those are the winners." Translation of Line 8 in Chapter AlA'raf in the Qur'an.
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A man asked the Prophet
Muhammad when is the Day of Judgment. Since no one ever knows the answer the Prophet asked back:
What did you prepare for it. The man answered: Love of Allah and His Prophet. The Prophet said: A
person will be with whom he loves. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 184.
Words: Anzala = Sent down, AlKitab = The Scripture - The Holy Book, BilHaq = With Truth, Meezan =
Q: When will everyone alive have faith in Allah?
A: Are they (disbelievers) waiting only for the angels to come (at death time) to them or
your God to come* (on Day of Judgement) - or some of the Miraculous Signs** of your God to come - the day
some of the Miraculous Signs of your God arrive a soul will not benefit of its Faith if it did not have
Faith before or it had not earned in its Faith good deeds - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) wait (for the mentioned) for we (Muslims) are waiting (for Allah's Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 158, Surat AlAn'am. (6:158)
* Allah will come down to earth on the Day of Judgement. (refer to Surat AlBaqarah)
** Punishment in life is indicative of Allah's Miraculous
Signs in life. Example the punishment of Pharaoh in life (refer to Surat Yunus).
Also the indicative Miraculous Signs of the imminent approach of the Day of Judgment. In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Day of Judgment will not
arrive until the sun rises from its setting place and when people see it they will all have Faith
and that is "when a soul will not benefit of its Faith ---." Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 282.
Words: Yanthuroun =Are waiting, Ya'tiyahum = Come to them, Ba'dh = Some,
Ta'ti = Come - Arrive, Nafs = Soul - A human being, Kasabat = Earned, Khayr = Good deeds, Muntadthiroun =
We are waiting.
Q: What description fits most of human beings?
A: And (command to Prophet Muhammad) warn them of the Day of the Regret* when the (whole) matter is
over and (yet in life) they are inattentive and they do not believe (in what Allah says).
Translation of: Ayah 39, Surat Maryam.
* Another name for the Day of Judgment.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel and not part of the Qur'an) narrated by the Prophet Muhammad:
Death will be brought (in the form of a sheep of the colour tan = amlah) and it will be placed on the PATH (AlSirat) between
Paradise and Hell.
Then it will be announced: O people of Paradise and they will look up worried, fearful that they
might be removed from their places. Then it will be announced: O people of Hell and they will look
up optimistic, joyful that they might be removed from their places. Then it will be asked:
Do you know this? Both parties will say: Yes this is death. Then it will be laid down and
slaughtered. Then it will be announced: O people of Paradise! Eternity with no death. And O
people of Hell! Eternity with no death. (If one was going to die of happiness or of regret then
this will be the moment). Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyah (in Arabic see the Reference Page)
pages 316 - 317.
Words: Anthirhum = Warn them, AlHasrah = The Regret, Qudhiya = It is over -
It is decided, Fi Ghaflah = Inattentive - Heedless - Unaware, La Yu'minoun = They do not believe.
Q: Why does Allah consider different nations who received different messengers from Him as One Nation?
A: For this nation (humanity) of yours (all people) is One Nation* and I am your God so
do worship Me (alone); And they divided their affair (of unified region) among themselves -
(Allah's answer) All to Us (Allah) will come back.
Translation of: Ayat 92 - 93, Surat AlAnbiya'.
* One nation who should be submitting to Allah alone. Allah sent messengers with this Message.
Words: Ummatatukum = Your nation, Ummah =.Nation, Wahidah =
One, Taqataou = Divided, Amrahum = Their affair, Raj'oun = Will come back.
Q: How is the wealth of this Life compared with the wealth of the Other Life?
A: What you have (in this Life) runs out and what is with Allah (the Other Life) is everlasting and
We (Allah) will certainly pay
those who were patient (in Life) their reward as per the best (deeds) of what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlNahl. (16:96)
Words: Yanfud = Runs out - Comes to an end, Ind Allah = Is with Allah -
Allah has, Baaqi = Everlasting, Lanjziyanna = We will certainly pay, Ajrahum =
Their reward, BiAhsan = As per the best - According to the best.
Q: Why is it important for the believers to stick to the Qur'an and the Way of the Prophet Muhammad to avert
Allah's punishment in this Life?
Hint: Remember that Allah settles some accounts in this Life.
A: And how many communities insolently disobeyed the command of their God and His Prophets so
We (Allah) settled an account with them with a harsh settlement and We punished them with a severe
punishment (in this life);
So they tasted the evil consequences of their actions and the outcome of their actions was
ruin; (Also) Allah had prepared for them a severe Punishment (On the Day of Judgment) so do protect
yourselves by fearing Allah O people of understanding those who believed for Allah sent to you a Reminder (the Message - the Qur'an = 'Thikra' or 'AlThikr'); (And Allah sent)
A Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) reciting to you Allah's Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) which explain (everything) to take out those who
believed and did righteous deeds from the depths of darkness to the light (Faith) and whoever believes in
Allah and does righteous (deeds) He (Allah) will admit him to Gardens (of Paradise) underneath which the rivers
flow remaining for eternity forever in them - and Allah has provided him well with sustenance (in Paradise).
Translation of: Ayat 8 - 11, Surat AlTalaq. (65:8-11)
Words: Qaryah = Community - Town, Attat = Insolently disobeyed, Amr = command, FaHasabnaha
= We settled an account with them, Shadeeda = Harsh, Nukra = Severe, FaThaqat = So they tasted,
Wabala Amriha = The evil consequences of their actions, Aaqibat = Ending - Outcome, Khusra = Ruin, Thikra
= A Reminder of Allah - The Message - the Qur'an, Mubayyenat = Which explain - Which instruct, AlDhulumat = Depths of darkness, AlNoor = Light, Salihan = Righteous, Abadan = Forever, Ahsan Rizqa
= Provided him well with sustenance.
Q: Why does Allah want us to study past human beings and past cultures along with their worshiping ways?
A: Already passed away before you norms* (of the ancient people) so travel through the land
and see how the ending of the rejecters (of Allah's Religion) as lies was.
Translation of: Ayah 137, Surat AlImran.
* Wide spread practices.
Note: Examples of some ancient disbelievers.
Words: Khalat = Have passed away, Sunan = Norms, Faseerou = So travel, Fanthorou = And see -
And look into - And study, Aaqibat = Ending, AlMukathibeen = The rejecters (of Allah's
Religion) as lies.
Q: All over the world who plots to harm believers who submit to Allah Alone?
A: And so We placed in every community the respected ones among their sinners (against Allah)
to plot (against believers) in it and they plot only against their own souls and they do not realize (it).
Translation of: Ayah 123, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Ja'alna = We placed, Qaryah = Community, Akabir = The respected
ones, Mujrimeeha = Their sinners, Liyamkorou = To plot, Ma Yasharoun = They do not
realize - They do not understand intuitively.
Q: When does Allah leave people and their own offspring after them to settle in the land?
A: Allah has promised those who believe* from you and do the righteous deeds He will certainly
make them successors in the land as He made successors those who were before them and He will indeed make firm for
them their religion that He (Allah) had accepted it for them and He will certainly replace them with
security after their fear - they worship Me (Allah) and they do not join with Me (Allah) anything
and whoever disbelieves after that then they are who strayed away (from Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 55, Surat AlNoor.
* Remember belief in Allah (= Iman) is a step higher than Islam.
Words: Allatheena Amanou = Those who believe, Wa'ada = Promised, LaYastakhlifannahum =
He will certainly make them successors (heirs), Yumakinnana = He will make firm - He will make
influential, Deenahum = Their religion, Ertadha = Had accepted - Had chosen, LaYubadilannahum
= He will replace them, Khawfihim = After their fear, Amna = With security, AlFasiqoun
Those who strayed away from Allah's Path - The sinning people.
Q: What is the existing proof that Allah can remove us and bring other people in our place?
A: And your God is Who can do without (=AlGhani), the Lord of Mercy - if He wills He
will remove you (all) and makes successors after you whatever (= Ma) He wills just as He made you from
the offspring* of other people.
Translation of: Ayah 133, Surat AlAn'am.
* The Arabs of Arabia at the time of the Prophet Muhammad were the offspring of the
people of Sthamud and Sthamud were the remenants of the
ancient nation of Aad who were originally in Yemen.
Words: Yastakhlif = Makes successors, Yuthhibkum = Removes you, Ansha'akum = Made you - Brought
you into existence.
Q: Of which community that received an exemplary punishment from Allah does Allah remind especially the People of the Book?
A: And certainly already you (People of the Book) had been informed of those who transgressed from you (People of the
Book) on the Sabbath* so We (Allah) said to them be humiliated apes; So We made it (that
community) an exemplary punishment (warning) for those living in their time and after them and a moral
lesson for those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 65 - 66, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:65-66)
Note: The traslation of the Lines 63-64 in Surat AlBaqarah.
* A time of worship as a group, observed by the Jews on Saturday. (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
Words: LaQad = Certainly already, Alimtum = You had been informed of, E'tadau = They transgressed, Qiradah =
Apes - Monkeys, Khasi'een = Humiliated, Nakaalan = Exemplary punishment, Bayna Yadayha = Living in their
time, Ma Khalfaha = After them, Mawidhah = Moral lesson, LilMuttaqeen = For those who protect themsleves by fearing Allah - For
those who are mindful of Allah - For Allah fearing persons.
Q: Why do we continue to see communities that had long angered Allah still living a comfortable life?
A: And how many communities I (Allah) gave them respite (more time) while
(those communities) being transgressors (sinners ) then I took (punished) them and to Me is the return
(of everything).
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlHajj.
Words: Kem Min Qaryah = How many communities, Amlaytu = I gave respite,
Dhalimah = Transgressors - Unjust - Unfair - Sinners, Akhathtuha = I took them - I
punished them, AlMaseer = The return.
Q: Why should every disbelieving community try to research its old history to see if they can trace
which messenger of Allah was sent to their ancestors in the past?
A: And We (Allah) sent out in every community a messenger - do worship Allah and avoid (worshipping)
alTaghout* so from them whom Allah granted Guidance and from them on whom straying away (from Allah's Path) was
confirmed (as pre written by Allah) - so do travel through the land and contemplate (plural) how the ending of the
deniers as lies (of Faith) was.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlNahl. (16:36)
* Any form of worship other than Allah.
Note: Remember that 1. All messengers of Allah
came with a Unified Message from Allah.
2. The Prophet Muhammad is sent to all humanity (from 610 CE, when the Qur'an was sent
down to the Day of Judgement. 3. The Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet (= khatam
AlNabiyeen'). Since every prophet (= nabi) of Allah was also a messenger (= rasool) of Allah
so the Prophet Muhammad was also Allah's Last Messenger .
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: The Day of Judgment will not begin until
lying imposters come out- around
thirty (of them) - each one of them claims to be a messenger (= rasool) of Allah. Source: AlLou'lou'
walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, page 663.
Words: Ba'asthna = We sent, Ummah = Community, U'bodou = Worship,
Hada = Granted Guidance, Haqqat = Was confirmed - Came true, AlDhallalah = Straying
away - Wrongdoing, FaSeerou = Travel - Walk, Aaqibat = Ending.
Q: Are all the communities that the Qur'an mentions obsolete now without any trace or relics?
A: That* is from the news of the communities that We (Allah) are narrating it to
you (Prophet Muhammad) - from them (ancient communities) what (relic) is still existing** and what is
cropped (cut down (annihilated) without trace).
Translation of: Ayah 100, Surat Hood.
* The real life story of Pharaoh in
the lines that precede the one translated here.
** For example the relics from the dynasty of Pharaoh. And
the road track of the
People of Sthamud in Saudi Arabia.
Words: Anba' = The news - The events, Naqusuhu = We are
narrating, Qaa'im = Existing, Haseed = Cropped - Cut down without trace or antiquities.
Q: Why do we still have people in the places that witnessed punishment of Allah?
A: And if they (disbelievers) turn away then (command to Prophet Hood* to say) I coveyed to you what
I was sent with (from Allah) and my God will
make heirs (of your land) (people) other than you and you will do Him no harm indeed my
God over everything is Observer.
Translation of: Ayah 57, Surat Hood. (11:57)
* Prophet Hood was sent to "Aad" - an Arab giant community in (Yemen).
(refer to Surat AlShuara')
Words: Tawallaw = They turned away, Ablaghtukum = I conveyed to you,
Ursiltu = I was sent with, Yastakhlif = Makes heirs - Gives to inherit, Qawm =
People - Community, Ghayrakum = Other than you, La Tadhurounahu Shayan = You do Him no harm,
Hafeedh = Observer - Keeps up accounts.
Q: What was the religion of most of humans who were destroyed by Allah in the past before the time of the Prophet
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) walk in the land and see how was the ending of those who
were before - most of them were polytheists*.
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat AlRoum.
* "Mushrikeen" = polytheists who join partner(s) with Allah are one type of disbelievers (= "Kaafireen"). The other type
of disbelievers are those who do not believe in Allah and worship idols, nature forces, human self...etc.
Note: Muslims in every standing up in prayer repeat Surat "AlFatiha" which
begins the Holy Qur'an. It ends
with the following verses: "And guide us to the Straight Path (Allah's); The Path of those upon
whom You granted Favour;
not those upon whom (Allah's) Wrath has fallen (for example disbelievers who partner with Allah) neither those
who have strayed away (from Allah's Path = other disbelievers).
Words: Seerou = Walk - Travel, AlArdh = The land, Aaqibat = Ending, Akstharuhum
= Most of them, Mushrikeen = Joining partner(s) with Allah - Polytheists.
Q: At what time of the day does Allah's punishment in Life hit the sinning people?
Note: Remember that Allah's punishment comes in different
A: And how many communities We (Allah) destroyed so Our Mighty Attack reached
them when they were resting for the night* or taking a midday rest*.
Translation of: Ayah 4, Surat AlA'raf.
* When they are the least aware or prepared for it. And then scientists wonder why the advanced scientific
equipment can not detect the monster natural attack.
Words: Kem = How many, Min Qaryah = Communities, Ahlaknaha = We destroyed,
Ba'sana = Our Mighty Attack - Our Might, Bayaatan = When they were resting for the night,
Qaailoun = Resting for the night.
Q: Some people challenge Allah to bring punishment on them for being sinners against Him. What part of
Allah's Punishment do such people ask for?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) tell me your opinion if His (Allah) punishment came
upon you (suddenly) by night or by day what part of it the sinners are wishing to hasten.
Translation of: Ayah 50, Surat Yunus.
Note; How do you know that the destruction you witnessed is
a punishment of Allah?
Note: What did some disbelievers in the
past say about a punishment of Allah?
Words: Ara'aytum = Tell me your opinion, Atakum = Came upon you, Athabuhu =
His punishment, Bayatan = By night, Naharan = By day, Matha = What part,
Yasta'jil = Hasten, AlMujrimoun = The sinners - The criminals.
Q: Why should Muslims rush to help financially and in every possible way a disbelieving country like Japan in it current disaster (March
A: Allah does not forbid you from those who did not fight you in Religion and they did not
drive you out of your homes (in fear) to do righteous deeds to them and to do justice to them for Allah
loves those who do justice.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlMumtahanah.
Words: La Yanhakum = He does not forbid you, Lem Yuaqtiloukum = They did not
fight you, AlDeen = Religion, Lem Yukhrijoukum = They did not drive you out, Taburouhum
= To do righteous deeds to them, Tuqsitou = Do justice, AlMuqsiteen = Those who do
justice - Those who do fairness.
Q: What does the majority of humans not know about the Qur'an?
A: Alif Lam Meem Ra' (ALMR)* - those are the Miraculous Lines (Qur'anic Verses) of the
Book (Qur'an) and whatever has been sent down to you (Prophet Muhammad) from
your God is the Truth but the majority of humans do not believe**.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlRa'd. (13:1)
* Arabic letters from Allah's World of the Unseen. Nobody knows their true meaning.
** They are inattentive to the Truth in the Qur'an.
Words: Ayat = Lines - Verses, Unzila = Sent down, AlHaq =
The Truth, Aksthar = The majority - Most of.
Q: Why did Allah send messengers and Holy Books to direct people to His Path?
A: Say then to Allah belongs the Superior Argument* and if He willed He would have
guided you all.
Translation of: Ayah 149, Surat AlAn'am.
* Allah's Argument (Proof) refutes the disbelievers' argument about not being
directed to Allah's Path.
Note: Allah's Guidance is different from humans' guidance
(showing the direction) to Allah's Path.
Words: AlHujjah = Argument, AlBaalighah = The Superior - The
Q: Was killing the killer a custom of the civilizations that passed away long before our current
Note: Without capital punishment are the societies more safe?
A: He (Prophet Moses) said my God for I killed* of them a soul so I
fear that they will kill me.
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat AlQasas.
* Prophet Moses (= Moosa) accidentally killed a man of Pharaoh's clan so Moses had
to flee out of Egypt for fear of their revenge.
Words: Qataltu = I killed, Akhaf = I fear, An Yaqtuloun = That they
will kill me.
Q: Did any of the gods that people worship other than or beside Allah the Only and One God
ever claim of creating anything so he/she should be worshipped?
A: And if you ask them who created the Heavens and the earth and made the sun and
the moon yield* they will say certainly Allah then towards which falsehood they are being deluded (to worship).
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlAnkaboot.
* For human benefit.
Words: Sa'altahum = If you ask them, Khalaqa = Created, Sakhkharra
= Made to yield, Anna Yu'fakoun = To which falsehood they are deluded.
Q: What two characteristics describe the ancient disbelieving civilizations who did injustice so
Allah obliterated them completely?
A: And how many generations did We (Allah) destroy (for their
sins) before them (disbelievers at the time of Prophet Muhammad) - they were mightier than them
in violent attack so they excavated* the land - was there any place of escape (from Allah's punishment in Life).
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat Qaf. (50:36)
* Affected and changed the land (= Astharou). Source:
According to the explanation of Ibn Abbas (the Prophet's cousin and scholar) may
Allah be pleased with him. Reported in Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, Volume
4 page 350.
Words: Ahlakna = We did destroy, Min qarn = Many generations, Ashad
= Mightier, Batsha = In Violent attack, FaNaqqabou = They excavated, Maheess = Place of escape.
Q: What gets in the way of adults' understanding and making sound judgement?
A: And from them (men) who listen to you (Prophet Muhammad) until when they left
your presence they said (mockingly) to those who gained knowledge what has he said just now - (Allah
says) those are the ones Allah sealed their hearts and they followed their whims
(desires); And those who followed Guidance He (Allah) augmented their Guidance and He granted them
their piety.
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 17, Surat Muhammad (Surat AlQital).
Words: Yastame' = Listen, Kharajou = They left, Uwtu AlIlm =
Gained knowledge, Anifa = Just now, Taba' = Sealed - Placed a stamp, Etabba'ou = They
followed, Ahwa'ahum = Their whims, Ehtadou = Followed Guidance, Zadahum = Augmented,
Taqwahum = Their piety.
Q: In life when Allah punishes the disbelievers are the believers among them punished too?
Note: Allah's Instructions given to Prophet Noah before the beginning of the flood.
A: (Allah commands Prophet Noah) So when you sit firmly yourself and whoever with
you on the Ark* then say Praise to Allah Who saved us from the transgressing people;
And say my God let me disembark on a blessed lodging place and You are the Best Who
provides lodging; Certainly in that are Miraculous Signs (of Allah) and We (Allah) were going certainly >to
put to the test**.
Translation of: Ayat 28 - 30, Surat AlMo'minoun.
* Prophet Noah and the Ark he was commanded by Allah to build.
** To test the Faith of the believers and how patient they remain since they realize that they are undergoing a test from
Words: Estawayta = Sit firmly - Straighten up, AlFulk = The Ark, Najjana
= Saved us, Anzilni = Let me disembark, Munzalan = Place of lodging, Mubarakan = Blessed,
Khair AlMunzileen = The Best Who provides lodging, Ayat = Miraculous Signs, LaMubtaleen = Certainly going to put to
the test.
Q: Like the ancient disbelievers why the disbelievers of the 21st century still cannot understand Allah's
Message left behind in the traces of the punished towns?
A: And they (polytheists of ancient Arabia) certainly reached the town (Sodom) that was pelted with the RAIN of
DISASTER (Mattar AlSou')* - were
they (those polytheists) then not able to see it (the town)** rather they (polytheists of ancient Arabia) were not expecting resurrection*** (on the
Day of Judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat AlFurqan. (25:40)
* Special stones rain falling from the sky. (refer to Surat AlAnkaboot)
** = AfaLem Yakonou Yarawnaha?!"
Evidence of Sodom - the town that was punished because of its homosexuality. It still exits. It
was in the way of ancient Arabians when they went for trade to Bilad AlSham (current Syria and the land around it).
*** They do not believe in the Day of Judgement neither the resurrection on that Day.
Words: Atau = Reached, Umtirat = Was pelted - Was showered,
Matar = Rain, AlSa'u = Disaster, AFaLem Yakounu Yaraunah = Were they then not
able, La Yarjouna = They were not expecting, Nushoura = Resurrection - Being raised
Q: Which offspring of Adam peace be upon him do we all as current humans belong to?
Note: Remember that Adam peace be upon him is the first forefather of all humans.
A: And Noah had called us so what Perfect Repliers We (Allah) are; And We saved him and his people from the
Great Distress; And We made his offspring - they are the existing; And We passed him over*
to people coming after; Peace be upon Noah among all people; For that is how We (Allah)
reward those who perfect their religion; For he is from Our believing servants; And We drowned
the others.
Note: Allah's Prophet Noah, no 3 on the Map of Allah's Prophets.
Translation of: Ayat 75 - 82, Surat AlSaffat.
* Prophet Noah's name will be remembered as distinguished for ever. The ruins of Noah's Ark.
Words: Naadaana = Called us, FaLaNi'ma = What Perfect, AlMujeebon =
Repliers, Najjaynahu = We saved him, AlKarb = Distress, AlAdheem = The Great, Thurriyatahu = His offspring, AlBaqeen = The existing - The surviving, Tarakna =
Passed over, AlAkhireen = People coming after - The Others, Aghraqna = We drowned.
Q: Besides fearing Allah what should Muslims pay attention to and be aware of?
Note: Remember that this is Line 1 in Surat AlNisha' = Women (or females).
A: O mankind protect yourselves by fearing Allah Who created you (all) from a single
soul (Adam) and He (Allah) created from it (soul) his mate (Eve) - and He scattered from both of
them many men and (many) women - and fear Allah by Whom (In Allah's Name) you ask favour* and (be aware of)
the wombs** for Allah upon you (all) is All-Watchful.
* among yourselves in this Life saying for God's Sake or in the Name of Allah.
Translation of: Ayah 1, Surat AlNisa'.
* among yourselves in this Life saying for God's Sake or in the Name of Allah.
** Surat AlNisa' = 'Women (females)' discusses in detail females' marriage, divorce and inheritance.
Note: I heard in childhood that on the Day of Judgement people will be called by
their first names followed by the names of their biological mothers.
Note: In a summary of a Holy Saying (= "Hadeesth Qudsi" directly from Allah
through the Angel Gabriel but not part of the Qur'an) said by the Prophet Muhammad: Allah said: I am Allah and
I am the Merciful 'AlRahman'. I created the womb and I derived a name for it (= rahm) from My Name
(AlRahman = The Lord of Mercy). So who
keeps the relationship with it (direct relatives and so on) I will keep the relationship with him and
whoever severs it I will leave him. Source: AlAhadeesth AlQudsiyyah, page 89.
Words: Nafs = Soul, Wahidah = Single, Khalqa = Created, Zawjaha =
His mate - His wife, Bastha = Scattered, Tasa'aloun BiHi = By Whom you ask favour from one another,
AlArham = Wombs - Kinship, Raqeeba = All Watchful.
Q: Why do natural disasters sometimes occur without predicting them?
A: Then have those who deliberately committed sins felt so secure that Allah will not
make the earth (by earthquake) swallow them or that punishment will not reach them from where they
do not expect.
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat AlNahl. (16:45)
Words: AfaAmina AlLatheena = Then have those felt so secure, Makarou = Deliberately committed
sins, Yakhsifa = Make swallow, AlArdh = The earth, Ya'tiyahum = Reaches, them,
AlAthab = The punishment, La Yasharoun = They do not expect.
Q: Can a sinner against Allah avoid Allah's punishment in life by not being at the place of
Note: The coming translated line of the Qur'an follows the posting just above.
A: Or (have they felt so secure) that He (Allah) will not attack (punish) them in their travel - (they will be
punished) because they are not going to make (Allah) give up*.
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlNahl. (16:46)
* They are not going to defeat Allah.
Words: Aw = Or, Ya'khuthakum = He punishes them - He attacks them, Taqalubihim
= In their travel, BiMu'jizeen = They are not going to make Allah give up - They are not going to
defeat Allah.
Q: In life does Allah hold back His Punishment if people have predicated it and are expecting
Note: The coming translated line of the Qur'an follows the two postings just above.
A: Or (have they felt so secure) that Allah will not attack (punish) them in the state of
fear (expecting it) - well indeed your (plural) God is certainly Compassionate*, Most-Merciful**.
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlNahl. (16:47)
* Allah delays the sinner because Allah is Compassionate and wants the sinner to repent. In a summary
of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad narrated among the Prophet's authenticated
sayings in both 'AlBokhari, no. 6099' and 'Muslim, no. 7080': None is more patient upon harm heard by
him than Allah. They made a son to Him and (still) He provides them with sustenance and gives them
health. (= La Ahad Asbar Ala Athaa Samia'hu Min Allah; Innahum Yajalouna Lahu Walada waHowa
Yarzuquhum Wa Yuafeehim). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 839.
** In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Allah certainly gives respite to the transgressor
until when Allah seizes him He does not let him go. (= Inna Allah laYumli LilDhalim Hatta Itha
Akhathahu Lem Yuflithu". Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 839.
Words: Ala Takhawwuf = While being filled with fear,
FaInna = Well indeed, LaRaouf = Certainly is Compassionate.
Q: Why is Prophet Abraham still respected by those who believe in Allah?
A: So when he (Messenger Abraham) abandoned them (his people) and what (idols) they were
worshipping other than Allah We (Allah) granted him Isaac and Jacob and We made each of them
a prophet; And We granted them from Our (Allah's) Mercy and We left for them a lofty (highly
respected) tongue (voice) of truthfulness (among people coming after)*.
Translation of: Ayah 49 - 50, Surat Maryam.
* All the prophets who came after them were in their steps preaching
Allah's Message of Truth..
Words: E'tazalahum = He abandoned them, Ya'bodoun = They worship,
Wahbna = We granted, Nabiya = Prophet, Ja'alna = Made, Lisan = Tongue - Voice - Language,
Sidq = Truthfulness - Honesty, Aliya = Lofty.
Q: How was the Prophet Abraham (= Ibraheem) caring even about the generations to come?
A: (Prophet Abraham supplicates to Allah) My God grant me administration of justice (= Hukman) and join me with the righteous;
And leave for me a tongue (voice) of truthfulness* among people coming after.
Translation of: Ayat 83 - 84, Surat AlShuara'. (26:83-84)
* Prophet Abraham prayed to Allah that people continue believing
in the Truth of Allah that
he sincerely preached to his people.
Note: Remember the two characteristics of
Prophet Abraham.
Words: Heb = Grant, Hukman = Administration of justice (Hikmah = Wisdom), Alhiqni = Join me, AlSaliheen
= The righteous, AlAkhireen = people coming after - Other generations.
Q: Why will Allah be pleased talking to the men of truth (truthful ones) on the Day of
A: Definitely He (Allah) will interrogate the truthful ones (men of truth (= AlSadiqeen) about their
truthfulness* and He had prepared for the disbelievers a severe punishment.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlAhzab.
Note: Ayah 7 in Surat AlAhzab that precedes the
Ayah translated in this posting.
Words: Liyas'al = Definitely He will interrogate - Definitely He will question, AlSadiqeen =
Truthful ones - Men of truth, Sidqihim = Their truthfulness.
Q: Why should Muslims have records of truthfulness (= sidq) with Allah?
A: Allah will reward the truthful ones (= Sadiqeen)* according to their truthfulness (= biSidqihim) and to punish the
hypocrites** (among Muslims) if He wills or to grant them forgiveness for Allah is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlAhzab. (33:24)
* Who lived a sincere life honoring their Pledge of Islam with Allah. (Refer to the preceding translation
of Ayah 23 in Surat AlAhzab)
** Who were Muslims but broke at different levels their Promise with Allah i.e. they were not
truthful to Allah.
Words: LiYajziya Allah = Allah will reward, AlSadiqeen = The truthful ones, BiSidqihim = For their
truthfulness, Yu'aththib = Punishes, AlMunafiqeen = They hypocrites, Yatoub = Grants them Forgiveness,
Raheema = Most-Merciful.
Q: How important is it to be truthful to Islam - the Contract made with Allah?
A: Indeed Muslim men and women as well as believing men* and women as well as
devoutly obedient men (to Allah) and women as well as truthful men (to Allah) (= AlSadiqeen)** and
women as well as patient men and women as well as men who display awe (of Allah) and women as well as
charitable men and women as well as fasting men and women as well as chaste men and women as well as >men who
remember Allah a lot and women who remember (Allah a lot)> - Allah had prepared for them
Forgiveness and Great Reward.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlAhzab. (33:35)
* Remember being a believer (= mo'min from 'Iman') is a rank higher than
being a Muslim.
** AlSsadiqeen = Believers who are truthful to Islam - the Contract made with Allah. (refer to
Surat AlBaqarah).
Words: Qaniteen = Devoutly obedient men - Piously submissive, AlSadiqeen =
Truthful men - Honest men, AlKhasi'een = Men who display awe (of Allah), AlMutasadiqeen
= Charitable men, AlSaaimeen = Fasting men, AlHafidheen Foroujahum = Chaste
men, AlThakireen Allah Kastheera = Men who remember Allah a lot - Who mention Allah's Name a lot - Who are mindful of Allah a lot, A'adda = Had
prepared, Maghfirah = Forgiveness, Ajr = Reward, Adheema = Great.
Q: Which group do the truthful men (= AlSadiqoun) belong to: Muslims (= Muslimoun) or
Believers (= Mo'minoun)?
Note: Ayah 14 in Surat AlHujurat that precedes the Ayah
translated in this posting.
A: Rather the believers (= AlMo'minoun) are those who had Faith in Allah and His Messenger
(Prophet Muhammad) then they did not have any doubt (about their Faith) and they strived (made Jihad)** with
their wealth and their persons in the Path (Cause) of Allah -
those are the truthful men (= AlSadiqoun).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlHujurat.
** Remember AlJihad (= Fighting in Islam) has conditions and rules. For example in a summary of
a saying of the Prophet Muhammad : Fight (= Jahidou) the disbelievers with your wealth,
your own selves and your tongues.
Note: In s summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A man came to the Prophet asking: Prophet
of Allah, what if a man came to take my wealth? The Prophet said: Do not give him your wealth. He
asked: What if he fought with me? He said: Fight him. He asked: What if he killed me? He said:
Then you are a martyr (= Shaheed). He asked: What if I killed him? He said: He is in Hell. Source
of both sayings: Riyadh AlSaliheen Min Kalam Sayed AlMursaleen, in Arabic, pages 373 - 375.
Words: Innama = Rather, AlMo'minoun = The believers,
Aamanou = Had Faith, Rasoulihi = His Messenger, Lem Yartabou = Did not
have any doubt, Jahadou = Strived - Fought, AlSadiqoun = The
truthful men - Men of truth.
Q: Why is Islam a practical religion (to do according to what you believe)?
A: And whoever is committed to the Truth (truthful)* and believes in it - those
are who protect themselves by fearing Allah (= AlMuttaqoun); For them is
whatever they wish with their God - that is the reward of those who perfect their
Religion (= AlMuhsineen)**.
Translation of: Ayat 33 - 34, Surat AlZumar. (39:33-34)
* Holds tight by word and actions to the Qur'an. (refer to Surat Luqman).
And follows AlSunnah (The Way of the Prophet Muhammad).
Always remember that Prophet Muhammad was following the Qur'an: "His character was the Qur'an" as narrated by the Prophet's wife Aisha may
Allah be pleased with her). And Allah praised the Prophet because of his noble character. (refer
to Surat 'AlQalam')
** A 'Muhsin' is a believer who perfects his Religion by believing, practicing what he believes and doing
good deeds. Remember that a 'Muhsin' is state upper than a 'Mo'min' (Believer) . And a
believer (Mo'min) is a state upper than a Muslim. (And they are all Muslims) (Refer to Surat AlImran)
Note: Remember the reward of the one who brings forth (performs) (= ja'a bi) a good deed.
Words: Ja'a Bi= Is committed to - Practices, AlSidq = The Truth, Saddaqa =
Believed, Ulaika = Those are, Humu AlMutaqqoun = Who protected themselves by fearing
Allah, Lahum = For them, Yasha'oun = Wish, Inda = With, Jaza' = Reward,
AlMuhsineen = Who perfect their Religion.
Q: For what reward should Muslims try to adhere to the Truth from Allah?
Note: Just above are the translated Lines 33 - 34 in Surat AlZumar that precede the line translated here.
A: So as Allah pardons them for the worst of what they did and grants
them their reward according to the best of what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlZumar.
Note: Remember that two Attributes of Allah are 'The Most-Merciul = AlRaheem' and
'The Just = AlAdl'.
Words: LiYukaffira Allah = So as Allah pardons, Aswa' = The worst,
Amilou = They did, Yajzeehim = Reward them, BiAhsan = According to the best,
Ya'maloun = They were doing.
Q: How much can a person offer as a ransom to free himself from Allah's punishment in the Other World?
A: For those who answered the Call of their God the Best Outcome (AlHusna* = Paradise) and
those who did not answer His Call - if they had which is on earth - all of it and
similar to it with it they would have certainly offered it to ransom themselves - those for them is
the worst of account settlement** and their dwelling is Hell and what a miserable resting place.
Translation of: Ayah 18, Surat AlRa'd. (13:18)
* Another name for Paradise.
** They will be questioned harshly about their bad deeds.
Note: Who is really calling you to Allah's Straight Path which leads to Paradise?
(refer to Surat Yunus)
Words: Estajabou = Answered the Call - Complied with - Responded to, AlHusna = The Best Outcome - Paradise,
Jamee'an = All of it, Misthlahu = Similar to it, LaFtadou = They would have certainly
offered it to ransom themselves, Sou' = Worst, AlHisab = Account settlement - Rechoning,
Ma'wahum = Their dwelling, Bi'sa = What a miserable, AlMihad = Resting place.
Q: Are the disbelievers waiting to receive revelation directly from Allah in order to believe?
Note: The Qur'anic line (Ayah 123) that precedes the line translated in the posting here.
A: And when a Miraculous Sign* reaches them (disbelievers) they say we will not believe
until we are granted what the messengers** of Allah were granted (revelation) - Allah knows best
where He places His Message - Humiliation before Allah (on the Day of Judgement) will befall those
who sinned and (also) a severe punishment for what they were plotting.
Translation of: Ayah 124, Surat AlAn'am.
* The Miraculous Lines of the Qur'an in the case of the Muslim nation who follows the Prophet
Muhammad - Allah's last Prophet sent to humanity.
** Note: The last prophet as well as the last messenger of Allah was
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. According to Dr. Tareq Suwaidan in his cassette (in Arabic) about "The Story of
the Beginning of Creation - the Story of Adam peace be upon him in Paradise - the First Disobedience", as
based on Ibn Kastheer's Explanation of the Holy Qur'an and other authenticated Qur'an explanations:
sent more than 300 prophets (= anbiya') and more than 124000 messengers (rusul).
Allah's prophets (= AlNabiyoun or AlNabiyeen) were specially supported by Allah.
prophet (= nabi) was also (a messenger = rasool - a follower of Allah's earlier
prophets = nabiyeen) but not every messenger was a prophet).
Beni (Children of) Israel
had the majority of Allah's messengers. Sometimes there were 3 to 4 messengers at the same time in one
place. Everytime humanity started diverting away from Allah's Path Allah sent messengers as His Mercy to
correct the Path and save humanity. Adam, the first man created as well as the first
prophet of Allah was cast down from Heaven to earth and he landed in India. Eve (Hawwa) his wife landed in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). They
looked for each other and they met in Arafat (place of pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. Arafat means meeting place).
Words: Ja'athum = Reaches them, Ayatun = Line, Nu'min = Believe, Nu'tiya =
We are given, Rusul = Messengers, Yaj'al = Places, Risalatahu = His Message, SaYuseeb = Will
befall, Saghar = Humiliation, Inda Allah = Before Allah - With Allah, Athab = Punishment,
Shadeed = Severe, Yamkoroun = Were plotting.
Q: Do disbelievers know why Allah's Punishment in life can be very severe?
A: Those before them (the contemporary disbelieves) rejected (Islam) as
lies so the punishment came upon them from where they were not aware of; So Allah gave them
a taste of humiliation in this life and the punishment of the Other Life is more
severe if only they knew (it).
Translation of: Ayat 25 - 26, Surat AlZumar. (39:25-26)
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When evil deeds
become abundant (= Kasthura alKhubsth) (even among Muslims) the punishment of Allah comes down and then on
the Day of Judgment people will be raised up according to what they were doing (if
believers who do righteous deeds they will
be rewarded accordingly). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, page (will be added later).
Words: Kaththaba = Rejected as lies, Min Qablihim = Before them, FaAtahum AlAthab = So
punishment came to them, La Yashar'oun = Where not aware of - Did not feel, FaAthaqahum Allah = So Allah gave them a taste, Akbar =
More severe - Bigger.
Q: When some of us are saved from a calamity and Allah bestows His Favour on them what
are they inclined to brag about?
A: So when man was afflicted with harm he called Us (Allah) then when We granted him
a Blessing from Us he said indeed I was given it with knowledge (I am favoured by Allah) -
(Allah says) rather it is a (hidden) trial* yet most of them do not realize (it).
Translation of: Ayah 49, Surat AlZumar. (39:49)
* To see you become thankful to Allah or ungrateful.
Words: Massa = Is afflicted, Dhur = Harm, Da'ana = He calls us, Khawwalnah
= We granted him, Ni'mah = Blessing - Bounty, Innama = Indeed, Uteetuhu = I was given it, Ala Ilm =
With knowledge, Bel = Rather, Fitnah = Hidden trial - Hidden test, Akstharahum = Most of them, La Ya'lamoun
= Do not realize - Do not know.
Q: What should a person who brags about the success he attained due to his own knowledge expect
from Allah?
A: Those before them (contemporary arrogant persons) said it* so what they were
earning were of no use to them; So the bad deeds that they earned afflicted (punished) them and those who have transgressed (against
Allah) from these (contemporary ones) will be afflicted (punished) by the bad deeds** of what they earned and they are not going to
make (Allah) give up***.
* 'I was given it with (my own) knowledge --'. Reference Line 49 Surat AlZumar (see above). Note: Not knowing
for example that one's wealth is Allah's test for him makes a person arrogant, concentrating on amassing it,
and committing other sins because of it.
** Punishment of sins on the Day of Judgement will be of the same kind of sins committed. An example.
*** To run away from Allah.
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 51, Surat AlZumar.
Words: Min Qablihim = Before them, FaAsabahum = So Say'aat = Bad deeds, Ma Kasabou = What
they earned - What they did, BiMu'jizeen = Not going to make (Allah) give up - Not going to
Q: When it comes to the Qur'an what makes a person (a Muslim or a non-Muslim) arrogant?
A: Yes indeed My (Allah's) Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) had reached you but you
rejected them as lies* and you became arrogant and you became among the disbelievers**.
Translation of: Ayah 59, Surat AlZumar. (39:59)
* Your heart did not believe in them.
** Note that rejecting Qur'anic Lines as lies places one among the disbelievers even if one is a Muslim who believes
in 'there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger'.
One part of Faith (= Iman) is believing in Allah's Holy Books.
Words: Bala = Yes indeed - Rather, Qad Ja'atka = Had reached you, FaKathabta Biha = But you rejected
them as lies, Estakbarta = You became arrogant, Mina AlKafireen = Among the disbelievers.
Q: When a catastrophe strikes why should people call only on Allah as the One and Only God?
A: And when harm afflicts you then there is no one to lift it except He (Allah) and
when He touches you with good then He is upon everything Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 17, Surat AlAn'am.
Words: Yamsaska = Afflicts you, BiDhur = With harm, Kaashif = One to
lift it - Remover, Yamsaasska = Touches, BiKhair =With good, Qadeer = Capable.
Q: Why should one embrace Faith before catastrophes strike in this Life?
A: How many (disbelieving) generations did We (Allah) destroy before them* so they cried out (for help) when
there was no time for escape**.
Translation of: Ayah 3, Surat Saad.
* Disbelievers of Pre-Islamic Arabia in the sixth century CE.
** One should have Faith before catastrophes strike.
Words: Kem = How many, Min Qablihim = Before them, Min Qarn = Many generations,
FaNadou = They cried out, Walat Heena Manas = There was no time for escape.
Q: Which leaders are doomed to fail according to Allah?
Note: The preceding lines Lines 13 - 14 in Surat Ibraheem.
A: And they (Allah's messengers) implored God for judgement (against the disbelievers) and unsuccessful
is every stubborn (against Faith) tyrant.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat Ibraheem.
Words: Estaftahou = They implored God for judgement - They implored God for support,
Khaba = Is unsuccessful - Is defeated, Kulu = Every, Jabbar = Tyrant, Aneed = Stubborn.
Q: What should a Muslim do if he is persecuted because of his Faith?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) O my (Allah's) servants who believed protect yourselves by
fearing your God - for those who perfected their religion (= ahsanou**) in this life is good fortune -
and the land of Allah is spacious* - truly those who persevere will be paid their reward without
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat AlZumar.
* They should try to move if they are persecuted in a location.
** Remember AlIhasan in Islam.
Words: Ettaqou Rubbakum = Protect your God, Ahsanou = Perfected their religion -
Did righteous deeds, Hasanah = Good fortune - Good, Ardh = Land, Waasi'ah = Spacious, BiGhayri Hisab = Without
Q: How does Allah's punishment in life show Allah's love for man whom He created with His Own Hands?
A: But those who sinfully strayed away (= Fasaqou) (from Allah's Path) then their dwelling is
the Fire (of Hell) - every time they want to get out of it they will be returned to it and it will be
said to them taste the punishment of the Fire which you were rejecting as lies; And We (Allah) will
certainly make them taste of the lesser punishment* (in this world) (which is) other than the great punishment (of
the Other World) so that they may come back (to Allah's Path).
Translation of: Ayah 20 - 21, Surat AlSajdah. (32:20-21)
* Examples of Allah's punishment in life which may not annihilate the whole community.
(Refer to Surat AlMulk)
Note: In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A woman among the prisoners of
war was anxiously searching among the prisoners, while her breast milk was dripping, until she found a baby and
immediately after embracing him she started breastfeeding him. The Prophet said to his companions: Do
you think that this woman is going to cast her son in fire? They said: No and she is capable of it.
The Prophet said: Allah is More Merciful with His people than this one with her son. Source: AlLou'lou'
walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, page 610.
Words: Fasaqou = Sinfully strayed away, FaMa'wahum = Then their dwelling,
Ueedou = They will be returned, Thoqou = Taste, AlAdna = Lesser - Inferior, Doona = Other than,
AlAkbar = The great, La'alahum = So that they may, Yarji'oun = Come back - Return.
Q: Why are those who stray away from Allah's Path not given Paradise as their dwelling place?
A: So is the one who is a believer equal to the one who sinfully strays away (from Allah's Path) -
(Allah says) they are not equal; So who believed and did the righteous deeds then for them are the
Gardens of the dwelling as hospitable lodging for what they were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 19, Surat AlSajdah. (32:18-19)
Note: Lines 20-21 in Surat AlSajdah are translated above.
Words: Mo'minan = A believer, Faasiqan = Who sinfully strays away, La Yastawoon =
They are not equal, AlMa'wa = Dwelling, Nuzulan = Hospitable lodging, Ya'maloun = Were
Q: Why is humanity divided into two major groups: Believers and non-believers?
Note: The preceding line 7 in Surat AlShoura was translated yesterday.
A: And if Allah willed He would have certainly made them one (believing) nation rather He admits whoever He will to
His Mercy and the unjust (wrongdoers) for them there is no protector neither supporter*.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlShoura.
* Allah is the Protector and the Supporter of the believers. Those who believe in other than Allah (idols, nature
forces, human self...etc.) have really no god to protect them or to support them even if they claim so.
Words: LaJa'alahum = He would have certainly made them, Ummah = Nation - Community,
Wahidah = One, Yudkhil = Admits, Fi Rahmatihi = To His Mercy, Weli = Protector, Naseer =
Q: Why do many people (including Muslims) supplicate to other than Allah?
A: Or have they (polytheists) taken other than Him helpers (= awliya') then (remember) Allah
IS THE HELPER (= AlWely*) and He gives life to the dead** and upon everything He is Most-Capable.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlShoura. (42:9)
* Allah's Attribute is AlWely (The Helper - The Ally).
** Note this is the answer to why Allah is the Only Helper (AlWeli). Also note that a human being is created first without soul (dead). And in the
Other World Allah will give life to the dead for judgement.
Words: Em = Or, Etakhathou = Have taken, Min Doonihi = Other than Him, Awliya' =
Helpers - (gods as) allies, Yuhye = Gives life, AlMawta = The dead, Qadeer = Most-Capable - Has power.
Q: Which god or dead person whom people worship for help in life (= awliya') will help in
attaining salvation for their followers on the Day of Judgement?
Note: The preceding Lines 44-45 in Surat AlShoura.
A: And there were no helpers (= awliya') for them (who went away from Allah's Path)
supporting* them other than Allah - and whoever Allah makes stray away (from Allah's Path) then for him there is no path (to salvation).
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlShoura.
* In every way.
Note: The succeeding Line 47 in Surat AlShoura.
Words: Awliya' = Helpers - Allies, Uansorounahum = Supporting them - Aiding them, Yudhlil =
Makes stray away - Leaves to stray, Sabeel = Path.
Q: Why is a Muslim's responsibility to inform people about Islam and not to force them to become
Note; Reference to the preceding Line 47 in Surat AlShoura is above.
A: So if they turned away (from the Call to Allah) then We (Allah) did not send you (Prophet
Muhammad) upon them an observor for you are responsible only for the announcement of the Message
(of Allah) -
And indeed when We (Allah) give* man a taste of Mercy from Us he becomes arrogantly glad with
it and when a misfortune befalls them because of what their (own) hands have sent forth (of
bad deeds) then certainly man is too much ungrateful**.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlShoura.
* Here begins an example of some people being ungrateful and turning away from Allah.
** Forgetting all Allah's other Favours on him.
Note: Allah settles some sins in this life by punishment to purify His people from some sins.
Words: Aa'radhou = They turned away, FaMa Arsalnaka = We did not send you,
Hafeedha = Observor, In Alayka Illa = You are responsible only, AlBalagh = The announcement of the Message, Athaqna AlInsan =
We gave man a taste of, Minna Rahmah = Mercy from Us, Fariha = Became arrogantly glad,
Sayye'ah = Misfortune, BiMa = Because of, Qaddamat Aydeehim = What their hands have sent forth - What their
hands have done, Kafoor = Too much ungrateful.
Q: How should we show respect to Allah and how should we show respect to Allah's prophets?
Note: Remember that the Prophet Muhammad is Allah's last messenger. (refer to Surat AlAhzab)
A: Indeed We (Allah) sent Noah to his people that do warn your people before a severe punishment (in life)
reaches them; He (Noah) said O my people indeed I am to you a clear warner; That do worship Allah and
protect yourselves by fearing Him and obey me (Noah); He will forgive you
your sins and He will delay you to an appointed time (= "Ajal Musamma" known to Allah*) - indeed Allah's
appointed time when it comes it will not be delayed only if you knew.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 4, Surat Noah. (71:1-4)
* Other than the Day of Judgement which is being delayed to an appointed time known only to Allah, there is
an appointed time for each of us for death. (refer to Surat AlAZumar).
And every community has an appointed time known to Allah. (refer to Surat AA'raf)
Words: Arsalna = We sent, An Anthir = Do warn, Aleem = Severe - Painful, An U'budou
= That do worship, Etaqouh = Protect yourselves by fearing Him - Be aware (conscious) of Allah, Atee'oun = Obey me, Yuakhkhirkum =
He will delay you, Ajalin Musamma = An appointed term - An appointed time - A fixed time, Law kuntum Ta'lamoun = If only you knew.
Q: What lesson we should learn from the communities that opposed their prophets?
A: (Prophet Shuaib warns) And my people do not let my splitting off (from your disbelieving) condemn you as sinners lest you will
be afflicted similar to what afflicted the people of Noah or the people of Hood
or the people of Saleh and the people of Lut are not far away from you.
Translation of: Ayah 89, Surat Hood. (11:89)
Note: Prophat Shuaib. (Remember that the Prophet Shuaib, Hood,
Saleh and the Prophet Muhammad were Arab prophets.).
Note: Peoples of the Prophets Noah, Hood, Saleh
and Lut were punished by Allah in life.
Words: La Yajrimannakum Shiqaqi = Do not let my splitting off condemn you as sinners -
So not let my discord condemn you as sinners, Ma Asaba = What afflicted.
Q: Why a believing person is inclined not to leave Allah's Religion to human made religions?
A: (Prophet Shuaib explains) He said see if I was fully informed
(being a prophet) from my God and He provided me with good (lawful) means of living - and I do not want to
dissent (religious non-conformity) from you to what I forbade you of* for I seek only
(your) betterment as much as I can and my success is only with Allah - upon Him I put my trust and to
Him I turn in repentance.
Translation of: Ayah 88, Surat Hood.
* I do not intend to go back to previous tradition of worshipping your false gods or to financially unbalancing the weighing scales, after
forbidding you not to.
Words: Arraytum = See, Kuntu Ala Bayyenah = I was fully informed - I was , Razaqani =
He provided me, Ukhalifakum = To dissent from you - To be in religious non-conformity, Anhakum = Forbade you, Ureed = I seek,
AlIslah = Betterment - Reformation, Tawfeeqi = My success, Uneebu = Turn in repentance.
Q: What clear Sign from Allah Prophet Shuaib reminded his people of?
A: And to (town of) Midian (Madyen) their brother Shuaib* he said O my people worship Allah - you do not
have any god other than Him - an evidence ** has already reached you from your God - so be adequate in the measurement and
weight and do not deprive people what is theirs and do not do corrupton in the land after
its reform - that is better for you if you were believers.
Translation of: Ayah 85, Surat AlA'raf.
* Prophet Shuaib.
** Prophet Shuaib (no 12 on the Prophets Map) being a Prophet was
fully informed by Allah - an evidence to people. Also before in Egypt was Prophet Joseph (no. 11>.
Prophet Joseph's family lived in the Land of Canaan (west of current Jordan according to Wikipedia.com).
Note: According to "Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 2, page 340-341" Prophet Shuaib is known as the Preacher of the prophets (= Khateeb AlAnbiya') because
of his oratory skills. And according to the Syriac language Shuaib's name is Jethro (= Yasthroun) (Prophet
Moses father-in-law according to Wikipedia.org).(Needs more research).
Words: Bayyenah = Evidence - Explaining Sign, Awfou AlKayl = Be adequate in the measurement,
AlMeezan = Weight, La Tabkhsou = Do not deprive, Tufsidou = Do Corruption, Islahiha = After
its reform, Khair = Better.
Q: Why some sinning communities are not destroyed until now by Allah?
A: And We (Allah) did not destroy a community except for it there is a timed record; No community's death
time can arrive before neither will they be delayed.
Translation of: Ayat 4 - 5, Surat AlHijr.
Words: Ma Ahlakna = We did not destroy - We did not annihilate, Qaryah =
A community - A population, Kitab = Record,
Ma'loum = Timed, Ma Tasbiq Min Ummatin Ajalaha = No community's death time can arrive before,
Ajalaha = Its death time - Its fixed time, Yastakhiroun = They will be delayed.
Q: In religion history why do disbelievers randomly refuse worshipping Allah as the Only True God?
Note: Translation of the preceding Lines 19, 20-22 in Surat AlZukhruf.
A: And in this way We (Allah) did not send before you (Prophet Muhammad) in a community a warner
except that its wealthy ones who live in luxury (= Mutrafooha) said indeed we found our fathers on a way of
worship to be followed and indeed by following in their footsteps we are imitating (them).
Translation of: Ayah 23, Surat AlZukhruf. (43:23)
Words: Min Qaryah = In a community, Natheer = Warner, Mutrafooha = Its wealthy
ones who live in luxury, Aba'ana = Our fathers - Our forefathers, Ala Ummatin = On a way of worship to be followed, Ala Astharihim = Following
in their footsteps, Muqtadoon = Imitating - Following.
Q: Why should disbelievers follow only Allah's Religion brought by His messengers?
Note: The preceding line 23 is translated above.
A Quick flashback: Adam, the first man to be created was submitting to Allah, the One
and Only God because he was created in Heaven and he knew a lot about Allah. As humanity kept on
increasing people kept on diverting: Some on Allah's Path and others straying away from the Path. Whenever
a lot of people diverted Allah kept on sending messengers to guide them until the last messenger
"Muhammad" peace be upon him.
A: He (every messenger) said what if I brought you what is better guidance than what you found
upon your fathers they said indeed in what you are sent with we are disbelieving.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat AlZukhruf.
Words: Awa Law = What if, Ji'tukum = I brought you, BiAhda = What is
better guidance, Ursiltum = You are sent, Kafiroun = Disbelieving - Disbelievers.
Q: What happens when people are warned against disbelieving in Allah yet they continue to disbelieve?
Note: The translation of the two preceding lines are posted above.
A: So We (Allah) took revenge* from them (in life) so do contemplate about what was the ending of the rejecters (of Faith) as lies.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat AlZukhruf.
* An example of communities that came under Allah's Wrath.
Words: Fantaqamna = So We took revenge, Fandhur = Do contemplate - Do see, Mukathibeen
= Rejecters of Faith as lies.
Q: What lesson about disbelieving should humanity learn from old history?
A: And how many prophets did We (Allah) send to the ancient people; And no prophet came to them except they
were mocking him; So We destroyed who were mightier in violent attack than them (current disbelievers) and went
down in history the example* of the ancient people.
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 8, Surat AlZukhruf.
* Names of some communities that disbelieved in Allah and His Message.
Words: Arsalna = Did we send, Min Nabi = Prophets, AlAwwaleen = the ancient people,
yastahzi'oun = Were mocking, FaAhlakna = So we destroyed, Ashad Bastha = Mightier in violent attack,
Madha = Went down in history.
Q: Why should not humanity differ in their worship?
A: And (all) people were not but one nation (community)* but they differed and were it not for a Word that
was pre-uttered** by your God then certainly it would have been judged among them (in life) in what they
were differing***.
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat Yunus.
* All humans are the offspring of Adam, the first created man, Adam told his immediate family about Allah and they
were worshippers of Allah as the One and Only God. Allah reminds that all humans are originally
only one nation.
** Day of Judgement.
*** For example why do Jews and Christians differ in their worship? (Jews
and Christians are originally descendants
from Beni Israel. Jesus peace be upon him was living among Jews).
Words: Ummah = Community - People - Nation, Wahidah = One, Kalimah = Word,
Sabaqat = Was pre-uttered, LaQudhiya = Then certainly it would have been judged, Yakhtalifoun =
Q: About what did the polytheists of Arabia in Pre-Islamic Arabic differ from what was
known to humanity from the beginning?
A: And they (polytheists of Pre-Islamic Arabia) swore by Allah the most solemn of their
oaths that Allah is not going to raise up whoever dies - (Allah says) yes indeed - a promise on Him that
has to be fulfilled* but most people do not realize; So that He (Alah) makes clear for them what they were
differing** in and so that those who disbelieved realize that they were liars.
Translation of: Ayat 38 - 39, Surat AlNahl. (16:38-39)
* On the Day of Judgement.
** They will be raised up on the Day of Judgement.
Words: Aqsamou bilLah = They swore by Allah, Jahda Aymanihim = With the solemn
of their oaths, Bala = Yes indeed, Haqqa = Has to be fulfilled - Truthful, LiYubayyen = So that He makes clear,
Kathibeen = Rejecters of the Truth as lies - Liars.
Q: If people in the Other Life will be divided into groups on the Day of Judgement (companions of Paradise and
companions of Hell) what about in life and at the time of death?
A: (Allah says) Or those who accomplished (earned) bad deeds thought that We (Allah) are going to
make them equal to those who believed and did the righteous deeds - alike in their living and their dying
- how badly they judge.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat AlJasthiyah. (45:21)
Note: During life: The believers.
The disbelievers. And at the time of death.
Words: Hasiba = Thought, Ejtarahou = They accomplished, Sawa'an = Alike -
The same, Mahyahum = Their living, Mamatuhum = Their dying, Sa'a = How badly, Sawa'an =
Alike - Similar, Sa'a Ma Yahkomoun = How badly they judge.
Q: Why are there ups and downs in life no matter how successful one becomes?
A: Indeed the parable of the life of this world is like water We (Allah) sent it down from the sky
then it was absorbed by the plants of the earth of what people and cattle eat until when the land reached
its full decoration and it looked good and its people (owners) thought that they have control over it Our (Allah's)
Command reached it by night or by day so We rendered it cut down (mowed) as if it (land) was not
flourished before - in this way We detail the Miraculous Signs (Qur'anic Lines) for people who contemplate.
Translation of: Ayah 24, Surat Yunus. (10:24)
Words: Masthal = Parable - Example, Anzalnahu = We sent it down, Fakhtalata = It
was absorbed - It was mixed, Nabat = Plants, Ya'kul = Eat, Akhathat AlArdh Zukhrufaha = The land
reached its full decoration, Ezzyannat = It looked good, Dhanna = Thought, Ahluha = Its people - Its owners, Qadiroun = They have
control, Laylan = By night, Naharan = By day, Haseedan = Cut down - Cropped - Mowed, Ka'an Lem Taghna =
As if it was not flourished before, Nufassil = Detail - Explain in detail, Yatafakkaroun = Contemplate
- Reflect - Turn over in one's mind.
Q: Why is the life of this world not worth dedicating all our attention and efforts to enjoy it?
A: Allah gives plenty of sustenance to whom He pleases and He restricts - and they arrogantly rejoiced in
the life of this world and the life of this world in comparison to the life of the Other World
is nothing but temporary enjoyment.
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat AlRa'd.
Words: yabsut = Gives plenty of sustenance (provision) - Yaqdir = Restricts, Farihou
= They arrogantly rejoiced, AlAkhirah = The life of the Other World, Ma Illa = Nothing but, Mata' =
Temporary enjoyment.
Q: Is man created an atheist?
A: The Day (of Judgement) when faces will be brightened (with honour of going to Paradise) and faces will be
darkened (with humiliation of going to Hell) - did you disbelieve after your believing* so do taste
the punishment for what you were disbelieving in.
Translation of: Ayah 106, Surat AlImran. (3:106)
* Each person is created a believer in Allah. (in Surat AlA'raf)
Words: Tabyadh = Brightened, Taswed = Darkened, Imanikum = Your believing,
Tadforoun = Disbelieving.
Q: To Allah who are the worst of humanity?
Note: The 'worst' because they believed in Allah but diverted.
A: For those who disbelieved* (= karfarou) among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and those who join
any partner (with Allah) (= mushrikeen) will be in the Fire of Hell remaining for eternity in it - those
are the worst of humanity.
Translation of: Ayah 6, Surat AlBayyenah.
* They were believers but rejected the Qur'an as lies so they became
among the disbelievers.
Words: Kafarou = Disbelieved - Were ungrateful, AlMushrikeen = Those who join any
partner with Allah, Ula'ika = Those, Shar = The worst, AlBarriyyah = Humanity - Created beings.
Q: And according to Allah who are the best of humanity?
A: For those who believed and did righteous deeds - those are the best of
Translation of: Ayah 7, Surat AlBayyenah.
* 'AlBarriyah' = refers to the creation of Allah. Extracted from 'Bara' = dust or soil from which man is
created. Source: The ex-Mufti of Egypt "Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf" in Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an
page 819.
Words: Amilou AlSalihat = Did righteous deeds.
Q: Is man the best honoured creature of Allah?
A: And We (Allah) had certainly honoured the sons (Beni) of Adam and We carried them on land and
sea and We gave them sustenance from the good food and We favoured them above many of those We
created with a special favoring (esteem).
Translation of: Ayah 70, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel) (17:70).
Note: Which race Allah calls 'honoured servants (beings)' of Allah.
Note After the Judgement is done on the Day of Judgement where will
the angels be placed?
Words: Karramna = We had honoured, Hamalnahum = We carried them, Razaqnahum = We gave
them sustenance - We gave them provision, AlTayyebat = Good food, Khalaqna = We created, Tafdheela =
A special favoring.
Q: Is Allah's punishment predictable or not predictable?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) tell me your (plural) opinion if Allah's punishment reached
you suddenly (unpredicted) or openly (predicted) - will not only the transgressing people* be destroyed.
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlAn'am.
* There can be believing people who do righteous deeds among the destroyed people when the disaster hits.
They will be rewarded by Allah in the Other World.
Note: Remember that hurricanes and/or earthquakes that cause destruction can be methods of
Allah's punishment in this life.
Words: Ara'aytukum = Tell me your opinion, Atakum = Reached you. Baghtatan
= Suddenly, Jahratan = Openly - Predicted - Calculated, Yuhlak = Destroyed, Illa = Only,
AlQawm = People, AlDhalimoon = Transgressing - Unjust.
Q: Does Allah the Most Merciful like to punish people?
A: What Allah is going to do with your punishment* - if you showed gratitude and believed and Allah is
Most-Thankful**, All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayah 147, Surat AlNisa'. (4:147)
* What benefit is it for Allah?!
** Who Most Recognizes (acknowledges).
Note: Allah's Wrath falls on people because of their continuous sins. (refer to Surat AlA'raf)
Example the people of Pharaoh. (refer to Surat AlAnfal)
Words: Ma Yaf'al Allah = What is Allah going to do, Shakartum = Showed gratitude,
Aamantum = You believed.
Q: What can happen when people claim "we are the mightiest nation on earth"?
A: And as for Aad so they became arrogant on the earth without any due right and they said who is
mightier than us in power - did they perhaps not see that Allah Who created them is Mightier than them in
power and they were rejecting to recognize Our Miraculous Signs (Allah's Word);
So We (Allah) sent upon them violent
cold wind* in ill-fated days to make them taste the punishment of disgrace in the life of this world
and certainly the punishment of the Other World is more disgracing (humiliating) and they will not be supported.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 16, Surat Fusilat. (41:15-16)
* = 'Reeh sarsar'. (refer to Surat AlHaqqah)
Words: FaStakbarou = So they became arrogant, BiGhayri ElHaqq = Without any
due right, Men Ashad = Who is mightier, Minna Quwah = Than us in power, Kanou Yajhadoun = They
were rejecting to recognize, Nahisat = Ill-fated - Omen -
Unfortunate, Akhza = More disgracing - More humiliating.
Q: How do we know that the ancient people of Midian (Prophet Shuaib's) had a flourishing civilization?
Note: The preceding Line (= Ayah) 93 in Surat Hood. (Prophet Hood was commanded to
watch patiently).
A: And when Our (Allah's) Command arrived We saved Shuaib* and those who believed with him by
a Mercy from Us
and the scream** overtook them so they became in their dwellings lying (lifeless)
with their faces down; As if they did not flourish*** there before - well away (become obsolete = Bu'dan) with Midian as
Sthamud**** (Prophet Saleh's people) is gone away.
Translation of: Ayat 94 - 95, Surat Hood. (11:94-95)
* Prophet Shuaib was sent mainly to Midian
(= Madyen).
** The scream (with screeching wind sound) from the sky that stirred nature and destroyed
the People of Sthamud was repeated in the punishment of
the community of Midian (= Madyan).
*** The People of the Prophet Shuaib were known for business (trade) and the use
of scales in measurement.
**** The civilization of Sthamud (Prophet Saleh's people) marvelled with houses carved from mountains.
Words: Najjayna = We saved, AlSayha = The scream, Ka'an Lem Yaghnou Feeha = As if
they did not flourish there before, Ala = Bu'dan = Away, Ba'udat = Is gone away.
Q: How is the punishment of (Prophet Shuaib's) the People of Midian (= Madyan) was somehow similar to the
punishment of (Prophet Saleh's) the People of Sthamud*?
A: And the assembly (leaders) who disbelieved among his (Prophet Shuaib) people said certainly if you
follow Shuaib indeed you are going to be losers**; So the shaking (earthquake)*** seized them so they became in their dwellings lying (lifeless) with faces down; Those who rejected Shuaib
as a liar were themselves the losers.
Translation of: Ayat 90 - 92, Surat AlA'raf.
* The punishment of the People of Sthamud.
** Threatening to punish them.
*** The punishment of the People of the Prophet Shuaib involved the Scream (Ayah 94,
Surat Hood)
accompanied by an earthquake. The whole punishment is
known as the punishement of the Day of the Shade.
Words: Etabbe'tum = You follow, Khasiroun = Losers.
Q: When they see a disbeliever insisting on turning away from Islam how do Allah-fearing Muslims feel?
A: And whoever disbelieves so do not let his disbelieving sadden you (Prophet Muhammad) - to Us (Allah) is
their return then We will inform them about what they did (in life) for Allah is All-Knowing of what is in the
hearts; We do give them to enjoy temporary enjoyment (in life) for some time then We will force them* into a harsh punishment (in Hell).
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 24, Surat Luqman. (31:23-24)
* An example.
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 22 in Surat Luqman.
Words: Men Kafara = Whoever disbelieves, Yahzunka = Sadden you, Marj'uhum =
Their return, BiThati ElSodour = What is in the hearts, Numatte'uhum = We give them to enjoy temporary
enjoyment, Qaleelan = For some time, Nadhtaruhum = We will force them, Ghaleedh = Harsh.
Q: How is it when Allah's Wrath punishes communities in life it is themselves that they have to blame?
A: That is because your God was not going to destroy the communities unjustly while their people were unaware*
(of Allah's Religion).
Translation of: Ayah 131, Surat AlAn'am (6:131).
* Allah sent messengers to both races of Jinn and humans to make
people aware of Allah's Religion.
Note: The Prophet Muhammad is the last of the Allah's prophets and was sent to all
In a summary of a saying
of the Prophet Muhammad: I and the prophets before me are like a man who built a house so he beautified it and
completed it except the location of one brick in a corner. Then people started going around the house
admiring it and saying should not this brick be laid down so I am the brick (= alLabnah) and I am the
last of the prophets (= Khatem AlNabiyeen). Source: AlLou'lou' walMarjan feema etafaqqa alayhi
AlSheikhan AlBukhari wa Muslim, in Arabic, page 493.
Note: Remember the word prophet implies
also a messenger so the Prophet Muhammad is Allah's last prophet and last messenger.
A Side Note: A coming
debate concerning the Prophet Muhammad is the last of the prophets.
Words: Muhlik = Going to destroy, AlQura = The communities, BiDhlumin = Unjustly,
Ahluha = Their people, Ghafiloun = Unaware.
Q: Why no disbelieving group nowadays have the right to say that no messenger of Allah came to
them in the past?
A: Whoever is guided (to Allah's Path) then he is guided for his own soul and whoever goes astray so rather
he goes astray against his own soul and no burdened soul (sinful or
not sinful) bears the sin of another and We (Allah) were not going to punish until we send a messenger* (to each
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlIsra'. (Also known as Surat Beni Israel) (17:15)
* A logical thinking: No punishment without a messenger. Punishment is going to happen on the Day of Judgement when
all will be judged. So all received messengers.
Note: Remember that the Prophet Muhammad is Allah's last messenger to all humanity because
Allah's Message (think of the Qur'an as the last Edition of Allah's Books) was completed during the Prophet Muhammad's time. So disbelievers of nowadays have no
excuse to give Allah.
Words: Ehtada = Is guided, FaInnama = So rather, Taziru = Bears, Wazirah = Burdened soul, Wizr = Sin -
Burden, Mua'thabeena = Going to
punish, Nabastha = We send, Rasoola = Messenger.
Q: What special Favour (Kindness) of Allah obliges a country to hold Allah Alone in awe (religious dread and
A Side Note: Please note how the Qur'an addresses the issue of joining partners with
Allah. Allah as The One and The Only God was known to humanity from the time of the first man created 'Adam'.
Original Judaism and Christianity taught this concept as narrated in the Qur'an. Christianity could have been
the last Religion to humanity if people did not start diverting. When people started diverting
from Allah's Religion by joining partners with Allah, Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad with the Qur'an as the
Last and Complete Text to guide all people back to Allah's Path which is only Allah's because Allah never
accepts any partner with Him as repeatedly mentioned in the Qur'an.
A: Have they (polytheists of pre-Islamic Arabia) not seen that We (Allah) made a secure sacred place*
while people are being kidnapped** around them so in Falsehood (polytheism) they do believe and in
Blessing (Grace) of Allah they disbelieve (A Warning Tone!).
Translation of: Ayah 67, Surat AlAnkaboot (29:67)
* Mecca (around Allah's House which Prophet Abraham built with his son Ishma'el 'Prophet Ismaeel').
** Taken away by force, killed, or raped.
Words: Ja'alna = We made - Haraman = A Sacred Place, Aminan = Secure - Safe,
Yutakhattaf = Being kidnapped - Being killed, AfaBilBatil = So in Falsehood, BiNi'mat = In the
Blessing, Yakforoun = Disbelieve - Are ungrateful.
Q: If you want to find pure truth (without any exaggeration, doubts or lies) where should you look?
A: And who can be more of a transgressor (against Allah) than the one who fabricates upon Allah
lies (joins partners) or denies as lies the Truth* (from Allah) when it reaches him - (A Warning Tone) is there not
in Hell a staying place for the disbelievers.
Translation of: Ayah 78, Surat AlAnkaboot (29:68)
* The Qur'an and everything mentioned in it. An example of what Allah calls the Truth (= AlHaqq) in the Qur'an.
Words: Eftara = Fabricates lies - Invents lies - Makes up lies, ALaysa = Is there not,
Masthwa = Staying place.
Q: What do many disbelievers have to experience with their senses in order to believe in Allah?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line
4 in Surat AlA'raf.
A: So there calling up (invoking Allah's Help) when Our (Allah's) violent attack (destruction) reached them was not but that they said indeed we
were transgressors (unjust to Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 5, Surat AlA'raf. ((7:5)
Note: Remember the supplication of Prophet Jonah when he was
distressed in the whale's belly.
Words: Da'wahum = Their calling up - Their invocation (of Allah), Ba'suna = Violent
attack, Dhalimeen = Transgressors - Unjust.
Q: On the Day of Judgement in Allah's 'Court' who will narrate the truth in detail of what happened in life?
A: So We (Allah) will certainly question the ones (communities) to whom it (Allah's Message) was sent to them and We
will certainly question those (Allah's messengers) who were sent; So We (Allah) will certainly narrate*
to them with (full accurate) knowledge and We (Allah) were Not Absent (in life).
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 7, Surat AlA'raf. ((7:6-7)
* Tell the truth in detail of what happened.
Words: FelNasallana = So We will question, Ursila Ilayhim = It was sent to them,
FelNaqassunna = So We will certainly narrate, Ma Kunna Ghaibeen = We were Not Absent.
Q: Whom does Allah guarantee no fear for them in the Other Life?
A: O children of Adam* whenever messengers from your own (race = humans)** reach you narrating to
you My Miraculous Signs (Allah's Word) so whoever protected himself (by fearing Allah) and did righteous
deeds then no fear upon them neither will they grieve (in the Other Life).
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlA'raf. (7:35)
* First created man.
** All of Allah's messengers to humanity were humans.
Note: Becoming a Muslim who witnesses "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
messenger" guarantees him Paradise (but) at the end. For his sins he may be punished and/or forgiven
by Allah. (he must become pure of sins to enter Paradise)
Words: Imma = Whenever, Minkum = From your own (humans), Yaqussoun = Narrating, Etaqqa = Protected himself by fearing
Allah, Aslah = Did righteous deeds, La Khawf = No fear, La Yahzanoun = They will not grieve..
Q: How can communities live in peace enjoying a rich life?
A: And if the people of the communities believed and protected themselves (by fearing Allah) We
(Allah) would have certainly opened out to them (gates of) blessings from the sky* and the earth - but they
rejected (Faith) as lies so We (Allah) took (punished - annihilated) them for what (bad deeds) they were earning.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlA'raf (7:96).
* Remember gates of sustenance.
Words: Ahl = People, AlQura = The communities - The towns, LaFatahna = We would have
certainly opened, Barakat = Blessings, FaAkhathnahum = We took them - We punished them - We
annihilated them.
Q: In times of religious persecution* what should the helpless believers in Allah do?
A: And the assembly (leaders) among the people of Pharaoh (Phiroun) said (to Pharaoh) do you leave alone Moses
and his people to cause corruption** in the land and to abandon you*** (Pharaoh)
and your gods**** - he said we will kill their sons and shame their women and indeed we are
over them overpowering; Moses said to his people (Beni Israel) seek help from Allah and be patient for the
land is Allah's - He gives it to inherit whomever He wills from among His servants and the good outcome is
for those who protect themselves (by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 127 - 128, Surat AlA'raf.
* 'Persecution' = The act or practice of persecuting especially those who
differ in origin, religion or social outlook. Source: Merriam Webster's Deluxe Dictionary.
** Changing Pharaoh's set balance in anything is corruption in his eyes. Pharaoh thought when Beni Israel worship Allah Alone
they will revolt against him and try to change the economic and social inequality - their action will be corruption in his eyes.
*** Pharaoh thought of HIMSELF as a god to his
people. (in Surat AlQasas) **** Pharaoh himself had his own gods to worship.
Words: AlMala' = The assembly, ATathar = Do you leave alone , LiYufsidou = To cause
corruption, Yatharaka = Abandons you, Aalihatika = Your gods, Esta'eenou = Seek help, Esbirou
= Persevere - Be patient, AlAaqibah = The good ending, LilMutaqeen = For
those who protect themselves by fearing Allah.
Q: Why logical talk is of no use to the arrogant (stubborn) leader?
A: Pharaoh (Phiroun) said and who is the God of the inhabitants of the worlds; He (Prophet Moses) said
the God of the (Seven) Heavens and the earth* and what is between them** if you (plural) were convinced; He (Pharaoh) said to
those around him (present) have you heard what he said; He (Prophet Moses added) said your (plural)
God and the God of your past forefathers; He (Pharaoh continues) indeed your messenger (Prophet Moses) who is
sent to you is certainly possessed (mad); He (Moses) said the God of the East and the West and what is
between them (Baynahuma = the two) if you (plural) are going to realize (logicaly); He (Pharaoh)
said certainly if you take a God other than me*** (Pharaoh) I will certainly make you a prisoner.
Translation of: Ayat 23 - 29, Surat AlShuara'. (26:23-29)
* The lowest Heaven (of seven Heavens) with all its stars and
the earth is what we humans call 'the universe'. (refer to Surat AlSaffat)
** = 'baynahuma' between the two mentioned (Heavens on one side and the earth on the
other side. A topic for research: What is between them?
*** Remember Pharaoh thought of himself as a god to his people while he himself had other gods to
worship (refer to Surat AlA'raf).
Words: AlMashriq = The East, AlMghrib = The West, Ma Baynhuma = What is between
them (both), Ta'qiloun = Realize - Understand, LaAjalunnak Min AlMasjooneen = Make you a prisoner.
Q: How long will our communities stay on this land?
A: And for every organized community (a people - a nation) (in life) a fixed time* so when their appointed time (end time = ajaluhum)
comes they will not be delayed an hour neither will they be moved forward.
Translation of: Ayah 34, Surat AlA'raf (7:34)
* Appointed time known only to Allah.
Words: Ummah = Organized community - A people - Nation, Ajal = Fixed time - Appointed time, Ajaluhum
= Their death time - Their ending, La Yasta'khiroun = They will
not be delayed, Wa La Yastaqdimoun = Neither will they be moved forward.
Q: Why disbelievers should realize that their is no return for them to this life in any form?
A: (A warning) And how many generations did We (Allah) annihilate before them (current
disbelievers) - can you (command to Prophet Muhammad) feel anyone of them (existing) or hear
for them any tone.
Translation of: Ayah 98, Surat Maryam. (19:98)
Note: No re-incarnation after one's death.
Words: Kem Ahlakna = Did We annihilate - Did We utterly
destroyed, Min qarn = Many generations, Tuhis = Feel - Find, Tasma' = Hear, Rikza = Tone - Faint sound.
Q: What is the reaction of those who are deemed intellectual when someone calls them to Allah?
A: And We (Allah) sent to (community) Sthamud* their brother Saleh that you should worship Allah so suddenly
they became two parties quarreling.
Translation of: Ayah 45, Surat AlNaml. (27:45)
* Remember that the tribe of Sthamud were discerning people who knew the
right from the wrong. The archaelogical site in Saudi Arabia
called "Mada'in Saleh = The towns of Saleh".
Words: An U'budu = You should worship, Fareeqan = Two parties, Yakhtasimoun =
Q: Why should we not associate bad luck with certain persons or events?
Note: The narrative of 'Prophet Saleh' in the Qur'an continues. Read above (Line 45) and the translation
of the preceding Line
46 in Surat AlNaml.
A: They (disbelievers) said we feel omen (bad luck = taa'ir*) coming from you and from those (believers)
with you - he (Prophet Saleh) said your omen is with Allah (Allah decides) rather you are people put
to the test** (by Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 47, Surat AlNaml.
* Taa'ir = originally means a bird. Ancient Arabs believed in omen. When someone was about to travel
he used to release a flying bird. If the bird goes to the right he becomes optimistic but if to the left
he becomes pessimistic. So they attributed good and bad to the bird rather than to Allah's Destiny
and human's deeds. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 485.
** With good and bad dictated by Allah to see what you do.
Words: Etayyarna = We feel omen - We feel bad luck, Qawmun Tuftanoon = People put to
the lest.
Q: What type of leaders are those who try to get rid of Allah-fearing persons?
Note: Remember that the narrative of Prophet Saleh continues.
A: And there were in the city* nine kinsfolk (leaders) - they were making corruption in the
land and they were not making amends; They said take turns swearing by Allah** we will certainly
plot against him and his family then we will certainly say to his successor we did not witness the
passing away of his family and indeed we are certainly telling the truth.
Translation of: Ayat 48 - 49, Surat AlNaml. (27: 48-49)
* City of AlHijr. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani
AlQur'an, in Arabic, page 485.
** The people of Sthamud (Prophet Saleh's people) were polytheists. They worshipped Allah but joined
partners with Allah.
Words: Tisa'at = Nine, Raht = Kinsfolk - People, La Yuslihoun = They do not make
amends, Taqasamou = Take turns swearing, LaNubayyetannahu = We will certainly plot against him, Shahidna
We did not witness, mahlik = Passing away.
Q: Whose ancient houses Allah says are existing ruins?
Note: Again the narrative of Prophet Saleh
Saleh is no. 5 on the Prophets' Map drawn for this site.
A: And they (9 leaders of Sthamud) plotted a plot (to kill Prophet Saleh) and We (Allah)
plotted a plot* (against the leaders) while they were not aware; So see how it was the ending of their
plotting for We destroyed them and their (disbelieving) people all of them; So those are their
houses lying as ruins** because of what they transgressed (against Allah) indeed in that is certainly a
Miraculous Sign for people of knowledge; And We (Allah) saved those who believed (with Prophet Saleh)
and they were protecting themselves by fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 53, Surat AlNaml. (27: 50-53)
* They were annihilated. (refer to Surat AlQamar)
** Remember The cities (towns) of Saleh =
Mada'in Saleh".
Words: Makarou = They plotted - They schemed, Khawiyah = Lying as ruins, Anjayna.
Q: In Allah's View what is abnormal that civilized societies started to call normal?
A: And Lut (Prophet)* when he said to his people for sure you commit the immorality while you
are looking (with pride)!; (are you aware) You are for sure having sex with men (homosexuality) for
fulfilling lust leaving women rather you are people showing ignorance (lacking maturity).
Translation of: Ayat 54 - 55, Surat AlNaml.
* Prophet Abraham's nephew. (no. 7 on the Map of prophets) whose
names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Note: In s summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: When people start taking
pride in a sin then for sure Allah's punishment is imminent (about to happen). Source: Will be
added later.
Words: ATa'touna AlFahishata = You commit the immorality - You commit the
obscene deed, Shahwatan = For fulfilling lust, Min Doon AlNisa' = Leaving women - Other than
women, Tajhaloun = Showing ignorance - Lacking maturity.
Q: What was the reaction of Prophet Lut's homosexual people who were the majority in the town?
Note: Remember the narrative of Prophet Lut continues. So please read first the translation
A: So the response of his (Prophet Lut) people was not but that they said expel the family of Lut
from your town for they are persons purifying themselves*.
Translation of: Ayah 56, Surat AlNaml. (27:56)
* Exhibiting virtue by being chaste and morally excellent.
Words: Jawab = Response, Ukhroju = Expel - Drive away, Qaryatikum = Your
town, Yatataharoun = Purifying themselves - Exhibiting virtue - Exhibiting moral excellence.
Q: What is the effect of the special rain (= mataran) which Allah sent down on the homosexual people of
Note: the narrative of Prophet Lut continues.
A: So We (Allah) saved him (Prophet Lut) and his family except his wife We destined her to be of
the past people; And We showered them (= Amtarna) with a special rain* (= mataran)
so how awful was the rain of those who were warned (against Allah's Wrath).
Translation of: Ayat 57 - 58 , Surat AlNaml. (27:57-58)
* Called in the Qur'an 'Hassib' (with 'ss' in hassib pronounced from the bottom of the throat).
Note: The special rain (of brimstone) on Sodom
and Gomorrah. See related pictures.
Words: Qaddarnaha = We destined her, Amtarna = We showered them, Mataran = A
special rain, AlMunthareen = Those who were warned.
Q: Why having secular (separated from religion) rules can lead eventually to the corruption
of the society?
Note: Remember the Qur'an is a miracle with its specific
events which have general connotations for every time and place.
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 70 in Surat
A: And if the Truth were to follow their (disbelievers') desires* certainly the Heavens and the earth and
those who are in them (the whole Universe) would have been corrupted** - rather We (Allah) brought them their Reminder (of The Same Message
of Allah = BiThikrihim) so they of their Reminder are turning away.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlMo'minoun. (23:71)
* "Ahwa' = Arbitrary views based on whims and personal opinions. Source: Hans Wehr's 'Arabic-English
** By disturbing the balance that Allah set in the Universe. (refer to Surat AlRahman)
Note: 'AlThikr' (= The Reminder of Allah's
Same Message) is in Allah's Holy Books.
Words: Law Ettaba'a = Were to follow, LaFasadat = Certainly would have been corrupted
Spoiled, Thikrihim= Their Reminder - Their Message, Mu'ridhoun = Turning away.
Q: What will add misery to one's failure to attain salvation from Hell on the Day of Judgement?
A: (command to Prophet Muhammad to say) So worship whatever you please leaving Him (Allah) - say
indeed the losers who will cause loss to themselves and their families* on the Day of Judgement - well that is the
unmistakable loss.
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat AlZumar.
* They will be deprived of their families forever.
Words: Ma Shi'tum = Whatever you please, Allatheena Khasarou = Who will Cause loss,
Ahleehim = Their families, AlKhusran = The Loss, AlMubeen = The unmistakable - The most evident -
Fully developed.
Q: What will be the shape of HellFire from above and from beneath the companions of Hell?
Note: Please read first the translation of Ayah 15 in Surat AlZumar.
A: For them (companions of Hell) from above them are shades (umbreallas) of Fire and (also) from
underneath them shades* (umbrellas of Fire) - This is how Allah (in life) fills with fear His servants (humans) - (Allah
says) O My servants so do protect** yourselves by fearing (Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat AlZumar. (39:16)
* Fire is surrounding them from above and from underneath. Remember 'in Towering Columns'. (refer to Surat
** Fear here is not phobia but real fear of Hellfire. Allah the Most Merciful warns us against
Hellfire which will take place in what is now for us the World of the Unseen.
Words: Min Fawqihim = From above them, Zhulal = Shades - Umbrellas - Min Tahtihim
= From underneath them, Yukhawwif = Fills with fear.
Q: What do those who disobey Allah not anticipate to happen on the Day of
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding
Line 47 in Surat AlZumar. Edited today.
A: And appeared* to them the bad deeds of what they earned (of deeds) and what
they (disbelievers) were mocking brought disaster** (double punishment) upon them.
Translation of: Ayah 48, Surat AlZumar. (39:48)
* They recall their bad deeds because their punishment is of the same kind of their bad deeds.
** Double punishment.
Words: Bada = Appeared - came into view, Say'eaat = Bad deeds - Sins,
Kasabou = They earned,
Q: How are humans categorized according to Allah's Religion?
A: He (Allah) is Who created you (plural) so of you is a disbeliever (= kafir*) and of you is
a believer (= mo'min) and Allah of what you do is All-Watchful.
Translation of: Ayah 2, Surat AlTaghabun. (64:2)
* Note disbelievers are more in number than believers. (refer to Surat AlRa'd)
Words: Khalaqakum = Created you, Kafir = Disbeliever, Mo'min = Believer.
Q: Why were the people of Noah punished in the flood that covered the earth?
A: And the People of Noah from before - indeed they were a people (community) who sinfully
strayed away* (from Allah's Path) (= Faasiqeen).
Translation of: Ayah 46, Surat AlThariyat. (51:46).
* The norm is that when Allah's messengers prayed to Allah for Allah's judgement in this life their rejectors were punished.
Words: Min Qabl = From before, Qawm = A people - A community, Faaaiqeen
= Who sinfully strayed away.
Q: Why is it a matter of concern for the whole community when those who commit a particular sin
become a majority?
A: He (Prophet Abraham = Ibraheem)* said (to the angels) so what is your matter O you messengers; They
said indeed we have been sent (by Allah) to a sinning** people (people of Prophet Lut); To send down upon them stones of clay (brimstone);
Marked with your God for persons who stray away (from Allah's Path); So we brought out who was in it of the believers; But
we did not find in it except a (one) house of Muslims; And We (Allah) left in it a Miraculous Sign (= Ayah)*** (Reminder
of Allah's Punishment) for those who fear the painful punishment (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 31 - 37, Surat AlThariyat. (51: 31-37)
* Prophet Lut was a nephew of Prophet Abraham.BR>
** = Mujrimeen. Literally criminals in Allah's Sight.
*** A physical Evidence as a Reminder of Allah's punishment.
Words: Fma Khatbukum = So what is your matter - What is your concern, Qawm Mujrimeen =
A Sinning people - Criminal people, Hijaratan = Stones, Musawwamatan = Marked, LilMusrifeen =
FaMa Wajadna = We did not find, Bayt = House, Tarakna = We left, AlAleem = The painful punishment -
the severe punishment.
Q: What is a more serious question than when does Allah's punishment in life take place?
A: And indeed if We (Allah) have delayed the punishment (in life) for them to a limited time indeed they will certainly say what is
holding it back* - well the day it reaches them it is not going to keep away from them** and brought disaster on them what they were making fun of***.
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat Hood. (11:8)
* A challenging tone.
** It will happen causing all possible damage.
*** What were they treating as lies? (refer to Surat AlTawbah)
Note: Remember Allah's punishment in life can come from any source. (refer to Surat AlAn'am)
Words: WaLaIn = And indeed if, Akkharrna = We have delayed, Ummattin Ma'doudah =
Limited time, Laysa Masroufan = It is not going to Keep away, Haaqa = Brought disaster - Befell, Ma = What, Yastahzeoun = Making fun of - Ridiculing.
Q: What psychological behaviour prevails when people do not know well their true purpose
in life?
A: And certainly when We (Allah) give man a taste from Us of Mercy then We remove it from him
indeed he is certainly too much desperate, too much ungrateful (to Allah) (= Kafoor).
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat Hood. (11:9)
Note: It is all a trial and a test from Allah.
Note: Remember the simplistic answer of those who do not give
Words: Athaqna AlInsan = We give man a taste, Naza'naha = We removed it, LaYa'oos
Certainly is too much desperate, Kafoor = Too much ungrateful - Too much disbeliever.
Q: What another psychological behaviour prevails when people do not know well their true purpose
in life?
A: And certainly when We (Allah) give him a taste of a Blessing after a harm that inflicted him
he will certainly say for sure misfortune has left me indeed he is (then) certainly arrogantly rejoicing,
arrogantly showing pride*.
Translation of: Ayah 10, Surat Hood. (11:10)
* Why does he brag?
Words: Na'maa' = A blessing - A bounty, Dharra' = Harm, LaYaQolounna = He will
certainly say, Thahaba = Left me, Fakhour = Arrogantly showing pride.
Q: How is man endowed with choice to accept Islam (submission to Allah Alone) or reject it?
A: For Allah is going to admit those who believed and did righteous deeds into Gardens underneath
which the rivers flow and those who disbelieved are enjoying themselves (in life) and eating as cattle*
eat and the Fire (of Hell) is going to be their staying place.
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat Muhammad. (47:12)
* Without thinking about their true purpose in life. Man is burned with the responsibility of Islam since
he has a choice to accept Islam or reject it.
Words: Yatamatta'oun = Enjoying themselves, Ya'koloun = They
eat, Masthwa = Staying place,
Q: Why do we often find those who work hard only for this life successful and with a lot of wealth?
A: Whoever wants the life of this world and what is alluring in it - We (Allah) will repay them in
full (in this life) for their deeds and they in it (this life) are not going to be given less (than their dues).
Translation of: Ayah 15, Surat Hood. (11:15)
Words: Yureed = Wants, Zeenataha = What is alluring in it - Its splendor - Its magnificent things, Nuwaffi = We repay in
full, La Yubkhasoon = Are not going to be given less.
Q: What do those who work hard only for this life lose in the end?
A: Those* are the ones for whom in the Other World there is nothing (good) but the
Fire (of Hell) and what (good) they did in it (this life) had failed** (on the Day of Judgement) and in vain
was what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 16, Surat Hood. (11:16)
* Mentioned in Surat Hood (11) Ayah 15 (translation above).
** Remember why and how in (47:3).
Words: Ula'ika = Those, Habita = Had failed, Sana'ou = They did, Batil =
In vain - Without purpose.
Q: What is the components of the religious criterion that will make Muslims, Jews and Christians safe on the Day of Judgement?
A: Indeed those who believed (Muslims) and those who became Jews* and those who became Sabians** and the Christians - whoever
(from them) believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteous then no fear upon them neither will they grieve (on Day of
Translation of: Ayah 69, Surat AlMa'idah. (5:69)
* Remember the religion of Jews' forefather Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham. (in Surat AlBaqarah)
** Remember when Prophet Muhammad received the Qur'an from Angel Gabriel for the first time Prophet Muhammad went shivering to
his house. His beloved wife 'Khadija' went to her uncle who was in his nineties. He confirmed that Prophet Muhammad was the expected messenger of Allah. It is
reported in Islamic literature that the uncle was a Sabian.
Note: Some information about Sabians.
Note: Remember it is Allah Who chose His Religion of Islam for all humanity with the Prophet Muhammad as Allah's Last
Prophet. So no one after the Prophet Muhammad should say he believes in Allah and the Other Day but follows another religion (religion
other than the religion of those mentioned in Ayah 69 in Suart AlMa'idah), (Based on the Ayah, the new religion will be man-made and not
Words: AlSabi'oun = Those who became Sabians, AlNasara = The Christians - The supporters of Jesus,
La Khawf = No fear, La Yahzanoun = They will not grieve.
Q: An explanation: What is meant by "Ummah" and "ummam" (plural) in the Qur'an?
Ummah means: A nation - A people - A community.
For the meaning of Ummah: Please refer to the translation of Ayah 24 in Surat Fatir (no 35 in the Qur'an).
For the meaning of Ummam: Please refer to the translation of Ayah in Surat AlA'raf (no 7 in
the Qur'an)
Q: Did Allah annihilate any believing community?
A: Then I (Allah) took away (annihilated) those who disbelieved so how (drastic) was My Condemnation (of their disbelieving).
Translation of: Ayah 26, Surat Fatir. (35:26)
Words: Akhathtuhum = I took them away - I annihilated, Nakeer = My condemnation, My disapproval.
Q: Why is it not extraordinary that many people in the past and still nowadys do not believe in Prophet Muhammad?
A: And if they reject you as a liar - well those who were before them (also) rejected (The
Message) as lies - their messengers came to them with Clear Signs (Miracles) and the Books of Psalms and the Enlightening Book*.
Translation of: Ayah 25, Surat Fatir. (35:25)
* Allah's Holy Books whose Origin is One called the Mother of the Book = Um AlKitab. (in Surat
Words: Kaththaba = Rejected as lies, AlZubur = Books of Psalms.
Q: Why did especially many people of the Book did not believe in Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet
was among them?
A: Those (some Jews) who said that Allah had entrused us (in Torah*) us that we do not believe in a messenger (of Allah) until he
brings us an offering (sacrifice) which the fire consumes** - say (command to Prophet Muhammad) messengers before me came with the
Clear Signs and with what you said (what Allah entrusted you with) so why did you kill*** them if you were telling the truth****.
Translation of: Ayah 183, Surat AlImran. (3:183)
* Entrusted us in the Torah. Source: Ex-Mufti of Egypt 'Alshaikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf' in 'Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an',
page 103.
** Remember Allah's Religion is interactive. And Adam peace be upon him was the first man created and the first messenger who
came with Allah's Message to his offspring. At his time a physical evidence showed if sacrifice was accepted by Allah or not.
Refer to the story of Cain and Abel.
*** Killing of some messengers of Allah such as John the Baptist (= Yahya peace be upon him).
**** The translation of the succeeding Line 184 in Surat AlImran.
Words: Yateena BiQurban = Brings us an offering - a sacrifice.
Q: Why do many of the People of the Book not believe in Prophet Muhammad?
Note: Refer to what Jesus peace be upon him told Beni Israel about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and why is it
not in their current Holy Books. (in Surat AlSaff)
A: So because of their (some Jews) breaching of the Covenant* (with Allah) and their disbelieving in Allah's Miraculous Signs (Allah's Holy
Book) and their killing of the messengers without any due right and their saying that our hearts are wrapped in covers (concealed
and hardened) rather Allah had stamped** on them (their hearts) because of their disbelieving so they do not believe except a small
number (of them).
Translation of: Ayah 155, Surat AlNisa'. (4:155)
* An example of a commandment breached in the Covenant. (in Surat AlImran)
** What is the immediate consequence of a heart being stamped (sealed) by Allah? (in Surat
Words: FaBima = So because of, Naqdhihim = Breaching - Breaking, Taba'a = Stamped - Sealed.
Q: The Covenant taken by Allah from the People of Israel included many Commands. Do the majority of them follow the Commands?
A: And when We (Allah) made the Covenant with the People of Israel - you (plural) should not worship except Allah and kindness towards
the parents and the relatives and the poor and do say good to people (= LilNas) and perform the prayer and give the prescribed
charity = AlZakat) then you (plural) turned away, except a small number of you, while objecting (to the Commands).
Translation of: Ayah 83, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:83)
Note: The five pillars of Islam.
Words: Qolou = Say - Speak, Husna = Good - Kindly - In a friendly way, Tawallaytum = You turned away,
Mu'ridhoun = Objecting - Resisting.
Q: What ridicule uttered by some Jews doomed them to Hellfire?
A: Certainly Allah had already heard the saying of those (some Jews*) who said that Allah is poor and we are rich - (Allah
confirms) We will write what they said and their killing** of the prophets without due right and We will say taste the punishment
of the Burning (in Hellfire).
Translation of: Ayah 181, Surat AlImran. (3:181)
* When Ayah 245 in Surat "AlBaqarah" was revealed, some Jews said O Muhammad your God has become poor so He is asking His people for loans?! So
the Ayah (3:181) was revealed. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 1, page 605.
** Actions beside words they said. For example Prophet "Yahya" = "John the Baptist" was killed.
A side Note: We can understand from Surat Maryam, Ayah 15 that Prophet 'Yahya' was killed as a martyr.
Consider in the mentioned Ayah: --- the day he dies ("Yamoutu = Dying a natural death").
Also in the same Surat Maryam Ayah 33 about Jesus peace be upon him saying "Amoutu = dying a natural death".
Words: Faqeer = Poor, Aghniya' = Wealthy - Rich, AlHareeq = The Burning.
Q: Why are current communities living where others used to live in the past?
A: He (Allah) is Who made you inheritors (= Khala'if*) in the earth so whoever disbelieves then upon himself is his disbeliving - and their
disbelieving does not add for the disbelievers with their God except HATRED and their disbelieving does not add for the disbelievers
except loss (to themselves).
Translation of: Ayah 39, Surat Fatir. (35:39)
* Allah annihilates the civilization of those who receive Allah's Wrath and appoints other people (= Khala'if plural of Khaleefah) in their place. (Refer to Surat Yunus)
Words: Khala'if = Inheritors - Successors, FaAlayhi = Then upon himself, La Yazeed = It does not add,
Khasara = Loss, Maqtan = Hatred.
Q: What type of hope do disbelieving leaders have and pass on to their followers in order to continue praying to other than Allah?
A: Say (command to Prophet Muhammad) have you considered your partners (gods joined with the Creator) whom you call upon other than
Allah - show me what they
created in the earth or do they have a share in the Heavens or did We (Allah) bring them a (Holy) Book so they are fully informed
about it - (Allah confirms) rather the transgressors (against Allah) do not promise each other except arrogant deception*.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat Fatir. (35:40)
* Are disbelievers living in reality knowing the Truth behind this life? (in Surat AlMulk)
Words: ARa'ayta = Have you considered - Have you thought, Ya'id = Promise, Ghurour = Arrogant deception.
Q: Even if there is fear of Allah's Wrath coming down to annihilate a community why should the believers living among them not lose hope in Allah's Mercy?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Line 57 in Surat Hood.
A: And when Our (Allah's) Command came down We (Allah) saved (Prophet) Hood and those who believed with him by Mercy from
Us and We saved them from a harsh punishment*.
Translation of: Ayah 58, Surat Hood. (11:58)
* Punishment of the People of 'Aad' - People of Prophet Hood no 4 on the Map of prophets whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an.
Words: Najjaynahum = We saved them, Ghaleedh = Harsh.
Q: What do believers who glorify Allah a lot hope to get from Allah during times of disasters?
A: And Tha AlNoon* (Prophet 'Yunus' - Jonah - Jonas) when he went angrily so he thought that We (Allah) will not be Capable upon
him (then Allah made him grieve**) so he called out in the darkness that there is no god but You (Allah) glory to You for I was from the
transgressors***; So We (Allah) answered his call and We saved him from grief and this is how We save the believers.
Translation of: Ayat 87 - 88, Surat AlAnbiya'. (21: 87-88)
* Prophet Yunus no 21 on prophets Map was from a city called Nineveh = in Arabic Naynawa. He did not want to continue
delivering Allah's message to rejecting disbelievers. So he ran away from his people.
** He called upon Allah when in grief. (in Surat AlSaffat)
*** In the Qur'an (in Arabi): La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu minna Aldhalimeen.
Words: Mughadhiban = Angrily, FaDhanna = So he thought, Subhanaka = Glory to You - Allah is above any shortcoming, AlDhalimeen = The
trangressors - Those who did injustice (to themselves), AlGham = Grief - Depression, Nunjji = We save.
Q: Which house of prayer was the first one for all humanity?
A: Indeed the first House (of worship) placed for all people (= lilNas) certainly is the One in Bekka (old
name for Mecca) - Blessed and Right Guidance for all people.
Translation of: Ayah 96, Surat AlImran. (3:96)
Note: Only who submit to Allah Alone are allowed to visit Mecca (in Surat AlHajj).
Words: Awwala = The first, Bayt = House (of worship), Wudhi'a = placed, Huda = Guidance, LilNas
= For all people - For humanity.
Q: What is Allah's Command to people regarding the pilgrimage to Allah's House in Mecca?
A: In it (Allah's House in Mecca) Miraculous Signs with eye-opening proofs - the Place of Abraham (Maqam Ibraheem)* and whoever
enters it he feels safe and owing to Allah it is a must upon all people (AlNas) the pilgrimage to the House whoever
has the means for it and whoever disbelieves* then Allah is (the Self-Sufficient) Who can do without all
people (= AlAlameen).
Translation of: Ayah 97, Surat AlImran. (3:97)
Note: Prophet Abraham was there. (In Surat AlBaqarah)
* First become a believer in Allah as Allah commanded then visit Allah's House. It is a must for capable (health,
wealth etc) believers to perform the pilgrimage. Disbelievers (including whoever join any form of partner with Allah) are not allowed to visit
Allah's House in Mecca.
Words: Bayyenat = With eye-opening proofs - With evidences - With Explaining Signs, Kana Amina = He feels safe,
Hijj = Pilgrimage, Estatta'a = Who has the means for it.
Q: When Allah's Wrath comes down on a community who should be blamed?
Note: The translation of the preceding Line 181 in Surat AlImran.
A: That (punishment in Hell) is because of what your (plural) hands had sent forward (of deeds) and indeed Allah is not at all Unjust
(Unfair) to the servants (all humanity).
Translation of: Ayah 182, Surat AlImran. (3:182)
Note: In life many people tend to refer natural forces (blizzards, hurricanes etc) to natural change of weather. They do not
think of it as Allah's punishment. (Clouds bringing rain or punishment? - in Surat AlToor)
Words: Qaddamat Aydeekum = Your hands sent forward - Your hands did, Laysa BiDhallam = Not at all Unjust - Not at
all Unfair.
Q: Why does Allah remove complete communities and replace them with others?
Note: Remember what happened to the arrogant people of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. (in Surat AlQasas). (Pharaoh's people were replaced by others until the Egyptians nowadays).
A: Have they (current humans) not traveled through the land to consider how was the ending of those who were before them -
they were more powerful from them (current communities) in might and influence* in the land - so Allah took them away (with punishment) because of their sins and there was for them against Allah no protector.
Translation of: Ayah 21, Surat Ghafir (40:21)
* Without current machinery Pharaoh's people excelled in making the pyramids and the mummies for example.
Are current communities who have taken places of destroyed communities being tested by Allah?
(in Surat Muhammad known also as Surat AlQital)
Words: Yaseerou = Have traveled - Have walked, Aqibat = Ending, Ashshad = More powerful, Quwwah =
Might - Strength, Astharan = Influence, FaAkhathahum = Took them away (with punishment), BiThonoubihim = Because of their sins.
Q: How can disbelieving in Allah's Miraculous Signs (Verses of the Quran = Ayat AlQuran, for example) doom the community to
extinction with Allah's punishment in life?
A: That is (their annihilation) because their messengers (from Allah) were reaching them with the Miraculous Signs (indicating Allah's
Attributes*) but they disbelieved so Allah took them away (with punishment) indeed He is Omnipotent, Severe in the Punishment**.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat Ghafir (40:22)
* Allah's Attributes.
** See the interconnection of the Qur'anic Verses. "Severe in the Punishment" was also mentioned in Surat "AlHashr". Exile rather than physical punishment for those who harm Muslims.
A Side Note: It is important to take the whole Qur'an into consideration when acting according to Allah's Commands.
Nowadays you find some Muslims who have not memorized any long Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an with its detailed meanings; Or some Muslims who do not understand the interconnection of many of the Qur'anic words and events becoming Muslim leaders giving orders based on the detailed Islamic Shariah (law).
Words: Shadeedul Iqab = Is Severe in the Punishment.
Q: What was Allah's purpose in sending His messengers to people every time communities strayed away from Allah's Path?
A: And when your (Prophet Muhammad) God called Moses (Prophet Moosa) that reach the transgressing people; The people of
Pharaoh - will they not protect themselves(by fearing Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 10-11, Surat AlShuara'. (26:10-11)
Note: Allah had deemed that His Religion was made clear and completed by sending the Prophet
Muhammad as the seal of Allah's messengers. So humanity
until the Day of Judgement has to follow Islam practiced by the Prophet Muhammad.
Words: En Eeti = That reach - That go to, AlDhalimeen = Transgressing - Unfair and unjust to Allah's
Attributes, Ala Yataqoun = Will they not protect themselves (by fearing Allah and following Allah's Commands).
Q: Why did people in the past and nowadays still reject the Message of Islam sent upon the Prophet Muhammad?
A: He (Prophet Moses) said my God indeed I fear that they consider me a liar; And (I fear) my chest
becomes tight and my tongue does not utter (words) fluently so send (the Message) upon Aaron (Prophet Haroon*); And they
(Pharaoh and his society) have against me a charge of crime (= Thanb)** so I fear that they may kill me.
Translation of: Ayat 12 - 14, Surat AlShuara'. (26:12-14)
* Prophet Moses' brother.
** Prophet Moses accidently killed someone from Pharaoh's society. (in Surat AlQasas)
Words: Yukathibouni = Consider me a liar, Yadheequ = Becomes tight, la Yantaleq Lisani = My tongue does not utter
(words) fluently; Thanb = Charge of crime - Sin.
Q: How did Allah's Knowledge made Prophet Moses certain that Pharaoh is not going to kill him?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 12-14 above.
A: (Allah answers) Certainly not* - so (command to Prophet Moses and Aaron) do go with Our Miraculous Signs (Miracles) for We (Allah)
with you (plural**) will be listening; So reach Pharaoh and (command to both) say indeed we are sent with the Message from the God of all
people; So do send*** with us the People of Israel.
Translation of: Ayat 15 - 17, Surat AlShuara'. (26:15-17)
* Prophet Moses will not be killed.
** Prophet Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh and anyone else with him.
*** Free them from slavery.
Words: Kalla = Certainly not - By no means, Rasool = Sent with the Message, Mustami'oun = Will be listening.
Q: What does a miser and self-centered human being who plays* god tend to do when he does a kindness for someone under him?
* Remember Pharaoh made his people think of him as god. (in Surat AlNazi'at)
A: He (Pharaoh reminds Prophet Moses) said did we not rear you up among us (Pharaoh' high society) as a child and you stayed among us
of your life (many) years; And you committed your deed* (killing of a man) while you were from the ungrateful (to us).
Translation of: Ayat 18 - 19, Surat AlShuara'. (26:18-19)
* Allah reminds Prophet Moses that he killed a man from Pharaoh's society. (in Surat Taha)
Words: ALem Nurubbika = Did we not, Labisthta = You stayed, Fe'alta = You committed, Fa'lataka = Your deed,
AlKafireen = Ungrateful.
Q: Why does a believer who is acquainted well with Islam often show signs of wisdom such as good judgement - a quality all
of Allah's messengers had?
A: He (Prophet Moses) said I committed it (killing) when i was of those who went astray (misguided before Prophethood); So I fled from you (plural)
when I feared you (plural) so my God gifted me wisdom and He made me from those who were sent as messengers.
Translation of: Ayat 20 - 21, Surat AlShuara'. (26:20-21)
Words: Fa'altuha = I committed it, Mina AlDhaleen = One of those who went astray, FaFarartu = So I fled,
Khiftukum = When i feared you, FaWahaba Li Rubbi = So my God gifted me.
Q: In evaluating a person who brags about his favours why should the type of his bad deeds be considered first?
A: And is that a (another) favour* that you took the People of Israel into slavery.
Translation of: Ayah 22, Surat AlShuara'. (26:22)
* Because Pharaoh enslaved Bani Israel and killed their male newborns, Prophet Moses was brought to live with Pharaoh (a favour which Pharaoh
reminds Prophet Moses of).
Words: Ni'mah = Favour, Tamunnuha = You remind me of, Abbadta = You took into slavery.
Q: How can culture based on lies control a follower's mind even if he sees the truth in front of him?
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Lines 23-29 in Surat AlShuara'.
A: He (Prophet Moses) said even if I brought you an unmistakable thing (EVIDENCE); He (Pharaoh) said then bring it out if you are from the
truthful; So he cast his staff then suddenly it is an unmistakable* snake; And he drew his hand then suddenly it was white to
the spectators; He (Pharaoh) said to the assembly around him indeed this is a well informed magician**; He wants to drive you (plural) out*** from your land with his magic so what
do you suggest.
* The snake was alive swallowing magicians' fake snakes. Allah put soul into the snake (Source: Late Shaikh AlSha'rawi).
** Magic was famous in Egypt at the time of Pharaoh. So Allah sent Prophet Moses with Miraculous Signs which overcame the known magic
*** A terrorist's policy of spreading unjustified fear to control his subjects.
Translation of: Ayat 30 - 35, Surat AlShuara'. (26:30-35)
Words: Naza' = He drew, Baydha' = White - Shiny, Yukhrijakum = He wants to drive you out, Ta'moroun = You suggest - You think.
Q: Again why did Allah send Prophet Moses with miracles that look like magic but defeat the magic of Pharaoh's magicians?
Note: Please read first above the translation of the preceding Lines in Surat AlShuara'.
A: They (Pharaoh's assembly) said leave him and his brother for some time and send out into the cities dispatchers (proclaiming);
They will bring you every well informed wizard*.
Translation of: Ayat 36 - 37, Surat AlShuara'. (26:36-37)
* Allah's Miraculous Sign brought by Prophet Moses defeated Pharaoh's experienced magicians.
So the magicians announced their Islam. (refer to Surat AlShuara', Ayat 45-48)
Words: Arjihi = leave him and his brother for some time, Ebasth = Delegate - Send, Hashireen = Dispatchers who proclaim messages, Sahhar = Wizard - Experienced magician.
Q: What is an example of brave believers who fear Allah racing to be nearer to Allah in Paradise?
Note: Please read first Pharaoh's threat to punish the magicians who announced their Islam, in the translation of the preceding Line 49 in Surat AlShuara'.
A: They (experienced magicians) said it (punishment) does not matter for indeed we to our God are returning back (final destiny);
Indeed we hold out hopes that our God will forgive us our sins if we become the first of the believers.
Translation of: Ayat 50 - 51 , Surat AlShuara'. (26:50-51)
Note: The magicians prayed to Allah for patience to help with the pain of punishment. (in Surat AlA'raf)
Words: La Dhayra = It does not matter - Munqaliboun = Returning back - Our final destiny is going back to our God, Natme' = We hold out hopes - We are ambitious.
Q: How does an arrogant leader wrongly judge a believing community?
A: And We (Allah) revealed to Moses to walk by night with My servants for you (Prophet 'Moosa' and Bani Israel) will be followed
(by Pharaoh and his soldiers); So (in the meantime) Pharaoh sent into the cities dispatchers (proclaiming); Indeed those (Bani Israel)
are a small group; And indeed they are certainly enraging us; And indeed certainly all of us are on the alert.
Translation of: Ayat 52 - 56, Surat AlShuara'. (26:52-56)
Words: Asir = Walk by night, Mutaba'oun = Are going to be followed, AlMada'in = Cities - Towns, Hashireen =
Dispatchers proclaiming, LaGha'idhoun = Certainly are enraging us, Hathiroun = On the alert - On our guard.
Q: When a transgressing community with a great civilization is 'destroyed' by Allah's Punishment what happens to their wealth and
position among other communities?
Note: The moral narrative of Pharaoh continues in the Qur'an.
A: So We (Allah) drove them (Pharaoh and his soldiers) out from gardens and springs; And treasures and honorable
place (esteem among nations); And that is how We (Allah) gave them (components of wealth) as inheritance to the People of Israel.
Translation of: Ayat 57 - 59, Surat AlShuara'. (26:57-59)
Note: All wealth components are Grace from Allah for testing people. (Do they thank Allah for it or they are ungrateful). (in Surat AlDukhkhan)
Words: Jannat = Gardens, Uyoun = Springs, Maqam = Place - Position - Rank, Kareem = Honorable, Awrasthnaha = We gave them as inheritance.
Q: How does a believer in whose heart Faith in Allah is settled have trust in Allah's Word and Promise?
A: Then they (Pharaoh and his soldiers) followed them (Prophet Moses and Beni Israel) at sunrise; So when the two crowds were
in sight of each other the companions of Moses said indeed we will certainly be caught up (by Pharaoh); He (Prophet Moses) said
never!* - indeed with me is my God - He will guide me.
Translation of: Ayat 60 - 62, Surat AlShuara'. (26:60-62)
* Prophet Moses had a revelation from Allah about being safe from Pharaoh and he had trust in Allah's
Word. (in Surat Taha)
Words: Mushreqeen = At sunrise, Tara'a = Were in sight of each other, AlJamaan = The two crowds, Kalla =
Never - By no means.
Q: What should a disobeying community who calls for Allah's Wrath beware of in this life?
A:The day (of punishment in life) We (Allah) launch the biggest violent attack (= AlBatshah AlKubra) indeed We (Allah) are (then)
taking revenge;
And certainly We (Allah) put to the test before them (polytheists of Pre Islamic Arabia) the people of Pharaoh (Phiroun) and an honroable messenger
(Prophet Moses) reached them; (saying) That return to me (as free people) the servants (People of Israel) of Allah indeed I am (sent) to you an honest messenger (of Allah).
Translation of: Ayat 16 - 18, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:16-18)
* Why did Allah want to free the People of Israel slaved then by Pharaoh? (refer to Surat AlQasas)
Note: Why did Allah drown Pharaoh and his soldiers? (refer to Surat AlZukhruf)
Note: Who else in the past suffered Allah's big violent attack (= AlBatshah AlKubra)? (refer to Surat AlQamar)
Words: Addou Illaya = Return to me, Ameen = Honest.
Q: When calling the top society members to Islam what should be included in the call (as Prophet Moses called Pharaoh and his high assembly
to Allah in the coming Ayah)?
A: (Prophet Moses says) And that do not exalt (raise with arrogance) yourselves on high against Allah indeed I came to
you with a well developed authority* (Legitimation = Sultan Mubeen).
Translation of: Ayah 19, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:19)
* Authority legitimated only by Allah to prove and guard the truth in what one says or does.
Refer to Ayat in 'Surat Hood'.
Note: With such "Sultan" from Allah, Pharaoh (the tyrant) could not harm Prophet Moses. (in Surat AlQasas)
Words: La Ta'lau = Do not exalt yourselves on high, Sultan = Authority - Supremacy - Well developed Proof, Mubeen = Well developed -
Unmistakable, Manifest - Clear.
Q: What specific call onto Allah against severe punishment did Prophet Moses utter?
A: And indeed I (Prophet Moses = Moosa) sought refuge with (Allah) my God and your God against being stoned by you (Pharaoh and his assembly).
Translation of: Ayah 20, Surat AlDukhhan. (44:20)
Words: Uthtu = Sought (past tense of seek), An tarjumoun = Against being stoned by you.
Q: What is an example of an offer of leaving each other in peace between the caller to Islam and those who reject the call?
A: (Prophet Moses says to Pharaoh and assembly) And if you (plural) do not believe in what I say so (you) dissociate* (peacefully) yourselves from me; Then (after nine miracles*) he (Moses) called
upon his God that those are sinful people.
Translation of: Ayat 21 - 22, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:21-22)
* An example of the miracles which Allah supported Prophet Moses with. (in Surat AlA'raf)
Leave me alone (and continue doing what you want). Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran, in Arabic, page 497. (An offer for peace contract on both sides).
Remember Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) peacefully separated himself from his people's worshipping of idols. (in Surat Maryam)
Words: Lem To'minou Li = If you do not believe in what I say - If you do not trust me, Fe'Tazilouni = So do separate yourselves
from me, Mujrimoun = Sinful - Criminals (according to Allah).
Q: Why should disbelievers who have doubt in Allah's punishment in life be on their guard? (Remember AlQur'an is the Word of Allah)
Note: Please read first the translation of the preceding Ayah 9 in Surat AlDukhkhan.
A: So (command to Prophet Muhammad when his people first rejected him) do watch (patiently) the day when the sky brings forth a clear
smoke* (beginning of punishment = dukhkhan); It will cover people - this is a painful punishment.
Translation of: Ayat 10 - 11, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44: 10-11).
* In the past another Prophet "Shuaib" (no 12 on this Website's "Prophets' Map"), waited patiently and his
people waited mockingly too. The punishment happened and all disbelievers of the community were annihilated. (in
Surat Hood)
Note: Disbelievers (Polytheists of Pre Islamic Arabia) at the time of Prophet Muhammad were warned against Allah's
punishment in life and they were
waiting for it. (in Surat AlDukhkhan) (But then the whole Arabia became Muslim).
(Note: Ayah 59 is the last Ayah in Surat "AlDukhkhan" and it
commands watching for the punishment to happen)
Words: FeErtaqib = So do watch - So do expect, Ta'ti = Brings forth, Yaghsha = Covers, AlNas = People -
All people, Aleem = Painful.
Q: What will many polytheists who know about Allah (like Arabs of Pre Islamic Arabia) but do not believe in Him as the Only and One God tend to say when facing mass 'natural' destruction like hurricanes?
Note: See an image of the sky before a hurricane.
A: Our God (Allah) remove from us the punishment* indeed we are believers (in Allah).
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44: 12).
* 'Natural' destruction is punishment for the disbelievers and a hard testing of the believers' patience though many people think of it as merely a natural phenomenon. (Refer to Surat AlToor)
Words: Ekshif = Remove, AlAthab = The punishment, Inna = Indeed we are, Mo'minoun = Believers.
Q: When will people especially who suffer from mass disasters in life pay attention to the Message of Allah and available are the Qur'an and "AlSunnah" (sayings, actions and life
example of Prophet Muhammad)?
Note: Remember the Prophet said in his "Farewell Sermon" if you hold tight to the Qur'an and the Prophet's "Sunnah" you will never
go astray)?
(A Side Note: Many people who nowadays say they are Sunni or on the "Sunnah" they knowingly or unknowingly do not follow the Prophet's example).
A: (Allah warns) From where will they (polytheists of Pre Islamic Arabia) heed the Reminder and a clear messenger (Prophet Muhammad) has reached
them; Then they turned away from him and they said a possessed man being tutored*; Indeed We (Allah) are going to remove** the punishment for
a while indeed (Allah knows) you (polytheists) are going to return (to polytheism).
Translation of: Ayat 13 -15, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44: 13-15).
* Some disbelievers claimed that a human being was tutoring the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad. (in Surat
** All types of disbelievers are liable for Allah's punishment in life. But Allah shows them some punishment (hurricanes, earthquakes, sect fighting, etc) (in Surat AlAn'am).
And then Allah holds back the rest of punishment so that they may heed Allah's Message. Otherwise Allah's Last Violent Attack will get them. (in Ayah
16 in Surat AlDukhkhan).
At the time of Prophet Muhammad there was famine and lack of rain. People became very tired and when looking at the sky they saw like smoke.
Some persons requested Prophet Muhammad to pray to Allah to remove the famine and it was over. Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer,
volume 4, pages 224-225.
Words: Anna lahum = From where will they heed - get - understand - When and how will they heed, AlThikra = The Reminder - The Message, Muallamun =
Being tutored, Majnoon = Possessed - Mad person, Kashifou = Going to remove, Qaleelan = For a while.
Q: If all humanity is the offspring of one man "Adam" why isn't humanity one nation of believers or disbelievers?
Note: Man has choice to be a believer or a disbeliever.
A: And if Allah willed He would have certainly made you (humanity) into one nation but He leaves to go astray (away from
Allah's Path) whomever He wills and
He guides* (towards Himself) whomever He wills and certainly you (those away from Allah's Path**) will be questioned about what you were doing (in life).
Translation of: Ayah 93, Surat AlNahl. (16:93)
* Allah's Guidance. (in Surat AlQasas)
** Remember the Prophet Muhammad mentioned who will be questioned will be punished. (Source will be added later insha Allah)
Words: Yudhil = Leaves to go astray, Yahdi = Guides, LaTusallanna = Certainly you will be questioned.
Q: Why will Allah when He wants change a green prosperous town into a wasteland? (Which town in
the Qur'an this Ayah (112) reminds* you of?)
A: And Allah set a parable of a town (community) - it was feeling secure** and peaceful - its sustenance (food) comes to
it abundantly (easily) from everywhere then it disbelieved (became ungrateful) in the Favours of Allah so Allah afflicted
it (community) with an attire*** of hunger and fear for what they were doing.
Translation of: Ayah 112, Surat AlNahl. (16:112)
** No one invades them. Source mentioned down.
*** Covering the town. Source: Ex-Mufti of Egypt, "Safwat AlBayan ...").
* Which town in the Qur'an this Ayah (112) reminds* you of? (in Surat Saba')
Words: Masthala = Parable - Moral lesson - Moral example, Qaryah = Town - Village - Community, Aaminah = Feeling
secure, Motmainnah = Peaceful, Raghada = Abundantly - Easily - Carefree - Easy going, FaAthaqaha = Then He afflicted them - Made them taste, Libas = An attire - A covering, Jou' =
Hunger, Khawf = Fear.
Q: When did Allah punish serverely disbelieving communities?
A: And certainly a messenger* (of Allah) from among themsleves had reached them (disbelieving community) so they rejected him as a liar so the punishment
afflictd them while they were transgressors.
Translation of: Ayah 113, Surat AlNahl. (16:113)
" "Tubba'" is mentioned in the Qur'an. "TUBBA" (king) who is also known as "SABA" (All "Tubba" Saba's sons). (Refer to Surat AlDukhkhan)
Words: FaKaththabouhu = They rejected him as a liar, FaAkhathahum = So afflicted them, Dhalimoun = Transgressors,
Q: Why do we have quick narratives in the Qur'an?
Note: Today's translation is added above the translation of the succeeding Ayah (35) in Surat AlKahf.
A: And do set for them a parable (moral example) of two men - We made for one of them two gardens of grape vines and We
surrounded both of them with palm trees and We placed between them grass; Both gardens brought forth its produce and it did not
ruin any of it (produce) and We made a stream gush between them; And he had (abdundant) fruits so he said to his companion while conversing with
him I am more than you in wealth and stronger in the number of (family) members.
Translation of: Aya 32 - 34, Surat AlKahf. (18:32-34)
Words: Edhrib = Set, A'nab = Grape vines, Zar'a = Grass, Kilta = Both, Lem Tadhlim Minhu Shaya' =
It did not ruin any of it, Nahr = Stream, kana Lahu = He had, Sthamar = Fruits - Produce, A'azu Nafara = Stronger in the number of (family)
Q: What thought a rich person may allow to cross his mind which makes him a transgressor against Allah?
A: And he (a rich owner of an orchard) entered his garden being unjust to himself* - he said I do not think** this will ever perish.
Translation of: Ayah 35, Surat AlKahf. (18:35)
* Making himself liable for Allah's Wrath against him.
** A sign of arrogance.
Words: Jannatahu = His garden - His orchard, Ma Adhunnu = I do not think, Tabeeda = Perish - Cease to
Q: What part of Faith* even some Muslims who observe the five pillars* of islam tend to lend a deaf ear to?
A: (the rich land's owner continues) And I do not think the Hour (Day of Judgement) is happening and certainly if I am returned to my God I
will certainly find** better than it as a returning place.
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat AlKahf. (18:36)
* Pillars of Islam.
* Refer to the three parts of Muslim Creed (= AlAqeedah AlIslamiyah).
** A sign of arrogance.
Words: Ma Adhunnu = I do not think, Qa'imah = Is happening, Ruddidtu = If I am returned, Munqalaba =
As a returning place.
Q: What does showing arrogance (as in Ayah 35) and not believing in the Day of Judgement (as in Ayah 36) make a person?
A: His friend told him while conversing with him - have you disbelieved (being ungrateful = AKafarta) in Who
created you from soil* then from a drop of sperm then He made you into a man.
Translation of: Ayah 37, Surat AlKahf. (18:37)
* Physical creation of man. (in Surat Ghafir)
Words: Sahibuhu = His friend, Yohawiruhu = Conversing to him, AKafarta = Have you disbelieved -
Are you ungrateful, Sawwaka = Made you - Put you in order.
Q: What is one belief that jumps to the mind of a believer when he sees or hears about anything which can bring Allah's Wrath?
Translation of: Ayah 38, Surat AlKahf. (18:38)
Note: Showing arrogance is giving credit to one's soul while forgetting about or lowering Allah's Favour.
Words: LaKinna = But I say - Rather I say, La Ushrik = I do not join.
Q: In front of anything good that appeals to us what should we immediately say?
A: (The friend continues) And if only when you entered your garden you (could have) said "whatever Allah wills" (is done) - no
power except with Allah"* - if you see me less than you in wealth and sons; Then perhaps my God may give me better than your
garden and He sends upon it a calculated punishment (type of storm) from the sky so it becomes a slippery leveled field (Ssa'eed)**.
Translation of: Ayat 39 - 40, Surat AlKahf. (18:39-40)
* "= La Quwwata Illa Billah ". It means we cannot do anything without Allah's Will. Prophet Muhammad mentioned that it is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise. Source: Ibn Kastheer,
volume 3, page 123.
* Remember Allah will make the land of our earth "Ssa'eed" = leveled field) on the Day of Judgement. (in
the same Surah - Surat AlKahf)
Words: Ma Sha' Allah = Whatever Allah wills, La Quwwata = No power, Illa = Except - But, Billah = With
Allah, An Yu'tiyani = May give me, Husbanan = Calculated punishment,
Ssa'eedan = Leveled field, Zalaqa = Slippery.
Q: How can a garden which depends on water from channels made in the field for irigation become a wasteland?
A: (The friend continues) Or its water becomes deep reaching (scarce*) so you will not be capable of obtaining it.
Translation of: Ayah 41, Surat AlKahf. (18:41)
* Becomes scarce and you cannot take it out.
Words: Ghawran = Deep reaching, Len Tastattee'a' = You will not be capable, Lahu Ttalaba = Of obtaining it.
Q: Why showing arrogance instead of being thankful to Allah can bring Allah's Wrath?
A: So he (the arrogant owner) was encircled (from all sides) with destruction of his fruits (orchard) so he began to turn his
hands (over each other as a sign of regret) because of what he spent in it and it tumbled down on its trellis** (became upside down)
and he was saying I wish I did not join with my God anyone (one's self*).
Translation of: Ayah 42, Surat AlKahf. (18:42)
* In this case in his mind there was his own Self and his Mammon as rivals to Allah. Source: The Holy Qur'an: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf
Ali, page 832.
** Remember what happened to some ancient towns which faced Allah's Wrath. (in Surat AlHajj)
Words: Uheetta BiSthamarihi = He was encircled with destruction of his fruits, Yuqalib Yadayhi = Turning his
hands, Khawiyah Ala Urushiha = - Tumbled down on their roofs - Lying as ruins - Completely devastated - Became upside down.
Q: Why could not the rich orchard owner's sons and his own self stop the destruction of the orchard?
A: And he did not have any party supporting him other than Allah and he was not going to be supported.
Translation of: Ayah 43, Surat AlKahf. (18:43)
Words: Fi'ah = Party - Group, Yansorounahu = Supporting him, Min Doon Allah = Other than Allah.
Q: To be prosperous and to avoid devastation why should one always think of Allah as the One and Only God?
A: Over there (example of orchard) the aid is (only) from Allah - the Ultimate Truth (= AlHaqq) - He is the Best in rewarding and the Best in giving end
Translation of: Ayah 44, Surat AlKahf. (18:44)
Words: Hunalika = Over there - In that place, AlWalayatu = The aid - The support - Having an ally, The AlHaqq =
The Ultimate Truth, Sthawaba = Rewarding, Khairun Uqba = The Best in giving end result - outcome.
Q: When Prophet Moses (Moosa) answered the questioner that he is the most knowledgeable person then, how did Allah's testing of
him start?
A: And when Moses (Prophet Moosa) said to his attendant I will not give up until I reach the place where the two* seas
meet or I will continue for long periods (looking for the instructor).
Translation of: Ayah 60, Surat AlKahf. (18:60)
* According to the famous translator 'Abudllah Yusuf Ali' in The Holy Qur'an: English translation, page 838: The most probable geographical location (if any is required in a story that is a parable) is where the two arms of the Red Sea join together - the Gulf of
'Aqaba and the Gulf of Suez'. They enclose the Sinai peninsula, in which Moses and the Israelites spent many years in their
Words: Majma' AlBahrain = Where the two seas meet, Amdhi Huquba = Or I will continue for long
periods - Or I will spend long periods.
Q: In his knowledge seeking journey why was the place in which Prophet Moses and his attendant lost their food (big living fish) important?
A: So when they (Prophet Moses and his attendant) reached the place where the two seas meet* they forgot their big fish (their food) so
it (fish) made its way into the sea sliding down (the seashore into the sea).
Translation of: Ayah 61, Surat AlKahf. (18:61)
* "= Majma' AlBahrain" - The place where Prophet Moses was to lose his food (big living fish) was the place where he was going to to meet his instructor. Refer above to Ayah 60 in Surat AlKahf. Most probably the instructor was "AlKhidr" peace be upon him.
The instructor was given a different type of knowledge by Allah. He had the secrets of some of the paradoxes of life which ordinary people do not understand or understand in a wrong sense. Source: --- based on the translation of 'Abdullah Yusuf Ali' page 840.
Words: Nasiya = They forgot, Hootahuma = Their big fish, Saraba = Sliding down - Gliding.
Q: When was their big fish which was already lost remembered?
A: Then when they went past it* he (Prophet Moses) said to his attendant bring us our lunch certainly we have suffered from this
journey of ours fatigue.
Translation of: Ayah 62, Surat AlKahf. (18:62)
* Where the two seas meet.
Words: Jawaza = They went past - They crossed, Atina = Bring us, Ghada'ana = Our lunch, laqeena = We suffered,
Min Safarina = From this journey of ours, Nassaba = Fatigue.
Q: Why didn't the attendant who saw the fish gliding into the sea mention it immediately to Prophet Moses?
A: He (the attendant) said did you see when we took shelter by the rock for indeed I forgot the big fish and none made me forget
it except Satan so that I do not mention it (incident of fish)* and it made its way into the sea amazingly.
Translation of: Ayah 63, Surat AlKahf. (18:63)
* The place where Prophet Moses (Moosa) was to meet his mysterious teacher would be indicated by the fact that the fish would disappear when he got to that place.
Reference: The Holy Qur'an: English translation ... based on the translation of "Abdullah Yusuf Ali" page 839.
Words: Ith Awayna = When we took shelter by the rock, Ma Ansaniyah Illa = None made me forget it except, Ajaba =
Q: Being a prophet, how did Prophet Moses show his disapproval of his attendant's negligence?
A: He (Prophet Moses 'Moosa') said that is what we did not wish for then they went back tracing their footprints.
Translation of: Ayah 64, Surat AlKahf. (18:64)
Words: Ma Kunna Nabghi = We did not wish for, Astharihima = Their footprints, Qassassa = Tracing.
Q: Why does Allah favour some people by guiding them towards Him?
A: And in this way (poor believers and rich disbelievers)* We (Allah) made some of them an object of testing** (by Allah) for others so as they (arrogant disbelievers) say are these the ones that Allah favoured them (made them believers) among us - (Allah answers) is Allah not Most Knowing of the thankful**.
Translation of: Ayah 53, Surat AlAn'am. (6:53)
* The translation of the preceding Line 52 in Surat AlAn'am.
** So as the rich ones acknowledge Allah's Favour on them and become compassionate towards the poor. And the poor become satisfied with what
Allah has destined for them so they do not become resentful. Source: Tafseer waBayan Mufradat AlQuran, page 134.
*** Allah knows Best which person will be thankful to Him. (in Surat Ghafir)
Words: Fatana = We made an object of testing, Ba'dhuhum LiBadh = Some of them for others, Manna = .
Q: Why should humans not lose their Only Ally (Friend) Who owns the Kingdom of the Heavens and the earth?
A: Have you not known that Allah to Him belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens and the earth - and there is not for you other than Him (Allah) any Ally* (Weli) or
a Supporter.
Translation of: Ayah 107, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:107)
* Remember humans have entered into a Covenant with Allah. (in Surat AlA'raf)
So Allah is every person's Ally (Friend through Covenant = Weli) if the person honours the mentioned Covenant.
Words: Weli = Ally - Friend, Naseer = Supporter - Helper.
Q: Why do the majority of humanity including many of those who say there are Muslims not follow the Truth found in the Qur'an and the Way
(authenticated sayings and actions) of Prophet Muhammad?
A: And when it is said to them follow what Allah sent down they say rather we will follow what we are accustomed to finding our forefathers upon - (Allah answers)
even if their forefathers could not understand anything (of Allah's Truth) and they could not find Right Guidance (Allah's).
Translation of: Ayah 170, Surat AlBaqarah. (2:170).
Words: Alfayna = We are accustomed to finding, Aba'uhum = Their forefathers, La Ya'qilouna Shayan= They could not understand
anything, La Yahtadoun = They could not find Right Guidance.
Q: Even at times when slavery was widely spread in Arabia how did Islam encourage freeing slaves?
A: And let those who do not have the means for marriage show modesty (be chaste) until Allah gives them enough from His Favour - and those who are
willing for a contract* (agreement to be free) among those (slaves) whom you own then make it in writing with them if
you see in them some goodness and
give them from Allah's wealth which He gave you - and do not force your young women* (female slaves) to commit adultery if they wanted
chastity in order that you seek an enjoyment of the life of this world and whoever forces them then Allah after forcing
them is Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful (means towards the victims).
Translation of: Ayah 33, Surat AlNoor. (24:33)
* 'AlKitab or AlMukatabah' - An agreement between the master and his slave. The owner asks for some money to free his slave and the slave gives it to be free.
* 'Fatiyat' = young women. The term was widely used then for female slaves. Source: Safwat AlBayan liMa'ani AlQur'an, by ex-Mufti
of Egypt AlSheikh Hassanain Muhammad Makhlouf, in Arabic, page 453.
Words: Yasta'fif = Show modesty - Be chaste, Malakat Aymanukum = You own - You have their control,
FaKatibouhum = Then make it in writing with them, AlBigha' = Adultery - Whoredom, Tahassunan = Chastity -
Remain chaste.
Q: To gain Paradise what two stages of disbelieving (= Kufr) man should avoid being stamped as by Allah?
A: Allah will punish the hypocrite* men and the hypocrite* women and the men who partner with
Allah (polytheists = mushrikeen**) and the women who partner with Allah (polytheists = mushrikat**) and grant Forgiveness to the believing men and believing women and Allah is
Most-Forgiving Most-Merciful.
Translation of: Ayah 73, Surat AlAhzab. (33:73)
* Remember Muslims may be cautious of hypocrites' actions but they should not label them as hypocrites. Allah only can stamp them as
hypocrites or He may forgive them. (refer to Ayah 24 in Surat AlAhzab)
** Polytheists are those who join any partner with Allah. Atheists are included in this group. Atheists say they
do not follow a religion. Allah says they
worship their own whims as gods (so they join partners with Allah. Refer to Surat AlJasthiyah)
Words: LiYuathiba = Will punish, AlMushrikeen = Disbelieving men - Men who join any partner
with Allah, AlMo'mineen = The believing men.
Q: Can man escape Allah's Wrath when it descends in life?
A: And how many generations did We (Allah) destroy (for their
sins) before them (disbelievers at the time of Prophet Muhammad) - they were mightier than them
in violent attack so they excavated* the land - was there any place of escape (from Allah's punishment in Life).
Translation of: Ayah 36, Surat Qaf.
Q: Why should current especially intelligent disbelievers look into ancient history of flourishing civilizations?
A: Have they not traveled through the land to see how was the ending of those who were before them - they were mightier than them in
power and they excavated the land and constructed* on it more than what they constructed and their messengers came to them with the
Miraculous Signs (of Allah's Attributes) - so Allah was not to do them injustice rather they were to themselves doing injustice.
Translation of: Ayah 9, Surat AlRoum. (30:9)
* The Egyptian Pyramids for example.
What happened to disbelieving Pharaoh? (refer to Surat AlDukhkhan)
Note: What happened to the older generations when most of them were disbelievers? (Refer
to Surat Qaf).
Words: Quwwah = Power, Amarouha = They constructed on it - built on it, Kanu Anfusahum = They were to themselves,
Yadhlimoun = Doing injustice.
Q: When does man have the tendency to transgress limitations in Islam and become against Allah's Commands?
A: By no means indeed man certainly does transgress (go beyond limitations); When he finds himself in no need (self sufficient).
Translation of: Ayat 6 - 7, Surat AlAlaq. (96:6-7)
Note: The translation of the preceeding Ayat 1 -5 in Surat AlAlaq.
Words: Kalla = By no means - Certainly not - Never, Ra'ahu = he finds himself, LaYattgha = Certainly does transgress - Certainly does
go beyond, Estaghna = In no need - Self sufficient - Became rich.
Q: What should man always keep in mind all times and especially before disobeying Allah?
A: Indeed to your God (Allah) is the return (for judgement).
Translation of: Ayah 8, Surat AlAlaq. (96:8)
Words: Inna = Indeed, AlRujaa = The return.